Part III
22 March 2002

Kingpins In The Unholy Alliance

Evangelists & Politicians

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder, leader & self-proclaimed ’Messiah’ to the Unification Church & the world.
  • Tim LaHaye, evangelist & Christian author of best-selling series "Left Behind."
  • Beverly LaHaye, wife of Tim LaHaye, author and spokesperson for several Moon funded "Christian" orgs
  • Paul Crouch, Founder and Chairman of Trinity Broadcasting Network, one of the largest tele-evangelical corporations
    Bill Bright, Founder and head of the international evangelical association, ’Campus Crusades for Christ’
    Robert Schuller, Pastor and Tele-evangelist from the famous ’Crystal Cathedral’ in Southern California.
    Rev. Billy Graham, recognized world-wide as one of the most influential evangelical preachers; author and syndicated religious columnist
    Pat Robertson, Television Evangelist, Founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network & 700 Club anchor; founder of Operation Blessing; one time presidential candidate
    Rev. James Kennedy, founder & pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries, outspoken television evangelist
    Rev. James Robison, TV evangelist; Life Outreach International Ministries; associated with many Moon organizations
    Ralph Reed, former director of the Christian Coalition and member of the conservative think-tank "Heritage Foundation"
    Gary Bauer, Conservative politician and Executive Director of the Christian Coalition; unsuccessful Presidential candidate.
    Dr. James Dobson, Pediatrician, author and publisher, head of Focus On The Family, a Christ-centric organization and magazine
    Phyllis Schlafly, Christian political activist who says a woman’s place is in the home... even though she’s not
    Jay Sekulow, Christian political activist and attorney involved in family values issues from abortion to parents rights

    Untangling the Web of Deceit


    Part 3 of this series concerning the unholy alliance between the nation’s leading evangelical Christian leaders, the Rev. Moon and the NWO will set about showing the sinister backgrounds of the U.S. intelligence personnel involved with these ’men of God’, and untangle the web of deceit they have woven.

    Through their many organizations, and deceitful methods of duping right-wing patriots and predominantly fundamentalist Christians, they have managed for 2 decades to work steadily toward bringing the world under their subjection with little suspicion, and with the aid of much patriotic support. They have made "Wag the Dog" look like a romp in the sand box with amateurs.

    We will look further into the bios of a few key men who are at the center of the debacle, and by adding to it a brief bio of just a few of their organizations, study their involvement in Nicaragua and the bringing down of that government; putting in its place a government that would play their game. This has been done throughout Central America and indeed throughout the world.

    The following is a cross reference of the men who dominate the various "Christian" evangelical associations and organizations.

    We will begin with the political and intelligence community. Included with each name is a short Bio and the list of Organizations to which the individual belongs.

    Sen. Jesse Helms
    Endorses the Moon owned Washington Times, closely associated with the CIA, and a member of the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) (4). Member of Tim LaHaye’s CNP Board of Governors, Member of the Religious Roundtable, also chaired by LaHaye and several other leading evangelicals. Sen. Helms was also an attendee of several of Rev. Moon’s World Anti-Communist League (WACL) conventions; Member of Moon funded ’Heritage Foundation’, and American Conservative Union.

    Lt. General Daniel Graham
    Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Deputy Director CIA, Military advisor to President Reagan, was with the American Security Council and publicly endorses the Moon owned Washington Times. Also a member of the Moon organization World Anti-Communist League, and board of Directors for Rev. Moon’s CAUSA. He founded the U.S. Council of World Freedom, which is a breeding ground for the leadership of Moon’s World Anti-Communist League.(4) He was Also associated with the group "Western Goals," a domestic intelligence gathering organization, which was also associated with Ollie North and the Iran/Contra debacle.(8) Graham is a member of the American Freedom Coalition, which was also a Moon Funded group with many evangelicals such as Don Sills and Tim LaHaye. General Graham was Vice Chairman for the U.S. Council for World Freedom, which also is closely related to Moon’s CAUSA. A member of the Council of 56, Religious Roundtable, and Board Member to Tim LaHaye’s Council of National Policy.(4,5)

    Allan Gottlieb
    Board Member of Moon’s front group, the American Freedom Coalition. In 1983 the Moon group CAUSA, founded by Bo Hi Pak, former Korean CIA and liaison to the American CIA, and Moon’s #1 man, granted Gottleib an all expense paid trip to Jamaica for a CAUSA conference, and he was thereafter associated with CAUSA. Gottlieb was also with the American Conservative Union, and was a CNP Member, and LaHaye/evangelical crony.

    J. Peter Grace
    Council for Foreign Relations (a breeding ground for the Bilderbergers, actively seeking to bring in the NWO), Knights of Malta (8), and worked with the CIA to remove classified info concerning former Nazi scientists so that they could immigrate into the U.S., in order to carry on their work (including mind control projects) in the United States. He is listed as a past board member of AmeriCares, a U.S. intelligence filled and evangelical associated group that flew many times into Central America when North was smuggling guns and drugs in and out of Nicaragua and Honduras, it has been alleged that AmeriCares was just one of the air services involved (9, 10, 11, 12). It is also alleged that Pat Robertson’s "Operation Blessing" flew at times into Central America in association with Graces’ AmeriCares (13). Grace, as well as many others listed here, were associated with the group "Western Goals", which among other things, gathered intelligence against U.S. citizens and was instrumental to the CIA (4, 7, 8). Grace is also listed as being with Tim LaHaye’s CNP (5)

    Howard Ahmanson Jr.
    (CNP Board of Governors) Contributed to the Council for Foreign Relations according to their 1990-1993 reports. The Ahmanson foundation has also contributed large funds to Campus Crusade for Christ.

    Thomas R. Anderson
    (CNP Board of Governors) Also sits on the board of the Moon front Family Research Council.

    Rep John Ashbrook
    U.S. Attorney General and former Representative, Ashbrook was on the Advisory Board of the Western Goals (U.S. domestic intelligence gathering group), Also a member of Moon’s front group "Christian Voice", founded by Bo Hi Pak. He was a member of the American Conservative Union and CNP Board of Governors.

    George Gilder
    (CNP Board of Governors) Program director for Rockefeller funded Manhattan Institute, friend of David Rockefeller, and a member of the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR).

    Max Hugel
    (CNP Member) Former special assistant CIA Deputy Director for Administration, and Deputy Director for Operations.

    Maj General Curry
    Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship and served on CBNs Board of Regents

    Jack Kemp
    U.S. Rep, Co Director of Empower American, whose board is dominated by the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR). Associated with the Heritage Foundation, which was also chaired by LaHaye and other evangelicals. Kemp was with the International fellowship of Christians and Jews, The Council of 56 Religious Roundtable, and LaHaye’s CNP.

