Divine Blood, Life-force, Evolution and Power


The nearby universe is a protected, alien policed reality.

Think quarantine, embargo, isolation, deception, intervention, surveillance, breeding samples, protection, camouflage, plausible deniability.

Think about the coming wave, the coming convergence of diverse human and alien and cosmic influences. Who are the essential usurper players in the game? Who in power has the most to lose in facing the prospect of a voluntary evolutionary uplift and paradigm change from Patriarchy to balance between? Who indeed? The essential players.


Remember everything in this document is entirely hypothetical, it’s science fiction, this is a fantasy play. You figured that out by now, haven’t you? I’ve never seen a classified document in my life, swear to God, don’t lose any sleep.

Human apotheosis in the ET situation, religion wise, can be a stairway to heaven, as sky watching cults, both sun and moon worship.

The sun worshippers were/are macho male Phallic worshipping, violently One-God fixated, mostly warriors and capitalists, focused on competition, winning, use of any force in the name of redistribution of resources of power in their own concentrated favor.

Sacred Blood of War, Blood of Christ and Wine—high valuing of space Property and territorial separation and control Masculine Domination Over (impunity) The moon worshippers were/are equal opportunity, Feminine Nature worshipping, embracing Diverse spirits of Nature, mostly agrarians and artisans, empathic for cooperation, teamsmanship, group mindedness.

Sacred Blood of Womb, Blood of Life and Soma—high valuing of cycles Time and continuity of inclusive connections Feminine Dominion With (together) The gender difference that gives the Masculine principle a bad name is a twisted growth. This occurs when Masculine tries to operate without Feminine energy in balance, in real partnership.

There was the hostile takeover and radical ‘downsizing’ of Goddess Religions 3-6,000 years ago, all over Europe and Asia. The Moslem, Judaist and Christian faiths were the latest wave over the last 3000 years. The systems try to usurp and condemn any continually resurfacing elements of Goddess cults since then, usually remnant preserved in regional indigenous cultures.

The hostile takeover was successful, and after radical downsizing, they slyly, and blatantly, took over markets - the hearts and souls of human beings - and the ‘superstitious’ symbols that drive them. These symbols have become well known religious symbols.

What’s this suppressed Goddess history stuff got to do with aliens?


They might not be here if we had not executed such a hostile takeover of the Goddess religions, or they might be already integrated with our very different culture. The ancient hostile takeover could be one of the reasons ET is such a big deal to us now, since we pushed our spiritual connection with nature to an all time low while pushing our knowledge of how to manipulate it to an all time high.

Now a high tech ‘spirituality’ has found high tech ‘gods’. But could it also be that Patriarchal religions are the sole reason humanity has not been integrated with ET already? Patriarchal institutions may have been designed to keep man in power over God and Goddess and separate from Nature more than many would like to admit.

  • What’s this new religion ‘appropriation’ of all these nature ritual power symbols, as part of the hostile takeover? Re-deployed assets?

  • What’s this all got to do with Above Top Secret intelligence, military activities and especially all the partnered alien program activities going on? Position maneuvering?

  • What’s this all got to do with alien abductions?

    • Breeding Programs?

    • Evacuation preparations?

    • Ambassador training?

    • Harvest puppets?


  • What’s this got to do with crop circles?

    • Alien or ‘nature’ communication Systems?

    • Bypassing normal authority channels?

    • Alien unconscious conditioning?

Ahh, just about now you're starting to get a glimpse of the grand complexity of the overall circuitry, and thus the gawddang conundrum.

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The Quest for Mental Emotional and Spiritual Interface


The reason the government cannot fly the captured ET craft that use telepathic and telekinetic control, is that to learn these skills is completely reverse from practices of standard military mental and perceptual control styles of ’command and control’. These machines fly on the basis of ‘commune and co-create’ with their ET operators, and that is feminine, whereas the other masculine in psychotronic energy gender.

So the military will then try to find controllable agencies, that is abductees and trained remote viewers to attempt to discern the mental interface control mechanism. But the very word ‘mechanism’ holds within it the seeds of the perceptual booby-trap any symbolic scientist or compliant operator would land themselves on.

It is not a hierarchical mechanism of control, it is nonlinear resonance of co-existence and intimate connective empathy, and then formulated intent as a co-function of vision and joined ‘body image’ motion in the imaginal psycho-physical subspace domain. This connection fails if incompatible intentional, emotional or imaginal pattern mismatch occurs. It fails if non-resonant psychic conjugation factors are present in the operator attempting to interface with the craft.

The process of operator to craft handshaking, emotive communion establishment, body image joining, and effecting intentional imaginal directional navigation, is not impossible for the military to systematize, it’s just impossible for them to do it from the right N-tuple sensorial and affective coordinated intentional stance. They usually can’t do it clear and free of contaminant psychotronic energies, and for lack of having predisposed compatible psychic connectivity.


Can you say human-alien hybrids? People who have learned to do this right (fly the craft) must know how to meld AND moderate highly intense energies, so they don’t increase the risk of burning out their finite ego identity from the immersive psychic merging.


Can they return to their worldly appropriate semblance of limited self? Can they re-integrate? Can they teach it?

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Anatomy of a Cosmic Conundrum

  1. The ‘aliens’, the ‘ET’s’, and the Nature Spirits somehow largely waned and recessed after the Patriarchal takeover over multi-millennial history. The aliens took a step back into the larger circuit of nature to let us more independently cultivate and evolve, but only after adding some Messianic spice here and there, it appears.

  2. However, the aliens don’t recognize the human religious Institutions as the exclusive representatives of the people, and are establishing mostly private relationships with individuals and sometimes small groups of people. The aliens recognize the institutions and their leaders as local Earthly petri-dish apotheosis gods. They don’t recognize their say-so authority over the right to check the flock and set up connectivity directly for themselves. And why not?

