Section 4
He told his DEA interrogators that the
Ochoa brothers had paid
Noriega $600,000 to allow three planes loaded with cocaine to land
and refuel in Panama. But once in court in Miami, it soon became
apparent that what was billed as the “star witness” for the
prosecution was at best damp squib. Under cross-examination the true
story emerged: Far from being paid to allow the flights, Noriega
wasn’t even approached by the Ochoas. Worse yet, in December of
1983, Noriega had ordered that all flights to Panama from Medellin
be refused permission to land in Panama. Carlton is not the only
discredited witness.
One who is even a sorrier liar than Carlton is Carlos Lehder, who
was a kingpin in the Medellin Cartel until he was arrested in Spain
and sent to the U.S. Who gave the DEA the most vital information
that Lehder was in Madrid? The DEA reluctantly concedes that they
owe this important catch to Noriega. Now, however, the Justice
Department is using Lehder as a witness against Noriega. If nothing
else, this single witness demonstrates the wretchedness of the
United States government’s case against Manuel Noriega.
In return for services rendered, Lehder has been granted an easing
of his sentence and far nicer quarters—a room with a view and
television—and his family was given permanent residence in the U.S.
Robert Merkel, a former U.S. attorney who prosecuted Lehder in 1988
told the Washington Pose “I don’t think the government should be in
the business of dealing with Carlos Lehder, period. This guy is a
liar from beginning to end.
The Justice Department, purely a name which bears no
resemblance to what it is supposed to stand for, has pulled out
all its dirty tricks against Noriega: illegally wire-tapping his
conversations with his lawyer; appointing a government lawyer
to pretend he was serving Noriega but who quit in the middle of
everything; freezing his bank accounts so that Noriega is unable to
conduct a proper defense; kidnapping, illegal search and seizure. You
name it, the government has broken more laws than Noriega has ever
done—if indeed he has broken any laws at all.
It is the U.S. Justice Department that is on trial tenfold more than
General Noriega. The Noriega case shows the glaringly evil system
that passes for “justice” in this country. The U.S. “war on drugs”
is on trial as is the Bush Administration’s so-called drug policy.
The Noriega trial, although it will end in a violent and flagrant
rape of justice, will nevertheless offer some compensation to those
who are not blind, deaf and dumb. It proves for once and for all
that Britain is in charge of our government and it will reveal the
utterly bankrupt ideology of the Bush Administration which ought to
have as its motto, “No Matter What, The End Always Justifies The
Means. There Are Very Few Moral Absolutes.” Like the majority of
politicians, for Bush to have a standard of ABSOLUTE MORALITY WOULD
BE SUICIDAL. Only in this climate could we have allowed President
Bush to violate at least six United States laws and DOZENS OF
INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS in going to war against Iraq.
What we are witnessing in Colombia and Washington is a complete
revision of how the cocaine trade is to be run; no more wild stuff,
no more blazing guns. Let the gentlemen of the Cali cartel in
pin-stripe suits conduct the business in a gentlemanly way In short,
the Committee of 300 has taken a direct hand in the cocaine trade
which henceforth will go as smoothly as the heroin trade. The new
government of Colombia is geared to the change in tactics and
direction. It is on notice to perform ac-cording to the Committee’s
game plan.
There is need to mention U.S. participation in the China
opium trade which began in the southern United States prior to
the War Between The States. How can we tie the opium trade in
with the great cotton plantations of the South? To do that, we
have to start in Bengal, India, producers of the finest (if one can
call such a foul substance fine) opium which was much in demand.
Cotton was THE biggest trade in England, after opium sales through
the BEIC.
Most of the cotton from Southern plantations was worked in the slave
mills of Northern England, where women and children earned a
pittance for a 16-hour day’s work. The cloth mills were owned by the
wealthy socialites in London, the Barings, Palmerstons, Keswicks and
most of all the Jardine Mathesons who owned the Blue Star Shipping
Line, on which the finished cotton cloth goods were shipped to
India. They could care less about the hapless conditions endured by
Her Majesty’s subject. After all, that is what they were for, and
their husbands and sons were useful for fighting wars to preserve
Her Majesty’s far-flung empire as they had done for centuries, and
latterly, in the bloody Boer War. That was British tradition, wasn’t
Cotton cloth finished goods exported to India undercut and destroyed
the long-standing Indian producers of cotton finished goods trade.
Terrible privation was endured by thousands of Indians thrown out of
work as a result of cheaper British goods taking over their markets.
India then became utterly dependent upon Britain to earn enough
currency to pay for its railroads and finished cotton goods imports.
There was only one solution to India’s economic woes. Produce more
opium and sell it for less to the British East India Company. This
was the rock upon which British trade grew and flourished. Without
its opium trade, Britain would have been as bankrupt.
Did the Southern plantation owners know about the ugly
secret of opium-for-cotton goods? It is unlikely that some of
them didn’t know what was going on. Take, for instance, the
Sutherland family, one of the largest cotton plantation owners in
the South. The Sutherlands were closely related to the Matheson
family—Jardine Matheson—who in turn had as their business
partners the Baring Brothers, founders of the famous Peninsular
and Orient Navigation Line (P&O), the largest of Britain’s many
merchant shipping lines.
