by Tracy R. Twyman
Oct 19, 2004
DragonKeyPress Website
Around the turn of the century, a
controversial document was published, the effects of which
reverberated well into the middle of the next century: the notorious
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, long held by scholars to
have been a hoax. As the czar and czarina’s involvement with the
occult and reliance on mystical advisors grew, so too did the
paranoia in Russia about secret societies and their influence on
national politics. The mystical advisors in question - Rasputin,
Papus, and a mysterious figure named Monsieur Philippe - also had a
powerful enemy: Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who wished to see her own
hired puppets acting as advisors to the throne. One such puppet was
Sergei Nilus, who in 1903 presented to the czar The Protocols of
Zion, documents purporting to be the minutes of the World Jewish
Congress, a Jewish conspiracy that supposedly intended to take over
the world. Unfortunately for Nilus, the czar recognized it as a
fraud, declared that all copies of the document were to be
destroyed, and banished Sergei Nilus from the court.
Over the years, however, the document was published again and again,
becoming a cult classic among anti-Semites, who fervently believed
in the document’s authenticity. The Protocols were used to fuel the
fire of anti-Jewish hatred after the Russian Revolution of 1917, as
well as by the Nazis a few years later. Although at times a bit
over-dramatic, there is something inherently believable about the
Protocols. They lay out in straightforward rhetoric the
Machiavellian steps which an international conspiracy would go
through to take control of the world’s governments and institutions,
and to maintain power, largely through the manipulation of the
masses, as well as those already in power. It recommends the
proliferation of dangerous creeds, philosophies, religious and
political ideas such as Marxism, Anarchism, Atheism, and Darwinism,
all to sow discord and cause the breakdown of traditional
institutions, clearing the way for the new hierarchy of which the
Protocols speak. It is bone-chilling to read such a document as
this, written in the nineteenth century, which predicts perfectly
the results of a conspiracy that in every way resemble the world in
which we currently live.
But what the Protocols outline is much more than your typical
New World Order scenario. They speak of a global monarch,
the “King of the blood of Sion”, of “the dynastic roots of King
David”, who as ruler of a new “Masonic kingdom” will be both the
“King of the Jews” and “the real Pope”, acting as “the patriarch of
an international church.” Of him, The Protocols state,
members of the seed of David will prepare the Kings and their
heirs... Only the King and the three who stood sponsor for him will
know what is coming.”
Finally, the Protocols end with a curious
postscript: “Signed by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd
The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail presented a theory regarding
The Protocols with which I overwhelmingly concur. They proposed that
the “Learned Elders of Zion” were in fact the Priory of Sion, and
that this document had been, originally, the minutes of one of their
meetings, which fell into the wrong hands and was subsequently
transformed into a weapon for anti-Semites. It certainly bears all
of the earmarks and catch phrases for a “Priory document”, and
overall the goals that are set forth within, as well as the methods
proposed for achieving them, fit my conception of the Priory’s own
objectives, although I imagine that in certain sections of the
document the original version might have been phrased more
Furthermore, there is circumstantial evidence to
indicate that this was indeed the case. The earliest known version
of The Protocols was actually written in French, and most scholars
believe it to have been partially based on a political satire
written by Maurice Joly against Napoleon II which was published in
Geneva in 1864. Maurice Joly was also a member of the Rose-Croix
order, and good friends with Victor Hugo. But perhaps it was the
other way around. Perhaps the “Protocols of Sion” and the
anti-Napoleon satire were themselves based on the same Priory of Sion document, which Joly, as a potential member of the Priory,
could possibly have had access to. We cannot know for sure, but it
is known that in 1884, copies of
The Protocols of Zion were found
circulating amongst the members of a Masonic lodge to which Papus
himself belonged - the lodge where the aforementioned legend of the
wise Egyptian sage named Ormus (whom the Priory of Sion called
themselves after) first surfaced.
Furthermore, there was during this period in time a secret society
with stated goals very similar to those enumerated in The Protocols
of Zion, and they were in fact, apparently, an auxiliary order of
the Priory of Sion. They were called “The Hieron du Val d’Or”,
which, Holy Blood, Holy Grail notes, contains an anagram of the
place-name “Orval”, a location that frequently crops up throughout
this mystery. Notably, the word “Orval” contains the syllables
which, in French, mean “gold” and “valley.” Thus “Val d’Or” means
“Valley of Gold.” In his 1979 book Le Tresor du Triangle d’Or (The
Treasure of the Golden Triangle), Jean-Luc Chaumeil states that
the Hieron practiced a version of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and the
upper degrees of this order constituted the lower degrees of the
Priory of Sion itself. Chaumeil describes the group’s disposition as
“Christian, Hermetic, and aristocratic.” They proclaimed themselves
to be Catholic, even though the Church of Rome condemned them. Their
mystic teachings contained, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail,
characteristic emphasis on sacred geometry and various sacred
sites... an insistence on a mystical or Gnostic truth underlying
mythological motifs”, and “a preoccupation with the origins of men,
races, languages, and symbols... .”
