Chapter Five
A note:
After having exquisitely explained The Stairway to Heaven, according
to the Egyptian glyphs, Mr Sitchin continues his book with this
chapter by opening the first lines with the account of our own
astronauts and quotes the famous words:
"Houston! Tranquility Base here; The Eagle has landed!"
"O.K., Houston. The Falcon is on the plain of Hadley!"
"Whereupon the Manned Spacecraft Center at Houston announced to the
world "That was a jubilant Dave Scott reporting Apollo 15 on the
plain at Hadley!"
The beautiful medallion where the words "Apollo 11" together with an
Eagle posed on the Moon, and Earth high above the Moon’s horizon,
appear on the book to illustrate an important and significant point,
if we recall who the Eagles were in The Twelfth Planet.
"Up to a few decades ago, the notion that a common mortal can put on
some special clothes, strap himself in the front of a long object,
then zoom off the face of Earth, seemed preposterous or worse. A
century or two ago, such a notion would not have even come about,
for there was nothing in human experience or knowledge to trigger
such fantasies.
"Yet, as we have just described, the Egyptians - 5,000 years ago,
could readily visualize all this happening to their Pharaoh: he
would journey to a launch site east of Egypt; he would enter a
subterranean complex of tunnels and chambers; he would safely pass
by the installation’s atomic plant and radiation chamber (he had
seen some of the gods radiating, in The Stairway to Heaven). He
would don the suit and gear of an astronaut, entry the cabin of an
Ascender, and sit strapped between two gods. And then as the
double-doors would open, and the dawn skies would be revealed, the
jet engines would ignite and the Ascender would turn into the
Celestial Ladder by which the Pharaoh will reach the
Abode of the
Gods on their "Planet of Millions of Years."
"On what TV screen had the Egyptians seen such things happen, that
they so firmly believed that all this was really possible?
"....the only alternative would have been to either go to the
Spaceport and watch the rocketships come and go, or visit a
"Smithsonian" and see the craft on display, accompanied by a knowing
guide or viewing flight simulations. The evidence suggests that the
ancient Egyptians had indeed done that: they had seen the launch
site, and the hardware, and the astronauts with their own eyes. But
the astronauts were not Earthlings going elsewhere: they were,
rather, astronauts from elsewhere who had come to Planet Earth.
enamored with art, the ancient Egyptians depicted in their
tombs what they had seen and experienced in their lifetimes. The
architecturally designs drawings of the subterranean corridors and
chambers of the Duat come from the tomb of Seti I. An even more
startling depiction has been found in the tomb of Huy
(click image right), who was
viceroy in Nubia and in the Sinai peninsula during the reign of the
renowned Pharaoh Tut-Ankh-Amon....: to this very day a depiction in
vivid colors of a rocketship, (explained also in The Twelfth
"As the Pyramid Texts make clear, the Pharaoh, in his Translation
into an eternal Afterlife, embarked on a journey simulating the
gods. Ra and Seth, Osiris and Horus and other gods had ascended in
the heavens in this manner. But, the Egyptians also believed, it was
by the same Celestial Boat that the Great Gods had come down to
Earth in the first place. At the city of An (Heliopolis), Egypt’s
oldest center of worship, the god Ptah built a special structure - a
"Smithsonian Institution," if you will - where an actual space
capsule could be viewed and revered by the people of Egypt. The
secret object - the Ben-Ben - was enshrined in the Het Benben, the
Temple of the Benben.
"....The Ben-Ben was, according to the ancient Egyptians, a solid
object that had actually come to Earth from the Celestial Disk. It
was the "Celestial Chamber" in which the great god
Ra himself had
landed on Earth. The term Ben (literally: "That Which Flowed Out")
conveying the combined meanings of "to shine" and "to shoot up in
the sky."
".... At the shrine, there was a fountain or well, whose waters
acquire a reputation for their healing powers, especially in matters
of virility and fertility. The term Ben and its
depiction in time indeed acquired the connotations virility and
reproduction; and could well have been the source of the meaning
"male offspring" that Ben has in Hebrew. In addition to virility and
reproduction the shrine also acquired the attributes of
rejuvenation, this in turn gave rise to the legend of the Ben bird,
which the Greeks who had visited Egypt called it the Phoenix. As
these legends had it, the Phoenix was an eagle with plumage partly
red and partly golden; once every 500 years, as it was about to die,
it went to Heliopolis and in some manner rose again from the ashes
of itself (or of its father).
"Heliopolis and its healing waters remained venerated until early
Christian times; local tradition claim that when Joseph and
escaped to Egypt with the child Jesus, they rested by the shrine’s
"....Nothing remains of it nowadays, the
Ben-Ben is also gone. But
it was depicted on Egyptian monuments as a conical chamber within
which a god could be seen. Archaeologists have in fact found a
stone-scale model of the Ben-Ben, showing a god at its open
hatch-door in a gesture of welcome. The true shape of the celestial
Chamber was probably accurate depicted in the tomb of Huy
(left), that
modern command modules - the capsule housing the astronauts atop rocketships at launching, and in which they splash down back to
Earth - look so similar to the Ben-Ben, is no doubt a result of the
similarity of purpose and function.
"....In the Book of the Dead nine objects affiliated with the
hieroglyph for Shem were depicted in the division
paralleling the
shrine of Heliopolis, it could well be that there were indeed
another nine space-related objects or spacecraft parts on display at
the shrine.
"Archaeologists may have found a replica of one of these smaller
objects. It is an oddly shaped circular object full of intricate
curves and cutouts.... The object was carved from a solid block of
schist - a rock which is very brittle and which easily splits into
thin irregular layers....This has led other scholars, such as Cyril Aldred (Egypt to the End of the Old Kingdom) to conclude that the
stone object "possibly imitates a form originally made in metal."
"....This round object, some twenty-four inches in diameter and less
than four inches at its thicker part, was obviously made to fit over
a shaft and rotate around an axle.... But its possible function
suddenly sprang to our mind in 1976 on reading on a technical
magazine of some revolutionary designs of a flywheel being developed
in California in connection with the American space program....
Where are all the other objects, where is the
Ben-Ben itself?
There were natural disasters, unrest and wars, anarchy reigned in
Egypt, it was not united any more.
"....It was then perhaps, that
Ra left his temple at Heliopolis and
became Amon - "The Hidden God."
"When order was first restored at Upper Egypt under the Eleventh
Dynasty the capital was established at Thebes, and the supreme god
was called Amon (or Amen).... A temple was dedicated to
Ra and
topped it with a huge "pyramidon" to commemorate Ra’s Celestial
"Soon after 2000 B.C. as the Twelfth Dynasty began to reign, Egypt
was reunited, order was restored, and access to Heliopolis was
The shrines were rebuilt in
Heliopolis, two columns (over sixty-six
feet high) of granite were built in front of the temple, they also
carried the "pyramidon" encased in gold or white copper (electrum),
in remembrance of the Celestial Chamber of Ra. The Greek called
these columns "obelisks" meaning "pointed cutters". The Egyptians
called them "Beam of the Gods".
Later, some of these obelisks were carted to New York, London,
Paris, Rome.
"As stated by the Pharaohs, they raised these obelisks in order to
"obtain (from the gods) the gift of Eternal Life" to "obtain

