Chapter 12

The Anunnaki Branch Grows

"Allah created the sexes, the male and the female,
from a drop of ejected semen.... He who is the Lord of Sirius
-----Sura 53,The Koran

Zecharia Sitchin’s work in The Earth Chronicles poses a number of different problems. Firstly, for those who already now it, the information obviously has a lot to do with our subject. The difficulty is that it also suffers from the ‘blame-it-all-on-one-group-of-aliens’ syndrome that is a purposeful cover-up to the true details of life here on Earth. This is common among specialists, but here it is a matter of the opposition getting their oar in the water first so as to confuse people on what the true reality is. In this case, there is an obvious failure to be aware of, or take into account, the large number of other races also involved with the Earth’s history, both today as well as in the past.

To give an example of how some of these difficulties arise, imagine if you would that you were asked to write down your own history. You would be tempted to glorify your own origins, your own achievements, and also the extent of the impact you have had on the entire world around you. There would also be certain portions of your life you would be tempted to totally leave out, whitewashing the blank areas, or simply glossing over them. If you were a good public relations person, you would also lie to head off any adverse publicity you might receive further on down the road.

The history of those called the Anunnaki in the Sumerian texts does just this same kind of thing. Their history was recorded by scribes they trained and manipulated, and is a source of potential fallibility. The various translations of those said texts are also subject to many and varied interpretations, both mistakenly as well as on purpose.

The Anunnaki’s history and what follows from it, certainly fails to take into account the influence of the One we have talked about already who is the supreme director behind many of these aliens actions. Neither does it take into account what has heretofore been unknown, that is the personal participation of this central character in an extremely physical way with the history of the planet. It is difficult for those not in possession of certain facts to fully explain the events as they happened. Much of what has been written, then, is simply incorrect.

The history of the Anunnaki also does not take into account the fact that this race of reptilian/human hybrids are also the lackeys of the grander and darker races of both Sirius and Orion from who they once sprang. The jealousy, the often fatal attempts to supplant their own Masters, reminds one very much of the Klingons of Star Trek fame, the pirates and convicts of the galaxy, making do with whatever they can to enhance their own sense of self-esteem and value. In truth, they are little more than the archetypal galactic drug pushers and pirates.

Sitchin’s work, while groundbreaking in its openness and the bringing forward of this very controversial issue, is suspect at best. His research and cross-referencing makes for wonderfully adventurous reading. It is an indication of the expansion of consciousness of the population that it has been so popularly received. Without question it has also given many people a marvelous chance to open their minds to new possibilities about the role ‘aliens’ have played in both our history and in our religions. This is important. When similar, but more narrowly focused, ideas were suggested by Dr. Agrest, doctor of physical-mathematics, in an article in the Moscow Literary Gazette of February 1960, it may have stimulated interest among some scientists, but never had the startling effect on the population the way that Zecharia Sitchin’s work has.

Even though the material has been available for the past two decades, we feel it is still necessary to give a brief introduction to Sumeria and Mesopotamia, as well as some basic background information on Sitchin’s premise. We will also endeavor to put events in some context of what else was happening on the planet around that same time.



Sumer was an ancient country of western Asia, corresponding to the ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia of biblical times. It was situated in what is today the southern part of Iraq. The history books speak of Sumer as dating back to the 5th millennium BC when the Ubaidians established settlements in the area. Several centuries later, as the Ubaidian settlers prospered, Semites from the Syrian and Arabian deserts began to infiltrate, both as peaceful immigrants and as raiders in quest of booty. After about 3250 BC, another people migrated from its homeland, located probably northeast of Mesopotamia (from the colony we have known as Aksu at that 3200 BC mark in time), and began to intermarry with the native population. The newcomers, who became known as Sumerians, spoke an agglutinative language unrelated apparently to any other known language (from the starseeding of language through genetics to Aksu).

The name of rulers that preceded Sargon of Akkad in the region did not make sense at all in terms of having a meaning:

  • the king at whose court Sargon was a counselor was called Urzabab

  • the king who reigned in Erech was named Lugalzagesi

  • and so on...

Scholars therefore took another look at the Akkadian inscriptions. Basically, the Akkadian cuneiform script was syllabic: Each sign stood for a complete syllable (Ab, ba, bat, etc.) Yet the script made extensive use of signs that were not phonetic syllables but conveyed the meanings “god,” city,” country,” or “life,” “exalted” and the like. The only possible explanation for this phenomenon was that these signs were remains of an earlier writing method which used pictographs.


