Chapter One
A Very Strange Phenomenon

The information in this book is either nonsense or it is the most centrally important thing that you could possibly learn. It is allegedly the answer to the strange riddle of the UFO’s. The information contained herein is not speculation or theory, but a condensation and edited arrangement of received communications from the UFOs. The obvious weakness of this contactee information is that evidential proof of its validity is not obtainable. Its strength lies in its sheer bulk and in the similarity of messages produced by sources widely scattered around the world. The last 25 years have produced millions of words of these communications allegedly originating within the UFOs.

Approximately 15 million people in the U.S. have reported seeing UFOs, more than 2000 contact cases have been reported, and about 700 landings have left trace evidence.1 There is no longer any real doubt that UFOs exist. The question is: who are they? And why are they here? It is quite possible that understanding them is the most important endeavor which we can undertake.

There are thousands of people around the world who are quite certain that they know at least some of the answers to the riddles of these elusive manifestations.

How did these people acquire the needed information? Their answer—one which many find hard to believe—is that they have been in contact with the occupants of the UFOs. There has been a widespread and growing pattern of people who claim contact with UFOs since the early ’50s. At this point, the claims are so widespread that they constitute a pseudo-secret subculture, a sort of underground group, all over earth. I say pseudo-secret because even though many of these contactees tell their stories, the information is of a type that our culture does not easily accept. The insiders in this underground all seem to be getting approximately the same information, and they can be found in many places both in the United States and all over the world.

They are not all wide-eyed cultists, three steps in front of the men in white coats, nor are they little old ladies fresh from the medium’s parlor. Primarily, contactees are normal people of average intelligence and background. Each year produces more of them. Few of these people receive or desire publicity.

I’ve been studying paranormal phenomenon for 25 years, and for the past 14 years I’ve specialized in unraveling the contactee riddle. You will find in reading through this book that it requires some background in paranormal studies. The first three chapters of the book are intended to function as a synopsis of this background, and the bibliography is available to those who wish to pursue this field in greater depth. A great deal of apparently unrelated material begins to substantively add to the evidence available in the UFO contactee literature, once this mountain of contactee data is condensed. I am now in a position to make such a condensation, and this analysis of the contactee story turns into an explanation of the nature, purpose, origin, and ultimate objective of at least one large group of UFOs.

The entire situation regarding the contactees reminds me of something which the late Dr. James E. McDonald said to Congress in 1968. He was reporting to the House Committee on Aeronautics and Astronautics on his conclusions regarding UFOs. He described a situation in northern France years ago, where many peasants reported stones falling from the sky. Since the reporters were “dumb” and “unscientific,” they were ignored at first. Finally a scientist took the reports seriously and investigated the thing fully. Thus was born the science of meteoritics. Dr. McDonald suggested to Congress that in dealing with UFO reports, we now face a “very similar situation in science. We have tended to ignore it because it didn’t make any sense. It definitely defies any explanation, and hence the situation has evolved where we can’t get going because we aren’t already going.”2

Consider the case of Travis Walton of Snowflake, Arizona, taken aboard a UFO on November 5, 1975, in plain sight of six witnesses. The witnesses were given lie detector tests. All tests showed the witnesses were telling the truth. Travis himself showed up five days later. He was twelve miles from the place he had been taken on board. He had a story to tell that involved his waking up inside the ship and finding several very odd-looking creatures examining him, as well as four perfectly normal-looking human types.

Now, these details are pretty solid. Dr. James Harder, director of Research for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, personally investigated the case and stated that he felt there was no hoax involved. The lie detector tests given to the witnesses support the data. All indications are that this contact is authentic.

In spite of this, the news coverage was so conditioned by the old ridicule lid of the 1950s that few Americans found out about it until months after the occurrence.

Various UFO research groups such as APRO and MUFON (for complete listings, see bibliography) put out many reports, such as that of the Travis Walton case, which the national press passes by. And so the underground becomes more and more certain that UFOs are real and are communicating with us, while the cultural community as a whole continues to not know much of the important data.

