Kissinger Associates /

Kissinger McLarty Associates



I have tried to ensure that all the information presented below is correct. Much is written about Kissinger Associates, and not all of it can be proven. All of the sources given are corporate, governmental or from reliable media sources. If you find any errors, or indeed have more to contribute, please don’t hesitate to contact me. – - otherwise, I hope this proves useful.


John Horne


***NEW*** Henry Kissinger has recently been appointed to head the 9-11 Commission. Everything else considered (like Kissinger being a war criminal & all) there is the serious question of his conflicts of interest. Take for example this exchange on CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer:


BLITZER:  Let me then move on to a Los Angeles Times editorial which came up with a different criticism of you, and I'll put that up on the screen as well. It says, "His company, Kissinger Associates, is known for introducing U.S. firms looking for business overseas to leaders of foreign governments. The company has not disclosed all of its clients or detailed the work it does. There is the possibility of a conflict of interest in investigating foreign governments that can be beneficial to clients." What about that point, that your company, Kissinger Associates, does not disclose its clients and there could be potentially a conflict of interest?


KISSINGER: No law firm discloses its clients. I will discuss my clients fully with the counsel of the White House and with the appropriate ethics groups. And the possibility that the investigation of a commission that contains eight commissioners would be affected by any conceived commercial interests is outrageous. I have served six presidents, and I have never been accused of anything of this kind.


(end extract)


Keep reading & decide for yourself.

*** Kissinger has resigned from the commission(!). ***

Click here to read his letter to Bush



About Kissinger Associates, Inc


Before you go any further, I will direct you to the company's own site, which will explain why this site is necessary:


Have you ever seen a company so bereft of information? All of the main sites for dispersing information about companies go dry when it comes to Kissinger Associates – believe me, I’ve been through them all. The best I mustered was this from Hoovers:


Kissinger Associates, Inc.

350 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10022

(212) 759-7919


From that I did manage to compile a list of companies who share the same building as Henry.


In short, very little is known about this “International Consulting Firm” other than a few press releases, or information culled from other companies and corporate reports. I have no idea whose the firm has as clients and have little idea of who works there. What follows is all I can find about the company.


First, a small description, provided by David Rockefeller’s “Council of the Americas”, of which Kissinger Associates is a member:


“Kissinger Associates and its affiliate, Kissinger McLarty Associates, provide strategic advisory and advocacy services to a select group of U.S. and multinational companies. The firms provide high-level intervention regarding special projects, assist their clients to identify strategic partners and investment opportunities, and advise clients on government relations throughout the world. KAI was founded in 1982 by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In 1999, former Clinton Chief of Staff and Special Envoy for the Americas Thomas F. McLarty joined KAI as Vice-Chairman, and established a Washington office of KAI known as Kissinger McLarty Associates (KMA).  The firm does not, however, lobby the United States government or engage in conduct that would require us to register as foreign agents under US law, nor do we accept fees from foreign governments.” (source)


Since June 2001, we can also add Bill Richardson to the dynamic duo as he became a senior managing director following a three year tenure as U.S. Secretary of Energy.


Writing for the New York Times Magazine on April 20th, 1986, Leslie Gelb gave a small insight into the company: “[in] 25 to 30 corporations paid KA between $150,000 and $420,000 each per annum for political influence and access. […] The superstar international consultants [at KA] were certainly people who would get their telephone calls returned from high American government officials and who would also be able to get executives in to see foreign leaders.”


Back in 1989 it had five partners: Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Lawrence Eagleburger, Alan Stoga, T. Jefferson Cunningham III. Power elite, each and every one. We know this in part because of documents that were subpeonad by the Committee on Foreign Relations in 1991, relating to the BCCI scandal.


For a comprehensive synopsis of Kissinger Associates and BCCI see here. (or here for the entire report)


Kissinger Associates was also involved in the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) scandal (also known as `Iraqgate’) which can pretty much be seen as another tentacle of the same illegal octopus. This scandal was particularly at the heart of Kissinger Associates because of the more intimate nature of the dealings that Kissinger, Scowcroft, Eagleburger and William Rogers had with the various companies and entities involved – not least because BNL hired Kissinger Associates. This scandal is perticularly pertinent given the current warmongering climate which seeks to launch an all out offensive in Iraq – these were the guys who armed the country in the first place. The best online information on this scandal comes from Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez (who died in 1998) in a series of presentations given to the House of Representatives in 1991-2.


The key testimonies relating to Kissinger Associates: April 24th 1991, April 25th 1991, May 2nd 1991, April 28th 1992  (for the rest: 1991, 1992)


Some of the information in the April 25th 1991 hearing may still be relevant. This concerns Volvo and its then CEO Pehr Gyllenhammar. I have confirmed that up until 1997 he was still a director of Kissinger Associates and it is quite possible that that relationship still exists.


The investigation was stonewalled from the highest corridors of power, especially because the scandal went straight into the heart of the Bush Administration. Indeed, it would appear that much of the key evidence was shredded by the Department of Justice. In two speeches given in July (1 2) Gonzalez explains the explicit foreknowledge that the USG had of US corporate interest in arming Iraq – the poiniant fact being therefore that Kissinger, Scowcroft et al operated under a blanket of protection. Only time will tell what Kissinger Associates have been doing in the past ten years – but the addition of McLarty is ominous. If the Republicans help their own you can be sure that Democrats will do similar.


Back then, Lloyd Cutler, was (and may still be) the attourney for the company. He was also Presidential Counsel to Carter and Clinton. Fickle – maybe – but I rest my case.


We also know that companies who have used (& may way still use) the services of Kissinger Associates include:


American Express – Kissinger sits on the International Advisory Board


Arco (aka Atlantic Richfield)

ASEA Brown Boveri (ABB)

the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro – see above for info on the BNL scandal


Daewoo of South Korea

Delta Air Lines

Exxon Mobil


Forstmann Little & Co – of which Kissinger is a Director

Freeport McMoRan – Kissinger is now a `Director Emeritus’ of the company earning himself personally $400,000 in 1994.

H.J. Heinz

Hunt Oil


ITT Lockheed

JP Morgan Chase – Kissinger also sits on its International Advisory Board

Merck & Co

Midland Bank (HSBC)


Shearson Lehman Hutton

Union Carbide – now merged with Dow Chemical Company – Union Carbide is the company responsible for the Bhopal disaster. Much more info on this here.

United Parcel Service



(sources: Christopher Hitchens The Trial of Henry Kissinger (Verso, 2002) p.121-126; Walter Isaacson Kissinger: A Biography p.733-734; also Reuters release 5/31/02)


Indeed, the small chapter in Christopher Hitchens book The Trial of Henry Kissinger just hints at the utterly power centric and compassionless nature of Kissinger Associates. An excerpt from the book, predeminately focussing on Kissingers role with Freeport McMoRan (but also his business interests in Iraq) can be found here.


The company has also met the wrath of Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch:


“The firm of Kissinger, McLarty & Richardson epitomizes Washington, D.C. at its worst – sleazy ex-administration officials, feeding off special influence and power and then pretending, with the help of their enablers, to be fine, upstanding and respected gentlemen. Judicial Watch will `watch’ closely their activities and take action whenever warranted. Today, we will be filing Freedom of Information Act requests to learn about their activities in the recent past,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. (source)


This announcement was made in June 2001 – sadly there is no update of yet.


Kissinger McLarty Associates has a “strategic alliance” with the Blackstone Group – seen by many as nothing more than another arm of the Carlyle Group. The Blackstone Group describes their relationship thus:


“Blackstone's alliance with Kissinger McLarty Associates is designed to help provide financial advisory services to corporations seeking high-level strategic advice. The relationship was announced in 2000 and recently completed its first strategic advisory assignment on behalf of a NYSE-listed company.” (source)


Infact the alliance also incorporates Maurice Greenberg’s American International Group, as per this press release on February 21st 2000:


“American International Group, Inc. (AIG), The Blackstone Group L. P. and Kissinger Associates Inc. announced the establishment of a new venture to provide financial advisory services to corporations seeking high-level independent strategic advice. […] The venture will operate globally and will take advantage of the existing relationships between the partners:


- AIG has an ownership interest in Blackstone and is an investor in several of Blackstone's private equity funds;

- AIG and Blackstone have a joint venture, specializing in restructuring and M&A advisory services in selected Asian countries;

- Henry Kissinger chairs both AIG's International Advisory Board and the advisory boards of several AIG-sponsored Infrastructure Funds.


The AIG-Blackstone-Kissinger Associates venture recently completed its first advisory assignment on behalf of a New York Stock Exchange listed U.S. company.” (source) (note: “M&A” means “Mergers and Acquisitions”)


Indeed: “In 1998, American International Group ("AIG") acquired a 7% non-voting interest in The Blackstone Group for $150 million and committed to invest $1.2 billion in future Blackstone-sponsored funds.” (source) And Maurice Greenberg sits on Blackstone’s Domestic Advisory Board.