    Gen Richard Stillwell
    Associated with AmeriCares, Chief of Far East Office of Policy Coordination, And was the head of Pentagon Intelligence during Reagan’s Administration. Served as undersecretary of Defense for policy, helped to form the Intelligence Support Activity, which was a top secret army espionage unit that operated in El Salvador when that government was toppled and restructured. He was the CIA’s contact man in the office of Secretary of Defense. Gen Stillwell formed a group of retired military personnel called the "Gray Eagles", whose intent was to train third world armies.

    Alan Keyes
    (CNP Member) Former Ambassador to the United Nations. He was also part of Reagan’s National Security Team which was dominated by high level Council for Foreign Relations men (CFR).

    Edwin Meese
    Former Attorney General, former Chief of Staff for the Reagan Administration. Meese was associated with the Heritage Foundation as a trustee, and Pat Robertson’s CBN, and has also served on Tim Lahaye’s Council for National Policy (CNP) Executive Committee and as CNP President.

    Oliver North
    This man was the Jack of all Trades, and a go between for many men and organizations. He was associated, through Maj. Gen. Richard Secord, to the Air Commando Association, which was also involved in Honduras and Nicaragua, as well as AmeriCares. North was associated with operation Phoenix, which was an assassination group operating widely in the 1970s, and it was responsible for the death of thousands of Vietnamese civilians. He was associated with Western Goals, and Moon’s heritage foundation. North has been associated with several of Moon’s organizations, such as CAUSA, CERT, The Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, and other branches of Moon’s Unification Church. He has been actively involved with Beverly LaHaye’s Concerned Women of America, Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network, Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, and was a member of Tim LaHaye’s Council for National Policy.

    Jeane Kirkpatrick
    U.S. Diplomatic Rep. to the United Nations. Kirkpatrick was a chairman for Moon’s Nicaraguan Freedom Fund. She has been a director of the Council for Foreign Relations, (a force pushing the world into its New Order, many of which are Bilderbergers), and has been an honored speaker for Lahaye’s CNP.

    William Simon
    Member of the Knights of Malta, Secretary of Treasury under President Nixon, and Chairman of Rev. Moon’s Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF). Simon was international business counselor for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and connected with Moon’s Heritage Foundation, and the American Enterprise Institute. Simon was a board member of AmeriCares, and also in Lahaye’s Council of National Policy.

    Robert Warren
    U.S. Naval Counterinsurgency expert, head of CBN’s Operation Blessing while they were running flights into Nicaragua and Honduras.


    Zbigniew Brzezinski
    President Carters National Security Adviser, and oversaw U.S. Covert ops in Afghanistan. He was also honorary Chairman of Americares, which was also associated in their work with Pat Robertson’s Operation Blessing, and Moon’s NFF.

    Maj. General John K. Singlaub
    Formerly of the OSS (forerunner of the CIA), Former Deputy Chief CIA in Korea (Moon’s homeland), and also at the Chinese desk of the CIA(2), Head of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force (1), and was with the American Security council. Singlaub denies association with Operation Phoenix, though his Task Force was in charge of it. Operation Phoenix was an assassination organization that was responsible for the death of many thousands of Vietnamese civilians.(1), Chief of Staff of the U.N. Command in Korea, forced to retire under Jimmy Carter.(1) He founded the U.S. Council of World Freedom, which is very tightly associated with Rev. Moon’s World Anti-Communist League. His Council has been a breeding ground for Moon’s WACL organization.(1)


    He met repeatedly with William Casey of the CIA, Elliot Abrams of the State Department, and Oliver North of the NSC between 1980 and 1986, all of which were involved in the "drugs for guns" debacle in Honduras and Nicaragua.(4) He was head of the USCWF, Chairman of Moon’s WACL (World Anti-Communist League), Refugee Relief International, board member of Tim Lahaye’s Council of National Policy (Singlaub raised at least $100,000 for Moon’s WACL from Tim Lahaye’s CNP group during just 1 fundraiser (3). Singlaub has been with Western Goals (a group dedicated to surveillance of American "subversives"), and the British arm of Western Goals (4).

    In an interview for CBSs’ "60 Minutes" Mike Wallace asked him,

    "Singlaub has become Ronald Reagan’s secret weapon to sidestep a congress that will not permit him to act in the areas where he believes that our (national) security interests are at stake.True?"


    Singlaub responded "True"(14).

    His association with these groups were to effect the toppling and restructuring of governments. He did this largely through LaHaye’s CNP and the Council of 56 Religious Roundtable. He has admitted that the Defense Department organized the private aid (1), which largely included Moon’s NFF, WACL, Heritage Foundation, And Tim LaHaye’s CNP and The Religious Roundtable.

    The following are a few short bios of the evangelicals sitting on these same various boards, and councils, with a list of the various councils to whom they belong.

    Tim LaHaye
    Co-author of the Left Behind book series, which depicts a person as being saved even after receiving the mark of the beast. Thinking this to be a fluke, in a conversation with his co-author Jerry Jenkins at the official left behind website in their message board section, we were told their position is that it will be ok to receive the mark of the beast as long as the recipient of the mark is not a worshiper of the beast. These men are influencing millions, and now no doubt countless thousands are embracing this doctrine as scripturally sound. Are they preparing the church to receive the mark of the beast? It would certainly seem so. I have asked Tim LaHaye several questions recently concerning his relationship with the Rev. Moon and the intelligence community. At first he denied sitting on any board with men associated with the Rev Moon, but when faced with evidence showing this to be untrue he now remains silent.

    LaHaye is a central figure in marrying evangelical churches with the Rev. Moon and the intelligence community.

    He was a principal in the American Freedom coalition, which was a Moon sponsored group, and claimed by Moon as an arm of his network. He was also associated with the Coalition on Revival, and the Heritage foundation, both of which were also Moon sponsored. After this association was made public, he resigned from the AFC, (though his name was not removed when he resigned), and tried to distance himself from Moon in the public eye. He was also a principal in the Coalition of Religious Freedom, where he spoke out for Moon during Moon’s incarceration for tax fraud, asking hundreds of evangelicals to go to prison to support Moon if allowed by authorities. He was also on the original board of directors of Falwell’s Moral Majority, which was also tied through its members to the intelligence community, and Ren Moon’s Unification Church.


    LaHaye also founded the American Coalition of Traditional Values, which was touted as a Christian organization, but was extra-ripe with Moon organization board members, and the intelligence community. He then went on to found what was his hallmark organization, The Council for National Policy. This was an infamous moment for LaHaye as the most powerful intelligence and National Security community members were melded with the church, and it was literally filled with evangelical leaders who sit in organizations sponsored and founded by Moon. This Council went on for the next 2 decades to both work affecting national policy as well as movements within the protestant denominations, affecting nearly every evangelical church directly or indirectly.


