
The Verdants

Surviving the New Technologies


Although some market-minded naives think that new technology is salvation, historians often disagree. When technology is misused or acquired by repressive regimes, it can lead to war, environmental destruction and overpopulation. So, in 1947 when alien technology thousands of years beyond human science fell out of the sky in Roswell and was scooped up by Cold War opportunists, humankind was in for a crash course in cosmic citizenship.

Aliens continue to debate how, and from whom, we must learn, yet all agree: humans must get up to speed in the ways of more advanced societies. Old rationalizations about balance of power warfare and man vs. nature are no longer adequate. The animal “logic” of old thrived when there were natural checks on aberrant regimes. Before 1945, humankind always had a second chance. Now, however, the consequences of human excess are so drastic and crippling that there may be no second chance.

When alien electrogravity technology first fell into human hands, there were two immediate risks. First, it could be misused, causing environmental de-stabilization, and second, it provoked human greed to acquire more of the same, which led to the dual dilemmas of attacks on alien ships in order to scavenge them, and secret interactions with IFSP - Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets - aliens who were able to deepen their intervention, absent public scrutiny. Advanced technology was too tempting for the US elite, which was in no way prepared to compete with the minds and methods of aliens, at the time.

IFSP aliens knew that, of course, and have manipulated elite greed to their advantage ever since. The National Security Act of 1947, which was partly intended to keep downed technologies secret, has been used to hide massively criminal doings by semi-private parties, further compromising them, and has become the worst threat to democracy and human sovereignty on this planet. The crimes committed have been so severe that some think a national reconciliation like that of post-apartheid South Africa, with truth-telling and some amnesties, may be necessary to return the US to a semblance of democracy. As one hyperversal stated, “there have been casualties of the (human-alien) interaction.”

Fair-minded hyperversals and other alien sources say we are in for a number of highly shocking discoveries about the IFSP’s infiltration and breeding program. Early reports about various elite “direct operatives” provide but a glimpse of what we will learn. It will take some digging, however.


Over time, it has become apparent that hyperversal aliens long ago learned a basic, but necessary trick to protect themselves from the misuse of negative-cycling technologies. Hyperversals are able to reverse delta t the delta t that’s written into Tom Bearden’s equations. In other words, hyperversals can minimize, if not reverse some of the speeding of time (and tissue damage) caused on a micro level when negative-cycling technology is used, albeit at a sum total cost to the universe cycle.

To humans, Tom Bearden’s assertion that use of electrogravity speeds the flow of time (making time elastic) seems like a one-way ride, i.e. as though when we use electrogravity we simply run the clock (like a vector) in that part of virtual space-time. However, hyperversals can multiply interfere electrogravity (and other cycles) in complex ways to counter the localized running of the clock on quanta. This allows for finer and more deftly counterbalanced uses of electrogravity and other negative-cycling technologies. Over billions of years time suc methods have been refined, allowing hyperversal technology to be multiply horizoned, so to speak. As a result, it is much safer, yet, like all negative (and alternatively) cycling technology, it nonetheless deducts from the total lifetime of the current universe cycle.

Again, hyperversal science is hyper-advanced---so much so that, given the fact that they’ve engineered new universe cycles, part of the structure of the atom, itself, may be viewed as having technological qualities. For some that may be hard to believe, but it’s true. Humans have barely scraped the surface of science, relatively speaking. There are much deeper implications.

In community interactions and in medical or planetary doings humans must learn to re-delta t the delta t in order to adjust correctly, albeit at a sum total cost—preferably on a finer, micro scale. This would involve a more gently distributed “alt t” value and must take into consideration the effect on nearby star (or galactic+) systems. Again, aliens suggest that we use negative-cycle technology only sparingly in order to reserve Earth’s ecology for the billions of years that we will need it. Nature has allowed us an enviable biome, which must not be depleted, lest we lose future freedoms.

One hyperversal, speaking for the three ellipticals” section, tried to rationalize their role in the Verdant-Centaurus A situation by rhetorically asking,

“What do you do when a large elliptical begins to (tilt or re-incline and shift negative cycle dangerously)?”

In retrospect, the remark was ironic because Verdant excess now runs the clock on surrounding galaxies and, along with Andromeda, we must contend with Verdant-Centaurus demands on our negative (and alt cycle) energy ecology. It’s possible that Verdants act as stalking horses for the three ellipticals section’s future energy strategy. Verdants may already have jeopardized the long-term arrangement in Centaurus, hence the question about what to do when a large elliptical begins to tilt, so to speak.

