Letter #62
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is February 28, 1981,
and this is my AUDIO LETTER® No. 62.
Last month I mentioned that I plan to
record my AUDIO LETTER on a slightly more flexible schedule. In
preparing the first topic of my report to you this month, I have
taken advantage of this increased flexibility.
For several months now I’ve been compiling information about a major
new story, and just within the past few days I’ve been able to
confirm some key final details about it. So thanks to waiting a few
extra days, I’m now able to give you a much more complete report
about it. The story, my friends, is that of the space shuttle
COLUMBIA now being prepared for launch at Cape Canaveral.
This month I am also able to report some encouraging progress with
certain Directors of the Regional Federal Reserve Banks. It is only
a beginning but, my friends, I am convinced we are going to win.
My three special topics for this AUDIO LETTER are:
Topic #1-- THE SECRET
Topic #2-- THE NEW
Topic #3-- GOLD
Topic #1
--One day just over three months ago
America’s Manned Space Program suddenly started showing signs of
life. The day was November 24, 1980, and that was the day when the
space shuttle Columbia was rolled out into public at the Kennedy
Space Center in Florida. It was the first public appearance by the
shuttle in almost two years. The shuttle arrived at Cape Canaveral
two years ago next month, March 1979. From then until last November
1980 the shuttle Columbia remained in hiding in a metal cocoon
called the “Orbiter Processing Facility”, but on November 24
suddenly the cocoon opened up and out rolled the space shuttle.
The space shuttle Columbia made only a short trip that day. It was
towed about 300 yards to the nearby Vehicle Assembly Building, where
it disappeared once again, but we were told that this was only the
beginning of a much longer journey. For the first time in nearly six
years the United States was committing itself in public to a manned
mission into space. The roll-out of the Columbia on November 24 took
many people by surprise. America’s Space Shuttle Program is a full
three years behind schedule. Ever since late 1977 we’ve heard about
nothing but problems, delays, and more problems with the space
shuttle. Last November 19, 1980, a former director of the Apollo
Moon Program seemed to summarize it all in disgust. Dr. George Low
said in a speech in Chicago, quote:
“Today I wonder whether we could
start another Apollo, much less accomplish it.”
But only five days after Dr. Low said
those words, the surprise roll-out of the shuttle Columbia took
place. For three years the Space Shuttle Program was seemingly
placed on hold, yet now the countdown is under way, and there is an
air of urgency about it. Corners are being cut, safety precautions
are being shortchanged, unheard of risks are being taken; and when
reporters ask why these things are being done, they receive only
double talk instead of answers.
The space shuttle is the most complex American spacecraft ever
built. There are more things to go wrong than ever before, and the
entire future of America’s Manned Space Program depends on the
shuttle. In fact, within a few years we are told that the shuttle
will be launching practically all American satellites.
As far as space is concerned, America has put all of its eggs in one
basket—the Space Shuttle. With so much at stake, my
friends, the old NASA would have proceeded step by step with great
care. In the old days each problem had to be solved before moving on
to the next phase of a space program; and as a final test, every new
American manned spacecraft made its first trip or two into space
without astronauts aboard. That was simply to make sure that there
would be no unexpected problems before having astronauts risk their
lives. But, my friends, that was the old NASA. Those who are calling
the shots in America’s Space Program today are a different breed.
Our Space Program has become just one
more tool of the Bolsheviks here, and they are interested in only
one thing—getting ready for thermonuclear war—and so a wartime rush
mentality is dominating the shuttle launch preparations right now at
Cape Canaveral. This is to be the shuttle’s very first trip into
space—and yet it will be a manned mission! We’re told that the
shuttle is designed to make at least 100 trips into space and back,
and yet NASA says it cannot spare one or two preliminary shuttle
launches in order to check it out. NASA refuses even to consider
beginning with a manned suborbital launch like the early manned
Mercury shots in 1961. Instead, the very first launch of the shuttle
Columbia is to take it all the way into orbit.
My friends, this plan is filled with glaring examples of haste.
There seems to be no regard for the safety of the astronauts who
will fly it. For example, consider the radically new rocket engines
of the space shuttle. There are three main engines called SSMEs by
NASA. These engines have never flown into space before; in fact,
they had never even been fired altogether until just eight days ago.
