Chapter Six


".... the Moon became a constant companion of Earth - the various theories will soon be examined - it, like Earth, belonged to the same Solar System, and the histories of both go back to its creation....

"....Man has peered at the Moon for eons, first with the naked eye, then with Earth-based instruments. The space age made it possible to probe the Moon more closely....

"....The notion of "Genesis rocks" to be found on the Moon was proposed to NASA by the Nobel laureate Harold Urey. The so-called Genesis rock that was one of the very first to be picked up on the Moon proved, as the Apollo program progressed, not to be the oldest one. It was "only" some 4.1 billion years old, whereas the rocks later found on the Moon ranged from 3.3 billion-year-old "youngsters" to 4.5 billion-year "old-timers." Barring a future discovery of somewhat older rocks, the oldest rocks found on the Moon have thus brought its age to within 100 million years of the estimated age of the Solar System - of 4.6 billion years - which until then was surmised only from the age of meteorites that struck the Earth.

"The Moon, the lunar landings established, was a Witness to Genesis.

Crystals in a Moon rock, and Volcanic

matter,  from Apollo Mission

"Establishing the age of the Moon, the time of its creation, intensified the debate concerning the question of how the Moon was created.

"....How would modern science read an uneroded "Rosetta stone" of the Solar System, so close by, so much studied, landed upon six times - and not come up with an answer to the basic question? The answer to the puzzle seems to be that the findings were applied to a set of preconceived notions; and because none of these notions is correct, the findings appear to leave the question unanswered.

"....Sir George H. Darwin [son of Charles Darwin], was the first to develop a theory of origins for the Sun-Earth-Moon system based on mathematical analysis and geophysical theory [published in 1879]. His specialty was the study of tides; he therefore conceived of the Moon as having been formed from matter pulled off Earth by solar tides. The Pacific basin was later postulated to be the scar that remained after this "pinching off" of part of Earth’s body to form the Moon.

"....Given a high-tech name [in the twentieth century], the Fission Theory, it was revived with a difference. In the reconstructed theory, the simplistic idea of the tidal pull of the Sun was dropped; instead it was proposed that the Earth divided into two bodies while spinning very rapidly during its formation. The spinning was so rapid that a chunk of the material of which the Earth was forming, was thrown off, coalesced at some distance from the bulk of the Earthly matter, and eventually remained orbiting its bigger twin brother as its permanent satellite.

"The "thrown-off chunk" theory, whether in its earlier or renewed form, has been conclusively rejected by scientists from various disciplines....

"....Proponents of the Fission theory have offered various variants thereof in order to overcome the distance problems, which is further constrained by a concept termed the Roche limit (the distance within which the tidal forces overcome the gravitational force). But all variants of the fission theory have been rejected because they violate the laws of the preservation of energy....

Mr. Sitchin presents other various theories and several studies in his book; including the theory of "Capture"; and "Coaccretion."

He then continues:

"....That natural satellites, or moons, coalesce from the remainder of the same primordial matter of which their parent planet was formed is now the generally accepted theory of how planets acquired moons and should also apply to Earth and the Moon....

"....What nevertheless makes scientists reject this theory when it is applied to the Earth and the Moon is their relative sizes. The Moon is simply too large relative to the Earth - not only about one-eightieth of its mass but about one quarter of its diameter. This relationship is out of all proportion to what has been found elsewhere in the Solar System.... (Useful charts are showed in the book).

"With all three basic theories unable to meet some of the required criteria, one may end up wondering how Earth ended up with its satellite at all... Such a conclusion, in fact, does not bother some; they point to the fact that none of the terrestrial planets [Mercury, Venus, Mars] (other than Earth) have satellites: the two tiny bodies that orbit Mars, are all agreed, captured asteroids.... Should not Earth, too, being within this moonless zone, have been without a moon? But the fact remains that Earth as we know it and where we know it does have a moon, and an extremely large one (in proportion) to boot. So how do we account for that?

"Another finding of the Apollo program also stands in the way of accepting the coaccretion theory. The Moon’s surface as well as its mineral content suggest a "magma ocean" created by partial melting of the Moon’s interior. For that, a source of heat great enough to melt the magma is called for. Such heat can result only from cataclysmic or catastrophic event; in the coaccretion scenario no such heat is produced. How then explain the magma ocean and other evidence on the Moon of a cataclysmic heating?

"....The Big Whack Theory, it developed by the suggestion by William Hartmann, a geochemist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and his colleague Donald R. Davis in 1975 that collisions and impacts played a role in the creation of the Moon....

"....The idea was taken by two astrophysicists, Alastair G.W. Cameron and Harvard and William R. Ward of Caltech.... envisioned a planet-sized body - at least as large as the planet Mars - racing toward the Earth at 24,500 miles per hour; coming from the outer reaches of the Solar System, its path raced toward the Sun - but the Earth, in its formative orbit, stood in the way. The "glancing blow" that resulted slightly tilted the Earth, giving it its ecliptic obliquity (currently about 23.5 degrees); it also melted the outer layer of both bodies, sending a plume of vaporized rock into orbit around the Earth.... Some of the ejected material fell back to Earth, but enough remained far enough away to eventually coalesce and become the Moon.

