June 2004
OutThereTelevision Website
Is David
Booth’s Vision the True 3rd Vision of Fatima?
Psychic David Booth claims that Sister Lucia has
confirmed to him that the prophetic vision he announced to the world
Coast to Coast AM radio show with
George Noory, is in fact, the true 3rd vision of
Fatima. He further claims that he is in possession of a home
video, showing him with Sister Lucia, that substantiates this claim.
Is David Booth a true psychic?
Has God truly singled him
out to bring the world this calamitous message of prophetic
Or, is he a genuine psychic with
a vision that has been trumpeted on several radio shows, who
has become a disinformation operative for the
government, as Wayne Green now suggests?
In this tell-all interview with Wayne
Green and Dale Caruso, we not only ask the hard questions, but we
also reveal a private recording of David Booth and his true
intentions that may shock you.
Read Out There TV Transcript below.
Program # 141
Original Air Date: 06/27/04 - Airs
Through 07/07/04
Guests: David Booth and
Wayne Green
IMPORTANT: This transcript of the David
Booth/Wayne Green interview on
Out There TV
is provided free of charge.
Out There is not an internet audio or video program. Out
There is broadcast on actual FCC licensed television
stations. |
Kate: Welcome, David and
Kate: We’ve had many new viewers since you were on the show
last, so David, we’d like you to very briefly fill us in on what
your latest dream/vision was, and what you think it might mean.
David: Well, the last vision that I had was only the second one
in my life. It was in March of 2003 and it’s fairly well
documented what I had, and basically what I see is the Planet
Earth from the perspective of being in space. I see a large
planetary type object coming towards the South pole and my
vision focuses in on the planet Earth and there is a large,
gargantuan explosion in the western part of the North American
continent and looking down I can see the gray clouds and the
orange flames. And then there’s a ripple that goes all around
the earth and it’s just as simple as that.
Kate: And that’s the end of the vision.
David: That’s the end of the vision.
Richard: It was this vision that prompted you to get on national
television and radio programs back a few months ago, because
this is what everyone was concerned about. The vision about
something happening. Where did the, in your book,
Code Red book,
which is no longer available folks,... Where did the 2004 year
come from that’s quoted on the cover of your book, "Code Red"?
David: Well, since I, when I had the vision, the first thing
that I did, was to do like I’d always done, was to start
researching and seeing that, if there was a basis in reality for
this, then there was somebody else that knows about it and is
preparing for it. And my research led me to a number of
startling conclusions that, prior to 2003 I hadn’t even been
aware of it. But subsequent to that vision that I had that I
began to see that, yes indeed, not only the United States but
other countries around the world had been preparing for a
cataclysmic, earth changing disaster that is going to be in our
future. The reason that I picked 2004 was because of all the
indicators that showed me that that’s what the old saying the
powers that be were looking at and, you know, digging hard and
digging deep and digging fast.
Richard: Wayne, are you there?
Wayne: Yeah, I’m here.
Richard: Listen, thank you for joining us tonight as well.
Folks, this is Wayne Green. Wayne, I really want to thank you.
You’re the one we talked to you about a week ago and you’re
responsible for getting this interview with David Booth tonight.
Thank you for that. You want to just recap real fast how you
came across David Booth and what your connection is to him.
Wayne: Well, I saw an ad in the paper for organic food and I eat
raw, organic food and so I immediately got in touch with him to
get on his list of customers for organic food. We got to talking
and I told him about twelve different ways that you can grow
greater crops that I have chronicled in one of my books and by
January of this year we’d gotten pretty good friends, and
talking a lot, and he told me about his vision that he had last
March. And asked me what I thought he ought to do about it. And
I said, "Well, for goodness’ sakes, the idea is to get the word
out to as many people as possible because a few will take action
and try to preserve themselves." Because the information that he
gave about Yellowstone boiling up and being reported by a number
of geologists and vulcanologists and so forth and reported in
papers in Europe but not in the U.S., and about the heating up
of the various planets just as Jim McCanney predicted in his
book on Planet X, everything looked like it made sense. And I’m
a journalist, I do the research then I try to get the word out
to people on what I’ve discovered. And I’ve been doing that for
fifty years now.
