by Zeev Rabin
29 June 2005
Rense Website
Dear Jeff,
As a former member of the Israeli Air Force, I know very well that
UFOs exist and this is what attracted me to your website. You are
the only main website around the world who is telling the truth
about UFOs for many years.
For years, I kept quiet reading all the bad information about Israel
on your website. But since practically all your information came
from Israeli newspapers, you were only printing their 'truth', so I
could not complain.
When you started the
Protocols Of Zion articles, I was really
outraged. I have always felt the book is a forgery... however, after
doing more net research and rereading parts of it, I finally figured
it out: it doesn't matter if the book is forged or not. It matters
only that most of them have been obviously used and implemented. I
am surprised the Protocols are not now the most important
international Jewish issue.
Take a look at how many
governments are occupied by Jews.
Or just look at your White House, 2000- 2004:
Paul Wolfowitz Deputy
Secretary of Defense
Ari Fleischer
(2001-2003) White House Press Secretary
Josh Bolten Deputy Chief
of Staff
Ken Melman White House
Political Director
David Frum (2001-2002)
Brad Blakeman White
House Director of Scheduling
Dov Zakheim (2001-2004)
Undersecretary of Defense (Controller)
I. Lewis Libby Chief of
Staff to the Vice President
Adam Goldman (2001-2003)
White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Tevi Troy (2003-2004)
White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Noam Neusner (2004-)
White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Chris Gersten Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for
Children and Families at HHS
Elliott Abrams Director
of the National Security Council's Office for
Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations
Mark D. Weinberg
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
for Public Affairs
Douglas Feith (2001- )
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Michael Chertoff Head of
the Justice Department's criminal division
Daniel Kurtzer
Ambassador to Israel
Cliff Sobel Ambassador
to the Netherlands Stuart Bernstein Ambassador to
Nancy Brinker Ambassador
to Hungary
Frank Lavin Ambassador
to Singapore
Ron Weiser Ambassador to
Mel Sembler Ambassador
to Italy Martin Silverstein Ambassador to Uruguay
Jay Lefkowitz
(2001-2004) Deputy Assistant to the President and
Director of the Domestic Policy Council
Blake Gottesman
President's personal aide
John Miller Director,
State Department Office to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking in Person
Madeleine Albright,
Secretary of State
Robert Rubin, Secretary
of Treasury
William Cohen, Secretary
of Defense
Dan Glickman, Secretary
of Agriculture
George Tenet, CIA Chief
Louis Freeh, FBI Chief
Samuel Berger, Head
National Security Council
Evelyn Lieberman, Deputy
Chief of Staff
Stuart Eizenstat, Under
Secy. of State
Charlene Barshefsky,
U.S. Trade Representative
Susan Thomases, Aide to
First Lady
Joel Klein, Asst.
Attorney General
Gene Sperling, Nat'l
Economic Council
Ira Magaziner, National
Health Care
Peter Tarnoff, Deputy
Secy. of State
Alice Rivlin, Ecomomic
Janet Yellen,
Chairwoman--Nat'l Economic Council
Rahm Emanuel, Policy
Doug Sosnik, Counsel to
Jim Steinberg, Deputy to
National Security Chief
Jay Footlik, Special
Liason to the Jewish Community (no other group has a
special liason)
Robert Nash, Personal
Jane Sherburne,
President's Lawyer
Mark Penn, Asia Expert
to NEC
Sandy Kristoff, Health
Care Chief
Robert Boorstin,
Communications Aide
Keith Boykin,
Communications Aide
Jeff Eller, Special
Asst. to Clinton
Tom Epstein, Health Care
Adviser Judith Feder, Nat'l Security Council
Richard Feinberg, Asst.
Secy. Veterans
Hershel Gober, Food and
Drug Admin.
Steve Kessler, White
House Counsel
Ron Klein, Asst. Secy.
Madeleine Kunin,
Communications Aide
David Kusnet, Dept. AIDS
Margaret Hamburg, Dir.
Press Conferences
Many Grunwald, Liason to
Jew Leaders
Karen Adler, Dir. State
Dept. Policy
Samuel Lewis, Nat'l
Security Council
Stanley Ross, Nat'l
Security Council
Dan Schifter, Director
Peace Corps.
Eli Segal, Deputy Chief
of Staff
David W. Carey, CIA
Executive Director
Dr. Ruth David, CIA
Deputy Dir--Science & Technology
And I also found this jewel:
The Jewish Plan for Genocide of
USA Whites
By Israel Cohen (1912)
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial
tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark
races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we
can mold them to the program of the Communist Party.
In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the
Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill
in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the
Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every
walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and
entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to
intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will
deliver America to our cause."
Israel Cohen, 'A Racial
Program for the Twentieth Century', 1912. Also in the
Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
Jeff - I am astonished at the mechanisms and tactics exposed by
the Protocols ...no matter WHO actually put them into the form
of a book. Thanks for the courage to present this issue for everyone
to consider.
Our best to you,