This gap in knowledge was at one time at least in great part attributable to the U. S. government’s handling of investigations into the phenomena. In the late 1940s and early ’50s, when the sightings and stories were gaining momentum, the Air Force, like almost everyone else, was mystified. In addition, they were responsible for the safety of American skies. They were embarrassed and concerned about these unidentified flying objects. These were the days of backyard bomb shelters; the national feeling was that Russia might well launch a nuclear attack. So it is quite understandable that the Air Force was extremely upset about their inability to explain the phenomena. The result was that the UFO phenomena was brushed off, officially, as being a ridiculous fantasy. In this atmosphere, the reliable witness was liable to refrain from reporting his UFO experience, because it might damage his reputation. Dr. J. Allen Hynek spoke about this problem in 1953:

… nothing constructive is accomplished … for science in the long run—by mere ridicule and the implication that sightings are the products of “birdbrains” and “intellectual flyweights,” … Ridicule is not part of the scientific method and people should not be taught that it is.3

After Project Blue Book came into its own, the Air Force became gradually more confident that the UFOs were not a threat to American security, but by this time the habit of ridicule of UFO sightings and sighters was well set. Gradually, the official nature of the ridicule lid has vanished, although still today there is a military injunction against servicemen reporting UFOs before they have been debriefed. But the habit of ridicule is still in effect, and has continued to successfully stop the free flow of information on the subject that is so necessary for the average citizen to have before he can really decide for himself about UFOs. As Jacobs notes in his book on the history of the UFO controversy, Hynek first polled 44 astronomers for their interest in the UFO phenomena, and found that only 17% of them were interested. He wrote them, then, about several particularly unusual and provocative sightings, and re-polled for interest: nearly all of the astronomers had become interested in UFOs. As Hynek said, “their general lethargy is due to lack of information.”4

In countries where UFO sighting information has been as freely distributed as any other news, there is a much more energetic feeling among the general populace about the significance of UFOs.

There is a basic problem encountered by those trying to use the scientific method to investigate UFOs. When one begins to investigate a new phenomenon, he needs to start from some aspect of the phenomenon which is linked to present theory. The UFO phenomena does not easily “compute” on the calculators of our present system of physical measurements and predictive judgment. I think that it is this reason more than any other which discourages most scientists and keeps even interested men from undertaking active investigation. Ufology is a frustrating discipline to a scientist. Since it is already unfashionable to be a UFO investigator, this frustration completes the decision, and only the most daring of the scientific community will link their names with UFO studies. This set of circumstances is also true of the whole field of paranormal research, of course, of which UFOs is properly a part.

It has been my personal experience that many of the researchers in ufology will, while appearing most conservative for the record, confide in sympathetic company their more esoteric theories. Some of the more experienced of these people are truly daring the outer limits of knowledge in general. I think it’s high time that these outer limits be made more generally known.

I’ve been at this pursuit of UFO understanding for over 25 years now. I’ve tried to maintain a totally open-minded approach to the study, considering no piece of evidence too small or too ridiculous to consider. The theory which has gradually emerged from this approach may seem a bit wild or absurd, but it is dealing with a wild and absurd bunch of data. The one thing that recommends the theory is that almost all reports which come in day by day seem to fit into it very well. One thing to remember: almost everything which we now accept as normal in our present technology would have been considered a wild and absurd impossibility a scant 100 years ago. We do not know how many millennia ahead of our present understanding the UFOs might be.

I have chosen not to abide within the approved scientific method of verification of accepted data within the boundaries of currently accepted scientific opinion because this method has proven a tool ineffectual in dealing with this phenomena. I make the assumption that the reason for this lack is that the system is set up to investigate the present level of reality within our technological and scientific nexus of thought. I make the further assumption that the nexus of thinking or technology which underlies the UFO manifestations may not have any close connection to our present Earthman’s philosophy of reality. History is replete with examples of the events in which reality itself proved unconformable with the current scientific or philosophical thinking. I think it is happening again. We thought that the Earth was flat at one time. Less than 400 years ago, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for suggesting that the Earth revolved around the sun. Now, again, there really does seem to be a growing amount of evidence pointing to the existence of a totally different type of reality than is generally appreciated by our philosophy.

If you ask anyone you meet on the street whether he believes UFOs are real, over half will answer, yes, they probably are. Most people have a lively interest in the subject and when a case is covered in their newspaper, read it and ponder it. But because most UFO cases are not covered in newspapers, the general public does not receive a great percentage of the very prevalent UFO contact information. The lack of coverage is not the only reason that many UFO cases go unreported. There are other reasons:

1 The person who is contacted by the UFO is afraid to tell about his experience, because he fears ridicule.
2 The contacteé has no knowledge of UFO investigating organizations, and receives only incredulity from the people to whom he does tell his story. He would like to share his experience but does not feel he will be believed.
3 The contacteé may not remember his contact experience consciously, because of a memory block affected by the UFOnauts.