with Sky Goddess Nut. Tutankhamun belonged to later
dynasties, but goddess Nut was still revered.
The Pharaohs
emulated the Ascending to Heaven of the "gods"
by being led through
the Interior Passages of the Pyramids after their death.

Passage from Second to Third Pyramid |

Interior of
Pyramid |

From the
Book of The Dead.
Deceased making an offering to Horus, on the way to
Heaven. |

Hand holding the Ankh, symbol of Life..Temple at Karnak
. |
Where had the
Pharaohs "seen" the "gods" Ascend to Heaven,
unless witnessed in
olden days and later remembered them
to achieve "eternal
life" by emulating their "travel."

Buzz Aldrin, stepping off the Eagle Module. It did not
mean an actual eagle had transported him, nor that he
was an eagle, as some want to believe of the ancient
"Eagles," performing equal tasks. |

A hill of
schist, the brittle stone that was used to make molds of
the "flywheel" believed to have been a part in the
rocketry mechanism used by the "gods" from Heaven. A
very similar model was adopted by Nasa. This schist Hill
is from Morocco

Hallway in
the Temple of Seti I. He recollected many historical
facts of ancient Egypt

Death Mask as it appears in Cairo Museum, Egypt. |

The fallen point of an obelisk, in Karnak. Emulating the
Benben ("capsule")

