Chapter Nine
"....Regarding the biblical tale of
Eve, it was the great Sumerologist Samuel N. Kramer who first pointed out that her name,
which meant in Hebrew "She who has life," and the tale from the
origin from Adam’s rib in all probability stemmed from the Sumerian
play on the word TI, which meant both "life" and "rib".
"....The genetic manipulations, we have seen, were conducted by
and Ninti in a special facility called, in the Akkadian versions,
Bit Shimti - "House where the wind of life is breathed in"....
"....The Akkadian term, as earlier stated, was a rendering of the
Sumerian SHI.IM.TI.... SHI stood for what the Bible called
commonly translated "soul" but more accurately meaning "breath of
life." IM had several meanings, depending on the context. It meant
"wind," but it could also mean "side." In astronomical texts it
denoted a satellite that is "by the side" of its planet; in geometry
it meant the side of a square or a triangle; and in anatomy it meant
"rib." To this day the parallel word Sela means both the
side of a
geometric shape and a person’s rib. And, lo and behold,
IM also had
a totally unrelated fourth meaning "clay."
"....The term
TI added to the Sumerian’s linguistic fun. It meant as
previously mentioned, both "life" and "rib" - the latter being the
parallel of the Akkadian silu, from which came the Hebrew
Doubled, TI.TI meant "belly" - that which held the fetus; and, lo
and behold, in Akkadian titu acquired the meaning "clay," from which
the Hebrew word Tit has survived. Thus, the component
TI of the
laboratory’s Sumerian name, SHI.IM.TI, we have the meanings
And Yahweh Elohim caused a deep sleep upon the Adam, and he slept. And He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place. And Yahweh Elohim constructed of the rib which He had taken form the Adam a woman, and He brought her to the Adam. And the Adam said, "This is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh..."
"....The Adam, having already been placed in the
E.DIN to till and
tend its orchards, was all alone. And Yahweh Elohim said, it is no
good that the Adam is by himself; let me make him a mate. "This
obviously is a continuation of the version whereby The Adam alone
was created, and not part of the version whereby Mankind
was created
male and female right away.
"....First the male lulu, "mixed one" was perfected; then the
fertilized eggs of Apewoman.... were placed in a "mold," where they
acquired either male or female characteristics. Reimplanted in the
womb of Birth Goddesses, the embryos produced seven males and
females each time.... To get more of them, the process had to be
repeated over and over again.
"....A way had to be found to get more of these humans without
imposing the pregnancies and deliveries on female Anunnaki. That way
was a second genetic manipulation by Enki and Ninti, giving the
the ability to procreate on his own. To be able to have offspring,
Adam had to mate with a fully compatible female. How and why she was
brought into being is the story of the Rib and of the Garden of
"The tale of the Rib reads almost like a two-sentence summary of a
report in a medical journal. In no uncertain terms it describes a
major operation of the kind that makes headlines nowadays, when a
close relative for example.... donates an organ for transplant....
"....The donor in the biblical case is Adam. He is given general
anesthesia and is put to sleep. An incision is made and a rib is
removed. The flesh is then pulled together to close up the wound,
and Adam is allowed to rest and recover.
Elohim now use the piece of bone to construct a woman; not
to create a woman, but to "construct" one. The difference in
terminology is significant; it indicates that the woman in question
already existed but required some constructive manipulation to
become a mate to Adam. What ever was needed was obtained from the
rib, and the clue to what the rib supplied lies in the other
meanings of IM and TI - life, belly,
clay. Was an extract of Adam’s
bone marrow implanted in that of a female Primitive Worker’s "clay"
through her belly?
Regrettably, the Bible does not describe what was done to the female
(named Eve by Adam) and the Sumerian texts that have dealt with this
have not been found so far....
"....But we do know nowadays, thanks to modern science, that
sexuality and the ability to procreate lie in human chromosomes....
"....Since both female and male Primitive Workers
already existed,
their sterility was not due to the lack of X or Y chromosomes. The
need for a bone - the Bible stresses that Eve was "bone of the
bones" of Adam - suggests that there was a need to overcome some
immunological rejection by the female Primitive Worker’s of the
males’ sperms. The operation carried out by the Elohim overcame this
problem. Adam and Eve discovered their sexuality, having acquired
"knowing" - a biblical term that connoted
sex for the purpose of
"....With that, "The Adam"
Elohim said, "has become as one of us."
He was granted "Knowing." Homo sapiens
was able to procreate and
multiply on his own. But though he was given a good measure of the
genetic makeup of the Anunnaki, who made Man in their image and
their likeness even in this respect of procreation, one genetic
trait was not transmitted. That was the longevity of the
"....The ancient texts make clear that this
longevity was not passed
on to Man, but intelligence was. This implies a belief or knowledge,
in antiquity, that the two traits, intelligence and longevity, could
somehow be bestowed upon or denied to Man by those who had
genetically created him. Not surprisingly, perhaps, modern science
agrees. "Evidence amassed over the past 60 years suggests that
is a genetic component to intelligence," Scientific American
reported in its March 1989 issue....
"....Evidence has also been mounting for the
genetic source of the
life cycles of living organisms.... Every species clearly has a life
span fixed by its genes - a single day for the mayfly, about six
years for a frog, a limit of about fifteen years for a dog. Nowadays
the human limit lies somewhere not much beyond one hundred years but
in earlier times human life spans were much longer.
"....While it is believed the
genetic errors that accumulate as DNA
keeps reproducing itself in the cells contribute to the aging
process, scientific evidence indicate the existence of a biological
"clock" in all creatures, a basic, built-in genetic trait that
controls the life span of each species. What the gene or group of
genes is, what makes it tick, what triggers it to "express" itself,
are still matters of intense research.... Viruses, show that they
possess fragments of DNA that can literally "immortalize" them.
"Enki must have known all that, so that when it came to perfecting
The Adam - creating a true, procreating Homo sapiens - he gave
intelligence and "Knowing," but not the full longevity that
Anunnaki genes possessed.
"....The evidence that corroborates the ancient tales of creation,
massive as it has been so far, does not end with genetic
manipulation. There is more to come, and it is all above Eve!
