
The Verdants


The Notion of Physicality

For the most part, human science is framed in terms of objects, forces, and vectors. Such concepts date from the times of the Greeks. More recently, quantum physics has teased such concepts into a new light:

  • all atomic particles are “thingless” and non-concrete

  • there’s a seeming “randomness” of motion among them (a definition that both defines and limits itself)

  • there’s sometimes a faster-than-light “quantum connectedness” between them

Weirder still, there are seemingly infinite energy fluctuations in quantum interactions. In short, our science is suspended in mid-step with one foot in a primitive past, the other just beginning to test the waters of a profoundly new paradigm.

Meanwhile, alien physics is framed in terms of effects, rather than forces. That may sound like a subtle difference, but it’s not. It’s a major re-framing that allows for greater flexibility and a sometimes subtle, sometimes fateful blending of phenomena on a cosmic scale. Concepts that we take for granted (the seeming unity of an atomic particle, the ability to enumerate particles as though each is separately whole-numbered and individual, the solely forward flow of time) are not accepted by aliens. Aliens begin from a different premise, a different set of assumptions.

For example, we humans have an essentially liquid sense of ourselves. We think of our bodies as substantial, composed of fluids and a solid bone structure. The fears and instincts that move us daily are framed in terms of such concepts: burns, impacts, food energy, and contagion (*sex is for physical pleasure but it’s also about continuity). So, we talk about power (use of force to move objects), and possession (control of objects).

Aliens have a larger and more airy, community sense of themselves (more space than thing). They see themselves as being composed on a sub-quantum level where negative and alternative cycle fluctuations can gently connect on a universal scale. Rather than think of themselves as objects made up of tiny systems of objects (atoms), they see themselves as being hyper-connected to larger universal cycles, of sorts. It’s a categorically smarter kind of concept, and it subsumes atomic chemistry. While humans think of themselves as solid, nothing is solid in the alien view. Nothing.

Instead, aliens define themselves in terms of finer, tighter networks, patterns of resonance among sub-quantum interactions. So they’re composed of fantastically more capable relationships, all of which connect on a larger scale --- which allows for shared community/communities of mind. It’s a much more civilized kind of identity, although it poses new challenges. A more complex universe is within you, hence you must learn to accord within a more complex universe. For aliens, evolution is in every term of the equation; it’s always part of their makeup.

Although there are obvious exceptions, less physically pretentious aliens’ lives are ordered in terms of:

  • equality (within a society, but not always between societies)

  • the integrity of global and larger ecosystems

  • cosmic connectedness (relations with other aliens, hyperdimensional science, and a finite universal ecology)

I’ve both heard, and have been involved in, many discussions about this with a variety of different aliens. I’ve heard them compete in such terms (re who is more consistently so), and I’ve heard them quickly resolve disagreements in terms of the common striving.


Such considerations are always extant --- at times an alien may depart from equal connectedness, yet must return to that higher order in order to advance his or her awareness. There’s almost always another, more evolved society that a given alien people strive to emulate, hence they must be co-homologous within higher order relationships (the universal ecology, larger understandings, and a higher form of mind). It’s a remarkably peaceful basis.

While humans tend to see from their inside looking out, aliens try to see through themselves in a way that spans more deeply inward, which allows for a seemingly external remote-viewing of both their bodies and their individuality (via the larger social whole, or the universe). This occurs in telepathic interactions and in larger group consciousness. To be able to do so, aliens take the more civilized step of fading themselves down, in a sense, in order to evacuate themselves into larger continuity. Usually, the more largely they interact (within a greater shared awareness), the more advanced and capable they are.


This involves a kind of remote sensing and it models the universe as all-inclusive, as should be the awareness. A major part of this is only possible because of, and is mediated by, larger pre-existing intelligent relationships (this is most important). Advanced aliens see through themselves and must continually re-examine or redefine certain basic assumptions.

At a minimum, aliens are more studied and scientific than we are. This requires self-control and social purpose. The problem, of course, is that some highly technological aliens aren’t so well versed and sensitive in terms of what we might call “the humanities.” Among aliens, sentience is implicit in all shared consciousness, but a given regime can intrude upon and color it, one way or another. Although their contacts may seem universal, a selective bias can distort their sense of community of mind. Rather than remain open to the larger, more advanced universal continuity, a regime may frame social identity in terms of its own needs and preferences. It may speak as though its citizens are all one singular entity, but the universe is actually more varied than that. It’s not all one singular condition (although hyper-advanced kind may favor a subtle shading of the notion).

This calls into question the very nature of an observation. No matter how smug and dogmatic a regime may be about the one-ness of its connection to the larger universe, if the regime has committed too many crimes it simply won’t connect in certain ways. The larger order of being may be different. Greater, more intelligent dimensions of consciousness cannot be reduced to those of the offenders.

Which brings us back to the notion of physicality. A human might ask, “What am I?” But an alien will ponder “how” he/she or they may be. It’s a more airy, expansive notion of ever-evolving relationships. It isn’t so physical… Which begs the question:

Are we actually physical, or do we think we’re physical because that’s the limit of our concept, and because we’re physically vulnerable?

We’ve heard aliens discuss such notions at various junctures. The thinking goes something like this: All aliens are both determined and defined by greater, universal quantities.


So in the most advanced form, we interact universally (at least to some extent), hence in our most valid and most capable identity, we’re a hyper-connected community of mind. Individual peculiarities aside, universally valid ideas are perpetual. Reportedly, great effort goes into assuring a sustainable re-cycling of the universe. So, in a sense, even though we die, the greater validity, the best of our being, goes on and can conceivably cycle back into other being(s). For example, when we die, do we go to zero, or do we continue to fluctuate within finer, “less than zero” energy dynamics?


At the very least, we condition subsequent lives. And the better part of us, an undying higher community of mind, is our striving, hence we must ever be mindful of such. However, a basic question arises:

Do some beings exist in cruder form because that was determined by their weakness and limitations in a previous time, or is that but an irony of the complex and imperfect inter-relationships that allow for a renewed (seemingly physical) existence?

It’s probably safe to say that most aliens aren’t coldly and mechanically deterministic. They certainly know about evolution and genetics, but sometimes we hear vague drift about how flawed identity essentially groups itself with other flawed identities (i.e. limited ideas). This occurs in conversations about greater community of mind as compared to relatively backward individual cases. The logical response of some aliens is that none of us are complete without the larger whole. Instead, we’re all merely complementary of each other, or fractional in a mathematical sense, and none can exist in complete isolation. The implication is that higher mind is more capable when more of us participate and are consistent with such, hence all backward forms must evolve.

So, where do conversations of this sort arise? In mixed interactions, here. Human contact now involves a multiple variety of observing alien populations. Given that we live near a large, open travel corridor that winds through the galaxy (just beyond the comparatively sparse edge of the Milky Way arm that you see overhead in the night sky), there are a multiplicity of interested populations. Recently evolved aliens (humans and others) engage in discussions -- either with, or about older populations like the Verdants and with the participation of various categories of hyperversal aliens of varying duration.


For example, along with other humans I may raise objections about the current intervention here. You can probably guess which hyperversals defend the idea of like-identities-falling-in-with-similar-others. In part, the argument is a rationalization of an off-world policy toward humankind (and others). In part, it reflects a certain attitude. Meanwhile, a thoughtful, regenerative mind can always encompass greater consideration, but that requires humility. Ultimately, we’re all merely complimentary.

There’s another kind of conversation that goes on both between aliens, and in their thoughts. It centers on the basic question of how a universe was/is derived and can even exist in a stable, orderly way. If it exists, as is obvious, then a basic corollary is that it must all integrate. In order to exist, there must be a larger conservation, of sorts, checks and balances to prevent excess and violations of the larger ecology. Many aliens expect you to have pondered how that can be done. They expect you to have thought about how the entire universe can seem to be both physical, yet not concrete. In other words, if you know that there must be conservation in all relationships of all sorts, then how do you both embody and accord with such? What are you doing to improve both yourself and your kind in such regard?

You will be tested in this regard, whether you realize it or not. We’re all transparent, in this sense. If you verge on alien science and seek to interact more largely, do you understand how it all derives, in the first place? It’s as though none of what you do is valid unless you both respect and seek finer integration with other beings and their needs, their basic premise. If you disregard them entirely, then what happens if, being much more capable, they disregard you? What are the consequences?

More specifically, alien science and the politics of their interactions point to a succession of universe cycles (an extended continuity). We’ve heard specific hyperversals’ statements on the subject. That, in turn, suggests that various categories of more advanced beings both exist and pre-date us, hence we must curtail our energy demands and allow for their delta t/alt t needs, even if such beings don’t immediately appear before us when we want them to. Again, how did they derive and what kinds of relationships can we expect to have developed among them? Do we fit in without harming the basic ecology?


For example, is it right to want to travel great distances and sample other aliens’ ways of life? Or as the aliens in Summers’ books, The Allies of Humanity suggest, should we seek larger understandings yet not physically travel in great numbers? In a higher awareness of the universe, you don’t need to physically go there. Meanwhile, you’re expected to know that the use of energy by any and all kinds must be monitored and kept within certain bounds. Any and every system can be clocked in this regard.

