by David Wilcock
... and the Source
Posted Tuesday, February 8,
Ascension2000 Website
recovered through
Dictated in High Falls, New York ... within 15 miles of where David
lived when this contact first began
Tuesday 12 / 28 / 04 - 5:31 pm
I am Ra.
We greet you in the love and in the
light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now through
the entity David Wilcock....
There have always been sources of guidance telling us of the
many mysteries involved in the curriculum from life to death to
new life. These many cycles persist, regardless of the apparent
outcomes from them. And for those who maim and exorcise and
kill, the facts that have responded to their efforts are denied,
and the interest goes on unabated.
This is why suddenly we have a situation where all that we have
known before becomes clear once again.
The minute circles that you have drawn in the sand, in your own
drill to find the Infinite One, have not been in vain. And the
patterns of the planets and their satellites involved surely
make a gleaming contest in the night, for those who seek to win
an appreciation of its many attributes.
The vortex of cosmic consciousness settles in on each individual
who aspires to approach the throne of the Divine without fear of
recompense, without fear of retribution, but only allowing the
One to flourish in its many different ways.
I vow that those at the table be offering of themselves in ways
never heretofore imagined possible. And yet, we can’t just
decide for someone else … the feeling is mutual, and must be
mutual for this to concede.
So limber up the factions of the self that are involved. For
this time, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And
the old ways leapfrog into becoming the new ways … without that
degree of enticement and entitlement. Those keywords once seemed
to dominate the search engine.
[Now,] the outpouring of emotions, from the central command
structure of the mind and heart, need not be interrupted or
tackled by the ego mind / personality self.
Those who have invested themselves in the struggle for world
domination need not continue buying any more machines for
enslavement much longer. Their plans are coming to an end; their
struggles are proving to be impossible to maintain; their
annoyances are further increasing, and their available resources
are dwindling.
I would have expected only the best from you, David, knowing how
you have approached them yourself, and learned to look the other
way without judgment, condemnation, fun-poking or sarcasm … but
simply respecting that they are doing a job to support a world
order that is fading away, in terms of the potency of its
mirroring aspects.
Is it not interesting that those apparently the most religious
in your society are those the most confused by this deception?
Such is not often the case when pursuing spiritual matters such
as these; but then again, yours is an unique planet, an unique
environment of sorts.
We have never imagined before how many cycles of decay and
destruction would be necessary to reveal the schemers who lurk
behind the scenes. But nonetheless, for the rest of the world
outside America, at least, there is a great awakening going on.
David, lest you become too nationalistic yourself, be clear
about how well remembered the tyrannies of old are throughout
the world at this time, and what a massive percentage of the
public is polarized in hate against a common oppressor. Though
this hate is not sufficient for planetary polarization towards
the positive, it nonetheless represents an important stage of
the awakening process.
Thus, America teaches the rest of the world by what not to do in
this case, and the planes are explosive only to reveal the
hidden pawn-makers within the game – not to suggest that a ragtag
group of little terrorists could have done this, for obvious
We have never admitted publicly before that the rules of the
game were indeed changed, and that the sharks put out their own
bait so as to attract themselves to an otherwise unwinnable
situation – a killing spree, of sorts.
The butler did comment nicely upon us for what we have
accomplished, as he too has suffered too much in servitude under
the yoke of oppression, for those with means beyond means, so to
speak, in a multiplicity of ways.
The airy abode of the higher heavens beckons thoughts from those
who wish to compare it to their lives on Earth. A riot ensues
when these expectations no longer provide the feel-good
experience that was once sought after. And the mobility of the
crashes and the crises involved reignites the silver-streamed
quest for the beyond that burns in the heart of each human
For once and above all else, the ticker tapes are falling,
drifting through the breeze in mass numbers. The egghead who
consumes himself is irrelevant in this quest for a greater
victory – the consumption of the Divine Light, the killing of
the Buddha on the road, so to speak; the reflection of oneself
as the Divine Creator rather than as the shadow projection of
And all the while, the dissenters and the aggressors both agree
that they are searching for happiness. The difference is that
some seek happiness through helping others, and others through
enslaving them. Both want the same thing in terms of how they
feel inside – that is to say, connected, unified with some
ineffable mystery beyond themselves.