"....By now the question "Where did we come from?" had been clearly
answered: Mankind arose in southeastern Africa.
story of Man, we now know, did not begin with Man; the
"chapter" that tells of the group of mammals called "Primates" takes
us back some forty-five or fifty million years, when a common
ancestor of monkeys, apes, and Man
appeared in Africa. Twenty-five
or thirty million years later, that is how slowly the wheels of
evolution turn - a precursor of the Great Apes branched off the
primate line. In the 1920s fossils of this early ape, "Proconsul"
were found by chance on an island in Lake Victoria, and the find
eventually attracted to the area the best known husband-wife team of
paleontologists, Louis S. B. and Mary Leaky. Besides
Proconsul fossils they also discovered in the area remains of
the first erect ape or manlike primate; it was some fourteen million
years old - some eight or ten million years up the evolutionary tree
from Proconsul.
"....They unlocked the door to nature’s secret laboratory, the hide
away where Mother Nature keeps forging ahead with the evolutionary
march that has led from mammal to primate to great apes to
The place was the rift valley that slashes through Ethiopia,
and Tanzania - part of the rift system that begins in
Jordan Valley
and the Dead Sea in Israel, includes the Red Sea, and runs all the
way to southern Africa.

Hominid Fossils at Leakey’s Museum; Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.
"....Putting aside the problems raised by pride of discovery (among
several other explorers), different interpretations of finds, and a
propensity for splitting species and genuses into smaller
subdivisions, it is safe to state that the branch leading to humans
separated from that of four-legged apes some fourteen million years
ago and that it took another nine million years or so until the
first apes with hominid aspects, called Australopithecus, showed up
- all where nature had chosen its "man-making" laboratory to be.
"....Among the outstanding road markers have been such findings as
skeletal parts of a female nicknamed "Lucy" believed to have been an
advanced Australopithecus who lived some 3.5 million years ago; a
fossil known by its catalog number as "Skull 1470" of a male from
perhaps 2 million years ago and considered by its finders to be a
"near man," or Homo habilis ("Handy Man")....; and skeletal remains
of a "strapping young male" cataloged WT.15000 of a Homo erectus
from about 1.5 million years ago, probably the first true hominid.
He ushered in the Old Stone Age; he began to use stones as tools,
and migrated via the Sinai peninsula, which acts as a land bridge
between Africa and Asia on the one hand and to southern Europe on
the other.
"The trail of the Homo genus is lost after that, the
chapter between
about 1.5 million years to about 300,000 years ago is missing,
except for traces of Homo erectus on the peripheries of this
hominid’s migrations. Then, about 300,000 years ago, without any
evidence of gradual change, Homo sapiens made his appearance. At
first it was believed that Homo sapiens neanderthalis, Neanderthal
man..., who came into prominence in Europe and parts of Asia about
125,000 years ago, was the ancestor of the Cro-Magnons,
Homo sapiens
sapiens, who took over the lands about 35,000 years ago....
Related but not the offspring of each other, the two
lines of Homo sapiens
lived side by side as far back as 90,000 or even 100,000 years ago.
"The evidence was found in two caves, [around 1930] one in
Carmel and the other [at Qafzeh] near Nazareth, in Israel.... (The
cave near Nazareth was re-excavated in the 1960s)
"....Themselves incredulous, the
scientists at Hebrew University in
Jerusalem turned for verification to the remains of rodents found in
the same layers (The age of the rodent remains coincided with the
date of the Hominids remains).
"....Devoting an editorial in
Nature to the findings, Christopher
Stringer of the British Museum acknowledged that the conventional
view that Neanderthal preceded Cro-Magnons had to be discarded....
"Wherever the original "Eden" for modern humans might have been,"
the editorial stated, it now appeared that for some reasons
Neanderthals were the first to migrate northward, about 125,000
years ago.... A northward migration by these first
Homo sapiens from
an African birthplace was confirmed by the discovery (by Fred Wendorf of Southern Methodist University, Dallas) of a
skull near the Nile in Egypt that was 80,000 years old.
""Does it all mean an earlier dawn for humans?" a Science headline
asked.... it became clear the answer was yes. The Neanderthals, they
were not the primitive brutes that earlier notions had made them out
to be. They buried their dead in rituals that indicated religious
practices and "at least one type of spiritually motivated behaviour
that allies them with modern humans" (Jared M. Diamond of the
University of California Medical School at Los Angeles)....
Ralph S. Solecki of Columbia University, [and others] believe that the
Neanderthals knew how to use herbs for healing - 60,000 years
ago.... Neanderthals could speak: "Fossil brain casts show a
well-developed language area," stated Dean Falk of the
University of New York at Albany....
"All these discoveries have left no doubt that
Neanderthal man was
without doubt a Homo Sapiens - not an ancestor of
Cro-Magnon man but
an earlier type from the same human stock.
"In March 1987
Christopher Stringer of the British Museum, along
with a colleague, Paul Mellars, organized a conference at Cambridge
University to update and digest the new findings concerning "The
Origins and Dispersal of Modern Man...." They concluded that after a
hiatus of 1.2 to 1.5 million years by Homo erectus,
Homo sapiens made a sudden appearance
soon after 300,000 years ago (as evidence
by fossil remains in Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Africa)....
"....The conference also examined other lines of evidence, including
the brand-new data provided by the field of biochemistry. Most
exciting were the findings based on genetics. The ability of
geneticists to trace parentage through comparisons of DNA
"sentences" has been proven in paternity lawsuits....
"....Because a person’s DNA keeps getting mixed by the genes of the
generational fathers, comparisons of the DNA in the nucleus of the
cell (which come half from mother, half from father) do not work
well after several generations. It was discovered, however, that in
addition to the DNA in the cell’s nucleus, some DNA exists in the
mother’s cell but outside the nucleus in bodies called
"mitochondria." This DNA does not get mixed with the father’s
instead, it is passed on "unadulterated" from mother to daughter to
granddaughter, and so on through the generations.... The surprising
conclusion, which he announced at a scientific conference in
July1986 was that the mtDNA in all of them [800 women had been
compared] appeared to be so similar that these women must have all
descended from a single female ancestor.
It was concluded, after checking 21 women from different parts of
the globe, that they owed their origin to "a single mitochondrial
Eve" who had lived in Africa between 300,000 and 180,000 years ago.
Mr. Sitchin continues:
"These intriguing findings were taken up by others, who set out to
search for "Eve." Prominent among them was Rebecca Cann....
Placentas of 147 women from all races showed also a common female
ancestor who had lived between 300,000 and 150,000 years ago....
And then:
"The upper limit of
300,000 years, paleoanthropologists noted,
coincided with the fossil evidence for the time Homo sapiens made
his appearance. What could have happened 300,000 years ago to bring
this change about?" Cann and Allan Wilson asked, but they had no
"....All these very recent discoveries (even more in the book) go a
long way indeed in confirming the biblical claim regarding the first
couple of Homo sapiens....