On that day, February 20, the three engines were fired for only 20
seconds on the pad at Cape Canaveral. NASA did not run the risk of
running them longer even though these engines are supposed to be
reusable launch after launch. Instead, based on a mere twenty-second
test, NASA will have two astronauts risk their lives on the engines;
and in the actual launch into space, the engines will not run for
just 20 seconds—they must operate for nine minutes! NASA is now
gambling that the three fresh engines on Columbia will last long
enough to get into orbit. But the shuttle engines are only one
example of NASA’s unexplained haste because if Columbia does reach
orbit, the next question is: Can it return? My friends, the answer
is: NASA does not know.
By now you have probably heard or read about the radically new
Thermal Protection System of the space shuttle. All of our previous
spacecraft had heat shields which carried away heat by burning away
during re-entry; therefore they could only be used once. But the
shuttle is supposed to be re-usable over and over, so it requires a
different kind of heat shield. It is a lightweight ceramic, broken
up into more than 30,000 small pieces called “tiles.”
For at least two years now we have been hearing stories about
problems with the tiles. It began when the shuttle Columbia arrived
at Cape Canaveral in March 1979 on the back of a jumbo jet. Many
tiles had been lost or damaged during the flight and the Columbia
looked like it had smallpox. Soon after that we started hearing
about tiles being tested, removed, replaced, re-tested, and so on.
Part of the controversy over the tiles is real. There are legitimate
arguments among many space engineers whether the tiles will succeed
or fail. Those questions will finally be answered one way or another
only when and if the shuttle Columbia drops out of orbit to return
to earth. But for the Bolsheviks who now control America’s Space
Program, the arguments over the tiles are only a tool.
The tile controversy made a perfect cover story to explain away the
3-year grounding of the space shuttle. The real reason
is that America has been virtually locked out of military space
missions since late 1977. As recently as August 1977 it had
looked as if the United States would soon be eclipsing Russia with
new space exploits. That month the first free-flight tests
of the space shuttle took place. A shuttle was carried aloft aboard
a jumbo jet, then cut loose and guided to earth by astronauts. The
test went perfectly. The era of the space shuttle was about to dawn,
or so it seemed.
Meanwhile Russia’s space program seemed completely silent, but
everything turned upside-down the following month, September 1977.
Russia began deploying her secretly-developed Charged Particle Beam
weapon in space, and on September 27, 1977, history’s first true
space battle took place, the BATTLE OF THE HARVEST MOON. I reported
it that month in AUDIO LETTER No. 26. In a stunning upset, Russia
smashed America’s secret military control of space.
Two days later, Russia’s Manned Space Program suddenly came to life.
Russia launched the Salyut-6 Space Station on September 29, 1977;
and from that day to this, there has been a steady stream of Russian
cosmonauts into space and back. Even cosmonauts from seven (7) other
countries have been whisked into space by Russian rockets. There
have even been cosmonauts in orbit from Cuba and Vietnam. Meanwhile,
American astronauts have been able to do nothing but grind their
teeth and watch. The Bolsheviks here, my friends, have been waiting
and watching for a moment of weakness among their enemies—the secret
new rulers of Russia.
The Bolsheviks want to regain their
former positions of power in Russia; but for years now, Russia’s new
rulers have been expelling the Bolsheviks, who have flocked mostly
here to the United States. When I recorded AUDIO LETTER No. 55 last
June 1980, I reported that a moment of weakness was developing in
the Kremlin. Bolshevik forces had succeeded in penetrating the
Kremlin. They were wreaking havoc among Russia’s top leadership. At
the same time, Russia’s expulsion of Bolsheviks slowed to a trickle.
Immigration from Russia was at its lowest level in years during the
second half of 1980. So the decision was made last July to go ahead
with a space shuttle mission.
For the first time in three years there appeared to be a chance of
slipping through Russia’s space blockade. Even so any American
attempt to launch a manned military mission into space will be very
risky. It dare not be attempted until a mission is ready that is
worth the risk. The Bolsheviks are now ready with that mission. It
is the secret pay load now in the cargo bay of the space shuttle
Columbia. It was developed in association with the supersecret
“National Reconnaissance Office” whose very existence is regarded as
secret in Government circles. When Russia began her surprise space
offensive in September 1977, she did so by destroying an American
Spy Satellite on September 20. A week later, America’s secret Moon
Base was put out of action, which freed Russia’s hands to pour into
space. In the months that followed, Russia gradually knocked out all
of our Spy and Early Warning satellites, one by one.
When I recorded AUDIO LETTER No. 33
seven months later, I reported that Russia had finished the job.
