6 #13 - Hurricane "Katrina" of 29 August 2005

an example how UFOnauts are able to induce a hurricane as deadly as a Tsunami

Our mental habits lead us straight to a disaster. After all, we used to think, that if human murderers kill in a manner that from a large distance it is recognizable just as a murder, then also murders of UFOnauts must look like these human murders (i.e. from large distances must be recognizable as murders). While thinking like this we forget that UFOnauts have in their disposal all this enormously advanced technology and medicine. So when they use this technology and medicine for murdering people, their murders remain undetectable for us.


We believe that a given victim died e.g. for a cancer, or e.g. for a heart attack, or e.g. because of an unfortunate accident, or because his or her house was struck e.g. by a tornado. In order to understand how difficult for identifying and detecting are murders committed by UFOnauts, let us consider the case of mass murder carried out by UFOnauts on 29 August 2005. It took the shape of a hurricane nick named "Katrina" (most probably this loving name was given to it by one of these "changelings" described in next item). This hurricane completely devastated the city of New Orleans in the USA. Winds that it induced reached velocities of 240 km/h.

If one analyses the hurricane "Katrina", then it turns out that it displayed all attributes of the hurricane induced technologically by UFOnauts. Let us remind ourselves here some of these attributes:

  1. The hurricane Katrina was following a non-typical path on which no hurricane was recorded since the Camille of 1969. (This Camille most probably was also induced technologically by UFOnauts.) Hurricanes, similarly as all other low-pressure whirls, have their own trajectories which they follow during their motion along the surface of Earth. This trajectories are depending on the internal structure of the Earth's nucleus. The cracks and less dense areas in this nucleus define the trajectory of the whirls of counter-matter which cause hurricanes and tornados.


    Therefore, in normal cases, low-pressure whirls of counter-matter, and also hurricanes which are induced by these whirls, move at the surface of Earth along specific and usually the same trajectories. But these low-pressure whirls can be grabbed and shifter to different locations with the magnetic field of a large UFO vehicle. UFOnauts utilise this capability of their vehicles, to shift hurricanes at such areas of Earth, which they intend to destroy in a given moment of time.


  2. It was accompanied by extraordinary weather anomalies. Even people that are not familiar with technology of UFOnauts, recognized these anomalies as signs of a technologically induced hurricane.


    For example, on 11 September 2005, on the web page http://www.flashnews.com/news/wfn1050908J5463.html, an article was published entitled "Weatherman Claims Japanese Mafia Behind Hurricane Katrina". This article reports a conclusion from research of Katrina by the American meteorologist, Scott Stevens from Idaho.


    This meteorologist also stated, that after analyzing satellite photographs of Katrina he is sure, that this hurricane was induced technologically. So the only difference between his and mine findings, is that he suspects Japanese Mafia for causing this hurricane.


    (Note however, that even if he knew for sure that UFOs induced this hurricane, still probably for his own security he would point at the Mafia. After all, the use of the word "UFO" in his statement would have such a consequence that his employer most probably would sacked him from the job - similarly as my employers dismissed me already several times in response for my "too open" in their opinion disclosure of the occupation of Earth by UFOs.)


    Here is a quotation taken from the above article, which points our attention at the extraordinary character of this hurricane, which certifies for its technological origin. Quote:


    • "... clouds formed by the generators are different than normal clouds and are able to appear out of nowhere and says Katrina had many rotation points that are unusual for hurricanes. ..."


    Please notice that the last sentence reveals that in order to generate this hurricane UFOnauts used several large UFO vehicles magnetically coupled together into a flying cluster. The cluster of UFOs maintained the hurricane cooperatively. This is the reason why there was a number of separate rotation points noticed by this American meteorologist.

  3. It did not have own anti-hurricane.I explained that tornados and hurricanes are created due to a narrowing down (squeezing) so-called "low-pressure whirls of counter-matter". These whirls are like huge spinning "snakes" made of counter-matter and penetrating throughout the body of our planet. So if any of them is naturally narrowed down (i.e. it decreases by itself the diameter of spinning) then this narrowing down reveals itself simultaneously on both hemispheres of Earth, in places where this spinning "snake" of counter-matter emerges from the ground.


    Therefore all natural hurricanes always appear in pairs. If one hurricane from such a pair attacks e.g. the USA, then the mirror copy of it simultaneously appears on the southern Pacific Ocean and rages along an empty ocean. However, because these mirror reflections of American hurricanes rage in the middle of relatively empty ocean (i.e. Pacific), only extremely rarely they are illustrated in TV or described in newspapers. But they always do exist and always can be spotted on satellite photographs of Earth.


    (Such photographs can be found in internet, e.g. on the web page www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/GOES/.)


    In turn when a hurricane is induced technically, as this was the case with Katrina, then it does NOT have its own anti-hurricane on the southern Pacific. The lack of this anti-hurricane on the opposite side of Earth is the confirmation that the Katrina was not natural at all, but was induced technologically by UFOnauts.

  4. It intelligently changed the trajectory. It behaved in such a manner as to cause possibly the greatest damage through blocking the exist from the river Mississippi.

  5. It intelligently changed the intensity and pressure. For example, shortly before it attacked the coast, it decreased the intensity to calm down people and to decrease the number of evacuees. But just before it attacked, it increased the intensity again. This in turn documents that it was controlled intelligently.

  6. It was accompanied by numerous tornados. In turn the mechanics and attributes of these tornados quite clearly reveal that they were induced technologically by UFOs. The mechanics of formation of tornados by UFOs is explained on several web pages, e.g. on: jan-pajak.com/tornado.htm, milicz.fateback.com/tornado.htm, or totalizm.nazwa.pl/tornado.htm. These web pages indicate also extensive evidence which documents the actual origin of tornados and hurricanes from UFOs.

  7. In slightly over three weeks later, i.e. on 24 September 2005, UFOnauts send along the path of Katrina another technically induced hurricane named "Rita". The main goal of Rita was to eliminate suspicions that Katrina was caused technically by UFOnauts. UFOnauts always place huge emphases onto the diverting out from themselves the peoples' suspicions that these were them who caused a given disaster. One of methods of diverting this suspicion, that they frequently use, is to cause again the same disaster, but this second time UFOnauts make it to appear to be "unsuccessful".


