Section 6

Thus the fictionalized spoofs one sees about the various branches and arms of control of the Committee were designed to take suspicion away from the real thing, but we should never doubt that the real thing does indeed exist. Take another example of what I mean, the book “THE DAY OF THE JACKAL,” from which a highly successful movie was created.

The events related in the book are factual. Although for obvious reasons the names of some of the players and the
locales were changed, but the thrust of the story, that a single MI6 operative was assigned to get rid of General Charles De Gaulle, is absolutely correct. General De Gaulle had become unmanageable, refusing to cooperate with the Committee— whose existence he knew very well since he had been invited to join it—came to a climax when De Gaulle withdrew France from NATO and immediately began building his own nuclear force—the so-called “force de frappe.”

This so angered the Committee that De Gaulle’s assassination was ordered. But the French secret intelligence service was able to intercept “Jackal’s” plans and keep De Gaulle safe. In the light of the record of MI6, which I might add is the Committee of 300’s main resource when it comes to intelligence, the work done by French intelligence borders on the miraculous.

Military Intelligence Department Six dates back to Sir Francis Walsingham, paymaster of Queen Elizabeth I for dirty tricks operations. Over hundreds of years, MI6 has established a record which no other intelligence agency can come near to duplicating. MI6 agents have gathered information from the four corners of the earth and have carried out secret operations that would astound even the most knowledgeable if ever they were to be made public, which is why it rates as the Master service of the Committee of 300.

Officially, MI6 does not exist, its budget comes out of the Queen’s purse and “private funds,” and is reported to be in a range of $350-$500 million per annum, but no one knows for sure what the exact amount is. In its present form MI6 dates back to 1911, when it was under the leadership of Sir Mansfield Cumming, a captain in the Royal Navy, who was always identified by the letter “C,” from which “M” of James Bond fame is taken.

No official record of MI6’s failures and successes exist—it is that secret, although the Burgess-Maclean-Blake-Blunt disasters did great damage to the morale of MI6 officers. Unlike other services, future members are recruited from universities and other areas of learning by highly skilled “talent scouts” as we saw in the case of Rhodes Scholars inducted into the Round Table. One of the requirements is an ability to speak foreign languages. Candidates undergo a rigorous “blooding.”

With the backing of such a formidable force, the Committee of 300 had little fear from ever being exposed, and this will go on for decades. What makes the Committee incredible is the incredible secrecy that prevails. None of the news media has ever made mention of this conspiratorial hierarchy; therefore, as is to be expected, people doubt its existence.

The Committee of 300 is for the most part under the control of the British monarch, in this case, Elizabeth II. Queen Victoria is believed to have been quite paranoid about keeping it secret and went to great lengths to cover up MASONIC writings left at the scene of “Jack the Ripper” murders which alluded to the Committee of 300’s connections with “experiments” carried out by a family member who was also a highly-placed member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The Committee of 300 is filled with members of British aristocracy which has corporate interests and associates in every country of the world, including the USSR.

The Committee’s structure is as follows:

The Tavistock Institute at Sussex University and London sites is owned and controlled by the Royal Institute for International Affairs whose “hofjuden” in America is Henry Kissinger. The EAGLE STAR GROUP, which changed its name to the STAR GROUP after the close of the Second World War, is composed of a group of major international companies involved in overlapping and interfaced areas

(1)   Insurance

(2)   Banking

(3)   Real Estate

(4)   Entertainment

(5)   High technology, including cybernetics, electronic communications, etc...

Banking, while not the mainstay, is vitally important, especially in the areas where banks act as clearing houses and money launderers of drug money. The main “big name banks” are The Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Banks, Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. American Express Bank is a means of recycling drug dollars. Each of these banks is affiliated with and/or controls hundreds of thousands of large and small banks throughout the world.

Banks large and small in the thousands are in the Committee of 300 network, including Banca Commerciale d’Italia, Banca Privata, Banco Ambrosiano, the Netherlands Bank, Barclays Bank, Banco del Colombia, Banco de Ibero-America. Of special interest is Banca del la Svizzeria Italiana (BSI)--since it handles flight capital investments to and from the United States— primarily in dollars and U.S. bonds—located and isolated in “neutral” Lugano, the flight capital center for the Venetian Black Nobility. Lugano is not in Italy or in Switzerland, and is a kind of a twilight zone for shady flight capital operations. George Ball, who owns a large block of stock in BSI, is a prominent “insider” and the hank’s U.S. representative.

BCCI, BNL, Banco Mercantil de Mexico, Banco Nacional de Panama, Bangkok Metropolitan Bank, Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim, Standard Bank, Bank of Geneva, Bank of Ireland, Bank of Scotland, Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, Banque Paris et Pays Bas, British Bank of the Middle East and the Royal Bank of Canada to name but a very small number in a huge list of “speciality” banks.