The Barings were big investors in Southern plantations as they were
in the U.S. Clipper ships which plowed through the seas between
Chinese ports and all the important ports along the eastern seaboard
of the United States. Today the Barings run a number of very
substantial financial operations in the United States. All of those
names mentioned were, and their descendants still are, members of
the Committee of 300.
The majority of families who go to make up the Eastern Liberal
Establishment, among whom are the wealthiest to be found in this
country, derived their fortunes from either the cotton trade or the
opium trade and in some instances from both. Of these the Lehmans
are an outstanding example. When it comes to fortunes made solely
from the China opium trade, the first names that come to mind are
the Astors and the Delanos. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s wife
was a Delano.
John Jacob Astor made a huge fortune out of the China opium trade
and then he went respectable by buying up large tracts of Manhattan
real estate with his dirty money. During his lifetime Astor played a
big role in the Committee of 300s’ deliberations. In fact, it was
the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate
in the fabulously lucrative China opium trade, through its
monopolist BEIC, and the beneficiaries of their largess remained
forever wedded to the Committee of 300.
That is why, as we shall discover, most real estate in Manhattan
belongs to various Committee members, even as it has since the days
when Astor began buying it up. With the benefit of access to records
that would be closed to others outside of British intelligence, I
discovered that Astor had long been an asset of British intelligence
in the United States. Astor’s financing of Aaron Burr, the murderer
of Alexander Hamilton, proves the point beyond any reasonable doubt.
John Jacob Astor’s son, Waldorf Astor, had the additional
honor bestowed upon him of being appointed to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), through which
organization the Committee of 300 controls every facet of our lives
in the United States. The Astor family is believed to have selected
Owen Lattimore to carry on their association with the opium trade
which he did through the Laura Spelman-funded Institute for Pacific
Relations (IPR). It was the IPR that oversaw China’s entry into the
opium trade as an equal partner and not merely as a supplier. It was
IPR that paved the way for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Attempts to turn the Japanese into opium addicts met with dismal
By the turn of the century the oligarchical plutocrats of Britain
were like overgorged vultures on the Serengeti Plain at the time of
the annual Wildebeest march. Their income from the China opium trade
exceeded David Rockefeller’s income by SEVERAL BILLION DOLLARS PER
ANNUM. Historic records made available to me in the British Museum
in London and from India Office and other sources—former colleagues
in well-placed positions, proves this completely.
By 1905, the Chinese government, deeply concerned about the rise in
the number of opium addicts in China, tried to get help from the
international community. Britain pretended to cooperate, but made no
move whatsoever to abide by the 1905 protocols it had signed. Later
Her Majesty’s government did an about-face after showing China that
it was better to join them in the opium business rather than to try
and end it.
Even The Hague Convention was scoffed at by the British. Delegates
to the convention had agreed that Britain must abide by the
protocols it had signed, which was to drastically reduce the amount
of opium sold in China and elsewhere. The British, while paying lip
service, had no intention of giving up their trade in human misery,
which included the so-called “pig trade.”
Their servant, President George Bush, in prosecution of the
cruel war of genocide waged against the Iraqi nation SOLELY
for and on behalf of British interests, likewise showed his contempt
by flouting the Hague Agreement on Aerial Bombardment, and a whole slew of international conventions to which the
U.S. is a signatory, including ALL of the Geneva Conventions.
When evidence was produced two years later, notably by the Japanese,
who were growing very concerned about British smuggling of opium
into their country, that opium sales had increased instead of
decreased, then Her Majesty’s delegate to the Fifth Hague Convention
produced a set of statistics which were at variance with those
provided by Japan. The British delegate turned the tables by saying
that it made a very strong case for legalizing the sale of opium
which would have the effect of doing away with what he called “the
black market.”
He suggested on behalf of Her Majesty’s government that the Japanese
government would then have a monopoly and full control of the trade.
In the period of 1791-1894, the number of licensed opium dens in the
Shanghai International Settlement rose from 87 to 663. Opium flowing
into the United States was also stepped up. Sensing that they might
have some problems in China with the spotlight of world concern
shining upon them, the plutocrats of the Knights of St. John and the
Order of the Garter, transferred some of their attention to Persia
Lord Inchcape, who founded the biggest steamship company in the
world at the turn of the 19th century, the legendary Peninsula and
Orient Steam Navigation Company, was the principal mover and shaker
in establishing the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, which remains the
largest and least controlled clearinghouse bank for the opium trade,
which also financed the “pig trade” with the United States.
The British had set up a scam whereby Chinese “coolies” were sent to
the U.S. as so-called indentured laborers. The rapacious Harriman
family’s railroad needed “coolies” to push the rail connection
westward to the California coast, or so they said. Strangely enough,
very few Negroes were given the manual labor jobs they were used to
at that time and could have done a better job than the emaciated
opium addicts who arrived from China.