Temple to
Amon and obelisk in the background, Karnak
"The Egyptian name for
these Celestial Beings was NTR - a term which in the languages of
the ancient Near East meant "One Who Watches".... (Neter).... Margaret
A. Murray (The Splendor That Was Egypt) has put forward a more
current view. Showing that pottery from the earliest, pre-dynastic
period was adorned with drawings of boats carrying a pole with two
streamers as a standard, she concluded that "the pole with the two
streamers became the hieroglyphic for God."
"Pictorially, then, the Egyptians affirmed from the very beginning
that their gods had come to Egypt from elsewhere. This confirmed the
tales of how Egypt began - that the god Ptah, having come from the
south, and having found Egypt inundated, performed great works of dyking and land reclamation and made the land habitable. There was a
place in Egyptian geography which they called Ta-Neter - "Place/Land
of the Gods." It was the narrow straits at the southern end of the
Red Sea which is now called Bab-el-Mandeb.
".... The Egyptian name for the
Red Sea was the Sea of UR. The term
Ta-Ur meant the Foreign Land in the East...
"....When archaeologists and linguists began to unravel, at the
beginning of the nineteenth century, the history and written records
of Egypt, Ur was unknown from any other source, except the Old
Testament. Chaldea, however, was known: it was the name by which the
Greeks had called Babylonia, Mesopotamia’s ancient kingdom.
"....The more the nineteenth-century scholars learnt of
Egypt, and
matched the emerging historic picture with the writing of Greek and
Roman historians, the more did two facts stand out: First, that
Egyptian civilization and greatness were not like an isolated flower
blooming in a cultural desert, part of overall developments
throughout the ancient lands. And secondly, that the biblical tales
of other lands and kingdoms, of fortified cities and trade routes,
of wars and treaties, of migrations and settlements - were not only
true but accurate.
"The Hittites, known for centuries only from brief mentions in the
Bible, were discovered in Egyptian records as mighty adversaries of
the Pharaohs. There was even a historical personal touch, for the
Pharaoh ended up marrying the daughter of the Hittite king in an
effort to cement peace between them.
"Philistines, "People of the Sea,"
Phoenitians, Hurrians,
Amorites.... Greater of all, however, appeared to have been the
veritable ancient empires of Assyria and Babylonia, but where were
their magnificent temples, and other remains of their grandeur? And
where were their records?
".... Back in 1686, a traveller named
Engelbert Kampfer, visited
Persepolis, the old Persian capital of the kings Alexander had
fought. From monuments there he copied signs and symbols in such a
wedge-shaped or cuneiform script, as on the royal seal of Darius.
But he thought that they were only decorations. When it was finally
realized that these were inscriptions, no one knew what their
language was and how they could be deciphered.
"....As in the case of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, so it was with the
cuneiform writings: The key to the solution was a tri-lingual
inscription, it was found on the rock of forbidding mountains, at a
place in Persia called Behistum.... As it turned out, the
tri-lingual rock inscription was in Old Persian, Elamite and
Akkadian. Akkadian was the mother language of all the Semitic
languages, and it was through the knowledge of Hebrew, that scholars
were able to read and understand the Mesopotamian inscriptions of
the Assyrians and the Babylonians.
In the 1840s, Henry Austen Layard a Paris-born Englishman, kept
recalling that an officer in Alexander’s army reported seeing in the
area of Iraq "a place of pyramids and remains of an ancient city" -
a city whose ruins were considered ancient even in Alexander’s
The great ones of the biblical account were coming to surface, like
Nimrod and the city of Nineveh.
" ....As the pace of the excavations gathered momentum, as
archaeological teams from other nations joined the race, all the
Assyrian and Babylonian cities named in the Bible (with one minor
exception) were uncovered. But as the world’s museums filled up with
the ancient treasures, the most important finds were the simple clay
tablets - some small enough to be held in the palm of the scribe’s
hand - on which the Assyrians, Babylonians and other peoples of
western Asia wrote down commercial contracts, court rulings,
marriage and inheritance records, geographical lists, mathematical
information, medical formulas, laws and regulations, royal histories
- indeed every aspect of life by advanced and highly civilized
societies. Epic tales, Creation tales, proverbs, philosophical
writings, love songs and the like make up a vast literary heritage.
And there were matter celestial - lists of stars and constellations,
planetary information, astronomical tables, and lists of gods, their
family relationships, their attributes, their tasks and functions -
gods headed by twelve Great Gods, "Gods of Heaven and Earth," with
whom there were associated the twelve months, the twelve
constellations of the Zodiac, and the twelve members of our solar
"As the inscriptions themselves occasionally stated, their language
stemmed from the Akkadian.
"....The royal city of
Akkad was discovered southeast of Babylon;
the ancient city of Kish was also discovered southeast of
"....Ur - birthplace of Abraham - was also found, farther south,
where the coastline of the Persian Gulf had reached in antiquity.
".... One of the greatest discoveries in Mesopotamia was the
of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh.... Ashurbanipal himself stated in an
"The god of scribes has bestowed on me the gift of the knowledge of
his art. I have been initiated into the secrets of writing. I can
even read the intricate tablets in Shumerian. I understand the
enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the days before the
"....In the century that followed the first Mesopotamian
discoveries, it has become evident beyond doubt that it was indeed
in Sumer that modern Civilization (with a capital "C") began. It was
there, soon after 4000 B.C - nearly 6000 years ago - that all the
essential elements of a high civilization suddenly blossomed out, as
though from nowhere and for no apparent reason. There is hardly any
aspect of our present culture and civilization whose roots and
precursors cannot be found in Sumer cities, high-rise buildings,
streets, marketplaces, granaries, wharves, schools, temples;
metallurgy, medicine, surgery, textile making, gourmet foods,
agriculture, irrigation; the use of bricks, the invention of the
kiln; the first-ever wheel, carts; ships and navigation;
international trade; weights and measures; kingship, law, courts,
juries; writing and recordkeeping; music, musical notes, musical
instruments, dance and acrobatics; domestic animals and zoos;
warfare, artisanship, prostitution. And above all, the knowledge and
study of the heavens, and the gods "who from the heavens to Earth
had come."
"Let it be clarified here that neither the
Akkadians nor the
Sumerians had called these visitors to Earth gods. It is through
later paganism that the notion of divine beings or gods has filtered
into our language and thinking. When we employ the term here, it is
only because of its general acceptance and usage that we do so.
"The Akkadians called them Ilu - "Lofty Ones" - from which the
Hebrew, biblical El stems E
"....From the Sumerian cosmological tales and epic poems, from texts
that served as autobiographies of these gods, from lists of their
functions and relationships and cities, from chronologies and
histories called
King Lists, and a wealth of other texts,
inscriptions and drawings, we have pieced together a cohesive drama
of what had happened in prehistoric times, and how it all began."
Discovering the Past
of the Egyptians,
by searching into other cultures

Ruins of ancient Babylon, known as "Chaldea" by the

site, Turkey. They were related to the Hurrians and
Hittites, and contemporaries of the Assyrians.

Figure at ruins of Persepolis, the place where Alexander
fought with the Persians. Modern Iran
. |