Kate: So you convinced David that he had to get it out and
helped him figure out a way to do that, and part of that was by
getting on talk television and radio and that sort of thing.
Wayne: Exactly. I knew he could not get any coverage on the
major news media because they like bad news, but not very bad
Kate: They have to temper their bad news.
Richard: All right, listen you guys, here we go. A whole bunch
of questions from us and from our viewers. A couple of months
ago, the last time you both appeared together was on a national,
late night radio talk show. And the host ended the interview and
basically kicked you both off the air because David would not
divulge what happened with Sister Lucia. Now, David, we’re not
going to ask you tonight what happened with Sister Lucia. What
you talked about, because we do respect the privacy issue. If
you can tell our viewers why you couldn’t say anything about it,
it might clear up some of what’s gone down and at least have
some of our viewers understand why you couldn’t talk about the
meeting you had with Sister Lucia.
David: Okay, but I have to back up for a second, Richard, and
Kate, that there is a larger picture that everybody keeps
missing on this, and let me just tell you exactly what happened
during that. And the program you’re referring to is Coast to
Coast. George Noory was the host. That Wayne and I were invited
on for the guests for that program based on the information that
George Noory assumed that I was going to be giving. I had not
said I would be giving that information and neither did Wayne.
Richard: So you didn’t clear this before you went on the air,
with George, that you were going to talk about the actual
discussion you’d had?
David: That was with the producer that I’d talked to prior to
that. And here’s an interesting thing, too. That remember...
during that interview, Wayne was doing that interview... Wayne
was in New Hampshire, I was in Paris. And when the program
ended, now to Wayne and I we’re just on a telephone, you know,
like we are with you. And then it just ended. And we both got
dial tones. And it was morning time for me in Paris, so I just
went and got in the shower. The phone rang for me a few minutes
later and the producer was back on the phone and my wife called
me out of the shower and talked to the producer and they thanked
me for being on and everything like that. Wayne didn’t get that
kind of call.
Wayne: No, what I got was slandered by George Noory who called
me a crook and I'm told the audience of millions that I was just
in it to sell books, and that hurt a lot because I have been
writing books for years and there is not one book that I’ve
written that I wrote with the idea that, "Hey, I can sell this
book and make money."
Richard: Wait a minute, though,...
Wayne: I’ve been publishing magazines for almost fifty years,
Richard: ... Wayne, Code Red wasn’t even your book, that we’re
talking about.
Wayne: No, and, you know, and, not one magazine that I started
was for the purpose of making money. I started magazines because
they needed to be done, and my magazines made it possible for us
to have cell phones, my magazines started right at the beginning
with personal computers when they were nothing but a little kit
for hobbyists, and built that into an industry... because I saw
the future of these things.
Kate: So you’re purpose in doing that show was not to sell
books. It was to try to get out information and help warn
people, and that’s the same reason you are both on here tonight.
David: OH, make no mistake about it, I mean, you know, I had
told Wayne right after I told him last year, or earlier this
year about what had happened to me and what I had gone through
back in the nineteen eighties from my first, you know,
precognitive experience, the only one I’d had prior to this one.
People don’t care. People do not care. And the position that I
had found myself in was one where, you know, I was actually
talked to sternly, like a principal talking to an errant
student, that I have to be careful about what I say because too
many people were listening to me.
Richard: Who told you that again?
David: That happened in Paris ... boy, I really have to dance
around the ... you know, the thing here with what I can say and
what I can’t say. The Pittsburgh post Gazette...
Did I quote that right, Wayne, that publication, it’s a main
stream paper in Pittsburgh that did an article this past Sunday.
The bottom line to this, Kate and Richard, this is a space, this
is subject matter that is so friggin’ controlled it is beyond
Richard: All right, so, we have to go to a commercial break
right now, so what you’re saying David, is that these gentlemen
or whoever they were in Paris that came to talk to you basically
reinforced the fact that if you spoke, you’d be in trouble or
somebody else would be in trouble.
David: No, no, it’s very simple. It’s called the Patriot Act,
and it is the law of the United States. If you say or do
anything that has the possibility of inciting the American
public, you have just put yourself in jeopardy.
Richard: Well, then WE should be in Guantanamo Bay.
Kate: We’ve got to go to a commercial, guys, we’ll be right.