In 1999 Kissinger Associates signed on SGV & Co “Asia's largest accounting and consulting firm” to “further expand its reach”. On June 6th 2002 SGV became an affiliate of Ernst & Young – prior to that it was “a member firm of Arthur Andersen”


Kissinger McLarty has also worked / still works with Princeton Video Image to aid its expansion into Latin America:


“Eduardo Sitt, Director of Presencia en Medios and member of Princeton Video Image's Board of Directors, said, "Publicidad Virtual has demonstrated to Latin America that Princeton Video Image's technology is a  viable means to generate revenue and gross profit dollars through virtual advertising, and we have just scratched the surface. We are taking our successful experience in Mexico and expanding into Latin America's other key markets. To help us in these efforts, we have retained the services of Kissinger McLarty Associates, whose strategic expertise will help us in our expansion.” – 15th December 2000 (source)


And provides/d similar services for GlobalNet:


“GlobalNet, Inc., a fast growing telecommunications firm, today announced it has retained the strategic consulting firm of Kissinger McLarty Associates to help execute its further expansion into Latin America. GlobalNet currently provides customers in the United States and Latin America with high-quality voice, fax, and other value-added services through its growing internet-protocol based network. Bob Donahue, GlobalNet CEO, said, "as we quickly continue to build our network and customer base in Latin America, Kissinger McLarty Associates, with its political savvy and contacts, will help us establish relationships and avoid pitfalls as we enter new markets.''” - 31st July 2000 (source)


“GlobalNet is leveraging its partnership model to expand into new areas of Latin America. It recently has contracted with the strategic consulting firm of Kissinger McLarty Associates to help establish alliances in new markets.” – January 2001 (source)


There was also some speculation of a deal with Excite:


“Kissinger McLarty Associates […] has approached Excite@Home about buying a majority stake in the company, The Wall St. Journal reports. The firm has been in discussions with Excite@Home since May, according to the report.” - August 29, 2001 (source)


Another company is Prescott Enterprises (which is affiliated with the Business Strategy Group):


“[a] DC-based hospitality management and trade consulting practice that provides strategic, technical, political counsel, and support services to help clients achieve their near and long-term political and economic objectives. Founded in 2001 by Tom Prescott, an experienced policy advisor with roots in both the hospitality industry and government, the firm specializes in addressing hospitality sector business challenges and provides international trade policy services in agriculture, other commercial trade, and general services. Prescott Enterprises facilitates and enables market expansion and provides specialized representation in the federal legislative and regulatory processes. The firm maintains a relationship with Kissinger McLarty Associates and has developed extensive relationships in the United States, particularly on Capitol Hill and within the executive branch, as well as in similar sectors of the European Union and a number of Asian nations.”


To fulfill the reciprocal relationship, McLarty sits on the board of advisors for Prescott.


Another curious company is Zemi Communications. Kissinger serves as its Chairman Emeritus, and the company cites `strategic relationships’ with both Kissinger Associates & Kissinger McLarty Associates. The company develops and manages “communications programs for clients--major corporations and governments--from around the world, particularly those who raise capital, sell goods and services, or are affected by developments in the United States.” It’s founder and President, Alan Stoga, used to be a managing director of Kissinger Associates and still serves as a director there. “He is currently Vice Chairman of the Americas Society and served as acting president and CEO from November 2001 through June 2002.” – That good old Council of the Americas strikes again! More on Stoga below.


Of all of these associations, the most `troubling’ is the relationship between Kissinger Associates, the Blackstone Group and the American International Group (under the auspices of financial giant JP Morgan Chase and lobbying entity The Council of the Americas.) Indeed, as I intend to later show, the power brokers behind and within these five entities crop up so frequently it appears as one giant behomoth. This is not to ignore the role the companies have outside of the American trading bloc, but the total liberalisation of trade between North and South America is a jewel in the crown of Kissinger, Peter Peterson & Stephen Schwarzman of Blackstone, Maurice Greenberg of AIG, the ubiqutous David Rockefeller and others. Members of all also bathe in the corporate and governmental weight of The Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Group.


That said, the Kissinger-Blackstone-AIG combo may indeed have some far darker sides to its story. All have provided a home for Republican `Cold-War Warriors’, who have long been tight with the highest echelons of both United States government and its intelligence community. Many, many questions arise about foreknowledge of 9-11. Fingers pointed at this group may not simply be an erroneous product of a paranoid imagination. When 7, World Trade Center fell, it was dwarfed by the far greater tragedy and suffering that occurred on that fateful day. But slowly some curious truths are emerging about that building. The Blackstone Group acquired the mortgage to the property back in 2000. The building housed the CIA, the New York Office of Emergency Management and the Secret Service Electronic Crime Fighting Task Force. Citigroup `lost’ key documents relating to its dealings with Worldcom. The Greenberg family of business’ profiteered greatly from selling insurance against terrorist acts – which, if deemed `an act of war’ by Bush, they will never have to pay up anyway.


Did any of the people have foreknowledge of 9-11? Did they Let It Happen On Purpose? Or could there have been more intimate knowledge and even planning?


(* in the course of researching this web page I came across the following references for old news stories. If anybody has access to a library that holds back copies I would be eternally grateful for an electronic copy: Washington Post, Aug, 29, 1989; New York Times, Apr. 30, 1989; Wall Street Journal, Sept. 15, 1989)




Who’s Who in Kissinger Associates


Chairman – Henry A Kissinger

Vice Chairman - Thomas F. (Mack) McLarty, III

Vice-Chairman – Alan R Batkin

Vice-Chairman – William D Rogers

Senior Managing Director – Bill Richardson

Managing Partner - Richard W. Fisher

Managing Director – Nelson W Cunningham

Managing Director - Stephen Donehoo

Managing Director - Richard L. Huber

Managing Director - J. Stapleton Roy

Senior Director - Maria Luisa Mabilangan Haley

Director - Alan Stoga

Director - Etienne Davignon

Investing Principal - Ranch C Kimball

Board of Counselors - Gordon D Giffin

Director (unconfirmed) - Pehr Gyllenhammar


The Rt Hon Lord Carrington and Lord Roll are also rumored to be directors, but I am yet to find confirmation of this.




Alan R. Batkin


Vice Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.


President & CEO, Orama Partners


“[the Orama Group is] an investment bank that is the private placement arm of the IDB Group -- arguably the largest business enterprise in the private sector of the Israeli economy, comprising IDB Holdings, a stake in Israel Discount Bank, IDB Development, Discount Investment Corporation, Clal Israel (including Clal Industries and Investments, Clal Insurance, etc.) and more -- Orama can call on significant clout, both within and without the extensive IDB family.


"In addition to the many IDB companies and institutions with whom we work on a regular basis, Orama has strategic partners throughout the world who do

not merely cooperate with us they are minority owners in Orama," explains Gil Weiser, active vice chairman of Orama Ltd., the firm's Israel-based operation. Orama consists of Orama Ltd., headquartered in Tel Aviv, and subsidiary Orama Partners, incorporated in the US and based in New York.


Among the prominent names that own minority interests in Orama are Compaq, Intel, Lucent, McCaw Cellular, Softbank, Silicon Graphics, Siemens, Silicon Valley Bank and the TDF agency of the government of Singapore.” [source]


Director of Hasbro

Director of Diamond Offshore Drilling (along with Bill Richardson)

Director of Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc

Director of Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc


Corporate Advisory Board of the Pacific Council on International Policy (the Western Partner of the Council on Foreign Relations)


Steering Committee of the Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations


Member of the Inter-American Dialogue


He was a managing director of Lehman Brothers.




L. Paul Bremer


Managing Director, Kissinger Associates, Inc




Nelson W Cunningham


Managing Director, Kissinger McLarty Associates, Washington


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




Etienne Davignon


Director, Kissinger Associates (he WAS in 1997 – haven’t been able to confirm beyond that date)


In 1959, Mr. Davignon joined the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was Head of the Cabinets of Ministers Spaak and Harmel. From 1969 he was responsible for the Political Department of the Ministry until his departure in 1977 when he joined the EEC.


During his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was directly involved with Belgium's policies in Africa, the independence of Ruanda and Burundi and the solution to the Belgium and Zaïre conflict.


He was also a key figure behind the report on the future of the Atlantic Alliance (Harmel report) and he presided the committee, which prepared the first proposals regarding political cooperation between EEC members (Davignon report): 1974- 1975.


Following the oil crisis in 1973, Mr. Davignon chaired the International Conference, which established an oil sharing treaty. From 1974 to 1977, he was the first President of the International Energy Agency created November 18, 1974.


