by Kerry Cassidy
Date: 03/08/06 16:13:28
Prepare4ContactYahooGroup Website
I did a search on the name Crystal
Knight and I was not finding anything of interest until I came
across the reference to 'Crystal Nacht' below. From there I
did another search and found more very interesting connections. My
point here is that the group of secret anonymous agents come from
the whole
Project Paperclip background (at
least some of their older members. And their choices of NAMES for
various top secret projects such as Project Crystal Knight can be a
clue to the symbolism they are using or other hidden meanings in the
project itself. Just a thought.
And in this case the choice of name is disconcerting to say the
Which is not to say that it doesn't make perfect sense that there
would have been (and are) alien/human exchange programs (theirs and
ours!!) But when searching for the 'story elements' behind any
manufactured or cobbled-together disinfo fragments... searching for
synchronicities and hidden symbolism can reveal the patterns in
their thinking processes and therefore may end up revealing more
truth than staying on the surface.
The Nazi Party, the Thule Society, the Occult,
and Freemasonry:
."The Nazi's shut down the 'Modern'
Grand Lodges whose membership was heavily jewish, liberal, and
'international', but allowed the 'national' Old Prussian Grand
Lodges to carry on after their Grand Master's sent formal
written oaths of allegiance to 'Mein Furher', changed
their name to 'The Frederick the Great Association'
(Frederick the Great being German 'Regular' Freemasonry's
founder and principal patron.), and removed any obvious Hebraic
wording from it's rituals. When the war was over 'regular'
Freemasonry operating under the guise of 'The Frederick the
Great Association' changed their name back to what it was before
Crystal Nacht. You won't see any of this mentioned on any
of those 'Is it true what they say about Freemasonry?' or
'Difficult Questions about Freemasonry' web sites that 'regular'
Freemasonry has mirrored all over the net."
."The Old Prussian 'regular' National Grand Lodges were filled
with Officers of the High Command, Captains of Industry,
Commerce, Finance, Leading Citizens, and Royalty, most of whom
were loyal Nazi Party members themselves. The very men who
brought Hitler to power. All with the knowledge of American and
British 'regular' Grand Lodge Freemasonry and it's hereditary
pro-nazi Grand Master the Duke of Kent.
Potsdam Day, 1933
The Memorial Stamp Set
issued to mark the opening of the first Nazi Reichstag, or
German Parliament. It depicts Hitler's personal hero, Prussian
King Frederick The Great, the founder and patron of 'Regular'
Freemasonry in Germany."...
"Kristallnacht," also known as Reichskristallnacht, Pogromnacht
and in English as The Night of Broken Glass, was a massive
nationwide pogrom in Germany and Austria on the Night of
November 9, 1938 (including early hours of the following day).
It was directed at Jewish citizens throughout the country, and
was for many observers the first hint that what is now called
the Holocaust (of which it was an early event) that might be
regarded as unique in scale in the history of Central and
Western Europe.
Wikipendia Website
Names for this event are the subject
of some controversy. It was called Kristallnacht (German
for "crystal night") by the common people evoking the many shop
windows, mostly owned by Jewish shopkeepers, that were broken
during the night. There are basically two explanations for this
Dr. Walter H. Pehle, a historian specializing in modern Germany,
has argued that the direct translation should be unacceptable
because its original intent was cynically propagandizing the
violence into something metaphorically holding "sparkle and
gleam" for Germany.
In the term Reichskristallnacht, the prefix "''Reichs-''" is
grammatically a possessive of "''Reich", which means "Empire".
Both forms of that word were heavily used in German-government
propaganda during the Nazi period, and in this case it would
seem intended to assert that (no matter how spontaneous it was
presented as being) it was an event of importance to the whole
nation, not just a collection of local events whose significance
was limited to the respective local communities.
The English term "The Night of Broken Glass" is often
explained as avoiding the ironic intent of Kristallnacht.
A much more probable but forgotten origin of the term
Kristallnacht is not the Nazi propaganda but the conversation of
the ordinary people, especially in Berlin. Aware of the fact
that much more serious crimes than breaking windows were
committed, the euphemistic term was coined because people were
fearing repression by the Nazi state apparatus for calling a
spade a spade.
Many people also saw that the
November pogroms were not an outbreak of "spontaneous wrath of
the German people" as the Nazi propaganda tried to portray it,
but a state-organized and executed act of terror. This explains
the prefix Reichs- (imperial), that people used also in other
contexts to ridicule and criticize aspects of the Nazi
dictatorship (e.g. Reichswasserleiche - "Imperial Drowned Body"
for actress Kristina S?baum). The meaning of (Reichs-)
Kristallnacht as a term critizing and accusing the
Nazi-dictatorship for what took place has largely been
Today in Germany it is mostly called Pogromnacht ("pogrom
night"), reflecting a consensus that "Kristallnacht" was too
euphemistic given the fact that the original dimension of the
term has been lost. "
Watch video
Serpo - Project Crystal Knight