    This coalition has even been involved with Oliver North, who was a member of CNP, and his CIA sponsored Central American mission of covertly toppling governments and then restructuring them (3). LaHaye has also been with the Council of 56 Religious Roundtable, which is another cover organization grouping together Moon’s representatives and the U.S. intelligence community. LaHaye is, at my last finding, also a member of the National Religious Broadcasters which is filled with evangelical leaders tied in with Moon and U.S intelligence.

    Ron Godwin
    Former Vice President of Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority, Sr. Vice President of the Moon owned Washington Times and honored member of LaHaye’s CNP.

    Robert Grant
    Founder of "Christian Voice", and the American Freedom Coalition, both of which are Moon sponsored orgs. Graduate of the Fuller Theological Seminary and member of the Religious Roundtable. Grant’s "Christian Voice", sponsored by Moon’s Bo Hi Pak, "formerly" CIA, claims to be the nations largest Christian lobby, and according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, merged with Moon in 1987. He was also associated with the Heritage foundation, a supporter of Rev. Moon’s Unification Church, and a member of the Board of Governors for Tim Lahaye’s CNP (15).

    Jerry Falwell
    Falwell admits that he accepted 2.5 million dollars from Moon in 1994 in order to bail out his Liberty University in Richmond, Virginia. The Women’s Federation for World Peace paid 3.5 million to the Christian Heritage Foundation, which in turn bought Falwell’s $73 million debt, and then wrote it off. Falwell has spoken at many of Moon’s functions, embracing the cult-leader with unabashed reverence and friendship, calling him,

    "An unsung hero to the cause of freedom, who is to be commended for his determination and courage and endurance in support of his beliefs." (16)

    Falwell took over Jim Bakker’s "Heritage USA" Christian theme-park/retirement community/tourist extravaganza when Bakker was indicted and incarcerated. He was with the Moon associated Coalition for Religious Freedom, and the Leader of the Moral Majority, which held high level Moon associates. Falwell was also a board member of the Council of 56 Religious Roundtable, and also a member of Tim Lahaye’s CNP.

    Paul Crouch
    President of Trinity Broadcasting Network. Paul Crouch has been often ridiculed for some of the doctrine he allows on TBN. He promotes Benny Hinn, who has been caught in countless false prophecies, even exclaiming that Jesus will appear physically on stage at one of his crusades. Crouch promotes Kenneth Copeland who has publicly stated on TBN that God is the biggest failure in the universe

    ("I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is....The biggest one in the whole bible is God....I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the Fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least--that’s a big loss, man."

    Kenneth Copeland, Praise-a-Thon program on TBN [April 1988] "Christianity in Crisis"---Hank Hanegraff, Harvest House, 1993).

    When many have spoken out about these affronts to scripture and the church, Crouch expressed his wishes they be damned to Hell for causing division, and broadcasted it worldwide.

    After it became public knowledge that Rev. Moon was sponsoring the American Freedom Coalition, Paul Crouch joined up, along with Rex Humbard and Hal Lindsey, giving Moon even more respectability among evangelical ministers. Jim Bakker helped Crouch to start his TBN empire (17). Crouch is a member of the Council of 56, Religious Roundtable, which again is loaded with Moon representatives, and U.S. intelligence personnel, and he is a member of the National Religious Broadcasters, also loaded with Moon cronies.

    Gary Bauer
    A Baptist evangelical, Bauer has also been a presidential candidate. He has served with the Family Research Council with Alan Keyes, and served with Falwell, Jack Kemp, and Ralph Reed in the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. In 1987 when the Religious Roundtable sponsored a rally in support of Oliver North during his troubles for trading guns and drugs, Ralph Reed was the featured speaker.

    Pat Robertson
    Pat gave Jim Bakker his start in the early days of CBN. Joseph Coors has been a financier of CBN, giving very large sums of money. He has been a part of Falwell’s Moral Majority, he is a member of the Religious Roundtable, and a principal of Tim LaHaye’s CNP. He claims to be a good friend of Oliver North and has helped raise funds for the NFF which was Moon sponsored to help Ollie in Nicaragua. Operation Blessing helped AmeriCares in Central America, and there is evidence that they shipped more than "relief goods", and was actually a cover for CIA activity. (This will be discussed somewhat in the next section of this article, and in depth in part 4.)

    All very colorful men indeed, and not the sort to waste their time playing tiddly-winks to pass the time away. We can know of a surety that men of this caliber indeed have an agenda for every activity or group they involve themselves in. What is their agenda? A quick look at some of the activities in the groups they are involved with and the way they have spun their web, may shed much light to show us that, without a doubt, they have been for decades shaping the world to suit them. They are indeed bringing in the NWO from their powerful positions in the worlds most powerful nation, Mystery Babylon, and with the most powerful of the leaders of the Laodicean** church.


    The Most Powerful Covert Operations In The World

    The following is a downplayed exposé on organizations involving Moon, evangelical leaders and the U.S. Intelligence community. Many parts are ver vatim from Group Watch at (A link to the over 100 sources in this article can be found at the end of the article.)

    Air Commando Association Members of the ACA have included the following retired military special forces personnel:

    • Major General John Singlaub

    • MajorGeneral Sam Wilson

    • Lt. General Manor

    • Major General Jim Ahmann

    • William Keeler

    • Major General Richard Secord

    Most members of the ACA were involved in covert operations in Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam, including Aderholt who served as Chief of Covert Air operations in Southeast Asia under General John Singlaub. (1, 2)

    Funding for the ACA comes primarily from member donations.(3) The supplies and equipment the group delivers are donated by other organizations such as World Medical Relief and Operation Blessing of the Christian Broadcasting Network. (4)

    In 1984 the ACA began to deliver supplies in El Salvador. Irene Auberlin, the founder and chairman of World Medical Relief (WMR), pledged $20 million of WMR supplies for ACA’s relief work in El Salvador. (1) According to author Russ Bellant, over the past 30 years WMR has provided over $100 million in supplies to CIA-directed counter-insurgency programs. (5)

    • The Michigan Air Guard packed up supplies, the Air Force provided storage facilities and

    • Special Operations Air Force personnel helped transport several tons of supplies to Guatemala for ACA. (1)

    • The U.S. embassy in Guatemala provided ACA with a postal box, and according to one ACA member, "watched over" the group. (4)

    • The operations of the ACA and other paramilitary groups operating in Central America reportedly coordinated their efforts through Oliver North on the National Security Council.(6)


    AmeriCares Foundation

    • Robert McCauley (founder, chair)

    • Zbigniew Brzezinski (honorary chair)

    • Peter L. Keating (exec vice pres)

    • Bert Schwarz (vice pres)

    • William S. Post (comptroller)

    • Leila McCauley (sec)

    • Advisory Committee:

      • J. Peter Grace (chair; chair, W.R. Grace & Co.),

      • Louis F. Bantle (chair UST),

      • Prescott S. Bush, Jr. (Prescott Bush & Co. Inc, brother to Vice President George Bush),