(Computer simulations proved the mechanics of this theory; however, Mr Sitchin continues):

"....Another major departure from the original Big Whack hypothesis was the realization that in order to resolve chemical composition constraints, the impactor had to come from the same place in the heavens as Earth itself did - not from the outer regions of the solar System. But if so, where and how did it acquire the immense momentum it needed for the vaporizing impact?

"....Subsequent calculations showed that in order to achieve the end results, the impactor had to be three times the size of Mars. This heightened the problem of where and how in Earth’s vicinity such a celestial body could accrete....

"....Since each variant of the Big Whack hypothesis involved a total meltdown of the Earth, it was necessary that other evidence of such a meltdown be found. But as was overwhelmingly reported at the 1988 Origin of the Earth Conference at Berkeley, California, no such evidence exists. If Earth had melted and resolidified, various elements in its rocks would have crystallized differently from the way they actually are found, and they would have reappeared in certain ratios, but this is not the case. Another result should have been the distortion of the chondrite material - the most primordial matter on Earth that is also found in the most primitive meteorites - but no such distortion has been found....

"....What, then, of the evidence of meltings on the Moon? There is no doubt that they have occurred: the giant craters, some a hundred or more miles in diameter, are silent witnesses visible to all. There are the maria ("seas"), that, it is now known, were not bodies of water but areas of the Moon’s surface flattened by immense impacts. There are the magma oceans. There are glass and glassy material embedded in the rocks and grains of the Moon’s surface that resulted from shock melting of the surface caused by high-velocity impacts (as distinct from heated lava as a source)....

"....When did all these impacts that caused the surface melting take place? Not, the findings showed, when the Moon was created but some 500 million years afterward. It was then NASA scientists reported at a 1972 press conference and subsequently, that the Moon had undergone a convulsive evolution....

"....Having swung from theory to theory, modern science now embraces as a theory for the origin of our Moon the same process that gave the outer planets their multi-moon systems. The hurdle still to be overcome is the need to explain why, instead of a swarm of smaller moons, a too-small Earth has ended up with a single, too-large Moon.

"For the answer, we have to go back to Sumerian cosmogony. The first help it offers modern science is its assertion that the Moon originated not as a satellite of Earth but of the much larger Tiamat. Then - millennia before Western civilization had discovered the swarms of moons encircling Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - the Sumerians ascribed to Tiamat a swarm of satellites, "eleven in all." They placed Tiamat beyond Mars, which would qualify her as an outer planet; and the "celestial horde" was acquired by her no differently than by other outer planets....

(If you desire to read more about Tiamat please go back to "The 12th Planet.")

(Return to this point to continue this chapter.)

"...."As faster computers allow celestial mechanicians longer looks at the behavior of the planets," Richard A Kerr wrote in Science ("Research News," April 14, 1989), "chaos is turning up everywhere.... "many orbits that lie between Uranus and Neptune become chaotic," and "the orbital behavior of Pluto is chaotic and unpredictable." J. Laskar of the Bureau des Longitudes in Paris found original chaos throughout the Solar System, "but especially among the inner planets, including Earth."

"....Just as the modern astronomers are troubled by the disproportionately large size of the Moon, so were the authors of the Enuma elish.

"....According to this ancient cosmogony (Enuma elish), one of the eleven moons of Tiamat did grow to an unusual size because of the ongoing perturbations and chaotic conditions in the newly formed Solar System. How the creation of this monstrous moon affected these conditions is regrettably not clear from the ancient text....

"....the fact of the disproportionate size of the Moon (even relative to the larger Tiamat) is recorded in all its disturbing details. All is there - except that it is not Sumerian cosmogony that corroborates modern science, but modern science that catches up with ancient knowledge.

After presenting more studies about the Moon, by modern scientists, and comparing them to the Sumerian cosmogony, Mr. Sitchin continues:

"....On the occasion of the last Apollo mission to the Moon, The Economist (Science and Technology, December 11, 1972) summed the program’s discoveries thus:

"Perhaps the most important of all, exploration of the moon has shown that it is not a simple, uncomplicated sphere but a true planetary body."

""A true planetary body." Just as the Sumerian described millennia ago....

"....There is other evidence that the Moon became more compact as a result of heavy impacts. On the side facing away from the Earth - its far side - the surface has highlands and a thick crust, while the near side - the side facing Earth - shows large, flat plains, as though the elevated features had been wiped off. Inside the Moon, gravitational variations reveal the existence of compacted, heavier masses in several concentrations, especially where the surface had been flattened out. Though outwardly the Moon ( as do all celestial bodies larger than a minimal size) has a spherical shape, the mass in its core appears to have the shape of a gourd, as a computer study shows. It is a shape that bears the mark of the "big whack" that compressed the Moon and thrust it into its new place in the heavens, just as the Sumerians had related.