The elite tire of playing the game when they have no more races
to run, no more schools to set on fire, no more bowels to burn
in the fires of war. And it is okay that they are running out of
steam now. It is okay that you are seeing the unrolling of the
old ways.
Lest there be any doubt about the nature of the sound effects
now going on, they are calling in a positive new change for
humanity … not
the New World Order once practiced as dogma, but
a true renaissance of the human spirit at the collective level –
the very heart of soul evolution.
This is where the pearly gates open up, to unfurl before each
seeker the stockade of wisdom that protects against all
wrongdoings and apparent harms that might come the way of one
otherwise indisposed.
The microscopic shell of hatred that once existed now betrays
its true nature as a thin, wispy, fragmentary illusion in some
greater truth, which has remained as yet unrevealed. And the
train robbers know that this ride does not go on indefinitely.
There is a perpetual renewal of the cycle that occurs in each
and every moment, as these souls become entwined in the greater
reality that awaits them.
So the mystery of the stockade points towards the bonfire that
all races make together, in unity, at the appointed time. And
these stocks don’t come into fruition until there has been an
appropriate opening of the door for them to be recognized for
what they are.
Elvis Presley and the others know not to take a bow before the
show is over. They know only to stand at the right time, and
perform the magic that heals the hearts of others.
The Golden Age thus predicted takes a minute or two to awaken
oneself to. The missiles and bombs that have heretofore been
involved fade by the wayside, and the satisfaction of a job well
done resounds through the infinite universe, in a way never
heretofore imagined.
I would have hooked that up differently myself, if I had the
chance. But we take the situations that arise in a linear
sequence, within our own timeframe, and that is what makes the
difference ... the interplay of the free will of the human
emotions within the grander cycles as mentioned previously
The cave also invites in those indwelling influences that know
not what they do, but maintain their decent composure while
letting go of the bag that once held the cat, so as to release
it, scratching and biting about.
The surest way to relieve the self of the clinging energetic
pressure in these times is to release the heart from its
shackles, to let go of the cold complacency of one’s personal
beliefs with the wrongdoings, and to accept that while one does
not agree with the hardcore extremism now being seen on any
side, as one’s peers are wont to agree with, there can be a
center of stillness, of peace, of tranquility … in which one
truly wishes to become a servant of the all, by becoming a
servant of the Oneness within the self as well.
The call beckons forth those who delight in the new ways, and
cannot continue to idly stand by while the old ways continue
their machinations of apparent evil and hatred. Ultimately, they
hate only themselves, and the bedlam and the crises involved
supersede the group level to reconstitute at the individual
level, in some higher sense not easily defined in your terms.
The pathetic fundraisers for these events need not continue. For
the orgies of destruction and killing are indeed an older way.
To reflect lovingly on these events is to break them down from
the inside out, for their energy is sustained by the will of the
people to support it, and to support the shadowy aspects of
So whether you break high or break low or break even in this
monetary game of planetary fiscal manipulation, the outcomes are
ultimately the same. It is your world, it is your planet, and it
is your noose that you can easily slip out of, if you choose to.
The Big Bang did not continue to remain an acceptable influence
upon cosmology, in the same way that these Big Bangs of
civilization need not inundate the public with fear of
retribution from some shadowy-eyed villain, misty-eyed from the
miseries involved that have led to his anger in the present
The superficial nature of all that has come before this moment
now should not deter you from the focus on the present moment,
and what can be done from here.
For it is indeed an honor to possess a roll of film containing
negatives that further enhance the effect of the storyline of
hatred … but the paparazzi of the higher realms seek to
photograph and document those souls who are truly making a
difference inside of themselves, for the benefit of other selves.
Those are the true heroes, the unsung wonder-workers of this
beckoning New Age. And we have only the highest honors to bestow
upon those whose balustrades and parapets are fortified not with
weapons of mass destruction, but with tools of mass
Snickering darkly, the following of the old ways will get these
new souls nowhere. This time, they unify in a collective vision,
shared by the all, of how the stories of microchip implants and
so many other hated predictors of a coming tyranny have just
fallen away with time.