After leaving the civil service in 1977, Mr. Davignon was appointed Vice President of the EEC, in charge of industry, research and energy up until the end of 1984. During this period he was active in the restructuring of European industry (steel, textiles, synthetic fibres) and promoting new research cooperative ventures in Information Technology and Telecommunication (Esprit, Race). He negotiated on behalf of the EEC, key agreements with the US, Japan and China.


In the beginning of 1985 he joined Société Générale de Belgique, Belgium's leading holding company of which he became Chairman on the 11th April 1989. He serves as Vice- Chairman since 28th February 2001.


Mr. Davignon is a member of the Board of Suez, BASF, ICL, Anglo American, Sofina, Solvay, Royal Sporting Club of Anderlecht and several S.G.B. group companies and is Vice- Chairman of Fortis and Tractebel.


He became Chairman of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe on May 30, 1991.


He is a Chairman of the Paul-Henri Spaak Foundation, the Royal Institute for International Relations, the "Palais des Beaux-Arts" and the Bilderberg Meetings.


He is Chairman of the “Advisory Board” of “CSR Europe”.


Etienne Davignon is Chairman of Compagnie des Wagons- Lits,Sibeka,Socit Gnrale de Belgique and Union Minire (each of Belgium).He also serves as Vice President of Accor (France),Petrofina (Belgium),Fortis AG and Tractebel (both of Belgium)and Arbed (Luxembourg).He is a director of Sofina SA,Solvay SA and Compagnie Maritime Belge (each of Belgium);ICL (United Kingdom); Gilead,IDG and Foamex International (each of the United States).He is also a member of the supervisory board of BASF (Germany) and of Suez Lyonnais des Eaux (France).He can be contacted at 30,rue Royale,1000 Brussels (Belgium).




Stephen Donehoo


Managing Director, Kissinger McLarty Associates


He is an associate of the Inter-American Dialogue




Richard W. Fisher


Managing Partner, Kissinger McLarty Associates


Richard Fisher is the managing partner of Kissinger McLarty Associates, an international consulting firm. He previously was managing partner of Fisher Family Fund, LP, a diversified fund invested in a wide range of securities, real estate, and oil and gas properties. He served during the Clinton administration as Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador and with primary responsibility for Asia, Latin America and Canada. During this period, Ambassador Fisher was the chief operating officer of the U.S. government for NAFTA. As such, he negotiated numerous high-profile issues throughout the hemisphere. Throughout his tenure as Deputy Trade Representative, Ambassador Fisher also served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).


Earlier he was managing partner of Value Partners Ltd. and Fisher Capital Management; senior manager of Brown Brothers Harriman and Co.; and executive assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury in the Carter Administration. Ambassador Fisher is currently an adjunct professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, and was Texas' Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate in 1994. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he is a trustee of the Brookings Institution and a director of Stolt-Nielsen, S.A. He is a former chairman of the Institute of the Americas in San Diego and founding chairman of the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations.


He is a director of the Pacific Council on International Policy


He is a director of the Atlantic Council of the United States..


“Former deputy U.S. trade representative and 1994 Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Richard Fisher is taking on several new projects. He is the new managing partner of Kissinger McLarty Associates, a firm headed by former Nixon Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Clinton White House chief of staff

Mack McLarty. Fisher and McLarty are also ponying up $50 million in personal funds to start an investment firm called Fisher McLarty Capital. Finally, Fisher is joining the Latin American strategy board of the Dallas investment firm Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst.” June 14th 2002 (source)




Gordon D Giffin


Board of Counselors of Kissinger-McLarty Associates


Ambassador Gordon Giffin is the vice chairman and managing partner of Long Aldridge & Norman’s D.C. office and heads the firm’s International Transactions and Trade practice.


Utilizing international trade, business and foreign affairs expertise, Ambassador Giffin assists clients in negotiating and managing international expansion and government affairs issues, with a particular focus on continental and hemispheric matters. He also practices in the administrative, regulated industries, government procurement and energy fields.


As the U.S. Ambassador to Canada from August 1997 to April 2001, he managed American interests in the largest bi-lateral trading relationship in the world. In this role, Ambassador Giffin was instrumental in resolving international disputes and forging agreements, including the Pacific salmon fishing rights, a Canadian exemption from U.S. export licensing rules and agreement on a decades-long dispute on Canadian advertising in U.S. magazines. He helped facilitate U.S. participation in the 2001 Summit of the Americas, a precursor to the negotiation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Ambassador Giffin became an expert on the operation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), an agreement that is the prototype for liberalized trade and is leading to further continental economic development and collaboration.


Additionally, he served for four years as Director of Legislative Affairs and Chief Counsel to U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and served on the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.


Mr. Giffin is:


Director - Canadian National Railway Company

Director - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Director - Canadian Natural Resources, Ltd

Director Metro-Atlantic Chamber of Commerce

Director - TransAtla

Chairman of the Board - Friends of the National Arts Centre


Board of Counselors - Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Advisory Board - Canadian-American Business Council

Board of Trustees - Georgia Research Alliance

Board of Trustees - The Carter Center


He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




Maria Luisa Mabilangan Haley


Senior Director, Kissinger McLarty Associates


Ms. Haley was nominated by the President to become a director of the  Export-Import Bank Board and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in April 1994, filling out an unexpired term. Before accepting that position, she worked at the White House as Special Assistant to the President and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel for Economics, Commerce, and Trade. Ms. Haley played an integral part in the selection and approval of political appointments in three Cabinet departments and twelve independent agencies.


Previously, Ms. Haley had worked for the State of Arkansas in various international capacities. She was in charge of international development for the state, focusing on export development and foreign investments. Ms. Haley has worked in international business for the past 25 years in sales, marketing and operations.


The daughter of a diplomat, Ms. Haley was educated in India, Manila, Paris and Madrid. Her community interests range from the Filipino Youth Scholarship Foundation to memberships in the Sales and Marketing Executives Association both in Little Rock and Manila, the Arkansas Women Executives, and the Professional Women's Advisory Board of Worthen Bank and Trust.


She is currently a director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta




Richard L. Huber


Managing Director Kissinger McLarty Associates


Mr Huber is CEO of Norte Sur, a private equity firm targeting Latin America.


Mr. Huber joined Aetna as vice chairman in February 1995 and was named a director in September 1996. He has 37 years of banking, insurance and financial services experience in the United States, Japan and Latin America. In July 1997 he was named CEO of Aetna and in 1998 he became the Chairman of the board. During his time there, he was responsible for a number of strategic acquisitions such as NYLCare, PruCare and USHealthcare, making Aetna the largest healthcare insurer in the world. He left the company in February 2000.


Immediately before joining Aetna, Mr. Huber was president and chief operating officer, Grupo Wasserstein Perella, responsible for developing investment and merchant banking activities throughout Latin America for Wasserstein Perella, a leading investment banking firm. Prior to that, in 1990 he became vice chairman and a director of Continental Bank NA, Chicago, where he worked closely with the Chairman to return the institution to financial strength and profitability and negotiate its eventual sale to Bank of America. While at Continental, Mr. Huber had direct management oversight of the capital markets, risk management, direct equity, Latin America, securities and commodities and financial institutions areas.


From 1988 to 1990, he was hired as executive vice president and head, capital markets and foreign exchange sector for Chase Manhattan Bank, charged with restructuring and restoring this sector to profitability. From 1973 to 1988 he held various senior management positions with Citibank, including institutional banking head—Brazil; country head—Japan; group executive, Asia Pacific Banking Group; and group executive, Citicorp Investment Bank, overseeing its Latin American investment bank, global corporate finance and insurance businesses.


A native of North Carolina, Mr. Huber graduated from Harvard College in 1958 with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and subsequently served as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. He is a director of Capital Re Corp.; a member of the board of directors of the Hartford Ballet; trustee of the Mark Twain House; trustee of Trinity College; member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Chairman of Citizens’ Committee for Effective Government.


Mr. Huber serves as director of a number of firms and was a member of the Congressional International Financial Institutions Advisory Commission. He is also a director of Danielson Holdings Corporation and a director of OptiCare.


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Alton G. Keel, Jr.




Ranch C Kimball


Investing Principal / Advisor of the legal consultant's office – Kissinger McLarty Associates





Henry A Kissinger


“Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.”

– Tom Lehrer


Attempting a biography on a page such as this is an impossibility. The man has an eerie omnipresence in American & Global history. Instead, I will focus on a rather staccato list of his current affiliations & salient parts of his past. In 1977 he made this comment: “The Trilateral Commission was a government in exile.” He wasn’t lying.


Brief Bio


Dr. Kissinger was born in Fuerth, Germany, on May 27, 1923, came to the United States in 1938, and was naturalised a United States citizen on June 19, 1943. From 1943 to 1946 Dr. Kissinger served in the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps and from 1946 to 1949 was a captain in the Military Intelligence Reserve. He received the BA Degree Summa Cum Laude at Harvard College in 1950 and the MA and PhD Degrees at Harvard University in 1952 and 1954 respectively.