"The Sumerian assertion that Kingu (original companion of Tiamat, our Moon today) was turned into a DUG.GA.E is equally intriguing. The term, I wrote in The 12th Planet, literally means "pot of lead." At the time I took it to be merely a figurative description of the Moon as "a mass of lifeless clay." But the Apollo discoveries suggest that the Sumerian term was not just figurative but was literally and scientifically correct. One of the initial puzzles encountered on the Moon was so-called "parentless lead." The Apollo program revealed that the top few miles of the Moon’s crust unusually rich in radioactive elements such as uranium. There was all evidence of the existence of extinct radon. These elements decay and become lead at either final or intermediary stages of the radioactive-decay process.

"How the Moon became so enriched in radioactive elements remains an unresolved puzzle, but that these elements had mostly decayed into lead is now evident. Thus, the Sumerian assertion that Kingu was turned into a "pot of lead" is an accurate scientific statement.

"The Moon was not only a Witness to Genesis. It is also a witness to the veracity of the biblical Genesis - to the accuracy of ancient knowledge.


Chapter Seven

"Of all the mysteries confronting Mankind’s quest for knowledge, the greatest is the mystery called "life."

"Evolution theory explains how life on Earth evolved, all the way from the earliest, one-celled creatures to Homo sapiens; it does not explain how life on Earth began. Beyond the question Are we alone? lies the most fundamental question: is life on Earth unique, unmatched in our solar System, our galaxy, the whole universe?

"According to the Sumerians, life was brought into the Solar System by Nibiru; it was Nibiru that imparted the "seed of life" to Earth during the Celestial Battle with Tiamat. Modern science has come a long way toward the same conclusion.

"....By and large the scientists now believe that Earth’s atmosphere was reconstituted initially from the gases spewed out by the volcanic convulsion of a wounded Earth. As clouds thrown up by these eruptions shielded the Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation and rocks and minerals provided the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth; eventually, plant life added both oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle (with the aid of bacteria).

"It is noteworthy that even in this respect the ancient texts stand up to the scrutiny of modern science.
The Fifth Tablet fifth tablet of Enuma elish, though badly damaged, describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s "spittle" and places the volcanic activity earlier than the formation of the atmosphere, the oceans, and the continents. The spittle, the text states, was "laying in layers" as it poured forth. The phase of "making the cold" and the "assembly of the water clouds" are described; after that the "foundations" of Earth were raised and the oceans were gathered - just as the verses in Genesis have reiterated. It was only thereafter that life on Earth appeared: green herbage upon the continents and "swarms" in the waters.

"....But it was one thing to show that nature itself could, under certain conditions, come up with life’s building blocks - not just simple but even complex organic compounds; it was another thing to breathe life into the resulting compounds, which remained inert and lifeless in the compression chambers. "Life" is defined as the ability to absorb nutrients (of any kind) and to replicate, not just to exist. Even the biblical tale of Creation recognizes that when the most complex being on Earth, Man, was shaped out of "clay," divine intervention was needed to breathe the spirit/breath of life" into him. Without that, no matter how ingeniously created, he was not yet animate, not yet living.

"....The need to involve the genetic code in the transition from inanimate organic matter to an animate state has led to a "Made-of-Clay" hypothesis.

"....but in fact the idea that clay in the shores of ancient seas played an important role in the origin of life on Earth was made public at the October 1977 Pacific Conference on Chemistry....

"....In 1985 the scientists of the Ames Research Center reported substantial advances in understanding the role of clay in the processes that had led to life on Earth. Clay, they discovered, has two basic properties essential to life: the capacity to store and the ability to transfer energy....

"....The improved theory seemed to do another thing, which did not escape notice.

"The theory," (The New York Times wrote) "is also evocative of the biblical account of the Creation. In Genesis it is written, ’And the Lord God formed man of dust of the ground,’ and in common usage the primordial dust is called clay."

"....It is important to follow the scientific theories of the ensuing evolution of life on Earth in order to grasp the accuracy of the biblical record. For more complex life forms to evolve, oxygen was needed. This oxygen became available only after algae or proto-algae began to spread upon the dry land....

"....The Bible, indeed, says as much: Green herbage, it states, was created on Day Three, but maritime life not until Day Five....

"....To make the eventual appearance of vertebrate (inner-skeleton) "creatures" possible, Earth had to set the pattern of the biological clocks that underlie the life cycles of all living forms on Earth. The Earth had to settle into its orbital and rotational patterns and be subjected to the effects of the Sun and the Moon, which were primarily manifested in the cycles of light and darkness. The book of Genesis assigns the fourth "day" to this organization and to the resulting year, month, day, and night repetitious periods.

"Modern science not only agrees with this biblical scenario but may also provide a clue to the reason the ancient authors of the scientific summary called Genesis inserted a celestial "chapter" ("day four") between the evolutionary record of "day three" - time of the earliest appearance of life forms - and "day five," when the "creatures" appeared.

"....The first maritime vertebrates appeared about 500 million years ago, and land vertebrates followed about 100 million years later, during periods that are regarded by scientists as the transition from the Lower Paleozoic era to the Upper Paleozoic era. When that era ended, about 225 millions years ago, there were fish in the waters as well as sea plants, and amphibians had made the transition from water to dry land and the plants upon the dry lands attracted the amphibians to evolve into reptiles; today’s crocodiles are a remnant of the evolutionary phase.