Stay where you are, everyone. We’ll ask a little bit more about
what happened in Paris and Patriot Act as far as David’s
concerned, but what we really need to get into is what’s
happening on the planet. We need to get further into that. Stay
tuned. We’ll be right back with Out There.
Richard: Hi, everybody, welcome back to
Out There with Richard
and Kate. Our guests tonight are Wayne Green and
David Booth.
Gentlemen, are you still there?
David: We’re here.
Wayne: Yep.
Richard: Okay, David, just to recap here before the commercial
break you’d referenced the Patriot Act and that was one of the
reasons why you determined that you couldn’t tell what happened
with your meeting with Sister Lucia.
David: No, that I determined? No, I didn’t determine anything. I
was told.
Richard: You were told what, not to talk about?
David: Oh, absolutely.
Richard: How .. I mean,...
Kate: Because so many people are talking about this...
Richard: Our viewers are really wondering about why this
David: Come on, guys, listen, we’re big boys and big girls. This
is not a naive space we’re in right here. We do not live in the
world we grew up in.
Kate: No, we sure don’t.
Richard: But, I mean, your message wasn’t that of terrorism or
of some banking fraud, it was about a conversation with a nun!
David: No, too simplistic there.
Richard: Okay.
David: No, it was about events that are going to be happening to
us that are beginning to happen now that are going to continue
to happen and at the same time that this is happening, look at
the world, how it’s changing around us.
Kate: Leaps and bounds. Now, Wayne, I spoke to you, or I guess
it was an in an e-mail, we talked about how you know, the
internet, it’s a breeding ground for all kinds of conspiracy
theories and so forth and you guys have been basically maligned
and people have tried to disprove everything you’ve said since
this last appearance or one of the later appearances anyway. But
one of the things that struck me is that people are claiming you
are, Wayne Green is a disinformation agent.
Wayne: (Laughs)
Richard: Even I’m laughing at that one, Wayne.
Kate: How must that make you feel?
Wayne: Well, of course, whenever one is slandered or libeled,
they don’t feel good about it and you know, I’ve spent fifty
years building a reputation and all of a sudden, I’ve been
trashed and um, I’ve been hurt deeply by George Noory on this
and I felt that I was a totally innocent bystander. You know,
I’m a journalist. I get the facts and I get those facts out to
people. And I’ve been doing this for fifty years and I’ve never
had to retract anything because I’ve always done my homework
Kate: Right.
Wayne: But of course in this case, I got blindsided by David
Booth, who didn’t give me any warning about what was going to
Kate: David, how do you respond to that. I guess you couldn’t
really give him any warning, could you?
David: No, I could have given him warning.
Kate:... so..
David: But then again, why should I have?
Kate: Well, maybe to protect him from getting..
David: You know, Wayne’s a big boy and we’ve talked about this
and we’ve had some hard discussions about this
Richard: You know, David, I think you’re right. Maybe that’s how
we have to look at this. You know, you both are full grown
adults capable of doing whatever you want, as are we, as are the
people you’ve been associated with on radio shows in the past.
Kate: Okay, I’m sorry Richard, I just wanted to get that cleared
up because of e-mails we’ve received. As soon as we posted that
you guys were going to be on the show, we’ve had so many
questions. I just would like people to know that you two are,...
I hate to say the word "made up", or you know, you’re making up,
but that you agree that events transpired that were sometimes
out of your control, David, certainly you couldn’t say something
if you were basically threatened with jail or worse... um, if
you said things, and Wayne, you guys have worked it out, and
guys, we wanted to get that cleared up.
David: Kate, NO, we haven’t worked out anything. I only agreed
to do this because I owed Wayne for Paris.
Kate: Gotcha.
David: I only ... and only on this show.
Kate: Okay, we understand.
David: ... and that’s the only reason. Period.
Richard: David, let me just say one more thing about your
meeting with those individuals in Paris. If this is really
happening, and I firmly believe you and I ...
Kate: That must have been so scary.
Richard: ... and this is the tip of the iceberg then. If they
can confront you about not speaking about the information you
were about to divulge, I mean, it really is the tip of the
Patriot Act iceberg. They’re going to go after everybody.
David: Look...uh...listen, again, w.. your words, you’re dancing
on the head of a pin. I mean, the reality is that I got off
lucky. How many people are being killed?
