

 - A Perspective on "Briefings from Deep Space"

 - Book's Review - The Nine Unknown

 - KOALA, Montauk and Inter-Dimensional Time Travel

 - La Conspiración de la Puerta Cósmica

 - Los Nueve Desconocidos - extracto de 'El Retorno de Los Brujos'

 - Nine Unknown Men - Extract from The Anti-Gravity Handbook (Lost Science)

 - The Ancient Council of Nine

 - The Council Of Nine  (from "Illuminati News" Website)

 - The Council Of Nine  (from "The Only Planet of Choice" by Phyllis V. Schlemmer)

 - The Experiment - The True History of The Darkness and of The Light

 - The Nine Unknown - extracted from "The Jewel in the Crown"

 - The Nine Unknown Men - Sub-Figura vel Liber Caeruleus


Additional Information

 - Las Claves de Enoc - El Libro del Conocimiento

 - Solana, John Buchan's novel, the European Union and 'the Ashoka Nine'

 - Stop Exploiting the Indigo Children

 - The Great Old Ones of Lovecraftian Legend Reinterpreted as Atlantean Kings

 - The Only Planet of Choice

 - The Quixotic Dialectical Metaphysical Manifesto - Morning of the Magicians

 - The Man From Outer Space


Related Reports

 - A Voice From Space

 - Briefing for The Landing on Planet Earth

 - Ciencia Real

 - El Retorno de Los Brujos - 'Le Matin des Magiciens' - 'Morning Of The Magicians'

 - The Anti-Christ

 - The Bilderberg Group

 - The Lucis Trust

 - The Master File - the "Rebellion in Heaven" unto Present and Future Time

 - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

 - The Stargate Conspiracy

 - The Ultimate Delusion - The United Nations

 - The Watchers-Nephilim