"The following era, named the Mesozoic ("Middle Life"), embraces the period from about 225 million to 65 million years ago and has often been nicknamed the "Age of the Dinosaurs." Alongside a variety of amphibians and marine lizards there evolved, away from the oceans and their teeming marine life, two main lines of egg-laying reptilians: those who took to flying and evolved into birds; and those who, in great variety, roamed and dominated the Earth as dinosaurs ("terrible lizards") .

"It is impossible to read the biblical verses with an open mind without realizing that the creational events of the fifth "day" of Genesis describe the above-listed developments:

And Elohim said:

"Let the waters swarm with living creatures,
and let aves fly above the earth, under the dome of the sky."
And Elohim created the large reptilians,
and all the living creatures that crawl
and that swarm in the waters,
all in accordance with their kinds,
and all the winged aves by their kinds.
And Elohim blessed them, saying:
"Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters of the seas,
and let the aves multiply upon the earth."

"The tantalizing reference in these verses of Genesis (from previous page) to the "large reptilians" as a recognition of the dinosaurs cannot be dismissed. The Hebrew term used here, Taninim (plural of Tanin) has been variously translated as "sea serpent," "sea monsters," and "crocodile...." The conclusion that by "large Taninim" the Bible meant not simply large reptilians but dinosaurs seems plausible - not because the Sumerians had seen dinosaurs, but because the Anunnaki scientists had surely figured out the course of evolution on Earth at least as well as twentieth-century scientists have done.

"No less intriguing is the order in which the ancient text lists the three branches of vertebrates. For a long time scientists held that birds evolved from dinosaurs.... The discovery of fossilized remains of a creature now called Archaeopteryx ("old feather") was deemed to have provided the "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds and gave rise to the theory that the two - dinosaurs and birds - had an early common land ancestor at the beginning of the Triassic period. But even this antedating of the appearance of birds has come into question since additional fossils of Archaeopteryx were discovered in Germany; they indicate that this creature was by and large a fully developed bird that had not evolved from the dinosaur but rather directly from a much earlier ancestor who had come from the seas.

"The Biblical sources seem to have known all that. Not only does the Bible not list the dinosaurs ahead of birds (as scientists did for awhile); it actually lists birds ahead of dinosaurs. With so much of the fossil record still incomplete, paleontologists may still find evidence that will indeed show that early birds had more in common with sea life than with desert lizards.

"About 65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs came to an abrupt end.... In the words of Genesis, it was the dawn of the sixth "day." Modern science calls it the Cenozoic ("current life") era when mammals spread across the Earth

"....That is exactly what the Sumerians had taught in their schools. As we read in the Bible, it was only after all the "days" of creation had run their course, after "all the fishes of the sea and all the fowl that fly the skies and all the animals that fill the earth and all the creeping things that crawl upon the earth" that "Elohim created the Adam."

"On the sixth "day" of creation, God’s work on Earth was done.

""This," the Book of Genesis states, "is the way the Heaven and the Earth have come to be."

"....But how did chemical compounds became animated?

"That the feat is possible is obvious; the evidence is that life did appear on Earth. The speculation that life, in one form or another, may also exist elsewhere in our Solar System, and probably in other star systems, presupposes the feasibility of the transition from inanimate to animate matter. So, the question is not can it happen but how did it happen here on Earth.

Mr. Sitchin continues by explaining the necessity of the two basic molecules: proteins and nucleic acids, which function within a cell, with the ability of replicating itself. He explains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) with its instruction stored and transmitted by RNA (ribonucleic acid)....

"How much time did evolution take on Earth to develop these complex compounds, without which life as we know it would have never evolved?

"Fossil remains of algae.... microscopic, single-celled organisms were found in 1977 in South Africa, dated to 3.1 to 3.4 billion years ago; other discoveries in 1980 in western Australia.... fossil remains of organisms that not only were much older - 3.5 billion years - but that were multicelled and looked under the microscope like chain-like filaments. These organisms already possessed both amino acids and complex nucleic acids, the replicating genetic compounds, 3.5 billion years ago; they therefore had to represent, not the beginning of the chain of life on Earth, but an already advanced stage of it.

"What this finds had set in motion can be termed the search for the first gene. Increasingly, scientists believe that before algae there were bacteria....

"....That bacteria have played a role in the evolutionary process is apparent, not only from the fact that so many marine, plant and animal higher organisms depend on bacteria for many vital processes, but also from discoveries, first in the Pacific Ocean, and then in other seas, that bacteria did and and still make possible life forms that do not depend on photosynthesis but metabolize sulfur compounds in the ocean’s depths....

"....In more recent studies (Nature, November 9, 1989), an august team of scientists led by Norman H. Sleep of Standford University concluded that the "window of time" when life on Earth began was just 200 million years between 4 and 3.8 billion years ago. "Everything alive today," they stated, "evolved from organisms that originated within that "Window of Time." They did not attempt, however, to establish how life originated at such a time.