      • Sol M.Linowitz (Coudert Brothers),

      • William E. Simon (Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon),

      • Gen. Richard G. Stilwell (USA ret.).(1)

    AmeriCares is a high profile organization. Often a prominent political figure in the 1980s, frequently a member of the Bush family, was on board to deliver the shipment, and the U.S. ambassador to the recipient nation was at the airport to receive the delivery. (2) Of course Bush Sr. was a leader of the Council for Foreign Relations, working toward bringing in the NWO under the guise of a mild mannered Christian. He was also the ex-director of the CIA, and who better to trust than his family to oversee his and their agenda? The activities of AmeriCares appear to echo U.S. foreign policy, so much so that investigative reporter Russ Baker wrote that,

    "AmeriCares resembles a private foreign-policy operation of the U.S. government."(2)

    The organization received significant contributions from the Moon founded Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF) during its brief existence. Hal Eberle, a board member of the NFF, was quoted in the New York Times as saying the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund contributed $300,000 to Americares. (3, 4) The Nicaraguan Freedom Fund’s 990 tax return shows the contribution to AmeriCares to be $165,648.

    In l985 and l986, AmeriCares shipped more than $l00,000 worth of "newsprint" to the opposition daily, La Prensa, in Managua, Nicaragua. This included delivery of 200 tons of newsprint to the newspaper in l986. (5, 6) Of course we can see the need to send a member of the Bush family, and involve the U.S. Diplomat delivering such volatile material as "newsprint". It is no wonder that this was seen as a national security matter.

    The Knights of Malta handled the local arrangements in Nicaragua. (7) It’s l985 tax return indicated that AmeriCares delivered $73,136 worth of food and medical supplies to La Prensa, but Jim Schaffer, a former official in the organization, says that only newsprint was sent. (6) An attempted shipment of another 15 tons of "newsprint" from AmeriCares to La Prensa in April l988 was blocked by the Sandinista government which accused AmeriCares of being a CIA front and part of the secret network of private groups used by Lt. Col. Oliver North to deliver aid to the Contras. (5) The Sandinista claim they received corroboration from the organization’s own tax records which indicate that AmeriCares is financially linked to a number of other individuals and organizations that supplied the Contras or were working with the CIA in Central America. (6)


    Christian Broadcasting Network

    CBN University: Pat Robertson, chancellor; Board of Regents in 1986 included: Mrs. Joseph (Holly) Coors, Major General Curry, and Mrs. Roger W. (Dee) Jepsen; Board of Trustees in 1986 included Joseph Coors. (1, 2, 3) Daniel Olson is the Manager of international marketing and mission. (4) Michael Little is a CBN vice president. Robert Warren, a retired U.S. Navy counterinsurgency expert, is head of Operation Blessing. (5) The Coors Foundation was an early supporter of CBN, giving $30,000 in support of CBN University. (6)

    Robertson, according to investigative reporter Sara Diamond, used his tax-exempt broadcast license to hold a fundraising telethon in the United States for the Guatemalan military and the Nicaraguan Contras. (7) On The 700 Club, Robertson has interviewed:

    • Adolfo Calero and Steadman Fagoth, contra leaders

    • Efrain Rios Montt, then-president of Guatemala known for massive human rights abuses

    • Jeremias Chitunda, an Angolan guerrilla leader

    • Ray Cline, former CIA deputy director of intelligence

    Robertson praised death squad leader Roberto D’Aubuisson, of the ARENA party, as a "very nice fellow". (8)

    While Robertson was campaigning for President, his wife Dede said,

    "He is not a television evangelist. He has never been an evangelist. He is a television broadcaster. He has a law degree. He’s a businessman. He has a multi-million dollar business that he started with $70." (9)

    This seems to be true in light of the fact that his "Family Chapel" was built with the money sent in from supporters of the gospel, and then sold for 250 million dollars, which of course was never sent back to the supporters of CBN.

    CBN is spearheaded a grassroots movement called Christian Coalition; "a house united". Headquartered at CBN offices in Virginia, the coalition includes Christian stalwarts such as Beverly LaHaye, Rev. D. James Kennedy, both of whom are associated with Moon through his organizations, and organizations filled with his associates, as well as the U.S. intelligence community. (10)

    In May 1985, CBN/Operation Blessing announced a $20 million relief campaign to send "humanitarian" supplies--food and medicine--to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. This joint CBN and AmeriCares effort brought supplies "of a strictly humanitarian nature" to refugees and displaced people. AmeriCares gathered the contributions of medicines, pharmaceutical supplies, and nutritional supplements, and CBN provided $2 million cash for shipping and handling. [Quotes in original AP story]. (11, 12)

    Several tons of the AmeriCares/CBN supplies were also transported to Guatemala and the Honduran Mosquitia region on U.S. Navy ships in the Navy’s humanitarian aid program called "Operation Handclasp." (13) Some of the aid was to be distributed through Operation Blessing units in Central America, and also by Knights of Malta. While en route to Honduras in a C-130 full of medical supplies, Robertson told a reporter in Miami that "some [of this aid] may get to the Contras." (11)

    According to Hap Lutz, Air Commando Association (ACA) vice president, Operation Blessing gave about $2 million to the ACA. (14)

    The U.S. operation of CBN was considered one of the top private funders of the Nicaraguan contras. (11, 15) As of 1987 Robertson reported that Operation Blessing had sent more than $3 million in aid to the Nicaraguan refugees. (16) CBN gave the $3 million to the contra’s Houston-based Nicaraguan Patriotic Association, according to Juan Sacasas, Vice President of the group and representative of the FDN contra force. (13, 14) Robertson denies any connection with Sacasas. (14, 17) However, there is little question that the Operation Blessing donations reached the contra forces. Robertson was so popular among them that one group named itself the "Pat Robertson Brigade." (16)


    In May, 1984, Pat Robertson solicited U.S. viewers’ contributions for the "freedom fighters" through a special telethon on The 700Club and simulated mailgrams. (15) An undetermined amount of CBN aid was delivered to Miskito Indians on the Honduras-Nicaragua border by AmeriCares/Knights of Malta and the Friends of the Americas (FOA). (14, 13)


    Louisiana State Representative Louis "Woody" Jenkins (Chairman of FOA) told The New York Times that "some of the aid...would go to the refugees and some to the rebels." (18) Jenkins said in 1985, "I’m all for the freedom fighters. I want the Sandinistas kicked out of Nicaragua. That’s one of the main motivations of my work." (13) At a National Religious Broadcasters dinner, Jenkins told the audience, "One of the few groups helping [the refugees through Friends of the Americas] is Pat Robertson and CBN." Addressing Robertson seated at the head table, Jenkins said, "Thank you." (13) Diane Jenkins, the representative’s wife and Executive Director of FOA, has solicited funds on The 700 Club for the FOA’s work on the Nicaraguan border. (19)

    Robertson visited contra training camps in Honduras in June 1985, where he met with top leaders of the FDN and was saluted as a guest of honor. (20) When allegations of contra-CBN connections arose in the United States, CBN gave a statement to WCFC-TV, which airs The 700 Club in Chicago, saying in part:

    "CBN is helping starving and displaced persons in 15 countries, including some in Central America. The help is absolutely non-political. Articles claiming support by CBN of the Contras in Nicaragua are incorrect", despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary. (2)

    At a political fund-raiser in Chicago, Pat Robertson was asked about CBN’s support for the Contras. He refused to answer directly, but said,

    "The fact is that the communists make people suffer. If that makes it [Operation Blessing] political, then, I’m sorry, we’re still going to help them." (17)

    A refugee worker said that in 1985, a CBN film team came to a World Relief refugee camp asking for gasoline.