The problem was that there was no market for opium among the Negroes
and, moreover, Lord Inchcape, son of the founder of P and O needed
the “coolies” to smuggle in thousands of pounds of raw opium into
North America, something the Negroes could not do. It was the same
Lord Inchcape who in 1923 warned that there must be no diminishing
of opium poppy cultivation in Bengal. “This most important source of
revenue must be safeguarded,” he told the commission allegedly
investigating the production of opium gum in India.
By 1846, some 120,000 “coolies” had already arrived in the U.S. to
work on Harriman’s railroad pushing westward. The “pig trade” was in
full profitable swing because, of this number, it was estimated by
the U.S. government 115,000 were opium addicts. Once the railroad
was finished, the Chinese did not go back to where they came from,
but settled in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Vancouver and Portland.
They created a huge culture problem that has never ceased to exist.
It is interesting to note that Cecil John Rhodes, a Committee
of 300 member who fronted for the Rothschilds in South Africa
followed the Inchcape pattern, bringing hundreds of thousand of
Indian “coolies” to work on the sugar cane plantations in Natal
province. Among them was Mahatma Ghandi, a Communist
agitator and troublemaker. Like the Chinese coolies, they were
not returned to their country of origin once their contracts
expired. They, too, went on to create a massive social program,
and their descendants became lawyers who spearheaded the
drive to infiltrate the government on behalf of the Africa
National Congress.
By 1875 the Chinese “coolies” operating out of San Francisco had set
up an opium supply ring that resulted in 129,000 American opium
addicts. What with the known 115,000 Chinese addicts, Lord Inchcape
and his family were raking in hundreds of thou-sands of dollars a
year from this source alone which, in terms of today’s dollar would
represent at least a $100 million dollar income every year.
The very same British and American families who had combined to
wreck the Indian textile industry in the promotion of the opium
trade, and who brought African slaves to the U.S. combined to make
the “pig trade” a valuable source of revenue. Later they were to
combine to cause and promote the terrible War Between The States,
also known as the American Civil War.
The decadent American families of the unholy partnership, thoroughly
corrupted and wallowing in filthy lucre, went on to become what we
know today as the Eastern Liberal Establishment whose members, under
the careful guidance and direction of the Crown and subsequently its
foreign policy executive arm, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs (RIIA), ran this country—and still does—from top to bottom
through their secret upper-level, parallel government, which is
tightly meshed with the Committee of 300, the ULTIMATE secret
By 1923, voices were being raised against this menace that had been
allowed to be imported into the United States. Believing the United
States to be a free and sovereign nation, Congressman Stephen
Porter, Chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs
Committee, introduced a bill which called for the British to account
for their opium export-import business on a country-by-country
basis. The resolution set up quotas for each country, which if
observed, would have reduced the opium made by 10%. The resolution
was passed into law and the bill accepted by the Congress of the
United States.
But the Royal Institute of International Affairs had other
ideas. Founded in 1919 in the wake of the Paris Peace Conference
held at Versailles, this was one of the earliest “foreign policy”
executors of the Committee of 300. Research I have done on the
Congressional Records, House, show that Porter was totally unaware
of the powerful forces he was up against. Porter was not even aware
of the existence of the RIIA, much less that its specific purpose
was to control every facet of the United States.
Apparently Congressman Porter received some kind of an intimation
from the Morgan Bank on Wall Street that he should drop the whole
affair. Instead, an enraged Porter took his case to the League of
Nations Opium Committee. Porter’s total un-awareness of who he was
up against is demonstrated in some of his correspondence to
colleagues on the House Foreign Affairs Committee in response to
open British opposition to his proposals.
Her Majesty’s representative chided Porter and then, acting like a
father toward an errant son, the British delegate—on instructions
from the RIIA—presented Her Majesty’s proposals to INCREASE opium
quotas to account for an increase in the consumption of opium for
medicinal purposes. According to documents that I was able to find
in The Hague, Porter was at first confused, then amazed and then
enraged. Joined by the Chinese delegate, Porter stormed out of the
plenipotentiary session of the Committee session, leaving the field
to the British.
In his absence, the British delegate got the League to rubber stamp
Her Majesty’s government proposals for a creation of a tame-tiger
Central Narcotics Board, whose chief function was information
gathering, the terms of which were purposely vague. What was to be
done with the “information” was never made clear. Porter returned to
the U.S. a shaken and much wiser man.
Another British intelligence asset was the fabulously rich William
Bingham, into which family one of the Barings married. It was stated
in papers and documents that I saw that the Baring Brothers ran the
Philadelphia Quakers and owned half of the real estate of that city,
all made possible because of the fortune the Baring Brothers had
amassed from the China opium trade.
Another beneficiary of the Committee of 300’s largess was
Stephen Girard, whose descendants inherited the Girard Bank and
The names of the families, whose history is intertwined with that of
Boston and who would never give us ordinary folk the time of day,
were wrapped in the arms of the Committee of 300 and its vastly
lucrative BEIC China opium trade. Many of the famous families became
associated with the notorious Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank which is
still the clearing house for billions of dollars that flow from the
opium trade in China.
