Chapter Fourteen
"What was this
Deluge, whose raging waters swept over Earth?
"....The Old Testament is a masterpiece of literary brevity and
precision. The words are always well chosen to convey precise
meanings; the verses are to the point; their order is purposeful;
their length is no more than is absolutely needed. It is noteworthy
that the whole story from Creation through the expulsion of
and Eve from the Garden of Eden is told in eighty verses. The
complete record of Adam and his line, even when told separately for
Cain and his line and Seth, Enosh, and their line, is managed in
fifty eight verses. But the story of the Great Flood merited no less
than eighty seven verses. It was, by any editorial standard, a
"major story." No mere local event, it was a catastrophe affecting
the whole of Earth, the whole of Mankind. The Mesopotamian texts
clearly state that the "four corners of the Earth" were affected.
".... There were the events and the cities and the people
before the
Deluge, and the events and cities and people after the Deluge. There
were all the deeds of the gods and the Kingship that
they lowered
from Heaven before the Great Flood, and the course of godly and
human events when Kingship was lowered again to Earth after the
Great Flood. It was the great time divider.
the Deluge was no local
occurrence or periodic inundation.
It was by all counts an Earthshaking event of unparalleled
magnitude, a catastrophe the likes of which neither Man nor gods
experienced before or since.
Some questions regarding the Deluge:
"....Why was the launching of a space vehicle from
Sippar the signal
to Utnapishtim to enter and seal the ark?
Where were the gods when the waters covered even the highest
mountains? And,
Why did they so cherished the roasted meat sacrifice offered by
"As we proceed to find the answers to these and other questions, we
shall find that the Deluge was not a premeditated punishment brought
about by the gods at their exclusive will. We shall discover that
though the Deluge was a predictable event, it was an unavoidable
one, a natural calamity in which the gods played not an active but a
passive role. We will also show that the secret the gods swore to
was a conspiracy against Mankind - to withhold from the
the information they had regarding the coming avalanche of water so
that, while the Nefilim saved themselves, Mankind should perish.
"....After describing the hard work of the Anunnaki, their
and the ensuing creation of the Primitive Worker, the epic relates
how Man ( as we also know from the biblical version) began to
procreate and multiply. In time, Mankind began to upset Enlil.
"....Enlil, once again cast as the prosecutor of Mankind - then
ordered a punishment. We would expect now to read of the coming
Deluge. But not so. Surprisingly, Enlil did not even mention a
Deluge or any similar watery ordeal. Instead, he called for the
decimation of Mankind through pestilence and sicknesses.
This failed, through the intervention of
Atra-Hasis, believed to be
Utnapishtim, whom Enki called "the exceedingly wise", which in
Akkadian is atra-hasis.
"....Enlil complained bitterly to the gods that "the people have not
diminished; they are more numerous than before!"
"He then proceeded to outline the extermination of Mankind through
starvation. "Let supplies be cut off from the people; in their
bellies, let fruit and vegetables be wanting." The famine was to be
achieved through natural forces, by a lack of rain and failing
"....Even the sources of sea food were to disappear.
Enki was
ordered to "draw the bolt, bar the sea," and "guard" its food away
from the people.
"....By the sixth "passing", (a year of
Anu) cannibalism was
When the sixth sha-at-tam arrived
they prepared the daughter for a meal the child they prepared for food.... one house devoured the other.
The gods went to
Assembly, and after much argument:
"....The reaction of
Enki was outstanding:
The god got fed up with the sitting; in the Assembly of the Gods, laughter overcame him.
"....But he (Enlil) said, there was still a chance to
doom Mankind.
A "killing flood" was in the offing. The approaching catastrophe had
to be kept a secret from the people. He called on the Assembly to
swear themselves to secrecy and, most important, to "bind prince
Enki by an oath."
Enlil opened his mouth to speak and addressed the Assembly of all the gods: "Come, all of us, and take an oath regarding the Killing Flood!"
Anu swore first;
Enlil swore; his sons swore with him."
"At first
Enki refused to take the oath. "Why will you bind me with
an oath?" "Am I to raise my hands against my own humans?" But he was
finally forced to take the oath.
But Enki, subtly, spoke to Noah/Utnapishtim and the story is
remarkably told in The Twelfth Planet. Utnapishtim, was warned of
the Killing Flood.
"....Enki provided him with precise instructions regarding the boat,
its measurements, and its construction. Steeped in bible stories, we
imagine this "ark" as a very large boat, with decks and
superstructures. But the biblical term - teba - stems from the root
"sunken," and it must be concluded that Enki instructed
his Noah to
construct a submersible boat - a submarine.