    "I told them I would give them the fuel, but not if their vehicle belonged to the Contras. They said it didn’t. But when they came back a few days later, they admitted they had lied. The jeep belonged to Misura [contra forces]. CBN went down to do a story on freedom fighters. They weren’t interested in refugees."(13)

    In April 1989 Pat Robertson visited Managua to open the Nicaraguan chapter of CBN’s 700 Club. Robertson’s first stop was the U.S. embassy.

    Joseph Coors, (Coors Brewing Co.) wrote to Al Weinrub in the Labor Report on Central America,

    "has used the power of the Coors financial dynasty not only to provide support to the Contras, but to set a right wing political agenda in the U.S...." (21)

    Coors who serves on the CBN University board of Trustees, is a funder and co-founder along with Paul Weyrich of the Heritage Foundation, which again is a Moon funded organization, filled with Moon representatives and U.S. intelligence.

    Coors supported Lt. Gen. John Singlaub’s U.S. Council for World Freedom (USCWF), a Moon associated organization, the U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), a Moon founded organization. USCWF and the Nicaraguan Refugee Fund (another Coor’s cause) helped fund the Nicaraguan Contras. (22) He was on the advisory council of the National Strategy Information Center, a rightwing think tank for military strategy, and a member of the secretive Council for National Policy, founded by Tim LaHaye. His wife Holly was on the CBN University Board of Regents.

    CBN is a member of The Religious Roundtable, a coalition of business, military, political, and religious leaders working together to bring Biblical principles into public policy.(3)


    Heritage Foundation

    A Moon funded group through Bo Hi Pak. Principals have included William Simon, Joseph Coors, and trustees have included Former Atty. Gen. Ed Meese. Both Jack Kemp and Tim LaHaye have also been part of this group.

    The New York Times in a November 17, 1985 article called it an "aggressively conservative" organization that has achieved success through a blend of political advocacy, public relations and job placement services. (1) Alan Crawford in Thunderon the Right said of Heritage,

    "It is unusual for a research institution to have a ’staff ideology’... [The] founder’s real interest...appears to be less with balanced public policy research and more with the provision of support for New Right opinions."

    Or NWO, Moon, Evangelical, U.S. Intelligence opinion. (2) Its analysts study a wide range of military, foreign policy, economic, and domestic issues and produce position papers that have reached the top echelons of government, especially in the Reagan Administration. The New Republic said that the Heritage Foundation was "the most important think-tank in the nation’s capital." (1)

    Although the Heritage Foundation has offices only in the U.S., it produces policy papers that have had tremendous impact on Washington’s policies and actions in Central America, the Philippines, Africa and Asia. The foundation’s policy and position papers reach a wide international market.

    The foundation received $2.2 million from the Federation of Korean Industries in the early 1980s. Initially it was believed this donation came from the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (which would make the Heritage Foundation a foreign agent of Korea, also remember that Bo Hi Pak was Korean CIA and liaison to American CIA, which makes it an agent of the intelligence community), but the Federation later stated that the donation came at the encouragement of the KCIA. (3)

    In addition to generating numerous conservative policy suggestions, Heritage Foundation is a very successful public-relations operation. Heritage’s senior vice president Burton Yale Pines was a former associate editor of Time magazine and a former journalist. In addition to its own numerous publications, Heritage articles appear frequently in The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Newsweek, and are aired on national television news. (4) Considering Moon owns the Washington Times, and UPI, this pretty much ties up the media to put forth his propaganda and that of the intelligence community which are ties in with the evangelical groups.

    Ed Meese was quoted as saying that "the Reagan Administration will rely heavily on the Heritage Foundation." (5) The Heritage foundation called for a $35 billion increase in defense spending, using food aid as a foreign policy weapon, during the Reagan Administration.

    Another Heritage Foundation suggestion implemented by the Reagan administration was an unprecedented build-up of the Pentagon’s Special Operations Forces (SOF). SOF specialize in the covert operations of Low Intensity Conflict warfare.

    Funding for SOF tripled between 1981 and 1986. (6)

    Mandate for Leadership II set the tone for Reagan’s second term. In keeping with the mission statement of the foundation, it recommended privatization of social security, the federal highway system, Amtrak, and the postal service; elimination of special educational funding for the handicapped (because it drained funding from "normal students" and deregulation of trucking and other regulated industries. (7) It also recommended the government use "low-intensity" warfare to eliminate communist threats in nine nations around the globe. (8) As you can see from that time to now, this has been pursued to the letter, meaning Moon and the intelligence community, have influenced our national policy, and with the help of major evangelists, are sinking us ever deeper into their world order.

    Mandate for Leadership III, the right’s agenda for the 1990s which focused on management of the federal bureaucracy, was given to the George Bush Sr. Administration. (9)

    Heritage representatives attended meetings of the militaristic, rightwing American Security Council’s Tuesday Group. Other attendees included Lt. Col. Oliver North, then a top aide on the National Security Council (NSC), and representatives from the Pentagon, State Department, Lynn Bouchey of the Council for Inter-American Security, former ambassador to Costa Rica Curtin Winsor, Jr, and Constantine Menges, former head of Latin American affairs at the NSC. (10) Heritage has further connections to the American Security Council (ASC), through Roger Pearson. (10)

    Heritage Foundation was responsible for "U.S. Policy and the Marxist Threat to Central America," by ex-CIA officer Cleto Di Giovanni, which provided the Reagan Administration with its blueprint for U.S. Central American policy, particularly in Nicaragua. (11) It called for a return to the "domino theory," claimed communism to be the common threat to Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador, and called for support of the traditional church, the private sector, unions, and former Nicaraguan national guardsmen in exile. (12) It recommended continued support of all types to the anticommunist military and governmental factions in El Salvador and Guatemala and muting human rights criticisms of those countries. (11)


    A second Heritage Foundation recommendation was to conduct a policy of economic warfare against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. The policy laid out the course followed by the Reagan administration--a U.S.-financed contra opposition and pressure on the international community to cut off trade, loans, and credit. (13) In June 1985, Lewis Lehrman arranged for a meeting to take place at the Heritage Foundation between Nicaraguan contra leader Adolfo Calero, Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, and leaders of other international "freedom fighting" groups. (14)

    President Reagan’s transition team included more than a dozen Heritage Foundation employees, and many others were hired to fill important posts in the Executive Branch.(17) Then-Vice President George Bush dedicated Heritage Foundation’s new office building in 1983. (15) The late CIA director William Casey was among the initial supporters of the foundation. (16)

    The crossovers between Heritage and the government probably number in the hundreds. (18) The Heritage Foundation publications include speeches and position papers of many conservative legislators and members or former members of the executive branch. (19)

    Heritage Foundation also had a close connection with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church through its former Director of Administration, Michael Warder. Warder was a director of the Unification Church in the United States in 1977. Warder was also secretary of the International Cultural Foundation, an umbrella organization coordinating a variety of Moon’s projects. (8) Also the financial ties between Heritage foundation and Moon are many.