Akkadian then, must have been preceded by another language that used a writing method akin to the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The claim by Ashurbanipal that he could read intricate tablets in “Shumerian” and understand the words written on tablets from the “days before the Flood" only increased the mystery. But in January, 1869 Jules Oppert suggested to the French Society of Numismatics and Archaeology that recognition be given to the existence of a pre-Akkadian language and people.


Pointing out that the early rulers of Mesopotamia proclaimed their legitimacy by taking the title “King of Sumer and Akkad,” he suggested that the people be called “Sumerians,” and their land “Sumer” (Shinar was the Biblical name for Shumer).
In the centuries that followed the immigration of the Sumerians, the country grew rich and powerful. Art and architecture, crafts, religious and ethical thought flourished. The Sumerian language became the prevailing speech of the land, and the people here developed the cuneiform script, a system of writing on clay. This script was to become the basic means of written communication throughout the Middle East for about 2000 years.

Agga, the last ruler of the Etana Dynasty in Sumer, was defeated by Mesanepada, king of Ur in about 2670 BC. Mesanepada then founded the so-called 1st Dynasty of Ur and made Ur the capital of Sumer. Soon after his death, the city of Erech achieved a position of political prominence under the leadership of Gilgamesh (about 2700-2650 BC), some of whose deeds are chronicled in the story we have already mentioned, The Epic of Gilgamesh.

By the 23rd century BC, the power of the Sumerians had declined to such an extent that they could no longer defend themselves against foreign invasion. The Semitic ruler Sargon the Great who reigned about 2335-2279 BC, succeeded in conquering the entire country. Sargon founded a new capital, called Agade, in the far north of Sumer and made it the richest and most powerful city in the world at that time. The people of northern Sumer and the conquering invaders, fusing gradually, became known ethnically and linguistically as Akkadians. The land of Sumer acquired the composite name Sumer and Akkad.

Sitchin describes Sumer as,

“the first known civilization, appearing suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere some 6,000 years ago. It is credited with virtually all the ‘firsts’ of high civilization: inventions and innovations, concepts and beliefs, which form the foundation of our own Western culture, and indeed of all other civilizations and cultures throughout the Earth. The wheel and animal-drawn vehicles, boats for rivers and ships for seas, the kiln and the brick, high-rise buildings, writings and schools and scribes, laws and judges and juries, kingship and citizens’ councils, music and dance and art, medicine and chemistry, weaving and textiles, religion and priesthoods and temples. And above all, knowledge of mathematics and astronomy began there.”

After cataloguing some of the great technological achievements of ancient Lemuria and Atlantis, and knowing that the Atlanteans were responsible for setting up many of their colonies around the world –including those close to ancient Mesopotamia in Egypt, one can begin to understand the arrogance of this statement.

Sumer (actually Shumer) was called—“land of the Guardians.” The term Nephilim (alias the Anunnaki) was also rendered asGuardians” or sometimes as ‘Watchers.” In ancient Egypt, the term for “gods, divine” was Neteru, also translated as “Guardians.” The hieroglyph for this term was an axe. E.A. Wallis Budge in a special chapter in his work The Gods of the Egyptians titled “The Axe As A Symbol of God,” concluded that the axe was made of metal, and that the symbol was probably borrowed from the Sumerians.



Since the early work of Erich Von Daniken and his Chariot of the Gods in the 1960s, it has been fashionable to search through ancient myths and legends to find instances of what could be openly interpreted as aliens or space-gods visiting Earth and interacting with mankind. Some of these legends are reported to stem from before the Great Flood, about 9,000 BC, as we now already know. It is these legends that are often used by Sitchin in his work to explain the supposed spread of Anunnaki influence around the world.

One of the cycles of legends used by Sitchin in his work is that of the Nahuatl tribes of central Mexico, of whom the Aztecs encountered by the Spaniards were the last extant. Their tales of migration encompassed four ages, or “Suns,” the first one of which ended with the deluge. One version which provides the lengths in years for those ages, indicates that the first “Sun” began 17,141 years before the tale was related to the Spaniards, i.e. circa 15,600 BC, and thus indeed millennia before the Deluge. The use of the sun to measure ages, suggests that these were most likely remnants of the last Lemurian people fleeing the spreading Dark forces of Atlantis almost 6,000 years prior to its final breakup.

Further south, along the Pacific coast of South America, Andean ‘myths’ did not recall pre-Diluvian migrations, but knew of the Deluge and asserted that the gods, already present in those lands, were the ones to help the few survivors upon the high peaks to repopulate the continent. This is an important point, for it is verily the same thing as happened with Lemuria and the islands of the Pacific, where the few who survived began civilization again. Similarly, the Canary Islands and the Azores are the mountain peaks of the once great Atlantis.