The photos
above are from those suffering areas of the world we
know today. But in the pre-Deluvial days, when Enlil was
in command of this planet, not happy with the ways of
man, he manipulated the elements to cause Famine and that man would die... As this attempt
failed, the Deluge, kept in secret from Mankind, was the
next step.... |


There is
Archaeological proof that in ancient times Cannibalism
existed. These bones held in the person’s hands are from
Easter Island and show signs of Cannibalism

author for top picture.

of the Deluge. By Dore |

Mount Ararat

Noah offers
a sacrifice when leaving the Ark. The "gods" were
attracted by the aromas and came down, (from their
spacecraft). The "gods" had been deprived from food
during the rains of the Deluge and the settling of the explained in The 12th Planet.
"The Akkadian text
quotes Enki as calling for a boat "roofed over and below,"
hermetically sealed with "tough pitch." There were to be no decks,
no openings, "so that the sun shall not see inside." It was to be a
boat "like an Apsu boat," a sulili; it is the very term used
nowadays in Hebrew (soleleth) to denote a submarine.
"....Noah’s father had hoped that his birth signaled the end of a
long time of suffering. The people’s problem was a draught - the
absence of rain, the shortage of water. Who in his right mind would
have thought that they were to perish in an avalanche of water?
"Yet if the humans could not read the signs, the Nefilim could. To
them, the Deluge was not a sudden event; though it was
they detected its coming. Their scheme to destroy Mankind rested not
on an active but on a passive role by the gods. They did not cause
the Deluge; they simply connived to withhold from the Earthlings the
fact of its coming.
"Aware, however, of the impending calamity, and of its global
impact, the Nefilim took steps to save their own skins. With Earth
about to be engulfed by water, they could go in only one direction
for protection: skyward. When the storm that preceded the
Deluge began to blow, the Nefilim
took to their shuttlecraft, and remained in Earth orbit until the
waters began to subside.
"The day of the Deluge, we will show, was the day the gods fled from
"The sign for which Utnapishtim had to watch, upon which he was to
join all other in the ark and seal it, was this:
When Shamash, who orders a trembling at dusk, will shower down a rain of eruptions - board thou the ship, batten up the entrance!
"Though the
Nefilim were prepared for the Deluge, its coming was a
frightening experience: "The noise of the Deluge... set the gods
trembling." But when the moment to leave Earth arrived, the gods,
"shrinking back, ascended to the heavens of Anu.
"....Orbiting Earth, the
Nefilim saw a scene of destruction that affected them deeply.... Crammed into their spacecraft, the
gods strained to see what was happening on the planet from which
they had just blasted off.
"....Tablet III of the
Atra-Hasis epic describes the conditions on
board where some of the Anunnaki shared accommodations with the
Mother Goddess:
The Anunnaki, great gods, were sitting in thirst, in hunger.... Ninti wept and spent her emotion; she wept and eased her feelings. The gods wept with her for the land. She was overcome with grief, she thirsted for beer. Where she sat, the gods sat weeping; crouching like sheep at a trough. Their lips were feverish with thirst, They were suffering cramp from hunger.
"....The orders to
the Nefilim became clear: Abandon Earth, "ascend
up to Heaven." It was a time when the Twelfth Planet was nearest
Earth, within the asteroid belt ("Heaven"), as evidence by the fact
that Anu was able to attend personally the crucial conference
shortly before the Deluge.
"....Enki was obviously in yet another spacecraft, or else he would
have disclosed to the others that he had managed to save the seed of
Mankind. No doubt he had other reasons to feel less gloomy, for the
evidence suggests that he had also planned the encounter at Ararat.
"....The Nefilim, as we have shown, used the peaks of
Ararat as
landmarks from the very beginning. As the highest peaks in that part
of the world, they could be expected to reappear first from under
the mantle of water. Since Enki, "The Wise One, the All Knowing,"
certainly could figure that much out, we can surmise that he had
instructed his servant to guide the ark toward Ararat, planning the
encounter from the very beginning.
From Berossus’s version of
the Flood, as reported by the Greek Abydenus, relates:
"....Sisithros (which is atra-asis reversed), was instructed to
"sail immediately to Armenia"- to the land of Ararat.
"What was this
catastrophe - predictable yet unavoidable?
An important key to unlocking the puzzle of the Deluge is the
realization that it was not a single, sudden event, but a climax of
a chain of events. Unusual pestilences affecting man and beast and a
severe drought preceded the ordeal by water - a process that lasted,
according to the Mesopotamian sources, seven passings or sar’s.
These phenomena could be accounted for only climatic changes. Such
changes have been associated in Earth’s past with the recurring
ages and interglacial stages that had dominated Earth’s immediate
past. Reduced precipitation, falling sea and lake levels, and the
drying up of subterranean water sources have been the hallmarks of