    Paul Weyrich, co-founder of Heritage has often acknowledged that he does not intend to "conserve" anything.

    "We are different from previous generations of conservatives," Weyrich explained. "We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure of the country." (20)


    American Coalition for Traditional Values; (Last info 1989)

    Tim LaHaye founded the ACTV. Gary Jarmin, national field director; William K. Lyons, exec dir, Family Life Seminars. Executive board includes: Jerry Falwell, James Robison, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson, RexHumbard, Colonel Doner. (1)

    According to "Separation of Church and State", Feb 2002, Tim LaHaye received $10,000 for ACTV from Bo Hi Pak, and then agreed to sit on the boards of the Christian Voice, and the Coalition of Religious Freedom. Both of these are Moon funded groups.

    Private Connections:

    • Tim LaHaye is married to Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women for America (CWA).

    • CWA had Lt. Col. Oliver North (ret.) speak at their 1985 and 1986 conventions. (2, 3)

    • She also has spoken at Moon sponsored functions, where she received between $80,000-$150,000 for her troubles.

    • Herb Ellingwood, chair of the Merit Systems Protection Board and a prominent conservative evangelical, headed the job placement bank described above. (4)

    • Gary Jarmin is/was also legislative director of the fundamentalist lobby Christian Voice. (5)

    • ACTV and Christian Voice worked closely together, and in l985 the two groups moved their bases of operations to Washington D.C. to coordinate their activities. (1)

    • ACTV was a member of the RAMBO (Restore a More Benevolent Order) Coalition. (5)

    • Tim LaHaye has been active both in the Moral Majority and Christian Voice. He helped to found the Council for National Policy, and has served as its president (as did Pat Robertson). (6)

    • The Council is an umbrella group of conservative individuals which promotes a foreign policy agenda reflecting their objectives. (11)


    American Freedom Coalition

    The important members have included:

    • Tim LaHaye

    • Paul Crouch

    • Hal Lindsey

    • Rex Humbard

    • James Robinson

    • Dr D. James Kennedy

    • Hon. Richard H. Ichord, chair

    • Robert G. Grant, pres

    • Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, vice-pres

    • Richard Viguerie, secretary

    • National Policy Board includes:

      • Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham

      • Donald Sills, Religious Task Force dir

      • Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub

      • Dan Fefferman, editor of American Freedom Journal

      • Lt. Gen. Gordon Sumner (USA-ret.) (1, 2, 3)

    Most all of these men have been shown to have strong ties with Rev. Moon organizations and the intelligence community.

    The American Freedom Coalition, or AFC, is a political education and lobbying group which was founded in April 1987. Calling itself a "supra-coalition", the group claimed some 300,000 members in all 50 states by February 1988. (4, 6) The AFC represents an attempt to unite political conservatives and conservative religious groups and individuals behind a common campaign. According to AFC president Robert Grant, the AFC was formed because of the,

    "inability of the ’Christian Right’ to achieve its agenda, because of its fragmentation and its failure to build coalitions with its philosophical allies from other communities..." (4) to preserve and promote what it describes as traditional values.

    The AFC produces the American Freedom Journal, a monthly newspaper. Among contributors to the Journal have been former Reagan aide Patrick Buchanan, former Attorney General Ed Meese, the American Enterprise Institute’s Ben Wattenberg, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick. (3)

    The AFC calls for support of "freedom fighters," in countries such as Afghanistan, and Nicaragua. (5) In terms of U.S. foreign policy, the AFC believes the United States should, in the words of Steven Trevino, take the "lead for the Free World with regards to improving the human condition." (7)

    At the leadership levels in both the national office and state chapters, the American Freedom Coalition is closely tied to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church. The Washington Post (March 30, 1988) has even described the AFC as a "Moon-sponsored lobbying group." (8)

    AFC President Robert Grant has said that he hoped to "recruit a broad base" from his contacts with CAUSA, a political arm of Rev. Moon’s Unification Church. (4) Grant has said that he solicited Phillip Sanchez, president of Moon’s CAUSA USA, and Bo Hi Pak (Moon’s #1 man and Korean CIA and liaison to American CIA), president of CAUSA Intl, for support for AFC. Sanchez and Pak agreed to help AFC. The two CAUSA leaders also granted the services of several CAUSA members to help in the Washington D.C. office of the AFC.’(4) ’According to Grant, state AFC chapters are headed by the state directors of the Moon funded lobby group "Christian Voice" and the American Constitution Committee (ACC), a CAUSA project. (4)


    Grant, founder and chairman of the evangelical lobby Christian Voice, said the AFC has about 65 CAUSA/ACC employees across the United States. Current and former members of the American Freedom Coalition have said that the majority of AFC administrative officers, including the executive director, administrative director, and publications editor--are members of the Unification Church and have been principals in CAUSAand ACC. (4) In a December 1987 Knight-Ridder article, Grant said that Moon’s CAUSA could veto AFC state board members.(7)

    Among its most prominent activities have been its fundraising efforts on behalf of former National Security Council aide, Oliver North. One special project of the American Freedom Coalition was its "Emergency Project to Support Colonel North’s Freedom Fight in Central America." The group put together a television special on North entitled "Fight for Freedom." (8) It also hoped to mobilize popular support for North’s cause in order to create pressure on President Reagan to pardon North. (8, 9) Between October 1987 and April 1988, the group had purchased airtime in 180 television markets to air its pro-North video. During that time it also collected some 600,000 signatures supporting North.(10) Perhaps they considered North and his links too important to lose. At both the national and state levels, the AFC has conducted campaigns to renew funding for the Nicaraguan Contras. (11)

