"In the annals of Europe the discovery of the New World
bears the imprint of El Dorado - the relentless search
for gold. But little did the conquistadores realize that
they were only replaying a search, on Earth and in these
new lands, that had taken place eons earlier!
"Buried under the records and tales of avarice, plunder,
and wanton destruction that the newly found riches had
triggered, there is also evidence in the chronicles of
that time of how bewildered the Europeans had been to
come upon civilizations that were so akin to those of
the Old World: kingdoms and royal courts, cities and
sacred precincts, art and poetry, sky-high temples,
priests - and the symbol of the cross and a belief in a
Creator of All. Last but not least, there were the
legends of white and bearded gods who had left
but did promise to return.
"The mysteries and enigmas of the Maya, the
Aztecs, the Incas, and their predecessors
that puzzled the conquistadores still baffle scholar and
layman alike five centuries later.
"How, then, and why did such great civilizations arise
in the New World, and is it mere coincidence that the
more that is known about them, the more they appear to
have been molded after the civilizations of the ancient
Near East?
"It is our contention that the answers can be found only
by accepting as fact, not as myth, the presence on Earth
of the Anunnaki, "Those Who From Heaven to
Earth Came."
"This book offers the evidence." |