PALACE, Persepolis |

Ruins of
Nimrod’s Fortress. |
"Their story begins in
primeval times, when our solar system was still young. It was then
that a large planet appeared from outer space and was drawn into the
solar system. The Sumerians called the invader NIBIRU - "Planet of
the Crossing"; the Babilonian name for it was Marduk. As it passed
by the outer planets, Marduk’s course curved into a collision course
with an older member of the solar system - a planet named Tiamat. As
the two came together, the satellites of Marduk split
Tiamat in
half. Its lower part was smashed into bits and pieces creating the
comets and the asteroid belt - the "celestial bracelet" of planetary
debris that orbit between Jupiter and Mars.
Tiamat’s upper part,
together with its chief satellite, were thrown into a new orbit, to
become Earth and the Moon.
"Marduk itself, intact, was caught in a
vast elliptical orbit around
the Sun, returning to the site of the "celestial battle" between
Jupiter and Mars once in 3,600 Earth years. It was thus that the
solar system ended up with twelve members - the Sun, the Moon (which
the Sumerians considered a celestial body in its own right), the
nine planets we know of, and one more - the twelfth, Marduk.
"When Marduk invaded our solar system, it brought with it the seed
of life. In the collision with Tiamat, some of the seed of life was
transferred to its surviving part - Planet Earth. As life evolved on
Earth, it emulated evolution on Marduk. And so it was that when on
Earth the human species just began to stir, on Marduk intelligent
beings had already achieved high levels of civilization and
It was from the twelfth member of the solar system, the
said, that astronauts had come to Earth - the "Gods of Heaven and
Earth." It was from such Sumerian beliefs, that all the other
ancient peoples acquired their religions and gods. These gods, the
Sumerians said, created Mankind, and eventually gave it civilization
- all knowledge, all sciences, including an incredible level of
sophisticated astronomy.
"....There was the endless universe, full of stars. It was
first-ever in Sumer - not centuries later in Greece, as has been
thought - that the stars were identified, grouped together into
constellations, given names and located in the heavens.
"....It has been recognized by some of the earlier scholars who
combined their knowledge of Egyptology/Assyriology with astronomy,
that the textual and pictorial depictions employed the Zodiac Age as
a grand celestial calendar, where by events on Earth were related to
the grander scale of the heavens. The knowledge has been employed in
more recent times as a means of prehistoric and chronological aid in
such studies as that by G. de Santillana and H. von Dechend
(Hamlet’s Mill). There is no doubt, for example, that the Lion-like
Sphinx of Heliopolis, or the Ram-like Sphinxes guarding the temples
of Karnak, depicted the Zodiac ages in which the events they stood
for had occurred, or in which the gods or kings represented had been
"....The "Imperishable Star" or the planet of "Millions of Years,"
the celestial abode of the gods. The ancient peoples, without
exception, paid homage to this planet, the one with the vastest,
most majestic orbit. In Egypt, in Mesopotamia and elsewhere, its
ubiquitous emblem was that of the Winged Globe.
"Recognizing that the
Celestial Disk, in Egyptian depictions, stood
for the Celestial Abode of Ra, scholars have persisted in referring
to Ra as a "Sun God" and to the Winged Disk as a "Sun Disk." It
should now be clear that it was not the Sun, but the Twelfth Planet
which was so depicted. Indeed, Egyptian depictions clearly
distinguished between the Celestial Disk representing this planet,
and the Sun.
"....Four hundred fifty thousand years ago - according to our
Sumerian sources - astronauts from this "Celelestial Lord"
landed on
Planet Earth"
Chapter Six
"I understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from
days before the Deluge."
"So had stated in a self-laudatory inscription, the Assyrian king
Ashurbanipal. Indeed, throughout the diversified literature on
ancient Mesopotamia, there were scattered references to a deluge
that had swept over Earth....
"....Moreover, even the single sentence in
inscription was full of scientific dynamite. He had not only
confirmed that there had been a Deluge; he stated that his tutoring
by the God of Scribes included the understanding of pre-Diluvial
inscriptions, "the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the
days before the Deluge." It could only mean that even
before the
Deluge there had been scribes and stone carvers, languages and
writing - that there had been a civilization in the remote days
before the Deluge!...
"....Yet all these shocking revelations should have been old news to
any one who had care to read the Old Testament’s words for what they
actually said: that after Earth and the Asteroid Belt (the
Raki’a or
Heaven of Genesis) had been created, and Earth had taken shape, and
life evolved, and "the Adam" created-Man was placed in the Orchard
that was in Eden. But through the machinations of a brilliant
"Serpent" who dared call the bluff of God,
Adam and his female
companion Eve acquired certain knowing which they were not supposed
to possess. Thereupon, the Lord - speaking to unnamed colleagues -
grew concerned that Man, "having become as one of us," might also
help himself to the Tree of Life, "and eat, and live forever."
So he drove out the Adam; And he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden the Cherubim, and the Flaming Sword which revolveth, to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
Mr. Sitchin then mentions the ten generations which followed after
Adam and Eve’s third son: Seth.
"And so, through ten generations of
pre-Diluvial patriarchs blessed
with what scholars call "legendary" life spans, the biblical
narrative reaches the momentous event of the Deluge.
Deluge is presented in the Book of Genesis as the
seized by the Lord "to destroy the Man whom I had created from the
face of the Earth." The ancient authors found it necessary to
provide an explanation for such a far-reaching decision. It had to
do, we are told, with Man’s sexual perversions, specifically, with
the sexual relations between "the daughters of Man" and "the sons of
the gods."
"....Now, it transpires from four enigmatic verses of
Genesis VI
that stage the set for the Deluge, that not only were there
in the plural, but that they even had sons (in the plural). These
sons upset the Lord by having sex with the daughters of Man,
compounding their sins by having children or demi-gods born from
this illicit lovemaking:
And it came to pass When the Earthlings began to multiply upon the Earth, and daughters
were born unto them - That the sons of the gods saw the daughters of Adam, that they were