  3. They were involved with helping and creating many religious figures that inspired the religious institutions of our Judeo-Christian Western World. Whether it be Jesus, Moses and YHWH, Mohammed and the One God Allah, or Joseph Smith and Archangel Moroni, or for that matter, certain activities in ancient India, it is now secretly admitted that ET had a role in all along the way. That role was kept covert, removed, behind a curtain.

  4. Involvements suggest just enough alien to human contact to support certain cultural developments in the Petri-dish globe at critical points, often of spiritual consequence as much as occasional war involvement by ET over human history. Now today, effectively the last fifty years, with this sudden resurgence of direct, intimate, active contact, the institutions do realize something big is afoot. The intensive programs of contact between the once recessed ET custodians of the Earthly experiment, and their remotely herded, spiritually ‘guided’ flock, appear to be accelerating in a radical manner.

  5. The possible endgames developing of this set of complex historical and current ingredients range from optimistic to cynical, and from hysterical to tragic. A key integrative insight is the threading in all this between “who controls the hearts and minds of humanity”, and who is the custodial authority of matters of their soul and status in our universe.

  6. So realize the very human institutions that were ultimately spawned by activities of ET aliens are very much at odds with the thought of alien custodial return. These institutions are so much at odds with the very idea, they are finding they may well have to knuckle under and adapt to the populace getting a new, higher authority than them. Some of this ET activity is the ‘higher divine authority’ the institutions have supposedly been humanly praying and invoking for a long time. The heavenly authority prayed to come back and return and save the faithful and help restore the world to paradise.

  7. Now when the authorities in the heavens have indeed begun in our modern time to come back, ET, representative of the divine, is rejected and discouraged. ET is rejected roundly by the institutions governing the dollar, the soul and the sword. ET is rejected as a divine authority, and only admitted as another creature of God’s universe.

  8. When approached by ET to develop open contact with Earth citizens, and the Institutions denied them, then ET indicated they would contact people individually, directly, subliminally, surreptitiously, deceptively, privately, intimately - whether the authorities liked it or not.

  9. Horrified authorities realized the only recourse was know-thy-enemy by engaging them enough to keep track of what the hell they were doing with our populace on the sly. Hence all the partnerings, the deals, the associations, the cooperation, the working relationships. They are all are designed to give us an edge in figuring out the whole deal. The deal that has been figured is two-fold - there are good and there are bad aliens. It is not that obvious to tell who is who, dammit.

  10. These ET (extraterrestrials) and ED (extradimensional) entities have been masters of perception and deception for millennia, so we can expect a formidable display of camouflage, subterfuge and psychological manipulation skills. This means some unscrupulous ET’s could take advantage of the vulnerabilities in the situation, just as we would.

  11. Therefore unholy and holy alliances have developed, from angelic to satanic, and some escape routes are being readied to avoid any ET integration at all by some science worshipping factions. Some groups are closely spiritually partnering with certain aliens. And other groups, still uncertain, want to keep the whole issue wrapped in levity and fantastic folklore of modern pop culture.

  12. Human institutions are NOT being demanded by ET to integrate and be assimilated as subordinates in an open public forum. ET supports keeping the wizards behind the curtains. Human institutions ARE, however, being faced with ET bypassing them anyway to get to the flocks. And this has institutional folks very worried, as they should be.

  13. Four secret states of Alliance relationship:

    1. “If you can’t beat em join em” - is about to be the only survival strategy for some parties.

      1. State I: Alliances with good aliens (secret state of divine apotheosis).

      2. State II: Alliances with bad aliens (secret state of demonic possession).

    2. “Don’t tread on me” - is the only survival strategy for some parties.

      1. State III: No alliances, except expedient, temporary (secret state of war).

    3. “Family secrets” - is the dominant status quo between aliens and human institutions of the dollar, the soul and the sword - that is - keeping the wizard’s curtain up.

      1. State IV: Ironic alliances (secret state of alien presence suppression and gradual societal assimilation).

  14. The aliens, or some of them, or one of them, has decided to bypass institutional mass human contact quarantine by engaging in communicating in a new language of symbols called crop circles. This has the authorities quite worried since they do not how to decipher the symbolic cryptograms. They do not know what effect they could have on the masses. Until they do, crop circles are highly debunked, marginalized and excluded from the human public awareness assimilation program that is bringing the alien presence more and more out into the open in a plausibly deniable manner.

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More Than Two Sides to Every Issue and Influence


Apparently neither human institutions nor aliens are quite ready yet to declare ‘game-over’ and all come out from behind the masks. The charade has sacred purposes and profane purposes. The sacred purpose apparently is soul evolution, and the profane purpose is apparently soul control.

The notions or Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others in popular use in channeled Ufology today are outrageous, but apt simplifications of the real intricacies of the matter. As the definitions change of exactly what ‘self’ encompasses these notions map across a wide variety of different orientations, and it is appropriate to introduce the dialectic, the triad pattern that is really involved beyond the dualistic notion.


Although merely extending the differentiating metaphor into three classes is hardly as far as it can be taken.

  1. The Ends Justify the Means Orientation

    Orion and Dark Sirian disposition pool Humanoid Demons and Devils
    Souls are commodities of central spiritual power and control and domination
    Body and Mind worship (2 body fixated Masculine principle emphasis)
    Bottom up material evolution
    Does long division by hand, in matter
    Extreme Service-to-Self focused
    Random Process Causal Reality

  2. The Means Justify the Ends Orientation
    Light Sirian disposition pool
    Human archetype Angels, and Non-humanoid Semi-physical Creatures Souls are sovereign fragments of evolved integrated immortal creators

    Heart and Spirit worship (2-body fixated Feminine principle emphasis)
    Top down spiritual evolution
    Does the spiritual division in their head
    Extreme Service-To-Others focused
    Unidirectional Causal Reality

  3. The Means are As Important as Ends Orientation
    Pleiadean and Vegan disposition pools
    Humanoid Angels and Biological Lords
    Souls are important to evolve and integrate.
    Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit worship body integrative, Balanced Masculine and Feminine principle emphasis
    Egalitarian spirit-matter evolution
    Does spiritual division in head and in matter
    Balanced Service-To-Self-And-Others
    Mutual Causal Reality

Now the institutions have discovered to their great dismay, that the divinities and deviltries of history are just readily and easily bypassing them. The last thing these institutions want humankind to generally believe, is that ET’s are the real heavenly masters of spiritual history. And in turn, they don’t wish to have the populace educated in knowing how to spot a false master when they see one.