UFO researchers have found these three causes for “silent” contacteés to prevail again and again, and it is theorized that a large percentage of contact cases are never discovered by investigators. The pioneer ufologist, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, has estimated that around the world there are about 100 UFO sightings every day, though most of these remain unreported.
But there are still an incredible number of cases that we do know about. There is at present such a tremendous number of well-documented cases of contact with UFO occupants that Dr. Hynek has stated that it’s high time we stopped looking for eggs, and started making the omelet. The problem is, of course, that these eggs are so weird that we’re afraid to crack them open to make the omelet. This book is intended as an attempt to make this omelet, even if its taste is offensively pungent to some theorists’ palates.

But before I begin, I would like to look at just a few “eggs” with you. I want you to get an idea of just how strange these eggs really are. So I’ve taken a sample of some fifteen cases, all of them UFO sightings which include a close contact with the UFO occupants. These few cases are taken from the many which are reported by the investigating organizations such as APRO, MUFON, and FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Look in the Bibliography at the back of the book for a list of these information sources complete with addresses. I will not bore you with the well-known cases of the 1950s. This is a small sampling of more recent cases, in order to establish how common these UFO contact reports are, and to give you the flavor of the concoction these “eggs” are going to make.


Date: 1963

Place: Fern Creek, Ky.

Investigators: Col. Verne Yahne, Ky. Air National Guard; D.T. Elkins, Independent Investigator

Four young boys, aged 5 to 12, observed a disc-shaped craft as it landed behind a small woods near where they were playing. A humanoid clad in a space suit, about four feet tall, emerged from the woods. Two of the boys threw dirt clods at the entity to provoke it into some action. The entity then shot them with a small black rod, producing a tingling sensation and slight pain. When the boys were individually questioned, all four stories matched. The description of the humanoid which they gave matched information in NICAP files of more than 200 other sightings in the Ohio River Valley area in considerable and exact detail.

The boys’ mother stated that she got a “message in her head” (telepathic) to call the University of Louisville shortly after she called the National Guard to report the sighting.

Small footprints and clear landing marks were found. A day later, two unidentified men visited the landing site and eradicated the landing evidence. Although they stated that they were from the University of Louisville, this was checked out and found to be untrue.


Date: 1965, and continuing, to the present.
Place: Spain
Investigators: Antonio Ribera and Rafael Farriols, both ufologists in Spain.

A planet called UMMO began contacting various people in Spain in 1965. The people were well-respected and educated: a writer, an engineer, a lawyer, etc. The contacts would be by telephone, and the contactee was invited to ask questions of the Ummites. Later, a report answering the question would come in the mail.

These reports were signed with a thumbprint bearing a distinctive mark much like the alchemical symbol for Uranus, an “H” with a shorter vertical line through the bar. The contactees were told that the Ummo craft would be at a certain place on a certain date. The craft showed up on schedule and pictures were taken of it. On the bottom of the craft there is the cross-barred “H” symbol.

The reports have continued to come in through the intervening years, and speak on many technical subjects, such as physics and biology. The “Ummo” words which are used in these reports, when collected together and considered, form a self-consistent language structure. They say that they are from a planet which revolves around a star which they have tentatively identified as being our “Wolf 424,” and that they were first attracted to our solar system by a radio signal which was sent from Earth in 1934. They gave the frequency of the signal (413.44 megacycles). Between the ages of 14 and 16 the vocal chords of the children become sclerosed and for this reason most of the adult inhabitants of Ummo are unable to talk and must use telepathy.

These Ummo reports are an exceptionally interesting instance of UFO contact, and they continue at the present time. FLYING SAUCER REVIEW occasionally updates this continuing story.


Date: May 4-9, 1969

Place: Bebedouro, Brazil

Investigator: Hulvio B. Aleixo of CICOANI, a research group of Belo Horizante, Brazil.

Jose Antonio da Silva, a 24-year-old soldier of excellent personal character and reputation, was abducted by small, red-bearded humanoids who forcibly took him aboard their craft. During his confinement aboard their strange vessel, a fair, tall, human-looking being appeared to him, though the smaller aliens did not seem to be able to see him. This being warned da Silva of a danger which involved the whole of mankind which might be avoided if man on Earth changed his ways. Da Silva was told that intervention by unknown beings, and possible calamities, might be involved.

Twelve days after his abduction, da Silva was awakened by a sudden urge to go outside. He did so and saw three of the red-bearded aliens, who had apparently summoned him telepathically. He quickly re-entered his house and locked the door against them, for he felt that part of the danger to come might involve them.