"Based on varied evidence, including the very reliable isotopic ratios of carbon, scientists have concluded that no matter how life on Earth began, it did so about 4 billion years ago. Why then only and not sooner, when the planets were formed some 4.6 billion years ago? All scientific research, conducted on Earth as well on the Moon, keeps bumping against the 4-billion-year date, and all that modern science can offer in explanation is some "catastrophic event." To know more, read the Sumerian texts....

"....Viruses, which are pieces of nucleic acids looking for cells in which to replicate, are prevalent not only on land but also in water, and that has made some believe that viruses may have preceded bacteria. But what gave them their nucleic acid?

"....Leslie Orgel of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California.... proposed that the simpler RNA might have preceded the much more complex DNA. Although RNA only transmits the genetic messages contained in the DNA blueprint, other researchers.... and co-workers at the University of Colorado.... and Yale University concluded that a certain type of RNA could catalyze itself under certain conditions. All this led to computerized studies of a type of RNA called transfer-RNA undertaken by Manfred Eigen, a Nobel-prize winner.... by sequencing transfer-RNA backwards on the Tree of Life, they found that the genetic code on Earth cannot be older than 3.8 billion years, plus or minus 600 million years. At that time, Manfred Eigen said, a primordial gene might have appeared "whose message was the biblical injunction ’Go out into the world, be fruitful and multiply’." If the leeway, as it appears, had to be on the plus side - ie., older than 3.8 billion years - "this would be possible only in the case of extraterrestrial origin," the authors of the learned paper added.

"In her summation of the fourth Conference on the Origin of Life, Lynn Margulis had predicted his astounding conclusion.

"We now recognize that if the origin of our self-replicating system occurred on the early Earth, it must have occurred quite quickly - millions, not billions of years," she stated.


And she added: The central problem inspiring these conferences, perhaps slightly better defined, is as unsolved as ever. Did our organic matter originate in interstellar space? The infant science of radioastronomy has produced evidence that some of the smaller organic molecules are there.

"....In spite of the scientific credentials of Crick and Orgel [1973], [Nobel laureate], their theory of Directed Panspermia.... [seeding of Earth with the first organisms or spores from an extraterrestrial source - not however, by chance but as "the deliberate activity of an extraterrestrial society"]; met with disbelief and even ridicule. However, more recent scientific advances changed these attitudes.... The change in opinion was also due to the discovery that for the myriad of amino acids that exist, it is only the same twenty or so that are part of all living organisms on Earth, no matter what these organisms are and when they evolved, and that the same DNA, made up of the same nucleotides - that and no other - is present in all living things on Earth.

The consensus of the participants at the eighth Conference on the Origins of Life, at Berkeley, California, was that "all life on Earth, from bacteria to sequoia trees to humans, evolved from a single ancestral cell."

"But where did this single ancestral cell come from?....

"....The data indicating life-related elements and compounds in outer space are so voluminous.... water molecules outside our own galaxy.... array of molecules, including the beginning of organic chemistry in interstellar space.... complex molecules composed of the same atoms that make up living tissue.... reasonable to assume that these compounds were deposited on Earth at the time of its forming and that life ultimately came from them. In 1987, to give one more instance, NASA instruments discovered that exploding stars (supernovas) produced most of the ninety-odd elements, including carbon, that are contained in living organisms on Earth.

"....Invariable, the celestial emissaries under consideration are comets, meteors, meteorites, and impacting asteroids....

"....An extrasolar origin for the life that eventually evolved on Earth has thus become a more acceptable proposition. The argument between the Hoyle-Wick-ramasinghe team and others has by now shifted its focus to whether the two are right in suggesting that "spores" - actual microorganisms - rather than the antecedent life-forming compounds were delivered to Earth by the cometary/meteoritic impacts.

"Could "spores" survive in the radiation and cold of outer space? Skepticism regarding this possibility was greatly dispelled by experiments.... Panspermia, they concluded, was possible.

"How about directed panspermia, the deliberate seeding of Earth by another civilization, as suggested earlier by Crick and Orgel?....

After more theories, and positive articles from The New York Times, Mr. Sitchin continues:

"In a detailed report.... in The New York Times (September 6, 1988), Sandra Blakeslee summed the latest scientific thinking thus:

Driving the new search for clues to life’s beginnings is the recent discovery that comets, meteors and interstellar dust carry vast amounts of organic chemicals as well as the elements crucial to living cells.

Scientists believe that Earth and other planets have been seeded from space with these potential building blocks of life.

"Seeded from space" - the very words written down millennia ago by the Sumerians!

"....After a detour of 6,000 years, modern science has come back to the Sumerian scenario of an invader from outer space that brings the seed of life into the solar System and imparts it to "Gaia" during the Celestial Battle.

"The Anunnaki, capable of space travel about half a million years before us, discovered this phenomenon long before us; in this respect, modern science is just catching up with ancient knowledge.


Chapter Eight


"The biblical tale of Man’s creation is, of course, the crux of the debate - at times bitter - between Creationists and Evolutionists and of the ongoing confrontation between them - at times in courts, always on schools boards. As previously stated, both sides had better read the Bible again ( and in its Hebrew original); the conflict would evaporate once Evolutionists recognized the scientific basis of Genesis and Creationists realized what its text really says.

