PeaceInSpace Website
Alfred Webre
at the Knowledge Exchange
Taken from a May 5, 2007 speech called "The Knowledge
Exchange" filmed in New Westminster, B.C., Canada by
Alfred L. Webre,
J.D., M.Ed., the below videos explain the reasons for US wars since the
first World War. The films also expose the history and rationale of
many of the war crimes against humanity that are led by those in
positions in power in the US with the assistance of international
war crimes racketeers. Such war crimes include the False Flag
Operation of 9/11, Depleted Uranium, and numerous other grievous
offenses being committed against innocent citizens of the world.
These eye-opening videos, featuring the highly knowledgeable and
well-spoken Webre, should be required viewing for every high school
student (world-wide), to know about the real story of US
history, its political system, and war-making orchestrations. None
of this information, supremely critical to every American, is ever
taught in the US public education system (or in any other
education system of the world), the mainstream media, or
on television.
Part One
Part Two
Further information on topics taken by Alfred Webre in above videos:
Bilderberg Group
Black Nobility
Cell Phones - Microwave
Depopulation of Planet Earth
New World Order
Skull & Bones
- The Order of Death
The 9-11 Events
The Bushs and the NWO
The HAARP Project
'War on Terror'
The Citizen's 9/11
War Crimes Tribunal
Though this talk was broad and covered many topics in a short time,
it serves as preview of his presentation to the Vancouver 9/11 Truth
Conference, June 22 - 24th. It was recorded at the Knowledge
Exchange in New Westminster, BC, Canada on June 5th, 2007.
In Vancouver, Alfred Webre, an international lawyer and expert on US
constitutional law will present:
"The International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal: The 9/11
False Flag Operation as a War Crime under International Law." and
will introduce the "9/11 Independent Prosecutor's Act"
9/11 was a False Flag Operation designed to trigger Genocidal &
Depleted Uranium (DU) bombing of Central Asia (Afghanistan
and Iraq), to roll-out a Terror-based National Security state-system
world-wide, and to implement the final stages of
a world
Depopulation policy.
In order to prosecute the 9/11 perpetrators
under the 9/11 Independent Prosecutors Act, we are calling for the
establishment of an International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
to prosecute President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B.
Cheney, Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld and other
Jane and
John Does for War Crimes under the Geneva Conventions, including
Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Peace.
International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal would be convened
under the jurisdiction of the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes
Tribunal, established in February 2007 as a permanent citizen's
Tribunal by
The Perdana Global Peace Organization, chaired by Tun
Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, who is
the first prominent world leader to take up the DU radiation issue.
International Citizen’s 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
- In order to prosecute the 9/11 perpetrators under
the 9/11 Independent Prosecutors Act, Independent Scientist/DU
Radiation Expert Leuren Moret and International Lawyer Alfred Webre
will call for the establishment of an International Citizen's 9/11
War Crimes Tribunal, in a public announcement to be made at the
Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference on Sunday June 24, 2007.
According to Moret and Webre, 9/11 was a
False Flag Operation by an
international War Crimes Racketeering Organization, to
provide a pretext:
to engage in Genocidal & Ecocidal Depleted Uranium (DU)
bombing of Central Asia (Afghanistan and Iraq) in order to secure
vast oil and uranium reserves
to roll out a Terror-based National
Security state-system world-wide
to implement the final stages
of a world Depopulation policy
The International Citizen’s 9/11 War
Crimes Tribunal would be convened under the jurisdiction of the
Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, established in
February 2007 as a permanent citizen’s Tribunal by The Perdana
Global Peace Organization, chaired by Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad,
former Prime Minister of Malaysia, who is the first prominent world
leader to take up the DU radiation issue.
The purpose of the
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal is to
criminalize war, and to enforce the prohibitions of Aggressive war
and War Crimes, which since 1945 have been prohibited by the
Nuremberg Principles, through a permanent citizen’s war crimes
tribunal and through the principles of Natural law, restorative
justice, and International law.
Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 6PM PDT @ Main Stage
The Maritime Labour Centre
1880 Triumph St., Vancouver, B.C. V5L 1K3 CANADA
The purpose of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal is to prosecute the
perpetrators of the False Flag Operation of September 11, 2001,
under the prima facie evidence assembled for the 9/11 Independent
Prosecutors Act for War Crimes, including Genocide, Crimes Against
Humanity and Crimes Against Peace (now Aggressive War), as set out
in the Nuremberg Principles, the Geneva Conventions, and the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court.
The 9/11 Independent Prosecutor Act appoints an Independent
Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S.
Constitution to prosecute Treason against the United States of
America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President
Richard B. Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and
other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of
treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by
conspiring to carry out, carrying out, and/or causing to be carried
out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001,
as part of a False Flag Operation.
Article III of the U.S.
Constitution provides that,
"Sect. 3. Treason against the United
States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in
adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort...."
The main grounds for concluding that there is
prima facie evidence
that the named individuals - U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S.
Vice President Richard B. Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald
H. Rumsfeld - abused the power of their office and committed Article
III Treason on September 11, 2001 are contained in a Legislative
Memorandum to the U.S. Congress accompanying the 9/11 Independent
Prosecutor Act. This Legislative Memorandum was co-authored by
expert researcher David Ray Griffin, independent scientist Leuren
Moret and attorney Alfred Webre.
The facts recited in the
Congressional Memorandum constitute prima
facie evidence that the named individuals - U.S. President George W.
Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard B. Cheney, U.S. Secretary of
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld - and other John and Jane Does are
independently and jointly guilty of Treason against these United
States under Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution.
For the full
Congressional Memorandum, go to:
Congressional Memorandum - Summary of Prima Facie Evidence of Treason
A Summary of the threshold of prima facie evidence is as follows.
The attacks of 9/11, as portrayed in the official account, could
not have succeeded if standard operating procedures between the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and NORAD had been followed.
The Pentagon, under the leadership of Donald Rumsfeld, has provided
three mutually inconsistent accounts of NORAD’s response, which
means that at least two of them are false.
Moreover, the third
account, articulated by the 9/11 Commission, is contradicted by a
wide range of facts, including evidence that the FAA had notified NORAD in a timely fashion. There must have been stand-down orders,
and these could have come only from the highest levels of the
Pentagon and the White House.
Overwhelming evidence exists that the collapses of the Twin
Towers and Building 7 were instances of controlled demolition,
and/or of the application of exotic weapons such as land-based,
air-based or possible space-based Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). But
al-Qaeda operatives could not have obtained the needed access to the
buildings to plant the explosives and would not have ensured that
the buildings come straight down.
Nor could al-Qaeda operatives have
obtained command and control of advanced Directed Energy Weapons, Microfusion devices (4th generation mini-nuclear weapons),
bunker-busters, or other exotic weapons alternatives that are known
to be in the deployment or testing phase in the US Defense arsenal.
The controlled demolition and/or Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) or
exotic weapons application, therefore, had to be the work of U.S.
Government and other insiders. That President Bush was one of those
insiders is suggested by the fact that his brother and cousin were
principals in the company in charge of WTC security. Complicity at
the highest levels of the federal government is also indicated by
the removal of evidence (the collapsed steel), which at a crime
scene is normally a federal offense.
Finally, if the airplane
strikes could have occurred only with the consent of the President
and the Secretary of Defense (as suggested in the previous point),
the coordination of these strikes with the demolition of the
buildings - and/or with the use of exotic weapons such as Directed
Energy Weapons - implies their involvement in the latter as well.
The design of the International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
is to provide a judicial, impartial forum for the evaluation of
forensic evidence.
At present, there are several alternative, though not mutually
exclusive models of how the WTC Towers fell, in a controlled
demolition. While there is compelling evidence for one model over
another at this time, the purpose of an impartial forum is to allow
evidence to be presented. This includes evidence of traditional
chemical means of controlled demolition, as well as more exotic
means, as warranted by the forensic evidence.