    Like Grant, Donald Sills is associated with the Coalition for Religious Freedom. (8) Sills is president of the group. Joseph Paige and Cleon Skousen are members of the Coalition’s executive committee. (12) The Coalition for Religious Freedom has reportedly received $500,000 from Sun Myung Moon sources. (13) Eldon Rudd, former Congressman from Arizona, is a fundamentalist and an ex-FBI agent. (14) Rudd is also a member of the U.S. Council for World Freedom (USCWF), as are John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, John LeBoutillier, and J.A. Parker. The USCWF is the current U.S. chapter of Rev. Moon’s World Anti-Communist League. (15, 16) Singlaub is the head of that organization, and Graham is its vice-chairman. Graham and Singlaub have also been (and may still be) co-chairmen of the Coalition for Peace through Strength, a project of the American Security Council. (15, 16)

    The American Freedom Coalition has provided financial and other assistance to the Nicaraguan contra-support work of Rev. Moon’s Christian Emergency Relief Team (CERT) International. In one such effort, the AFC attempted to get television appearances on morning talk shows for a Miskito Indian who worked with CERT. (17) The AFC also gave money to Moon’s CERT, an evangelical relief assistance organization which has been taking over CAUSA’s humanitarian aid work in Honduras. (17, 18) In California, the AFC and Christian Voice co-sponsor a monthly "California Leadership Forum." In South Carolina, the Vietnam Institute and AFC jointly sponsored a benefit for Oliver North. (19) The U.S. Global Strategy Council, headed by Steven Trevino, has ties to the Unification Church and CAUSA through Arnaud de Borchgrave and retired Gen. David Woellner. (16) De Borchgrave is editor of the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. Woellner is (or was) president of CAUSA World Services. (16)

    The Rev. Moon has said that he wants to form a Christian political party that would encompass all religious groups. (20) Members of the American Freedom Coalition like civil-rights veterans Ralph Abernathy and James Bevel have become champions for Moon and his followers. Abernathy, for instance, has compared criticisms of Moon to injustices suffered by blacks in the United States, this is a very sad affront to every African-American. An affront to every American. An affront to every Christian.

    Parts 1 and 2 of this series have already examined the membership of the Religious Roundtable and Tim LaHaye’s CNP, as well as their ties with the Rev. Moon and the U.S. Intelligence community. These 2 are the largest and most powerful as to these connections and were a driving force as well in the toppling of Central American Governments.

    They seem to be a hub to these other groups though in some cases they are relatively newer groups. The men chairing the Roundtable and the CNP are the same men who head the National Religious Broadcasters, and the several other groups we have just examined which brought down Governments, allegedly operated smuggling operations, were used as fronts for CIA infiltration, and were responsible for helping to restructuring the governments of the nations they helped to bring down.

    This article has presented facts to show the connections bringing in the NWO, by concentrating solely upon Honduras and Nicaragua for the sake of brevity, but be aware that their tentacles have reached much further.

    They have been involved to the same extent, and in the same ways, Guatemala, El Salvador, Afghanistan, The Soviet Block before and after its fall, Ethiopia, and nearly every other nation whose Government has fallen in the last 20 years.

    If anyone has firsthand information concerning the involvement of these groups in the areas discussed in this 3rd part of the Unholy Alliance please email me at


    Notes & References:

    ** Laodicea/ Revelation 3:14
    And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

    1. Scott Anderson, Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the WACL. NYNY: Dodd, Mead and Co. 1986

    2. Village Voice, Oct 22, 1985, Joe Connosen, Murray Waas

    3. Peter Stone, "Private Groups Step up Aid", Washington Post

    4. Group Watch, USCWF

    5. Release of membership names by the C.N.P. 1998

    6. Shirley Christian "Nicaraguan Rebels Reported to Raise up yo $25 Million," N.Y. Times Aug 13, 1985

    7. Elton Magazine, "The Private Spy Agency", The National Reporter, summer 1985

    8. "Conservative Think Tank Moves in to Capitol Spotlight", L.A. Times, Part 1-A, Dec 21, 1980

    9. Charles Rammelkamp, "Coors Moves to End Boycott", Coming Up!, Feb 1983.

    8. Matin A. Lee, "Who Are the Knights of Malta?", National Catholic Reporter, Oct 11, 1983.

    9. Julia Preston, "Nicaragua Cuts off American Airlift of Paper to La Prensa", Washington Post, April 14, 1988.

    10. Private Organizations With U.S. Connections in Hondouras, The Research Center, 1988.

    11. John Spicer Nichols, "La Prensa: The CIA Connection", Columbia Journalism Review, July/August 1988.

    12. Russ Baker, "A Thousand Points of Light, Americares, George Bushes Favorite Charity, Dispenses Bitter Medicine Around the World", Villaga Voice, Jan. 8, 1991

    13. Interview with Julio Cesar De LeonS., January 1987.

    14. Copy of CBS 60 minutes, CBS television Oct 5, 1986

    15. Council for National Policy, board of governors mailing list, 1984

    16. Christianity Today Magazine Christianity Today, February 9, 1998 ’Moon-Related Funds Filter to Evangelicals’ by John W. Kennedy

    17. "Power, Glory, and Politics", Time, Feb. 17, 1986

    Air Commandos Assoc

    1. "Air Commandos", Susanna Mckean Moore, The Nation, Nov 2, 1985

    2. Wayne King, N.Y. Times, Oct 12, 1986, "Private Role Increasing in Foreign Actions"

    3. Air Commando Association, Newsletter, May 1985

    4. Air Commando Association Newsletter, Aug. 1984

    5. Russ Bellant, "The Politics of Giving", Metro Times, Detroit, Oct 9, 1985

    6. Jonathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott, and Jane Hunter, The Iran-Contra Connection (Boston, MA: South End Press, 1987)


    1. Letter from Terry Tarnowski, AmeriCares, Feb 26, 1990.

    2. Russ Bakert; A Thousand Points of Blight, AmeriCares, George Bush’s Favorite Charity, Dispenses Bitter Medicine Around the World; Village Voice, Jan 8, 1991.

    3. Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, 990 Income Tax Report, 1985.

    4.Shirley Christian, Nicaraguan Rebels Reported to Raise Up to $25 Million", New York Times, Aug 13, 1985

    5. Julia Preston, "Nicaragua Cuts Off American Airlift of Paper to La Prensa," Washington Post, Apr l4, l988.

    6. John Spicer Nichols, "La Prensa: The CIA Connection," Columbia Journalism Review, July/August l988.

    7.John Spicer Nichols, "U.S. Government Funding of La Prensa," a paper presented to the XIV International Congress of Latin American Studies Association, New Orleans, Mar 17, 1988.

    Christian Broadcasting Network

    1. John J. Fiaka and Ellen Hume, "TV Preacher, Possibly Eyeing the Presidency, Is Polishing His Image," The Wall Street Journal, October 17, 1985.

    2. Jeff Gerth, "Tax Data of Pat Robertson Groups Are Questioned," New York Times, December 10, 1986.

    3. Larry Kickham, "The Theology of Nuclear War," sidebar on The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Covert Action Information Bulletin, No. 27, Spring 1987, p. 15.