Who is the false master? The ET’s that helped to create the Messiahs, or the human institutions that represent the Messianic divinities of history?


Now you can get an idea of how sticky the wicket gets. Therefore, our most secret institutional forces (institutions of dollars, souls and swords), in alliance (limited partnering) with ET, and in opposition to ET, and just knowledgeable about ET, have a complex developing situation.

Those who are directly involved with ET - in facilities, in abductions, in communication, - are hush about their work, and even less clear about their alliances. But the alliances have developed, with several different types of ET creatures, and encounters or occasional capture of other creatures and ET technology. The baseline assumption that suggest itself is there are as many ET power factions as there are human power factions. There are divine gifts and Faustian bargains.
There are level headed and hot headed approaches.


At the highest end of level headed approaches, are the more enlightened modern day secret order Knights Templars - neo-Masonic parties. These soldiers of faith realize some aliens are indeed truly beneficent and these aliens were indeed involved with some religious figures of history. These rare soldiers realize this long term Earth experiment and all the alien intervention is about the evolution of soul and love.

And that is a good thing. It is about the spark of divinity in humankind, not about being commodity soul currency to feed the fancies of the followers of the dark laws, be psychic corn-dogs for reptilian devil creatures with technology millions of years in advance of our own. That is not a war we can win without allying with the other side. That is one prevailing view.

  • Is it possible one of the reasons alliances are being made by ET’s so actively with humanity, is to establish, in a timely manner, some eminent domain in matters of the soul?

  • Is someone else of the more devilish kind on their way here?

  • Or are they already here, hanging back a bit under force of other alien (or divine alien) rule?

  • Are the demon aliens getting more and more unleashed, that is, allowed to interact and contact and influence the populace in the coming times?

  • Are the prophecies of opening seals and events of Biblical proportions veiling the coming of a new alien ET operation?

  • Just how many different aliens are part of the ancient Earth custodial force?

  • How many factions are there?

  • How many ET’s are new players?

  • How many are we just bumping into since they have come to spectate and research Zoo-Earth?

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Anatomy of the ARC Echelons

Jam Echelon day?


All these aspects to the problem reveal themselves even more rabidly in relationship when we consider how the whole ET alliance issue HAS splintered and fractured the controlling intelligence apparatus in the world along religious and spiritual, or anti-spiritual lines. The factional ARC enclaves are direct lineage of the factional spiritual influences and human historical conditioning.


Hence the very cultish distinctions in the world’s secret controlling multi-level Echelon (with project classification keywords thought tickler P-O-E-M, in a postulated operational multi-theos organizational echelon interest control and accommodation):

  • Echelon 7:

    The Satanists Parading as Christian Monarch War-Supremicists (English, US, French, Human-Alien, Alien)
    **Soul Control, Telepathic Control and Earth Control Group Focus (worlds of above highest intelligence, scientific, economic) Neo-NSA2/NeoGCHQ2/Neo-NRO2/Dark-Druidic Faust-Masons:

    • The Seditious Human Apotheosis Sacrificial intelligence sect Will sacrifice Humanity to save a few of Mankind Favors Fascism, Totalitarianism, Dictatorships (though often controlled from other systems) as the Ends, but uses Monarchy, adoration, and symbol embodiment as Means Dominance of Reptilian-Orion stellar soul resonance geno-archetype (top branch)

  • Echelon 6:

    The Egypto-Luciferian NeoNazi Exodus Science Supremicists (US, English, Old German, French)

    ** Space and ET-Territory War and Parity Control Group Focus (worlds of highest intelligence, scientific, military, atheist, CRO) NeoNSA/NeoGCHQ/Neo-DIA/NeoNRO/Neo-NASA/Eugenic Neo-Masons:

    • The Profane Technology Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Earth to save some of Mankind Favors Monarchy, Autocracy, optimistic Totalitarian Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion + Submissive Pseudo-Feline Sirian stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes

  • Echelon 5:

    The Christian New World Order Supremicists (worlds of intelligence, Secret Orders of Vatican and International Catholicism, economic, 1st World multinational Mafia)
    ** Belief, “Rapture” Control and Christian Moral Boundary Control Group Focus NeoNSA/GCHQ3/Neo-NRO/Neo-IAU/Neo-Mafia, some Dark and Free Masons intelligence sects:

    • The Divine ET Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Spirituality to save Religion (Institutions) Favors Capitalism, Religious Oligarchy, Autocracy Alliance of Dominant Avian-Pleiadean-Hawk + Submissive Reptilian-Orion stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes

  • Echelon 4:
    The Atheist Science Socialists and Capitalists (worlds of III - International Industrial Intelligence, Secret Economic Joint Ventures and Treaties, Prime Echelon System Control, 2nd world multinational Mafia, Secret One World gov.) intelligence sects:
    ** Science, NWO systems, Mind Controllers, ID Systems, and Economic Control Group Focus NSA3/GCHQ2/Neo-IMF/Neo-FRB/Neo-UN/Neo-TLC/Neo-TBG/Neo-KGB/Others:

    • The Profane ET Anti-Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Human Rights to Save National Governments (Institutions) Favors Communism, cynical Socialism, Scientism Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion + (Submissive Avian-Pleiadean stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes + Submissive Pseudo-Feline-Sirian)

  • Echelon 3:
    Judeo-Supremicist Capitalists (worlds of intelligence, Secret Orders of Judaism, economic) intelligence sects:
    ** Economic Control, Science Control and Counter-Intel Targeting Group Focus NSA2/GCHQ1/Neo-Masons/Neo-Mossad/Neo-Interpol/Others:

    • The Divine Chosen Ones Apotheosis intelligence sects Will sacrifice Human Alliances and Assets to Save Judaism Favors Capitalism, Religious Autocracy, Parlimentarian Alliance of Dominant Avian-Pleiadean + Submissive Pseudo-Feline-Sirian stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes

  • Echelon 2:

    Agnostic-Mainstream, Mixed Bag (worlds of baseline intelligence) intelligence sects:
    ** Communications Acquisition (SigInt), Interpretation, Trans-national Relay Group Focus NSA1, CIA2, M5, Mossad, Others:

    • Prevail in Survival and Human Affairs, surveilling human affairs Will sacrifice National Constitutions to Obtain Intelligence, Influence and Control Favors Democracy, Parlimentarian, Capitalist Dominant Avian-Pleiadean stellar soul resonance geno-archetype, Pseudo-Submissive Reptilian

  • Echelon 1:

    Non-Denominational and Other Associates (worlds of baseline intelligence analysis, political secrecy, economic intelligence secrecy) intelligence sects:
    ** Cultural and Environmental SigInt Prediction and Control Group Focus CIA1, DIA1, The President, Joint Chiefs, Congress closed subcommittees, General UN, NATO, SATO, FBI, Interpol, Other known international security infrastructure worldwide:

    • The Human Loop Only domain, No driving spiritual fixation Will sacrifice Political and Religious Leaders to Secure Influence and Control Favors Democratic-Socialism, Community Authority Mixtures Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion and Dominant Avian-Pleiadean and Submissive Genuine-Feline-Sirian soul resonance geno-archetypes

Decode this symbol-cipher key and super secrets are available to you, if you know how to slither:

111 120 102 374 015 814 014 325
019 749 016 119 001 697 117 954
100 261 101 040 101 182 001 172
112 331 015 736 002 488 008 179
014 315 105 177 104 191 015 317
005 174 115 632 001 629 115 110
114 320 013 514 103 271 103 490

TROVE -35 (hints)

Round the hand we count of
Essence of sisters and another on a level
Jupiter’s moon last in each world’s hand

Ritual sacrifice of the sisters by pentagram
Pleiades sunrise or sunset winds of Zephyrs
Turned by Orion’s noon sun winds and
Sirian midnight moon winds
Sunflowers ready for plucking from
Pole to pole in Tetra globe with
Royalty’s three eyes of
Dark life prime and vital in
Druidic breaths round year we do count
Full circle in all thy faces of
Sun sign marks cross the year do honor

Anyway, notice the order in the hierarchy as it reveals the dynamics of true power and influence brokering across the rarified essence players. Also notice that nobody is going to be happy with the idea that ET matters are most controlled by Echelon 7.

  • Echelon 2 is knowingly beholden to Echelon 1.

  • Echelon 3 and up are outside and beyond any review or knowledge, not limited to the domain of normal human affairs, as they are all effectively obsessed with the alien problem.

  • Echelon 3 controls compartmentalization of Echelon 2

  • Echelons 4, 5 and 6 are isolated from each other, but still in the hierarchy

  • Echelon 7 controls compartmentalization of Echelons 3 through 6.

  • Echelon 7 guides Echelon 6 closely without knowing

  • Echelon 7 and Echelon 5 have some key double players.

These are all intelligence clans, cabals, and crony systems. These are all derived, in historical terms, from the Catholic Church and it’s secret Orders up until the post A-bomb period, when independence developed between the key players into factions. Note these factions all splice from the deepest human belief orientations, often in their more extreme form.

Now if you think about history and how it is influenced by these key power factions, you think about how history has touched each of these parties relative to the alien presence issue. The crucible yields an amalgam of reluctantly allied forces, and extremist allied forces, and an entirely secret new world order that falls out of the hands of those who benefited first and most from captured alien technology transfer - and that so happens to be Echelon 7.

The alien problem has fractionated world powers and above TS intelligence into religious and anti-religious factions. And at the same time it has unified them into one planetary security network.

The Echelons defined themselves out of the extremities of institutional human response, and together are the ARC of how all the high-strangeness, non-fractal, abnormal, conflicting behaviors of secret government parties are created. They are all operating with impunity under the top secret ‘state-of-war’ condition we have been in for about 50 years since Fat Boy, the real deep-freeze war underneath the good cover of the cold war.

However, back to the damned or divine alien conundrum, yes, in a very practiced covert manner for the most part, these aliens act to aid and raid, assess and test, sample and breed, visit and learn, prepare and influence, outpost and relay, mentor and guide, or manipulate and deceive. The agendas are many-fold as discussed.

It is the agenda or veracity of the ET’s that claim involvement in human religions that is the Number One Priority Issue, and debate, despite the advancement of all our science as our new form of worship. The fact these divine beings beat science to hell with their own million year old science and technology and telepathic connected group-mind trumps the new form of techno-worship of rational mind we humans have developed.

Here is the gum in the works: supposedly, divine beings, in religious terms, were always considered above the flesh, above the worldliness of physical impediment, above the limitations of a physical cosmos. And now they are not? They are slimy bugs, lizards and other Dr. Moreau morphs out of our animal kingdom, and they are the heavenly hosts, angels and Olympian man-gods of history and myth. Hide this fact and throw away the key!


This has driven many mad. If some intelligent and powerful men (in the realm of the power centers of the dollar, the soul and the sword), have been driven to drink and eventual psychosis over this, one can understand the fear of War of the Worlds mass hysteria that would make the LA Rodney King verdict riots, or the Watts riots of the 60’s, look like drops in the bucket compared to the whole world rioting at once. This is why the Y2K problematic event is considered an interesting measure of our propensity for mass hysteria by those aware of the much bigger alien presence problem.

Physical ET stakeholders being part of ‘divine’ history is a difficult assimilation and will our institutions survive the full disclosure day? Things are increasingly in flux in all the metrics of physical and metaphysical reality in these millennial days to 2012. And surely Ed Dames may I.D. RV radar rings as something else than artifacts of heavenly scale war - scalar warfare blast effects leaking into our ‘weather’, as some suspect.