The Oppenheimers of South Africa are much bigger “heavy-weights” than the Rockefellers. For instance, in 1981 Harry Oppenheimer, chairman of the giant Anglo American Corporation that controls gold and diamond mining, sales and distribution in the world, stated that he was about to launch into the North American banking market. Oppenheimer promptly in-vested $10 billion in a specially created vehicle for the purpose of buying into big banks in the U.S., among which was Citicorp. Oppenheimer’s investment vehicle was called Minorco, which set up shop in Bermuda, a British royal family preserve. On the board of Minorco was to be found Walter Wriston of Citicorp and Robert Clare, its chief counsel.

The only other company to rival Oppenheimer in the field of precious metals and minerals was Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, but Oppenheimer took control of it with a 28% stake the largest single stockholder. Thus gold, diamonds, platinum, titanium, tantalite, copper, iron ore, uranium and 52 other metals and minerals, many of them of absolutely vital strategic value to United States, passed into the hands of the Committee of 300.

Thus was the vision of one of the earlier South African members of the Committee of 300, Cecil John Rhodes, fully realized, a vision which started with the spilling of the blood of thousands upon thousands of White farmers and their families in South Africa, whom history records as the “Boers.” While the United States stood by with folded hands as did the rest of the world, this small nation was subjected to the most vicious war of genocide in history. The United States will be subjected to the same treatment by the Committee of 300 when our turn comes and it will not be long in coming.

Insurance companies play a key role in the business of the Committee of 300. Among these are found such top insurance companies as Assicurazioni Generali of Venice and Riunione Adriatica di Sicurita, the largest and second largest insurance companies in the world, who keep their bank accounts at Bank of International Settlements in Swiss gold francs. Both control a multiplicity of investment banks whose turnover in stocks on Wall Street double that of U.S. investors.

Prominent on the board of these two insurance giants are Committee of 300 members: the Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian; Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient Luzzatos, the Black Nobility of Venice, and Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name.

Other old Venetian Black Nobility Committee of 300 members and board members of ASG and RAS are the Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs, Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family, Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany is now deceased), Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient Orsini Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name, the Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba, and Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family.

The English companies controlled by the British royal family are Eagle Star, Prudential Assurance Company, the Prudential Insurance Company, which own and control most American insurers, including Allstate Insurance. At the head of the list is Eagle Star, probably the most powerful “front” for Military Intelligence Department Six (MI6). Eagle Star, although nowhere near as large as Assicurazioni Generale, is perhaps equally important simply because it is owned by members of the Queen of England’s family and, as titular head of the Committee of 300, Eagle Star makes a tremendous impact.

Eagle Star is more than a major “front” for MI6, it is also a Front for major British banks, including Hill-Samuels, N. M. Rothschild and Sons (one of the gold price “fixers” who meet daily in London), and Barclays Bank (one of the funders of the African National Congress-ANC). It can be said with a great degree of accuracy that the most powerful British oligarchical families created Eagle Star as a vehicle for “black operations” against those who oppose Committee of 300 policies.

Unlike the CIA, British law makes it a serious crime to name MI6 officials, so the following is but a partial list of “top brass” of MI6, who are (or were) also members of the Committee of 300:

Lord Hartley Shawcross
Sir Brian Edward Mountain
Sir Kenneth Keith
Sir Kenneth Strong
Sir William Stephenson
Sir William Wiseman

All of the fore going are (or were) heavily involved in key Committee of 300 companies which interface with literally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of commercial activity as we shall see.

Some of these companies include Rank Organization, Xerox Corporation, ITT, IBM, RCA, CBS, NBC, BBC and CBC in communications, Raytheon, Textron, Bendix, Atlantic Richfield, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Marine Midland Bank, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, General Electric, Westinghouse Corporation, United Fruit Company and a great many more.

MI6 ran a large number of these companies through British intelligence stationed in the RCA building in New York, which was the headquarters of its chief officer, Sir William Stephenson. Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was formed by G.E., Westinghouse, Morgan Guarantee and Trust (acting for the British crown), and United Fruit, back in 1919 as a British intelligence center. RCA’s first president was J.P. Morgan’s Owen Young, after whom the Young Plan was named. In 1929 David Sarnoff was appointed to run RCA. Sarnoff had acted as an assistant to Young at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference where a fallen Germany was stabbed in the back by the victorious “allies.”

A network of Wall Street banks and brokerage houses takes care of the stock market for the Committee, and prominent among these are Blyth, Eastman Dillon, the Morgan groups, Lazard Freres and Kuhn Loeb Rhodes. Nothing happens on Wall Street that is not controlled by the Bank of England, whose instructions are relayed through the Morgan groups and then put into action through key brokerage houses whose top executives are ultimately responsible for carrying out Committee directives.