Date: Summer, 1973

Places: All over Pennsylvania

Investigator: Stan Gordon, MUFON State Director

Because this is a report of 118 separate contacts with unknown creatures, the date and place have to be generalized. These reports vary somewhat but have the primary details more or less in common. The salient feature of these cases is the creature or creatures who are sighted. They are hairy, ape-like beings with glowing eyes and apparent ears, large noses, fang-like teeth, and the long arms of an ape. Where Gordon was able to take footprint casts, the print was a large and three-toed track. The sightings were, in the majority, in wooded areas or near rural or small-town homes.


During the sighting, animals would be still, but before and after a sighting, both animals and small children acted as though they were quite disturbed, cows huddling, dogs barking, children crying all night. These creatures have been sighted often in connection with UFO sightings, have been seen entering and leaving UFOs, and on occasion a telepathic communication from a source connected with the creatures has been reported. In three of these encounters, a creature has been shot. One was shot with a 30-06 (see Case Number 6). Another was shot with a 16 ga. shotgun at close range, and the third with a .38 pistol. The latter two creatures both disappeared in a flash of light, like a photo-flash bulb going off, on being shot.


Date: 10-11-73

Place: Pascagoula, Mississippi

Investigators: Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Dept. of Astronomy, Northwestern University; Director, Center for UFO Studies; Dr. James A. Harder, Prof. of Civil Engineering, University of California; Director of Research, APRO.

Charles Hickson, age 45, and 18-year-old Calvin Parker were fishing when an oblong, blue-gray craft 35 to 40 feet long descended and hovered near them. The craft made a “zipping” noise. A door appeared in the craft and three humanoids or robots came out and approached the two men. Like their craft, these entities did not touch the ground but moved just above it, proceeding without moving their legs. The entities were short and had elephant-hide skin, slits for eyes, and pincer-like hands.

When Parker saw the entities approach, he passed out. Hickson was paralyzed, but was able to continue observing what happened. Two of the entities picked up Hickson by his arms and carried him inside the ship. When he was picked up, Hickson lost all feeling, including that of weight. He was taken to a bare, brightly-lit room. He could not see where the light came from. The entities placed him in a reclining position, still “floating” in air, and an eye-like instrument scanned back and forth across his body with thoroughness, as if it were examining or photographing him. This episode lasted somewhere between 15 and 40 minutes, Hickson is not at all sure about the time. After the examination was over, the entities left Hickson alone for a while, and then “floated” him back to where they had picked him up on the river bank.

About an hour later, the two shaken fishermen went to the sheriff’s office to report their story. They were interrogated exhaustively and afterwards were left alone, in a “bugged” room. The recording of their conversation at that time reveals that both men were quite frightened by their experience, the emotional trauma having been so great to Parker that, after Hickson left the room, he began to pray. Ultimately he suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of this experience.

Hickson, though plagued with nightmares, and continuing feelings of terror about the experience, came through it better, and was able to work with investigators who wished to ascertain the truth about his experience. A 2½ hour lie detector test, given by a highly skeptical polygraph operator, revealed that Hickson was telling the truth. When Dr. Harder used the technique of time regression hypnosis on Hickson, he too felt that Hickson was telling the truth about the experience, for he said “a strong feeling of terror is practically impossible to fake under hypnosis.”


Date: 10-25-73

Place: Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Investigator: Berthold Eric Schwarz, M.D., Consultant, Brain Wave Laboratory, Essex Co. Hospital Center, Cedar Grove, New Jersey, Consultant to FLYING SAUCER REVIEW.

This case is perhaps the most interesting and many-faceted of the 188 Pennsylvania creature sightings included in Case Number 4. It began at nine o’clock at night, when a young farmer, called Stephen Pulaski in the report given in FLYING SAUCER REVIEW, and at least fifteen other witnesses saw a bright red ball hovering over a field near them. Stephen grabbed a 30.06 rifle, and he and two ten-year old neighbor boys went to investigate it. Stephen’s auto headlights dimmed as he neared the object, and as the object descended towards the field, Stephen’s German Shepherd, back at the house, became very disturbed. The object was now bright white, and appeared to be about 100 feet in diameter.


It was buzzing much like a lawnmower would.

They stood watching the object on the ground, and then the neighbor boys saw something walking along by the fence. Stephen thought it looked like two bears, and he fired a tracer bullet over the “bears” heads. The creatures were very tall, one 7 feet, the other over 8 feet tall. These measurements were easier than usual to get because the entities were silhouetted against the fence and so could be accurately judged. They were hairy and long-armed, with greenish-yellow eyes. They made a noise like a baby whining. A smell like “burning rubber” was present. Stephen, realizing that these creatures were not bears and that they were coming nearer to him, fired over the entities’ heads once more and, when they kept on coming, fired directly at the larger creature.