good; And they took them for wives, of all which they chose.
"And the Old Testament explains further:
The Nefilim were upon the Earth in those days and thereafter too; Those sons of the gods who cohabited with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children unto them. They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity, the People of the Shem.
Mr. Sitchin picks up the Sumerian record of
450,000 years ago, which
is very well expanded in The Twelfth Planet.
Astronauts who came from Marduk (Nibiru) in search of gold. The first landing party of fifty astronauts, called
Anunnaki. The dyking of the waters by Enki, the third most important god.
The construction of a Mission Control Center, to direct
from Earth, with the precious gold cargo, to their mothership and
then to be transported to their home planet Nibiru. In charge of
this enterprise was Enlil, Enki’s brother and second most important
The settlement in
South East Africa, where the mines were located and
eventually the creation of a "lulu" "primitive worker," after the
Anunnaki had complained of too much hard labor working in the mines.
Ninhursag, half-sister of
Enlil and Enki, who is also the Nurse who
takes part in the creation of Man, for which a "primate from Earth"
is chosen to be genetically manipulated.
"....All along, the
astronauts who had come to Earth were
preoccupied with the problem of longevity. Their biological clocks
were set for their own planet; the time it took their planet to
orbit the sun once, was to them but a single year of their life
spans. But in such a single year, Earth orbited the Sun 3,600 times
- a span of 3,600 years for Earth-originated life. To maintain their
longer cycles on the quick-paced Earth, the astronauts consumed a
"Food of Life" and "Water of Life" which were provided from the home
planet. At his biological laboratories in Eridu, whose emblem was
the sign of the Entwined Serpents, Ea (Enki) tried to unravel the
secrets of life, reproduction, death. Why did the children born to
the astronauts on Earth aged so much faster than their parents? Why
did Apemen live short lives? Why did the hybrid Homo sapiens
much longer than Apeman, but only brief lives compared to the
visitors to Earth? Was it environment, or inherit genetic traits?
"Concluding further experiments in genetic manipulation on the
hybrids, and using his own sperm, Ea came up with a new "perfect
model" of Earthling. Adapa, as Ea had named him, had greater
intelligence, he acquired the all-important ability to procreate,
but not the longevity of the astronauts.
With wide understanding he had perfected him .... To him he had given Knowing, Lasting Life him he did not give.
"Enlil was outraged on discovering what
Ea had done. It was never
intended that Man should be able to procreate like the gods.
From his home planet, "....Anu (the father of the gods) too was
perturbed....:" "Let them fetch Adapa hither!"
So Adapa was prepared to visit Anu’s abode....
"....Ea instructed him to avoid the food and water that would be
offered to him, for they would contain poison.
Anu saw Adapa he was impressed by his intelligence and the
extent to which he had learned from Ea "The Plan of Heaven and
"....The decision was to keep Adapa permanently on
Marduk. So that
he could survive, "the Bread of Life they brought him," and the
Water of Life too. But forewarned by Ea, Adapa refused to eat or
drink. When his erroneous reasons were discovered, it was too late;
his chance to obtain everlasting life was missed.
"Adapa was returned to
Earth.... He was ordained as the High Priest
of Eridu....
"From then on, Mankind proliferated. The humans were no longer just
slaves in the mines of serfs in the fields. They performed all
tasks, built "homes" for the gods - we call them "temples" - and
quickly learned how to cook, dance and play music for them. It was
not long before the young Anunnaki, short of female company of their
own, took to having sex with the daughters of Man. Since they were
all of the first Seed of Life, and Man was a hybrid created with the
genetic "essence" of the Anunnaki, the
male astronauts and the
female Earthlings discovered that they were biologically compatible;
"and children were born unto them."
"Enlil viewed these developments with apprehension....The good life
seemed to be the main concern of the Anunnaki - and with a race of
hybrids to boot!
"Nature, as it were, offered Enlil a chance to put a halt to the
deteriorating morals and ethics of the Anunnaki.
Earth was entering
a new ice age, and the pleasant climate was changing. As it got
colder it also became dryer. Rains became less frequent, the river
waters sparser. Crops failed, famine spread. Mankind began to
undergo great sufferings, daughters hid food from their mothers,
mothers ate their young. At the urging of Enlil, the gods refrained
from helping Mankind: let them starve, let them be decimated, Enlil
"In the "Great Below" - in
Antarctica - the ice age was also causing
changes. From year to year, the ice cap covering the continent at
the South Pole grew thicker and thicker....
"....From the
orbiting shuttlecraft, an alarm was sounded: the ice
cap was becoming unstable; if it would happen to slip off the
continent into the ocean - an immense tidal wave would engulf all of
"It was not an idle danger. In the heavens, the
Twelfth Planet, was
orbiting back to the Place of Crossing between Jupiter and
Mars. As
on previous occasions when it neared Earth, its gravitational pull
caused earthquakes and other disturbances upon Earth and in its
celestial motions. Now, it was calculated, this gravitational pull
could well trigger the slippage of the ice cap, and inundate Earth
with a global deluge. From this catastrophe, the astronauts
themselves could not be immune.
"As preparations were made to assemble all
the Anunnaki near the
Spaceport, and ready the craft to take them aloft before the tidal
wave struck, ruses were employed to keep the approaching catastrophe
a secret from Mankind.
Pleads from ZI.U.SUD.RA (as the Sumerians called him) (the biblical
Noah) were to no avail. Enlil declared in the Assembly of the gods:
"Let them (Mankind) perish; let the seed of Earthling be wiped off
the face of Earth."
"....Acting on his own, but mindful of his oath,
Ea saw in Ziusudra
the chance to save Mankind.... Ea gave Ziusudra urgent instructions:
Tear down the house, build a ship! Give up possessions, seek thou life! Foreswear belongings, keep soul alive! Aboard ship take thou the seed of all living things. This ship thou shall build; Her dimensions shall be to measure.
"The ship was to be a
submersible vessel, a "submarine" that could
withstand the avalanche of water....
"....Ea also provided
Ziusudra with a navigator, instructing him to