Kate: Or thrown in jail or worse...
David: Right. I mean, if you want to compare the time that we
live in right now, 2004, I mean, you just go back to 1935
Germany ... it’s the same thing.
Kate: Yeah. It is the same thing.
David: Of course it’s the same thing! Tell me that I’m wrong!
Kate: I wish I could, but unfortunately...
David: You look at the parallels that we’re living in right now.
You either toe the line or you get disappeared.
Kate: Yeah. So... one of the reasons we wanted you guys... now,
how afraid are you going to be or how much can we even reveal
tonight. Because, you know, we’ve been talking about
Yellowstone. I just sent you an e-mail yesterday, David, with
stuff that I’ve been receiving. The BBC is coming here to do a
David: And Kate, I sent you back. I sent you back the e-mail
that Winnie from the BBC had sent to me. Right. There was no way
I was going to be on that program. I was the first one that they
picked. There is no friggin’ way.
Richard: You know, David and Wayne, we just had a big story
tonight about the Patriot Act and we talk about this just about
every other week. And this really is one of the scariest things
that’s ever happened to our country and, you know, a lot of
people out there listening to and watching this program should
be very concerned about what is going on.
What are you doing these days, David? I mean, are you, obviously
you’re not doing any radio interviews anymore.
David: No, and again, Richard, with all due respect. Of what
importance is that? What’s that question for? What does it
matter? What does it mean?
Richard: I guess I want to find out if you’re having any more
visions or if you’re talking to anybody about the things that
you see coming up.
David: I agreed to do this program so that Wayne could get his,
and this is one thing that I don’t understand.. why Wayne even
wants to put himself out there any more.
Kate: Good question. Why do you, Wayne?
Wayne: Because the same reason that I have done everything in my
life, and that is to try to help people. Here we have this
information about Yellowstone. We have the information about
Planet X. If we don’t get the word out there, I’m not going to
be able to help people.
Kate: Wayne, has anybody ever said to you, "Shut up about this,
don’t try to scare people." Has anybody ever said that to you?
Wayne: No, they have not bothered me yet. Of course, I feel kind
of disappointed because, you know, other people have contacts
with ET’s, and they’ve never bothered me. And the government
agencies or agents or whatever they are have not bothered me on
this yet, but I expect one of these days there’ll be a knock on
the door.
Richard: Well you know, David, with all respect to you, I can’t
imagine how horrific this must have been, I mean, when you get
pulled aside with that kind of a....
Kate: threat
Richard: ...threat, I guess it would shut us up, too, there’s no
other easy way.
Kate: We had a guest a couple of years back, Neal Kruse, I’ll
never forget it. He said to me, "Kate, if somebody comes to you
with an offer you can’t refuse, don’t." So I guess..
Wayne: I got blindsided on this. Dave didn’t mention the Paris
warning, and then when I did talk to him, after George Noory
said that they’d called the convent and the convent said he
hadn’t been there, I said, "Do you have any pictures of you with
Sister Lucia." And he said, "Yes, we had a lot of pictures." And
he promised me that he would post one on his website, "what does
it mean" when he got back. I passed that along to people and of
course he didn’t do it so again, I was a liar and then he said
he was going to take all of the pictures he took at the convent
and David, am I exaggerating?
David: No
Wayne: You said you were going to put those on a DVD along with
the interview with Sister Lucia and make it available to me and
the public. And you never did that!
David: NO, I did not, because I want to LIVE.
Wayne: Well, you told me you were going to do that!
David: Yes, of course I told you I was going to do that. But
what am I supposed to do? I mean, where are Justin (my son) and
Sharmili (his wife) right now? They can’t even be with us
anymore because we had to get them out of here.
Kate: Who’s that?...
David: Right, and you’re sitting over there in your forty room
friggin’ house on your two hundred and five acre estate and I,
I’m holed up here..
Wayne: Right...
David: ... in my compound.
Kate: Okay.
Wayne: Right. I’m out there every day wandering around enjoying
the incredible wildflower...
David: Wayne, Wayne, what did I tell you before?
Wayne: Right
David: Okay, look at what they did to you!
Wayne: Yep.
David: Look at what they did to you.