When the creature was hit, the glowing 150 ft. diameter object disappeared from the field, instantaneously, and the motor noise stopped. The two creatures turned around and walked back towards the woods. In the field where the object had been was a glowing area about 150 feet in diameter, which was gone by the next morning. While it was still there, a State Trooper who came to investigate the story went up to within 200 yards of it, then stopped, went back to call in the UFO researcher Stan Gordon. The Trooper felt that Stephen was so disturbed that it was better that he be watched—and Stephen wouldn’t go near the glowing area.

It was 2 a.m. when Stan Gordon’s Study Group team and Stephen and his father went back to the landing site. The animals were acting scared, and Stephen’s dog was tracking something which no one could see at the edge of the woods. Suddenly Stephen began rubbing his head and face and looking as though he were about to faint. Several people approached him, but he threw them off, growling like an animal and flailing his arms. His own dog ran towards him and Stephen attacked the dog. Two of the investigators also experienced some feelings of lightheartedness and difficulty in breathing at this point.

Stephen continued running around, growling and swinging his arms, and then collapsed in a manured area, face-down. He lay there for a time, then began to come to himself, and said, “Get away from me. It’s here. Get back.” Sulfur-like odor was noticed. Stephen and the group got away from the area, but Stephen kept mumbling that he would protect the group. He said he saw a man in a black hat and cloak, who told Stephen, “If Man doesn’t straighten up, the end is near.” The man also told Stephen, “There is a man here now, who can save the world.” Needless to say, the investigators present felt quite concerned about Stephen’s health, and it was here that Dr. Schwarz was called in.


Dr. Schwarz’s subsequent psychiatric study of Stephen yielded results that he feels point clearly to the incident having occurred just as reported, for indeed it would be terrifying for a man such as Stephen, used to a very practical and realistic type of life, to shoot and hit an 8-foot antagonist which then was not harmed in any way. The numerous other witnesses to the various phases of the incident also bear out its having happened. Who was the man in black, and what do the predictions about Mankind really mean? That is a matter for interpretation. But that Stephen had the experience has been thoroughly documented.


Date: 10-28-73

Place: Bahia Blanca, Argentina

Investigator: Liria D. Jauregui, APRO Investigator

Very early in the morning, truck driver Dionisio Llanca had a flat tire and pulled off the road in an isolated area. As he set up the jack to change the tire, he saw lights in the distance, but thought little of them until, as they approached, they suddenly changed to a brilliant blue. When Llanca tried to get up and look for the source of this odd light he found he was apparently paralyzed and could not move. He was able to see, however, as a dome-topped disc came to rest, hovering just above the ground near the truck. On the ground by the craft were three humanoid entities, two men and a woman. They had long blond hair and elongated eyes, and wore silver, one-piece suits with high boots, no helmets, no weapons.

After the entities had talked among themselves, one of them lifted Llanca by the neck of his sweater. Llanca was desperately frightened, but the man put a small black box against his left index finger and instantly he began to relax. In a few seconds, he was unconscious.

The next morning he awakened on the roadside and made his way back to civilization. He told his story and investigation was undertaken, but although competent doctors used hypnotherapy and truth serum with Llanca, he could not remember a portion of his experiences aboard the craft. He was able to tell the investigators that these entities had been contacting people on Earth “since 1950,” and that their purpose was to discover whether Earthmen could live in their world. He described the interior of the ship, and said that he went into the ship not by stairs or a ramp, but on a ray of light. But he reported that the beings did not want him to remember some of his experience aboard their craft, and he would not be able to. The message that came from him after intense probing for information was this, “I have a message from the beings in the craft but I can’t tell you what it is. No matter what you or any other Earth scientists do, there will remain the memory lapse while I was on the ship.”

The medical personnel working on this case agree with this statement, and feel that to probe any deeper in Llanca’s subconscious for this experience might damage his health. But they feel that his experience was, though unbelievable, quite real.


Date: 1-7-74

Place: Warneton, Belgium

Investigators: Mssrs. Bazin Sr. and Jr., Mr. Bigorne, Mr. Boidin, MUFON investigators.

An anonymous witness driving along the French-Belgian border experienced engine failure. His lights and radio also went out. At this point he saw a landed UFO about 160 yards away across a field. The 30-foot wide craft was shaped like a World War I British helmet and was glowing a patchy orange, with white light coming from beneath it. Two entities were walking slowly and stiffly toward the witness. Both were about 4 feet tall, with grayish skin, round eyes, a rudimentary nose, and a slit-like, lipless mouth. They wore helmets and metallic gray coverall-type uniforms. One had an object in his hand shaped like a short, thick ruler with a pointed tip. He was aiming it at the car.

