Richard J. Boylan,
1995 (1996 revision)
Since a time apparently in the 1970s, a number of individuals with
extremely high security clearances, who were working on various
aspects of the UFO phenomenon, began to interact with each other on
a regular basis to pool the information each had from their
highly-compartmented assignments. The objective was:
to coordinate
see the big picture about UFOs and extraterrestrial contacts
with Earth and to use this privileged information pool to gain
access to additional secret data
to understand the policies of the
elite, hypersecret "Majestic-12" (MJ-12) UFO information-control and
policy group
to gain special influence through having this
highly- privileged information
This elite group of perhaps 14 individuals working in
Security assignments eventually gave themselves code-names, using
mostly bird names. Collectively, they came to be called "The Aviary"
(bird enclosure). A reader warning is in order: This affiliative
network may exist as reported, or the accounts of this grouping may
include disinformation generated by The Aviary themselves to obscure
their membership.
The relationship of The Aviary to the MJ-12 (ultimate UFO
information control and policy) Group is murky. It is the estimate
of more than one UFO researcher that there is some overlap in
membership; meaning that MJ-12 has quietly infiltrated
The Aviary to
keep tabs on it and to keep it under control.
It has been reported by
Dr. Steven Greer, Director of the
Center for
the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), that the
Group is now designated as PI-40, [Personal communication, January,
1995]. This hyper-classified group deals with the most sensitive
compartmented information regarding extraterrestrials, and is so
covert a Special Access Program, that reportedly the President and
Congress do not exercise control over PI-40, and only know of its
existence through rumor.
Dick D’Amato, National and International Security Specialist for
Senator Robert Byrd, and a member of the National Security Council (NSC),
in 1991, stated that UFO information should be released, but that an
incredibly powerful "black arm" of the government has been keeping
it secret, and spending enormous sums of money illegally in this
operation. D’Amato said that the NSC is trying to find out who these
people are. [Personal communication with Jesse Marcel, Jr., M.D.,
Washington, D.C., 1991; as reported in eUFOria, the Black Hills UFO
Network Publication, 2:2, May, 1995.]
Ironically, the answer may be right under their noses. It is quite
possible that PI-40 exists within a hyper-compartmented
Access Program, yet with informal informational links to the
National Security Council’s "5240" [Black Projects]
[Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, 1983; L. Fletcher Prouty,
Secret Team, 1973.]
While there may be some overlap between The Aviary and the
group, they remain two separate entities.
PI-40 is clearly at the top; for PI-40
is the policy and decision
group who have orchestrated the UFO Cover-Up since 1947, while
simultaneously releasing little fragments of UFO/Star Visitor
information, to gradually condition the American public to the
slowly-dawning realization of UFO reality.
The Aviary is the group of individuals with histories of working in
UFO-related National Security projects who have obtained more
complete information (and thus power) by closely coordinating the
data, informants, and efforts each is involved with.
Now, leaked reports from sources close to some Aviary members
suggest that there is a split within the Aviary, (which may well
mirror a split within the PI-40 group.)
On one side are those members of The Aviary who feel that the time
has come when information about UFO reality and ET contacts should
be broadly disclosed to the public. These "Good Guys" feel that the
public is ready for this information, and generally can handle it.
Others within the Aviary, on the "Dark Side", resist such
disclosure. The Dark Side members do not want to lose the power
which a UFO/ET-information monopoly has given them. From their
behavior, it appears that they do not welcome close public scrutiny
of their role in the UFO Cover- Up. Additionally, one or two among
them have reportedly engaged in not-properly-authorized, illegal,
and sometimes injurious projects and operations.
The split over disclosure versus maintaining the Cover-Up is
creating a climate where there are increasing leaks, as the Good
Guys try to force disclosure, and establish for themselves a track
record of belated candor with the American public.
It is important not to demonize all the reported members of The
Aviary. Most are presumably well-intentioned scientists or (former)
military or intelligence officers, with careers spanning the Cold
War, and who no doubt sincerely believed that UFO secrecy was vital
to maintain. Any crimes committed by those few of the "Dark Side"
will have to be determined in a proper military or civilian court of
The following is a list of reported members of The Aviary.
Christopher "Kit" Green, MD, Ph.D., Chief, Biomedical
Sciences Department, General Motors; former custodian of the CIA’s
UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; received the National Intelligence
Medal for his work on a classified project during the period of
1979-1983; recently reported to be White House UFO liaison.
PELICAN: Ron Pandolfi, CIA Deputy Director for the Division of
Science and Technology, and current custodian of UFO files at the
"Weird Desk"; involved in the White House Initiative, as UFO
liaison, to expedite (at Laurence Rockefeller’s behest) the release
of UFO information to the public; and has been quietly leaking UFO
information the past few years.