"....Several conclusions are offered by the
Sumerian data. First,
the creation of the Lulu was the result of the mutiny of the
Anunnaki about 300,000 years ago. This date as the upper limit for
the first appearance of Homo sapiens has been corroborated by modern
"Second, the forming of the Lulu had taken place "above the Abzu,"
north of the mining area. This is corroborated by the location of
the earliest human remains in Tanzania, Kenya, and
Ethiopia - north
of the gold-mining areas of southern Africa.
"Third, the full emergence of the
first type of Homo sapiens, the
Neanderthals - about 230,000 years ago - falls well within the
250,000 years suggested by the mtDNA findings for the data of "Eve,"
followed later by the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens, "modern
"There is no contradiction at all between these later dates and the
300,000-year date of the mutiny....
"....Clearly, the tracing of
mtDNA accounts for the "Eve" who could
bear children, not a female Lulu unable to procreate. The granting
to mankind of this ability, it was shown earlier, took place as a
result of a second genetic manipulation by Enki and
Ninti which, in
the Bible, is reflected in the story of Adam, Eve, and the
in the Garden of Eden....
"....What seems certain is that
the Bible does recognize the final
emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens, modern human beings.... It was in
the time of Enosh (son of the third son of Adam and Eve,
Seth), the
Bible states that "men began to call the name of Yahweh. It was
then, in other words, that fully civilized Man and religious worship
were established.
"With that, all the aspects of the ancient tale stand corroborated.
Chapter Ten
Sumerian King Lists - a record of rulers, cities, and events
arranged chronologically - divide prehistory and history into two
distinct parts: first the long record of what had happened
the Deluge, then what transpired after the Deluge. One was the time
when the Anunnaki "gods" and their sons by the "daughters of Man,"
the so-called demigods, ruled upon the Earth; the other was when
human rulers - kings selected by Enlil - were interposed between the
"gods" and the people....
kingship was lowered from heaven," begins the
King List, "kingship was in Eridu...."
"....Although the subject of this volume is what we call
Science and
the ancients called Wisdom, a few words about "Kingship" - the good
order of things, an organized society and its institutions - will
not be out of place, because without them no scientific progress or
the dissemination and preservation of "Wisdom" could be possible....
"....Various aspects of an organized and orderly society were
incorporated into the concept of kingship, first and foremost among
them the need for justice. A king was required to be "righteouss"
and to promulgate and uphold the law.... Hamurabi’s was a code of
crime and punishment: if you do this, your punishment will be that.
The Sumerian law codes, on the other hand, were codes of just
behavior; they stated that "you should not take away a widow’s
donkey" or delay the wages of a day laborer. The Bible’s Ten
Commandments were, like the Sumerian codes, not a list of
punishments but a code of what is right to do and what is wrong and
should not be done.
"....It is from Sumer that we have inherited the concept of
juries, witnesses, and contracts, the unit of society we call the
"family," based on a contractual marriage, was instituted in
so were rules and customs of succession, of adoption, of the rights
of widows. The rule of law was also applied to economic activities:
exchange based on contracts, rules for employment, wages, - how else -
"....All that and more came under the umbrella of "Kingship." As the
sons and grandchildren of Enlil entered the stage of relations
between Man and his gods, the functions of kingship and the
supervision of kings were gradually handed over to them, and
as the All Beneficent became a cherished memory. But to this day
what we call a "civilized society" still owns its foundation to the
time when "kingship was lowered from heaven."
"Wisdom" -
sciences and the arts, the activities that required
know-how - were the domain first of Enki, the Chief Scientist of
Anunnaki, and later on, of his children....
Kingship, Wisdom was "lowered to Earth from Heaven,"
granted to Mankind by the Anunnaki "gods." It was by their sole
decision that scientific knowledge was passed on to Mankind,
through the medium of selected individuals....
"....There was no doubt in ancient times that scientific knowledge
was a gift and a teaching from the "gods" - the Anunnaki,
Elohim -
to Mankind. The assertions that astronomy was a major subject are
self-evident statements, since, as must be evident from earlier
chapters in this book, the astounding knowledge in Sumerian times of
the complete Solar System and the cosmogony that explained the
origin of Earth, the asteroid belt, and the existence of
could have come only from the Anunnaki.
"While I have seen a gratifying increase - to some extent, I would
like to think, due to my writings - in the recognition of the
Sumerian contribution to the beginning and concept of laws, medical
treatment, and cuisine, the parallel recognition of the immense
Sumerian contribution to astronomy has not come about; this, I
suspect, because of the hesitation in crossing the "forbidden
threshold" of the inevitable next step: if you admit that the
Sumerians knew about celestial matters, you must admit the existence
not only of Nibiru but also of its people, the Anunnaki...
Nevertheless, this "fear of crossing" (a nice play on words, since
Nibiru’s name meant "Planet of the Crossing" . . .) in no way
negates the fact modern astronomy owes to the Sumerian (and through
them, to the Anunnaki) the basic concept of a spherical astronomy
with all its technicalities; the concept of an ecliptic as the belt
around the Sun in which the planets orbit; the grouping of stars
into constellations; the grouping of the constellations seen in the
ecliptic into the Houses of the Zodiac; and the application of the
number 12 to these constellations, to the months of the year, and to
other celestial, or "divine" matters.... Astrologers certainly owe
much to these celestial divisions, since in the planet Nibiru
astrologers find the twelfth member of the Solar System that they
have been missing for so long.
"As the
Book of Enoch details and as the biblical reference to the
number 365 attests, a direct result of the knowledge of the
interrelated motions of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth was the
development of the calendar: the counting of the days (and their
nights), the months, and the years. It is now generally recognized
that the Western calendar we use nowadays harkens back to Mankind’s
first-ever calendar, the one known as the Calendar of Nippur....
"....The Jewish Calendar, as I have repeatedly pointed out in books
and articles, still adheres to the calendar of Nippur not only in
its form and structure but also in its count of years. In A.D. 1990
the Jewish calendar counts the year 5750; and it is not from "the
creation of the world," as the explanation has been, but from
start of the calendar of Nippur in 3760 B.C.
"It was in that year, I have suggested in
The Lost Realms, that
Nibiru’s king, came to Earth on a state visit. His name AN in
Sumerian and Anu in Akkadian, meant "heaven," "The Heavenly One,"
and was a component of numerous astronomical terms, such as AN.UR
("celestial horizon") and AN.PA ("point of Zenith"), as well as
being a component of the name "Anunnaki," "Those Who From Heaven to
Earth Came...."