The models of
controlled demolition to be explored, thus would include at least:
traditional thermite and thermate
Microfusion devices
(4th generation nuclear weapons)
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW),
be they land-based, air-based, or space-based
Correspondence with
the USAF Kirtland Base Directed Energy Directorate does not rule out
the existence of Directed Energy Weapons in these configurations.
Overwhelming evidence also exists for the conclusion that the
attack on the Pentagon was an inside job. That the official story
could not be true is evident from many facts:
alleged hijacker Hani
Hanjour’s incompetence
the choice of the Pentagon west wing as the
the impossibility of a commercial airliner’s coming back to
Washington undetected and hitting the Pentagon unless permitted
the lack of physical evidence consistent with an attack by a Boeing
That the strike was an inside job is implied by the falsity of
the official story, the evidence that the strike was made by a
military aircraft, the removal of evidence, and the government’s
refusal to release videos of the strike. This operation could hardly
have been planned without the involvement of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
9/11 & DU at the Pentagon
In April, 2007, Leuren Moret exposed the U.S. military’s illegal use
Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons in target practice in Hawaii, in
violation of U.S. military environmental regulations. The elevated
radiation readings she recorded were carried by ABC-TV news in
Hawaii on April 29 & 30, 2007.
Leuren Moret reported similar elevated radiation readings downwind
from the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001. Two
days after 9/11, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
confirmed that the Pentagon crash site rubble was radioactive and
that the probable contaminant was Depleted Uranium (DU). The entry
and exit holes through the Pentagon crash site were the signature of
a kinetic energy penetrator, such as a Cruise missile, and the term
“punch-out hole” was written by crash site investigators over the
exit hole.
This is a military term used for kinetic energy penetrators. Major
Doug Rokke, former Director of the Gulf War I DU
Cleanup Team, reported that an email from the Pentagon 30 minutes
after impact confirmed a Cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11.
Recently vast Uranium deposits have been reported in Khazakhstan and
Afghanistan. Khazakhstan is expected to out-produce Canada (now the
world's top producer) in Uranium production within 12 years. This
exposes the economic interests behind the events of 9/11,
specifically the unjustified military attack by the U.S. on
Afghanistan using 9/11 as a pretext.
Complicity at the highest levels of the federal government is
also indicated by President Bush’s remaining at the Florida
Elementary school after it was evident - given the truth of the
official account - that the United States was experiencing a
surprise attack. This behavior makes sense only if Bush and his lead
Secret Service agent knew that there would be no attack on the
The complicity of Vice President
Cheney in the attack on the
Pentagon and the downing of Flight 93 is implied by the testimony of
Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta in conjunction with the
false claims of the 9/11 Commission, under the guidance of
administration insider Philip Zelikow, as to when Cheney went to the
Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) and when he issued
the shoot-down authorization.
The conclusion from the evidence that members of the Bush
administration orchestrated the attacks of 9/11 is reinforced by the
fact that they had some huge projects - prosecuting wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq and obtaining funding to accelerate the
technological transformation of the military - that would likely be
possible only in the event of “a new Pearl Harbor.”
The establishment of an
International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes
Tribunal is justified, given that official institutions in the U.S.
have failed to assign legal accountability for the False Flag
Operation of 9/11. Representative John Conyers, Jr., Chairman of the
U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee and his senior
staff personally reviewed the 9/11 Independent Prosecutor Act and
Congressional Memorandum following the 2006 U.S. Mid-term Election
and Senior Staff met twice with representatives of the 9/11
Independent Prosecutor Act.
The Chairman refused to introduce the
Act, despite support for the Act by his Senior Staff. The 9/11
Commission failed to take testimony under oath from Bush and Cheney,
and reached fraudulent conclusions.
9/11 As A War Crime
The False Flag Operation of 9/11 was the pretext for, and an
integral part of the planning and execution of the illegal War of
Aggression in 2001 against Afghanistan and of War Crimes committed
by the United States in Afghanistan, as found by the Final Judgment,
International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan at Tokyo.
The Court
the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons in Afghanistan to
constitute War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and Omnicide
the False Flag Operation of 9/11 is a legal component of
these War Crimes, and the perpetrators of 9/11 are guilty Aggressive
War, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes