by David Guyatt
DeepBlackLies Website
Hiroyuki Jo, a 29 year old ethnic Korean, was flanked by two
assistants. As his target approached, Jo turned towards one of his
accomplices who handed him a large kitchen knife concealed inside a
briefcase. The threesome pushed themselves to the fore, isolating
their target. With an expert strike, Jo slashed the victim’s left
wrist - a techniques that opens the victim to a fatal stab. Having
rendered his prey defenseless, the assassin lunged for the kill,
repeatedly thrusting the knife deep into the abdomen. The entire
scene was caught on live TV news cameras and in front of hundreds of
journalists from around the world.
His assignment completed, the killer patiently stood waiting to be
arrested, as his two assistants melted invisibly into the crowd. The
assassination was orchestrated by the Yamaguchi-gumi, part of the
feared Japanese crime syndicate known as
the Yakuza. The victim was
Hideo Murai, the science and technology minister of the religious
cult Aum Shinrikyo. Just a few weeks prior to the attack, Aum had
received international condemnation as the terrorist group that
released the deadly nerve gas, Sarin, into the Tokyo subway system.
Murai possessed an IQ higher than Einstein’s and was considered to
have been the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived. His role
within Aum Shinrikyo was the development of extremely sophisticated
weapons of mass destruction. These included an advanced
laser-powered seismic device capable of generating massive
earthquakes. Some weeks before his death, Murai was present at a
press conference in Tokyo’s Foreign Press Club, where Aum’s guru,
Shoko Asahara, claimed that
the massive earthquake that devastated
the City of Kobe was an act of war. As incredible as these
assertions appear, they are not without some substance.
Alarmed at the weapons activities of Aum Shinrikyo, the US Senate
conducted an investigation into the cult. Their report published in
October 1995 outlined Aum’s intense interest in the work of
Tesla. At the turn of this century, Tesla had conducted numerous
experiments in the realm of advanced electromagnetic weapon systems.
In 1896, he accidentally triggered an earthquake across a dozen New
York city blocks. Such was the turmoil caused that local police
stormed his lab. Realizing what had occurred, the inventor hurriedly
took a sledge hammer and smashed an offending oscillator to pieces.
Later he remarked that the quake was caused "by a little piece of
apparatus you could slip into your pocket."
The Senate report describes how representatives of Aum visited the
New York based International Tesla Society (ITS) seeking access to
Tesla’s research papers. However, these had been confiscated by the
US government in 1943 - the year Tesla died - and classified secret.
They remain secret to this day. A spokesman for ITS told Senate
investigators that Aum’s interest focused on Tesla’s experiments on
"resonating frequencies" in connection with the artificial creation
of earthquakes. Remarkably, the Senate report goes on to mention
Tesla’s claim that he could "split the world in two." This
mind-boggling assertion is believed to have been reflected in the
warning given by Russian Premier Nikita Krushchev in 1960. Krushchev
referred to "… the advent of a new class of Soviet Superweapon, so
powerful it could wipe out all life on earth." The comment, made at
the height of the cold war, clearly did not refer to nuclear weapons
- already an integral component of the feared Soviet arsenal.
Aum’s Russian connections are of considerable significance, too.
Over several years the cult had deeply penetrated Russia’s military,
intelligence, and political establishment. High level contacts
included Oleg Lobov, a close confidante of Premier Boris Yeltsin. Lobov later became chairman of Russia’s Security Council - the
nations highest decision making body. Lobov, who was also the
chairman of the Russia-Japan College, is believed to have been paid
upwards of US$ 100 million for services rendered to Aum Shinrikyo.
The Russia-Japan College was used by Aum as a platform to recruit
high level scientists working on sophisticated weapons research and
development. This enabled the cult to recruit a top researcher and
several employees of Russia’s foremost advanced nuclear research
facility, the Kurchatov Institute. Aum’s chief weapons dealer,
Kiyoide Hayakawa, had, in addition, negotiated for the purchase of a
Russian built gas-laser for plasma-weapons. The latter are
state-of-the-art technologies which, again, reflect much of Tesla’s
early work. Not least were Aum’s considerable contacts in the
Russian intelligence community.