- OWL:
Hal Puthoff, physicist with the Institute for Advanced
research in Austin, TX who specializes in Zero-Point Energy, a
quantum/resonance physics phenomenon with reported potential for
above- unity ("free") energy; formerly an Stanford Research
Institute (SRI) and reported DIA researcher, (along with psi guru
and fellow Scientologist Ingo Swann,) into parapsychological,
psychotronic, remote-viewing, and mind-control projects, and
reportedly involved in classified ET-technology studies.
RAVEN: (Identity not yet determined.) RAVEN appears to be a
kingpin in The Aviary, and a Washington insiders’ guessing game has
sprung up, as devotees of UFO intelligence data argue for the
probable identity of their favorite "candidate". [Possible
candidates: Henry Kissinger, Ph.D., Edward Teller, Ph.D.;
Brent Scowcroft.]
PENGUIN: John Alexander
(image right), Ph.D. in Death Sciences [Thanatology],
Col., ("Ret."), U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM),
which is undoubtedly his military cover for the National Security
Agency (NSA). Colonel Alexander is director of the Non-Lethal (sic)
Weapons Department, Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL], and has
been reportedly involved in counter-intelligence remote-viewing,
psychic-warfare, psychotronic and mind-control projects with
military/security applications, while maintaining the cover of
nonlethal military/crowd control physical-countermeasures research.
Dr. Alexander has been serving as a Board Member, (along with INSCOM
General Al Stubblebine and INSCOM Major Ed Dames), of PSI-Tech
Corporation, involved in proprietary remote-viewing projects for
2003 Update Note: Colonel
John "Penguin" Alexander was spotted last
year by this author at a "retired" intelligence officers dinner
function at Sixth Army Headquarters, The Presidio, San Francisco.
Alexander has gained considerable girth. The Death-Sciences Ph.D.
was accompanied by his life-partner, Victoria Lacas, dressed as
always in faux-Goth all-black, (which does nothing to dispel rumors
circulating in the ufological community about reported interest in
sorcery.) This author has been informed that Alexander
is head of
the Aviary, and that the Aviary is headquartered at Los Alamos.
This author has heard from a source that one or more members of
Aviary are believed to have been a party to MILABS operations,
(rogue military-intelligence units’ kidnapping, interrogation,
terrorizing, gang-raping, drugging, and hypnotic mind-control
programming of innocent civilians, and then implanting a false
post-hypnotic "memory" that the episode was an "alien abduction".)
Ernie Kellerstraus, security-cleared for UFO information,
worked at Wright-Patterson AFB in the 1970’s, and is reported to
have lived with a Star Visitor for a while; reported to have worked
with Dale Graff (*HARRIER*?) and Captain Bob Collins (CONDOR), Air
Force Intelligence, to supply UFO information to widely-suspected
disinformation operative and self-styled ufologist William Moore.
- (Bird name unknown, [PARTRIDGE?]):
Jacques Vallee (image right), Ph.D., formerly
an astrophysicist with GEPAN, the French Goverrnment’s UFO
investigative agency, later moved to U.S. as principal investigator
with Defense Department computer network projects; worked with famed
astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek who left and denounced the military’s
Project Blue Book as a disinformational smokescreen; prolific author
on UFO subject, lately turning to metaphysical explanations for the
- SEAGULL: Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., research scientist in optical
physics and laser weapons applications at the U.S. Naval Surface
Weapons Lab, MD; MUFON physics/photo-interpretive consultant, and
prolific author and consultant expert on selected "leaked" or disinformational UFO cases/topics, such as the
Gulf Breeze-Ed
Walters alleged UFO photos, the Canadian "Carp UFO" hoaxed
"incident", and the documented repeat UFO landings at the
hyper-secure Manzano Canyon Facility at Kirtland AFB/Sandia National
Laboratories-Military Reservation.
CHICKADEE: Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former
officer with the Office of Naval Intelligence and other Agencies;
with 30 years service in U.S. Intelligence overseas; involved in
government research and development projects for the Defense Nuclear
Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),
Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Intelligence and Security
Command (INSCOM) and other organizations; former Senate aide to
Claiborne Pell, who has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the
paranormal, *and has tried to get Congressional Hearings held on
UFOs; President, Human Potential Foundation; and "point-man" for
Laurence Rockefeller on UFO matters, currently tasked to contact
world leaders concerning upcoming public announcements of UFO/ET
reality; recently convened the May, 1995 Washington, D.C. "When
Cosmic Cultures Meet International Conference".
