The document known now as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion is one of the most important documents ever to come to light in
the world. In fact, it can be described as the blueprint for the
domination of the world by a secret brotherhood.
It is graphic in its contempt for those who will be its victims, in
its profound understanding of the human condition and mind; and it
is equally graphic in detailing the methodology it will use against,
and with the complicity of, the world’s population, in such a way as
to go unrecognized by the vast majority of the participants.
The document has achieved fame and infamy in its time.
Essentially, the accusations leveled against it are that it is a
fraud and a forgery. Some say it is a report of a genuine conspiracy
but has been blamed on the Jews in order to hide its true origins,
and that to believe it to be genuinely Judaic shows one to be
’anti-Semitic’. This kind of black propaganda and emotional reaction
arises quite naturally in the course of events whenever any proof of
the ancient conspiracy against humanity is uncovered.
Despite a general misconception amongst certain politically-aligned
groups and ill-informed individuals - including Jews and non-Jews
alike - that the Protocols are a ’proven fraud’, this is not the
case, as I will show.
The cry of ’anti-Semitic’ is a standard one and almost automatic
from ill-informed, if often well-intentioned individuals who have
little background knowledge of the vast history and consciousness of
the perpetrators of the ’world revolution’. The majority of people
remain drastically unaware of the conspiracy because a vital aspect
of the conspiracy is to hide itself behind many walls of secrecy, as
the following information will show. Those that would call ’anti-semitism’,
or say ’there is no conspiracy’, are amongst the greatest victims of
the very conspiracy they vehemently deny.
Someone who has lived in a box without windows for their entire life
might genuinely cry out ’there is no sun, it is a myth, a vicious
lie and anti-boxism’. There remains, however the unalterable fact
that there is a sun and those that point this out to the one in the
box, in an attempt to enlighten and free them from self-imposed
ignorance, are not automatically ’anti-boxists’ or feel any sort of
hatred towards boxes or those who live in them at all.
Neither is the reporting of the following document anti-Semitic.
It is a call to the attention of those who may have been born into
the current age of suppression and propaganda, and have yet to
recoup some of this information which until very recently was openly
discussed on a global scale. However, since the triumphs of Zionism
and the further implementation of mass mind / information control
since the Second World War, with regards to anything remotely
Jewish, such information has been buried through censorship and
revision of history-books by the very power which imposed the
conspiracy in the first place. The Protocols make it quite clear
that ’anti-semitism’, meaning ’anti-Judaic’, is an
part of the plan for world domination. It will be used for ’the
management of our lesser brethren’. This document makes chilling
reading for both Jews and Gentiles alike when one looks back to the
treatment of Jewry during the Second World War; that a
self-appointed elite should be willing to sacrifice and allow the
persecution of their ’lesser brethren’, for the greater aim of world
domination, should be a wake-up-call to all of Jewry, the vast
majority of whom constitute what the authors of the Protocols deem
to be ’lesser brethren’.
’Anti-Semitic’ is a phrase which means ’against Semites’ but has
come to be used solely as meaning ’anti-Jewish’. The irony inherent
in this ill-used phrase is that the Semitic Arabs are actually
amongst the greatest victims in the crime and fraud known as
Zionism, in which Russian Jews, who are racially non-Semitic, in the
first half of the Twentieth Century, fostered and executed a plan
(as prophesied by God through Ezekiel 11:15) to create an officially
recognized Jewish homeland in Palestine. The result of which was the
mass displacement and persecution of the indigenous Arab citizens.
This is without doubt ’anti-semitism’ at its worst. And yet to state
this plain fact openly today is to invite the accusation of being
’anti-Semitic’! I will also show in this work that the ordinary
Jewish people, unbeknownst to themselves, have been victims to the
same ancient agenda and are considered by the Elders to be necessary
sacrifices to their cause. As the British; American and other
Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples are also descended from
they are also Semitic peoples. Therefore anyone who is anti-British
or anti-American is anti-Semitic, in the true definition of the
term. But, of course, as explained in the Protocols, it is the Jews
who publish the dictionaries and so they define the words according
to their plan.
The main point pertinent to this work is that the plan and execution
of this agenda was predicted and detailed in the Protocols,
the Zionist plan began to be put into action openly on the world
stage. More dramatically, however, the agenda outlined in the
Protocols was foreshadowed by over 2,000 years of similar documents,
edicts and statements.