    For example, in two weeks after a "successful" bombing of London on 7 July 2005 (as described in item #10 below), UFOnauts repeated the bombing of London on 21 July 2005 (as described in item #11 below) - but this time they make it look as if it was "unsuccessful". Exactly the same trick UFOnauts repeated with hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


    For the fact, that also Rita was induced technically by UFOnauts to prove that previously Katrina was a "natural" disaster, certifies a number of attributes of Rita, e.g. that:

    1. Rita followed almost the same non-typical trajectory as Katrina,

    2. it also had NOT its "twin" anti-hurricane on the southern Pacific,

    3. in order to fabricate an anti-hurricane for Rita, simultaneously with Rita UFOnauts induced a technological typhoon "Damrey" which hit southern China and Vietnam - however, this typhoon for sure was NOT the anti-hurricane for Rita because similarly to Rita it was spinning anti-clockwise,

    4. Rita was also accompanied by numerous tornados,

    5. it also was displaying non-typical (i.e. intelligent and technological) behaviors and attributes,

    6. the action of Rita was corresponding exactly to the general strategy and methods of UFOnauts, etc., etc.

  8. The hurricane Katrina was synchronized by UFOnauts with a whole range of other destructive activities, which UFOnauts typically "arrange" during their attacks on humanity. Examples of other such destructive events which UFOnauts have arranged for, were robbery and looting of shops in New Orleans, chaos, disorganization and slow action of authorities, four-days long lack of any assistance from outside (as if it was intentionally delayed by agents of UFOnauts in order to increase the destructive impact of this hurricane), shootings, rapes and lawlessness, bandit snipers on roofs of houses murdering innocent passers by, horrifying activities of dragged gangs, engineering errors which allowed water to break through dams to New Orleans, etc., etc.


    In total, this perfectly carried out by UFOnauts action of deepening the crisis caused by the hurricane, turned this relatively simple attack of UFOnauts into a large crisis of America. After-hurricane hidden sabotages of UFOnauts caused the non-repairable damage to Americans in moral and propaganda areas.

  9. This hurricane added to a whole array of various recent attacks of UFOnauts on the USA. Lately UFOnauts continually carry out such attacks on this leading country of our civilization. They jolly well know that eyes of the entire planet are directed on America. Thus whatever bad happens to Americans, in fact it causes the pain and harm to every citizen of our planet. UFOnauts know that if they manage to destroy the USA, they also manage to destroy the entire our present civilization.

The hurricane Katrina was not the only hurricane which UFOnauts moved at the target which they intended to destroy. I watch with the interest all destruction caused lately by the weather and climate. Out of this destruction quite clearly emerges that hurricanes and destructive winds are only a next tool of destruction in an entire arsenal of such weaponry which UFOnauts unleashed lately against our civilization. (A complete list of all these weapons is provided in item #4 below.)


The most convincing example, how UFOnauts for every their wish are able to cause a hurricane, I experienced myself on 28 November 1998 - when I went onto an expedition to search for the legendary "sleeping giant" from New Zealand. (This "sleeping giant" is a gigantic sculpture of a human giant, carved in an entire mountain, which according to legends of New Zealand Maoris, supposed to exists perfectly hidden and undiscovered by Europeans until today, in dense bush of New Zealand native forests.) This expedition, and the hurricane intentionally induced by UFOnauts which made me abandon the searches for the giant sculpture, is described in more details in subsection VB4.4.1 from volume 17 of monograph [1/4].

On a separate web page "26th day" the initial intention of UFOnauts is explained, that in 2005 UFOnauts were going to induce murderous tsunami on the Atlantic Ocean. This tsunami supposed to destroy coasts of Europe and America. It appears, that for some reasons UFOnauts decided to replace this tsunami with destruction caused in another manner.


So instead of tsunami they induced equally destructive hurricane Katrina. This hurricane caused in New Orleans and vicinity almost the same destruction, as the one caused in Indonesia and in Thailand by tsunami of 26 December 2004.

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7 #12 - Suicidal attacks of doubles of humans

means how "changelings" from UFOs manipulate our civilization

Beginning from 2004 UFOnauts initiated the large-scale implementation of still another manner of escalating on Earth the mutual hatred and grudges between different groups of people. In general, this new manner depend on utilizing "changelings" from UFOs - means utilizing UFOnauts who with plastic surgeries were made to look like doubles of selected people.


These changelings are to carry out bombings of appropriate groups of people. For example, in the first half of 2005, the favorite area of this type "suicidal" bombings carried out by such UFOnauts was Baghdad in Iraq. Not by accident from these bombings in Baghdad were dying (and still are dying) mainly locals, means Iraqi people. After all, for UFOnauts every human is an "enemy" - so their bombing is successful no matter which people die in it. Each single killed person increases the amount of mutual hate between people - and this is what UFOnauts are after. In July 2005 a similar suicidal bombing took also place in a popular holiday spot in Egypt. Killed over there were almost exclusively Egyptians.


Similarly like in bombings from Baghdad in Iraq, for UFOnauts who carried out bombings in Egypt make no difference who died in it - they were mainly after inducing hatred between people. This hatred in turn is induced proportionally to the number of killed people - no matter who becomes the victim. Of course, the technology of UFOnauts is so advanced, that in the last moment before the explosion, these supposedly "suicidal" UFOnauts always disappear from the exploding car of train.


After all, in the majority of cases human detectives still are unable to count afterwards from the pieces of human flesh torn apart, whether the bombers in fact died on the spot of bombing. Anyway, even if UFOnauts need to supply for human detectives some sort of evidence in the form of fragments of bodies of supposed bombers, then they still have these unfortunate people for whom the UFOnauts-doubles originally were changed. So it suffices that in the last moment before the explosion UFOnauts change again themselves for these unfortunate people whom they replaced on Earth to carry out the bombing on their behalf.

The suicidal bombings of doubles from UFOs are the newest invention of UFOnauts. This invention crystallized itself for UFOnauts by accident of 11 September 2001, when just such "changelings" from UFOs pretended that they are Arab terrorists, and piloted two airplanes into buildings of WTC in New York - as this is described near the end of this web page. In that tragic for the entire humanity bombing, our detectives were unable to count nor find out, that the leaders of these supposedly "suicidal" bombers had anatomy of UFOnauts, and that in the last moment they in fact disappeared from exploding airplanes.


After the attack onto WTC, UFOnauts gradually improved their methods of supposedly "suicidal" bombings, until they managed to develop these bombings to the level from the end of 2005, when in fact they were carried out practically every day and when they murdered hundreds of people. So we should not be surprised, that in the majority of cases, UFOnauts pretending to be Arabs in fact blast their own countrymen, means other Arabs.


After all, UFOnauts are interested in inducing via these bombings the ever-growing wave of mutual hatred between people. The know that in the final count this hatred is going to be directed against Europeans. So by continuing these bombings, UFOnauts step-by-step pile up a wave of hatred which one day may completely wash out from the surface of Earth our present technical civilization.

Although these supposedly "suicidal" bombings carried out by changelings from UFOs are the invention of recent years, the fact of swapping of UFOnauts for famous and influential people is as old as humanity itself. Evil UFOnauts used to change their agents for selected people since practically the beginnings of time. In historic times they utilized this changing on a massive scale for pushing humanity beyond the edge of morality, and for undermining peace and security on Earth. There is a significant probability that practically every influential or famous person on Earth, who was responsible for some dark events that drastically worsened the fate of our planet, in fact was NOT a human, but just such a changeling, means an UFOnaut who was made identical to a given human via a plastic surgery, and then was swapped for this person.

The oldest historically documented case of just such a swapping of an UFOnaut for a human is described in subsection VB4.6.1 from volume 17 of monograph [1/4]. (This subsection VB4.6.1 describes a number of cases, when just such changelings from UFOs were noted, or just such swapping of UFOnauts for people were reported.) For example, on pages 18 to 21 of the book [1VB4.6.1] by Rodney Davies, entitled "Nadprzyrodzone zniknięcia" (the title of original book before the translation into Polish: "Supernatural Disappearances"), published by "Dom Wydawniczy LIMBUS", Bydgoszcz 1995, Poland, ISBN 83-85475-80-X, 255 pages, pb, a case of Romulus is described.


(Romulus was the founder of Rome. He was also a killer of his twin-brother, Remus. I frequently wondered whether he killed his twin brother, because the special bond which twin brothers always have, allowed Remus to recognize that the true Romulus was changed for an UFOnaut.)


As it turns out from these descriptions, Romulus displayed numerous attributes of just such a changeling-UFOnaut. After he finished his mission of founding the barbaric Rome and initiating the destructive direction of the further existence of this city, Romulus disappeared - as this happens to the majority of such changelings from UFOs. Some time later he show himself to a Roman senator Julius Proculus. But he was already wearing a cosmic suit. He announced to Julius Proculus, that now he is NOT Romulus any more, but a "god" Kwirynus and that he returned to heaven from which he originally arrived - see page 21 in the book [1VB4.6.1].

I must admit here that I was always puzzled which one out of these two twin brothers sucking a female-wolf on a famous sculpture from Rome, is Romulus, and which one is Remus. But some time ago I examined carefully photographs of this sculpture shown in Internet. From these photographs seems to appear that only one of twins, i.e. this one who knees on one leg, has the "unkempt hair" standing upward. Thus, according to what about the anatomy and the growth of hair in UFOnauts is explained on the web page 26th day, probably he is Romulus. After all, this sculpture was made less than 200 years after Romulus disappeared. So people still remembered then how used to look like his hair growing upward on the head.

Of course, Romulus is NOT the only changeling from UFO about whom we know from history. In Poland is well known another UFOnaut similar to him, named Pan Twardowski. He was also an influential politician in Poland during the years 1547 to 1573. Simultaneously, he did not hide his "supernatural" capabilities, similar to these ones which in present times are demonstrated by the magician David Copperfield. About his extraordinary fits the Polish poet named Adam Mickiewicz wrote even a poem entitled "Pani Twardowska".


It is worth to add, that one day this Pan Twardowski went for a walk and never returned from it. His body was never found - so probably he returned to his home planet after he fulfilled the task of pushing Poland away from the course of morality and progress and after he helped the future kingdom of Prussia to separate from the body of Poland. The most recent example of a politician with a similar course of fate, is Australian Prime Minister, Harold Holt. On 19 December 1967 he also disappeared in similarly mysterious circumstances as the Polish Pan Twardowski did. Further cases of "changelings" from UFOs, especially these who did a lot of harm to humanity, together with their characteristic attributes, are described in subsection VB4.6.1 from volume 17 of monograph [1/4].

Many changelings from UFOs seem to undergo through a standard course of fate. They substitute on Earth people especially selected by UFOnauts, i.e. these ones which for various reasons later are going to have a significant influence on many other inhabitants of Earth, e.g. rulers, heads of state, actresses, singers, etc. After the changing is carried out, the people who surrounds such changelings-UFOnauts begins to notice that their behavior drastically changes.


Sometimes also their appearance changes as well. As a rule they loose the feeling and understanding of behaviors which in our civilization are considered to be acceptable. Thus they begin to sleep with small boys, hang their children behind windows of their flats, point loaded pistols at members of closest family, and do many other things which for these people who have grown with our civilization seem to be unacceptable.


With the elapse of time they cut off themselves from their family and relatives. They also become highly immoral. In various ways they corrupt morally many other people onto whom they exert influence, or they do something very destructive, what worsens the course of lives of a significant number of people. After completing their dark task for which they were send to Earth, they rapidly disappear in quite mysterious circumstances. Frequently their bodies cannot be found. However, after the disappearance or death they are still seen by people who used to know them. Thus frequently about them a legend is formed, that they are still alive - only that they remain in hiding somewhere.

A lot of information is already accumulated on Earth about such UFOnauts who double selected people and are changed for these people. The best source of information about them is folklore of various nations. For example, in the folklore of Ireland there is a rich selection of legends about so-called "changelings", means about evil UFOnauts who are changed for people. In past I read a whole thick book (in English) exclusively on the topic of these changelings. (Unfortunately, I lost somewhere the title and editorial data of this book.)


Furthermore, also old Polish legends told us about so-called "podmieńcy", means similar evil creatures who displayed the "supernatural powers" and who in old days were swapped for selected people in order to carry out evil deeds on other people. If someone analyses various sources, it turns out that with just such "changelings", means with doubles-UFOnauts changed for people, the history of humanity is filled up. Practically almost every vital change to worse in the history of Earth, especially the one which caused later the fall down of morality and progress, always was initiated by just such creatures. These were just such creatures that caused the appearance on Earth of all barbaric or destructive trends, organizations, institutions, and countries.

The most recent source of information about these changelings is present UFO literature. It describes relatively lot of specific information about these doubles, whom UFOnauts change for various people on Earth - most frequently influential or famous. These doubles are prepared by UFOnauts via their highly advanced medicine (plastic surgery) and technology. Then they are changed for selected people on Earth (i.e. these UFOnauts then replace on Earth people to whom they were made similar, while the victims for whom they are changed are taken for good to UFOs).


The point is that in order to be able to control our civilization, UFOnauts must have amongst people a large number of their agents. However, they cannot send these agents into vacuum. After all, every person on Earth must have a family, place of birth, history, documents, etc. Therefore each such agent-UFOnaut send to Earth must be substituted for a real human, who truly existed. For this substituting the UFOnaut agent is prepared medically through undergoing a plastic surgery in which his appearance is made to imitate the appearance of the true person.


Quite frequently these unfortunate people chosen to be changed for UFOnauts, are confronted on decks of UFOs with their own doubles (UFOnauts) shortly before the change takes place. The reason is that UFOnauts wish to check whether the victim with his or her behavior confirms that the double prepared for him is sufficiently similar and that he or she recognizes this double to be himself or herself. The appearance of these doubles from UFOs always are so identical to earthly originals, that even the own father or mother, or any other close family member of the changed person, are aware that the changing was already made. At the most, they may sometimes notice that the behavior of their close one is altered drastically in a given period of time.

However, the problem with present society is such, that hardly anyone reads UFO literature which reports about abductions to UFOs. On the other hand, in these books is continually highlighted, that in UFO vehicles are "working" (i.e. are robbing people from their biological resources) creatures from space which not only look identically to humans, but also use human languages and have human names.


So it is an obvious thing to realize, that if UFOnauts identical to humans "work" in UFO vehicles, then similar to them - means equally identical UFOnauts, are changed on Earth for selected people, in order to mix with us, pretend to be our countrymen, and carry out all sabotages, provocations, setting ups, campaigns, distortions, damaging decisions, attacks, aggressions, from which our planet swarms lately. For God's sake, when we begin see through our eyes and begin to notice what so obvious is going on around us!

An example of relatively large number of cases described in UFO literature, in which people abducted to UFOs confront their own doubles, is the article [2VB4.7] by Dr Karla Turner, entitled "Wzięcia - zagadka XX wieku" which was published in the Polish quarterly UFO, no 26 (2/1996), pages 53 to 66.


On page 60 it describes the following, quote:

"In the book Taken a description of one thing is provided, which Pat recalled without the use of hypnosis. She was in a compartment, in which a cloned body was shown to her - a copy of her own body. It was said to her, that this body is going to be used during her resurrection.


The creatures told to her, that they work on the command from God and that they create new bodies which according to what the Bible says we are going to receive during the resurrection. They said to her, that they are doing this on the command from Jesus. ... This was the explanation which seemed to Pat the most appropriate. She is very religious person and when these creatures deal with her, they always appeal to her religious believes. In many other cases it is not so, in spite that the same events take then place.


Lisa also was shown a copy of her own body, but she was not told about any work done on the command from God nor about any resurrection. She was told straight: 'If you are not cooperating with us, we will change you with this body and no-one is going to notice any difference'."

Unfortunately, after Dr Karla Turner died from cancer (or as I believe - she was murdered by UFOnauts who induced in her the deadly cancer), no-one is returning to research on these two women, i.e. Pat and Lisa. However, I am ready to bet, that in later times they both were changed for these their doubles whom they saw on decks of UFOs.


On the other hand, even if someone presently finds this Pat or Lisa and asks her "are you the original human, or a changeling from a UFO, means a double of the original human", I am ready to bet that would not receive an answer which would clarify anything. After all, so-far we still do not develop on Earth a method which would allow to distinguish for sure such a double originating from a UFO, from a true human. On the other hand, to count that UFOnauts will admit themselves that they are NOT humans, would be rather silly.


At this point I would like to express my sorrow, that I do not have finances for research and that everything that I do is so persecuted. This is because given opportunity I would develop quite fast a method required to distinguish between people and such agents-UFOnauts - of course if only I have the access to necessary funds and to right conditions for research.

UFOnauts widely utilize on Earth the method of introducing their own agents amongst people - as described here (i.e. depending on changing selected people for UFOnauts who previously were made identical to these people). Through the intense utilization of this method of settling their agents on Earth, UFOnauts obtain a whole range of benefits.


Let us list here at least the most important out of these benefits:

  1. Multiplying our difficulties with recognition of UFOnauts who mix with people.

    Through changing UFOnauts for specific people, aliens deprive us a chance for a simple determining who amongst our society is a UFOnaut, and who is a human. After all, when some premises begin to suggest to us, that a given individual is a UFOnaut, then we rapidly meet sincere parents of this individual, or his school colleagues, or even we ourselves remember him from old times. Thus, all doubts that we have about their actions on Earth begin to depart from us. We tell then ourselves: "how such someone can be a UFOnaut, if we know so well his parents or his school colleagues?"

  2. Allowing to settle on Earth any number of UFOnauts.

    Due to the fact that UFOnauts are changed for real people, there are no limits to the number of UFOnauts that in a given time can operate on Earth mixed with normal people. In the historically critical time, such as this presently prevailing on Earth, UFOnauts are able to change for their agents practically a huge number of people. This in turn allows them to successfully control the fate of humanity by organizing with hands of these changelings practically all provocations, assassinations, wars, destructive decisions, breakings, destructions, sabotages, etc.


    So it should not surprise anyone, that only in a small New Zealand Institute of Technology, in which I worked lately, I counted as many as 5 individuals, who looked and acted as UFOnauts, and who repetitively were caught by me on doing something that a normal human would not be able to do (e.g. on passing through closed doors or walls, or entering the toilet and then disappearing inside, so that when after a long observation of doors I entered this toilet, there was no-one inside). Unfortunately, in spite that I managed to recognize who probably belonged to such changelings-UFOnauts, it does not change the fact that in present circumstances on Earth I would only be punished if I try to disclose who these individuals are.

  3. The ability to control our civilization in any way UFOnauts wish.

    After all, if UFOnauts wish to e.g. instigate a war between two sides that they choose, e.g. between Arabs and Americans, then it suffices if such changelings-UFOnauts pretending to be Arabs attack anything that belongs to Americans, then other similar changelings-UFOnauts who pretend to be Americans attack anything that is Arabic - announcing to all that this was a vendetta or making the accounts even. Then people do not have enough time to even blink, when both sides are at a war. In turn UFOnauts are jumping up from joy, because again they managed to destroy the peace, prosperity, and life of many people, by a simple instigating and setting up two groups of inhabitants of Earth.

The hostility of present society towards everything that concerns UFOs, which is deeply programmed by UFOnauts into human psychology, causes that practically almost no-one is taking under account the rich source of knowledge which for centuries exists about changelings from UFOs.


No-one also considers, whether these influential or famous people who let themselves known for doing highly immoral or destructive things, are actually people, or just such changelings from UFOs. In turn by not considering such a possibility, no-one thinks about our security from a danger that arrives from the space, nor thinks about a manner on which one could distinguish such changelings-UFOnauts from normal people.