".... Enki imparted the knowledge of astronomy (and other sciences)
to his firstborn son Marduk, and the renown ziggurat of Babylon,
built there after Marduk gained supremacy in Mesopotamia, was built
to serve as an astronomical observatory.
"Enki bestowed the "secrets" of the
calendar, mathematics, and
writing on his younger son Ningishzidda, whom the Egyptians called
Thoth. In The Lost Realms I present substantial evidence to show
that he was one and the same Mesoamerican god known as Quetzalcoatl,
"The Plumed Serpent." This god’s name, which means (in Sumerian)
"Lord of the Tree of Life," reflected the fact that it was to him
that Enki entrusted medical knowledge, including the secret of
reviving the dead....
"....Putting aside the ability to revive the dead (which is
mentioned as fact in the Bible), it is certain that the teaching of
anatomy and medicine was part of priestly training, as stated in
the Enmeduranki text. That the tradition continued into later times is
clear from Leviticus, one of the Five Books of Moses, which contains
extensive instructions by Yahweh to the Israelite priests in matters
of health, medical prognosis, treatment and hygiene.... These
instructions were not unlike those in numerous earlier Mesopotamian
texts that served as medical manuals for the A.ZUs and
That the Elohim were the source of these teachings should come as no
surprise when we recall the medical, anatomical, and genetic feats
of Enki and Ninti.
"....The Sumerian numbers system is called
sexagesimal, meaning
"base 60." The count ran from 1 to 60, as we now do with 1 to 100.
But then, where we say "two hundred," the Sumerians said (or wrote)
"2 gesh," meaning 2 x 60, which equaled 120....
"....When record keeping began, a stylus with a round tip was used
to impress on wet clay the various symbols that stood for the
numbers 1, 10, 60, 600, and 3,600. The ultimate numeral was 3,600,
signified by a large circle; it was called SAR (Shar in Akkadian)
the "princely" or "royal" number, the
number of Earth-years it took
Nibiru to complete one orbit around the Sun.
After Mr. Sitchin explains the "cuneiform" writing ("wedge-shaped"),
in which scribes used a wedge-shaped stylus.... he continues:
"....Although dubbed "sexagesimal," the
Sumerian system of
numeration and mathematics was in reality not simply based on the
number 60 but a combination of 6 and 10. While in the decimal system
each step up is accomplished by multiplying the previous sum by 10,
in the Sumerian system the numbers increased by alternate
multiplications: once by 10, then by 6, then by 10, then again by 6.
This method has puzzled today’s scholars. The decimal system is
obviously geared to the ten digits of the human hands (as the
numbers, too, are still called), so the 10 in the Sumerian system
can be understood; but where did the 6 come from, and why?
"....There have been other puzzles. Among the thousands of
mathematical tablets from Mesopotamia many held tables of ready-made
calculations. Surprisingly, however, they did not run from smaller
numbers up (like 1, 10, 60, etc.) but ran down, starting from a
number that can only be described as astronomical: 12,900,000... it
stemmed from the phenomenon of Precession, which retards the zodiac
constellation against which the Sun rises by a full House once in
2,160 years....
"....It was incredible to learn, as
Hilprecht (The Babylonian
Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania), and others have, that
the Sumerians were not only aware of the phenomenon of precession
but also knew that a shift from House to House in the zodiac
required 2,160 years; it was doubly incomprehensible that they chose
as the base of their mathematics a number representing five hundred
complete twelve-House-cycles, each one of which required the
fantastic (as far as human beings are concerned) time span of 25,900
years. In fact, while modern astronomy accepts the existence of the
phenomenon and its periods as calculated in Sumer, there is no
scientist now or in former times who can or could confirm from
personal experience the shift of even one House (a shift to Aquarius
is now anticipated); and all the scientists put together have to
witness one complete cycle. Still, there it is in the Sumerian
"It seems to me that a solution to all these puzzles can be found if
modern science will accept the existence of Nibiru and its
Anunnaki as fact....
"....Although a complete shift in 2,160 years was also beyond an
Earthling’s lifetime, the gradual shift of one degree every 72 years
was an observable phenomenon (which the astronomer-priests witnessed
and dealt with). This was the "earthly" in the formulation.
"....Then there was the orbital period of Nibiru, which
the Anunnaki
knew equaled 3,600 Earth-years....
Mr. Sitchin gives plenty information about numerology of the
ancients, from the Sumerian records. He also mentions some biblical
passages, Psalm 90, where the Lord, referring to the "Celestial
Lord" (Nibiru) is mentioned. Also in Psalm 102....
"....Relating it all to the orbit of
Nibiru, to its cycle of 3,600
Earth-years, the precessional retardation of Earth in its orbit
around the Sun - this is the secret of the Wisdom of Numbers of
Anunnaki lowered from heaven to Earth.
"....Before Man could "calculate with numbers," the other two of the
"three Rs" -reading and ’riting- had to be mastered. We take for
granted that man can speak, that we have languages by which to
communicate to our fellow men (or clansmen). But modern science has
not held it so; in fact, until quite recently, the scientists
dealing with speech and languages believed that "Talking Man" was a
rather late phenomenon that may have been one reason the Cro-Magnons
- who could speak and converse with each other - took over from the nonspeaking Neanderthals.
"This was not the biblical view. The Bible took it for granted, for
example, that the Elohim who were on Earth long before the
could speak and address each other....
"....Let us now look at the
Adam. He is placed in the Garden of Eden
and is told what to eat and what to avoid. The instructions were
understood by The Adam, as the ensuing conversation between the
Serpent and Eve makes clear.... Adam and Even hide when they hear
the footsteps of Yahweh, "strolling in the garden in the cool of the
day." Yahweh calls out to Adam.... (The dialogue in Genesis is given
in the book).
Mr. Sitchin then continues:
"....This is quite a conversation. Not only
the Deity can speak;
Adam and Eve can also speak and understand the Deity’s language. So,
in what language did they converse, for there must have been one
(according to the Bible).
"....Again scholars began by differing with the
Bible. They assumed
that language was a cultural heritage rather than an hereditary
trait. It was assumed that Man progressed from groans to meaningful
shouts (on seeing prey or sensing danger) to rudimentary speech as
he formed clans....
"....It is gratifying to note that in recent years,
modern science
has come around to the belief that there was indeed a Mother Tongue;
and that both types of Homo sapiens - Cro-Magnon and
Neanthertal -
could talk from the very beginning.