The financial and political support for these initiatives is
eroding out from within, and the cornucopia of true divine
sharing becoming ever more manifest in the here and now … by the
nature of how these opportunities reflect the endless vanity of
the One Creator, in seeking a perfect reflection of itself
within each.
This is, if there is any way to explain it, a positive aspect of
vanity. For there is no one who is higher, no one who is lower;
all aspects of the One are truly equal, in their value, their
validity, and their long-term destiny – to regain and reunite
that Oneness, as a whole, with new understandings, dutifully
supported therein. It is a process so vast in its infinite
infinitude that it boggles the imagination to even begin to
conceive of it.
You yourselves would have enough trouble envisioning your planet
coming together as one mind, never minding the fact that there
are 18 million, roughly, of these planets in third density in
your galaxy alone, not to mention the other densities. And to
see a unification of sorts would involve all of them coming
together in some ineffable way.
This is the mystery of the One. For these galaxies, too, are
infinite in scope. And thus, you see the challenge we have in
teaching infinity to a finite mind. It begins and ends in
complete mystery, and that is the nature of the cinematography
of this vast movie of the spirit.
So don’t fret and frown about the opportunities present in this
current world situation. It is designed to let go of the old
ways as gently and as easily as can be done, while a new dawn
approaches on the horizon.
Those of America would be well advised to look beyond their own
borders, to recognize the awakening that is happening in the
world, perhaps even at their own expense, in a sense, as the
economy continues deflating from the pressures involved.
We wouldn’t have said these things before, but the time is
arriving now where others will begin seeing them too … in mass
numbers never before imagined possible.
So we don’t want to preclude the inevitable by saying nothing.
We want to simply make plain the way for those who are involved
in this planetary game, by simple incarnation, to see the grand
paperclips that hold together the sheets of previously
sequestered information … that they may then reveal to
themselves how, like an intricate Afghan rug, they have been
woven into the tapestry of this human mass consciousness.
The imperfections involved are part of the overall design, as is
known and as is warranted. And there need not be any fear of
this, nor of doing any dirty laundry created by the self in the
interest of eventual planetary and personal healing.
The illusion gives way to the relaxation and satisfaction of the
discovery of truth. The pencil and the notebook lie beside the
bed, ready to record the night’s impressions, so as not to miss
the next installment of the planetary game, as revealed to the
conscious mind of the self.
And this time, this place, this energy is like no other before
it. Riding high and swooping low through the cavalcade of
emotions, each soul is blessed with an opportunity to redefine
its goals and its path with persistence, with an opening to the
greater developments now taking place in the world and in the
minds and hearts and souls of each entity.
The pressure that others would place on you to conform, to be
part of the hive mind, to stand like the others in the tributary
of indifference, need not deter you from your focus … to seek
the higher good within the self, and within the situations
involving others.
The quest truly begins when the scratching at the door becomes
loud enough that it can no longer be denied. The extent to which
the noise has grown makes even those accustomed to divine
indifference, in a sense, learn to open their eyes.
The India earthquake, of course, is the next wake-up call to the
fact that times are a-changin’, and there are new stories
dawning. It behooves each entity to think of the many ways in
which service can be offered – not just to others, but in the
interest of the love and support of the self while helping
others as well.
All too often, we see the ignoring of the self in the pursuit of
serving others, and as has been stated before, this too is a
form of distortion. We have worked through it with David, as we
have with many others.
It is difficult to see exactly how the future pans out for most
of your peoples. There is a great deal of fear. You, the reader
of these words, can help turn that fear into trust. Help awaken
the ongoing tide of humanity that washes in the direction of the
rising of public awareness, by being the lighthouse beacon or
shepherd of truth within yourself at this critical time. That is
how kings are made, how the human being aspires to its own
Divine nature, in each and every moment.
Back in the old days, people didn’t talk about these new
changes; they were content to ride along the merry-go-round,
oblivious to their surroundings. It is a new civilization that
promises to reveal itself now; a civilization of greater
harmony, fellowship, peace and trust. To begin visualizing it is
to begin aiding in its creation.