In turn if we put the required amount of time and effort into appropriate research, we could easily devise manners of distinguishing between people and changelings from UFOs. After all, these changelings for their own security always are in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering". Unfortunately, our civilization still has NOT developed devices which would allow this state to be detected quickly.


Thus, the only thing that we are able to notice so-far, are effects of this state, means e.g. the fact that such changelings are slightly lighter than normal people of their sizes, that normally they cannot be injured (unless they wish to prove to us that they can be injured), that they behave strangely, that do not know deeply our culture and customs - in spite that supposedly they are born amongst us, that their eyes are "evil" means like-triangular, their hair above forehead naturally grow upwards, while some details of their anatomy are more similar to anatomy of UFOnauts than people, etc., etc.

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8 #11. "Bombs" for the neutralization of evidence from the attack of UFOnauts on London (of 21 July 2005)

Exactly in two weeks after the previous bombing of metro in London, which is described in details in next item below, London again was attacked on Thursday, 21 July 2005. The same as previously, three bombs were aimed at trains, one at a bus. Fortunately, bombs did NOT explode. So there were no dead victims, apart from one wounded person.

I personally do not have a slightest doubt that also this second bombing was discretely arranged by UFOnauts. There are too many coincidences and strange cases. For example, the fact that all four bombs did not explode. Or that on 22 July 2005 UFOnauts caused a brutal shooting dead in very suspicious circumstances an innocent electrician from Brazil, someone named Jean Charles de Menezes (I would not be surprised that he was close to e.g. constructing a "free energy device).


Or that later they utilized the death of this innocent person to spread disagreements, divisions, and purges. Of course, one needs to ask a question, why UFOnauts organized also this second attack, and why they intentionally carried it out in such a manner that it looked as if it was "unsuccessful". Knowing methods of acting of UFOnauts I believe that I am able to answer this question already now. UFOnauts with an iron consequence implement the principle, that always they neutralize the evidential value of every case when people begin to realize the participation of UFOnauts in a given atrocity.


Therefore, this second bombing in London, dated 21 July 2005, in my opinion was arranged to turn circumstances around in such a manner, and to expose such human "escape goats", that later all people thought that both bombings in London were arranged by specific people, not by UFOnauts. Expressing this in other words, this second supposedly "unsuccessful" attack of UFOnauts on the London metro was to "prove" that the first and second bombing of London were NOT arranged by UFOnauts. Various evidence indicates just such a goal of this second bombing. For example, this supposed "failure" of the second bombing and the lack of victims. Also the fact that all bombs "by accident did not explode", so that the police had "evidence" for further investigation. After all, just such a situation is meaningful in itself.


Already in the first glance it passes a hidden message saying:

"look people, this could NOT be UFOnauts, because with their experience and technology, the bombing surely would be successful".

(Of course, receivers of this message will not realize, that the bombing in fact "was successful" for UFOnauts. After all, it again accomplished well hidden goals, which UFOnauts assigned to it. Only that the majority of people do not know about these goals.)

Let us now explain how on the basis of data available at present it can be deduced what really happened during this second attack on London. In my personal opinion, UFOnauts who completed the first attack prepared also a "second wave" - this time made of human successors. Either through hypnosis, or telepathically (e.g. as usually in such cases - through inducing repetitive whispers directly to minds of their victims), UFOnauts convinced these humans to complete the second wave of bombings.


However, during the completion of this second attack, UFOnauts used their advanced technology to cause that bombs would NOT explode, and thus that the English police received the required evidence of the crime. For UFOnauts such causing that bombs would not explode is simple and in UFOlogy for long time are known cases when UFOnauts for sure prevented the explosion.


(E.g. one of such cases is the event dated on 25 October 1974, when a UFOnaut named Ausso caused the non-ignition of gun powder in a riffle of someone named Carl Higdon. The description of this case is contained in subsection T3 from volume 14 of monograph [1/4]. Furthermore, just by causing the gun powder to not explode in a riffle, on 23 June 2000 UFOnauts murdered my close ally, someone named Evan Hansen. His murder is described in subsection A4 from volume 1 of monograph [1/4].)


In brief, this way of causing the non-explosion depends on this, that UFOnauts slow down significantly the speed of elapse of time for the explosive material. In the result, in slower elapse of time the energy of explosion of detonators is released much slower than normal - thus not causing the explosion which normally is required to initiate the blast of the remaining explosive charge. A similar phenomenon occurs also during every "walking on fire" - when time of the burning substance is slowed down, so that flames are unable to burn out legs of people who walk over the fire.


This is because of such local slowing down of the elapse of time, that in second bombing of London the detonators of bombs were unable to ignite the explosion of main charges. (About this ability of UFOnauts to make the exploding impossible, is worth to remember when we begin to fight with UFOnauts. In fact, if we unwisely throw a grenade or a bomb at a UFOnaut, this grenade or bomb would not explode. This ability of UFOnauts to prevent explosion which endangers them, can be even utilized for historic research aimed at distinguishing important figures which were changelings described in previous item, not true people.) In turn the non-exploding of bombs in London provided the English police with the evidence so needed.


According to my initial prediction, soon after this "bombing" the world learned which people prepared all bombings in London and how exactly they did this. The evidence revealed in this second bombing was so obvious, that no-one had any doubts which people really are guilty. So all claims of the type presented in next item, that in fact these were UFOnauts who organized the bombing of London, due to this second bombing may now be denied by everyone without a second thought. I will not mention that via this event also the gap between both religions become even more wide. This in turn means that UFOnauts accomplished all goals that they assigned to this second, supposedly "failed" bombing of London.

For me personally very interesting is also the time-synchronization of this bombing of London, with attacks of UFOnauts on myself. This is because UFOnauts so synchronized their attack on myself, that when one considers the time differences between London and New Zealand, then approximately at the same time when to New Zealand arrived the news about second London bombing, I was simultaneously informed by my superiors that I just lost my job. (This was the removal from a job by third New Zealand employer in a row - always for the same "crime", namely for too enthusiastic carrying out my scientific research.) This time synchronization of bombings in London with my removal from a job is a kind of message given to me by UFOnauts.


This message states:

"look, in spite of your efforts to disclose our activities on Earth, still everything is under our control. We still mislead people as we pleased, and we do whatever we wish, still people believe us not you, and still you remain at our mercy."

The matter of finding my next job, and also hints how readers may assist me in this job seeking, are elaborated on a separate web page "my job search" available through "Menu 2" and "Menu 4". I suggest to have a look at this web page. Perhaps the reader is able to assist me somehow.