The order was,
Christian and ‘trans-Christian.’ It stressed the importance of the
Sacred Heart... sought to recognize Christian and pagan mysteries”,
and “Ascribed special significance to Druidic thought - which it...
regarded as partially Pythagorean.”
The Hieron du Val d’Or was also
unabashedly pro-monarchist, and sought a restoration of the Holy
Roman Empire. But this one would be built, unlike the previous one,
on an ultimately spiritual basis - a vision specifically echoed in
the Priory of Sion’s own literature, which we will soon discuss. The
new empire would have been a reflection of Heaven on Earth, that
specifically Hermetic Arcadian ideal. Jean-Luc Chaumeil described
the Hieron’s ideals as:
“...a theocracy wherein nations would be no more than provinces,
their leaders but proconsuls in the service of a world occult
government consisting of an elite. For Europe, this regime of the
Great King implied a double hegemony of the Papacy and the Empire,
of the Vatican and of the Habsburgs, who would have been the
Vatican’s right arm.”
The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail were quick to point out that
this envisioned scenario accords with the
Nostradamus prophecy about
the “Great King” who would issue from Lorraine, since the Habsburgs
essentially were the House of Lorraine. At the same time, though,
this vision accords with that shared by numerous other cultures
throughout the world and throughout history who have embraced the
myth of the King of the World, a quasi-divine global monarch
discussed in many ancient legends. It further accords with the “King
of the blood of Sion” image discussed in The Protocols of Zion.
Perhaps even more shocking, Chaumeil claims that Berenger Sauniere,
Abbe Henri Boudet, Emile Hoffet, and the Bishop of Carcassonne were
all members of this organization, and that it was a political
scuffle within this organization which led to Sauniere’s premature
death. Chaumeil describes Sauniere as a pawn in the Priory of Sion/Hieron
du Val d’Or’s bizarre plot regarding Rennes-le-Chateau and the
surrounding area. According to this version of the story, Sauniere
had been involved with the order since before his arrival at the
parish of Rennes-le-Chateau, and had actually been dispatched there
by them for the purpose of finding the parchments. But in 1916 he is
said to have had a falling out with the order, which supposedly
explains his mysterious death the following year.
Chaumeil states
that Sauniere’s “handler” with regard to lodge business was actually
the curé of Rennes-le-Bains, Abbe Henri Boudet, who is said to have
orchestrated all of Sauniere’s activities, including the remodeling
of his church and the surrounding domains. Boudet was also
purportedly the middleman who passed along Priory of Sion hush money
- not to Sauniere, but to his housekeeper, Marie Deneraud, who was
also in their employ and to whom all checks were made payable. She
also, says Chaumeil, was the agent through which Boudet transmitted
all of his highly specific instructions for Sauniere. And Chaumeil
tells us that Sauniere did not even know true nature of the
“treasure” and “secret” which he protected until 1915, one year
before his supposed falling out with the order, when Boudet made a
deathbed confession to his fellow cleric and conspirator. Whatever
it was, Sauniere must have found it disturbing to say the least.
Another interesting figure who appears to have been involved with
the Hieron is a traditionalist Catholic philosopher who also took an
interest in Eastern and Islamic mysticism. He was one of Julius Evola’s good friends, and they shared an interest in the Holy Grail,
as well as the symbolism of the Black Sun, Agartha, and the ‘Lord of
the World”, which Guenon wrote about extensively. Julius Evola was
also considered a “traditionalist.” He advocated a united European
empire, ruled by a sacred monarchy, and based upon spiritual
principles. His views appear to be entirely in line with those of
the Priory of Sion, as expressed by their front organizations the
Hieron du Val d’Or, and later,
Alpha Galates. It seems likely, then,
that Evola could have been a member of the Hieron, and therefore
that Guenon was as well. Author William Kennedy has found a great
deal of evidence linking Guenon to the Hieron. In his articles,
“Rene Guenon and Roman Catholicism”, published in Volume 9, Number
One of The Journal of Traditional Studies, he writes:
“… Guenon became involved with the Catholic historian and
archeologist Louis Charbonneau-Lassay… an authority on medieval
Christian symbolism, specializing on the various fantastical beasts
that appeared in medieval art. For Guenon, Charbonneau-Lassay was
authoritative on all matters of symbolic interpretation.
Charbonneau-Lassay’s work appeared in the Catholic journal, Regnabit,
run by the controversial writer and oblate priest Pere Felix Anizan.