Such famous names as Forbes, Perkins and Hathaway appear in the
records of the British East India Company. These genuine American
“bluebloods” created Russell and Company, whose main trade was in
opium, but also ran other shipping enterprises from China to
America and all points in between. As a reward for their services to
the British Crown and the BEIC, the Committee of 300 granted them a
monopoly in the slave trade in 1833.
Boston owes its celebrated past to the cotton-opium-slave trade
granted to it by the Committee of 300 and it is stated in the
records I was privileged to see in London that Boston’s merchant
families were the chief supporters of the British Crown in the
United States. John Murray Forbes is mentioned as the major-domo of
the “Boston Blue Bloods” in India House records and in bank records
in Hong Kong.
Forbe’s son was the first American allowed by the Committee of 300
to sit on the board of the most prestigious drug bank in the
world—even today—the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. When I was in Hong
Kong in the early 1960’s as “an historian interested in the British
East India Company,” I was shown some old records, including past
board members of this notorious drug bank, and sure enough, Forbes’
name was among them.
The Perkins family, so illustrious that their name is still
mentioned in awed whispers, were deeply involved in the nefarious
filthy China opium trade. In fact Perkins the elder was one of the
first Americans to be elected to the Committee of 300.
His son, Thomas Nelson, was Morgan’s man in Boston, and as such also
an agent for British intelligence. His unsavory—
I would say disgusting —past was not in question when he richly
endowed Harvard University. After all, Canton and Tientsin are a
long way from Boston, and who would have cared anyway?
What helped The Perkinses a lot was that Morgan was a powerful
member of the Committee of 300, which enabled Thomas N. Perkins to
rapidly further his career in the China opium trade. All the Morgans
and Perkinses were Freemasons, which was another tie that bound them
together, for only Freemasons of highest rank have any hope of
being selected by the Committee of 300. Sir Robert Hart, who for
almost three decades was chief of the Imperial Chinese Customs
Service (read the British Crown’s number one agent in the opium
trade in China) was subsequently appointed to the board of Morgan
Guarantee Bank’s Far Eastern Division.
Through access to the historical records in London and Hong Kong, I
was able to establish that Sir Robert developed an intimate
relationship with Morgan operations in the United States. It is
worthy of note that Morgan interests in the opium/ heroin trade have
continued in an unbroken line; witness the fact that David Newbigging is on the advisory board of
Morgan’s Hong Kong operation
run in conjunction with Jardine Matheson.
To those who know Hong Kong, the name of Newbigging will be familiar
as the most powerful name in Hong Kong. In addition to his
membership of Morgan’s elite bank, Newbigging doubles as an advisor
to the Chinese government. Opium for missile technology, opium for
gold, opium for high-tech computers—it is all the same to
Newbigging. The way these banks financial houses, trading companies
and the families who run them are intertwined would perplex Sherlock
Holmes, yet somehow they must be unraveled and followed if we are to
understand their connections with the drug trade and their
membership in the Committee of 300.
The two-track entry into the United States of alcohol and
drugs were products of the same stable occupied by the same
thoroughbreds. First, prohibition had to be introduced into the
United States. This was done by the British East India Company heirs
who, acting upon experience gained through the well-documented
Inland Mission records found in India House, set up the
Christian Temperance Union, supposedly to oppose consumption of
alcohol in America.
We say that history repeats itself, and in a sense, this is true.
except that it repeats itself in an ever-upward spiral. Today we
find that some of the largest companies, allegedly “polluting” the
earth, are the largest contributors of funds to the
environ-mentalist movement. The “big names” send forth their
message. Prince Philip is one of their heroes, yet his son Prince
Charles owns a million acres of forested land in Wales from which
timber is regularly harvested and, in addition, Prince Charles is
one of the largest owners of slum housing in London, where pollution
In the case of those who railed against the “evils of drink,” we
find they were financed by the Astors, the Rockefellers, the
Spelmans, the Vanderbilts and the Warburgs who had a vested interest
in the liquor trade. On the instructions of the Crown, Lord
Beaverbrook came over from England to tell these wealthy American
families that they were to invest in the WCTU. (It was the same
Beaverbrook who came to Washington in 1940 and ORDERED Roosevelt to
get involved in Britain’s war.) Roosevelt complied by stationing a
U.S. Navy flotilla in Greenland that spent the 9 months prior to
Pearl Harbor hunting and attacking German U-Boats. Like his
successor, George Bush, Roosevelt thought the Congress a confounded
nuisance so, acting like a king—sense he felt strongly since he is
related to the British royal family—FDR never sought the permission
of Congress for his illegal action. This is what the British are
most fond of referring to as their “special relationship with
The drug trade has a connection with the murder of President John F. Kennedy, which foul deed stains the national
character and will continue to do so until the perpetrators are
found and brought to justice. There is proof that the Mafia was
involved in this through the CIA, which brings to mind that it all
started with the old Meyer Lansky network which evolved into the
Irgun terrorist organization, and Lansky proved to be one of the
best vehicles for peddling cultural warfare against the West.