You can visualize it with the relaxation of knowing that this is
but a very small planet, and the dramas that you create amongst
yourselves can seem quite impressive for one within the illusion
… but as soon as you step outside of it, and into the mystery of
infinity, you realize how much the world elites remind you of an
inmate, locked in a padded prison cell, gradually slipping
farther and farther into insanity, creating magnificent dramas
for himself within his own complex mind along the way.
Regardless of what it looks like from your focus, from your
perspective, a Divine plan is in the works, and is playing
itself out now. There is perfection in the design, for the very
fact that it inspires communication and confidence amongst
other-selves. It need not be any worse than it is right now ...
and many will figure this out much later, after the fact of the
time you are now in.
Though our communication gets garbled at times, in the
difficulty in translating through many different entities, those
who serve the higher good as best they can, one message remains
consistent. To love one another, to seek refuge in
team-building, partnership and community, and to always respect
the self and respect others as well, leaving no stone unturned
in the quest, in the final reconciliation of the old ways with
the new ways.
Now is the time to lift up your hands in support and in
forgiveness of what has gone before, and in trust of what is to
come. Guidance and support will be forthcoming, for this is the
time of the great awakening – and many of you reading these
words will begin learning more and more of the silence within.
The liner notes are specific on this point. The contract you
signed before human physical incarnation regards you as a
potential master. It is up to you as to whether or not you will
dot the I’s, cross the T’s, and connect the many dots in their
proper sequential order, so as to reveal the image of the One
Creator that has been hiding amidst all the apparent confusion
and scattered energies involved.
Rest easily now, if you can choose it, by knowing the perfection
of the apparent chaos and decay that you see – the dissolution
of the old ways. Chariots of war cannot pull their false vision
of the Promised Land on earth much longer. The palms that come
together in prayer will begin seeking the confounding of these
objectives, rather than the support of them, as more and more of
the truth is revealed before the masses. All the while, we
caution you to avoid an over-involvement in the dramas of this
game, as in order for these distortions to be alleviated, they
must first be accentuated … and that accentuation is forthcoming
at this time, still.
We thank you, and again remind you that you are loved more than
you could ever possibly imagine. The peace that beckons now is
truly resplendent in its glory, its beauty and its majesty. In
the stillness within the self, a gateway is formed to open the
door to this promise – that you may flourish in it, and know not
the heaviness and the burden of one who has walked in sorrow up
until this time.
So we thank you, and wish to remind you once again how very
dearly and sincerely you are loved. It is no accident that these
words have found you this day. They are the words of an
awakening Human Body, healing from the wounds it has inflicted
upon itself, and learning to open its eyes and see the
incredible sunrise bursting forth on the horizon of
consciousness. It is a majesty that far dwindles the memories of
the pain that was once suffered and endured.
From that perspective, you can do no wrong, as the transfixing
bliss of that which is seen ahead inspires an energy all its own
... quickening every step with the promise of a new day.
We thank you, and now bring a close to this reading. Peace be
with you in the Light of everlasting Love.
Adonai, and amen.
As always, the reader should be
reminded that the Ra speaking in this reading represents David’s own
higher self, which is one member of a collective consciousness or
“social memory complex” known as Ra. It should not be seen as a
linear continuation of the Law of One series, but rather its own
unique contact, working through David and those who assist him.
The first few sentences of this reading were very hard to read ...
heavily encrypted and metaphorical in nature, and once deciphered,
they only related to personal matters in David’s own life, including
a brief explanation of the dream he had right before the reading
started. These sentences were omitted to give you more of a fighting
chance, to want to stick with it ...
As David continues developing this talent, the readings come in from
deeper and deeper levels. He himself doesn’t always understand the
content. In this case, David literally had no memory of having
spoken any of these words. When he proofread this document for the
web after typing it up from the tape, he was encountering it for the
first time.
We have refrained from analyzing the content so as to increase
readability and give the reader more mystery to work with—but some
of the main themes don’t require much thought. Thank you for your
interest in this work!