You can see how such considerations always return to basic questions of humility, good science and larger consideration. Thoughts about the ultimate derivation of the universe take you through different cycles, in a sense, hopefully improving you each time you “go” there. One further, related question arises. Should all humans and aliens be encouraged toward such considerations, or should they simply be allowed to lapse and receive a deserved physical fate, if they fail to do so? Some advanced aliens say that if we’re too far wrong, we shouldn’t know too much, to begin with. It’s a sensitive issue involving life, fate, and nearly tao-like consequences of any behavior. It touches upon whether all people are compatible with higher communities of mind. This is much more important than some might think.

The entire, unifying premise for all aliens (including all of the most advanced societies) leaps far beyond the reach of specious wants and pretensions. The two are immutable. To simply enjoy your one small life, or family, is not enough. Both the distant past and the future were/are dominated by greatly more advanced beings, so the defining standards are clear. Such beings only achieved a universal basis (knowledge, communications, and more) through refined, shared mutuality. The most extensive interactions and capabilities are all-inclusive --- they leap further out, yet go more deeply inward, everywhere. Where, within such identity, is there room for hatred and impulses toward violence? We’re talking about actual, existing populations, not abstractions.

Have no doubt:

through a basic, universal hyperdynamic the most advanced inclusion can go anywhere and touch upon any individual.

So when you encounter the studied and expansive yet more reserved perspective(s) of such aliens, remember: they must be clear and responsible, yet abiding and tolerant of diversity in order to participate.

This raises questions about how aliens test and measure themselves re: their standards, social deviance, and acceptability. How do they all get along, and what do they live for? Are their social controls based on fear, or is it good science and mutually understood principle (the common sense of commonality)? We’ve seen how regimes of fear arise when specious distortions lead to lack of proportionality. The Verdant colonial scheme is but one example. Meanwhile, more humble, considerate aliens and some hyperversals more closely approximate the greater universal premise.

So, back to our main question: Are we physical, or is the notion of physicality, itself, evolving?


Here on Earth, quantum physics did away with the notion of concreteness. Now we know that nothing is solid. Since 1928 we’ve known that we’re composed of ever-fluctuating energy and elusive quantum packets. Some of it is always leaking out into space, ever moving and enigmatic. None of it is solidly physical. Instead, it’s mostly emptiness.

Once you understand that many aliens see themselves as composed of finer sub-quantum fluctuations conditioned by a larger universal continuity, your basic concepts begin to seem that much less physical (although, in some ways they’re still bounded and finite). Again, it’s a question of how much the typical observer either knows, or understands. In a sense, we aren’t entirely “real” (whole-numbered), yet we obviously exist.

Generally, the more advanced the aliens, the less concrete is their self-concept. This is due to the humbling effect of larger interactions and group identity, plus the need to reduce population numbers. Meanwhile, of course, we see aliens with hyper-advanced technology who seem overly preoccupied with physical security (preventing unwanted snoops, averting primitive upstarts, and securing ideal surroundings). It’s a basic conundrum (especially when their hybrids try to divert you with low-order slop routines when you investigate them).

Some hyper-advanced aliens tell us to remember that even their kind are biological beings with physical needs, not merely spirits. They’ve cautioned us to be observant and scientific in this regard because first contact can easily deceive the most narcissistic and simple minded among us. Predatory aliens know how to manipulate a young population. They know corruption intimately—from their own experience. There are destabilization schemes by large trading collectives, interventions in which vulnerable planets are driven to desperation, then takeover. They know an easy prospect when they see one.

Meanwhile, although some can’t bring themselves to admit it, elite economics has proven inadequate on this planet. Unlike alien commonality, it doesn’t work for the common good; it doesn’t complete the circle. Instead, it propagates illusion and superficiality. Self-interested sociopaths are promoted in government, where they work to promote cronies, resulting in extremes of crime and secrecy. It’s killing this planet. The personal attributes that such people regard as strengths (greed, predation, and the willingness to steal public resources) are seen as epic weaknesses on more advanced planets. On alien planets, the end of inequality is a watershed event, more stark than was the difference, here, between the Roman empire and Christianity.

The IFSP’s ability to manipulate conflict here, as was reportedly done on other planets, is premised on secrecy that helps Verdants gain a foothold. Various reports suggest that IFSP operatives’ strategy is to manipulate economic and religious extremes, making it difficult for humans to even discuss alien science and politics. Instead, we see lies in major media and blanket dismissals of the entire subject---at the worst possible time in human history.

Although the 20th century saw a decline of colonialism here, the Verdant empire was founded on such impulses (just before our Jurassic period). However, now that humans are more aware of aliens, a window of opportunity may be closing for the Verdants here (assuming that their interest isn’t merely diplomatic). Numerous non-IFSP aliens and my own probing indicate that in order to maximize the IFSP’s chances here, IFSP operatives have accelerated their strategy of tensions. At present, we see a recurrence of old colonial dynamics (domination, subordination, and manipulated conflicts), which seem like a throwback to primitive times. In part, this is due to a regressive lag in Verdant evolution, which has come to affect us directly.

When the Verdant regime was cobbled together, it absorbed the accumulated corruptions of thousands of different worlds. In other words, they aren’t innocent. As is evidenced by Verdant excess, the ruin of the grays’ planet (an IFSP intervention), the grays’ inability to speak on major issues, and the actions of the IFSP’s direct operatives here, the IFSP isn’t held together by democracy and critique. Instead, it was pieced together through cold manipulation. As Verdants admit, some target planets were killed by deliberate design.


Then, their resources were easy to take advantage of. Mindful of such disasters, we must ask whether specious rationalization has spoiled some Verdants’ judgment (even hyperversals admit that self-interest tends to cloud most physical designs on resources). In duplicitous fashion, the IFSP has cut secret deals with humans guilty of crimes against humanity while posing as though above such doings elsewhere. Verdants want to be able to say they steered human elites toward transforming crisis, but now that IFSP operatives can be exposed with relative ease, Verdant prospects appear to be diminishing.

That 500 trillion Verdants live on 246,000 planets is no doubt a policy and treaty concern for Milky Way aliens. Milky Way aliens may want to approach us in a less aggressive way so that we can learn by better example. After all, they have to live with us forever. Meanwhile, Verdants dart in at the last moment and tentatively occupy a number of our surrounding star systems, where they’ve reportedly bred hybrid enclaves to suit their design (the Nordics and Semitics of Altair, the tall whites, and gray hybrids who crashed at Roswell fit this pattern).

* The so-called Nordics and Semitics are human-looking aliens discussed by government whistleblower Dr. Michael Wolf and others (see Richard Boylan’s website). Wolf said that Nordics (tall, often blonde aliens who look like humans) and Semitics (long-nosed aliens who look semitic human) come from the fourth and fifth planets of a star called Altair, which is easily visible from our northern hemisphere. However, Wolf said both groups are derived of another human-looking group from the Pleiades star cluster. In other words, they would all be related. Billy Meier’s much-disputed contacts feature “Pleiadians” (although he now calls them Plejarans).

The problem with “Pleidians” is two-fold. One, contactees say the Pleiadians are enemies of the grays, yet that appears to be contradicted by reports that Pleiadians say they’re part of a “galactic federation,” which sounds exactly like the IFSP. Secondly, the Pleiades star group (purported home of “the Pleiadians”) is only 100 million years old, so life couldn’t have evolved there yet. Instead, the name of those human-looking aliens should reflect their origin, which certainly isn't the Pleiades.


* If US soldiers were to ride into an African city and say “we're from Africa because we have a base here,” no one would call them Africans.

Some abductees interviewed by David Jacobs say Nordics were involved in their abductions. As Jacobs writes,

” the evidence clearly suggests that the Nordics are most probably adult hybrids of human/alien mating.”

(The Threat p. 93)

Abductees told Jacobs that Nordics have been seen wearing tight-fitting, one piece uniforms, sometime of a silvery color. Brenda, who was interviewed by Budd Hopkins, said she was abducted and taken to a base where grays and Nordics worked side by side. At an MIT conference on abductions, researcher Jenny Randles said her research showed that in Britain, 35% of abductions are by Nordics, 6% of abductions in the United States are by Nordics, and in Europe 25% are by Nordics. (C.D.B. Bryan p. 68) In other words, evidence suggests that “Pleiadians” and Nordics are IFSP aliens.

There are further inconsistencies in “the Pleiadian” story. Given that aliens have diverse kinds of skin, eyes, and other features that derive from various evolutionary conditions, it’s unlikely that aliens who arrive here would just happen to look just like we do. So, when aliens arrive who look exactly like humans and say they just happen to be based in our vicinity, something is wrong with their story. Biological diversity suggests that humans were taken from our planet in order to create the Nordic, Semitic and “Pleiadian” contingents. They appear to be mere props for the IFSP intervention, fallbacks to be used in a multi-pronged IFSP approach to humankind. Given that they look like we do, the IFSP would assume that we might trust them.