Before it overstepped the limits laid down by Morgan Guarantee, Drexel Burnham Lambert was a favorite of the Commit-
tee of 300. In 1981 almost every major brokerage house on Wall Street had sold out to the Committee, Phibro merging with Salomon Brothers. Phibro is the business arm of the Oppenheimers of Anglo American Corporation. By this control mechanism, the Committee of 300 ensures that its members and their far-flung business corporations turned their investments on Wall Street over at a rate of double that of the “non-insider” foreign investors.

Remember, some of the richest families in the world live in Europe, so it is natural that they should have a preponderance of members on the Committee. The Von Thurn und Taxis family who once owned the German postal franchise, make David Rockefeller look like a very poor relation. The Von Thurn und Taxis dynasty dates back 300 years and generation after generation of family members have had seats on the Committee which they occupy to this day. We have already mentioned by name many of the most wealthy Venetian Black Nobility members of the Committee of 300 and other names will be added as we come across them in their various fields of endeavor. Now we shall include some American members of the Committee of 300 and try to trace their affiliations and connections to the British Crown.

How can these facts be verified? Actually, some of them cannot be verified because the information comes straight out of intelligence files, but with a lot of legwork, there are many sources which can verify at least part of the facts. The work would involve a diligent search of Dun and Bradstreet Reference Book of Corporations, Standard and Poors, British and American “Who’s Who” with long hours of hard work in cross-referencing names with their corporate affiliations.

Committee of 300 corporations, banks, and insurance companies operate under the unified command covering every conceivable matter of strategy and cohesive action. The Committee is the ONLY organized power hierarchy in the world transcending all governments and individuals, however powerful and secure they may feel themselves to be. This covers finance, defense matters and political parties of all colors and types.

There is no entity the Committee cannot reach and control, and that includes organized religions of the world. This then, is the all powerful OLYMPIAN GROUP whose power base is in London and the City of London’s financial centers with its grip on minerals, metals and precious gems, cocaine, opium and pharmaceutical drugs, rentier-financier bankers, cult promoters and founders of rock music. The British Crown is the control point from which all things radiate. As the saying goes, “They have a finger in every pie.”

It is obvious that the communications field is tightly con-trolled. Going back to RCA, we find that its directorate is composed of British-American establishment figures who feature prominently in other organizations such as the CFR, NATO, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Bilderbergers, Round Table, Milner Society and the Jesuits-Aristotle Society. Among them was David Sarnoff who moved to London at the same time Sir William Stephenson moved into the RCA building in New York.

All three major television networks came as spinoffs from RCA, especially the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) which was first, closely followed by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in 1951. The third big television network was Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) which, like its sister companies was, and still is, dominated by British intelligence. William Paley was trained in mass brainwashing techniques at the Tavistock Institute prior to being passed as qualified to head CBS.

Thus, if we the people of the United States but knew it, all our major television networks are subject to British oversight, and information they provide first goes to London for clearance. It is interesting to note that the Tavistock intelligence paper written by Stanford Research Institute, commonly named “The Aquarian Conspiracy” was funded by donations from all three major television networks.

All three major networks are represented on the Committee of 300 and are affiliated with the giant of the mass communication business, the Xerox Corporation of Rochester, New York, whose Robert M. Beck holds a seat on the Committee. Beck is also a director of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, which is a subsidiary of the London Prudential Assurance Company Limited.

Others on the board of Xerox are Howard Clark of the American Express Company, one of the main conduits for moving drug money through “travelers checks,” former Secretary of the Treasury, William Simon, and Sol Linowitz, who negotiated the Panama Canal Treaties for the Committee. Linowitz is important to the Committee by virtue of his long standing expertise in laundering drug money through Marine Midland and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.

Another Xerox board member is Robert Sproull, who is of real interest because, as president of the University of Rochester, he allowed the Tavistock Institute, working through the CIA, to use the university’s facilities for the 20-year MK-Ultra LSD experiments. Some 85 other universities in the U.S. also allowed their facilities to be misused in this manner. As giant-sized as Xerox is, it is dwarfed by the Rank Organization, a London-based conglomerate fully controlled by members of Queen Elizabeth’s immediate family.

Notable members of the board of Rank Organization who are also members of the Committee of 300 are the following:

Lord Helsby, chairman of the drug money clearing house, Midland Bank. Helsby’s other positions include a directorship in the giant Imperial Group and the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation.

Sir Arnold France, a director of Tube Investments who runs the London underground train service. France is also a director of the BANK OF ENGLAND which has so much control over the Federal Reserve Banks.