From 1954 until 1971 he was a member of the Faculty of Harvard University, both in the Department of Government and at the Center for International Affairs. He was Associate Director of the Center from 1957 to 1960. He served as Study Director, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, for the Council of Foreign Relations from 1955 to 1956; Director of the Special Studies Project for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund from 1956 to 1958; Director of the Harvard International Seminar from 1951 to 1971, and Director of the Harvard Defense Studies Program from 1958 to 1971. (He was on leave of absence from Harvard from January 1969 to January 1971).


Dr. Kissinger was sworn in on September 22, 1973, as the 56th Secretary of State, a position he held until January 20, 1977. He also served as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 20, 1969, until November 3, 1975. In July 1983, he was appointed by President Reagan to chair the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America until it ceased operation in January 1985, and from 1984-1990 he served as a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.


The most objective biography of Henry Kissinger to date is Walter Isaacson’s Kissinger: A Biography. That such, much has come to light since Isaacson’s book, specifically connected to Kissingers criminality. The best book dealing with this is Christopher Hitchens The Trial of Henry Kissinger.


Kissinger: War Criminal


Although there is a general sense of foreboding around anything that Henry Kissinger does, it is worth remembering the specific charges of conspiracy and criminality which are levied against him. An indictment of Henry Kissinger for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes would include (but not be confined to) the following:


VIETNAM: Kissinger scuttled peace talks in 1968, paving the way for Richard Nixon's victory in the presidential race. Half the battle deaths in Vietnam took place between 1968 and 1972, not to mention the millions of civilians throughout Indochina who were killed.


CAMBODIA: Kissinger persuaded Nixon to widen the war with massive bombing of Cambodia and Laos. No one had suggested we go to war with either of these countries. By conservative estimates, the U.S. killed 600,000 civilians in Cambodia and another 350,000 in Laos.


BANGLADESH: Using weapons supplied by the U.S., General Yahya Khan overthrew the democratically elected government and murdered at least half a million civilians in 1971. In the White House, the National Security Council wanted to condemn these actions. Kissinger refused. Amid the killing, Kissinger thanked Khan for his "delicacy and tact."


CHILE: Kissinger helped to plan the 1973 U.S.-backed overthrow of the democratically elected Salvador Allende and the assassination of General René Schneider. Right-wing general Augusto Pinochet then took over. Moderates fled for their lives. Hit men, financed by the CIA, tracked down Allende supporters and killed them. These attacks included the car bombing of Allende's foreign minister, Orlando Letelier, and an aide, Ronni Moffitt, at Sheridan Circle in downtown Washington.


EAST TIMOR: In 1975 President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger met with Indonesia's corrupt strongman Suharto. Kissinger told reporters the U.S. wouldn't recognize the tiny country of East Timor, which had recently won independence from the Portuguese. Within hours Suharto launched an invasion, killing, by some estimates, 200,000 civilians.


WASHINGTON: Personal involvement in a plan to kidnap and murder a journalist - Elias Demetracopoulos - living in Washington DC.


More overall info at Christopher Hitchens own site


In late August 2002, the State Department finally released a series of documents concerning Argentina, which further implicate Kissinger’s role as the Argentina military believed that the US (primarily Kissinger) had given the go ahead to their coup to “get the terrorist problem under control as quickly as possible”.


The National Security Archive is hosting a selection of these documents: here and here. And once again, Kissinger has found himself in the news for all the wrong reasons.


See also: Regarding Henry Kissinger: The Making of a War Criminal – transcript of a roundtable forum held in Washington on February 22nd 2001, discussing the background of Kissinger & how any criminal proceedings could begin.


Current positions, affiliations & work


Chairman & Founder – Kissinger Associates Inc

Director - ContiGroup Companies, Inc (previously Continental Grain Company)

DirectorHollinger International, Inc List of Hollinger’s media ownership

Director - Freeport-McMoran Copper and Gold Inc

International Advisor to the Board of Directors American Express

International Council JP Morgan Chase

Chairman, International Advisory Board – American International Group

DirectorAIG Global  -- (a wholly owned subsiduary of AIG)

Chairman, Advisory Board -- AIG Asian Infrastructure Fund, AIG Asian Infrastructure Fund II

Board of Advisors - China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC)

Europe Strategy Board - Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst

Director - Forstmann Little and Co

Director Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation


MemberCouncil of Foreign Relations (well, he’s practically a saint there – eg.)

Steering Committee (1982-98), member – The Bilderberg Conference

Member, North American Group – The Trilateral Commission


Chairman – America-China Society

Council of Advisors - United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce  -- (see my site)

Co-Chairman, Editorial BoardThe National Interest (quarterly magazine on American Foreign Policy)


Honorary Governor - Foreign Policy Association

Chairman The Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships

Chairman The American Academy in Berlin

Director The American Council on Germany

Honorary Chairman The Nixon Center

TrusteeThe Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Director The International Rescue Committee

Trustee The Open Russia Foundation

Trustee - Arthur F Burns Fellowship

Member International Olympic Committee

Trustee Institute of International Education

Honorary Trustee International House

Patron The Atlantic Partnership

Patron The New Atlantic Initiative

Director The Centre for Democracy

Chancellor The College of William & Mary

Trustee Emeritus – The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Until recently he was also a director of Revlon.


Son  - David Kissinger – President - USA Television Production Group


And for the strong of stomach, there’s this interactive timeline.




Dr. Peter Mandaville


I assume he is a research assistant for the firm.


Dr. Peter Mandaville is Assistant Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University, and was previously Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Kent at Canterbury in England. He is most recently the author of Transnational Muslim Politics (London: Routledge, 2001), and has also co-edited a volume of essays on non-Western approaches to international relations, The Zen of International Relations (New York: Palgrave, 2001), authored numerous book chapters, and contributed articles to journals such as Millennium and the Review of International Studies. His current research examines the impact of globalization on political activism, transnational social networks in the developing world.


Paper (PDF) to a recent Carnegie Conference on Globalization, State Capacity and Islamic Movements




Thomas F. (Mack) McLarty, III


President Clinton and Mack McLarty met in kindergarten in their native town of Hope, Arkansas. Since that time, they have stayed in touch, personally as well as professionally, and have always referred to each other as "my oldest friend."


Student body president at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, McLarty, at age 23, was elected to the Arkansas House of Representatives. One of the youngest people ever to be elected to the Arkansas House, McLarty later went on to serve as chairman of the Arkansas State Democratic Party from 1974 through 1976. He was also treasurer in the successful gubernatorial elections of Senator David Pryor and President Clinton.


McLarty became the youngest person ever elected to the Arkla board in 1974, and was named president of Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company in 1983. McLarty was named chairman and chief executive officer of Arkla, Inc. in 1985 and held this position until being asked to serve as White House Chief of Staff after the election of President Clinton in 1992. During McLarty's tenure, Arkla was recognized by Forbes and Financial World magazines, as well as the Wall Street Transcript, as one of the nation's most innovative companies in the natural gas industry. Additionally, he was personally recognized on several occasions as one of the natural gas industry's most outstanding chief executive officers.


He was appointed by President George Bush to the National Petroleum Council and the National Council on Environmental Quality. He was a member of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Board from 1989 through 1992.


Beginning in 1992, he served President Clinton in several key positions: Chief of Staff, Counselor to the President, and Special Envoy for the Americas, with over five years of service in the President's Cabinet and on the National Economic Council. He holds a degree in business administration from the University of Arkansas.


Mr. McLarty is Vice Chairman and serves on the Board of Directors of Asbury Automotive Group, Inc., which is one of the largest automotive retailers in the United States. The McLarty Companies is comprised of 11 automotive dealerships located in two states that generate in excess of $600 million. Mr. McLarty began his career building the company his grandfather founded, McLarty Leasing Systems, into one of the nation's largest transportation companies. He is also Chairman and CEO of McLarty Companies, Inc, McLarty AutoMall and McLarty Management Company, Inc., of Little Rock, Arkansas, and is Vice Chairman of Kissinger McLarty Associates of Washington D.C.


He is a board member of the Financial Times Advisory Board of London, England and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX.