"....It was mainly advances in other fields, such as
biogenetics, and the Earth sciences, as well as computerization,
that opened new avenues of study of what some call "linguistic
"....Meanwhile, archaeological discoveries kept pushing back the
time of human migrations, and this was especially significant in
regard to the arrival of migrants in the Americas. When a time of
twenty thousand years or even thirty thousand years ago was
suggested, Joseph Greenberg created a sensation when he demonstrated
in 1987 (Language in the Americas) that the hundreds of tongues in
the New World could be grouped into just three families, which he
termed Eskimo-Aleut, Na-Dene, and Amerind. The greater significance
of his conclusions was that these three in turn were brought to the
Americas by migrants from Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific and
thus in effect were not true-proto-languages but offshoots of Old
World ones....
(Readers wishing to know more about the earliest arrivals in the
Americas may want to read
The Lost Realms, Book IV of the "Earth
Chronicles" series).
"....But did true languages begin only about twelve thousand years
ago - only after the Deluge? It is not only according to the bible
that language existed at the very beginning of Homo sapiens (Adam
and Eve), but also the fact that Sumerian texts repeatedly refer to
inscribed tablets that dated from before the Deluge....
"Discoveries by paleontologists and anthropologists make linguists
push their estimations back in time. The discoveries in the Kebara
cave, mentioned earlier, indeed forced a complete reevaluation of
previous timetables.
"....Still, scientist from other fields relating to the anatomy of
speech, such as Philip Lieberman of Brown University and
Dean Folk
of the State University of New York at Albany, see speech as a trait
of Homo sapiens from the very first appearance of these
"Thinking/Wise Men." Brain specialists such as Ronald E. Myers of
the National Institute of Communicative Disorders and Strokes
believe that "human speech developed spontaneously, unrelated to the
crude vocalization of other primates," as soon as humans acquired their two-part brains."
Allan Wilson, who had participated in the genetic research
leading to the "One-Mother-of-All" conclusion, put speech back in
the mouth of "Eve"; "The human capacity for language may have come
from a genetic mutation that occurred in a woman who lived in Africa
200,000 years ago," he announced at a meeting in January 1989 of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
"....And so we arrive at the last of the
Rs - writing.
"....Undoubtedly, Man learned to write long after he began to speak.
The Mesopotamian texts insist that there was writing
before the
Deluge, and there is no reason to disbelieve this. But the first
writing discovered in modern times is the early Sumerian script
which was pictographic. It took a few centuries for this script to
evolve into the cuneiform script which was the means of writing in
all the ancient languages of Asia until it was finally replaced,
millennia later, by the alphabet.
"....Three generations of scholars have been able to arrange the
signs in a logical order and, as a result, have come up with
lexicons and dictionaries of the ancient languages -
Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite,
Elamite and so on - that used
"But modern science reveals that there was more than some logical
order to creating such a diversity of signs.
"Mathematicians, especially those leading with graph theory - the
study of points joined by lines - are familiar with the Ramsey Graph
"....The almost one hundred signs, only partly illustrated here [in
the book] are simple graphs based on no more than a dozen Ramsey
Numbers. So, if Enki or his daughter Nidaba, the
Sumerian "goddess
of writing," had known as much as Frank Ramsey, they must have had
no problem in devising for the Sumerian scribes a mathematically
perfect system of cuneiform signs.
"I will greatly bless thee, and I will exceedingly multiply thy seed
as the stars of the heavens," Yahweh told Abraham. And with this
single verse, several of the elements of the knowledge that was
lowered from heaven were expressed: speech, astronomy, and the
"counting with numbers."
"Modern science is well on its way to corroborating all that.
Chapter Eleven
"....Vowing to make the
United States "a spacefaring nation," the
goal, the President said, will be "back to the Moon, back to the
future . . . and then, a journey into tomorrow, to another planet: a
manned mission to Mars."
"Back to the future." The choice of words may or may not have been
coincidental; the promise that going to the future involves
going to
the past might have been more than a speech writer’s choice slogan.
"For there is evidence that "A Space Base on Mars," this chapter’s
heading, should apply not to the discussion of future plans but to
disclosure of what has already taken place in the past: Evidence
that a space base existed on the planet Mars in antiquity;
and what
is even more startling, that it might have been reactivated before
our very eyes.
"....A spaceship capable of carrying a team of astronauts to
and back might have to weigh as much as four million pounds....
(U.S. space shuttles now have a payload capacity of sixty-five
thousand pounds.)
"....Such lift-off and fuel problems would be greatly reduced if the
spaceship will be assembled in weightless orbit around the Earth.
This scenario envisions an orbiting, manned space station, to which
shuttle craft will ferry the knocked-down spaceship. Meanwhile,
astronauts stationed on the Moon at a permanent space base would
develop the technology required for Man’s survival in space. Man and
vehicle would then be joined for the voyage to Mars.
"....The round trip may take between two and three years depending
on the trajectory and Earth-Mars alignments....
"....The progression from
shuttlecraft to an orbiting space station
to landings on the Moon and the establishment of a space base
thereon, all as stepping-stones or way stations toward a landing on
Mars, has been described in scenarios that read like science fiction
but are based on scientific knowledge and attainable technology.
Based on the Moon and on Mars, even a colony on Mars, have been in
the planning for a long time and are deemed entirely feasible.
Sustaining human life and activity on the Moon is certainly
challenging, but the studies show how it could be achieved. The tasks
are even more challenging for Mars, since re-supply from Earth (as
the Moon projects envision) is more difficult and costly.
Nevertheless, the vital resources needed by Man to survive and
function are available on Mars, and scientists believe that Man
could live "off the land" there.
"Mars, it has been concluded,
is habitable - because it was
habitable in the past.
"Mars appears nowadays as a cold, half-frozen planet inhospitable to
anything living upon its surface.... But not so long ago in
geological terms, it was a planet with relative pleasant seasons,
flowing water, oceans and rivers, cloudy (blue!) skies, and perhaps
- just perhaps - even some forms of indigenous simple plant life.
"All the various studies converge towards the conclusion that
Mars is now going through an ice age, not unlike the ice ages that Earth
has experienced periodically....
Mr. Sitchin explains the orbital anomalies of
Planet Earth and how
it is affected in its seasons and cycles of ice and warmth. He then
"....The planet
Mars is also subject to all these cycles, except
that its larger orbit around the Sun and greater tilt differential
cause more extreme climatic swings. The cycle as we have mentioned,
is believed to last some fifty thousand years on Mars (shorter and
longer durations have also been suggested).