And what is to be done with populations like the grays and Elders (related?) who allowed their societies to be riven by intervention, their planets ruined by crude elite use of negative energy technology? One hyperversal stated that the original Elder planet died because Elders tried to use “a direct I E W line” (on a planetary scale). In other words, there was no softly-contoured re-conditioning of their energy system. They failed to re-distribute and counter-balance their technology. (“I E W” may mean something like inter-dimensional energy wave, or some such.)

Hyperversals sometimes seem wearied with having to steer emergent populations into more advanced genetic options and ecological strategies. They may feel burdened because the further back in origin hyperversals go, the longer they live, apparently. I recall one hyperversal remarking that another was relatively young because he was only 365,000 years old. Older hyperversals sometimes vent their frustration with the physical presumptions of younger alien populations who don’t foresee the demands that population growth and negative cycle technologies place on the universe. Imagine how much history you would see if you traveled great distances and lived millions of years. Vital sensitivities can wither, resulting in deep cynicism. Hyperversals of the sort may steer upstart aliens into larger aggregations in order to evolve them more quickly, even if the price of doing so is their freedom.

One hyperversal criticized such doings by remarking that hastily compiled collectives or groupings sometimes have an unformed, shell-like quality. Dependent populations within them may be reluctant to criticize the burgeoning entity, unable to think clearly and independently. Technology then supplants the impetus for self-reliability and good planning, yet an old numb hyperversal may dismiss such complications, preferring their manageability. There’s a tendency for such individuals to think that they don’t have to re-think such situations because they already did that kind of thinking long, long ago, hence they needn’t worry themselves.

On the other hand, hyperversals view us from the perspective of a number of previous universe cycles. How many, we can’t quite say, but there are certainly more generations of previous-cycle hyperversals than most humans would suspect. In other words, from a hyperversal’s perspective, current-cycle aliens must be studied and judged according to their compatibility.
Once, while arguing that the human struggle is exacerbated by an aggressive IFSP sexual population’s disproportionate ambitions, I outlined a moderate, low-intensity human strategy that would allow for the best long-term ecology. In reply, an older hyperversal said it may be that some hyperversals “don’t WANT long term” in our case. I was exasperated.


His cynicism was partly imbued with an older hyperversal’s existential considerations—like that of eastern thinkers not wanting to be reborn. The remark also touched upon the seemingly endless parade of crude regimes and physical pretensions of early technological populations, the violence and excess that they inflict on both themselves and the hyperversal ecology. So, from my perspective, the remark seemed a lapse of judgment, even if it were only offered to model or exemplify a certain intellectual resonance. Yet from the hyperversal’s perspective, he was arguing the case for more rapid assimilation into a larger hierarchical entity, a quicker ability to evolve out of our crude sexual impulses and physical aspirations (i.e. no long-term, independent alternative).

Once, when frustrated with cold, off-handed gestures by certain hyperversals, I suggested that they can be mapped within Virgo, and one hyperversal retorted that his population is “not on that map.” If I’m not mistaken, hyperversals don’t need to linger in a Mars or Earth-like environment. First off, they either have entire planets that they shielded to make it into this universe cycle, or they have large artificial craft that are probably miles wide that they can inhabit and move to various places. They can easily shield such from the prying eyes of lesser gray or Verdant-like aliens. A hyperversal could be at your side, their craft in your vicinity, and no human technology would even begin to detect it. They can remotely mask all of our sensing equipment, change the readings, and easily disguise any fluctuations. They can do the same to grays. Billions of years of science make that easy.

In retrospect, the so-called hyperversals are a conundrum. Their statements turn our cosmology on its head, yet their abilities and breadth of awareness clearly indicate a much-more-than-gray/Verdant capability, a higher degree of advancement. In the end, the existence of hyperversals suggests that a kind of river runs through our universe, a multiversal continuum that somehow re-dimensions at the fringes of our physical notion of concretes. Apparently, time is not a one-way, linear river. Instead, it is multi-dimensional. This offers the hope of human assimilation into a more refined, shared order of being, over time.

The stickiest aspects of human-hyperversal interactions involve basic questions about sexuality vs. non-sexuality, community mindform and whether offending populations must be absorbed and put to use, rendering a given collective within a kind of shell mentality, or whether independent aliens can be trusted to moderate their energy use and become sufficiently involved with other populations that they evolve and accord, on a large scale, within ecological requirements.


These are issues than cannot be avoided. We must be literate about them in order to be competent.