direct the vessel toward the "Mount of Salvation,"
Mount Ararat; as
the highest range in the Near East, its peaks would be the first to
emerge from under the waters.
"The Deluge came as expected. "Gathering speed as it blew" from the
south, "submerging the mountains, overtaking the people like a
The Anunnaki wept when looking down from their shuttlecraft....
"....When the waters subsided and
the Anunnaki began to land on
Ararat, they were elated to discover that the Seed of Mankind was
saved. But as Enlil also arrived, "he was furious to see that "a
living soul had escaped." It took the pleading of the Anunnaki and
the persuasion of Ea, to bring him to their point of view - that if
Earth was to be resettled, the services of Man were indispensable.
"....It is evident by now that the Sumerian tales of the Gods of
Heaven and Earth, of the Creation of Man and of
the Deluge, were the
fountainhead from which the other nations of the ancient Near East
drew their knowledge, beliefs and "myths." We have seen how the
Egyptian beliefs matched the Sumerian ones, how their first sacred
city was named after An, how the Ben-Ben resembled the
Sumerian GIR,
and so on.
".... The biblical hero of the Deluge, Noah, was the equivalent of
the Sumerian Ziusudra (who was called Utnapishtim in the
version). But while the Sumerians asserted that the hero of the
Deluge was made immortal, no such claim is made in the Bible for
Noah. The immortalization of Enoch is also given short shrift, quite
unlike the detailed
Sumerian tale of
Adapa or other texts dealing
with other Ascents. But this abrupt biblical attitude could not prevent the spread, over
the millennia, of legends dealing with the biblical heroes and their
sojourn in, or return, to Paradise."
At this point Mr. Sitchin gives a number of books which do not
appear in the Bible, in which tales about Adam, Enoch,
Noah, Moses,
are mentioned, and which are extracts from the Sumerian records:
Book of Adam and Eve, a composition almost 2000 years old.
Book of Jubilees. It was also known in early times as the
Apocalypse of Moses, for it allegedly was written down by
Moses at
Mount Sinai as an angel dictated to him the histories of days past.
(Scholars, though, believe that the work was composed in the second
century B.C.)
"....The various ancient books which show this extra light on the
dramatic events in the Days before the Deluge, have been preserved
in several versions that are all only translations (direct and
indirect) of lost Hebrew originals. Yet their authenticity was
confirmed with the renowned discoveries in recent decades of the
Dead Sea Scrolls, for among the finds were fragments of scrolls
which were undoubtedly parts of the Hebrew originals of such
"memoirs of the Patriarchs."
It is from these originals where it is discovered that
Genesis VI
had wrongly called the sons of the gods: Instead of the wrong term
"Watchers" nor "giants," the correct translation to the word
ought to be:
"Mighty ones, the People of the Rocketships."
"....The Great Anunnaki who decree the fate sat exchanging their
counsels regarding the Earth.
"....The decision to establish on Earth
four Regions was thus
coupled with a decision to install intermediaries (priest-kings)
between the gods and Mankind; so kingship was again lowered to Earth
from Heaven.
"....Asia and
Europe were assigned to Enlil and his offspring; to
Ea, Africa was given.
"....NAN.NAR (Sin in Akkadian), a benevolent god (son of
Enlil), he
supervised the construction of Sumer, rebuilding pre-diluvial cities
at their original sites and establishing new cities.
"....A third son to
Ea, was named by him after the home planet, MARDUK, and was taught by
Ea all knowledge of sciences and
astronomy. (Circa 2000 B.C., Marduk usurped the Lordship of Earth
and was declared Supreme God of Babylon and of "the Four Quarters of
the Earth.") And, as we have seen, a son whose Egyptian name was
presided over the core civilization of this Region, the civilization
of the Nile Valley.
"The Third Region, as was discovered only some fifty years ago, was
in the subcontinent of India. There too, a great civilization arose
in antiquity, some 1,000 years after the Sumerian one. It is called
the Indus Valley Civilization, and its center was a royal city
unearthed at a site called Harappa.
"....It was in need of a
Spaceport that the Fourth Region was set
aside by the Great Anunnaki - a region not for Mankind, but for
their own exclusive use."
Their original site,
Sippar, in the low lands of Mesopotamia had
been all washed out by the Deluge, and the area was still too muddy
to be able to rebuild the old site.
"....Another place - more elevated yet suitable, secluded but
accessible had to be found for the
Spaceport and its auxiliary
installations. It was to be a "sacred zone" - a restricted area,
accessible only by permission. It was called in Sumerian TIL.MUN -
literally, "Land of the Missiles."
"....In the days
before the Deluge, traditions held, a few chosen
mortals had been taken aloft from the Spaceport:
Enmeduranki Ziusudra
After the Deluge there was:
Pharaoh Thothmes III
".... And there, in
Sumer, they recorded the tale of a man who -
uninvited by the gods - set out to reverse his feat nevertheless.
Chapter Seven
"The Sumerian tale of the first known Search for Immortality
concerns a ruler of long long ago, who asked his divine godfather to
let him enter the "Land of the Living." Of this unusual ruler,
ancient scribes wrote down epic tales. They said of him that:
Secret things he has seen; What is hidden from Man, he found out. He even brought tidings of the time before the Deluge; He also took the distant journey, wearisome and under difficulties. He returned, and upon a stone column all his toil he engraved.
After much research on site, tablets and reconstructed texts, gave
the impression to scholars that the story concerned the mighty king
"....More finds and much further research established the Sumerian
origin of the tale, and the true reading of the hero’s name:
GIL.GA.MESH. It has been confirmed from other historical texts -
including the Sumerian King Lists - that he was a ruler of Uruk, the
biblical Erech, circa 2900 B.C. The
Epic of Gilgamesh, as this
ancient literary work is now called, thus takes us back nearly 5,000
"....An offspring of the great god Shamash on his father’s side,
Gilgamesh was considered to be "two-thirds god, one-third human" but
by the further fact that his mother was the goddess NIN.SUN, he was
thus accorded the privilege of having his name written with the
prefix "divine."
"....The more knowledge he acquired of the histories of gods and
men, the more he became philosophical and restless. In the midst of
merriment, his thoughts turned to death. Would he, by virtue of his
divine two-thirds live as long as his demi-gods forefathers, or