But what drove a Japanese religious sect to acquire sophisticated
weapons of mass destruction? The answer is embedded in obscure
Japanese history and also revolves around another Japanese cult -
the militaristic Soka Gakkei. The latter is a huge religious sect
with 15 million members world-wide and massive finances. According
to veteran Japanese investigative reporters, Yoichi Shimatsu Clark
and Jack Amano, Soka Gakkei adhere to the teaching of the13th
century Buddhist monk and prophet, Nichiren. Nichiren’s primary
teaching involved the active suppression of all other rival sects.
In addition he zealously preached a doctrine of "Final War" (saisho
senso) to be fought against the Christian west and the Islamic
The latter doctrine was revitalized during the 1930’s by the chief
military strategist for the Japanese Army of Occupation in
Manchuria. Kanji Ishihara, an admirer of Adolf Hitler, maintained
that a gigantic world conflict was approaching. This war, he
believed, would be fought with mind-boggling "weapons from the
laboratory" including chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. It
was not a matter of chance that Manchuria was the principal location
of the now infamous Unit 731 - a top secret biological weapons
facility. It was here that unspeakable experiments were conducted on
local Chinese and WWII allied prisoners alike. Japanese expertise in
chemical and biological weapons gained during WWII was not forever
lost. In fact it barely caused a mis-stride. Lt. General Ishii, Unit
731’s most senior officer continued his work after the war under top
secret US control.
Remarkably, the leadership of Aum also adhered to the teachings of
the monk Nichiren and his 20th century disciple,
Kanji Ishihara. Aum
guru, Shoko Asahara was committed to the final war which predicted a
prodigious struggle lasting 100 years. The failure of right wing
militarists during WWII to sweep to victory was not viewed as an end
of the 100 year war, but merely a tentative beginning. By the early
nineties Aum had developed powerful nuclear bombs and were
undertaking a "crash" programme to build an earthquake weapon,
according to former Senate investigator, Dan Gerber, in a telephone
call to Australian Geophysicist Harry Mason.
Mason has been investigating a series of peculiar seismic "events"
and other strange phenomena in the vast open spaces of Western
Australia. These include 173 tremors registering 3-0 on the Richter
scale, the majority of which occurred in the space of just 10
months. Significantly, Mason found that the epicenters of these
quakes were spaced at 10 kilometer intervals. Clearly, they are not
of natural origin. Mason’s interest in the Aum cult followed his
discovery of a large unexplained earthquake featuring strange aerial
phenomena. This quake, registering 3.7 on the Richter scale took
place on 28 May 1993 close to Banjawarn sheep station. Amazingly,
Aum Shinrikyo commenced negotiations to purchase the sheep station
three days before the earthquake. More importantly, Kiyode Hayakawa,
Aum’s arms dealer set about conducting sophisticated electromagnetic
testing in the vicinity of Banjawarn just prior to authorisising the
purchase. These included inserting electric probes into the ground
and then feeding the accumulated data into a laptop computer.
Meanwhile, the first dogma of the monk Nichiren was also being
dusted down with deadly intent. The rivalry between Soka Gakkei and
Aum Shinrikyo was bitter. Numerous brawls between rival members had
occurred. This appears to have been followed by a period of relative
truce. The period of peace has been attributed to a series of
delicate negotiations between Russia and Aum that focused on the
transfer of sophisticated high-tech weapons and know-how. These were
quietly backed by the Japanese government.
Once the agreements had been finalized a new round of violence
erupted between the warring sects. The result was the Sarin gas
attack on Tokyo’s subway system which was reported globally.
Thereafter, the power of Aum Shinrikyo slid into oblivion.