Lansky was, through more respectable fronts, associated with the
British higher-ups in bringing gambling and dope distribution to
Paradise Island in the Bahamas under the cover of The Mary Carter
Paint Company—a joint Lansky-British M16 venture. Lord Sassoon was
later murdered because he was skimming money and was threatening to
blow the whistle if he was punished. Ray Wolfe was more presentable,
representing the Bronfmans of Canada. While the Bronfmans were not
privy to Churchill’s massive Nova Scotia Project, they were and
still are nevertheless an important asset of the British royal
family in the business of dope peddling.
Sam Rothberg, close associate of Meyer Lansky, also worked with
Tibor Rosenbaum and Pinchas Sapir, all king pins in the
Lansky drug
ring. Rosenbaum ran a drug money laundering operation out of
Switzerland through a bank he established for this purpose; Banque
du Credite International. The bank quickly expanded its activities
and became the principal bank used by Lansky and his mobster
associates for laundering money garnered from prostitution, drugs
and other Mafia rackets.
It is worthy of note that Tibor Rosenbaum’s bank was used
by the shadowy chief of British Intelligence, Sir William
Stephenson, whose right hand man, Major John MortimerBloomfield, a Canadian citizen, ran Division Five of the
throughout the Second World War. Stephenson was an early
member of the 2Oth century Committee of 300, although
Bloomfield never made it that far. As I revealed in my series of
monographs on the Kennedy assassination, it was Stephenson
who master-minded the operation which was run as a hands-on
project by Bloomfield. Fronting for the Kennedy assassination
was done through another drug-related front, Permanent Indus-trial
Expositions (PERMINDEX), created in 1957 and centered in the World
Trade Mart building in downtown New Orleans.
Bloomfield just happened to be the attorney for the Bronfman family.
The World Trade Mart was created by Colonel Clay Shaw and
Division Five station chief in New Orleans, Guy Bannister. Shaw and
Bannister were close associates of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of
shooting Kennedy, who was murdered by CIA contract agent
Jack Ruby
before he could prove that he was not the assassin who shot
President Kennedy. In spite of the Warren Commission and numerous
official reports, it has NEVER been established that Oswald owned
the Mannlicher rifle said to be the murder weapon (it was not) nor
that he had ever fired it. The connection between the drug trade,
Shaw, Bannister and Bloomfield has been established several times,
and need not concern us here.
In the immediate post-WW II period, one of the most common methods
used by Resorts International and other drug related companies to
clean money was by courier service to a money laundering bank. Now
all that has changed. Only the small fry still use such a risky
method. The “big fish” conduit their money via the CHIPS system, an
acronym for Clearing House International Payments System, run by a
Burroughs computer system centered at the New York Clearing House.
Twelve of the largest banks use this system. One of them is the Hong
Kong and Shanghai Bank. Another is Credite Suisse, that oh so
respectable paragon of virtue in banking—until the lid is lifted.
Combined with the SWIFT system based in Virginia, dirty drug money
becomes invisible. Only wanton carelessness results in the FBI
getting lucky now and then, if and when it is told not to look the
other way.
Only low echelon drug dealers get caught with drug money
in their hands. The elite, Drexel Burnham, Credite Suisse, Hong
Kong and Shanghai Bank, escape detection. But this, too, is
changing with the collapse of Bank of Credit and Commerce
International (BCCI) which is likely to expose a great deal about
the drug trade if ever a proper investigation is carried out.
One of the largest assets in the portfolio of the Committee of 300
companies is American Express (AMEX). Its presidents regularly
occupy positions on the Committee of 300. I first got interested in
Amex when I was carrying out an on-the-spot investigation that led
me to the Trade Development Bank in Geneva. Later, this got me into
a lot of trouble. I discovered that Trade Development Bank, then run
by Edmund Safra, key man in the gold for opium trade, was supplying
tons of gold to the Hong Kong market via Trade Development Bank.
Before going to Switzerland, I went to Pretoria, South Africa, where
I talked with Dr. Chris Stals, at that time the deputy governor of
the South African Reserve Bank which controls all bulk dealings in
South African-produced gold. After several discussions over a period
of a week, I was told that the bank could not supply me with the ten
tons of gold that I was authorized to buy on behalf of clients I was
supposed to be representing. My friends in the right places knew how
to produce the documentation which passed without question.
The Reserve Bank referred me to a Swiss company whom I cannot name,
because it would blow cover. I was also given the address of Trade
Development Bank in Geneva. The purpose of my exercise was to find
out the mechanics of how gold is moved and traded, and secondly to
test bogus documents which had been prepared for me by
ex-intelligence friends of mine who specialized in this kind of
thing. Remember “M” in the “James Bond” series? Let me assure you
that “M” does exist, only his correct initial is “C.” The documents
I had consisted of “buying orders” from Liechtenstein companies with
supporting papers to match.
On approaching Trade Development Bank I was at first greeted
cordially but, as discussions progressed with more and more
suspicion until, when I felt it was no longer safe for me to visit
the bank, without telling anyone at the bank I left Geneva.