Since that time, April 1978, America has had no Spy satellites on
continuous duty over Russia. Several spy satellites have been
launched since then but each one has been knocked out quickly. Not
one has lasted for as long as one week! But these brief spy
satellite missions have alerted the Bolsheviks here to one
thing—that is, there are major changes taking place among the
potential wartime targets in Russia. Some known targets from the
past are becoming less important, while other new targets have been
Last June in AUDIO LETTER No. 55 I outlined the secret plan for an
American nuclear first strike against Russia. That plan
relies on missiles, including America’s secret mobile missile, the
Minuteman TX, and it cannot succeed without up-to-date information
on the targets in Russia.
As I will outline in Topic #2, the Bolsheviks here are once again
doing all they can to get set for nuclear war, so they are desperate
for new, up-to-date reconnaissance data from Russia. In other words,
they must have an operational spy satellite which can survive in
orbit for a while, and the Bolsheviks here now believe they have
developed that kind of satellite.
Eventually they know that Russia’s
orbital fleet of manned Cosmos Interceptors will succeed in
destroying it; but before they can do so, military planners here
believe the satellite will be able to radio back enough information
to work with. And so, my friends, the first flight of America’s
space shuttle, the Columbia, is to be a secret military mission.
It’s purpose is to prepare for war. That is why there is such a
frantic effort to rush to launch with unproven hardware, and that is
why the very first mission will be manned, instead of an unmanned
test shot. It has to be manned because of the secret cargo it is
carrying in its huge cargo bay.
When the shuttle reaches orbit, if it reaches orbit, astronauts will
be required to deploy the military satellite inside. The satellite
is basically a spy satellite, but it is also much more. In order to
do its job, it is designed to fend off Russian space weapons for as
long as possible. As a result, it will be nothing less than a robot
battle station in space. In space terminology, it is a “hardened
satellite” able to withstand an attack without being easily
destroyed. It is also equipped with active defenses, meaning it can
shoot back. Right now the components of the satellite are crammed
into the cargo bay of the shuttle Columbia. They were already there
when the Columbia was rolled out last November. Once in orbit, the
job of the astronauts, John Young and Robert Crippen, will be to
assemble it and get it operating, and fast.
Once it is assembled and floating in space, the satellite will look
like a giant rotating tin can perhaps 30 feet long and 20 feet in
diameter; but on closer inspection it would seem to be made more
like a wooden barrel except that the barrel staves are all made of a
whitish metal, tungsten. Several of these metal sections can be
retracted on automatic command, making the satellite look like a
shiny barrel with a few staves missing. Inside the outermost
tungsten barrel is another smaller barrel; and inside that is a
still smaller barrel. Finally, at the very center is the heart of
the satellite itself. The tungsten barrels are separated from one
another by a foot or more of space. There is also considerable space
between the innermost barrel and the core satellite. The tungsten
barrels constitute the passive defense of the satellite. If a
Charged Particle Beam blast strikes the outermost barrel, it will
vaporize a spot on the barrel; but in the process it will absorb
energy and diffuse the beam. In theory, that will greatly reduce the
damage done to the second barrel and do no damage at all to the
innermost barrel. Tungsten has the highest melting point of any
metal, so this system of particle beam shields is expected to last
through a number of battles.
The three-layer tungsten shield system is also instrumented. When a
blast strikes it, the blast pattern will be sensed as an
initial indication of where the attack is coming from. A computer in
the core satellite will then activate a secret new target
acquisition system called LADAR, meaning laser direction and
ranging. The movable barrel stave sections of the rotating
tungsten shields will be opened up. LADAR will peek out through the
openings as they rotate past in ultra-fast scanning. In the black
void of space, LADAR is expected to be much more efficient than
radar, picking up the Russian attacker quickly; and the moment it
does, the American robot battle station will open fire. When it does
so, it will pose a major threat even to a Russian Cosmos Interceptor
because, my friends, the American satellite will be armed with a
giant carbon dioxide gas dynamic laser. It is a more compact version
of the laser which has been successfully tested aboard a modified
KC-135 jet tanker.
It produces intense infrared radiation
with a power of over one megawatt—that is 1,000,000 watts. What can
a one megawatt laser do? Let me give you an idea. An industrial
10,000-watt laser can slice through a one-inch thick steel plate in
a matter of seconds. The satellite laser is 100 times that powerful.
It is not as powerful as a Russian Charged Particle Beam, but it is
powerful enough to cripple or destroy a Russian attacker—that is, my
friends, if the space shuttle Columbia makes it into orbit and if
Young and Crippen succeed in deploying the satellite. But will they?