He also serves as:


director - Acxiom

Director – Entergy Corporation

Board of Directors - Fusion Telecommunications International

Advisory Board Edelman Public Relations Worldwide

Consumer Advisory Board Household Finance Corporation


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations

Director The Americas Society

Member – Inter-American Dialogue


Trustee Center for the Study of Presidency

Trustee Religions for Peace




William B. Richardson


Senior Managing Director - Kissinger McLarty Associates


His tenure with Kissinger McLarty Associates may be soon ending as he is running for Governor for New Mexico in the upcoming gubernational elections in November. Just what the country needs. On June 5th 2002 he resigned from the boards of ten companies. These were: Diamond Offshore Drilling (of which Alan Batkin is still a director), Peregrine Systems, City National Corporation, American Energy Group Inc., Energy Investors Fund Group, Valero Corp., Venoco, Hispanic Radio Network, Intellibridge Expert Network (of which ex-Kissinger McLarty Associates managing director David Rothkopf is CEO) and TerraSolar. He has decided to stay with Kissinger McLarty Associates (for now at least). Given that half of these companies and oil and gas related, his post 9-11 article about the oil market and the war on terror – concluding: “We should understand the Realpolitik of the Middle East, realize that a diverse and competitive global oil market reduces our economic vulnerabilities and defend America's national security interests without fear of setting off an energy crisis” - comes as no great surprise. His closest ties are with Veneco. As the Albuquerque Journal reports:


“However, he said he has had a long-standing relationship with Valero. He said he is good friends with Bill Greehey, Valero's chief executive officer and chairman of the board. Valero contributed to Richardson's congressional campaigns in the 1990s, and the company contributed $15,000 to his race for governor, according to documents filed with the Secretary of State's Office.” (source)


In January 2002, he became co-chairman of the South Asia Regional Energy Coalition (SAREC), which “represents private sector interests in the South Asia Regional Initiative/Energy (SARI/Energy), which is a project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).” We also know that he received money from Salomon Smith Barney (subsiduary of Citigroup & once housed in WTC7) – a disclosure which is listed as “financial services, investments”.


Following his unanimous confirmation by the United States Senate, Bill Richardson spent nearly two-and-a-half years – from 1998 to 2001 - as Secretary of Energy. Prior to becoming Energy Secretary, Richardson served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations between 1997-1998. At the U.N., Richardson addressed numerous difficult international negotiating challenges and crises all over the world.


Bill Richardson was born in Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California on November 15, 1947. He attended school in Mexico City, and in 1966 he graduated from

Middlesex School, in Concord, Massachusetts. He studied at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, where he earned a B.A. degree (1970) and received an M.A. (1971) from its Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. During 1971 to 1978 he was a staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


In 1980 Richardson unsuccessfully challenged incumbent Congressman Manuel Luján. Following the creation of northern New Mexico's Third District, Richardson won the 1982 election with sixty-seven percent of the vote. He ran a successful campaign visiting small towns and pueblos, and was elected by a primarily Hispanic and Native American constituency. He has subsequently been reelected with large margins, averaging seventy percent of the vote. He served as the US Representative for New Mexico from January 3, 1983 to February 13, 1997.


During his first term in Congress, Richardson won a coveted seat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, which is of particular importance to New Mexico. He balanced his agenda between the interest of environmentalists and important oil, gas, and uranium industries in his state.


In the 101st Congress, Richardson supported a plan to promote the use of non-gasoline cars, parts of which were included in the Clean Air Act re-authorization. As a member of the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, he has supported expansion of national parks and the designation of wild and scenic rivers.


By the 103rd Congress, Richardson had risen to the position of Chief Deputy Whip and led the fight in the House for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He wrote articles advocating NAFTA for important national newspapers and encouraged President Clinton to work with Mexico on improving the environmental portions of the agreement in order to gain support for NAFTA in Congress. Richardson also played a key role in passing President Clinton's 1993 Deficit Reduction package and the 1994 Crime Bill. In addition to his seat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, Richardson was the second-ranking Democrat on the Select Intelligence Committee and served on the Natural Resources Committee, where he chaired the Native American Affairs Subcommittee which was created in the 103rd Congress.


In late 1994, Richardson travelled to North Korea to discuss a nuclear agreement. He arrived the same day a U.S. helicopter was shot down by the North Koreans and thereby was thrust into the position of negotiating for the release of two U.S. pilots. After five days of tense talks, Richardson left North Korea with the remains of one pilot and a promise that the surviving pilot would be released "very soon." He returned home the following week.


Richardson's highly successful, but unexpected, foray into North Korea was actually his third high profile foreign affairs experience in 1994. In July, he laid the groundwork for a peaceful resolution to the growing Haitian crisis when he held a five and a half hour meeting with Haitian leader General Raoul Cedras in Haiti. In February, Richardson travelled to Burma to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel laureate, and leader of the persecuted democracy movement, and then convinced military leaders to open talks about her release. Richardson was the first non-family member allowed to visit the dissident in her more than five years under house arrest.


Director National Alliance for Hispanic Health

Trustee - Natural Resources Defense Council

Chairman, Board of Trustees Freedom House


He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




J. Stapleton Roy


Managing Director, Kissinger McLarty Associates


Ambassador Roy graduated from Princeton University (B.A., 1956). He was born June 16, 1935, in Nanjing, China.


He is one of only 38 foreign-service officers to have achieved the rank of "career ambassador". In 1991, Roy was nominated to the position of US Ambassador to China, a position which he served until 1995. He then served as US Ambassador to Indonesia until late 1999. From November 1999 to January 13th 2001 he served as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, resigning early in protest over his collegue’s dismissal over a lost laptop. In early 2000 he outlined to congress what he saw as emerging threats to America.


From 1989 to 1991 Ambassador Roy served as Special Assistant to the Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Department of State in Washington, DC. Prior to this Ambassador Roy served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs at the Department of State, 1986 - 1989; as U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, 1984 - 1986; as Deputy Chief of the U.S. Mission in Bangkok, Thailand, 1981 - 1984; as deputy chief of the U.S. mission in Beijing, China, 1979 - 1981; and as Deputy Chief of the U.S. liaison office in Beijing, China, 1978 - 1979. In addition, Ambassador Roy has served as Deputy Director of the Office of People's Republic of China and Mongolian Affairs at the Department of State, 1975 - 1978; studied at the National War College in Washington, DC, 1974 - 1975; and served as a Deputy Director and international relations officer in the Office of Soviet Union Affairs at the Department of State, 1972 - 1974. Ambassador Roy served at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow as a political officer, 1979 - 1972; as an administrative officer, 1978 - 1979; and as an international relations officer in the Office of European and Canadian Affairs and the Office of Soviet Affairs at the Department of State, 1965 - 1968. Ambassador Roy has also served in several U.S. Embassies and consulates, including: political officer in Taipei, 1962 - 1964; consular officer in Hong Kong, 1962; and political officer in Bangkok, 1959 - 1961. He served as an intelligence analyst at the State Department, 1957 - 1958. Ambassador Roy entered the Foreign Service in 1956.


J. Stapleton Roy has been managing director of Kissinger Associates, Inc. since January 2001. Before that, he served as U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, Indonesia and the People's Republic of China. He is a director of Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc (a Kissinger Associates client & on whose board Kissinger also sits) and a director of Phillips Petroleum. The merger of Phillips with Conoco to create ConocoPhillips was created on August 30th 2002 and it will begin trading on Sept. 3rd. As Roy was only made director of Phillips in August 2001 I would assume that he has been kept with the new company.



He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Executive Board Member US-China Policy Foundation

Chairman - Hopkins-Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University

He is also a trustee of the Asia Foundation.




William D. Rogers




William Rogers is a senior partner in Arnold & Porter’s litigation and international practice groups. He concentrates on international financial and monetary matters, on international public law issues for several governments and international organizations, and on international arbitration. He has acted as both arbitrator and advocate at the International Chamber of Commerce and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes.


Mr. Rogers joined Arnold & Porter in 1953 after graduation from Yale Law School and a term as Law Clerk to Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed. He was Special Counsel and later Deputy U.S. Coordinator of the Alliance for Progress from 1961 until 1965, when he rejoined the firm and became first President of the Center for Inter-American Relations of New York. From 1974 until 1977, he served again in the State Department, first as Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs and later as Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs. After his second return to Arnold & Porter, he became active in the final Panama Canal Treaty negotiations in 1978, and was special emissary of President Carter to El Salvador in 1980, co-chairman of the Bilateral Commission on the Future of U.S. Mexican Relations, and Senior Counselor to the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America and lecturer on public international law on the Law Faculty of Cambridge University in 1982–1983. Mr. Rogers has served as President of the American Society of International Law, is a three- term member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cordell Hull Institute. He is Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates Inc. and is the author of various publications on foreign relations.


Mr. Rogers is admitted to the District of Columbia Bar.



LL.B., Yale Law School, 1951

A.B., Princeton University, 1948


1999 interview with Mr Rogers – talks about how he met Kissinger & ended up at Kissinger Associates.




Alan Stoga


Alan Stoga is President of Zemi, which he organized in 1996. Mr Stoga focuses on developing client strategies, on counseling top management, and on developing the firm’s resources. He is currently Vice Chairman of the Americas Society and served as acting president and CEO from November 2001 through June 2002.