Later the bank was sold to American Express. American Express
was briefly investigated by former Attorney General Edwin Meese,
after which he was quickly removed from office and labeled
“corrupt.” What I found was that American Express was and still is a
conduit for laundering drug money and, thus far, no one has been
able to explain to me why a private company has the right to print
dollars—aren’t American Express travelers checks dollars? I
subsequently exposed the Safra-Amex drug connections which upset a
lot of people, as can be imagined. Committee of 300 member
controls Charterhouse Japhet, which in turn controls
Matheson as a direct link to the Hong Kong opium trade. The
are reportedly English Quakers. The Matheson family, also members of
the Committee of 300, were kingpins in the China opium trade, at
least up until 1943. The Mathesons have appeared in the Queen of
England Honors List since the early 19th century.
The top controllers of the drug trade in the Committee of 300 have
no conscience about the millions of lives they ruin each year. They
are Gnostics, Cathars, members of the cult of Dionysus, Osiris, or
worse. To them, “ordinary” people are there to be used for their
purposes. Their high-priests, Bulwer-Lytton and Aldous Huxley,
preached the gospel of drugs as a beneficial substance. To quote
“And for private everyday use, there have always been chemical
intoxicants. All the vegetable sedatives and narcotics, all the
euphorics that grow on trees, the hallucinogens that ripen in
berries, have been used by humans since time immemorial. And to
these modifiers of conscience, modern science has added its quota of
synthetics. For unrestricted use the West has permitted only alcohol
and tobacco. All other chemical Doors in the Wall are labeled DOPE.”
To the oligarches and plutocrats of the
Committee of 300,
drugs have a two-fold purpose, firstly to bring in colossal sums
of money and secondly, to eventually turn a major part of the
population into mindless drug zombies who will be easier to control
than people who don’t need drugs, as punishment for rebellion will
mean withholding of supplies of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc. For
this it is necessary to legalize drugs so that a MONOPOLY SYSTEM,
which has been readied for introduction once severe economic
conditions, of which the 1991 depression is the forerunner, cause
drug usage to proliferate as hundreds of thousands of permanently
jobless workers turn to drugs for solace.
In one of the Royal Institute of International Affairs top secret
papers, the scenario is laid out as follows (in part):
“...having been failed by
Christianity, and with unemployment on every hand, those who
have been without jobs for five years or more will turn away
from the church and seek solace in drugs. That is when full control of the drug trade must be completed in order that
the governments of all countries who are under our jurisdiction
will have a MONOPOLY which we will control through supply.... Drug
bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be
revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of
their own....”
There is ample evidence that the CIA and
specially M16, have already spent at least a decade working toward
this goal.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs used the life-time work
of Aldous Huxley and Bulwer-Lytton as its blueprint to bring about a
state where mankind will no longer have wills of their own in the
One World Government-New World Order of the fast-approaching
Dark Age. Again, let us see what high priest Aldous Huxley had to
say about this:
“In many societies at many levels of civilization, attempts
have been made to fuse drug intoxication with God intoxication. In
ancient Greece, for example, ethyl alcohol had its place in the
established religions. Dionysus, Bacchus, as he was often called,
was a true divinity. Complete prohibition of chemical changes can be
decreed but cannot be enforced. (THE LANGUAGE OF THE PRO-DRUG LOBBY
“Now let us consider another type of drug—still undiscovered, but
probably just around the corner—a drug making people happy in
situations where they would normally feel miserable. (Is there
anyone more miserable than a person who has sought and been unable
to find work?) Such a drug would be a blessing, but a blessing
fraught with grave social and political dangers. By making a
harmless chemical euphoria freely available, a dictator (read
Committee of 300) could reconcile an entire population to a state of
affairs to which self-respecting human beings ought not to be
Quite a dialectical masterpiece. What Huxley was
advocating and
which is official policy of the Committee of 300 and its surrogate,
RIIA, can be quite simply stated as mass mind control. As I have
often said, all wars are wars for the souls of mankind. Thus far it
has not dawned on us that the drug trade is irregular low-intensity
warfare against the whole human race of free men. Irregular warfare
is the most terrible form of warfare which, while it has a
beginning, has no ending.
Some will question the involvement of the British royal families,
past and present, in the drug trade. To see it in print appears on
the surface to be preposterous, and it is being seen in print more
often these days to make it appear exactly that, preposterous. The
oldest maxim in the intelligence business is, “If you want to hide
something, put it where everyone can see it.
F. S. Turner’s book, “BRITISH OPIUM POLICY,” published in 1876,
shows how the British monarchy and its hangers-on
family relatives were deeply involved in the opium trade. Turner was
the secretary of the Anglo Oriental Society of the Suppression of
the Opium Trade. He declined to be silenced by Crown spokesperson
Sir R. Temple. Turner stated that the government, and therefore the
Crown, had to withdraw from the opium monopoly, “and if it takes any
revenues at all, take only that which accrues from taxation honestly
meant to have a restrictive force. “
Turner was answered by a spokesman for the monarchy, Lord Lawrence,
who fought against the BEIC losing its monopoly.
“It would be
desirable to get rid of the monopoly, but I myself am disinclined to
be the agent of change. If it is question of moderate loss that we
could afford, I would not hesitate to undertake it.”