Since Charles Hall says that the tall whites established a base in Nevada in 1954, the year Eisenhower reportedly met with tall gray aliens (Emenneger, Sandler 1974), Michael Salla suggests that tall whites and tall grays may be related. If such is true, the fact that sharp-chinned, tall grays reportedly accompany and give orders to shorter grays would also suggest a tall white-IFSP status. There’s evidence to suggest that tall whites and other hybrid enclaves are fed selective versions of IFSP propaganda. As airman Charles Hall writes, a “tall white” alien doctor was astounded to learn that humans actually feel love. Apparently, he was told otherwise.

In addition, at various junctures, non-IFSP aliens have described the tall whites as an IFSP dependency. This is alarming news because it would mean the tall whites were allowed a base near Indian Springs, NV under false pretenses (they pretended to be anti-gray). Meanwhile, the tall whites’ status is easy to discern through remote sensing because their energy and communications network bundles into that of the Verdants. This has been checked repeatedly (see how-to chapter), and has been repeatedly underscored by non-IFSP aliens.


Even IFSP and “three ellipticals” aliens have tacitly admitted it. In their defense, they concede that multiple approaches are needed for the IFSP strategy. They suggest that the IFSP’s off-world human-hybridized enclaves number but a fraction of the human population, yet the scheme is typical of the Verdant resort to spectacle and excess. Rather than ask our permission, they occupied nearby star systems under the pretense of tending to a brief phase of human evolution. No doubt during interventions elsewhere they’ve taken some such planets for themselves.

Now that humans are beginning to discuss the Verdant strategy more openly, Verdants are reportedly instructing their direct operatives to spawn conflict here in order to make us more vulnerable. Non-IFSP aliens have pointed this out repeatedly. They say it’s worse than most humans would suspect (specific cases have been cited). We’ve heard Verdants say tthey’ve spent great time and effort on this planet, as though they deserve a larger role here. They say they’ve monitored us for centuries.

Again, there’s good reason to suspect that Verdants want to preserve their home galaxy and use the delta t (the change of time by use of electrogravity and negative energy)
resources of other galaxies, instead. They may want to spread their negative-cycle network out on a larger scale so that it favors their preferences.


So, when a hyperversal alien raised the question, “What do you do when a large elliptical galaxy begins (to tilt) dangerously?” the subtext was clear: Giant ellipticals like M-87 spew vast jets of material from the axes of their central black holes, which can drastically affect surrounding galaxies. Depending on a variety of factors (like Verdant use of delta t), when Centaurus A begins to tilt it will affect our local galaxy group. Verdants and the “three ellipticals” faction may hope to use our surroundings in order to rig the delta t/alt t gravitic environment in the Verdants’ favor. But don’t expect them to admit it -- they shirk discussion of the subject, while competing aliens have suggested that it’s a valid concern.

Back to our main topic. When the notion of physicality is discussed in the context of alien interactions, the basic message is yes, we’re all part of a universal whole, but none of us are equal to it. None of us are solely spirit in that sense. We create waste and have diseases. Some of us take from others in unequal measure.


* This certainly doesn’t exclude the possibility of a more enduring realm of energy, or spirit (a pre-scientific human word). Even aliens talk about the subject yet do so in more advanced scientific terms (a hyper-dynamic that only exists or can be observed and seemingly animated collectively).

Another recurring discussion surrounds the subject of ego, specious pretensions, and the need to ever expand a given community’s considerations. Often posed as a larger, more advanced premise, we hear that larger interactions require a letting go of physical desires, an end to jockeying for resources. Some might say, how is that possible? The answer given, if not seemingly embedded in every aspect of the continuum, is that those who pose the question haven’t thought about it carefully enough. The most advanced beings and interactions must set aside or fade out their sense of themselves in order to even know the larger community.


The Buddhist notion of selflessness and non-propagation is analogous. This is the lesson for hyperversal aliens busied by the schemes and impulses of recently evolved aliens: reduced use of resource and reduced population, which requires such beings to spread their awareness and immerse within lesser aliens’ lives in order to teach them similarly. In one sense it’s a more condensed kind of existence, yet in another it’s vastly more expanded and airy, more subtle.


* Problem cases arise, nonetheless.

So there’s a built-in conservation. All life can drain or deplete the possibilities of other lifeforms, hence all must learn from increasingly larger interactions. Rather than yearn to travel and enjoy themselves beneath the light of billions of distant stars, as some Verdants prefer, the majority must seek greater knowledge inwardly. Otherwise, this universe is toast, and vast contingents of resource predators will ever grow and contend with each other, ruining the possibilities for others.


We have to model it all on a universal scale---over great periods of time, not just our immediate physical wants and impulses. There’s a great tradition of the sort.