Wayne: Yep. No, my reputation got destroyed in front of millions
and millions of people...
Kate: ... aah, so they did that ...
David: Because they don’t care...
Kate:... they did that to you, Wayne, to cast dispersions at all
of this information, too. By making you two seem like you’re at
odds, by creating that maelstrom of disinformation, they
succeeded where they couldn’t have if they’d just said, "Wayne,
shut up."
Richard: Okay,
David: Kate, Kate, listen to me. Wayne, Wayne, his motives are
good. But he comes from a generation, I mean, he’s eighty-two
friggin’ years old, and he comes from a generation where people
are honest, where people are moral, where people are right. But
this is not the world that we live in, Kate, and you know that,
and Richard knows that. Wayne still hasn’t got that through his
thick skull, that that’s the way the world is. He believes that
people are all honorable. He believes that if you search for the
truth and you find the truth and you put it out there, then
people will listen and people will believe. But he still doesn’t
get it. Even to this exact point in time, he doesn’t get it!
Richard: All right, gentlemen, ..
Wayne: I’m still trying to get the facts out there for people,
and think that this is all a bunch of distraction to keep people
from noticing and thinking about what’s going on with
David: But what you did, Wayne, what you did to me and my
family, you know, you came into my life, you came into my
Wayne: (chuckles)
David: And I believed you. Now, that’s my fault. I’m a grown
boy. That’s my fault.
Richard: Gentlemen, we have to go to a commercial break
here...David, hang on with me. Gentlemen, hold the line just for
a second.
Kate: We’ve got to take a commercial ,,, pay the bills.
Richard: Yeah, sorry, two minutes and we’re back to you. You’re
watching Out There with our special guests David Booth and Wayne
Green. We’ll be right back.
Kate: Hi, guys, we’re back. Hello,
there. We’re back with Wayne Green and David Booth and this is
probably one of the hottest shows "Out There" has ever had. You
guys are very animated and I appreciate the open dialog. You’re
being very honest with our viewers and we appreciate it. David,
one of the things you said is that the world is not the way it
was when Wayne was young, and we are going to have to face up to
that. We couldn’t agree more. You know, we are immersed in it.
This is what we do for a living.
Richard: And you know, Wayne, I think David is right on the
money there, sorry to say. I really do. That I don’t think
people are going to get it and, uh, David, you’ve had this
vision and the one that you had previously in 1979 was
documented. The vision came true, and that’s why Kate and I
believe the vision you’ve had over the last year and a half, and
it scares us, and we don’t know what to do. And after we’ve gone
through the book and we’ve heard you now a couple of times, I
guess the question is, what do people do? What can we do? Is
there anywhere to be safe? We need some answers for our viewers
David: The...There are no answers other than, I said it before
and I’ll say it again. There’s ready.gov and there’s Fema.gov.
Listen to the government. Listen to the government.
Richard: Aren’t they going to mislead us?
David: No.. and Richard, seriously, even you and Kate. Fine, You
want to say something? The moment that you say something and the
moment that somebody starts to do what you tell them to do,
you’ve violated a law of the United States of America, called
the Patriot Act.
Kate: So if we said to people, okay, you need to, you know,
stock up on food, you need to find a safe place, and, because
this is coming, you mean we’re in violation of the Patriot Act
by doing that?
David: Absolutely. Read the darned thing.
Richard: Well, wait a minute..
David: Section 801 or 802 specifically.
Wayne: Well, now, I had a call today from someone who said the
Lakota Indians are digging an underground sanctuary for
themselves, and they’re doing it right now.
Richard: Where are the Lakota Indians, Wayne?
Wayne: Out in the Midwest.
Richard: Okay.
Kate: Well, if Yellowstone goes, and the e-mail I sent to David,
by the way, folks, and I’m going to ask Richard to post it on
the website, it was from a lady who’d done extensive research on
what’s happening at Yellowstone... now, she’s kind of gone to
the wall claiming that someone is planting charges that will
actually make it go off, you know I have no way of proving or
disproving what she said there. However, the point is, if it
goes, it’s a good thing for those who would like to keep us
under their thumbs. Uh, So, maybe it’s best that we don’t
prepare, I don’t know, if that’s the whole idea behind it.