Sir Dennis Mountain, chairman of the mighty Eagle Star group and a director of English Property Corp, one of the
rentier-financier companies of the British royal family. One such member is the Honorable Angus Ogilvie, “Prince of Companies,” who is married to Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandria, sister of the Duke of Kent, leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and who takes the place of the Queen when she is outside of Britain. Ogilvie is a director of the Bank of England and chairman of the giant LONRHO conglomerate. It was LONRHO that ended the rule of Ian Smith in Rhodesia so that he could be replaced by Robert Mugabe. At stake was Rhodesia’s chrome mines which produce the finest high-grade chrome ore in the world.

Cyril Hamilton, chairman of the Standard and Chartered Bank (the old Lord Milner-Cecil Rhodes bank) and a board member of the Bank of England. Hamilton is also on the board of the Xerox Corporation, the Malta International Banking Cor-poration (A Knights of Malta bank), a director of the Standard Bank of South Africa—the largest bank in that country, and a director of the Banque Belge d’Afrique.

Lord O’Brien of Lotherby, past president of the British Bankers Association, director of Morgan Grenfell—a powerful bank, director of Prudential Assurance, director of J. P.Morgan, director of the Bank of England, a board member of the Bank of International Settlements, a director of the giant Unilever conglomerate. Sir Reay Geddes, chairman of the giant Dunlop and Pirelli tyre companies, director of the Midland and International Banks, director of the Bank of England. Note how many of these powerful men are directors of the Bank of England which makes control of American fiscal policies simple.

Many of these organizations and institutions, companies and banks are so interfaced and interlocked as to make it an almost impossible task to sort them out. On RCA’s board sits Thornton Bradshaw, president of Atlantic Richfield and a member of NATO, World Wildlife Fund, the Club of Rome, The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations. Bradshaw is also chairman of NBC. The most important function of RCA remains its service to British intelligence.

It is not generally known how powerful was the role played by the Committee of 300 in stopping the investigation into the CIA which Senator McCarthy almost succeeded in pulling off. Had McCarthy been successful, it is very likely that President John F. Kennedy would be alive today.

When McCarthy said he was going to summon William Bundy to appear before his commission of enquiry, panic swept Washington and London. Bundy, had he been called to testify, would most probably have cracked and opened the door to the “special relations” that existed between British oligarchical circles and their cousins in the United States Government.

Such a possibility could not be entertained. The Royal Institute of International Affairs was called in to put an end to McCarthy. The RIIA chose Allen Dulles, a man who was totally enamored of decadent British society, to attack McCarthy head on. Dulles put Patrick Lyman and Richard Helms in charge of the McCarthy case. Helms was later rewarded for his service against McCarthy by being made head of the CIA.

General Mark Clark, a member of the CFR and a well-liked military man in London circles, was appointed by General Eisenhower to turn back McCarthy’s full-fledged attack on the CIA. McCarthy was preempted when Clark announced that a special committee was to be appointed to examine the agency. Clark, on instructions from the RIIA, recommended a Congressional watchdog committee to “periodically examine the work of government intelligence agencies.” The whole thing was a super tragedy for America and a victory for the British, who feared that McCarthy would accidentally stumble onto the Committee of 300 and its control over every aspect of United States affairs.

Lehman Brothers-Kuhn Loeb’s former chairman, Peter G.Peterson, served under former MI6 chief Sir William Wiseman and as such was no stranger to British royalty. Peterson is tied in with Aspen Institute, yet another arm of British intelligence.

John R. Petty is president and chairman of the Marine Midland Bank—a bank whose drug trade connections have been well established long before it was taken over by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, probably the number one bank in the opium trade, a position it has held since 1814.

But the best proof I can offer of the existence of the Committee of 300 is the Rank Organization which, in conjunction with Eagle Star, IS THE BRITISH CROWN. It is also the black operations center of MI6 (SIS). Between them, these two Committee of 300 companies control Her Majesty’s Dominion of Canada, using the “hofjuden” Bronfman family to carry out their orders.

Trizec Holdings, ostensibly owned by the Bronfman family, is in reality the main asset of the Queen of England’s in Canada. The entire Southeast Asian opium trade interfaces with the Bronfman empire and is one of the means whereby heroin is brought to America. In a sense, Canada is like Switzerland pristine snow-covered landscapes, big cities, a place of great beauty, but underneath lies a deep layer of filth and dirt arising from its massive heroin trade.

The Bronfman family are “cut-outs”’ what is known in MI6 as “front men” controlled from London by MI6 “deskmen,” intelligence jargon for controllers at headquarters. Edgar Bronfman, the family leader, was sent to “Moscow Center”— cover name for the KGB headquarters at 2 Dzerzhinsky Square, Moscow, on a large number of occasions.