A few parties in the power elite are effectively Satanists, in that they harvest souls through torture and sacrifice of children, (sorry to have to say that) and use technology and unwitting people to cause Chaos. Some aliens feed on fear, Some aliens rejoice in love, some feed on love.

Chaos is a Keep-em-Busy doctrine for maintaining control of the faithful by preventing their creative ascent in spiritual terms. Inflicting chaos of social and human pain is a means to their ends of power and the pursuit of truth no matter how profane the truth or the methods of obtaining it. The lesson of the fallen angel is not lost on such folks, and from their point of view, it is well arrived at. Some people should be horrified by this or they are far too asleep.


Has the die been cast?


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Spiritual Symbol Powers - Finding Balance Between Sun and Moon, Serpent and Feline


Cults have encoded spiritual signals and gained power for the warrior and business castes. The phallic, serpent, and sun cult worshippers were among the elite of military and economic classes, classes commissioned by the most powerful religious centers. Moon and feminine principle worship are still present and not so hidden in the existence of modern new age cults, and feminine principle worship practiced as family, community, and inclusive environmentalism today.

  • The republicans sometimes seem a lot more allied with the warrior serpent, sun and phallic cult symbol systems

  • The democrats are allied with the moon beam pussy-whipped symbol systems

This may be because Republicans are often the party of ‘management’ and ‘competitive free enterprise’, and Democrats are often the party of ‘labor’ and ‘cooperative free services’. But the similarities are no accident. The truth that is “out there” is hidden embedded in all of culture, government, religion and economic infrastructure.

To see the hidden truth, one only need consult the right symbolic codebook dictionary, a dictionary of cryptographic munitions of soul evolution and control, a dictionary where the ‘munitions’ are the keys to human connection with the cosmos and spiritual worlds, connections with our progenitors. Social symbols evolve to carry great meaning. Jesus Christ for example was an ultimate branding event for a host of later historical Roman empire political and religious institutional building.

This is a dictionary where the ‘munitions’ are the power and consciousness of nature and the heavens and the earth, and the symbols that connote connection to them, and the politics is about our rights to individually have the freedom and personal sovereignty to access these symbols and identify who we are through them. Spiritual symbol control is the cryptography of spiritual energy control, in order to keep the populace managed. Some would prefer to profit from the prevention of free-evolution than to let it topple existing control structure advantages.

This dictionary reveals codes and means accessing spirit and ET, without specially authorized human go-betweens. Of course, the institutional authorities feel this is placing matches gasoline and guns in the hands of children. They are scared to death of the consequences, and their own loss of authority and what all this will do to change, if not destroy modern civilization as we know it.


Is this fear well founded?


There is no conscious conspiracy in this regard all the way down into political parties, just natural identification of people based on their societal position and orientations to one symbol group and spiritual ‘current’ versus the other. Republicans and democrats might as well be called the God and Goddess political parties, but that is only a ridiculous generality of metaphoric flavor.

If the ancient deal between religion and economic-military hadn’t compartmentalized the perceived relationship between religion and state in the western world, we would have a very different endgame. Because of the face value compartmentalization between Church and State, the two party system helps to act as a surrogate forum of inclusion of the latent symbol systems of society that were not truly suppressed, only symbolically appropriated and re-cast into more spiritually exploitable, economically exploitable and politically exploitable forms.

To the economic-warrior phallic serpent secret society cults, a woman’s body is the property of the state via law, the law of ancient covert hostile takeover of the mother Earth. Freedoms are a state privilege, and have never been a fundamental human right under law, from Church Canon law, to old Maritime law, to modern national government laws. Humanity has always been the chattel of the Lord from the Church point of view, or chattel of the state from the economic point of view. So true freedom is granting rights to devil worship (symbolic counter-intelligence), and so it must be narrowly privileged, and simply not a fundamental right.

This is how deep things go - all of western civilization is a consequence of how institutional humanity formed in response to, and adapted to one of the last great alien contact events - the creation of Jesus Christ. Anyway, that makes alien contact an Achilles heel for religious institutions unless they find accommodation with the returning divine and profane entity masters. Meanwhile, the institution of the sword would like to catch up a little, find some parity, and even pre-empt the alien agenda if possible.

The ET craft crash recovery operations by our secret government have provided some fertile opportunities to do so. The results have been mixed, with really very little gained in comparison to what is undecipherable and completely resists being reversed engineered or commandeered and operated. But what has been gained, little as it may be in comparison to the potential bounty, is enough to bring humankind into the age of anti-gravity and free-energy.

Notice how these fields of research are being heavily debunked and suppressed out of mainstream consideration? They got some bounty and they want to keep it to themselves. Again, it is the fear of vast change that keeps these things suppressed. But the ET’s are telepathically engaging in technology transfer anyway with remote individuals.

What the secret government institutions develop as leverage around the ET problem, is mitigated by the ET’s who give counterbalance by giving the same knowledge to individual human beings who are unfettered by institutional stricture. Once again, it is not about a war for technology, it is about a war for souls, and technology is not going to be allowed to be the deciding element in the endgame.


Those that know this are allying with the good ET’s, those that refuse this are allying, some unwittingly, with the bad ET’s.

On the other hand, ET was and is still willing to let things stay under the lid.

In fact, undue evolutionary disruption is something ET seems to strive to avoid. ET’s motivations for hiding from us are not the same as the secret government’s motivations for hiding ET from us, but the results are the same - the lid stays fastened on, except for the built in relief valves that exist to handle the cognitive pressure that needs to be dealt with.

This pressure is relieved in the self-discrediting, yet highly disclosing, pop culture psych-ops of popular Ufology and popular casual belief in ET. It is all part of a program for the survival of human civilization in the mind of the secret institutional forces that are playing this game with such gusto. It is a matter of planetary security, and a matter of spiritual sovereignties at stake.

