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Russia’s Foreign Policy
Moderator :
Jessica T. Mathews
Lilia Shevtsova
Dmitri V. Trenin
THE meeting took place at a time when
relations between Russia and the West
had been put under severe strain by the conflict in Kosovo.
There was general agreement that dealing with Russia
posed huge problems. Its foreign policy is erratic, reflecting its
difficulties in adjusting to its loss of its Great Power status;
indeed, there is arguably no such thing as Russian foreign policy
anymore, only the policies of rival political groups and regional
blocks. A handful of participants sounded an optimistic note,
pointing out that some reforms are working and that relations with
the European Union are better than those with the United States. But
nobody thought that "the Russian problem’’ would be solved in the
immediate future.
Russia’s foreign policy is extremely erratic. All the country’s
moods and phobias are reflected in its foreign policy: its recent
humiliation; its persistent feeling of cultural superiority; and its
nostalgia for its superpower status. This irrational and
inconsistent behaviour creates the problem of "Russia fatigue’’ in
the rest of the world. Russia is plagued by the
failure of its transition from Communism - a failure that some
people refer to as the "dead hand of the beginning’’. It is also
plagued by its lack of a national consensus. Russia is
torn between two civilizations: 70% of the population say they
support liberal democracy but 90% say that they are willing to
sacrifice that principle for the sake of order. This pragmatism
means that politics can change at any moment, and that Russian
society is characterized by extreme fluidity.
What does the future hold? One possibility is the stagnation
scenario. The system simply reproduces all its problems, whether
Yeltsin or anyone else is in charge; and foreign policy zigzags
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between animosity, bargaining and restraint. Another possibility is
the consolidation of state power. The one thing that we can rule out
is the extension of democracy.
There is little that the West can do about any of
this. The big task is to help Russia to help itself.
The West should stop supporting personalities (such as Yeltsin).
It should also reconsider its financial assistance, which postpones
structural reform and raises the possibility of long-term
dependency. The West will be better off with a
strong Russia, which might be able to help it cope with
things like Islamic fundamentalism. But Russia is going to remain
weak for the next fifteen years - and the West’s task is to learn to
cope with this weakness.
Until a few months ago everyone said that they could not believe how
friendly relations had become between the former Cold War
antagonists. Now NATO’s expansion to Russia’s border
has raised the fear in Moscow that the West is intent on strangling
Russia. Kosovo is a symbol of this change, producing a
collapse in confidence in Russia’s foreign policy
analogous to the collapse in confidence in its economy last August.
What went wrong? Russia has suffered from inflated
expectations of a Russian-American condominium. Russia has been
slow-to realize that its loss of status may be permanent. It is not
just that the rouble has been devalued: Russia has
been devalued. The challenge for the West is to manage not just
Russia’s weakness but also its own strength.
How far can the deterioration go? Russia is unlikely
to go either Fascist or Communist. There
is no such thing as Communism in today’s Russia - only a
party that happens to bear that name. There will be no revival of
the Cold War - only a Cold Peace. Russia is not going
to become part of an anti-western alliance. The biggest long-term
security threat for Russia is not the West but
China. Nor will Russia become a rogue state. It is too
pragmatic - too intent on adjusting to its new environment.
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What can be done? Kosovo could yet provide an area of
co-operation. In the Russian mind there is a good West in the
form of the European Union and a bad West in
the form of the United States. The best way forward
may be to strengthen relations with the European Union
and thereby turn it into an anchor of stability.
Several speakers focused on Russia’s strained
relationship with NATO. A Swiss wanted a more precise
definition of NATO. Is it an alliance against
something (Russia perhaps) or a collective security agreement - and,
if it is a collective security agreement, will Russia be allowed to
join it? A Czech pointed out that there is nothing new in Russia
perceiving NATO as a problem. But a panellist insisted
that Russia’s feelings about NATO have changed.
Russians are appalled that what they had always been told was a
defensive alliance has become an offensive force - and by how
quickly the alliance’s decision to bomb Serbia was implemented. The
other panellist pointed out that it is the nationalists who want to
join NATO - in order to blow it up from inside - and
the liberals who are hesitant.
An American wondered how to put the substance back into talks with
Russia. The arms control talks, which used to be a way
of talking about common problems, have now become merely mechanical;
and much of the relationship with Russia is about
"psychiatry’’ rather than substantive issues. He agreed with an
earlier participant that the Ukraine was a
particularly important issue. One of the panellists pointed out that
one of the more positive things about Russia was its recent treaty
with the Ukraine.
The issue of foreign aid for Russia provoked
disagreement. One international participant strongly defended the
aid program. The amount of money the international financial
institutions have devoted to Russia is being reduced,
and most of it will not even leave the United States,
but will instead be used to pay off debts. The only new money that
is going to Russia will be used exclusively for social
purposes, strengthening the country’s bank-
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ing and justice systems. But a Swede strongly argued that
Russia’s real problem is corruption - ministerial jobs are
sold for $70m and parliamentary votes are being traded for $4m - and
that the best way to stop this corruption is to reduce the state’s
The question of the "good West’’ and the "bad West’’
aroused a great deal of discussion. A Canadian wondered what "the
West’’ means to Russians. Does the Russian elite distinguish
between different bits of the West? A German pointed out that
Russia’s relationship with the EU is much better than that with the
United States. And a Dane wondered whether it would be a positive
move to strengthen the EU’s relationship with the Baltic States. A
panellist countered that the Baltic countries’ membership in
NATO had been one of the most important things in
transforming the alliance in Russian eyes from a mere problem into a
threat. But he agreed that Russia’s feelings to
Europe are much warmer than its feelings to the United
States, partly because Europe is not fully integrated and
partly because it lacks America’s military might. The European
Union seems the natural place to satisfy Russia’s need to be
attached to something larger than itself. But for that to happen we
need to have a notion of Europe that is larger than "the West.’’
There were a few rays of optimism in the discussion. One of the
speakers who decried Russia’s corruption also pointed
out that the economy is gradually improving and that the society has
proved amazingly stable. Others pointed to Yeltsin’s ability
to escape from the various traps strewn in his path - notably
impeachment. But, as one of the panellists concluded, these events
seemed to indicate stagnation as much as stability. Corruption
is not the source of Russia’s problems, but the
consequence of them.