would his one-third prevail and determine for him the life span of a
mortal human? Before long, he confessed his anxiety to Shamash:
In my city man dies, oppressed in my heart. Man perishes, heavy is my heart... Man, the tallest, cannot stretch to heaven; Man, the widest, cannot cover the earth.
"Will I too ’peer over the wall?’ he asked
Shamash, "will I too be
fated thus?"
"Evading a direct answer - perhaps not knowing it himself -
attempted to have Gilgamesh accept his fate, whatever it might be,
and to enjoy life while he could:
When the gods created Mankind, Death for Mankind they alloted; Life they retained in their own keeping.
"....But Gilgamesh refused to accept this fate. Was
he not
two-thirds divine, and only one-third human? Why then should the
lesser mortal part, rather than his greater godly element, determine
his fate?
"....One night, he saw a vision which he felt was an omen. He rushed
to his mother to tell her:
My mother, During the night, having become lusty, I wondered about. In the midst (of night) omens appeared. A star grew larger and larger in the sky. The handiwork of Anu descended towards me!
"The handiwork of Anu" that descended from the skies fell to Earth
near him, Gilgamesh continued to relate:
I sought to lift it; It was too heavy for me. I sought to shake it, I could neither move nor raise it.
"The object’s fall to Earth was apparently seen by many, for "the
whole of Uruk was gathered around it."
Gilgamesh text describes the lower part, which was grabbed
by the heroes (the strongmen), by a term that may be translated
"legs." It had however other pronounced parts and could even be
I pressed strongly its upper part, I could neither remove its covering, nor raise its Ascender... With a destroying fire its top I (then) broke off, and moved into its depths. Its movable That Which Pulls Forward I lifted, and brought it to thee.
"....But his mother, the goddess
Ninsun, had to disappoint him. That
which descended like a star from Heaven, she said, foretells the
arrival of "a stout comrade who rescues, a friend is come to thee
... he is the mightiest in the land ... he will never forsake thee.
This is the meaning of thy vision."
"....It was ENKI.DU, "a creature of
This creature was to divert the restless
Gilgamesh and restrain him,
be a match for him, a contender. A first encounter took place. They fought fiercely.
Gilgamesh lost strength and bent his knee. But as he was leaving the scene,
spoke to him, and as Gilgamesh remembered his Mother’s words, they
became inseparable friends.
After discussions on how to enter the "Abode of the Gods" in the
mountains, a plan was thought: by going to "the underground place of
Shamash" in the Cedar Mountain, to be enabled to "scale heaven" as
the gods do.
Gilgamesh was permitted to go ahead - but at his own
His goal was to obtain a Shem - the vehicle by which "one attains
His preoccupation became how to defeat
Huwawa, the guard of the
"Abode of the Gods." Dissuasions did not work. He was determined to
We hear that Huwawa is wondrously built; Who is there to face his weapons? Unequal struggle it is with the siege-engine Huwawa.
As no one was supporting
Gilgamesh, he went with Enkidu to the
presence of his mother, Ninsun, the Great Queen.
After explaining what he was about to do he asked Ninsun:
"Oh my
mother, pray thou to Shamash on my behalf!"
Ninsun agreed and called upon
Shamash to protect Gilgamesh:
Until he reaches the Cedar Forest,
Until he has slain the fierce Huwawa, Until the day that he goes and returns.
"....As the populace heard that
Gilgamesh was going to "the Landing
Place" after all, "they pressed closer to him" and wished him
"....Ninsun asked Enkidu to protect
Gilgamesh: "although not of my
womb’s issue art thou, I herewith adopt thee (as a son)," she told
him, "guard the king as thy brother!" Then she placed her emblem
around the neck of Enkidu.
They proceeded, and Gilgamesh did not listen to
Enkidu’s suggestions
to return. In the night at the foots of the Forest, as they were
asleep, Gilgamesh had an awesome sight:
In my vision, my friend, the high ground toppled, It laid me low, trapped my feet ...
The glare was overpowering! A man appeared: the fairest in the land was he ...
From under the toppled ground he pulled me out. He gave me water to drink; my heart quieted. On the ground he set my feet.
"Who was this "man" - "the fairest in the land."
Yet another vision:
The vision that I saw was wholly awesome! The heavens
shrieked, the earth boomed. Tough daylight was dawning, darkness came. Lightning flashed, a flame shot up. The clouds swelled; it rained death! Then the glow vanished; the fire went out. And all that had fallen was turned to ashes.
"Gilgamesh must have realized that he had witnessed the ascent of a
"Sky Chamber."
"....In the morning,
Gilgamesh and Enkidu attempted to penetrate the
forest.... Enkidu found the gate, of which he had spoken to
Gilgamesh. But as he tried to open it, he was thrown back by an
unseen force. For twelve days he laid paralyzed.
"When he was able to move he pleaded to
Gilgamesh not to go down
into the heart of the forest. But Gilgamesh.... had found a tunnel.
By the sounds heard from it, Gilgamesh was sure that it was
connected to "the enclosure from which words of command are issued."
"Gilgamesh must have been right, for the Sumerian text states that
Pressing on into the forest,
the secret abode of the Anunnaki he opened up.
"....While Gilgamesh cut down the trees,
Enkidu dug up" the soil and
rocks. But just as they made enough of a clearance, terror struck: "Huwawa
heard the noise, and became angry...." His appearance was "Mighty,
his teeth as the teeth of a dragon, his face the face of a lion, his
coming as the onrushing floodwaters." Most fearsome was "his radiant
beam," emanating from his forehead, "it devoured trees and bushes."
From its killing force, "none could escape." ".........
"....In the nick of time, rescue appeared from the heavens.... "down
from the skies spoke to them divine Shamash."
Huwawa was finally defeated:
""Enkidu struck the guardian,
Huwawa, to the ground. For two leagues
the cedars resounded," so immense was the monster’s fall. Then
Enkidu "Huwawa put to death." "The secret abode of
the Anunnaki was
no longer blocked."
"The place as stated earlier in the epic, was the "Crossroads of Ishtar." The goddess herself was wont to come and go from this
"Landing Place."
She enticed Gilgamesh to become her lover, and at his refusal "Ishtar
asked Anu to let the "Bull of Heaven" smite
Gilgamesh and Enkidu returned to Uruk, but on the way a battle
ensued. Gilgamesh managed to reach the city. Enkidu remained to
battle with the "Bull of Heaven" in the outskirts of the city,
finally Enkidu came out victorious.
"What exactly the
Bull of Heaven was is not clear, the Sumerian term