Journalists investigating the Aum affair now conclude that Soka
Gakkei were responsible for the Sarin attack. In one fell swoop,
they cleverly neutralized their chief rivals and ingeniously
acquired the weapons and technological expertise won by Aum during
the round of tough negotiations in Moscow.
Soka Gakkei possess tremendous clout inside Japanese government, the
prevailing bureaucracy and all of Japan’s major corporations.
According to veteran journalist, Jack Amano, they have covert cells
infesting every sector of government and big business. As the
deniable face of the Japanese government it is feared they are
carrying Aum’s apocalyptic plans for global war forward.
In a feature article published earlier this year, Journalist Jack
Amano, reveals how Japan’s intelligence community learned of the
existence of terrifying new weapons. In 1987, a Japanese satellite
known as "Ginga" was launched. Circling the globe in high orbit, the
satellite was said to be searching for "X-ray emissions from distant
stars." However, its secret mission was to detect gamma radiation
from both Russian and Chinese nuclear weapons tests. During June
1987, Ginga registered a massive pulse of gamma rays emanating from
below the orbiting satellite. Hasty investigation showed the
radiation emissions were coming from Kosmos 1900, a soviet
satellite. The satellite was radiating the upper atmosphere Van
Allen belts. The conclusion was that the Russians were engaged in
weather engineering as well as a developing a space platform for
missile defense and earthquake induction.
As information from the satellite "Ginga" filtered through to
selected scientists, a graduate student at Osaka Prefectural
University reviewed the data. Hideo Murai was one of Japan’s leading
X ray astronomers at the time. Thus began his ill-fated journey into
the leading ranks of Aum Shinrikyo - the apocalyptic cult that was
secretly sponsored by Toshio Yamaguchi, head of Japan’s foreign
intelligence service.
Murai, who knew all and - following the tragic Sarin attack on
Tokyo’s subway - was preparing to reveal all, had to be silenced.
Meanwhile, the US ground-based "mirror" facility in Alaska, called
HAARP, that duplicates the Russian abilities - went on-line in 1995.
An American Weather Weapon?
In their book,
Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, authors
Dr. Nick Begich
and Jeanne Manning, reveal details of
the HAARP project that the US
military preferred remained secret. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project was primarily based on the patents of
Bernard J. Estlund, who acknowledged they were partly drawn from the
earlier experiments of Nikola Tesla.
The numerous patents of Eastlund and later
HAARP scientists revealed by the authors
demonstrate the project is weapon oriented. Weapon systems include
massive missile shields, EM pulse weapons, satellite interrogation,
weather modification and earthquake induction. Opposing activists
claim the project is inherently dangerous and fraught with potential
disasters for the planet.
Aum and the
Aum’s charismatic guru, Shoko Asahara, may only have been the
titular head of the cult, according to an agent of the Public
Security Investigative Bureau - Japan’s equivalent of the FBI. The
sect’s armaments chief, Kiyohide Hayakawa, held allegiance from a
"hard core" of Aum operatives. These were involved in "espionage,
arms dealing, drug distribution and other crimes…"
Hayakawa was once a high ranking official of the Unification Church,
founded by the Rev. Sun Moon. It remains unclear if Hayakawa had
changed spots or was merely operating on instructions of his
fanatical Korean paymaster. The use of a native Korean to
assassinate Aum’s science chief, Hideo Murai, may speak volumes.
Judea Cipher
The last utterance of Hideo Murai, following multiple stab wounds
was "Yudaya." Translated as "Judea," this led to intense
speculation. Aum press spokesman, Fumihoro Joyu later revealed that
this was a codeword. According to investigative reporter Yoichi Shimatsu Clark, its significance partly lies in the Jewish state’s
Star of David emblem - the six-pointed star.
This is also the symbol
of Japan’s imperial household. Inside the grounds of the Imperial
Palace is a guarded facility boasting thousands of six-pointed
stars. It was here that representatives of Aum met with other
shadowy but powerful individuals then in government to discuss
methods of acquiring the most advanced weapons technology. The order
to assassinate Murai also originated from this building, it is now