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The Barriers Between Worlds of Beingness and Power


A larger issue is the spiritual energy vortexes and other physical cosmic fluxes are opening up in this region of the universe. Dimensional permeability between us and other worlds and spirit realms is increasing. Tremendous energies are available for assimilation or destruction it appears, depending on how the energies and influences are integrated or resisted. Sometimes the old standard symbolic ritualistic practices won’t work anymore, others will work too well and become almost frightening in their power. Watch to see this happening more and more over the next ten years.

A shaman can navigate in and out of inner worlds, but insane people are those who cannot cross back and forth under conscious control, that’s the only difference. Shamans know how to distribute their attentional awareness to include all of who they are, without losing certain references of who they were and being able to return to that starting identity at will. Insane people have attention distribution control disorder. The line between psychotic belief and religious belief is thin, and mass psychosis is something that can really happen. Before Dr. Mack, and maybe even still after Dr. John Mack, the American Psychiatric Association is more than ready to declare just about every maven related to the UFO, NWO, and religious conspiracy worlds as nuts.

These mavens and contactee and abductee people are all victims of mass hysteria cults, brain disorders, or they are sociopathic predators or hate crime suspects, or people exhibiting dangerous forms of psychosis, promoting paranoia, schizophrenia, inciting mass hysteria, mass delusion, and other conditionally arrestable hate crime offences for those rogues that get too close to the public trust.

In other words, if it could, in a well structured world, the science establishment would consign all ET telepathic contact to insanity. There would be mandatory ordered drugging to ‘cure’ people of having ‘insane spiritual experiences’ and of promoting insanity in the population at large. It is not pop culture anymore, it is a social hysteria response, a response system that must be stopped. But we haven’t got laws like that yet...

One reason the military is involved in creating hybrids is the attempt to produce alien-human beings capable of both human type control and also alien ability to effect telepathic interface. This is a situation where telepathic capacity is made stronger than the power of language to impede, deflect, or destroy telepathic reception.

With a normal person, the power of language is almost by itself sufficient to place consciousness into a limited band capacity of attention distribution. Experience not within the vocabulary of articulation becomes ignored and avoided. With a hybrid, the telepathic overcomes the hypnotism of language language.
Lack of telepathic interface is often only the conscious energy in play that edits the acquisition stream well before open field conscious reception can occur. Drop the invested autonomic control energies, controlling attention, mind, feeling, intuition.


Then open and expand the inclusion domain of extended awareness, ‘seeing’ into an emotionally felt spatial, volumetric imaginal energetic domain encompassment. Then access is granted. Harder than it sounds? The Mind Control Police are the next generation of big brother, already here, if we can believe the droves of coherent sounding people telling litanies of MIB and black helicopter and human security forces harassment, or other kinds or terrible liberties not believed by Readers Digest. They are capable of tagged predictive audio visual thought stream remote monitoring, and psychotronic influence that would qualify anyone for Bedlam.

The psionic broadcasting and antenna detection systems try to influence and sense thought-wave and emotion-wave scalar space events and EM-like resonances.

It is like the unworthy trying to remove the blade of Excalibur from the stone and no matter their strength and fame from afar, they are all frustrated and fail. Then the pure of heart Arthur arrives, born of the dragon, and born of the mystical goddess energy of the land of dragons and Merlin. Arthur has the touch of the righteous, and the sword comes out without effort of might but by the immediate communion and intent of the truly right.

And the only real ‘righteousness’ is knowing wholeness, sensitive inclusion, inexorable evolution towards love, tolerance of beliefs, humility, forbearance, and essential character that is congruent, and co-oriented with Nature, telepathically.

The radionic frequencies of the nature of Excalibur make it a prime sacred symbolic munition of truth, is a force that connects worlds, the power of the dragon made manifest as a concentrate, as a wielded weapon of the trans-dimensional symbolic value, and, yes, righteousness of Father God, and the Mother Earth.

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For Now, Pandora’s Box is Open and Managed with Malathion and Butterfly Nets

Are you a nice bug or not? That is the question (what is your claim on Earth and any of it’s souls or resources?). Oh, I’m sorry, you’re not a bug? You’re a very real human-species patriot perhaps who is secretly working with bugs? And other unfortunate devils or unholy hosts, and genetic hybrids for mostly ET uses.


Looks bad on the surface, but something deeper is going on. Right? Okay, lets try again and be nicer. Since we even have to ask the question if the bug is nice or not, reveals our principal strategic vulnerability!


We are unable to tell what some alien agendas are because we can’t read the ET mind, and ET is not telling. These entities are deft at communicating and contacting us using advanced subconscious subliminal techniques, which for the most part seem harmless and sometimes even beneficial for the involved parties. But the larger unknown agenda can still spell invasion, and we are in an early phase - a covert alien incursion on a marginal scale. This is not necessarily true mind you, but part of the working baseline assumptions for worst case planning and response.

ET, in one breed is a ‘bug’, and in another breed is a ‘godman’. They are all so telepathic, you wet your pants and get it over with. You know they know so much, and that you don’t know enough to authenticate their statement of identity. You know they don’t seem to perceive certain emotional states, and that makes the problem worse - they are telepathic ONLY in certain ways.

The true hosts of Christ, or of Buddha, or Mohammed, or Moses, would hopefully have the right self-evident authentication, not just to their believers, like cultists to their leader. The proof: real self-evident authentication, would extend to disbelievers of the truth, who can be dispassionately persuaded by the objective evidence and engaged in a critical dialog about it and still reach acceptance and accommodation. Hello Jesus. Or are you Gabriel?


The degree of covert influence to discredit the Billy Meier case has been classic textbook success story of suppression and debunking campaign history. It’s been in explosive overdrive since the day Genesis III released that first coffee table book of photographs that put the need-to-know guys jaws open and aghast.

Then, by the time Meier had declared himself to have personally met Jesus Christ with the aid of time traveling aliens from the Pleiades, and brought forth a text of dubious origin he claimed to be the true, undistorted teachings of Jmmanuel, the real name of Jesus Christ during his life. The rest is history, and many people are very happy Billy Meier is marginalized.