- GUD.AN.NA could also mean "Anu’s attacker," his "cruise missile."
"Ancient artists, fascinated by the episode, frequently depicted
Gilgamesh or Enkidu fighting with an actual bull, with the naked
Ishtar (and sometimes Adad) looking on. But from the epic’s text it
is clear that this weapon of Anu was a mechanical contraption made
of metal and equipped with two piercers (the "horns") which were
"cast from thirty minas of lapis, the coating on each being two
fingers thick." Some ancient depictions show such a mechanical
"bull," sweeping down from the skies.
"After the
Bull of Heaven was defeated, Gilgamesh, "called out to
the craftsmen, the armorers, all of them" to view the mechanical
monster and take it apart. Then, triumphant, he and Enkidu went to
pay homage to Shamash.
"But Ishtar, in her abode, set up a wail."
After listening to Ishtar’s complaints, and
Shamash pleads to spare
their lives, in the assembly of the gods, it was decided that:
"Enkidu was commuted to hard labor in the depths of the mines -
there to spend the rest of his days. To carry out the sentence and
take him to his new home, Enkidu was told, two emissaries "clothed
like birds, with wings for garments" shall appear unto him:
He will be dressed like an Eagle, By the arm will he lead thee. "Follow me," (he will say); he will lead you To the House of Darkness,
the abode below the ground; The abode which none leave who have entered into it. A road from which there is no return; A House whose dwellers are bereft of light, where dust is in their mouths and clay is their food.
"....Hearing the sentence passed on his comrade,
Gilgamesh had an
idea. Not far from the Land of Mines, he had learned, was the
of the Living: the place whereto the gods had taken those humans who
were granted eternal youth!
"....Was it not the place whereto the hero of
the Deluge, Ziusudra/Utnapishtim,
had been taken - the very place from which Etana "to heaven
"....And so it was, that "the Lord Gilgamesh, toward the
Land of the
Living set his mind."
"....Gilgamesh was advised by the
elders of Uruk and his goddess
mother to first obtain the permission of Utu/Shamash.... Thus
forewarned and advised, Gilgamesh offered a sacrifice to Utu, and
appealed for his consent and protection:
O Utu, The Land I wish to enter; be thou my ally! The Land which with the cool cedars is aligned I wish to enter, be thou my ally! In the places where the Shems have been raised up,
Let me set up my Shem!
Instead of going through the hardships the desert would offer,
Gilgamesh, [with] fifty rowers and Enkidu decided to try the journey
by sea. However it was not an easier journey, eventually they were
defeated by calamity, the boat capsized, the row men died. Gilgamesh
and Enkidu made it to shore, but Enkidu died shortly after.
Gilgamesh proceeded alone.
"....At long last, as versions found at Nineveh and at Hittite sites
relate, he neared habitations. When he arrived at a mountain pass he saw lions and grew afraid. After daybreak, Gilgamesh traversed the mountain pass. In the
distance below, he saw a body of water, like a vast lake, "driven by
long winds." In an adjoining island he saw a city "closed-up about"
surrounded by a wall. There the Temple to Sin (the father of
Shamash) was dedicated." He saw an inn, there he saw the "Ale-woman, Siduri."
She was holding
"a jug (of ale), a bowl of porridge."
She explained to him he had seen the "Sea of Death." She gave him directions how to cross it. The boatman Urshanabi helped Gilgamesh to cross the Sea of Death,
after much inquiring of his identity. "Using long poles, they moved the raft forward. In three days, "a
run of a month and fifteen days" - a forty five day journey overland
- "they left behind."
"He arrived at
TIL.MUN - "The Land of the Living."
Urshanabi instructed Gilgamesh he had to reach to a
mountain called
"....The Mount’s functions required it to be connected both to the
distant heavens and to the far reaches of Earth.
"....There was a way to go to the Mount, but the entrance, the
"gate," was closely guarded.
"....When Gilgamesh beheld the terrible glowing, (from the
guard’ spotlight) his face he shielded, regaining his composure. "
Gilgamesh had to explain his identity again, as humans would have
not survived the spotlight.
"....Gilgamesh went in, following the "path taken by
Shamash, his
journey lasted twelve beru (double-hours)...."
During the first eleven beru he could not see clearly and at times
he screamed in fear, but finally as "dawn was breaking in brightness
he resided."
"....He saw "as an enclosure of the gods" wherein there "grew" a
garden made up entirely of precious stones!
"....He was clearly in a simulated "Garden of Eden."
"....Gilgamesh finally encountered Utnapishtim."
In his query, how was Utnapishtim eternal if he looked like a human?
"....In answer to this question,
Utnapishtim said to Gilgamesh: "I
will reveal to thee Gilgamesh, a hidden matter, a secret of the gods
I will tell thee"
The secret was the Tale of the Deluge:
The decision of the Anunnaki, to let Mankind perish; The interferance of Enki, with his instructions to Utnapishtim to
construct a special submersible; The return of the Anunnaki after the waters subsided; The anger of Enlil, and the conviction other gods presented to him
that it was a great idea that Mankind had been saved; Earth, would still be habitable with the help of Mankind. Enki passed all the ingenuity as if it would have been Utnapishtim
who engineered the whole plan of salvation, and Enlil believing this
was so moved that took Utnapishtim and his wife to the abode of the
gods and granted eternal life.
"....On learning the Tale, and
realizing that it is only the gods,
in assembly, who can decree eternal life, and that he, on his own,
could not attain it - Gilgamesh fainted.
Gilgamesh had to be returned to
Uruk, but as he was about to board
Urshanabi’s boat, Utnapishtim took pity of him, and told him about
the "plant of youth" which prolonged life.
It grew underwater, but it was full of thorns and pricks.
Gilgamesh went to fetch the plant into the deep by attaching stones
to his feet.
Once in possession, he finally made way back to Uruk.
"....But Fate, as with all those who in the millennia and centuries
that followed went in the search of the Plant of Youth, intervened.
"As Gilgamesh and Urshanabi were preparing for the night
Gilgamesh saw a well whose water was cool. He went down to it to
bathe in the water. Then calamity struck: "A ’ snake sniffed the
fragrance of the plant and carried off
the plant...."
Gilgamesh never regained it, and this according to the
Sumerian King
Lists, is how it all ended:
"The divine Gilgamesh, whose father was a human, a high priest of
the temple precinct, ruled 126 years. Ur-lugal, son of Gilgamesh,
ruled after him.