Mark of the Beast
(Excerpts given in 1976, published
in Revelations of Awareness newsletter 84-2)
The "Beast" computer in Belgium
This Awareness indicates that today in Brussels, Belgium, there is a computer. This computer is called by its employees "The BEAST", this computer, three stories high, is tied in with 270 banks on the European continent. This computer also tied into certain banks in the United States and in Russia. This computer known as the BEAST is self programming and does have the capacity for housing a number for every entity upon this Earth. These numbers are prefixed by the three numbers: 666. This Awareness indicates that the banking system as prepared to shift their economic banking system into a computerized system wherein all entities would use a card and a number rather than cash, checks or credit.
The 10 Regions of the United States
This Awareness indicates that the
computer as tied into computers in each of the
regions of the United States and into those computers in each of the major
banks in the major cities; that the local stores, many of these are already
tied into those computers within those cities. This Awareness indicates that
the plan calls for a crisis to occur whereby all entities will be required
to receive a government number. This Awareness indicates that in a short time
later, these entities will be tattooed invisible upon their hands or upon
their foreheads,--this being on the back of the hand tattooed by a laser beam
(or by an implanted microchip under the skin-Ed.). That this tattoo
shall then replace the credit card, that entities will be expected to use
this number for every purpose, and this number would be their identification
from birth until death.
This Awareness indicates that the
arguments for this will be that this shall stop crime, that this will speed
up service in the supermarkets, that entities will no longer need to receive
a payroll check, but shall simply have their payment deposited in their bank
account and will never need to write a check but may simply present their
number wherever they go and the computers will deduct that purchase from their
Creating money out of nothing
This Awareness indicates that this has been tested and tried in various places and is now ready to be presented in full scale all over. This Awareness suggests that entities who are aware should ask themselves: Who created the money? Why do they create it? How? Why can I not create money as they do? Who pays them? Do they simply create their money out of nothing? Why must I spend my life working for those who create their money out of nothing? Why must I have a number to belong to a system I did not create? What are the motives of these entities in creating this kind of a system? How much power do they desire? What kind of controls are placed upon entities to prevent them from misusing their power of control over all entities upon the face of the earth? Who would have this number? And what can be done to reverse this action once it is established? This Awareness indicates that any entity, once this action is established, any entity who objects to this action may find himself being called a criminal. This Awareness indicates that any entity who becomes part of this system shall find that every book he or she reads, every type of food he or she eats, every item the entity buys is computerized and there is no privacy left. The BEAST will know everything you read, everything you eat, everything you buy. The BEAST will have a complete all-seeing eye placed upon your life. This Awareness indicates that if this occur, the greatest trials and tribulations known upon this plane shall be experienced by many. For within a short time the fee for this service shall be 5% on every purchase and every monetary exchange.
Taxing the
Entities will not be able to buy
from one another without going through their account at the computer. The
5% will in short time be raised to 10% and the 10% in a short time will be
15%. This Awareness indicates the final plan is that all entities shall give
25% or more of their earnings in their purchasing and sales tax. Their energies
shall be deducted at a rate of 25% for their purchases. This Awareness indicates
this then begins creating a greater and greater difference in classes until
there are the super-rich who are all powerful, the bureaucratic rulers who
are beneath them, and the masses of slaves who do the work, the bidding, and
answers the whims of the rulers. (WorldNetDaily:
Global taxation moves closer)
This Awareness suggests this is your
alternative (to the freedom you have known) and is presented to you by these
money changers as part of your future world. This Awareness suggests wherein
entities act quickly and firmly within the next few years, beginning immediately,
for time is very short,-this year is the beginning of the great drive by these
entities to tighten the nets around the minds of men, to destroy the constitutions
of nations, to begin tightening up on their controls and their deceptions,
and to confuse and manipulate the masses.
This Awareness indicates that wherein
entities act quickly and with that awareness which has been lacking for many
years, wherein entities move beyond their personal apathy, wherein entities
stop being satisfied with pride in their responsible ancestors of this nation,
wherein entities begin to pick up their own responsibilities for freedom,
wherein entities become aware of what is happening,--not by reading
the books, listening to the lies, hearing the controlled networks and news
media of the BEAST, but wherein entities begin to look deeply at what is happening
on this plane.
The attention
toward the "Beast"
Wherein entities begin looking at
what could happen to their children if this is allowed to continue, wherein
entities join together as one voice, wherein the scream that begin as a whisper
and reverberates into that thunderous trumpet which says: "ENOUGH!"
Wherein this occurs: soon enough with enough intensity, and wherein the energy
is focused to where it belongs--toward the Beast,--not toward the left, nor
toward the right, nor toward the races, nor toward the Communist, nor toward
the Capitalist, but toward the BEAST, toward the moneychanger; wherein this
occurs soon, then there is that possibility for entities to have an everlasting
freedom never before known upon this plane.