Richard: But if David is saying we can’t even talk about
preparing, well, if you go to
the FEMA or
telling people that they should have three days of supplies..
David: Oh, Richard, ...
Kate: Three days!?
David:... Richard, exactly, you know, listen. I’ve seen it to
where I am sick up to my throat of e-mails and internet
accusations and innuendoes, etc. about fear-monger this and
fear-monger that. Now, now listen to this. I dare anyone to say
that Wayne Green is a fear monger. Now put him against Ashcroft,
put him against Bush, put him against Rumsfeld, put him against
any government official who are constantly, daily, weekly,
monthly telling us we’re going to be hit, that we’re going to be
nuked, a dirty bomb here, biological this... you know, FEMA,
READY.gov, the whole government apparatus of the United States
of America is designed. Every newscast is designed to do nothing
more than to keep instilling fear in the American public! Oh,
but, they want to say Wayne’s a fear monger by telling the truth
about what he knows?
Kate: And you’re a fear monger by telling what saw in your
dream/vision, by sharing the information you’ve spent so much
time researching.
Richard: Well then this whole thing comes full circle because
that’s the way that they got the Patriot Act passed, pushed
through, you know, by telling the people...
Kate: with fear...
Richard: "..be afraid, we’re going to protect you". But to do
that, we have to have the Patriot Act. David, all I can say is
that whoever talked to you, they sure must have shaken you up a
David: Huh! Listen, it’s beyond "shaken up"! Again, you have,
everybody has got to get it through their heads. We are NOT in
Kansas anymore. If you want to know what we live in right now,
go back in your history books and read what it was like in 1935
in Germany.
Kate: It wasn’t a very nice place to be... as a matter of
David: It wasn’t a very nice place to be!? Holy Moses, look at
the German people, they were happy, they were working,
Kate: Yeah, they were happy and they were working, but...
David: They had jobs for the first time in their lives. They had
disposable incomes. There were freeways being built, there were
cars, I mean, the cars, everybody, everything was great!
Richard: Sounds like the U.S. 2004.
Kate: Yeah, but for CERTAIN people it was great, but for many
people it was already turning ugly. You know, there were already
freedoms being taken away in 1935, that...
David: In 1935, the groundwork was being laid for what happened,
what began to happen in 1938 and then culminated in 1939 when
the war began.
Kate: So, we’re kind of in a situation now where, but you know
it really isn’t that great here right now. I mean, a lot of
people lost their jobs...
David: Kate, Kate, listen, why do you think, more than anything
else? It’s not that they want to silence me. It’s not that they
want to silence Nancy Lieder or Ed Dames or Hazlewood. The
person that they want to silence most of all is Wayne Green!
Because out of everybody in this space, he’s the only one that’s
lived through the friggin’ thing. I mean, darn, the guy was in
World War Two in a submarine being depth-charged! He saw it all!
Richard: Yeah.
Kate: So, if anyone would be able to... But why threatening you?
Why don’t they just go to Wayne and say, "Shut up!" Why don’t
they do that to you, Wayne? Would you?
Wayne: chuckles
David: No, he wouldn’t and he would be able to better articulate
Richard: Well, at Wayne’s age, and what Wayne’s been through,
Wayne, I don’t think you’d be quiet even if they did come to
your door and tell you to shut up.
David: Wayne, What... what do you care about at 82 years old?
Wayne: Exactly, well, the main thing I care about is if nothing
does happen, I’ve got things that I’ve got to do, that need to
be done, but it is true. I don’t care, and they’re not going to
shut me up and I think they know that.
Kate: So the best way they could think of to do it is to create
this whole nonsense and distract everybody from the fact that
there is something coming in from space maybe, we’ve got stuff
going on in the country that is taking away our freedoms, and
the best way to make people ignore Wayne Green is to make him
look like a liar and a sucker!
Richard: That’s how they do it. The fact is, we’ve had more
asteroids and meteors hit the earth in the last month than at
any time over the last five years, so something is going on,
David: No, no, Richard you’re wrong! That is not true. I can
tell you categorically that it’s not true because I watch Tom
Brokaw every night and I have not seen, ...
Kate and Richard... (chuckle)...
David: ....not one report on that. I read the New York Times
every day... I have not seen one report on that. I listen to
Paul Harvey....
Richard: That’s exactly how it is.