an approaching ice age. Since the Deluge which abruptly ended those
conditions was followed by the Sumerian civilization and our own
present, postglacial age, the glaciation in question, could only
have been the last one.
"Of the many theories advanced by the scientists, we are intrigued
by the one suggested by Dr. John T. Hollin of the University of
Maine. He contended the Antarctic ice sheet periodically breaks
loose and slips into the sea, creating an abrupt and enormous tidal
"In 1964, A.T. Wilson of Victoria University in New Zealand offered
the theory that ice ages ended abruptly in such slippages, not only
in the Antarctic but also in the Arctic. We feel that the various
texts and facts gathered by us justify a conclusion that the Deluge
was the result of such slippage into the Antarctic waters of
billions of tons of ice, bringing an abrupt end to the last ice age.
"The "Epic of Gilgamesh" is specific about the direction from which
the storm came: It came from the south. Clouds, winds, rain, and
darkness indeed preceded the tidal wave which first tore down the
"posts of Nergal" in the Lower World....
"How could the
Nefilim predict when the Deluge would burst out of
"The Mesopotamia texts, we know, related
the Deluge and the climatic
changes preceding it to seven "passings" -undoubtedly meaning the
periodic passage of the Twelfth Planet in Earth’s vicinity.
"....Could it be that the
Nefilim, observing the climatic changes
and the instability of the Antarctic ice sheet, realized that the
next, seventh "passing" of the Twelfth Planet would trigger the
impending catastrophe?
"Ancient texts show that it was so.
There are several hymns from ancient texts which tell of the passing
of the Twelfth Planet and attest that he was the triggering factor
of the Deluge.
Mr. Sitchin also quotes from the Bible in this regard, Psalm 29;
Psalm 77; Psalm 104.
"The words of the prophet Amos are even more explicit:
Woe unto you that desire the Day of the Lord; To what end is it for you? For the Day of the Lord is darkness and no light.... Turneth morning into death’s shadow, Maketh the day dark as night; Calleth forth the waters of the sea and poureth them upon the face of the Earth.
"These, then, were the events that took place "in olden days." "Day
of the Lord" was the day of the "Deluge."
Mr. Sitchin ends this chapter with an
"Event" chart,
commencing at
445,000 years ago, when the Nefilim, led by Enki,
arrive on Earth
from the Twelfth Planet. Eridu - Earth Station I - is established in
southern Mesopotamia.
Following the moves of the Nefilim accompanied by climatic changes,
with the climax at 13,000 years ago, when the Deluge sweeps over
Earth, abruptly ending the ice age.
Chapter Fifteen
"The Deluge, a traumatic experience for Mankind, was so no less for
the "gods" - the Nefilim.
"An effort of
120 shar’s was wiped away overnight. The south African
mines, the cities in Mesopotamia, the control center at Nippur, the
spaceport at Sippar - all lay buried under water and mud. Hovering
in their shuttlecraft above devastated Earth, the
impatiently awaited the abatement of the waters so that they could
set foot on solid ground.
"How were they going to survive henceforth on Earth when their
cities and facilities had gone, and even their manpower - Mankind -
was totally destroyed?
"When the frightened, exhausted, and hungry groups of
finally landed on the peaks of "Mount of Salvation," they were
clearly relieved to discover that Man and beast alike had not
perished completely. Even Enlil, at first enraged to discover that
his aims had been partly frustrated, soon changed his mind.
"The deity’s decision was a practical one. Faced with their own dire
conditions, the Nefilim cast their inhibitions about
Man, rolled up
their sleeves, and lost no time in imparting to Man the art of
growing crops and cattle. Since survival, no doubt, depended with
the speed with which agriculture and animal domestication could be
developed to sustain the Nefilim and a rapidly multiplying Mankind,
the Nefilim applied their advanced scientific knowledge to the task.
"...."Sowing and Harvesting" were described in
Genesis as divine
gifts granted to Noah and his offspring as part of the post-Diluvial
covenant between the Deity and Mankind:
For as long as the Earth’s days shall be, There shall not cease Sowing and Harvesting, Cold and Warmth, Summer and Winter, Day and Night.
"....The Sumerian texts, too, ascribed to the gods the granting to
Mankind of both agriculture and the domestication of animals.
"Tracing the beginnings of agriculture, modern scholars have found
that it appeared first in the Near East, but not in fertile and
easily cultivated plains and valleys. Rather, agriculture began in
the mountains skirting the low-lying plains in a semicircle.
"....The only plausible answer is that the low-lying lands were, at
the time when agriculture began, uninhabitable.
"....The Sumerian texts state that
Enlil first spread cereals "in
the hill country...." The name of this mountainous land east of Sumer,
E.LAM, meant "house where vegetation germinated." Later, two
of Enlil’s helpers, the gods Ninazu and Ninmada, extended the
cultivation of cereals to the low-lying plains so that, eventually,
"Sumer, the land that knew not grain, came to know grain."