CONDOR: Capt. Bob Collins, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force
Office of Special Investigations, engaged in UFO-related
intelligence operations; reportedly appeared clandestinely on 1988
Kodak-produced network television (dis-)information program "UFO
Cover-Up Live", where Collins, *reportedly* along with "former" CIA
contract employee and current UFO-conferences disinformation
lecturer, John Lear, presented accounts of alien autopsies, UFO
retrievals, and the government’s awareness about UFOs and ET
- FALCON: Sgt. Richard "Dick" Doty, USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air
Force Office of Special Investigations, reported to have engaged in
UFO disinformation projects, including reportedly hoaxing TV
producer Linda Moulton Howe concerning availability of a tape
showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, NM; and of
allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque defense
electronics contractor Paul Bennewitz, concerning Bennewitz’s
electronic monitoring of UFO activity around Kirtland AFB/Sandia
National Laboratories, Albuquerque, reportedly causing/exacerbating
a mental breakdown in Mr. Bennewitz. Reportedly, FALCON claims to
have seen the Roswell Alien Autopsy film (shown worldwide August 28,
1995) some time ago at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- (bird-name unknown [SPARROW(?)]:
William Moore, USAF (Ret.),
Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations; prolific
UFO "author"; reportedly publicly admitted at a MUFON Conference to
being an Air Force Intelligence operative involved in UFO-related
disinformation projects.
HARRIER(?): Dale Graff, UFO-related technology
specialist [alleged by Smith, Guiley, etc. to be a genuine DIA
"Dark Side" bad-boy -B:.B:.] reported by Dan Smith (cf. infra)
to be head of the "military" UFO Working Group at Los Alamos
National Laboratory; rumored to be involved in psychotronic and
ESP programs at Los Alamos; formerly was contracts overseer for
the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base; then was chief of the DIA's Defense
Technology/Special Programs department, before reportedly being
fired by the DIA. Currently Graff is reported to be in contact
with the human designate who communicates with an
extraterrestrial residing near Washington, DC in a subterranean
NIGHTINGALE(?): Jack Verona, shadowy liaison
between Capitol Hill and Los Alamos National Laboratory, before
having recently 'disappeared'; reportedly Dale Graff's
supervisor: formerly involved in Project Sleeping Beauty, which
researched ways to disable enemy "target" personnel using
directed precise-frequency radiated electromagnetic-energy
fields. (According to Dan Smith, NIGHTINGALE is not Jack Verona,
but rather may be George Wingfield, a British UFO
researcher, who has established a reputation as a careful
reporter of crop circle formations, UFO information, and, most
recently, the disappearance in 1993 of a U.S. carrier destroyer
during NATO sea exercises, during which a number of member
countries' ships patrolled to find reported huge carrier-sized
Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs), which raced underwater at
astounding speeds. Arguing against Mr.Wingfield being
NIGHTINGALE is the fact that after Wingfield disclosed the U.S.
destroyer's disappearance at a Nevada UFO Congress in December,
1994, he was beat up outside the conference hall by two goons
and told to shut up his mouth.)
WOODPECKER(?): Jaime Shandera, a small-time
Hollywood film producer, who reportedly is associated with
William Moore. Shandera alleged that he had mysteriously
received film containing the "MJ-12 documents" at his door one
day from source(s) unknown. (Moore is considered by some to be
the author of the MJ-12 disinformation papers.) Shandera was
featured on the 1989 Kodak Television UFO documentary, 'UFO
Cover-Up Live'. Shandera is reported to be, along with Scott
Jones and
Dan Smith, one of the
theologically-oriented and pro-UFO-disclosure "Progressives"
among the Aviary.
Besides the main members of The Aviary, ancillary helpers
*reportedly* exist who are more or less "witting" of the purposes
and membership of The Aviary, and choose to participate in a variety
of supporting roles.
- (Bird name unknown, [BUZZARD?]):
Gordon Novell, reportedly a
free-lance enforcer involved in Zero Point Energy programs, and tied
to Bob Bigelow, a shadowy Las Vegas casinos operator, who reportedly
is investigating alleged ET energy technology and titanium aluminide
mettalurgy for their investment potential. Bigelow has created a
"National Institute for Discovery Science" (NIDS) to direct a group
of UFO technology-insider scientists. He has also reportedly
acquired land south of Fort Duschene, Utah to operate a cattle ranch
and study alleged cattle mutilations clustered there.
Dan Smith, civilian UFO researcher/volunteer
interlocutor between source(s) within the Central Intelligence
Agency, the Congressional Intelligence Committees and the civilian
UFO researchers. Smith continually exchanges information with and
networks the key UFO researchers, serves as their interlocutor, and
shares their and his own findings with his source(s) at CIA and
Capitol Hill.
Undoubtedly, other "assets" and low-profile intermediaries of
Aviary are operating in the UFO-interest and general public
communities, as its surrogate ears and mouthpieces. Whatever
Aviary’s role, we the public have a right to full information about
extraterrestrial contact and communications. In a democracy, no
elite group has the right to bottle up for itself information that
affects the lives and futures of us all.