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It is interesting to compare Hartmann's report and case studies with Condon's two-page summary of "Study of UFO Photographs" (Condon & Gillmor, 1968, pp. 35-37). Only one paragraph is clearly based on Hartmann's work. This reads:

Hartmann made a detailed study of 35 photographic cases (Section IV, Chapter 3) referring to the period 1966-1968, and a selection of eighteen older cases, some of which have been widely acclaimed in the UFO literature. This photographic study led to the identification of a number of widely publicized photographs as being ordinary objects, others as fabrications, and others as innocent misidentifications of things photographed under unusual conditions.

In fact, Hartmann discusses 14 cases, of which six are from the period 1966-1968. Concerning the McMinnville, Oregon, case (Case 46), Condon refers not to the analysis made by Hartmann, but to an analysis made by Everitt Merritt, who was not a member of the project staff, but a photogrammatrist on the staff of the Autometrics Division of the Raytheon Company of Alexandria, Virginia. Merritt found that "the UFO images turned out to be too fuzzy to allow worthwhile further parametric analysis." Condon reports at length Merritt's analysis of another case (Zanesville, Ohio; not discussed anywhere else in the report) that was considered to be a hoax, and also discusses two photographs published in Look magazine, quoting the analysis of Staff Sergeant Earl Schroeder of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Schroeder is not listed as being affiliated with the Colorado UFO Project, and the case he analyzed was not considered by the project staff.

Apart from generalizations, Condon devotes only one and one-half pages to discussion of photographic evidence. Of this one and one-half pages, 60% is devoted to the work of Merritt, 30% to the work of Schroeder, and only 10% to the work of Hartmann. Further, as we have seen, Condon's summary of the work of his own staff member (Hartmann) was quite inadequate and--for whatever reasons--misleading.

Radar-Visual Cases

Special importance may be attached to cases in which both visual and radar observations were made, and in which these observations were consistent. Such cases will typically involve several witnesses: they involve observations made at two or more "channels" of the electromagnetic spectrum; and the radar observations provide distance measurements and possibly height measurements also. Such cases are discussed in two staff summaries: Section CR III, Chapter 2, "Field Studies" by Craig (Condon & Gillmor, 1968, pp. 51-75), and Section CR III, Chapter 5, "Optical and Radar Analysis of Field Cases" by Thayer (Condon & Gillmor, 1968, pp. 115-176).

Thayer, in his summary of radar-visual cases, states (Condon & Gillmor, 1968, p. 175): "There is a small, but significant, residue of cases from the radar-visual files (i.e., 1482N, Case 2) that have no plausible explanation such