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9 #10. Attack of UFOnauts at London (on 7 July 2005)

From the information provided by press, it gradually emerged, that these were UFOnauts, not Islamic terrorists, who bombed metro in London. The picture, which slowly crystallized from television and from press descriptions, explains also the manner in which UFOnauts attacked London and simultaneously framed "Islamic terrorists" into the responsibility for this attack. As it turns out, UFOnauts used for this purpose their old trick which depended on "changing" UFOnauts for people, and then on carrying out atrocities on account of these Earthly escape goats. (Victims of this changing were selected by UFOnauts very carefully, so that afterwards these victims served best possibly as "escape goats" of this particular atrocity.)


In order to make impossible for people to discover later the fact of this "changing" of UFOnauts for people, in case of London UFOnauts employed their highly advanced medical science. They previously demonstrated to UFO abductees how it is done. Namely, with their advanced medicine UFOnauts are capable to prepare a double UFOnaut to practically every person from Earth.


This double looks almost identical to a given person, in spite that he is a UFOnaut, not a human being. As probably readers have heard, on decks of UFOs UFOnauts showed such doubles to numerous people from Earth. Of course, UFOnauts prepare these doubles for specific reasons. Namely, people who are copied, later are exchanged for these their doubles. But because such doubles look identical to given people, no-one later recognizes that such an exchange actually took place. In turn such a double-UFOnaut is able to carry out various atrocities on account of the person for whom he was changed on Earth.


For example, he may pretend to be a suicidal bomber who blasts himself. (Only that in fact he does NOT blast himself, but a short split of second before the explosion he switches on the "state of telekinetic flickering" and normally disappears from the crime arena to a UFO vehicle which awaits nearby.)


In UFO literature are widely described specific examples stemming from UFO research, when such doubles-UFOnauts pretended to be specific people well known to others. They can be found e.g. in the book by John E. Mack, M.D., entitled: "Abduction - human encounters with aliens". By the way, for writing this particular book Professor Mack was murdered by UFOnauts, more information about which is provided in item #2 below.

Let us start from reminding ourselves the course of events during the attack of UFOnauts at London described here. And so, on Thursday, 7 July 2005, at 8:50 am, during a morning peak of people going to work, someone detonated three bombs in three trains of the London's metro, and fourth bomb in a bus of line 30 not far from the metro station. These bombs were detonated with the time-synchronization reaching just several seconds.


It is estimated that in the effect of explosion of these bombs, around 70 people have died (at the time of writing this paragraph officially were confirmed deaths of 55 victims). It is commonly believed that detonations were triggered by Islamic terrorists. But as this web page explains it, in fact these bombers were UFOnauts themselves, who only pretended to be Islamic terrorists and who intentionally were "framing" of Islamic terrorists into this atrocity committed by UFOnauts against humanity.

Let us now describe how UFOnauts utilized their advanced technology in order to attack London and England - means how really the bombing of London by UFOnauts looked like. Well, all started from thorough selection by UFOnauts these people who were to become "escape goats" - means these unfortunate citizens of England whom UFOnauts later could blame for the bombing. After all, these future escape goats needed to fit well into the strategic goal of UFOnauts (i.e. to cause a religious world's war between Christians and Muslims).


After these human escape goats were chosen, UFOnauts prepared for each one of them an identically looking double-UFOnaut. These doubles-UFOnauts then were changed for the unfortunate humans some time before the bombing. Friends and family of these London bombers reported, that around one and a half year before the bombing they noted a rapid and drastic change of behaviors in these people. So most probably it was the time when the original people were changed into their doubles-UFOnauts.


(Human victims who were subjects of this change were abducted "for good" to UFOs. What happen later to them - it can only be speculated. Probably these were their bodies torn apart, that later were found around exploded bombs. I personally believe that a fraction of second before the explosion, UFOnauts placed these people near the exploding bombs, so that their blasted bodies could add realism to the scenario of a "suicidal attack".)


Of course, no-one noticed this change of people for UFOnauts. After all, these impostors-UFOnauts were looking exactly the same as people for whom they were changed. Furthermore, for some time earlier these impostors were studying everyday life and behavior of people whom they were to replace on Earth (they accomplished this due to hiding from the human sight into the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering", and subsequent accompanying their future victims wherever these victims were to go. After being exchanged for people, these impostors-UFOnauts started to accumulate "accusing-evidence".


Means they activated appropriate conspiracy contacts - which later were to charge them with the responsibility for the bombing, and they accumulated in their own homes various explosives and components of bombs. Finally, when the day of attack has come, these impostors-UFOnauts spectacularly arrived at the place of planed atrocity in such a manner that it guaranteed them to be filmed by industrial cameras. After all, they knew where police cameras are hidden. They also make sure, that on films well visible were their backpacks in which supposedly they carried their bombs, and make sure that on a parking a car was left with further required evidence. Finally they spectacularly, in the range of police cameras, spread into trains which they intended to blow up.


Over there, when the time of explosion come, they slowed down the elapse of their own time. In a slower time they met UFO vehicles which waited for them in the invisible for human sight "state of the telekinetic flickering" to provide them with technical assistance. They shifted the required amount of explosives from these UFO vehicles into trains. They also spread around the required evidence which was to charge them with responsibility for this bombing. Initiated detonations.


Finally, at a split of second before the bombs exploded, they shifted to decks of UFOs which were waiting nearby, and flown away from the crime scene. (Notice that in fact, to NOT be "caught" by people still on their way to the crime scene, and still before they carried out their bombings, these UFOnauts did NOT have explosives in their backpacks at all. The explosives were supplied to them by invisible to human sight UFO vehicles, means the same UFO vehicles, the rapid and fast departure of which caused the famous "power surges" in the London's metro.) What happened then we already know from television and newspapers.

Let us review now the evidence which indicates that these were UFOnauts, NOT Islamic fanatics, who really bombed the London metro. And there is a lot of such evidence.


Here are the most vital categories of it:

  1. Electric power surge in the London metro.

    When UFO vehicles were taking away the doubles-UFOnauts from the metro tunnels in a manner described above, the powerful magnetic field of their propulsion system induced extremely strong electric currents in metallic parts of metro and in the power supply. These currents were then reported by numerous witnesses who were exiting after the explosion the underground tunnels of metro. They were reported as this famous "power surge" that appeared at the time of explosion. I watched in person the life television coverage from London at the time when victims of this explosion were exiting from metro undergrounds.