At a low level, Bronfman was probably very useful as a contact man with Moscow. Bronfman was never at any stage a contract agent for MI6 and so never carried the title “Paroles,” a key intelligence word for mutual identification between agents, which greatly disappointed the eager Bronfman family head. At one stage when it was thought that some of the family were acting suspiciously, “watchers”—intelligence jargon for intelligence officers keeping persons under surveillance, were put on the Bronfman family, but found only that one of the Bronfmans had been bragging to a United States “cousin” (the word MI6 uses for the C.I.A.) who was unaware of the role of Edgar Bronfman. This was quickly corrected.

Two Eagle Star directors, who were also the two top MI6 operatives, took control of the Bronfman family about six months after the war ended. Sir Kenneth Keith and Sir Kenneth Strong, whom we have already met, legitimated the Bronfman family by setting up Trizec Holdings. There is no one in the world who can do a better job of “fronting,” through companies, than MI6 Yet, like Switzerland, there is a dirty side to Canada that has been well-hidden from view by the Committee of 300 under cover of the Official Secrets Act, a carbon-copy of the British law passed in 1913. Drugs, dirty money laundering, crime and racketeering are all covered by their infamous Act.

Not known to many is that, if charged under the Official Secrets Act, which can be interpreted any way the Crown agents choose, persons could face the death penalty. As I have said so many times since 1980, Canada is not a nation like South Africa, or Holland or Belgium; it always was, and remains tied to the Queen of England’s apron strings. Canada, we find, is always first in carrying out Queen Elizabeth’s wishes. Canadian troops have fought in every one of Her Majesty’s wars, including the Boer War ( 1899- 1903).

Like its American counterpart, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs is a child of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) and runs Canadian politics. Its members have filled the position of Secretary of State ever since it was founded in 1925. The Institute for Pacific Relations, the body that fostered the attack on Pearl Harbor, was welcomed in Canada after Owen Lattimore and his fellow members had their treasonous activities exposed in 1947 and left the United States before they could be charged.

The Canadian Institute for International Affairs is connected with the Rank Organization through Sir Kenneth Strong, who was second in charge of MI6 at the end of the Second World War. As a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Strong is the number two man in Canada for Rank and the British Crown’s commercial interests. He is on the board of one of the most prolific drug banks in the world after the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Bank of Nova Scotia, through which proceeds of the Canadian heroin trade are handled.

First in line is Sir Brian Edward Mountain, the ranking member of the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. It is well to remember that, when the British Crown wanted the United States to enter the Second World War, it sent Lord Beaverbrook and Sir Brian Mountain to meet with President Roosevelt to deliver the Crown’s orders in this regard. Roosevelt complied by ordering the United States Navy to operate out of a base in Greenland, from where attacks on German submarines were carried out nine months before Pearl Harbor. This was done without the knowledge and consent of the Congress.

Another big name in the Rank-Canadian interfacing was Sir Kenneth Keith, a director of Canada’s equivalent of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Bank of Nova Scotia, dripping in drug money laundering. He was also on the board of Britain’s oldest and most venerable newspaper institution, the London Times and the Sunday Times. For over 100 years the “Times” has been the Crown’s voice on foreign affairs, finance matters and political life in England.

Like so many Committee of 300 members, Sir Kenneth circulated between MI6 and the opium supply chain of command in Hong Kong and China, ostensibly on business for the Canadian Institute for International Affairs, of which he was a member Furthermore, as a director of the Hill Samuel banking house, his presence in China and Hong Kong could be explained without any problem. One of his closest associates outside of MI6 circles was Sir Philip de Zuleta, the Committee of 300’s direct controller of all British prime ministers, both Conservative and Labor. Sir Kenneth Strong tied in all the spokes of the drug wheel, including terrorism, production of opium, the gold markets, dirty money laundering and banking to its central core, the British Crown.

At the top of British Crown control of Canada was Walter Gordon. A former member of the Queen’s hands-on oversight
committee, also known as the Privy Council, Gordon sponsored the Institute for Pacific Relations via the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. As a former minister of finance, Gordon was able to place Committee of 300 selected accountants and lawyers inside the three main chartered banks: the Bank of Nova Scotia, the Canadian Imperial Bank and the Toronto Dominion Bank.

Through these three “Crown banks” a network of Committee of 300 agents responsible to Gordon oversaw the world’s second largest dirty drug money laundering operation, with a direct open door to China. Before his death, Gordon controlled James Endicott, Chester Ronning and Paul Linn, identified by MI6 as Canada’s top “China specialists.” All three men worked closely with Chou-En-lai, who once told Gamal Abdul Nasser that he would do to Britain and the USA what they had done to China, i.e., turn them into nations of heroin addicts. Chou-En-lai made good on his promise, starting with American GI’s in Vietnam. Other close collaborators in the Canadian heroin drug ring were John D. Gilmer and John Robert Nicholson, both members of the Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.

Lord Hartley Shawcross, who is believed to report directly to Queen Elizabeth II, was on the board of the Royal Institute for International Affairs and chancellor of Sussex University where the notorious Tavistock Institute for Human Relations is located, with extensive connections in Canada.