When the beings came to within 12 feet of the car, one of them opened and closed his mouth and the witness felt a slight shock at the back of his head and heard a low-pitched, modulated sound. Then the entities turned about and reboarded their craft, which began pulsating an electric-blue glow. Its tripod legs withdrew, it rose and hovered momentarily, then rapidly ascended at a 60-degree angle. As the witness prepared to leave the site, another car drove up; its driver had also seen the UFO and the beings.


Date: Easter Sunday, 1974

Place: Bardstown, Ky.

Investigators: Lawrence Allison and D. T. Elkins.

A boy in his late teens was driving alone at night and wondering why he was doing so—he had almost compulsively gone out to take the ride and had no purpose in mind—when a man appeared beside him in the car. He asked the startled boy if he remembered him, which he did not.

Then suddenly he was inside a large room, he and his car. The “passenger” welcomed him aboard, and proceeded to show the boy around the craft.

After the tour was completed, the guide, who looked like a normal Earth man and was casually dressed in a shirt and blue jeans, asked him to get back into his car. The boy did so and found himself suddenly back on the road.

Investigations to find more details of this encounter are continuing.


Date: 4-10-74

Place: Whitehouse, Ohio

Investigators: Earl Neff and Larry Moyers, MUFON field investigators.

“Sam” (an alias) had spent an evening with a friend who claimed to be a contactee of the UFOs. During this meeting, he had asked the contactee for proof of the UFO’s reality. On the way home from work the next night, shortly after midnight, his car’s engine and light died. As he got out of the car he noticed another car stop behind him. A very prosperous-looking, gray-haired man got out of the car and came over to him. This normal looking human then offered Sam “proof,” by dematerializing a rock with a small hand-held implement. Then he told Sam to “save his marriage,” and promised that he would be contacted again.


Date: 5-26-74

Place: Mitchell Caverns, California.

Investigator: Idabel Epperson, MUFON field investigator.

This witness had seen UFOs several times in the past. One evening he was awakened in his camper by a humming sound and pulsating lights. He tried to call his family, but was immobilized. He saw four pinwheels of odd-shaped colored lights, red, orange, yellow, and blue-green. He awoke the next morning with bloodshot eyes and an aching body. It was two hours later than his usual rising time.

He had impressions of having been inside a UFO, but a memory lapse blocked out details. At a later date, under hypnosis, he recalled being inside the craft and described a row of gyroscopes along an inner wall. “The pinwheels of colored lights energized these to form an artificial gravity field.” He had seen eight men, normal-looking, seven of them dressed in maroon “foil-like” uniforms, the eighth clad in a soft, pale-blue outfit. He saw a view screen which was showing a close-up view of Saturn, a control panel, and three recliner-type chairs. The entities examined his eyes with a magnifying glass. The witness says that he expects to receive further contacts from these entities.


Date: 9-3-74

Place: Duxbury, Mass.

Investigator: John Giambrone, MUFON field investigator.

One day, early in the morning, this very reluctant woman witnessed a red pulsating UFO at treetop level, and two light beams which shone across the bog caused her car to die, while the radio gave out static. Not long after this incident, the woman got a telepathic message to drive her car down a certain road, which she did. Again the radio and engine quit, but this time four small humanoids appeared, moving rapidly towards her, each astride a small vehicle that looked like a roto-tiller but moving rapidly above rather than on the ground. One of the entities approached her car and telepathically asked her to open the door, but when she did not comply, all four doors flew open anyway.


The entity examined her and touched her on the nape of the neck with a small implement which left five small puncture marks. She was told that they have thousands of ships which have been visiting Earth for many years. They have a mother ship nearby, she was told, and their home planet is called “Omnius” or “Omnigus.” They have examined many people, not all of them voluntarily. She was asked not to touch them because of possible contamination and was warned that she would have severe headaches for several weeks after this contact. These entities were four to five feet tall, had helmets on which concealed their faces but through which small, shiny eyes

could be seen. They were dressed in uniforms, the belts of which featured an emblem with vertical wavy lines.
This witness was terrified by this encounter and has refused to allow any investigation by any group. The details given here were supplied to MUFON in strict anonymity by her husband. This woman denies to any questioner that the event ever occurred.


Date: 10-25-74

Place: Medicine Bow National Park, Wyoming

Investigators: Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Prof. of Psychology, University of Wyoming, Investigator for APRO and MUFON; Rick Kenyon and Robert Nantkes, MUFON field investigators, and Frank Bourke, National Star investigator.