David:....every morning. I have not heard him say one thing
about it. So how can you tell me that you’re telling the truth?
Richard: Thank you, David.
Kate: Good point, very well taken and a wonderful place ...
Richard: And the truth is, that those stories do come across the
mainstream news services, but you will never hear them, folks,
on Fox or CNN. Well, listen, boys, thank you so much for joining
us tonight. David, I wish we had another hour. There are some
other things we wanted to ask you and some questions from our
viewers, but we’ve just simply run out of time.
Kate: Thank you both.
Richard: I wish you both well, and much peace.
David: Okay, thank you.
Wayne: Thank you!
Richard and Kate: Good night, Wayne.
Wayne: Good night, there, Kate.
Kate: Thank you. Well, folks, I felt a little bit like Maury Povitch at points. But, I think it was an excellent dialog and I
think David got his point across.
Richard: David’s annoyed at Wayne, and, you know, I don’t know
if Wayne should be taking all the heat on this or not, I don’t
know whether that’s fair, but it was thanks to Wayne that
Booth came to light in the first place.
And if you’re looking for this book,...
Kate: Too bad.
Richard: .....
Code Red, Coming Destruction of the U.S.
It’s not available, it’s banned or something, you won’t be able
to get a copy of it.
Kate: Too bad because it had a lot of great information. But if
you go to Wayne’s website, Nancy Lieder’s, Blindsided, you will
find the information you need.
Richard: Time to wrap it up. Next week our guest is Linda
Moulton Howe, talking about Crop Circles and Cattle Mutilations.
Thanks for watching. Good Night.
re: Booth/Green Interview
by Kate and Rich
When Wayne Green first told us about David Booth, we were skeptical
at best. You can imagine that, as producers of "Out There", we hear
from countless people who claim to have the "inside track" on the
future. Mostly their assertions are based on "psychic impressions"
or dreams or messages from aliens. Therefore, we didn’t get too
excited about yet another prediction of gloom and doom.
But Wayne
was persistent, and we decided to listen to the story.
In 1979, David had a dream/vision ten nights in a row, of an
airplane crashing. His vision was recorded by the FAA, and when a
DC10 crashed outside Chicago, the premonition was fulfilled. In
2003, David had a second set of dream/visions, in which something is
incoming from the south, in space, which sets off some kind of
explosion in the western part of the U.S.
Everything that David spoke about on the show, and the information
in his book, "Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States"
is in line with what we already know about ongoing events on and
around the planet. We know that there is a large possibility of the
Yellowstone Super Volcano erupting. There are many objects in space
that could easily cause any number of disasters on earth. The
Pentagon has issued a massive report to the Bush administration on a
potential "Climate Collapse", even FEMA and other government
websites like
www.ready.gov are urging us to
prepare for some kind of disaster.
When David was unable or unwilling to reveal information he received
from Sister Lucia (the last of the children to have received the
Fatima prophecies) on a national radio show, a huge uproar ensued.
Since then, accusations have flown around the internet and on the
airwaves debunking him and Wayne Green and basically making a
mockery of the very real warnings they were giving.
That is why we asked David and Wayne back on Out There Television.
We hoped to clear the air, so to speak. We know that the questions
we asked and the answers given will not satisfy everyone about the
honesty of David Booth or the trustworthiness of his information.
David only agreed to come on the show to help Wayne clear his name.
He did not want to expose himself any more, stating that someone
from the government warned him to stop talking. He seems to believe
that his life and the lives of his children are at stake, and he
would not elaborate on any more information about current events.
What we DID get out of this interview is that David Booth is
frightened. Very frightened. Wayne Green is caught in the middle of
a difficult situation, and somewhere there are agents in the
government who have put the fear of God into David. What we don’t
understand is, why would they try to silence David Booth when so
many other people are telling similar tales? The only reasonable
explanation, if it is in fact true that David has been threatened,
is because his message is too close to the truth. Why else would
"men in suits" from a U.S. government agency, under the auspices of
The Patriot Act, track him down in Paris, France and be so anxious
to shut him up?
We can’t answer those questions. We don’t have lie detectors on when
we interview our guests. All we can do is provide a place for our
guests to share their information, allow you to read this
transcript, do your own research, and make up your own minds.