The document itself attributes the authorship of these self-same
conspiratorial Protocols to the highest echelons of world Jewry. It
would be madness to ignore the possibility that this document is
genuine and authored by those claimed, simply because certain people
find it offensive. Because if it is genuine, then people absolutely
should find it offensive! It is the greatest single betrayal of both
Jews and Gentiles imaginable. Even if it were not authored by a
Jewish elite, the fact that world Jewry have suffered along the very
lines as predicted in the document, should be enough for every Jew
alive to give this document their full attention.
Both Communism and Zionism can be seen to be the two means by which
the Protocols unfolded during the early Twentieth Century. Whilst
Communism acted to tear down the Russian aristocratic system and
replace it with a tyranny and dictatorship led predominantly by
Jews, placing a vast area of territory and human resources into the
hands of the conspirators, Zionism used the false accusation of the
need for the establishment of the prophesied Jewish homeland to
re-home the Eastern Jews who were being badly persecuted in Russia
at the time. In fact, as is shown by government documents of the
time, the accusation of mass anti-Semitism and pogroms in Russia at
the turn of the century (against Jews who are non-Semitic; being
descendants of Japheth, not Shem) is massively exaggerated.
This was
essentially a Press-led propaganda tactic employed in the West to
further the aims of Zionist interests and to ease the passage of the
masses of Eastern Jews who emigrated to the West around the late
19th and early 20th Century. According to Zionist Rabbi Stephen
Wise, until 1900, American Zionism was confined to immigrant Jews (Khazar
Ashkenazim descended from Japheth, not Shem - Genesis 10:3), and the
mass of American Jews (mainly German ’Western’ Sephardim) were
opposed to it. However, by 1910, a million Jewish immigrants had
arrived in America from Russia and the Zionist lobby began to
represent a significant number of voters. Today, Jews represent
approximately 3% of the American population but occupy more or less
90% of all the key positions in the US-Administration. Just as in
Russia following the Bolshevik Revolution, the number of Jews
numbered around 10% of the population, whereas the number of Jews in
the Bolshevik government was approximately 90%.
Another interesting ’coincidence’, President Franklin Roosevelt
(from a Jewish family) had seventy-two advisors around him when he
led the USA into World War II of whom fifty-two were known Jews. The
Elders of Zion consist of the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish
authority since Biblical times, officially numbering 71, and the
Judaic texts also reveal the existence of a king, making 72. Whilst
in Britain in 1999, the Labour government admitted that it has 72
official ’advisors’ or ’spin-doctors’ (professional-liars). Both
Roosevelt and Blair have implemented social ’reforms’ called the
’New Deal’, which in the USA was also known by those in the know as
the ’Jew Deal’. Do we see here history repeating itself?
As the well tried and tested truism says:
those who refuse to learn
the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
The British and American governments were
manipulated by the
Zionists - against the overwhelming opposition of the Western Jews
and the Palestinian Jews and the majority of Gentiles - to commit
themselves to the creation of an official Jewish homeland in
Palestine, which had nothing to do with British national interest,
at an enormous cost during a time - the First World War - when all
manpower and resources were desperately needed to fight the enemy.
Why this should have occurred is against all logic. However, the
most revealing insight into the modus agendi and the modus operandi
of the world manipulators is acquired through reading
the Protocols.
Not only does this document illuminate the reason for the massive
success of international Zionism, but it also provides profound
insight into every single political situation of the last century
and sheds great light on much of what has transpired for the past
2,600 years on the world stage.
Stunningly, virtually everything planned for and predicted in the
Protocols has provably come to pass. This document is as pertinent
today as it was when it first came to light in 1905.
Recent world political history has been provably controlled and
manipulated by Russian Jews, who have no racial ties or origin in
the land of Palestine, who flocked to the West a century ago. That
century has provably unfolded according to the Protocols, which
ascribe themselves to the elite of world Jewry. The earliest
Israelite holy works (The Torah), right up to the latest (Jewish
Talmud and Zohar) have continually promised that the world would be
delivered to the true Israelites and that the Gentile nations would
be consumed; grafted into and ruled by the single Chosen People who
would govern them. That this would be a ’coincidence’, and the
Protocols a mere act of deceitful anti-semitism, has to be the
grossest form of ill-logic.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a document which
should be read by all. No other single document provides us with
such a clear understanding of why the world is gradually moving
towards a One World Government, controlled by an irreproachable
’Hidden Hand’. In fact, in the Protocols, we are given clear
insights as to why so many incomprehensible political decisions are
made in both local, national and international politics, which seem
to continually work against the favor of the masses and in favor
of the vested interests of the banking / industrial cartel - the
global power elite.
We ignore it at our peril.
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