In the past I have given many details about the clever deceptions
which have surrounded our Space Program. But, my friends, the
deceptions of the past were child’s play compared to what we are
about to witness, because the Bolsheviks here must get their robot
battle station into orbit without letting you know about it; and
whether they succeed or fail, they must try to maintain the
appearance of success. As I mentioned earlier, everything is riding
on the space shuttle, so I will now describe the plan for the coming
flight of the Columbia. I will describe what you will see if the
plan works, and I will also describe what will really be taking
place, which is far different. According to the latest schedule, the
Columbia is intended to lift off on a sunny morning in mid April
1981. Millions will watch on television as Young and Crippen roar
upward into the sky and into orbit. Then the scene will shift to the
standard coverage of Young and Crippen in their cockpit, and for a
little over two days the coverage will continue off and on. There
will be cockpit scenes, scenes in Mission Control, and so on; and
there will be some seemingly unexpected problems, nothing serious
but just enough to add a touch of spice to it all. It will look for
all the world like the real thing. Television viewers will have no
suspicion that they are only watching excerpts from numerous
simulations of the flight. In its cover-up of the SKYLAB fiasco,
NASA learned well the techniques of deception.
Meanwhile there will be no television
coverage at all of the real flight except for the initial lift-off.
Instead, when Young and Crippen reach orbit, they will go to work
fast. They will depressurize the cabin, open the cargo hatch, and
move the robot spy satellite components away from the Columbia. They
will also remove a Gemini-type two-man space capsule from the
Columbia cargo bay. After moving these things several hundred yards
away from the Columbia, the two astronauts will close the cargo bay
by remote control. They will maneuver down underneath the Columbia
for a quick visual inspection of the condition of the thermal tiles;
but the urgency of setting up the robot satellite will leave no time
for any attempt to repair any tiles. If the astronauts were to do
that, they would lose precious time both in setting up the satellite
and in making good their own escape in the Gemini capsule. This, my
friends, is why NASA has refused to include a tile repair kit on the
first shuttle mission. As NASA administrator Robert Frosch said in a
recent news conference, quote:
“I felt in the end that it would be
likely to increase risk, perhaps not risk with regard to the
tile system but risk with regard to the safety of the whole
After the briefest of inspections, the
astronauts will turn over control of the Columbia to NASA Houston
with the words:
“Okay for retrofire.”
Then they will float away from the
Columbia and set to work quickly on assembling the robot spy
satellite. It is expected that they will complete the job within
three to four orbits. As soon as the robot satellite is assembled
and operating, Young and Crippen will board their Gemini-type space
capsule. If all goes according to plan, they will drop out of orbit
and splash down in the Pacific Ocean. It will only be the evening of
the same day they took off, but on television the falsified NASA
coverage will still be showing tapes of Young and Crippen in the
simulated cockpit of the Columbia. Young and Crippen are planned to
be picked up at sea after their secret splashdown. From there they
are to be transported to Edwards Air Force Base in California to
await further events.
Meanwhile about 12 hours after the launch from Cape Canaveral,
Houston will send a retrofire signal to the unmanned Columbia. The
shuttle’s engines will fire. Somewhere over the Indian Ocean the
space shuttle will enter the atmosphere. It will be the first
complete test of the shuttle’s thermal tiles. If they work, Columbia
will survive re-entry. Then at lower altitude, piloting of the
Columbia will be taken over by remote control. If all goes well, the
Columbia will touch down in the great sandy desert of western
If all goes according to plan, all these things will take place
during the first day of the supposed 54-hour mission of Young and
Crippen. Then for the final act of the charade, we will be told on
television that the Columbia is re-entering over the Pacific Ocean;
and finally, lo and behold the space shuttle will glide into view.
Everyone will watch in fascination as the shuttle dips lower and
lower over Edwards Air Force Base, California. Finally it will touch
down on the dry lake bed and gradually brake to a stop, and out will
climb Young and Crippen. Everyone will assume that they are climbing
out of the Columbia; but, my friends, they will actually be climbing
out of a different shuttle named the ENTERPRISE. It was the
Enterprise which we saw in those landing tests in August 1977, and
it will again be the Enterprise which we will see making another
landing soon. It will be retouched to look like it came from space,
but it will be a fraud.
My friends, that is the plan as it now stands, but there may well be
some big surprises. The Bolsheviks here have devised a robot battle
station to spy on Russia and defend itself against Russian space
weapons, but it is designed primarily with Cosmos Interceptors in
mind. And while American designers have been devising ways to
counter the Cosmos Interceptors, Russian technology has also been
The secret military mission of the space shuttle Columbia is a
desperate gamble. If it succeeds, it will bring the world much
closer to thermonuclear war. If it fails, we may well be witnessing
America’s final manned mission into Space.