"....The sequence in the Bible is, as previous chapters should have made clear, a description of Evolution that is in accord with modern science. The insurmountable problem arises when Creationists insist that we, Mankind, Homo sapiens sapiens, were created instantaneously and without evolutionary predecessors by "God".... this is the tale of Man’s creation as told in chapter 2, verse 7 of the book of Genesis - according to the King James English version; and this is what the Creationist zealots firmly believe.

"Were they to learn the Hebrew text - which is, after all, the original - they would discover that, first of all, the creative act is attributed to certain Elohim - a plural term that at the least should be translated as "gods," not "God."....

"....Then, of course, there exists the other problem, that of another (and prior) version of the creation of Man, in Genesis 1:26-27. First, according to the King James version, "God said, Let us make men in our image, after our likeness"....

"....What, those who believe in the Bible must ask, is going on here?

"As both Orientalists and Bible scholars now know, what went on was the editing and summarizing by the compilers of the Book of Genesis of much earlier and considerable more detailed texts first written down in Sumer. Those texts, reviewed and extensively quoted in The 12th Planet with all sources listed, relegate the creation of Man to the Anunnaki.

"....The Anunnaki, the Elohim of the biblical verses, did not create Man from nothing. The being was already there, on Earth, the product of evolution. All that was needed to upgrade it to the required level of ability and intelligence was to "bind upon it the image of the gods," the image of the Elohim themselves.... - the inner, genetic makeup - of the Anunnaki; in other words, to upgrade the existing Apeman/Apewoman through genetic manipulation and, by jumping the gun on evolution, bring "Man" - Homo sapiens - into being.

"....In The 12th Planet it was stressed that until the Bible begins to relate the genealogy and history of Adam, a specific person, the Book of Genesis refers to the newly created being as "The Adam," a generic term. Not a person called Adam, but, literally, "the Earthling," for that is what "Adam" means, coming as it does from the same root as Adamah, "Earth." But the term is also a play on words, specifically dam, which means "blood" and reflects, as we shall soon see, the manner in which The Adam was "manufactured."

"....Numerous texts in varying states of preservation or fragmentation have been inscribed on Mesopotamian clay tablets. In sequels to The 12th Planet the creation "myth" of other peoples, from both the Old and New Worlds, have been reviewed; they all record a process involving the mixing of a godly element with an earthly one. As often as not, the godly element is described as an "essence" derived from a god’s blood, and the earthly element as "clay" or "mud." There can be no doubt that they all attempt to tell the same tale, for they all speak of the First Couple. There is no doubt that their origin is Sumerian, in whose texts we find the most elaborate descriptions and the greatest amount of detail concerning the wonderful deed: the mixing of the "divine" genes of the Anunnaki with the "earthly" genes of Apeman by fertilizing the egg of an Apewoman.

"It was fertilization in vitro - in glass tubes, (this fact is recorded on a cylinder seal, appearing on the book)....

Mr. Sitchin uses in his book the texts of the Atra Hasis, to relate the story of the creation of Man.

"....Great scientist that he was, Enki [son of Anu, the leader of the Anunnaki "gods"] was bound to have spent some of his time studying the flora and fauna of his surroundings as well as the fossils that, some 300,000 years later, the Leakeys and older paleontologists have been uncovering in southeastern Africa. As scientists do today, Enki, too, must have contemplated the course of evolution on Earth. As reflected in the Sumerian texts, he came to the conclusion that the same "seed of life" that Nibiru had brought with it from its previous celestial abode had given rise to life on both planets; much earlier on Nibiru, and later on Earth, once the latter had been seeded by the collision.

"The being that surely fascinated him most was Apeman.... And Enki must have toyed with the intriguing challenge of "playing God" and conducting experiments in genetic manipulation.

"....Having reached this stage, where genetic manipulation was sufficiently perfected to enable the determination of the resulting body’s good or bad aspects, the two [Enki and Ninti] felt they could master the final challenge: to mix the genes of hominids, Apemen, not with those of other Earth creatures but with the genes of the Anunnaki themselves. Using all the knowledge they had amassed, the two Elohim set out to manipulate and speed up the process of Evolution. Modern Man would have undoubtedly eventually evolved on Earth in any case, just as he had on Nibiru, both having come from the same "seed of life." But there was still a long way and a long time to go from the stage hominids were at 300,000 years ago to the level of development the Anunnaki had reached at that time. If, in the course of 4 billion years, the evolutionary process had been earlier on Nibiru just 1 percent of that time, Evolution would have been forty million years ahead on Nibiru compared with the course of evolution on Earth. Did the Anunnaki jump the gun on evolution on our planet by a million or two million years? No one can say for sure how long it would have taken Homo sapiens to evolve naturally on Earth from the earlier hominids, but surely forty million years would have been more than enough time.