Mr. Sitchin explains thereon that for the rapid appearance of
grains, as wheat and barley, (domesticated wild emmer), it would
have taken thousands of generations of genetic selection by nature:
"Yet the period, time, or location in which such a gradual and very
prolonged process might have taken place on Earth are nowhere to be
"There is no explanation for this botanogenetic miracle, unless the
process was not one of natural selection but of artificial
"Spelt, a hard-grained type of wheat, poses an even greater
mystery...." "It is definitely the result of mixing the genes of
several plants. The whole notion that Man, in a few thousand years,
changed animals through domestication, is also questionable.
"Modern scholars have no answers to these puzzles, nor to the
general question of why the mountainous semicircle in the ancient
Near East became a continuous source of new varieties of cereals,
plants, trees, fruits, vegetables, and domesticated animals.
"The Sumerians knew the answer. The seeds, they said, were a gift
sent to Earth by Anu from his Celestial Abode.
Wheat, barley, and hemp were lowered to Earth from the Twelfth
Planet. Agriculture and the domestication of animals were gifts
given to Mankind by Enlil and Enki, respectively.
"....It appears that
the Nefilim, passing knowledge to Man in
measured doses, did so in intervals matching the periodic returns
of the Twelfth Planet to Earth’s vicinity....
"....The "Epic of Etana" provides a glimpse of the deliberation that
took place. In the days that followed the Deluge, it says:
The great Anunnaki who decree the fate sat exchanging their counsels regarding the land. They who created the four regions, who set up the settlements, who oversaw the land, were too lofty for Mankind.
"....As a bridge between themselves as
lords and Mankind, they
introduced "Kingship" on Earth: appointing a human ruler who would
assure Mankind’s service to the gods and channel the teachings and
laws of the gods to the people.
"A text dealing with the subject describes the situation before
either tiara or crown had been placed on a human head, or scepter
handed down; all these symbols of Kingship - plus the shepherd’s
crook - the symbol of righteousness and justice - "lay deposited
before Anu in Heaven." After the gods had reached their decision,
however, Kingship descended from "Heaven to Earth."
"Both Sumerian and Akkadian texts state that the Nefilim retained
the "lordship" over the lands, and had Mankind first rebuild the
pre-diluvial cities exactly where they had originally been....
then, was first to be rebuilt.
"The Nefilim then helped the people plan and build the
first royal
city, and they blessed it. "May the city be the nest, the place
where Mankind shall repose. May the King be a Shepherd."
"The first royal city of Man, the Sumerian texts tell us, was
Sumerian king lists, unfortunately, are mutilated just where
the name of the very first human king was inscribed.
By deduction, Mr. Sitchin mentions, that from the biblical "Table of
Nations" listed is Nimrud the patriarch of the kingdoms at
Akkad, Babylon, and Assyria -
as descended from Kish.
After Noah, three regions became of concern to the great
Mesopotamia and the Near Eastern lands, where
Shem and descendants
settled. Africa and parts of Arabia, where
Ham and descendants
settled. Japhet, and descendants, the Indo-Europeans in
Asia Minor,
Iran, India, and Europe.
Mr. Sitchin also gives the main points of the development of each
subsequent civilization as they flourished. But in the "Epic of Etana", it is mentioned "four regions,"
so which
is the fourth region?
"Three of them -
Mesopotamia, the Nile valley, and the Indus valley
- were settled by Man.
"The fourth region was "holy" - a term whose original meaning was
"dedicated, restricted." Dedicated to the gods alone, it was a "pure
land," an area that could be approached only with authorization;
trespassing could lead to quick death by "awesome weapons" wielded
by fierce guards. This land or region was named TIL.MUN (literally,
"the place of the missiles"). It was the restricted area where the
Nefilim had reestablished their space base after the one at
had been wiped out by the Deluge.
"Once again the area was placed under the command of
The one in charge of the Eagles.
"But where was this elusive land of the divine connection?
The question can be answered. The clues are there. But beyond it
loom other questions. Have the Nefilim been encountered ever since?
What will happen when they will be encountered again?
"And if the
Nefilim were the "gods" who "created"
Man on Earth, did
evolution alone, on the Twelfth Planet, create the Nefilim?"

After the
Deluge, the Anunnaki taught Mankind the art of growing
crops, in the high lands first...until lower areas dried

Sowing and
Harvesting..."gifts granted Noah/Utnapishtim and his

The "gods"
granted Mankind agriculture and the domestication of
animals. |


"Pork meat
was a delicacy to the Anunnaki" |
The Legacy of the
Two varieties of
"DOMESTICATED EMMER"; the Anunnaki, altered emmer
genetically to
produce more suitable grains.



Harvest of
according to the Sumerians, was also "lowered from the
Twelfth Planet." |

Tiara, Crown
or the shepherd’s crook....
....and lastly, the
Anunnaki divided the land in Four Regions
(three are mentioned
in The 12th Planet, the Fourth was "holy").