From 1995 to 1998, Mr. Stoga managed Zemi Investments, a private equity company investing in small and medium size companies, primarily in Brazil and Mexico.


Previously, Mr. Stoga was Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, from 1984 until 1996; he continues to be a Director and consultant to the firm. Previously, he was an executive of the First National Bank of Chicago and an official in the U.S. Treasury.


He received an M.A. in International Relations from Yale University and a B.A. from Michigan State University.


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a director of the Council of the Americas.




Ex-Kissinger Associates


Robert O. Anderson


Robert Orville Anderson, petroleum executive, rancher and civic leader, has been active in the oil industry since his graduation from The University of Chicago in 1939 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.


Mr. Anderson served Atlantic Richfield Company (formerly known as Atlantic Refining Company) as its Chief Executive Officer for 17 years. As Chairman of the Board for 21 years, and as a member of the Board of Directors for 23 years. Mr. Anderson retired from the company in 1986 to form an independent oil and gas company. He served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hondo Oil & Gas Company, Roswell, New Mexico, from September 1986 to February 1994. He remains an active wildcatter for oil and gas, as well as other business interests.


Mr. Anderson served as Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 1961 through 1964. He has served on the Board of Directors of Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, Columbia broadcasting System, New York; First National Bank of Chicago; Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma, Washington; and Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc. of Los Angeles. In the past 55 years his business endeavors have included, - in addition to the exploration, production, refining and marketing of oil, - cattle raising and feeding operations, mining and milling, and general manufacturing.


Mr. Anderson’s first full-time job in the oil business was in 1939 with American Mineral Spirits Company, a subsidiary of Pure Oil Company, Chicago. In 1941, he acquired a substantial interest in a small refinery in Artesia, New Mexico, at which time he and his family moved to New Mexico. In the next 15 years he bought and expanded several refineries and purchased Wilshire Oil Company of California, which was subsequently sold to Gulf Oil Corporation.


Mr. Anderson has served on the Board of Directors of national Petroleum Council since 1951 and is the recipient of numerous honorary degrees and awards, recognizing his extensive interest in public and charitable affairs. He was the first recipient of the Charles A. Lindbergh Award for Significant Achievement in 1978; inducted into Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame in 1986. He was the first recipient of The Dwight D. Eisenhower Medal of Excellence in 1989. He is Honorary Chairman of Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado; Chairman of Lovelace-Anderson Endowment Foundation, Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was the Founder of International Institute for Environment and Development, London; and is a Life Trustee of California Institute of Technology and of The University of Chicago, and is a member of the National Advisory Board of The University of New Mexico Anderson Schools of Management. Mr. Anderson is a former member of the Board of Regents of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology from 1987 to 1992, and in 1994 was named Distinguished Professor, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. He has lent his name to the Robert O. Anderson Schools of Management at New Mexico University.


Mr. Anderson was born in Chicago on April 13, 1917. He has been active for many years in political affairs, having served as New Mexico Committeeman on the Republican National Committee. He and his wife, Barbara, have been married sixty years and have seven children, twenty grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. They maintain homes in Roswell and Picacho, New Mexico.


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




L. Paul Bremer III


On October 11th 2001, Ambassador Bremer became chairman and chief executive officer of the Crisis Consulting Practice of Marsh Inc., an operating company of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. (MMC). Marsh's Crisis Consulting Practice provides services to corporations to help them plan for, manage and recover from a full range of crises such as natural disasters, product recalls, workplace violence and terrorism. Bremer also has been responsible for Marsh's political risk business since he joined the firm in October 2000.


Prior to joining Marsh, Bremer had been managing director at Kissinger Associates, a strategic consulting firm headed by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. He joined the Kissinger firm in 1989 after a 23-year career in the diplomatic service, which he left after attaining the rank of ambassador-at-large.


Ambassador Bremer joined the Diplomatic Service in 1966. His overseas assignments included service as political, economic and commercial officer at the American Embassies in Afghanistan and Malawi. From 1976 to 1979, he was the Deputy Ambassador and charge' d'affaires at the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway. During his Washington assignments Ambassador Bremer served as Special Assistant or Executive Assistant to six Secretaries of State. In 1981, Secretary Haig appointed him Executive Secretary of the State Department and Special Assistant to the Secretary of State. In this post, Ambassador Bremer directed, among other things, the State Department's 24-hour a day crisis management and emergency response center.


President Reagan named Ambassador Bremer as the United States Ambassador to the Netherlands in 1983 where he served for over three years. In 1986, the President appointed him Ambassador-at-Large for Counter Terrorism responsible for developing and implementing America's global policies to combat terrorism. He served as top advisor to the President and Secretary of State on terrorism for the next three years.


In September 1999, Speaker of the House of Representatives Hastert appointed Ambassador Bremer Chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism. The Commission's mandate was to review America's counter-terrorism policies. The Commission reported its findings and recommendations to the President of the United States and to the Speaker in June 2000.


Bremer is a director of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Akzo Nobel NV and The Netherland-America Foundation. He is a Trustee of the Economic Club of New York, serves on the Board of Advisors of the Russian-American Press and Information Center and is a member of The International Institute for Strategic Studies, and a member of The Council on Foreign Relations. He is the Founder and President of the Lincoln/Douglass Scholarship Foundation, a Washington-based non-profit organization that provides high school scholarships to inner city youths. He is also a member of the World Economic Forum.


Ambassador Bremer received his BA from Yale University, a CEP from the Institut D'Etudes Politiques of the University of Paris, and an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. His languages are French, Dutch and Norwegian.


He is also a director of Air Products & Chemicals.


Member of 1999 report to congress: “Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism


June 28th 2000: Statement of Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, III, Chairman National Commission on Terrorism, Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Government Information


January 2002 co-chaired a Heritage Foundation report entitled: "Defending the American Homeland" (source)


On June 14th 2002 he was appointed to be a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.


“The former chairman of the State Department's National Commission on Terrorism, L. Paul Bremer, said he obtained classified government analyses early last year of bin Laden's finances confirming the assistance of affluent Middle Easterners.” – San Fran Chronicle, Sat 29th September 2001


Bremer on 9-11: “"I am sort of agnostic at this point as to whether we knew enough to stop" Sept. 11, said L. Paul Bremer, former ambassador at large for counterterrorism during the Reagan administration.


But "as they go through this in the intelligence committees, you're probably going to come up with other data points" like the Phoenix memo and information in the CIA's files on the two hijackers, said Bremer.


"Then the question is, `Is there anybody who had access to all of these data points so that he could have had a broader picture and taken steps that actually would have made a difference?"' asked the former ambassador, who now heads a crisis consulting firm in Washington.” (source)


Sept. 17th 2001: transcript of Virginia Governor James Gilmore's news conference, with Jack Marsh, attorney and former congressman, on the work of the National Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bremer also gives a lengthy speech.


Marsh & McLellan Companies’ CEO is Jeffrey Greenberg, son of Maurice who is the CEO of American International Group. (see small bio of Jeffrey here and Maurice here).




T. Jefferson Cunningham III


Mr. Cunningham is a director of M&T Bank and is a member and the chairman of M&T Bank's Directors Advisory Council-Hudson Valley Division. He assumed his positions with M&T Bank Corporation and M&T Bank upon M&T Bank Corporation's acquisition of Premier National Bancorp, Inc. (Premier) on February 9, 2001. From 1998 through February 9, 2001, Mr. Cunningham served as chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Premier and its bank subsidiary, Premier National Bank, and from 1994 to 1998 he was chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Premier's predecessor, Hudson Chartered Bancorp. Mr. Cunningham is a trustee of Pace University and Boscobel Restoration, Inc. and a member of the Greenway Economic Heritage Committee. He is also a director and vice president of the George Gale Foster Corporation.




Lloyd N Cutler


Lloyd Cutler, one of the Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering’s founding partners, maintains an active practice in several fields, including international arbitration and dispute resolution, constitutional law, appellate advocacy, and public policy advice.


Mr. Cutler served as Counsel to President Clinton and Counsel to President Carter. He also served as Special Counsel to the President on Ratification of the Salt II Treaty (1970-1980); President's Special Representative for Maritime Resource and Boundary Negotiations with Canada (1977-1979); and Senior Consultant, President's Commission on Strategic Forces (Scowcroft Commission, 1983-1984). He was a member and former Chairman of the Quadrennial Commission on Legislative, Executive and Judicial Salaries, and was a member of the President's Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform (1989).


Mr. Cutler is a graduate of Yale University (B.A. 1936; LL.B. 1939) and was awarded a Yale honorary degree as Doctor of Laws in 1983. He also was awarded an honorary degree as Doctor of Laws from Princeton University in 1994; the Jefferson Medal in Law at the University of Virginia in 1995; the Fordham-Stein Prize, Fordham University School of Law, 1995; and the Marshall-Wythe medal of the Law School of William and Mary.