As part of Rank’s United States operation, no other single company has been more successful for Rank than the Corning Group, owners of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and the New York Life Insurance Company. Committee of 300 members, Amory Houghton and his brother James Houghton, have long served the British Crown through the above named insurance companies, and Corning Glass, Dow Corning and Corning International. Both sit on the board of IBM and Citicorp. James Houghton is a director of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, a director of the J. Pierpont Morgan Library, a stronghold of the RIIA and the CFR, and he is also a director of CBS.

It was the Houghton brother who donated hundreds of acres known as Wye Plantation in Maryland to the British Crown’s Aspen Institute. Also on the Corning Glass board sits the Bishop of the Archdiocese of the Anglican (Episcopalian) Church of Boston. All this gives the group its much-vaunted air of respectability, which insurance company executive s must carry, and as we shall see, in addition to James Houghton, Keith Funston and John Harper, both on Corning’s board, run the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

The MASSIVE gridding and interfacing of just this one single unit of the Committee of 300 will give us a good indication of the vast power at the disposal of the conspirators’ hierarchy, before which all knees are bowed, including the knee of the President of the United States, whomever that happens to be.

What is important to note is how this American company, one of HUNDREDS, is interfaced with British intelligence, with Canada, the Far East and South Africa, not to mention its gridding of corporate officials and directors reaching into every aspect of business and politics in the United States.

While Metropolitan Life Insurance Company does not begin to compare with the Committee of 300’s giant Assicurazioni Generale, it is nevertheless a good indicator of how the Houghtons’ power extends right across the business spectrum of the U.S. and Canada. Starting with R. H. Macy, (whose floor walkers no longer wear red carnations to honor the company’s affiliation with Communism), the Royal Bank of Canada, National and Westminster Bank, Intertel (a virulent and vile private intelligence agency), Canadian Pacific, The Reader’s Digest, RCA, AT&T, the Harvard Business School, W. R. Grace Shipping Company, Ralston Purina Company, U.S. Steel, Irving Trust, Consolidated Edison of New York and ABC, the Houghtons’ power grid extends as far as the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.

Another successful Rank company in the United States is the Reliance Insurance Group. As an integral part of the Strategic Bombing Survey, Reliance established the initial structural base for brainwashing, opinion-making, polling, survey and the systems analysis used by the Tavistock Institute in the United States. The Reliance Insurance Company, based in Philadelphia, set up the corporate structure which enabled the Strategic Bombing Survey to be turned against the people of the United States who, although unaware of it, have been subjected to savage psychological warfare for the past 45 years.

A key operative in this assault on the United States was David Bialkin of the Committee of 300 law firm, Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher. Bialkin ran the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for many years. The ADL is a British intelligence operation founded in the U.S. by MI6 and run by Saul Steinberg and Eric Trist of Tavistock. Saul Steinberg is the U.S. representative and business partner of the Jacob de Rothschild family of London.

Reliance Corporation is home for Carl Lindner who succeeded Eli Black when he “fell” from a 44th floor window of a New York skyscraper. Reliance Company interfaces with the powerful United Fruit Company of Boston and New Orleans run by Max Fisber who, before be was sheepdipped, was a well-known Detroit underworld figure. United Fruit Company has long been a conveyer of heroin and cocaine into the U.S. under the expertise of Misbulam Riklis of Rapid American Corporation who masterminds shipments from Canada to the U.S. Remember, all this is under the aegis of a single company, gridding and interfacing with a myriad of smaller companies and operations to give the Committee of 300 full control of a multiplicity of operations, each one carefully interlocked in the grid.

Reliance Group is a spinoff of the parent company whose function it is to brainwash the American people through a network of pollsters and opinion makers and relies on Operations Research for direct links with the Tavistock Institute. Another associate company is Leasco, which is closely inter-faced with AT&T, Disclosure Incorporated, Western Union International, Imbucon Ltd and Yankelovich, Skelly and White.

Daniel Yankelovich is the emperor of the polling-opinion making corporate structure in the United States, a vast apparatus which provides “public opinions on social, economic and political matters of substance,” to quote Edward Bernays. It was this vast apparatus that turned the majority of Americans, who had never even heard of Saddam Hussein and vaguely knew that Iraq was a country somewhere in the Middle East, into a people howling for his blood and the extermination of Iraq as a nation.

Yankelovich utilized to the full all knowledge gained during the Second World War. As a second-generation warrior, Yankelovich has no equal, which is why ABC polls conducted by his company are always in the forefront of “public opinion.” The population of the United States was targeted in the same manner of German worker housing by attacking the sense of reality. This technique is, of course, standard training for certain intelligence groups, which includes the CIA.