"When the next Martian warm period, or
interglacial, arrives, the
planet will literally flow with water, its seasons will not be as
harsh, and its atmosphere will not be as alien to Earthlings as it
is today. When was the last "interglacial" epoch on
Mars? The time
could not have been too distant, because otherwise the dust storms
on Mars would have obliterated more, if not most, of the evidence on
its surface of once-flowing rivers, ocean shorelines, and lake
basins; and there would not be as much water vapor still in the
Martian atmosphere as is found today....
"....Those who are planning the landings and extended stays on Mars
do not expect the climate there to revert to an interglacial epoch
within the next two decades; but they do believe that the basic
requirements for life and survival on Mars are locally available....
Aquifers - subterranean water pools - are a sure source of water in
the opinion of many scientists.... Morning fogs and mists that have
been observed on Mars suggest to scientists the existence of dew, a
source of water for many plants and animals on Earth in arid areas.
"....The Martian atmosphere, at first site inhospitable and even
poisonus to Man and life, could in fact be a source of vital
resources. The atmosphere has been found to contain some water
vapor, which could be extracted by condensation. It could also be a
source of oxygen for breathing and burning....
"....The planet’s reddish-brown, or "rusty," hue is also a clue to
the availability of oxygen, for it is the result of the actual
rusting of iron rocks on Mars....
"....Although the Martian soil is relatively high in salts,
scientists believe it could be washed with water sufficiently to the
point where patches would be suitable for plant cultivation in
green-houses; local foods could thus be grown, especially from seeds
of salt-resistant strains of grains and vegetables; human waste
could be used as fertilizer, as it is used in many Third World
countries on Earth....
"....Another source not just of water but also of heat on
Mars, is
indicated by the past volcanic activity there. Of several notable
volcanoes.... the largest volcano on Earth, Mauna Loa in Hawaii,
rises 6.3 miles; Olympus Mons on Mars towers 15 miles above the
surrounding plain.... The volcanoes of Mars and other evidence of
volcanic activity on the planet indicate a hot molten core and thus
the possible existence of warm surface spots, hot-water springs, and
other phenomena resulting from internally generated heat.
"With a day almost exactly the length of a day on Earth, seasons
(although about twice as long as Earth’s), equatorial regions, icy
northern and southern poles, water resources that once were seas and
lakes and rivers, mountain ranges and plains, volcanoes and canyons,
Mars is Earthlike in so many ways. Indeed, some scientists believe
that Mars, although created at the same time as the other planets
4.6 billion years ago, is at the stage Earth was at its beginnings,
before plant life began to emit oxygen and change Earth’s
atmosphere. This notion has served as a basis for the suggestion by
proponents of the
Gaia Theory of how Man might "jump the gun" on
Martian evolution by bringing life to it; for they hold that it was
Life that made Earth hospitable to life.
"....The plans proposed by the advocates of
Gaia Hypothesis are
based on an assumption and a presumption. The first, that Mars does
not have life-forms of its own; the second, that people from one
planet have the right to introduce their life-forms to another
world, whether or not it has its own life.... it is evident that
Life as it has blossomed on Earth - trees and forests, bushes and
grasses, flying birds and roaming animals - is just not there. But
what about lesser life-forms lichens or algae or the lowly bacteria?
Mars probes,
Mariners 4, 6, and 7 (1965-69) revealed a desolated
"....This image, of a planet not only without life on it but
a lifeless and dead globe changed completely when Mariner 9 went
into orbit around Mars in 1971 and surveyed almost its entire
surface. It showed a living planet with a history of geologic
activity and volcanism, with plains and mountains, with canyons in
which America’s Grand Canyon could be swallowed without a trace, and
the marks of flowing water. It was not only a living planet but one
that could have life upon it.
"The search for life on Mars was thus made a prime objective of the
Viking Missions. Viking I and Viking 2 were launched from Cape
Canaveral in the summer 1975 and reached their destination in July
and August of 1976.... the landers sent thrilling photographs of the
Martian landscape at very close range and conducted a series of
experiments in search of Life.
"Besides instruments to analyze the atmosphere and cameras to
photograph the areas in which they touched down, each Lander carried
a combined gas-chromatograph/mass-spectrometer for analyzing the
surface for organic material as well as three instruments designed
to detect metabolic activity by any organism in the soil.... There
were no living organisms in the samples; only carbon dioxide and a
small amount of water vapor were found. There were not even the
organic molecules that impacting meteorites bring with them; the
presumption is that if such molecules had been delivered to Mars,
the present high level of ultraviolet light that strikes the planet,
whose protective atmosphere is now almost gone, must have destroyed
"In subsequent years, in laboratory experiments in which the soil
and conditions of Mars were simulated as best as the researchers
could, the reactions indicated biological responses.... [Moscow
University 1980]: when Earth life-forms were introduced, birds and
mammals expired in a few seconds, turtles and frogs lived many
hours, insects survived for weeks - but fungi, lichens,
algae, and
mosses quickly adapted themselves to the new environment; oats,
and beans sprouted and grew but could not reproduce.
"Life, then, could take hold on
Mars, but had it? With 4.6 billion
years at the disposal of evolution on Mars, where are not merely
some microorganisms (which may or may not exist) but higher
life-forms? Or were the Sumerians right in saying that
life sprouted
on Earth so soon after its formation only because the "Seed of Life"
was brought to it, by Nibiru?
"While the soil of
Mars still keeps its riddle of whether or not its
test reactions were chemical and lifeless or biological and caused
by living organism, the rocks of Mars challenge us with even more
enigmatic puzzles.
"....The rocks discovered in
Antarctica are even more puzzling. A
photograph of one of them, released by NASA and published in
The New York Times of September 1, 1987, shows it to be not
"football sized" as these rocks had been described, but rather a
broken-off block of four bricklike artificially shaped and angled
stones fitted together - something one would expect to find in
pre-Inca ruins in Peru’s Sacred Valley but not on Mars. Yet all
tests on the rock (it is no longer referred to as a meteorite)
attest to its Martian origin.
"To compound the mystery, photographs of the Martian surface have
revealed features that, on seeing them, astronomers dubbed "Inca
City." Located in the planet’s southern part, they represent a
series of steep walls made up of squarish or rectagular segments.
John McCauley, a NASA geologist commented that the "ridges" were
"continuous, show no breaching, and stand out among the surrounding
plains and small hills like walls of an ancient ruin."