    A large proportion of them was reporting instantly that noticed effects of this "power surge". Of course, UFOnauts immediately realized that this "power surge" discloses the direct participation of UFOnauts in the bombing attack discussed here. Therefore later they used all means in their disposal to deny the existence of this power surge. For example, already around two hours after the bombing of metro, in television appeared "authorities" of some sort (i.e. probably UFOnauts pretending to be people), who started to rapidly and officially deny the statements of these eye witnesses of the event, claiming that there was NO "power surge", because supposedly it would be registered by meters of English electric power stations. (These "authorities" forgotten to add, that fuses automatically cut off the metro from the rest of the country, immediately after this "power surge" began.)


    But when I published an explanation about the action of fuses in the blog of totalizm (the Internet address of this blog is provided near the end of this item), UFOnauts invented a different story. It was published in the article "A city defiant" from page 1 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Saturday-Sunday, July 9-10, 2005, quote: "The Guardian said authorities had deliberately told the public that a power surge had caused the explosions to reduce panic and win vital time to put the disaster operation into place". In the above statement again a serious discrepancy is hidden. Namely about this "power surge" reported already first eye witnesses who soon after the explosion emerged to the surface from undergrounds of metro (I personally saw these reports in life television).


    But at that time neither London authorities, nor practically anyone else, was knowing what actually happened in the metro. At that time authorities only started to ask for information these first eye witnesses who reported about the power surge. So the entire case of these "rational explanations" about the power surge is another example of skilful "distorting the evidence" by UFOnauts. Fortunately for the truth, none official denial of UFOnauts, nor manipulated by UFOnauts "authorities", or "experts", are able to distort the truth. In turn the truth is such that the "power surge" was reported by countless eye-witnesses already a short while after the explosion, and also that just such a power surge results directly from the principles of operation of UFO vehicles.


    As such, this truth conclusively proves that invisible to human sight UFO vehicles were present in London metro at the time of the bombings.

  2. White, electric flash.

     Numerous eye-witnesses reported also, that at the time of explosion a powerful white flash appeared, like from a lightning or from a powerful electric spark. Somehow it happens that I served in sappers and I saw many explosions in my life. So I know that none explosives is able to generate a white flash. Their flash is always yellow.


    After all, the blasting explosives are unable to create the temperature of burning that is required for emitting a white flash. However, in London numerous eye-witnesses described a flash of white light, as if from a powerful electric spark. Means that in fact they saw a ionic flash induced by rapidly departing UFO vehicles, not the flash from the explosion itself.

  3. Perfection in time synchronization of explosions.

    When I was a professor in Cyprus, many of my students originated from Pakistan. So I know quite well how against their nature runs the precise time-synchronization of anything. In fact, it is NOT possible that true human bombers, especially from a kind chosen by UFOnauts for escape goats, could detonate as many as three bombs with accuracy reaching seconds. However, UFOnauts masked as doubles of these people, in fact are able to carry out everything with accuracy reaching seconds.

  4. Evidence which hits our eyes (i.e. too obvious).

    UFOnauts make sure that the "evidence" left by them on the site of crime clearly indicate the guilt of escape goats that they selected earlier. Means, they make sure that personal documents of alleged bombers are left in a short distance from the area of explosion. Here is what was written on the subject of these documents in the article "Anxious mum's call led to bomber son", published on page B1 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Thursday, July 14, 2005, quote:


    • "Police had no need of DNA evidence to identify the bombers, as the men were all carrying personal documents. It is as if they wanted their identities to be known. ..."


    It is worth to notice, that independently from the matter of documents, the above note indicates one more extremely vital information concerning the changing of people into their doubles from UFOs. This is the statement that (as we can imply) an UFOnaut employed in London Police issued an order to NOT compare the DNA found on the site of this atrocity with the DNA which police could found in houses of bombers.


    After all in houses of bombers was present DNA of UFOnauts who were only impostors of people, while on the crime scene actual bodies of true escape goats were present whom in the last moment before the explosions UFOnauts most probably tided to bombs in order to increase the realism of this atrocity. On page 1 of the same issue of this newspaper, another article entitled "Britain shocked at the enemy within" (containing, amongst others, a miniature photograph of one of bombers, 22 years old Shehzad Tanweer) states, quote:


    • "The raids came after the discovery of the names of three bombers on driving licenses and credit cards found at the scenes of the explosions, ..."


    In television reports this information was additionally complemented with even a more exact description. Namely it was revealed, that bombers before the explosion placed their documents on sits of metro at some distance from the bombs, so that they by accident were not destroyed by the blast. At this point it tempts to ask: what kind of bomber "just in case" leaves his personal documents well protected and some distance from the site of explosion.

    UFOnauts intentionally prepared also such "splinters of bombs" that these contained fingerprints of bombers. In addition to this, they filled up homes of families of claimed bombers with piles of explosives and components of bombs.


    (Again one needs to ask: what kind of bombers going to a suicidal mission fills up entire family home with explosives which criminally charge his family. Especially if he belongs to a "pedantic" kind, which is able to synchronize three explosions with accuracy reaching individual seconds.)


    Summarizing the above in one sentence, the evidence from London is too obvious to be true. After all, the true bombers would not make easier the work of detectives whom they consider to be their enemies. Thus the conclusion which stems from the analysis of this evidence, is that in reality it was just a "framing" of human "escape goats" by UFOnauts, and simultaneously a "false lead" prepared intentionally by UFOnauts for the London police forces.

  5. Avoiding of suspicions and illusiveness of bombers.

    Preparation of such refined bombing case by human terrorists would require a huge contribution of conspiracy activities. In order to understand the caliber of this task, let us consider hypothetically for a moment how much problems we would have if we would be forced to acquire explosives of industrial grade used in this bombing, and when we would need to construct from these explosives bombs used in this atrocity.


    At present level of continuous probing and watching of society by police, practically is almost impossible to acquire the required explosives and components without inducing someone's suspicions. In our hypothetical case we would probably be arrested a long time before we would manage to even initiate the practical action. In turn bombers from London managed to carry out all these activities with inducing anyone's suspicions. Even their close ones, means members of closest family and neighbors, were completely surprised with the news about their participation in this bombing.


    On other hand, if one considers that these bombers were in fact only impostors of humans who were send to Earth by UFOnauts, then this mysterious illusiveness and ability to not induce anyone's suspicions become fully understandable. After all, secretive occupational apparatus of UFOnauts has its agents in practically every institution on Earth. These agents know extremely well how to chit a given institution or redirect resources (explosives) which it has. In such a case bombs and the entire evidence were provided to London bombers by their colleagues from UFOs - i.e. professionals in these areas.