Mr. Cutler was a founder and Co-Chairman of the Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights Under Law. He has served as Chairman of the Board of the Salzburg Seminar; Co-Chairman of the Committee on the Constitutional System; a member of the Council of the American Law Institute; a trustee emeritus of The Brookings Institution and a member of its Executive Committee; and an Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple. He also has served as a director of a number of national business corporations. In and out of government, he has written frequently and appeared often on television as a commentator and advocate in connection with a wide range of public policy matters.


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations




Diana David


Prior to DotMedia, Ms David worked for Internet World/Penton Media as part of a Luce Scholarship. She worked for several years with Price Waterhouse Coopers Entertainment and Media Practice, Time Warner and Henry Kissinger in NY. Columbia MBA. (source)




Lawrence S. Eagleburger


First Lieutenant, United States Army, 1952-1954; Foreign Service, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 1957; Political Analyst of Cuba, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 1959; Assigned to the Economic Section of Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1961; Assigned to First Secretarial Staff for European Affairs, 1965; Special Assistant to Mr. Dean Acheson on Franco-Nato Issues, March-July, 1966; Acting Director of Secretariat Staff, 1966; Member, National Security Council Staff, October, 1966 - October, 1967; Assistant to Dr. Henry Kissinger, 1968-1969; Political Advisor and Chief of Political, Section of U.S. Mission to NATO in Brussels, September, 1969; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, August, 1971; Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1973; Deputy Assistant to President for National Security Operations, 1973; Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State, 1974; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management, 1975; Appointed Ambassador to Yugoslavia, June, 1977-1980; Nominated to be Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, 1981; Appointed Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, February, 1982; Deputy Secretary of State, March, 1989; Acting Secretary of State, August - December, 1992; U.S. Secretary of State, December 1992-January, 1993; Senior Foreign Policy Advisor; Chairman, International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims, November 1998-Present.


Senior Policy Advisor - Baker, Donelson, Bearman & Caldwell

Director Halliburton

Director – Stimsonite

Director - Universal Corporation

Director - Corning Corp

Director - COMSAT.

Member Council on Foreign Relations



Timothy Geithner


Geithner has played a central role as a U.S. representative in negotiations during the Asian economic crises of 1997-98. Geithner has broad responsibility as an advisor to the Treasury Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Undersecretary for International Affairs on all aspects of economic, financial and monetary policy developments.


Prior to this appointment, Geithner served as senior deputy assistant secretary for international affairs. In this role, he was a central participant in formulating U.S. exchange rate policy and U.S. policy toward Japan. Earlier, as deputy assistant secretary for international monetary affairs and financial policy, Geithner was responsible for U.S. exchange rate policy and operations, the G-7 policy cooperation process, financial market issues in the United States and the major financial centers, and U.S. policy with respect to the International Monetary Fund. Geithner was the U.S. negotiator for the Financial Services Agreement with Japan, concluded in January 1995. He played an important role in designating the reforms to the international financial system adopted at the June 1995 Halifax G-7 Economic Summit. When Geithner joined the U.S. Treasury in 1988, he served as special assistant to the undersecretary for international affairs and assistant financial attache in Tokyo.


From 1985 to 1988, Geithner worked for Kissinger Associates, Inc. Geithner graduated from Dartmouth College in 1983 with a bachelor of arts degree in government and Asian studies. He obtained a master of arts degree in international economics and East Asian studies from Johns Hopkins University, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, in 1985. (source)


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




Pehr Gyllenhammar


Appointed to the board of Commercial Union in 1997, becoming chairman of CGU at the time of the merger with General Accident in 1998. Former executive chairman of AB Volvo. Currently a managing director of Lazard Freres & Co, director of Aviva, chairman of the Trustees of Reuters Founders Share Company Limited and Swedish Ships Mortgage Bank and a member of the supervisory board of Lagardère SCA.


He was previously a director of FMC Corp., Pearson plc, Kissinger Associates Inc and United Technologies Corporation and was founder of the Round Table of European Industrialists and chairman between 1983 and 1988. (source)




Ann-Louise Hittle


Ex-Middle East and oil expert, Kissinger Associates


Ann-Louise Hittle is Research Director for CERA's Upstream Oil Service and a respected expert on oil markets and strategies. She has extensive experience analyzing oil markets and OPEC oil politics and economics and advises CERA clients on global and regional oil markets, geopolitics, and company strategies. Her recent CERA research includes analyses of the oil price outlook post- September 11, short-term geopolitical scenarios, and OPEC market strategy. Ms. Hittle is coauthor of the quarterly CERA World Oil Watch. She is co- author of CERA's World Oil Watch and World Oil: Scenarios to 2010. She directs CERA's World Oil Scenarios and is a contributor to the CERA Multiclient Study Beyond the Crisis and to the major CERA study Quiet Revolution: Information Technology and the Reshaping of the Oil and Gas Business on the present and future effect of technology on the energy industry. Ms. Hittle specialized in crude oil and natural gas supply, demand, and futures markets as Senior Oil and Gas Analyst at Shearson Lehman Brothers. Previously, she was a Middle East and oil expert at Kissinger Associates. She also served as a Market Analyst for the Crude Oil Trading Department of Gulf Oil Company. Ms. Hittle holds a BA from St. Lawrence University with highest honors and an MA from Harvard University. (source)


She was also on the QuietRevolution research team.




Jeffrey A. Meyers


Jeffrey A. Meyers is a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the Merrimack County Bar Association. He is admitted to practice in Maine as well as in New Hampshire. He has appeared before all state and federal courts in New Hampshire. Jeff’s practice focuses on environmental and construction law, administrative law, personal injury, and general civil litigation. He has represented individuals and corporations in a wide range of complex litigation and regulatory proceedings.


Attorney Meyers is a graduate of George Washington University (B.A., 1978) and Georgetown University Law Center (J.D., 1989).


Prior to joining Bianco Professional Association, Jeff served as Assistant Attorney General of the State of New Hampshire from 1989 to1998 and was more recently associated with Verrill & Dana, LLP in Portland, Maine from 1998 to 2001. He was earlier associated with Kissinger Associates, Inc. in New York.


Attorney Meyers is the co-author along with Sean Mahoney of New Hampshire Environmental Statutes Deskbook 2000 published by Tower Publishing. Jeff and his family are currently relocating from Maine to Concord, New Hampshire. (source)




Andrea Mokros


“Andrea Mokros returned to Minnesota to do press for Jay Benanav after a stint in Washington D. C. working with Henry Kissinger and Mack McLarty at Kissinger McLarty Associates, a small government relations consulting firm. McLarty, a Bill Clinton friend from childhood, was instrumental in Mike Ross winning Jay Dickey's Congressional seat in Arkansas.” - 2001 (source)




Edward L. Palmer


Mr. Palmer is President of Mill Neck Group and a Director of the Devon Group, SunResorts, N.V., and Holmes Protection Group, Inc. He is also Chairman of Lloyd's North American Names Panel. Mr. Palmer was formerly Chairman of the Executive Committee, as a member of the three man Office of the Chairman, of Citibank. After retiring from Citibank in 1982, Mr. Palmer became Director of Kissinger Associates, where he served as a consultant until his retirement from that firm in 1995. Over his business career, Mr. Palmer has served as a director of numerous United States and foreign-based companies including Corning, Inc., Borg-Warner Corporation, Del Monte Corp., Monsanto Company, Electrolux A.B. and its U.S. subsidiaries, Union Pacific Corp., Adobe Resources Corp., Mutual Life Insurance Co. of NY, Phelps Dodge Corp., The Madison Fund, First Boston Corp., Grindlays Bank p.l.c. and Royal Insurance p.l.c. He is also a director of FondElec Group Inc.


Mr. Palmer is a graduate of Brown University and served as a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve during World War II.




Eric Peterson


Ex-Director of Research at Kissinger Associates

Senior Vice President and Director of Studies - CSIS


As senior vice president and director of studies at CSIS (the Centre for Strategic & International Studies), Erik Peterson oversees the development and implementation of the Center's  research agenda and publications program. He also holds the William A. Schreyer Chair in Global Analysis, an endowed position named in honor of the Merrill Lynch chairman emeritus and CSIS Executive Committee member. Peterson is director of the Seven Revolutions Initiative, an initiative to forecast key trends out to the year 2025. In addition, he directs the Center's Global Business Initiative. He is also the Acting Director of the Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy, established in April 2002 to foster thinking at CSIS on global leadership issues.


Peterson came to the Center from Kissinger Associates, where he was director of research. He holds an M.B.A. in international finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, an M.A. in international law and economics from the School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University, and a B.A. from Colby College. He holds the Certificate of Eastern European Studies from the University of Fribourg in Switzerland and the Certificate in International Legal Studies from The Hague Academy of International Law in the Netherlands.