The fact that Anizan was under constant suspicion by the French
authorities of being a monarchical conspirator seeking to restore
the House of Bourbon in France did not deter Charbonneau-Lassay from
publishing in the new journal or from suggesting that Guenon also
submit articles to it.
Regnabit… was merely the propaganda organ of an organization called
the Hieron du Val d’Or…”
William Kennedy’s assessment of
the Hieron includes detail that
identify them even further with the ideals of Alpha Galates. In the
Alpha’s official publication, Vaincre, they write about the
religion of Atlantis, calling it the basis for Christianity and the
only true spiritual tradition. Similarly, Kennedy writes that
the Hieron du Val d’Or:
“…sought to demonstrate that Christianity was in fact a primordial
revelation which could be traced to antediluvian Atlantis and sought
to form a brotherhood dedicated to the promotion of a universal
sacred symbolism. The Hieron was also adamantly anti-Masonic and
sought to reform this brotherhood according to Christian
The last above-quoted sentence is particularly interesting because
in the Dagobert’s Revenge article “Between the Swastika and the
Cross of Lorraine”, I document how Alpha Galates was also
anti-Masonic, yet shared a similar goal of the ultimate “reformation
of the freemasonries.”
In the same article, William Kennedy details Guenon’s relationship
with another Catholic scholars whose views seem, on the surface at
least, ion direct opposition to those of the Hieron. His name was
Jacques Maritain, who, as Kennedy writes:
“…influenced an entire generation of Catholic intellectuals.
Maritain was a major figure responsible for the democratization of
the Church which came to fruition after the Second Vatican Council.”
This is interesting, since Maritain was also good friends with
Cocteau. It was Maritain who was responsible for Cocteau’s
re-conversion to Catholicism, and the two published a book full of
their letters to one another on the subject of God. Maritain had
first become acquainted with Cocteau’s work when a disciple named
Charles Herion gave him a copy of Cocteau’s pamphlet Le Coq et l’Arlequin. Herion soon became ordained as a priest, and it was from
him that Cocteau took the sacraments for the first time since his
childhood, during the Feast of the Sacred Heart. This “Sacred Heart”
symbol played a large part in Cocteau’s passionate conversion.
According to William Emboden, when Cocteau was introduced to
Father Herion, he:
“...looked at the swarthy priest wearing a cloak with a red cross
above a red heart - the symbol of his order - and all but swooned as
he dropped into the arms of the church. When he wrote afterwards of
Father Herion as an angel in costume, we cannot help but look back
to the opium drawings of only months earlier with the theme of the
angel with the heart on his chest. ...Cocteau was now in the same
‘club’ as Picasso and Stravinsky; he had converted back to
Indeed, it would appear that Cocteau was already a member of a club
that included those two, specifically, the Priory of Sion. The
Sacred Heart symbol which so attracted him, and which had been a
theme of his art even prior to his conversion, was a symbol used by
the Hieron du Val d’Or.
Is it possible that both Maritain and Herion were members of
the Hieron, despite Maritain’s obvious left-wing stance on Church
issues? The Priory of Sion has never had a clear-cut position on the
subject of Catholicism. They appear to have been involved in many
anti-church movements over the centuries, but also many right-wing
and traditionalist movements. Their membership has included clerics
and Catholic spokesmen on both sides of the political spectrum, and
the stances of these individual members have at times not been clear
The same can be said about many of Cocteau’s friends. One of
the strangest acquaintances of his was Cardinal Jean Danilou,
described in The Messianic Legacy as “the Vatican’s chief spokesman
at the time on clerical celibacy.” This man was mysteriously found
dead with a stripper one day, purportedly after becoming involved
with the scandalous P2 Mason lodge. Interestingly, Danilou had
translated Cocteau’s play Oedipus Rex in Latin. And while it has not
been proven, Cocteau has been purportedly linked with Pope John
XXIII, who inaugurated the Second Vatican Council. He was one of the
most liberal and most mystical of modern popes, and was linked by
contemporaries with Rosicrucianism.
One of the major things linking
him with Cocteau was that when he took on the Grand Mastership of
the Priory of Sion, he also took on the title “Jean 23.” In I
speculated that Cocteau may have been presiding over what was
essentially an internal Vatican coup orchestrated by the Priory to
reform the Church from within according to Vatican principles. Was
this, then, the original intent behind the Second Vatican Council?
We may never know, but the Priory of Sion’s involvement with the
various radical and reactionary Catholic movements (as well as
anti-Catholic movements) demonstrates that they certainly believe
they have the right to claim the Church, and Christ himself, as
their own. What provides the motivation for this apparent conviction
is open to debate.