(Taken from the
Calcutta Papers 1870.)
By 1874 the war against the British monarchy and the aristocracy
over its deep involvement in the China opium trade was getting
heated. The Society for the Suppression of the Opium Trade violently
assailed the aristocracy of the day and pressed home its attacks in
a fearless manner we would do well to emulate. The society said that
the Treaty of Tientsin, which Forced China to accept the importation
of enormous amounts of opium, was a dastardly crime against the
Chinese people.
There arose a mighty warrior, Joseph Grundy Alexander, a barrister
by profession who, in 1866, led a strong attack on British Crown
opium policy in China in which he openly mentioned the involvement
of the royal family and the aristocracy. For the first time
Alexander brought India, “the Jewel in the Crown,” into the picture.
He laid the blame squarely where it belonged, on the monarchy, the
so-called aristocracy and its servants in the British government.
Under the direction of Alexander, the society committed itself to
the total destruction of the cultivation of opium poppies in Bengal,
India. Alexander proved to be a doughty opponent.
Through his leadership, the drug aristocracy began to falter and,
in the face of his open denouncements of the royal family and its
hangers-on, several Members of Parliament began siding with him
Conservatives, Unionists, Labor. Alexander made it clear that the
drug trade was not a party political issue; it was for all parties
to join together in helping to eradicate the menace.
Lord Kimberly, spokesman for the royal family and the entrenched oligarchists, threatened that any attempts to interfere with what he
called “the commerce of the nation will run into serious opposition
from the cabinet.” Alexander and his society pressed on in the face
of innumerable threats and finally parliament agreed to appoint a
Royal Commission to enquire into the opium trade, with Lord
Kimberly, who was Secretary of India, as its chairman. A more
inappropriate person to head the commission could not have been
found. It was akin to Dulles being appointed to the Warren
In his first statement, Lord Kimberly made it clear that he would
rather resign from his august position than consent to a resolution
that would surrender Indian Opium Revenues. It is worthy of note
that “Indian Opium Revenue” implied money shared by the nation. Like
the idea that the people of South Africa share in the enormous
profits from the sale of gold and diamonds, this was just not the
case. Indian opium revenues went straight into the royal coffers and
the pockets of the nobility and the oligarchists and plutocrats, and
made them billionaires.
Rowntree’s book, “THE IMPERIAL DRUG TRADE” gives a fascinating
account of how Prime Minister Gladstone and his fellow plutocrats
lied, cheated, twisted and turned to keep the astonishing truth of
the involvement of the British monarchy in the opium trade from
being exposed. Rowntree’s book is a treasure house of information on
the deep involvement of the British royal family and the lords and
ladies of England and the huge fortunes they accumulated from the
misery of the Chinese opium addicts.
Lord Kimberly, secretary of the commission of inquiry, was
himself deeply involved in the opium trade so he did everything in
his power to close the proceedings to all who sought the truth.
Finally, under a great deal of pressure from the public, the Royal
Commission was forced to open the door to this inquiry just a crack,
so that it became apparent that the highest in the land were running
the opium trade and receiving huge benefits from it. But the door
was quickly slammed shut again, and the Royal Commission called no
expert witnesses, thereafter sitting for an absurdly short period of
time. The commission was nothing but a farce and a cover-up, such as
we have become accustomed to in 20th century America.
The Eastern Liberal Establishment families of the United States were
just as deeply involved in the China opium trade as were the
British, indeed they still are. Witness recent history when James
Earl Carter toppled the Shah of Iran. Why was the Shah deposed and
then murdered by the United States government? In a word, because
of DRUGS. The Shah had clamped down and virtually put an end to the
immensely lucrative opium trade being conducted out of Iran by the
British. At the time that the Shah took over in Iran, there were
already one million opium/heroin addicts.
This the British would not tolerate, so they sent the United States
to do their dirty work for them in terms of the “special
relationship” between the two countries. When Khomeini took over the
U.S. Embassy in Teheran, arms sales by the United States, which had
begun with the Shah, were not discontinued. Why not? Had the United
States done so, Khomeini would have canceled the British monopoly of
the opium trade in his country. To prove the point, after 1984,
Khomeini’s liberal attitude toward opium had increased the number of
addicts to 2 million, according to United Nations and
World Health
Organization statistics.
Both President Carter and his successor, Ronald Reagan,
willingly and with full knowledge of what was at stake, went on
supplying arms to Iran even while American hostages languished
in captivity. In 1980 I wrote a monograph under the title, “What
Really Happened in Iran,” which set out the facts. The arms trade
with Iran was sealed at a meeting between Cyrus Vance, a servant of
the Committee of 300, and Dr. Hashemi, which resulted in the U.S.
Air Force beginning an immediate airlift of arms to Iran, carried on
even at the height of the hostage crisis the arms came from U.S.
Army stockpiles in Germany and some were even flown directly from
the United States with refueling stops at the Azores.