After all, there were statements alluding his soul being directly connected with the likes of Mohammed, Moses, Enoch, Elijah and other biblical, religious messiahs, and even scientific characters like Galileo. True or not, there’s no telling what ET and Billy could have pulled off if the atmosphere had not been so volatile and suppressive.

The system still churns slowly along on Billy, making sure of one thing: he isn’t the world’s next mainstream recognized ET spokesman, savior, interlocutor, or ambassador of our ‘only’ and ‘holy’ beneficial ET origins, when and if ET makes mass ‘first’ contact. That is it folks, Billy Meier was being coached by ET to get ready to take ON that role and had a group of ET’s ready to back him up.

Whew!, now with that one down, the gates open to a lot of lesser but still vying agencies, even though contacts are limited to covert and remote, and many mass contacts are human deception technology program tests. Still what Billy’s Pleiadeans tell him is that Earth had it’s chance to get a big end-of-century ‘first contact’, not his Pleiadeans but from nearly human beings close to our own development, maybe ahead a hundred years.

But we blew it by having our anti-alien debunking lid on so tight that social assimilation to the idea never became mature enough. Too many people would have their free-will too severely tested if ET showed up now. We are not ready, because the suppression program our world secret government has engaged in so intensely has worked so well.

The denial and suppression programs have ALREADY on NUMEROUS occasions prevented event sequences that could have led to large scale open ET contact and integration with our world. Open mass contact has not happened because the ET’s have ‘respected’ our institutional leaders requests to not instigate mass overt contact after being secretly first contacted. But that deal had a price - the intensification of an alien covert contact program, coupled with a human covert mop up operation to suppress, discredit, decoy and engage in social myth management.

Estimates of the different levels of quality of authentication of who is who are important issues when faced with such a telepathic capacity mismatch. We have an immense disadvantage on the strategic battlefield in this regard, except for those otherwise trained (remote viewing) or naturally adept (psychics) and focused (human telepathic interfaces) or military hybrid bred (hybrid human-alien telepathic interfaces).

Hopefully true and God-sent heavenly angelic hosts would NOT consent to the idea of interspecies breeding, and human-alien hydridization genetic experimentation without our consent in the present day. Or would they? There is nothing in our historical scriptures and prophecies that point to a coming heavenly Contact, OR IS THERE? Channeling Contactees want your eyeballs.

There is nothing that points to genetic engineering on a mass scale in our history, OR IS THERE? Joe Firmage wants your eyeballs.

Nondenominational perspective? The UFO evidence suppression, perceptual decoying, and debunking programs could ALL still be just a sly backdrop to hide that genetic experimentation on a mass scale by ‘aliens’ or ‘heavenly hosts’ occurred. And especially to hide that it may be getting ready to occur again.
Genetic tinkering and gathering genetic resources is already appearing to many as being a full force operation.


Genetic uplifts occurred at key junctures in the evolution of the human species? We are an uplifted species, granted an extra spark from our progenitor divine custodial benefactors? Our myths of heavenly hosts, both ‘righteous’ and ‘fallen’, in many cultures, may have currency in today’s ET pantheon. The ET pantheon could be the intersection between the most accurate Earthly religious scriptural pantheons.

But thankfully, aliens do not seem to be in a hurry to meddle with our society openly, only furtively. Aliens are not looking to capitalize on their ability to put us into mass hypnosis or insanity based on open Independence Day style invasion of our planetary sovereignty. They are interested however in their usual antics, like getting genetic samples before the pool might get destroyed. Earth won’t be destroyed by the aliens, or cosmic catastrophe, but by things all the advanced alien technology cannot change - a mankind which would destroy itself and life on the beautiful Earth.

Given some alien-to-military cooperation is apparent, the real story that is the only story justifying a lot of conduct is: the aliens that we are seeing working with the military for the most part - are future humans.

Some of these aliens are future humans from different timelines. Some future humans have returned using technology to travel through time to hybridize their future genetic complement with genetic stocks of this time and age.

There are many other ET’s of course. But future humans that went a no-win path have found they can migrate, that is, emigrate back through time to this time, some with the help of other non-human humanoid ET’s. These future human loopbackers gradually incarnate their souls into a new hybrid future/present genetic line in or near our present time-space.


They are engaging their own souls and genetic lineages from their own deep past-life embodiment, who are people we call abductees, to cause two things:

1. An upgrade to the present embodied genetic and soul

2. An upgrade to the time traveler ‘self’ from the future

There is an upgrade to the future human traveling back, if they are staying or migrating to newly engineered hybrid bodies. They may not be staying and only tuning their past line to fine tune, and they do not need to abandon their future in any major respect, much less travel back into time to inhabit experimental hybrid alien-human bodies.

But some are migrating back taking the gift of the hybrid body they get to genetically re-engineer with themselves in their deep past diversity, some of us today, and then incarnate their otherwise relatively dead-ended soul line into these newly engendered hybrid bodies.

To aid the abduction process is to save ourselves in the future from losing something we somehow made the mistake of losing - capacity for the full range of human emotion and spontaneity. Therefore from one point of view, supporting abductions may be as much a matter of human species future security, as preventing abduction from the point of view of seeing just covert invasion.

To put it channeling style, in the future humans time traveling back model:

“Those of us in the future who followed the path that deserted the Heart, we evolved into abnormal extremes, we of such interspecies genetic masteries and technological power.

“We limited our brain chemistry for passion and feelings in ways to promote group harmonies, and help in our species ‘upgrade’ at the time. In time, the human enhancement program upgrades were discovered to have been more of a loss of vital function. The cost-benefit was miserable to development of certain qualities of spirituality and spiritual energies.

“This was partly by choice, partly out of survival circumstances at the time. We eventually lost our way, but by universal grace we found means to travel back in time and encode the best of our future life streams with the best of your present life streams, and thus move on to grow again in ways we had lost.

“We leave you in peace to grow into a future that will be new and different than the one we ourselves have come from. That future is the undiscovered country, and don’t worry, in the end we are all together anyway you slice it. But our genetic uplift influence is not necessary at all if you merely don’t resist the coming wave of cosmic energies and influences.