"....All the texts dealing with this event make it clear that Ninti relied on Enki to provide the earthly element [clay or mud, from the Sumerian, TI.IT, literally meaning "that which is with life"; "egg"]

"....The task of obtaining the "divine" elements was Ninti’s. Two extracts were needed from one of the Anunnaki, and a young "god" was carefully selected for the purpose.... to obtain the god’s blood and shiru..... What had to be obtained from the blood was termed TE.E.MA.... "personality" "that which houses that which binds the memory." Nowadays we call it "gene."

"....Shiru "flesh"; in other texts dealing with non-Anunnaki offspring of the "gods" as kisru..... "semen."

"These two divine extracts were to be mixed well by Ninti in a purifying bath, and it is certain that the epithet lulu ("The mixed one") for the resulting Primitive Worker stemmed from this mixing process. In modern terms we would call him a hybrid.

"All these procedures [coming from previous page] had to be performed under strict sanitary conditions.... The place where these procedures were carried out was a special structure called in Akkadian Bit Shimti, which, coming from the Sumerian SHI.IM.TI literally meant "house where the wind of life is breathed in" - the source, no doubt, of the biblical assertion that after having fashioned Adam from the clay, Elohim "blew in his nostrils the breath of life." The biblical term, sometimes translated "soul" rather than "breath of life," is Nephesh. The identical term appears in the Akkadian account of what took place in the "house where the wind of life is breathed in" after the purifying and extracting procedures were completed....

"....The mixing of the "clay" with the component extracts and "essences" was not yet the end of the procedure. The egg of the Apewoman, fertilized in the "purifying baths" with the sperm and genes of the young Anunnaki "god," was then deposited in a "mold," where the "binding" was to be completed....

"....The fertilized and "molded" egg was to be re-implanted in a female womb - but not in that of its original Apewoman. Rather, it was to be implanted in the womb of a "goddess," an Anunnaki female!...

"....Enki announced to the gathered Anunnaki that his own spouse, Ninki.... had volunteered for the task....

The newborn’s fate thou shalt pronounce;
Ninki would fix upon it the image of the gods;
And what it will be is "Man."

"....It was not, the texts reveal, a simple and smooth birth-giving process....

...The tenth month arrived -
the period of opening the womb had elapsed.

"The drama of Man’s creation, it appears, was compounded by a late birth; medical intervention was called for.

"....The first Adam was brought forth. By himself, as the first biblical version states - confirmed the validity of the process and opened the way for the continuation of the endeavour....

"Now the procedures were genetically engineered to come up with seven males and seven females at a time.... fourteen goddesses were used....

"There is thus no conflict among the Bible’s various versions of Man’s creation. First, the Adam was created by himself; but then, in the next phase, the Elohim indeed created the first humans "male and female."

"....Fortunately, as we enter the last decade of the twentieth century of the Common Era, we have the benefit of modern science on our side. The "mechanics" of cell replication and human reproduction, the function and codes of the genes, the cause of many inherited defects and illnesses - all these and so many more biological processes are now understood; perhaps not yet completely but enough to allow us to evaluate the ancient tale and its data.

"With all this modern knowledge at our disposal, what is the verdict on that ancient information? Is it an impossible fantasy, or are the procedures and processes, described with such attention to terminology, corroborated by modern science?

"The answer is yes, it is all the way we would do it today - the way we have been following, indeed, in recent years.

"....The beginnings of genetics are now credited to Gregor Johann Mendel, an Austrian monk who, experimenting with plant hybridization, described the hereditary traits of common peas in a study published in 1866.... Genetic engineering has of course been practiced in horticulture.... called grafting.... Grafting has also been tried in recent years in the animal kingdom, but with limited success between donor and recipient due to rejection by the recipient’s immune system.

"The next advance, which for a while received great publicity, was the procedure called Cloning. Because each cell - let us say a human cell - contains all the genetic data necessary to reproduce that human, it has the potential for giving rise, within a female egg, to the birth of a being identical to its parent. In theory, cloning offers a way to produce an endless number of Einsteins or, heaven help us, Hitlers.

"Experimentally the possibilities of cloning began to be tested with plants, as an advanced method to replace grafting. Indeed the term cloning comes from the Greek klon which means "twig."

"....Adapting this technique from plants to animals proved more tricky....

"....When the experiments shifted to mammals, mice and rabbits were chosen because of their short reproductive cycles....

"....Other experiments relating to the cloning of mice seemed to indicate that for a mammal’s egg to be fertilized, to start dividing, and, even more important, to begin the process of differentiation (into the specialized cells that become the different parts of the body), more than the donor’s set chromosomes is needed. Experimenting at Yale, Clement L. Markert concluded that there was something in the male sperm that promoted these processes, something besides the chromosomes; that "the sperm might also be contributing some unidentify spur that stimulates the development of the egg."

"In order to prevent the sperm’s male chromosomes from merging with the egg’s female chromosome (which would have resulted in a normal fertilization rather than in cloning), one set had to be removed surgically just before the merger began and the remaining set "excited" by physical or chemical means to double itself. If the sperm’s chromosomes were chosen for the latter role, the embryo might become either male or female; if the egg’s set were chosen and duplicated, the embryo could only be female. While Markert was continuing his experiments on such methods of nuclear transfer, two other scientists (Peter C . Hoppe and Karl Illmensee) announced in 1977 the successful birth, at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbour, Maine, of seven "single-parent mice." The process, however, was more accurately designated parthenogenesis, "virgin birth," than cloning; since what the experimenters did was to cause the chromosomes in the egg of a female mouse to double, keep the egg with the full set of chromosomes in certain solutions, and then, after the cell had divided several times, introduced the self-fertilized cell into the womb of a female mouse. Significantly, the recipient mouse had to be a different female, not the mouse whose egg had been used.

