by Clifford Shack
DavidIcke Website
On the holiest of Jewish holidays, Yom Kippur, in the autumn of
1931, Guy de Rothschild walked through the massive street
gate at 19 Rue Laffitte, for the first time as an adult on adult
business. The day was chosen carefully, what others might perceive
as the beginning of a banking career, to a Rothschild it was
entering into a priesthood. At twenty-two, Guy was assigned letters
to write. One of his correspondents was a Cardinal Pacelli,
future Pope Pius XII, then in charge of Holy office
finances, and who kept a small account at MM. de Rothschild
the book,
Hitler’s Pope, John Cornwall’s
chronicles the life of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII.
Pacellli was arguably the most dangerous churchman in modern
history. As Pontiff during World War II, not only did he fail to
speak out against Hitler’s Final Solution, but he personally made
the Final Solution possible!
In the first decade of the twentieth century, Pacelli was a
brilliant Vatican lawyer who helped shape a new ideology of
unprecedented papal power. As papal nuncio in Munich and Berlin in
the 1920’s, he used cunning and moral blackmail to impose Rome’s
power on Germany. In 1933, he negotiated a treaty with Hitler,
the Reich Concordat, which ensured that the Nazis
would rise unopposed by the most powerful Catholic community in the
world-sealing, by Hitler’s own admission, the fate of the Jews in
How could Eugenio Pacelli possibly have gotten away with such
cunning, especially since we know that he was in personal contact
with the Rothschilds. Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight
years before he became Pope. But wait... if Pacelli was Hitler’s
Pope, and
Hitler was a Rothschild... then he
was Rothschild’s Pope!
How did Eugenio Pacelli become Rothschild’s Pope?
Pacelli was described routinely, during his pontificate and
after his death, as a member of the Black Nobility. The Black
Nobility were a small group of aristocratic families of Rome who had
stood by the popes following the seizure of their dominions in the
bitter struggle for the creation of the nation-state of Italy...
Pacelli’s father and grandfather before him owed their distinction
to membership of the caste of lay Vatican lawyers in the service of
the papacy.
Pacelli’s immediate family association with the Holy See
dates from 1819, when his grandfather, Marcantonio Pacelli,
arrived in the Eternal City to study canon law, or Church law, as a
protégé of a clerical uncle, Monsignor Prospero Caterini. By
1834 Marcantonio had become an advocate in the Tribunal of the
Sacred Rota, an ecclesiastical court involved in such activities
as marriage annulments. While raising ten children (his second child
being Eugenio’s father, Filippo, born in 1837), Marcantonio
became a key official in the service of Pius IX, popularly
known as Pio Nono.
The quick tempered, charismatic, and epileptic Pio Nono (Giovanni
Maria Mastai-Ferretti), crowned in 1846, was convinced, as had
been his predecessors from time immemorial, that the papal
territories forming the midriff of the Italian peninsula ensured the
independence of the successors to St. Peter. If the Supreme Pontiff
were a mere inhabitant of a "foreign" country, how could he claim to
be free of local influence? Three years after his coronation, it
looked as if Pio Nono had ignominiously lost his sovereignty
over the Eternal City to a republican mob.
On November 15, 1849,
Count Pellegrino Rossi, a lay government minister of the papal
states, famous for his biting sarcasm, approached the Palazzo
della Cancelleria in Rome and greeted a sullen waiting crowd
with a contemptuous smile. As he was about to enter the building, a
man leapt forward and stabbed him fatally in the neck. The next day,
the Pope’s Quirinal summer palace above the city was sacked, and Pio
Nono, disguised in a priest’s simple cassock and a pair of large
spectacles, fled to the seaside fortress of Gaeta within the safety
of the neighboring kingdom of Naples.
He took with him
Marcantonio Pacelli as his legal and political adviser. From
this fastness, Pio Nono hurled denunciations against the
"outrageous treason of democracy" and threatened prospective voters
with excommunication. Only with the help of French bayonets, and a
loan from the Rothschild’s, did Pio Nono contrive to return
to the Vatican a year later to resume a despised reign over the city
of Rome and what was left of the papal territories.
From this we see that the Vatican owed it’s existence to the
Rothschild’s from this point on.