Topic #2
--In AUDIO LETTER® No. 59 last October I
reported that the Bolsheviks here were trying to set up a new
strategy to bring on NUCLEAR WAR ONE. They had been foiled
repeatedly in their attempts to trigger a war by means of our
hostages in Iran, so they were devising a new plan which was to be
set in motion after releasing the hostages. When voting machines
registered a surprise landslide in the name of Ronald Reagan last
November, it set a deadline for arranging a hostage release. That
deadline was Inauguration Day, January 20, last month. Otherwise the
Bolsheviks were in danger of losing control of the Iran crisis which
they themselves had created, and so at the very last minute our
hostages were released last month.
Contrary to the original plans of the Bolsheviks here and in Iran,
our hostages came home alive; but now new maneuvers are under way to
bring on war. Bolshevik agents are stirring up Poland in never
ending strikes and turmoil. Having failed in their Pope’s Revolution
plan of two years ago, they’re trying to make Poland explode in a
different way.
Meanwhile, to keep Russia’s new rulers off balance, another crisis
has been created in our own hemisphere—El Salvador. CIA operatives
are stirring up both sides in the civil war there in order to have
something to blame on Cuba. As always, the Russians are reacting
strongly to the implied new American threats against Cuba, so El
Salvador is serving its purpose as a tool to stoke up tensions
between Russia and the United States. The El Salvador crisis
contains echoes of “Operation Guyana” two years ago. Now, as then,
Russia is being encouraged to worry about Cuba as a diversionary
tactic; and just as happened in Guyana, human lives are being
sacrificed purely to attract attention.
Public attention was first riveted on Guyana by the Port Kaituma
Airport massacre, and not long ago public attention was focused on
El Salvador by the murder of four religious workers. All this is to
help catch Russia off guard later on when the arena of conflict
shifts once again to the Persian Gulf area. Once again secret plans
are being laid to create conflict between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
For that purpose the United States has just announced that it will
sell offensive armaments for Saudi Arabia’s F-15 Fighter Bombers,
and at the same time there are planted reports that the Saudis favor
a jihad (a Moslem holy war) to retake Jerusalem. Right now all of
this is going on quietly. It is not highlighted in our controlled
major media. But the preparations are under way now for a Persian
Gulf explosion later this year of 1981.
When that takes place, the plan is to focus all eyes once again on
Iran. At a critical moment the shaky Iranian government will be
brought down. Suddenly that will leave Russian forces on the north
and American forces on the south, with a vacuum in between; and
almost over night the stage will be set for a nuclear confrontation.
As a preliminary step, the plan is also to declare a “National
Economic Emergency” here in the United States. That will trigger the
emergency powers of the President; and while we will be told that it
is all to fight inflation, it will actually be to prepare for
nuclear war!
My friends, if all this is to be stopped, we must go to the source
of the Satanic power. That power is MONEY POWER, wrongly used. It is
the power of the modern day moneychangers in our land, so it is to
them that I now direct your attention.
Topic #3
--When our Lord Jesus Christ walked the
earth nearly 2000 years ago, He did many miraculous things. He
healed the sick, He fed the hungry, He loved the unloved. In short,
He went about doing good. Most of the time our Lord astonished
everyone with His patience. When He taught He found that people did
not pay attention, and so He had to teach them the same lesson over
and over again, and yet He never once grew angry with anyone who was
seeking to learn. Even so, He also told His disciples, “Do you think
that I have come to bring peace? No, not peace, but a sword.” He
explained that there must be a division between those who are for
God and those who are against God. And as gentle as He was with the
weak, He displayed a fiery anger with those who were swollen up with
arrogant power; and one time the anger of our Lord Jesus Christ
exploded into violence. That one occasion, my friends, was when He
confronted the moneychangers in the temple.
The temple moneychangers possessed a money monopoly. Everyone who
came to worship presented offerings to the priests; and to buy
something to offer, they had to use a special temple money, so
called. The temple money was not really money at all. It was only a
kind of scrip with no intrinsic value. But everyone who came to
worship, from the richest to the poorest, had to turn in good coins
of gold, silver, and copper to buy the scrip. That was the only way
that they could buy a sheep, or a ram, or a dove to offer to the
priest. The moneychangers really performed no useful function at
all; but thanks to their money monopoly, they extracted tremendous
profits from everyone else. When Jesus saw all this, He became
enraged. The moneychangers were so corrupt that they were standing
in the way of worship itself in order to make money, so Jesus wasted
no time trying to reason with them. Instead, He seized a whip and
went after them. He drove away the moneychangers, He knocked over
their counting tables; and seizing their bags of money obtained by a
form of theft, He ripped them open and spilled them out.
My friends, today it is you and I who are at the mercy of the
moneychangers. We, too, have been forced to give up real money made
of silver and gold. Instead, we are forced by the Federal Reserve
money monopoly to deal in Federal Reserve IOUs—nothing but paper
scrip! And in return, the arrogant moneychangers of today, the
Bolsheviks, are trying to take everything from us. They are eating
up our savings by creating inflation through interest rates, which
create no new wealth. They are using their money power to betray us
into nuclear war, and they are even trying to destroy the Christian
faith itself by constantly working to pervert our religious
practices. Like the moneychangers of old, haters of our Lord Jesus
Christ are once again sitting in the temple.
Almost from the moment our Republic was founded, the moneychangers
started trying to seize control of America’s money. First the idea
was called the “Bank of the United States.” Such a bank did exist
for a while with a charter granted by Congress, but on July 10,
1832, President Andrew Jackson put a stop to the central bank idea
for a while. Congress had passed the bill to give a new 20-year
charter to a “Bank of the United States.”
Jackson vetoed the bill with the words:
“Every monopoly and all exclusive
privileges are granted at the expense of the public, which ought
to receive a fair equivalent.”
In other words, Jackson was insisting
that the public be treated fairly.
But, my friends, the moneychangers never give up. In 1913 they
finally got what they wanted. It is called the FEDERAL
RESERVE SYSTEM. Nowadays few people know the story of how the
Federal Reserve System came into existence. Suffice it to say that
it took only a few of the international bankers to do it, without
great fanfare. One man more than any other was the father of the
Federal Reserve in its present form. As the proceedings of the
Academy of Political Science of Columbia University put it, quote:
“The Federal Reserve Act will be
associated in history with the name of Paul M. Warburg.”
In order for Warburg and his associates
to quietly get this legislation past Congress, he had to overcome
one objection. That major objection was to the creation of only one
central bank, which would obviously be a monopoly. Warburg got
around that by conceiving the 12-bank Federal Reserve System; but
when a Senator asked him how he would maintain control of 12 banks
instead of the single bank he favored, Warburg answered, quote:
“It is a little bit complicated,
which objection, however, can be overcome in an administrative
In other words, my friends, he could
short-circuit the 12-bank system and do what he wanted a central
bank to do by administrative techniques. And that is what has been
done in the situation over our missing gold.
The real central bank is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and
the administrative arm of that central bank is actually the “Board
of Governors” here in Washington. The New York Bank, the Board of
Governors, and agents within the United States Treasury Department
all work hand in glove. It is they who constitute the modern day
moneychangers in our land.
In all of this, the other 11 Regional Federal Reserve Banks just go
along for the ride. They do possess latent powers of their own, but
thanks to Warburg’s “administrative techniques” they’re always
indoctrinated not to exercise those powers. Instead, the 11 Regional
Banks outside New York are treated like children by the
moneychangers in New York and Washington. They are given big
buildings, fancy offices, impressive stationery, fat salaries,
numerous advisors, and impressive titles; but they are always told
in effect, “Leave all the thinking to us big boys.” Year in and year
out the Regional Federal Reserve Banks, all except New York, are
kept in the dark, so last month in AUDIO LETTER No. 61 I tried to
light a candle in that darkness. All of the Federal Reserve Banks
share in the responsibility for safeguarding our gold. The
Presidents and Directors of all the Banks are now on legal notice
concerning those responsibilities, so from now on they will have no
excuse. Either they are for us OR they are against us—they must make
a choice. They do hold power, and those who hold power must be held
accountable with the consequences of its exercise.
The question we have posed is very simple and very basic:
IS NOT THERE. We want an indisputable physical inventory to find
out once and for all, so we have appealed to the Regional
Federal Reserve Banks to wake up, to flex their muscles for
once, and to bring about an inventory.
My friends, I want to thank all of you
who followed through on what I asked you to do last month, and I
want to let you know the results so far.
Up to now the Federal Reserve System is continuing to maintain its
false outer appearance of unruffled unity; but behind that
facade, little cracks are beginning to open up. It’s true, many of
the Regional Bank Directors have so far been unable to open their
minds to the truth, but there are some important exceptions. One
high official of one Regional Federal Reserve Bank is being very
cooperative up to now. Very quietly he is providing us with
important information. He has not yet gone so far as to demand an
inventory, but he is responding with an open mind. At one other
Regional Bank a high official has signaled to us that he is
seriously concerned, but up to now he is still sitting on the fence.