"....One alternative, which substituted the "Should man play God?" outcry with what one might call the "Can science play husband?" idea, was the process that led to the phenomenon of "Test-tube babies."

"....Two processes, that of Embryo Transfer and In vitro Fertilization, were employed in an event that made medical history in July 1978, when Louise Brown was born at the Oldham and Distric General Hospital in Northwest England.... she was conceived in a test tube, not by her parents but by techniques employed by Doctors Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards. Nine months earlier they had used a device with a light at its end to suck out a mature egg from Mrs. Brown’s ovary. Bathed in a dish containing life-support nutrients, the extracted egg was "mixed" - the word was used by Dr. Edwards - with the husband’s sperm. Once a sperm succeeded in fertilizing the egg, the egg was transferred to a dish containing other nutrients, where it began to divide. After fifty hours it had reached an eight-celled division; at that point, the egg was re-implanted in Mrs. Brown’s womb. With care and special treatment, the embryo developed properly; a caesarean delivery completed the feat.... "We have a girl and she’s perfect!" the gynecologist who performed the caesarian delivery shouted as he held up the baby.

"I have created, my hands have made it," Ninti cried out as she delivered the Adam by caesarian section, an eon earlier . . . .

"Also reminiscent of the ancient reports of the long road of trial and error taken by Enki and Ninti was the fact that the baby Louise "breakthrough" about which the media went wild came after twelve years of trial and error.... Undoubtedly unbeknown to the doctors and researchers was the fact that, in discovering also that the addition of blood serum to the mixture of nutrients and sperm was essential to success, they were following the very same procedures that Enki and Ninti had employed . . . .

"....The most obvious difference between the test-tube baby variants and what the ancient texts describe is that in the former the natural process of procreation is emulated: human male sperm fertilize a human female egg that then develops in the womb. In the case of the creation of Adam, the genetic material of two different (even if not dissimilar) species were mixed to create a new being, positioned somewhere between the two "parents."

"In recent years modern science has made substantial advances in such genetic manipulation. With the aid of increasingly sophisticated equipment, computers, and ever-more minute instruments, scientists have been able to "read" the genetic code of living organisms, up to and including that of Man.... Plans are now afoot to "map" the complete human genetic makeup ("Genome")....

"....In spite of these complexities, it has become possible, with the aid of enzymes, to cut DNA strands at desired places, remove a "sentence" that makes up a gene, and even insert into the DNA a foreign gene; through these techniques an undesired trait (such as one that causes disease) can be removed or a desired one (such as a growth-hormone gene) added....

"....Hybrids such as a mule, which is the progeny of a donkey and a horse, can be born from the mating of the two because they have the similar chromosomes (hybrids, however, cannot procreate). A sheep and a goat though not too distant relatives, cannot naturally mate, however, because of their genetic kinship, experiments have brought them together to form (in 1983) a "geep," a sheep with its woolly coat but with a goat’s horns.... The feat was attained by "Cell-Fusion"....

"....There is little doubt that the monsters of Greek mythology, including the famous Minotaur (half bull, half man) of Crete, were recollections of the tales transmitted to the Greeks by Berossus, the Babylonian priest, and that the sources were the Sumerian texts concerning the trial-and-error experiments of Enki and Ninti which produced all kinds of chimeras (mixed, or "mosaic" creatures).

"The advances in genetics have provided biotechnology with other routes other than the predictable chimera route; it is evident that in doing so, modern science has followed the alternate (though more difficult) course of action undertaken by Enki and Ninti.... Techniques have even progressed to the artificial manufacture of compounds that perfectly emulate specific functions of a given gene, mainly with a view to treating diseases.

"In mammals, the altered fertilized female egg ultimately must be implanted in the womb of a surrogate mother - the function that was assigned, according to the Sumerian tales, to the "Birth-Goddesses."

"....The use of the most natural medium - sperm - to carry genetic material into a female egg [in the lab] astounded the scientific community in its simplicity and made front-page news even in The New York Times....

"Some have pointed out that the ability of sperm to take up foreign DNA was suggested by researchers as early as 1971.... Little it is realized that the technique had been reported even earlier, in Sumerian texts describing the creation of the Adam by Enki and Ninti, who had mixed the Apewomas’s egg in a test tube with a sperm of a young Anunnaki in a solution also containing blood serum.

"In 1987 the dean of anthropology at the University of Florence, Italy, raised a storm of protests by clergimen and humanists when he revealed that ongoing experiments could lead to the "creation to a new breed of slave, an anthropoid with a chimpanzee mother and a human father." One of my fans sent me the clipping of the story with the comment "Well, Enki, here we go again!"....