"This immense wall or series of connected shaped stone blocks bears
a striking resemblance to such colossal and enigmatic structures on
Earth as the immense wall of gigantic stone blocks that forms the
base of the vast platform at
Baalbek in Lebanon or to the cruder but
equally impressive zigzagging parallel stone walls at Sacsahuaman
above Cuzco in Peru. In The Stairway to Heaven and
The Lost Realms,
I have attributed both structures to the Anunnaki/Nefilim. The
features on Mars might perhaps be explained as natural phenomena,
and the size of the blocks, ranging from three to five miles in
length, might very well indicate the hand of nature rather than of
people, of whatever provenance. On the other hand, since no
plausible natural explanation has emerged, they might be the remains
of artificial structures - if the ’giants" of Near Eastern and
Andean lore had also visited Mars . . .
"The notion of "canals" on
Mars appeared to have been laid to rest
when - after decades of ridicule - scientists suggested that what Schiaparelli and
Lowell had observed and mapped were in fact
channels of dried-up rivers. Yet other features were found on the
Martian surface that defy easy explanation. These include white
"streaks" that run in straight lines for endless miles - sometimes
parallel, sometimes at angles to each other, sometimes crossing
other, narrower "tracks." Once again, the NASA teams suggested that
windblown dust storms may have caused these features. This may be
so, although the regularity and especially the intersecting of the
lines seem to indicate an artificial origin. Searching for a
comparable feature on Earth, one must look to the famous
Nazca lines
in southern Peru which have been attributed to "the gods."
"....As pictures taken by the Mariner and Viking
cameras seem to
show, even pyramids, or what look like pyramids, have been seen on
Mr. Sitchin presents several photos of
Mars, its "pyramids, Face,"
and other features, and opinions of various experts. He continues:
"....Although it is said that the
NASA scientist who examined the
photographs [of the Face] received from the Viking I Orbiter on July
25, 1976, "almost fell out of his chair" when he saw this frame and
that appropriate "Oh, my god" or expressions to that effect were
uttered, the fact is that the photo was filed away with the
thousands of other Viking photographs without any further action
because the similarity to a human face was deemed just a play of
light and shadows on a rock eroded by natural forces (water,
"....Three years later Vincent DiPietro, an electrical
engineer and
imaging specialist, who remembered seeing the "Face" in a popular
magazine came face-to-face with the Martian image as he was thumbing
through the archives of the National Space Science Data Center....
Intrigued by the decision to keep the photo in the scientific data
center under that tantalizing caption - the "Head" whose very
existence had been denied - he embarked, together with Greg Molenaar, a
Lockheed computer scientist, on search for the original
NASA image. They found not one, but two, the other being image
070-A-13(Plate F). Subsequent searchers came up with more photos of
the Cydonia area taken by different Viking Orbiter cameras and from
both the right and left sides of the features (there are eleven by
now). The Face as well as more pyramid-like and other puzzling
features could be seen on all of them. Using sophisticated computer
enhancements and imaging techniques, DiPietro and Molinaar obtained
enlarged and clearer images of the Face that convinced them it had
been artificially sculpted.
"Armed with their findings (DiPietro and
Molenaar), they attended
the 1981 The Case for Mars conference but instead of acclaiming them
the assembled scientists cold-shouldered their assertions -
undoubtedly because they would have to draw the conclusion that
Face was the handiwork of intelligent beings, "Martians" who had
inhabited the planet; and that was a totally unacceptable
proposition.... All they claimed [their book Unusual Mars Surface
Features’ s epilogue stated], was "that the features do not seem
natural and warrant further investigation." NASA scientists,
however, strongly rejected any suggestion that future missions
should include a visit to the Face, since it was clearly just a rock
shaped by the forces of nature so that it resembled a human face.
"The cause of the Face on Mars was thereafter taken up primarily by
Richard C. Hoagland, a science writer and one time consultant at the
Goddard Space Flight Center. He organized a computer conference
titled the Independent Mars Investigation Team with the purpose of
having the features and all other pertinent data studied by a
representative group of scientists and specialists; the group
eventually included Brian O’Leary, a scientist-astronaut, and
Webb, a member of the U.S. President’s Space Commission. In their
conclusions they not only concurred with the view that the "Face"
and "pyramids" were artificial structures, they also suggested that
other features on the surface on Mars were the handiwork of
intelligent beings who had once been on Mars.
"I was especially intrigued by the suggestion in their reports
that the orientation of the Face and the principal pyramid indicated they
were built about half a million years ago in alignment with sunrise
at solstice time on Mars. When Hoagland and his colleague
Thomas Rautenberg, a computer specialist, sought my comments on their
photographic evidence, I pointed out to them that the
Anunnaki/Nefilim, according to my conclusions in The 12th Planet,
had first landed on Earth about 450,000 years ago; it was, perhaps,
no coincidence that Hoagland and Rautenberg’s dating of the
monuments on Mars coincided with my timetable. Although Hoagland was
careful to hedge his bets, he devoted many pages in his book The
Monuments of Mars to my writings and to the Sumerian evidence
concerning the Anunnaki.
"The publicity according the findings of
DiPietro, Molenaar, and
Hoagland has caused NASA to insist that they are wrong. In an
unusual move, the National Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
Maryland, which supplies the public with copies of NASA data, has
been enclosing along with the "Face" photographs copies of
on the unorthodox interpretations of the images. These rebutals
include a three-page paper dated June 6, 1987, by Paul Butterworth,
the Center’s Resident Planetologist. He states that "there is
reason to believe that this particular mountain, which is similar to
tens of thousands of others on the planet, is not the result of the
natural geological processes which have produced all the other
landforms on Mars....
""No reason to believe" that the feature is other than natural is,
of course, not a factual argument in disproving the opposite
position, whose proponents contend that they do have reason to
believe the features are artificial structures.... the Face and some
features near it, especially those with straight sides, remain a
challenging enigma.
"A scientifically significant study by
Mark J. Carlotto, an optics
scientist, was published in the May 1988 issue of the prestigious
journal Applied Optics.... and Carlotto’s conclusions were that
"Face" was indeed a bisymmetrical human face, with another eye
socket in the shaded part and a "fine structure of the mouth
suggesting teeth." These, Carlotto stated, "were facial features and
not a transient phenomenon" or a trick of light and shadow....
"Applied Optics deemed the study important enough to make it its
front-cover feature, and the scientific journal New Scientist
devoted a special report to the published paper and to an interview
with the author. The journal echoed his suggestion that "at the very
least these enigmatic objects" - the Face and the adjoining
pyramidal features that some had dubbed "The City" - "deserve
further scrutiny by future Mars probes, such as the 1988 Soviet Phobos mission or the
U.S. Mars Observer."