Beyond that, I have also received reliable reports that scattered
around the country a number of Regional Federal Reserve Directors
are troubled. Until last month they had never been given one hint of
their own legal responsibilities regarding the gold.
My friends, all this is at least an encouraging start, but it is
clear that they are going to take more convincing. We should not be
surprised at that nor discouraged by it. Many of these men have been
associated with the Federal Reserve System for many years. Human
nature being what it is, they naturally find it hard to accept the
fact that the wool has been pulled over their eyes. Typically, these
are highly educated men, they are not stupid. They will have to
swallow their pride in many cases if they are to see how thoroughly
they have been fooled and used. Over the past six or seven years
I’ve made public many facts which these men should consider for
their own good, but rather than go back over any of those again, I
want to report three new ones. The discrepancies surrounding our
gold supplies just go on and on, my friends.
First, let me refer to the Treasury Inspector General’s report to
Senator William Proxmire dated last September 30, 1980. This
so-called report came about because of your letters to Senator
Proxmire. The subject was the missing gold shipment from Fort Knox
of January 20, 1965, which I have discussed in past AUDIO LETTERS.
The shipment amounted to over one and three-quarter MILLION ounces
of gold worth around a billion dollars at today’s prices, yet it was
omitted from official Treasury shipment listings.
Recently this feeble excuse for a report has been cited by the
Federal Reserve Board of Governors. For example on February 2, 1981,
Theodore E. Allison, secretary of the Board of Governors, wrote to
the president of the Philadelphia Bank, Mr. Edward G. Boehne. Boehne
had written to the Board of Governors in response to your inquiries;
and with their letter of reply, the Board enclosed the Treasury
Inspector General’s report! My friends, I have mentioned before that
this report is totally unsatisfactory. It is a fraud and a farce,
yet now the moneychangers of the Board of Governors are falling back
on that report as one way to calm down the Regional Banks. So I
think it is appropriate to give you just one example of the glaring
errors sprinkled throughout the report. I also want to do this
because some of you have asked me to say more about it.
If you have a copy of the Treasury Inspector General’s report,
please look on page 2. The third paragraph refers to the missing
shipment of January 20, 1965. It says very impressively, quote:
“This shipment was receipted for on
Treasury Department Form TUS-12b—Receipt for Forwarding
Depository, Voucher No. 65-1--on January 22, 1965, by John P.
Bath, an employee of the New York Assay Office.”
Sounds cut and dried, doesn’t it? Sorry,
my friends, it so happens that the New York Assay Office had no
permanent employee named John P. Bath on January 22, 1965; so if the
Receipt quoted by the Treasury Inspector General exists at all, it
means absolutely nothing. It is fraudulent! That is the kind of
report which Senator William Proxmire was so eager and happy to
settle for, and that is the kind of report which the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors now uses to soothe the Regional Banks. If the
Regional Federal Reserve Banks want to swallow that, then shame on
Now let me give you a second example—another major discrepancy in
the records of the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Board
of Governors. I have spoken before about the so-called “London Gold
Pool” which operated between 1961 and 1968. This is the official
cloak of authority which was used during that period to explain the
hemorrhage of gold out of Fort Knox. According to official Treasury
records, some 219.5 MILLION ounces of gold left Fort Knox. Of that
amount, supposedly a little over 9-million ounces went to the New
York Federal Reserve Bank. The other 210-million ounces were
supposedly destined for the London Gold Pool. But now let me give
you the conflicting statements of former Treasury Secretary William
Simon. On May 4, 1976, he wrote to then Congressman John Conlan of
Arizona. Conlan had requested some better answers from Simon than he
had given previously to questions about our missing gold. Simon
spent over two months constructing a reply to Conlan’s February 26,
1976 letter. Simon sent Conlan a two-page letter plus an eight-page
memorandum trying to refute the charges. At one point in the
memorandum Simon says, quote:
“The statement which alleges that
the shipments of gold to London for the London Gold Pool
arrangement were used as a cover for secret losses of United
States gold simply isn’t true.”
And yet, just four sentences later,
Simon says, quote:
“When the arrangement was terminated
by the Washington agreement of March 1968, the United States had
made net sales to the Pool during its period of operation
totaling 45.2-million ounces.”