    So the only thing that they needed to do was to spread the received recriminating evidence without attracting anyone's attention to themselves. They accomplished this with a great success. Thus the fact that bombers discussed here managed to prepare so complex atrocity without inducing anyone's attention or suspicion is another vital evidence for the fact that they could NOT be humans, but actually were UFOnauts.

  6. Behavior of bombers that was contradictive to seriousness of their situation.

    Assume for a while, that this is you who is on the way to a suicidal mission, about which you would know for sure that you are not going to return alive from it. Determine in what mood you would be then and how you would behave. In the article [6] "The British-born bombers" published on page B1 of a New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Friday, July 15, 2005, the mood of suicidal London bombers in their way to the sites of their bombings is described with following words, quote:


    • "Closed-circuit television caught the friends laughing and chatting like hikers setting out on a jaunt before they fanned out to different bus or train lines, each lugging a sophisticated 4.5-kilogram bomb in his knapsack. Identification cards for three of them were found in two Tube carriages and a bus destroyed in the attacks."


    If these bombers were people in fact going towards their own deaths, their mood for sure would NOT be for laughing and chatting. But if they were UFOnauts who carried out their murderous tasks another time in their lives, and knew for sure that they themselves are NOT in any danger, than joking and laughter would be just a normal thing.


    After all, German officers from Hitler's death camps also used to laugh hilariously when they went "to work" in order to murder another crowds of prisoners.

  7. Coincidence of anatomy of bombers with already known relatively well anatomy of UFOnauts.

    On a separate web page, a typical anatomy of UFOnauts is described in details. In turn, starting from 13 July 2005, in television and in a large number of newspapers photographs of London metro bombers were published. (However, interestingly New Zealand newspapers published only miniature photographs of these bombers, from which was almost impossible to see their anatomic details. Fortunately for this research, the details I could find from large photographs shown in television.)


    As it turned out, photographs of all four "suicidal Islamic bombers" from the London metro, documented the presence of many anatomic details, about which it is already well know that these are unique to the anatomy of UFOnauts.


    If someone just looks at one of such photographs (in New Zealand a miniature photo of one of bombers was published, amongst others, on the first page of newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Thursday, July 14, 2005), then I advice to take notice of the triangular pupils in eyes, and also of the pear-shaped head which raises upwards in the occipital vicinity (i.e. has a shape of skull very similar to the widely publicized in television shape of the scull of Egyptian faro "Tutankhamen" - who most probably was also an UFOnaut).

  8. Multitude of evidence which proves that UFOnauts use human doubles ("changelings").

    For example, UFO literature indicates a whole range of specific examples when such doubles were used by UFOnauts - e.g. see the book [1T1] indicated previously. Furthermore, exactly the same use of doubles is indicated by human folklore. For example, in Ireland there is a rich mythology concerning the so-celled "changelings". These "changelings" were actually cosmic doubles, which were changed by UFOnauts for selected humans. They were so similar to their human originals, that even their parents, nor the closest family members, were able to distinguish them from people whom they replaced on Earth. (Of course, in this old Ireland mythology, evil UFOnauts were named with a different names than presently.)

  9. Coincidence of the political meaning of situation created by this barbaric bombing with political goals of UFOnauts.

    The attack of UFOnauts on London serves perfectly to the long-term strategic goal of UFOnauts on Earth. After all, presently - means after the disintegration of the communistic block and after the disappearance of the "cold war", UFOnauts use all their powers to steer up a religious world's war between Christians and Muslims. UFOnauts are very kin on possibly soonest instigating this war, because humanity slowly begins to wake up from the previous mesmerizing by UFOnauts and begins to see through.

Therefore UFOnauts so selected the "escape goats" and all circumstances of the bombing discussed here, that in a possibly most perfect manner they serve to this long-term strategic goal of theirs. As we can see it from the present development of situation, the attack on London perfectly serves to this goal. After all, it initiated various further hostilities between believes of both these religions, and also emphasized the previous feelings of mutual grudge.


The attack on the London's metro completely fulfilled the UFOnauts expectations. It widened the gap between Christians and Muslims, and also induced a lot of religious hatred. For example, almost immediately after this attack, almost in the entire world a wave of vandalism of Muslim mosques was spreading. Only in New Zealand vandalized were mosques in several cities (e.g. Auckland and Christchurch).


About these vandalisms is writing, amongst others, the article "Backlash hits NZ mosques" from page 1 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Monday, July 11, 2005. A similar vandalism took also place in Australia, England, USA, and several other countries. So UFOnauts could be pleased - with this attack they truly accomplished what they intended. An interesting details which I noticed on the occasion of these vandalisms, was that the majority of vandalized mosques in fact were guarded at the time when the vandalism took place.


So how, in spite of this guarding, vandals managed to cause the damage without being caught. Of course, this immediately induces the questions: what kind of "vandals" was carrying out this destruction, that the guards who watched mosques could NOT catch them, and sometimes even not notice their existence. (I.e. were these vandals actually UFOnauts themselves, hiding from people behind their "state of telekinetic flickering"?)

Information about the attack of UFOnauts on the London metro, presented above, are also described in the so-called "blog of totalizm" (bit available only in the Polish language). This blog can be found under the following Internet address: "totalizm.blox.pl/html". Because of the continuous sabotages carried out by UFOnauts, this blog has also two mirror copies. The copies are available under following addresses: totalizm.republika.pl, and energia.sl.pl/news. Unfortunately, the continuous problem both, with this blog and also with mirror copies of it, is that they are viciously attacked and sabotaged by UFOnauts. Therefore sometimes they cannot be opened for viewing. Also continually they are attacked with verbal abuse on various other internet blogs and discussion lists controlled by UFOnauts. However, it is still worth to have a look at them - if someone is able to read and understand Polish.

At this point it is also worth to emphasize, that the sole fact that the blog devoted to the topic discussed here is so intensely sabotaged, while matters discussed in it are so viciously attacked in Internet, should give a signal to thinking people, that it must tell the truth. After all, apart from UFOnauts which occupy Earth, no-one else is interested in so vicious and so vigorous denying the truth about this occupation.

The above evidence should be complemented with the information, that according to opinions of many experts, there is a multi-level similarity between bombing of the train in Madrid, Spain, on 11 March 2004, and bombing of metro in London on 7 July 2005. Because metro in London was conclusively bombed by UFOnauts in the manner described here, this means that also the train in Madrid was bombed by UFOnauts in exactly the same manner.


For this reason, below on this web page I provided also a separate item devoted to the bombing of the train in Madrid by UFOnauts.

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