Yankelovich’s task was to destroy traditional American values and replace them with New Age-Age of Aquarius values. As the Committee of 300’s most senior public opinion maker, no one can doubt that Yankelovich has done a superb job.

Probably the best way to explain what methods are used and what results are expected to be achieved is to quote John Naisbitt’s work as explained in his “Trend Report.” Naisbitt has acted as advisor to Lyndon Johnson, Eastman Kodak, IBM, America Express, the Center for Policy Study, Chase Manhattan, General Motors, Louis Harris Polls, the White House, Institute of Life Insurance, the American Red Cross, Mobil Oil, B.P. and a host of Committee of 300 companies and institutions. His methodology, derived from MI6 Tavistock procedures, is of course not unique:

“I will briefly outline our methodology. In developing Trend Report for our clients we rely mostly on a system of monitoring local events and behavior. We are overwhelmingly impressed with the extent to which this is a bottom-up society, so we monitor what is going on locally, rather than what is going on in Washington or New York. Things start in Los Angeles, in Tampa, in Hartford, in Wichita, Portland, San Diego and Denver. It is a very much ‘from the bottom-up’ society.

“The tracking concept employed in determining these trends has its roots in WW II. During the war, intelligence experts sought to find a method for obtaining information on enemy nations that public opinion polls would normally have provided. Under the leadership of Paul Lazarsfeld and Harold Laswell, a method was developed for monitoring what was going on in these societies that involved doing a content analysis of the daily press.

“Although this method of monitoring public thinking continues to be the choice of the intelligence community the nation annually spends millions of dollars doing newspaper content analyses in all parts of the world.... The reason this system of monitoring changes in society works so well is that ‘news holes’ in newspapers is a closed system. For economic reasons the amount of space devoted to news in a newspaper doesn’t change over time.

“So when something new is introduced into that news hole, something or a combination of things has to go out or be omitted. The principle involved here is classified as a forced choice within a closed system. In this forced situation societies add new preoccupations and forget old ones. We keep track of the ones that are added and the ones that are given up.

“Evidently, societies are like human beings. I do not know what the number is, but a person can only keep so many problems and concerns in his head at any one time. If new problems or concerns are added, some existing ones must be given up. We keep track of what Americans have given up and have taken up.

“The United States is rapidly shifting from a mass industrial society to an information society and the final impact will be more profound than the 19th century shift from an agricultural to an industrial society. Starting in 1979, the number one occupation in the U.S. became clerking, replacing laborer and farmer. In this latter statement is a brief history of the United States.”

It is not by chance that Naisbitt is a member of the Club of Rome and, as such, a “senior staffer” of the Committee of 300. He is also one of the senior vice presidents of Yankelovich, Skelly and White. What Naisbitt is doing is not forecasting trends but MAKING them. We have seen how the industrial base of the United States has been destroyed, starting with the steel industry. In 1982 I wrote a work I called “Death of the Steel Industry,” in which I stated that by the mid-1990’s, steel production in the U.S. will have declined to a point of no return, and that the auto and housing industries would go the same way.

All this has come to pass, and what we are witnessing today is not an economic recession due not only to unsound economic policies, but the deliberately planned destruction of our industrial base—and along with it the destruction of America’s unique middle class—the backbone of the country—which depends on a progressive industrial expansion for growth and for steady employment.

This is one of the reasons why the recession, which started in earnest in January of 1991, has turned into a depression from which the United States as we knew it in the 1960’s-1970’s will most probably never reappear. The economy will not come out of the depression of 1991 until at least 1995- 1996, at which time the United States will have become an entirely different society from the one it when the recession began.

Opinion makers have played no small part in this war on the United States; we need to examine the role of the Committee of 300 in bringing about these far-reaching changes and how the social engineers have used central systems analyses to keep public opinion from expressing anything other than the policies of the invisible government. How and where did it all begin?

From documents covering the First World War that I was able to gather and examine in the War Office in Whitehall, London, it appears that the Royal Institute for International Affairs was commissioned by the Committee of 300 to do a study of manipulating war information. This task was given to Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothmere and Arnold Toynbee, who was MI6’s agent at the RIIA. Lord Rothmere’s family owned a newspaper which was used to support various government positions, so it was thought that the paper could change public perceptions, especially among the ranks of growing opposition to the war.

The project was housed in Wellington House, named after the Duke of Wellesly. American specialists drafted to help Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe included Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman. The group held “brain storming” sessions to work out techniques for mobilizing mass support for the war, especially among the working class people whose sons were expected to go to the slaughter fields of Flanders in record numbers.

Using Lord Rothmere’s newspaper, new manipulative techniques were tried out and, after a period of about 6 months, it was apparent that they were a success. What the researchers discovered was that only a very small group of people understood the process of reasoning and the ability to observe the problem as opposed to passing an opinion on it. This, said Lord Rothmere, was the way in which 87% of the British public approached the war, and that the same principle applied not only to the war, but to every conceivable problem in society in general.