Now let’s compare two numbers side by
side, my friends. First is Simon’s number. As Secretary of the
Treasury he said that the United States sent only about 45-million
ounces of gold net to the London Gold Pool, but Treasury records
give a different number. At least 210-million ounces disappeared
from Fort Knox alone during that period. If only 45-million ounces
went to the Gold Pool, as Simon said in writing, what happened to
all the rest? Two hundred ten million (210-million) minus 45-million
leaves 165-million ounces of gold from Fort Knox unaccounted for!
Yet, I repeat, the only excuse ever given for the Fort Knox gold
hemorrhage was the London Gold Pool. My friends, that
unaccounted-for gold is Federal Reserve gold belonging to the
American people. As I detailed last month, the Federal Reserve title
to the gold is beyond legal dispute. Every Officer and every
Director of every Regional Federal Reserve Bank shares a legal
responsibility if that gold is missing, and if they do not
investigate. The incredible discrepancy I have just revealed is in
black and white in Treasury statements. Do the Regional Banks dare
to close their eyes to it? If so, God help us all. Now let me report
just one more mystery to you about our gold.
This one did not take place years ago, but just this month—February
1981. Last month our hostages were finally released from Iran. Most
of the last-minute settlements involved banking matters. Most of
all, Iran demanded that 1.6-million ounces of gold be returned.
According to all the news reports, the return of Iran’s gold was
arranged by cable transactions between the Federal Reserve System
and the Bank of England. Supposedly, Iran’s 1.6-million ounces of
gold was safe and sound at the New York Federal Reserve Bank. By a
system of banking credits, this amount of gold was reportedly
credited to Britain’s gold stock here in America, then the Bank of
England turned over an equivalent amount of gold into Iran’s custody
in London. We were told that no gold actually left America in this
transaction. But, my friends, that is a lie. Simply put, Britain’s
bankers do not trust us.
The Bank of England secretly demanded
that Iran’s 1.6-million ounces of good delivery gold be physically
sent to London; and so on February 7, just three weeks ago, there
was a secret gold shipment to London by air. It came to about
1.6-million ounces, but it did not come from the New York Federal
Reserve Bank! It was not Iran’s gold. Instead, the shipment was made
from the New York Assay Office. Dregs of junk gold from Fort Knox
were scraped together, then it was rushed to London in secret.
My friends, this raises a very serious question. If Iran’s gold
still existed at the New York Bank, why was that not sent to London?
Why was the New York Assay Office given a panic refining job to
scrape together the gold? In any case, the gold that went to London
was not Iranian gold—it was Federal Reserve gold, part of the small
amount still left in this country. It was taken from the dregs of
junk gold removed from Fort Knox for auctions in the recent past. As
I reported more than five years ago in AUDIO LETTER No. 5, any gold
left in Fort Knox is radioactive. It has been contaminated by
plutonium super poison stored in the Gold Vault by the CIA in the
late 60’s. Recently a leading Swiss bank refused to take delivery of
Fort Knox gold purchased at a gold auction. Their tests proved that
the gold was indeed radioactive; so the Bank of England should test
the gold which they just received very carefully.
The secret gold shipment of February 7 further depleted what little
is left of the Federal Reserve gold. It took place with the
knowledge and collusion of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
and the New York Bank; but once again, the other 11 Regional Banks
have been taken for a ride. It may well be that they do not even
know about this latest disappearance of their gold. If not, they
have once again been used by the moneychangers who control them.
My friends, there are mountains of evidence that our gold reserves
are not as claimed, but will the Regional Federal Reserve Bankers
wake up in time? Will they take action to save both themselves and
our country? If they do not act, what lies ahead may well be
foreshadowed in these words written to a commercial banker by one of
my listeners: “More and more of my friends and people I know are
withdrawing all their funds held in banks, then dealing in cash,
silver, gold, and barter systems for their transactions. Banks and
bankers, through not serving the true interests of the people, are
losing any useful place in society.”
Now it is time for my “Last Minute Summary.” As I say these
words, the space shuttle COLUMBIA is being readied for a desperate
secret military mission. Once again powerful forces here in the
United States are bent on war, NUCLEAR WAR. Our own money has been
taken away from us in order to finance preparations for warfare that
will destroy us.
The evil which is being planned for us all has one root. That root
is a Satanic and perverted MONEY POWER. If we are serious about
saving our land, we must pull up that root. We must do as our Lord
Jesus Christ Himself did long ago. We must drive out the
moneychangers, and restore honor and honesty to our land.
Until next month, God willing, this is
Dr. Beter. Thank you, and may God bless each and every one of you.