Peterson has taught on emerging markets at the American University School of International Service and lectured on international economics and finance and geopolitical risk at other colleges and universities, including Chapman and George Mason Universities, Georgia Tech, and the Wharton School. He is a fellow of the World Economic Forum, a board member of the Center for Global Business Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, a member of the Advisory Board of the Global Capital Markets Center at Duke University, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Center for the Study of the Presidency.




Peter W. Rodman


Peter W. Rodman is Director of National Security Programs at the Nixon Center, and a Senior Editor of National Review.


Mr. Rodman served as a Deputy Assistant to President Reagan for National Security Affairs (Foreign Policy) from March 1986 to January 1987 and then, until September 1990, under Presidents Reagan and Bush, as Special Assistant for National Security Affairs and NSC Counselor. From April 1984 to March 1986, he was Director of the Department of State Policy Planning Staff, advising Secretary of State George P. Shultz.


In the Nixon and Ford Administrations, from August 1969 to January 1977, Mr. Rodman was a member of the National Security Council staff and a special assistant to Dr. Henry A. Kissinger. From 1972 to 1977 he took part in nearly all of Dr. Kissinger's negotiations and missions. From January 1977 to March 1983, he was a Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He was principal research and editorial assistant to Dr. Kissinger in the preparation of his memoirs, and was Director of Research for Kissinger Associates, Inc.


He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Freedom House, Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of the World Affairs Council of Washington, DC, and a Fellow of the Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute. (source)




David Rothkopf


Chief Executive Officer of Intellibridge, comes to Intellibridge after serving for two years as managing director of Kissinger Associates, Inc. Prior to his work at Kissinger Associates, Mr. Rothkopf served from 1993-1996 as Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Policy. In this capacity, Mr. Rothkopf played a central role in developing the Clinton Administration's ground breaking Big Emerging Markets Initiative and chaired that inter-agency effort. Rothkopf came to the government after founding and serving as chairman and chief executive officer of International Media Partners, Inc., where he was editor and publisher of CEO magazine and Emerging Markets newspapers, and chairman of the CEO Institutes. He also currently serves as Adjunct Professor of International Affairs at Columbia University's School of International Affairs.


Intellibridge has been seen as serving as a propaganda arm for Enron. (Well you knew that Enron had to figure here somewhere!)




Renato Ruggiero


Renato Ruggiero was born in Naples on 9 April 1930. After graduating with a law degree from the University of Naples in 1953, he entered the Italian diplomatic service.


His first posting abroad was to the Italian Consulate in Sao Paolo, Brazil. In January 1959, he was assigned to the Italian Embassy in Moscow, where he worked towards the normalisation of cultural and trade relations between the Soviet Union and Italy during the years of destalinisation, the confrontation in Berlin and the emerging Sino- Soviet conflict. In 1962 he was posted to the Italian Embassy in Washington, where he monitored the last phase of the Kennedy Administration, the development of the Cuban Missile Crisis, East-West relations and the Vietnam War.


In 1964 he returned to Rome as Head of the Political Affairs Secretariat of the Foreign Ministry. In 1966 he was assigned to the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, where he monitored developments in the Cold Wad and the events of the 1968 Prague Spring.


After a short interval in Rome, he began the second phase of his diplomatic career in 1969. Posted to the Italian Mission to the European Community in Brussels, he negotiated a fundamental agreement on social security for migrant workers. In July 1970 he was appointed Chef de Cabinet of the President of the European Commission, Franco Malfatti. In this role, he participated in the negotiations that led to the accession of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland to the EEC, and in the development of the first European Economic and Monetary Union project and in the official launch of the European Union project at the European Summit in Paris in 1972.


After a brief period as Political Advisor to the President of the European Commission, Sicco Mansholt, he was appointed Director General for Regional Policy at the European Commission in Brussels. In this role he negotiated and created, with Commissioner George Thomson, the European Regional Development Fund, the most significant instrument of financial support for the less developed regions in Europe.


In 1977 he was appointed Spokesman of the President of the European Commission, Roy Jenkins, whom he assisted in the negotiations that led to the launch of the European Monetary System.


Between 1978 – the year he returned to the Foreign Ministry in Rome – and 1987 Ruggiero occupied several positions at the highest level of the Italian diplomatic service: he negotiated Italy’s entry into the European Monetary System, was the Diplomatic Advisor of the Prime Minister and the Chef de Cabinet of two Foreign Ministers. In 1980, he was appointed Ambassador and returned to Brussels as Italy’s Permanent Representative to the European Community. After four years in that position, he was appointed Director General for Economic Affairs at the Foreign Ministry in Rome (1984-1985) and then reached the highest position in the diplomatic service when he became Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry (1985- 1987). During this period he also was the Personal Representative of the Prime Minister for six G7 summits, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the OECD in Paris.


In 1987, Ambassador Ruggiero was appointed Italian Minister for Foreign Trade, a post he held until 1991. During this period, he implemented the programme of liberalisation of Italy’s foreign trade and capital movements.


After his service in government, Renato Ruggiero left the diplomatic service and joined the board of directors of FIAT and of several other Italian, European and American companies, either as a director or as an international consultant.


In 1995, Ambassador Ruggiero was elected Director General of the World Trade Organisation in Geneva by its 130 member countries, and served in that role until 1999. During this period, he promoted the implementation of a trade dispute settlement system based on the rule of law and not on power. He also promoted the further inclusion of developing countries in trade flows, and the liberalisation of trade with the 48 least developed countries. In addition, Ambassador Ruggiero began an institutional dialogue with the Non – Governmental Organisations (NGOs). During his term at the WTO, telecommunications, information technology and financial services were liberalised on a global basis.


Following his tenure at the WTO, Ambassador Ruggiero was appointed Chairman of ENI. He left that position in September 1999 and became Vice-Chairman of Schroder Salomon Smith Barney International and Chairman of Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Italy. He also served on the Board of Directors or Advisory Boards of several important companies in Italy and the rest of the world. [These included Kissinger Associates – the only sources I have on this are frustratingly in Italian]


He has been appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in the second Government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on 11 June 2001. He resigned on January 6th 2002 following a disagreement with Berlusconi over the Euro.


In recognition of his contributions to public life, the President of the Italian Republic made Ambassador Ruggiero a Knight of the Grand Cross. Foreign governments have also recognised his work in the cause of international trade and diplomacy. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has bestowed upon him the honorary award of Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George; His Majesty Emperor Hirohito of Japan has honoured him with the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure; and His Holiness John Paul II has named him Knight Grand Cross of the equestrian order of St. Gregory the Great. (source)


He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




George P. Shultz


Possibly a consultant to Kissinger Associates – awaiting confirmation






Brent Scowcroft


He now has his own Washington based consultancy firm – The Scowcroft Group. Rife with conflicts of interests, it can easily be seen as another arm of Kissinger Associates.


Click here for a comprehensive overview of it.




Christine Vick


Christine Vick is a partner at the international government relations firm of Andreae, Vick & Associates, LLC, based in Washington, D.C. The firm was founded in 1996 when Ms. Vick was invited to join Andreae & Associates, LLC. Her strategic consulting work with multinational clients in fields such as energy, consumer products and pharmaceuticals involves close contact with senior levels of the U.S. government and governments abroad. She has particularly close contact with the national governments of China and Turkey, though her twenty-five year career in foreign affairs has sent her to over fifty countries.


Chris’s involvement in foreign affairs dates back to 1971 when she began serving at the U.S. Department of State, commencing her work with Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger in 1973. In 1977 she joined Dr. Kissinger in the private sector and eventually culminated a 15-year association as vice president of Kissinger Associates. Her work bridging the public and private sectors in the international arena continued with a brief tenure as vice president of Koppel Communications Inc. and later as vice president of the government relations consulting firms, the Thompson Company.


Prior to the formation of Andreae, Vick & Associates, Chris served as senior policy advisor at the international law firm of Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy and as the managing director of Powell Goldstein International Consulting. She consulted for clients in many sectors, including consumer products, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and energy involving operations in countries around the world.


Chris has a strong personal interest in the confluence of policymaking, global business and international diplomacy. Chris also closely follows the U.S. Congress and its impact on foreign policy and international commercial operations. She has experience in a wide variety of trade issues in, most notably, Turkey and the Caucuses, and China and the rest of Asia. She serves on the Advisory Board for International and Area Studies for The University Center for International Studies at The University of North Carolina.


In addition to her consulting work, Chris serves on the board of directors of the American Turkish Council and the Eisenhower Institute of World Affairs and on the advisory board of China OnLine, LLC. She resides in Alexandria, Virginia.




One to watch:

Arash Farin


Studying at Harvard Business school, just completed a Summer internship with Kissinger McLarty Associates.

Henry Kissinger Page