In this manner, irrationality was elevated to a high level of public consciousness. The manipulators then played upon this to undermine and distract the grasp of reality governing any given situation and, the more complex the problems of a modern industrial society became, the easier it became to bring greater and greater distractions to bear so that what we ended up with was that the absolutely inconsequential opinions of masses of people, created by skilled manipulators, assumed the position of scientific fact.

Having literally stumbled upon so profound a conclusion, the manipulators put it to one test after another during the war, so that in spite of hundreds of thousands of the youth of Britain being slaughtered on the battlefields of France, there was virtually no opposition to the bloody war. Records of the time show that by 1917, just before the United States entered the war, 94% of the British working class bearing the brunt of the war did not have the faintest idea what they were fighting for, other than the image created by the media manipulators that the Germans were a horrible race, bent upon destroying their monarch and their country, and who had to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Certainly nothing has changed because, in 1991, we had the exact same situation created by the news media which allowed President Bush to flagrantly violate the Constitution in waging a war of genocide against the nation of Iraq with the full consent of 87% of the American people. Woodrow Wilson can be credited—if that is the proper expression to use—of jumping on the public opinion manipulators’ band wagon and using it to further the causes whispered in his ear by his controller, Colonel House.

On instructions from President Wilson, or rather Colonel House, the Creel Commission was created and, as far as can be ascertained, the Creel Commission was the first organization in the United States to use the RIIA techniques and methodology for polling and mass propaganda. The psychological warfare experiments perfected at Wellington House were used in the Second World War with equal success, and have been in continuous use in the massive psychological war against the United States which began in 1946. The methods did not change, only the target. Now it was not German worker housing but the middle class of the United States that became the focus of the attack.

As so often happens, the conspirators could not contain their glee. After WW II, in 1922 to be precise, Lippmann detailed the work done by the RIIA in a book he called “PUBLIC OPINION”:

“Public opinion deals with indirect, unseen and puzzling facts, and there is nothing obvious about them. The situations to which public opinion refers are known only as opinions, pictures inside heads of human beings, pictures of themselves, of others, of their needs, purposes and relationships, are their public opinions. These pictures which are acted upon by groups of people, or by individuals acting in the name of groups are PUBLIC OPINION with capital letters. The picture inside the head often misleads men in their dealings with the world outside of their heads.”

No wonder Lippmann was chosen to make the people of the United States “like” the Beatles when they arrived on our shores and were thrust upon an unsuspecting country. Combined with the propaganda sent forth night and day from radio and television it was only a comparatively short time before The Beatles became “popular.” The technique of radio stations allegedly receiving hundreds of requests from imaging listeners for Beatlemusic, led to charts and ratings for first, the “top ten” and gradually escalated until, by 1992, it has expanded to “the top 40 on the charts.”

In 1928, Lippmann’s compatriot Edward Bernays wrote a book called “CRYSTALLIZING PUBLIC OPINION” and in
1928 a second book of his was published entitled simply “PROPAGANDA.” In it Bernays described his experiences at
Wellington House. Bernays was a close friend of Master Manipulator H.G. Wells, whose many quasi-novels were used by Bernays to help formulate mass mind control techniques.

Wells was not shy about his role as a leader in changing lower class society, mainly because he was a close friend of members of the British royal family, and spent a great deal of time with some of the most highly placed politicians of the day, men like Sir Edward Grey, Lord Haldane, Robert Cecil of the Jewish Cecil family that had controlled the British monarchy since a Cecil became the private secretary and lover of Queen Elizabeth I, Leo Amery, Halford Mackinder of MI6 and later head of the London School of Economics, whose pupil Bruce Lockhart would become MI6 controller of Lenin and Trotsky during the Bolshevik Revolution, and even the great man himself, Lord Alfred Milner.

One of Well’s favorite watering holes was the prestigious St. Ermins Hotel, meeting place of the Coefficient Club, a club to which certified gentlemen only were admitted and where they met once a month. All of the men mentioned above were members and also members of the Souls Club. Wells claimed that any nation could be defeated, not by direct confrontation but by understanding the human mind—what he called, “the mental hinterlands hidden behind the persona.”

With such a powerful backer, Bernays felt confident enough to launch his “PROPAGANDA”:

“As civilization becomes more complex, AND AS THE NEED FOR INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN INCREASINGLY DEMONSTRATED (emphasis added-JC), the technical means have been invented and developed BY WHICH PUBLIC OPINION MAY BE REGIMENTED (emphasis added-JC). With printing press and newspaper, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly, and even instantaneously, across the whole of America.”

Bernays had not yet seen how much better television, which was to follow, would do the job.