Carl Higdon was hunting elk in the northern area of the park. He fired at one, but saw his bullet leave the rifle in slow motion and drop to the snow about 50 feet away. Feeling a tingle, he turned and saw a humanoid entity over six feet tall standing nearby. The entity wore a black jumpsuit with a wide belt, upon which was a six-pointed star and a yellow emblem. The entity had bristle-like, straight hair standing straight out from his head, small eyes, no eyebrows or chin, bow-legged, long-armed, and with rod-like manipulators instead of hands. He might have had hands but Higdon never saw them.

The entity approached Higdon and asked if he was hungry, and flipped him a little bunch of pills, which Higdon swallowed. (Perhaps the entity felt that Higdon would not be hunting unless he needed food.)

The entity pointed at Higdon, and suddenly Higdon found himself within a transparent, cubical “craft” in company with two UFOnauts and five elk. They told him they were on their way to their home planet some 163,000 light years away, and shortly they were there. They had put a helmet with wires sticking out of it on Higdon’s head. He saw a tall, Seattle space-needle-type building and a type of sunlight which was very intense and made his eyes water. The entities told him that our sun does the same thing to their eyes.

The next thing Higdon remembers is being back in the park, about 2½hours having elapsed since the first sight of the entity. He was cold, disoriented, and nearly hysterical. His truck was not where he had left it; he found it about three miles away, stuck in a mud hole. From here he sent out a distress call over his CB radio, and the Sheriff picked him up at midnight. By now, Higdon was in a state of panic and near nervous exhaustion, shouting, “They took my elk!” They took him to the hospital and checked him over; oddly, his blood tests showed a very rich supply of vitamins— those food pellets must have been nutritive—and old TB scars on his lungs had disappeared!

Later investigation found that Higdon’s wife and two others had seen a red-green-white flashing light moving back and forth across this area. When Dr. Sprinkle used time-regression hypnosis on Higdon, he found out more about his experience. Higdon was able to recall that other “Earth people” had been present, and he said that the aliens had come to Earth to hunt and fish for food.


Date: 8-13-75

Place: Alamogordo, New Mexico


Staff Sgt. Charles L. Moody, a 32-year-old Air Force man, was parked near Holloman Air Force Base in the desert, watching for a predicted meteor shower, at about 1:20 a.m., when suddenly like a flash, an object appeared, dropping from the sky about 300 feet away. It stopped about 25 feet above the desert floor and “wobbled” for a while, then glided toward Moody. As it came closer, Moody could see that it was a disc-shaped craft which glowed a dull, metallic gray. It was 40 to 50 feet across and 18 to 25 feet high, with three globes showing on its underside.

The terrified Moody leapt back into his car and tried to escape, but his month-old battery was completely dead. Then the craft halted again, about 50 feet away, and Moody began to hear a high-pitched voice, and to see shadowy figures through a window which had appeared in the craft. Quoting the ENQUIRER report: “Suddenly an odd glow enveloped my car, and I felt numb all over.” Immediately after the experience, this numb feeling was the last thing Moody remembered before coming to, sitting in the car, and watching the craft leave, shooting straight up. But in time, the memory of the hour and 20 minutes he’d “lost” came back to him.

Two beings had come from the craft, gliding rather than walking. They started to open the car door and Moody panicked, striking out at one of the aliens. Then, “the lights went out.” When he regained consciousness, he was on a table, and an alien was studying him. Moody was unable to move. The alien, which was hairless, large-skulled, with no eyebrows and round, large eyes, small nose, mouth, and ears, and thin lips, “spoke,” but with no lip movement. He asked if Moody was well, and told him he would release him from the paralysis if he promised not to strike out. Moody agreed, so the frail, five-foot tall being in the skin-tight white suit, with whitish-gray skin, touched Moody with a metal rod about seven inches long and half an inch thick. Instantly, Moody could move freely.

Moody asked if he could see the craft’s propulsion system, and the alien agreed, so they left the circular room in which the examining table was in, and went through an arched doorway and then into another room, which, Moody reported, seemed almost as large by itself as the whole craft had looked from the outside. It was as though the interior of the ship were larger than the outside. In this room, there were three other beings, one apparently a woman, floating about a quarter-inch above the floor. The leader told Moody to stand on a certain part of flooring, and as he did so it dropped, like an elevator, to a room below. Protruding up from the floor of this room were the top sides of the three globes he’d seen on the underside of the craft. The globes contained large crystals, on each side of which were rods which sloped in toward the crystal.