"The fact that the controlled Soviet press has published and
republished articles by Vladimir Avinsky, a noted researcher in
geology and mineralogy, that support the non-natural origin of the
monuments, surely indicates the Soviet aerospace attitudes on the
matter - a subject that will be dealt with at greater length later
Avinsky suggests:
" must bear in mind that due to the low gravity on
Mars a man
could perform gigantic tasks on it, and he attaches great importance
to the dark circle that is clearly seen in the flat area between the
Face and the Pyramids. While NASA scientists dismiss it as "a water
spot on the lens of the Viking Orbiter," Avinsky considers it "the
centre of the entire composition" of the "Martian complex" and its
"Unless it is assumed that Earthlings possessed, tens of thousands
or even half a million years ago, a high civilization and a
sophisticated technology that enabled them to engage in space
travel, arrive on Mars and, among other things, put up monuments on
it, including the Face, only two other alternatives logically
remain. The first is that intelligent beings had evolved on Mars who
not only could engage in megalithic construction but also happened
to look like us. But in the absence even of microorganisms in the
soil of Mars, nor evidence of plant and animal life that among other
things could provide the humanlike Martians with nourishment, the
rise of a Martian population akin to Earthlings and one that even
duplicated the structure forms found on Earth seems highly
"The only remaining plausible alternative is that someone, neither
from Earth nor from Mars, capable of space travel half a million
years ago, had visited this part of the Solar System and had stayed;
and then left behind monuments, both on Earth and on Mars. The only
beings for which evidence has been found - in the Sumerian and
biblical texts and in all the ancient "mythologies" - are
Anunnaki from Nibiru....
Giza Sphinx was so oriented that its gaze was aligned
precisely eastward along the thirtieth parallel toward the
of the Anunnaki in the Sinai peninsula....
"....The reference to the message-transmitting role of the "Fair of
Face" - the sphinx at Giza - raises the question of what the purpose
of the Face on Mars was.... was the purpose, as the Egyptian text
suggests, to send the "message from Heaven" to the sphinx on Earth,
a "command" according to which the gods acted, sent from one Face to
another Fair-of-Face?
"If such was the purpose of the
Face on Mars, then one would indeed
expect to find pyramids nearby, as one finds at Giza....
Interestingly, Dr. Avinsky discerns three true pyramids in the area
adjoining the Face on Mars.
"As the ample evidence presented in the volumes of "The Earth
Chronicles" series indicates, the Giza pyramids were not the
handiwork of Pharaohs but were constructed by the Anunnaki....
Mr. Sitchin explains at this point the reasons of
the Anunnaki for
their facilities in the Sinai peninsula, their main aim was to
transport the gold mined from southern Africa to Nibiru. The
Anunnaki also went to the mountains and plains of South America to
exploit the various minerals there, constructing monumental features
for the purpose. He then continues:
"....Of the unusual features the orbiting cameras captured on the
Face of Mars, two appear to me to be almost certainly artificial -
and both seem to emulate structures found on the shore of Lake
Titicaca in the Andes.
"....The two features, which cannot be explained away as the result
of the play of light and shadow, thus bear similarities to the
facilities and structures on the shores on Lake Titicaca. In this
they not only support my suggestion that they are the remains of
structures put up by the same visitors - the Anunnaki - they also
offer a hypothesis for explaining their purpose and possible
function. This conclusion is further supported by features that can
be seen in the Utopia area: a pentagonal structure (enhanced
frame 086-A-07) and a "runway" next to what some deem evidence of
mining (NASA frame 086-A-08).
Mr. Sitchin presents a good number of pictures and sketches in his
book, with its corresponding hypothesis.
"....It has been pointed out that if an
alien spacecraft were to
search for signs of life on Earth in areas of the Earth’s surface
outside the cities, what would give the presence of intelligent
beings on Earth would be the tracks we call "roads" and the
rectilinear patterns of agricultural lands. NASA itself has supplied
what might amount to evidence of deliberate agricultural activity on
Mars. Frame 52-A-35 shows a series of parallel grooves resembling
contoured farmland - as one would find in the high mountains of
Peru’s Sacred Valley. The photo caption prepared by the
Center in Pasadena, California, when the photograph was released on
August 18, 1976, stated thus:
Peculiar geometric markings, so regular that they appear almost
artificial can be seen in this Mars picture taken by Viking Orbiter
1 on August 12 from a range of 2053 kilometers (1273 miles)....
The parallel contours look very much like an
aerial view of plowed
The feature’s similarity to a "farmer’s field after plowing" was
noticed as soon as the image was received, and the comment of
Michael Carr, head of the imaging team, was, "we’re getting some
strange things, it’s very puzzling. . . It’s hard to believe of a
natural cause because the stripes are so regular." Not surprising,
perhaps, was the location: the Cydonia region, site of the
Face and
other enigmatic features!
the Anunnaki counted the planets from the outside inward,
Mars was the sixth planet; and the Sumerians depicted it accordingly
by the symbol of a six-pointed star.... Using these symbols as a
clue, we can now turn to examine an amazing Sumerian depiction on a
cylinder seal. It shows a spacecraft, with its solar panels and
antennas extended, passing between the sixth and the seventh planet
(Earth), that is, between Mars and Earth. A winged Anunnaki.... [by
the seven dots which represent Earth] is greeting another [using a
helmet and by the six point star representing
"....Even more enlightening as to what role
Mars, or the space
facilities on it, had played on the journeys of the Anunnaki to
Earth is the Babylonian text concerning the Akitu festival....
"....The Akitu ceremonies included a reenactment by
Marduk of the
voyages of the Anunnaki from Nibiru/Marduk to Earth. Each planet
passed on the way was symbolized by a way station.... The
station/planet Mars was termed "The Traveler’s Ship," and I have
taken it to mean that it was at Mars that the astronauts and
coming from Nibiru transferred to smaller spacecraft in which they
were transported to Earth (and vice versa).... Nearing Earth, these
transporters linked up with the Earth orbiting station(s) manned by
the Igigi....
"....Planners of the forthcoming steps into space by Mankind
envision almost the same sequence of different vehicles.... In this,
once again, modern science is only catching up with ancient
Coupled with these ancient texts and depictions, the photographic
data from the surface of Mars, and the similarities between the
Martian structures and those on Earth erected by
the Anunnaki all
lead to one plausible conclusion:
"Mars, sometime in the past was the
site of a space base. And there is also evidence suggesting that the ancient space base
has been reactivated - in our very own time, in these very days.