    4. Jim Castelli, "CBN Launches ’Blitz’ in Central America," National Catholic Reporter, Feb 9, 1990.

    5. Paul Jeffery, "Popcorn for the Poor," Christianity and Crisis, Sep 24, 1990.

    6. Foundation Grants Index, 15th edition, 1986.

    7. Sara Diamond, "Christian Right Stronger Than Ever in the 1990s," Pacific News Service, week of May 22, 1989.

    8.Sara Diamond, "Right Wing’s Televangelists Manipulate U.S. on Contra Aid and Apartheid," Sequoia, September/October 1986.

    9. In These Times, "Hawking the Faith", April 15-21, 1987, p. 5.

    10. Group Research Report, Vol 29, No 1, Jan/Feb 1990.

    11. Associated Press, "Christian Network Plans Relief for Latin America," Washington Post, May 9, 1985.

    12. Adon Taft, "TV Evangelist Defends Aid to Nicaragua," Miami Herald, June 14, 1985.

    13. Vicki Kemper, "In the Name of Relief," Sojourners, October, 1985.

    14. Synapses Press Release, April 13, 1985.

    15. Sara Diamond, "Pat Robertson’s Central America Connection," Guardian, September 17, 1986.

    16. Michael D’Antonio, "The Christian Right Abroad," Alicia Patterson Foundation, Reporter, Fall 1987.

    17. Synapses Press Release, June 27, 1985

    18. New York Times, April 6, 1985.

    19. Air Commando Association Newsletters, dated August 1984, February 1985, and May 1985.

    20. Sara Diamond, "Right Wing’s Televangelists Manipulate U.S. on Contra Aid and Apartheid, Sequoia, September/October 1986.

    21. Al Weinrub, "Coors Brews More Than Beer," Labor Report on Central America, Sep/Oct 1985.

    22. New Right Humanitarians (Albuquerque, NM: The Resource Center, 1986).

    23. Special Operations in U.S. Strategy, National Strategy Information Center, 1984.

    Heritage foundation

    1. "The Heritage Foundation: Success in Obscurity," New York Times, Nov 17, 1985.

    2. "Do You Know These Godfathers?" Mother Jones, Feb/Mar, 1981.

    3. Joel Bleifuss, "Heritage Foundation Tries to Clear Name" In These Times, Apr 26, 1989.

    4. John Saloma III, Ominous Politics: The New Conservative Labyrinth (New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 1984).

    5. Charles Rammelkamp, "Coors Moves to End Boycott," Coming Up!, Feb 1983.

    6.Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould, Rollback!: Rightwing Power in U.S. Foreign Policy (Boston, MA: South End Press, 1989).

    7."Heritage Foundation Recommends Private Air Traffic Control System," Washington Post, Nov 20, 1984.

    8. Russ Bellant, The Coors Connection (Cambridge, MA: Political Research Associates, 1990).

    9. James Ridgeway, "New Right Agenda for Bush: Push Privatization and Woo Minorities", Pacific News Service, Dec 26-31, 1988.

    10. Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Reagan Administration: The Role of Domestic Fascist Networks in the Republican Party and Their Effect on U.S. Cold War Politics (Boston, MA: Political Research Associates, 1989).

    11.The New Right Humanitarians, (Albuquerque, NM: The Resource Center, 1986.)

    12.Cleto Di Giovanni, Jr. U.S. Policy and the Marxist Threat to Central America, Heritage Backgrounder, Oct 15, 1980.

    13. Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould, Rollback!: Rightwing Power in U.S. Foreign Policy (Boston, MA: South End Press, 1989).

    14.Sayid Khybar, The Afghan Contra Lobby, Covert Action Information Bulletin, No. 30, Summer 1988.

    15.Heritage Foundation, annual report, 1988.

    16."Conservative Think Tank Moves Into Capitol Spotlight," Los Angeles Times, Part I-A, Dec 21, 1980.

    17. Jerry A. Shields, proposal for book on Joseph Coors, Dover, Delaware, 1989.

    18. The Heritage Foundation: Success in Obscurity, New York Times, Nov 17, 1985.

    19. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, "The Reagan Doctrine and U.S. Foreign Policy, Heritage Foundation and Fund for an American Renaissance", 1985.

    20. Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right (Boston, MA: South End Press, 1989).

    American Freedom Coalition

    1. Richard Ichord and Bob Wilson, with Dan Fefferman, "The Parties and the New President," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    2. Gary Jarmin, "What Bush’s Victory Means to America," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    3. American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    4. Kim A. Lawton, "Unification Church Ties Haunt New Coalition," Christianity Today, Feb 5, 1988.

    5. Richard Ichord and Bob Wilson, with Dan Fefferman, "The Parties and the New President," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    6. . A Promise for Their Future, AFC full-size brochure, Sep 1987.

    7. Steven Trevino, "The Next Four Years," American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    7. Phone conversation with Wes McCune, Group Research Inc., Sep 9, 1988.

    8. Emergency Project to Support Colonel North’s Freedom Fight in Central America, flyer, undated but circa Fall l987.

    9. American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    10. Leslie Phillips, "Ollie North Now Gets His Day(s) in Court," USA Today, Apr 12, 1988.

    11. "A Traditional Values Speakers Bureau," AFC New Mexico brochure, undated but circa Feb 1989.

    12. Coalition for Religious Freedom brochure, 1986.

    13. Group Research Report, vol 26, #l0, Dec l987.

    14. Jim Wallis and Wes Michaelson, "The Plan to Save America: A Disclosure of an Alarming Political Initiative by the Evangelical Far Right," Sojourners, Apr l976.

    15. The New Right Humanitarians, The Resource Center, l986.

    16. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York: Dodd, Mead, & amp; Co., 1986).

    17. Phone conversation with Daniel Junas, Feb 5, 1988.

    18. Phone conversation with Daniel Junas, May 6, 1988.

    19. American Freedom Journal, Dec 1988/Jan 1989.

    20. "Rev. Moon’s Political Moves," Newsweek, Feb 12, l988.

    American Coalition for Traditional Values

    1. William Bole, "The Christian Right Eyes the Republican Party,"Interchange Report, vol 6, #1-2, Winter/Spring l985.

    2. Kris Jacobs, "Right Sets l990 as Target for Takeover," Interchange Report, vol 6, #1-2, Winter/Spring l985

    3. Group Research Report, Vol 26 No 10, December 1987.

    4. Dear Reader; column, Interchange Report, vol 6, #1-2, Winter/Spring l985.

    5. Sara Diamond, "Shepherding," Covert Action Information Bulletin, Spring l987.

    6. Group Research Report, Vol 26 No 10, December 1987.

    7. The Resource Center, The New Right Humanitarians, 1986.

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