The aliens gave him other information too, says Moody. They said that this ship was a small observation craft from a much larger main craft which stayed 5,000 to 6,000 miles out in space. They also told Moody that they would be making themselves “known to mankind” within three years, though they plan only limited contact at first. These aliens belong to a league of races, which our human race may one day be invited to join—if they decide to accept us. But whatever happens, the aliens will never hurt us.

After this conversation, Moody was told to report to a medical facility, and he lost consciousness again, to wake up in his car. He watched the craft leave, then easily started his car and went home. Both his wife and his superior officer are convinced that the very conservative Sgt. Moody is telling the truth.


Date: 11-5-75

Place: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona

Investigators: Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Directors of APRO, Dr. James Harder, Dir. of Res., APRO.

Travis Walton and six other men had been working in the forest all day, thinning wood with chain saws. They were riding back to town at about six o’clock when they saw a yellowish glow ahead of them and to the right. The truck was on a right-hand curve, and it bumped along until suddenly it came to a clearing, where they had a very clear view of the object causing the glow. It was about 15 feet in diameter and 8 feet high, and was hovering about 15 feet above the ground, about 90 feet from their truck. They were able to estimate the size of the craft because it was hovering over a pile of slash and was about its size. The craft was glowing with a color “like a Coleman Lantern being lit.”

When Travis saw the object he asked the driver to stop; then without waiting for the truck to completely halt, he jumped out and walked quickly over to the pile of slash. The object gave off a beeping noise and began to oscillate around its vertical axis. There were other rumbling noises. Then a bright, narrow ray of greenish-blue light shot out from the craft and struck Walton. A bright, soundless flash surrounded Walton’s body and lifted him a foot into the air and backwards, with his head knocked back and his arms outflung. One of the other men saw Walton fall to the ground after this, but all were busy running from the scene.

They stopped about a quarter of a mile away, just as a light lifted up through the trees in the direction from which they had just come and streaked away. They decided to go back and find Walton. They were back at the landing site in 15 minutes, but could find no trace of the craft or of Walton. They finally gave up searching and went to the Sheriff’s office to report the incident and the missing Walton. The Sheriff noted later that these men were extremely upset, one even weeping. Later polygraph tests bore out that they were telling the truth about their experience.

In the next days, a thorough search, involving about 50 men, was made for Walton. After 2 days, the search was called off, and a missing persons report filed.

On November 11th, Travis Walton called his sister from a telephone booth in a nearby town. His voice was extremely weak. Her husband and her brother went to find Walton, and discovered him slumped on the floor of the booth from which he had called. He was twelve miles from the spot at which he had last been seen. He had a strange story to relate, and little by little the details were told. When he regained consciousness after being hit by the ray, he was lying on a table in a low-ceilinged room. There was apparatus resting on his lower chest. He had pains in his head and to a lesser extent all over his body.


Around him stood three entities, about 5 feet tall, with large eyes, small noses, mouths, and ears, and no hair. They wore brown coveralls. Travis was panicked by the sight of these “human fetuses” and knocked the apparatus off his chest, striking out at the entities. The creatures calmly left the room, turning right out the doorway. Travis followed them, turning left. He went down the hall and into another room, which featured a transparent wall through which he could see what he thought were stars. He sat in a chair which had push buttons on its arm, and pushed one of the buttons.


But the stars then started to move, so he left the buttons alone. A man in a blue outfit and transparent helmet came into the room and beckoned that Walton follow him. He did not answer his questions, but merely led him out of the craft, through an airlock, and down a ramp. He was now in a large enclosure in which several disc-shaped objects were parked. The air was fresher than before, the light brighter. His guide took him into another craft where he met three more humans, two men and a woman, who wore blue clothing but no helmets. They all closely resembled one another. At this point a mask, resembling an oxygen mask, was put over Walton’s face, and he lost consciousness.

When he regained his senses, he was lying on his back on a road. He felt the heat of a disc-shaped object which was rising into the sky above him, the doors on its bottom just closing. Walton recognized the road, walked unsteadily to the nearest phone, and called his sister. Six days had elapsed.

Tests performed immediately after Walton’s return show some dehydration but no malnutrition and no possibility of drug use. The lost time is blocked by a strong memory block, and APRO’s careful report stated that it might be months before further information about the lost time can be extracted from Walton’s subconscious.

This concludes our small sampling of contact cases. These few interesting cases make up only a tiny percentage of the well-documented contact cases, which now number over 2,000. This total increases almost daily. Over 2,000 reliable witnesses have reported contact not only with UFO’s but with their occupants. Trained investigators have found these stories to be given in good faith by credible people. Something is happening.