“Just weather this time of momentous change in human history. Find the small ways you can assist present human evolution in important personal and social ways, and develop your ability to give and receive love.

“But be careful with whom you ally in the spiritual world. Follow all your sacred faith tests, and or sacred science tests, for revealing false prophets and then some.”

In private, some of you say there are ‘ET’s who are humans from the future’ working with other biocybernetic beings and cloned and hybrid human-ET experiments under various programs and pretenses.

The truth only your heart and mind and YOUR God know. And if you haven’t got a God, then that explains part of the problem. How do we love our God, identify our God, and communicate with our God? The Church and Synagogue and Mosque and Temple all have their bona fide answers.

But from a military point of view, how do we verify our God, and in real term, authenticate presence of God’s authorized representatives as not being imposters? How do we know our God hasn’t deserted us, and we aren’t about to be claimed by high tech alien con-men salvagers and scavengers from the sky? What is in the box the aliens and the Echelon do not want us to see? A genuine superhuman Indian guru, Sai Baba, suggests we are going through some upheaval’s a part of process of establishing a great new religion for the future. Another time, he suggested ET’s have a lot of work to do. But as to authentication, to Baba it has always been only Love. Human misery is ultimately human created, and human divinity is ultimately our seeing the beauty of our role fitting into their larger neural net of God and Goddess and All that is.

But we need to do this in a way our institutions can survive, even if some institutions have to change their ways. Current civilization will resist an innocent and benevolent alien Contact and re-label it as a hostile alien invasion and takeover.

This is true even if the heavenly hosts of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Abraham, and Buddha are somehow uncannily present in the big arriving heavenly host heavenly glowing metallic ships. However, it is unlikely that more than one Messiah will show up at once, unless, it is the same one looking different to all people - people seeing exactly the Messiah and savior they want to see. Hopefully it’s the right article doing all this expectation filling.

Pandora was a woman, symbolic of the Goddess religions of the ancient past. Nature was put into a box by the Patriarchal religions. She, in a manner of speaking, has returned to open the box.


The Institutions of power want to keep the lid closed, and feel too much already has flown out of Pandora’s Box. Anything that has made it out of the box has been labeled and placed into a new kind of box, an invisible box without a lid, without walls, where the truth lies right out in the open, but the wrapping still exists in our minds and hearts. This is the status quo.

Things are changing slowly but inexorably to a new state, a new paradigm of relationship with God, Goddess, Nature, Spirit and the Cosmos, and human society will never be the same. There are known and unknown trigger conditions that can occur to accelerate or impede the process of change, and the process of integration with a larger cosmos.

Since the wisdom of that so-called integration can be questioned by those who habitually suspect foul play (since they do it themselves all the time), some elements of Earth and humanity, continue to exist in an assumed state of war.

This is a state of war with the either or both divine and profane ET/ED/aliens, UNTIL there is proof of who is from Heaven and who is from Hell, and UNTIL we find out how much we have to say about the fate of Earth and our souls for ourselves, as a choice operating outside the allegiance to either of these ancient vying custodial forces.

To those that believe ET may be biblically divine or profane, that third choice of avoiding either divine or profane alien endgame may not be a viable option. But that won’t stop some of us from trying to choose our own fate outside of allegiances to such aliens, which as far as we know are just using our resident spiritual symbol systems to execute a monstrous covert Trojan Horse invasion.

One thing that could force that hand would be some kind of cosmic or environmental catastrophe that would topple civilization enough to necessitate a quick salvage operations by the aliens to not lose the fruits of their experiment. Hopefully such a forced hand endgame is not our fate. If you haven’t developed a means to authenticate your relationship with the divine, it is time to develop that before a cosmic divinity con game elbows their way into human control and exploitation. Just in case ET isn’t divine after all.

The secret government agenda is to discover the real alien agenda, in time to constructively do something about it. Meanwhile mass covert contact goes on, as maybe it has always furtively happened for thousands of years. So relax.

  • If they were here to truly invade us for material purposes, they would and could have done so.

  • If they are here for spiritual purposes - beneficent or malevolent, divine or profane - their deceptive practices would make sense.

Their Wizard-of-Oz closed curtain may be to not overly force any destiny upon us if they indeed respect free will, so we cannot underestimate ‘God’ wanting to work in mysterious ways.

But forces other than our conception of God are at work, heavenly hosts, both innocent and all too knowing, hosts friendly yet threatening, hosts alien and somehow all too familiar.

We are being cultivated, and they do not want to spoil the broth. The question shall remain and always be debated, even if their presence seems to recede,

“We, humanity, are being cultivated for what”?

The simple idea is that sparks and fragments of God, called souls, invested in humanity, may be cultivated into something different and somehow beyond (not necessarily better than) their creators. The harvest rights to that bounty are probably the real endgame.

If the harvest is indeed a misnomer by it being really a voluntary free-will choosing kind of deal, then the human populace might benefit from an physical brochure and/or a psychic travel brochure or two. Religion’s and indigenous culture’s models and myths as to the architecture of the spirit world and the cosmos do indeed shed some light. The endgame is indeed benevolent should we choose it. But how?


This is an endgame that we all know but don’t want to admit, because it could mean we have to:

1. Submit of our own free-will to a higher order of alien assisted evolution and law, or

2. Resist with all our might to retain our world free from outside influence, regardless of the possible divine pedigree, or

3. Just continue to ignore the whole thing until it fades away and just pay attention to our own business.

Is free-will near it’s end, evolutionarily speaking, or do we always retain a choice in the matter? If this is multiple choice, alien style, can we make up another option outside of the adopt-an-alien program? If Mars needs women and Venus needs men, can we let them trade with each other and leave us alone? Maybe free-will with spiritual empowerment is more likely at its new beginning and we have a choice in the matter far more than meets the eye.

Unless we would surely perish without alliances being made, many of those in institutional positions would like to make their own way. At least for a while longer before admitting Earth, and they, are no longer the center of the (spiritual) universe.


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