With the advent of Khomeini, who was put in power in Iran by the
Committee of 300, opium production skyrocketed. By 1984 Iran’s opium
production exceeded 650 metric tons of opium per annum. What Carter
and Reagan did was ensure that there was no further interference in
the opium trade and they carried out the mandate given to them by
the oligarchical families in Britain in this connection. Iran
presently rivals the Golden Triangle in the volume of opium
The Shah was not the only victim of the Committee of 300 William
Buckley, CIA station chief in Beirut, in all his lack of experience
on who is behind the opium trade, began conducting investigations in
Iran, Lebanon and even spent time in Pakistan. From Islamabad,
Buckley began sending back damning reports to the CIA in Langley
about the burgeoning opium trade in the Golden Crescent and
Pakistan. The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad was firebombed, but Buckley
escaped the mob attack and returned to Washington because his cover
was blown by forces unknown.
Then a very strange thing happened. Contrary to all procedures laid down by the
CIA when an agent’s cover has been
blown, Buckley was sent back to Beirut. Buckley was in effect
sentenced to death by the CIA in order to silence him, and this
time the sentence was carried out. William Buckley was kidnapped
by agents of the Committee of 300. Under brutal interrogation
by General Mohammed el Khouili of Syrian intelligence to
force him to disclose the names of all field officers of the DEA
in these countries, he was brutally murdered. His efforts to
expose the huge opium trade developing out of Pakistan,
Lebanon and
Iran cost Buckley his life.
If the remaining free men in this world believe that single-handedly
or in small groups they can smash the drug trade, they are sorely
mistaken. They could cut off the tentacles of the opium and cocaine
trade here and there, but never the head. The crowned cobras of
Europe and their Eastern Liberal Establishment family will not
tolerate it. The war on drugs which the Bush administration is
allegedly fighting, but which it is not, is for TOTAL legalization
of ALL types and classes of drugs. Such drugs are not solely a
social aberration, but a full-scale attempt to gain control of the
minds of the people of this planet, or as the “Aquarian Conspiracy”
authors put it, “to bring about radical changes in the United
Nothing has changed in the opium-heroin-cocaine trade. It is still
run by the same “upper class” families in Britain and the United
States. It is still a fabulously profitable trade where what seem to
be big losses through seizures by the authorities are written off in
paneled boardrooms in New York, Hong Kong and London over port and
cigars as “merely the cost of doing business, old boy.”
British colonial capitalism has always been the mainstay of the
oligarchical feudal system of privilege in England and remains so to
the present day. When the poor, untutored pastoral people in South
Africa who became known as the Boers fell into the bloodstained
hands of the British aristocracy in 1899, they had no idea that the
revoltingly cruel war so relentlessly pursued by Queen Victoria, was
financed by the incredible amounts of money which came from the
“instant fortunes” of the BEIC opium trade in China into the pockets
of the plutocrats. Committee of 300 members Cecil John Rhodes,
Barney Barnato and Alfred Beit instigated and engineered the war.
Rhodes was the principle agent for the
Rothschilds, whose
banks were awash in cash flowing from the opium trade. These
robbers, thieves and liars—Rhodes, Barnato, Oppenheimer, Joel and Beit—dispossessed the
South African Boers of their birthright, the
gold and diamonds that lay beneath their soil. The South African
Boers received nothing out of the BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars
derived from the sale of THEIR gold and diamonds.
The Committee of 300 quickly took full control of these vast
treasures, control which it even now maintains through one of its
members, Sir Harry Oppenheimer. The average South African receives
$100 per annum per capita from the gold and diamond industry. The
BILLIONS which flow out annually go to the bankers of the Committee
of 300. It is one of the most foul and vile stories of greed, theft
and the murder of a nation ever recorded in the annals of history.
How could the British Crown have succeeded in pulling off this
stunning fraud of gigantic proportion? To accomplish such a
Herculean task requires skilled organizing with devoted
agents-in-place to carry out the daily instructions passed down from
the conspirators’ hierarchy. The first step was a press propaganda
campaign portraying the Boers as uncivilized barbarians, only
slightly human, who were denying British citizens the right to vote
in the Boer Republic. Then, demands were made on Paul Kruger, leader
of the Transvaal Republic, which of course could not be met. After
that, a series of incidents were staged to provoke the Boers into
retaliation, but that didn’t work either. Then came the infamous
Jameson Raid where a certain Jameson led a party of several hundred
armed men in an attack on the Transvaal. War followed immediately
Queen Victoria mounted the largest and best equipped army
that the world had ever seen at that time ( 1898). Victoria thought
he war would be over in two weeks, since the Boers had no
standing army and no trained militia and would be no match for
her 400,000 soldiers drawn from the ranks of Britain’s underclasses.
The Boers never numbered more than 80,000
farmers and their sons —some were as young as fourteen—
Rudyard Kipling also thought the war would be over in less than a
Instead, with rifle in one hand and the Bible in the other, the
Boers held out for three years. “We went to South Africa
the war would be over in a week,” said Kipling. “Instead, the Boers
taught us no end of a lesson.” That same “lesson” could be taught to
the Committee of 300 today if we could but muster 10,000 leaders,
good men and true to lead this nation in battle against the
gargantuan monster threatening to devour everything our Constitution
stands for.