The Andean legends used by Sitchin do speak clearly, however, of new, post-Diluvial arrivals by sea. The most memorable of these was one headed by a leader called Naymlap who led his people across the Pacific in a fleet of boats made of balsa wood, guided by an “idol,” a green stone through which the Great God delivered navigational and other instructions. Their landfall was at the most westward point of the South American continent, nowadays called Cape Santa Helena in Ecuador. After they landed, the Great God (still speaking through the green stone) instructed the people in farming, building, and handicrafts.

An ancient relic made of pure gold, now kept in the Gold Museum of Bogota, Colombia, depicts a tall leader with his entourage atop a balsa wood raft. The artwork may well have represented the sea crossing by Naymlap or his like. These people were well acquainted with the calendar and worshiped a pantheon of twelve gods according to the Naymlap legend. Moving inland to settle where Ecuador’s capital, Quito, is now situated, they built there two temples facing each other: one dedicated to the Sun, the other to the Moon, much as was done at Teotihuacan in Mexico. The Temple of the Sun had in front of its gateway two stone columns and in its forecourt a circle of twelve stone pillars.

Because these two myths speak of people who were aware of the calendar cycles or the division of the sky into the twelve sections of the Zodiac, or because they had a pantheon of twelve gods and two pillars in front of their temple, indicates to Sitchin that they had some kind of contact with ancient Mesopotamia and therefore ancient Sumer. Unfortunately it is hard to extrapolate balsa wood boats into aliens from the heavens. From The Nine’s channelings, it is more likely—even coming from the West, that these were members of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel, or remnants of some other colony of Atlantis. And from what we know of temple technology, the similarities are ubiquitous (world-wide).

Sitchin also uses the same location already mentioned by Brother Philip to support his claims of Sumerian interaction in South America. Unfortunately, we already know this area to be one settled by some of the survivors of Lemuria. Sitchin’s claim is that south of where Lima, the capital of Peru, is situated, along the coast and mountains that face Lake Titicaca, and on southward toward Chile, the dominant tribal language was that of Aymaras. They too recalled in their legends early arrivals on the Pacific Coast by sea, and by land from the territory east of Lake Titicaca.


The Aymara considered the former as unfriendly invaders; the latter were called Uru, meaning “olden people,” and those remnants still exist in the Sacred Valley as a group with its own customs and traditions. The possibility that they were Sumerians, arriving at Lake Titicaca when Ur was Sumer’s capital (the last time between 2200 and 2000 BC), must be taken seriously, according to Sitchin.

The fact that the province that connects the Sacred Valley, the eastern shores of Lake Titicaca, and western Brazil is still called Madre del Dios—“mother of the gods” indicates to Sitchin that this area was named after the Nibiruan ‘mother of the gods,’ Ninsirhag. The fact that both the Lemurians and the Atlanteans had a female representation in their religion of the Mother of the Gods, however, makes either one of these just as plausible.

Sitchin’s own explanations of the Piri Re’is map suggest that there were a number of peoples who could have been travelling the world as early as the 3rd millennium BC. The Piri Re’is map dates back to AD 1513, and shows all of South America, including its Patagonian tip, parts of which were still unknown at the time, as well as Antarctica, unknown by the civilized world until around AD 1820.

If the Hebrews could get to North America, as suggested by the Book of Mormon and as supported by The Nine, then travel in those days was not as limited as some historians might tend to think. Indeed, there are a number of carvings in stone throughout South America that portray very Semitic-looking men with long flowing beards.

As a sidebar here, it is also important to understand the great portent the Piri Re’is map has on the suggestion that much of history has been ‘staged.’

“...He (Piri Re’is) also repeated the tale of how Columbus first tried to convince the grandees of Genoa and then the king of Spain that according to a book that he (Columbus) possessed, “at the end of the Western sea (the Atlantic), that is on its western side, there were coasts and islands and all kinds of metals and also precious stones.”

The details contained in the Turkish admiral’s book confirm that Columbus knew quite well in advance where he was going. Columbus as a member of the Rosicrucians, a student of Dante Aligheri, and having been sponsored by Leonardo Da Vinci, was in the right circle of friends to be in the possession of very detailed maps and geographic data from very ancient sources.

If Columbus knew where he was going because many others had gone before, why is it that we so celebrate his achievements, and think of him as the discoverer of North America? The answer lies in a later chapter.

The existence of such earlier maps is attested to by Piri Re’is. In a subsequent notation, which explains how the map was drawn, he listed as sources maps made by Arab cartographers, the Portuguese, the “map of Columbus,” as well as “about twenty charts and Mappae Mundi” (charts drawn in the days of “Alexander, Lord of the Two Horns”—an Arabic epithet for Alexander The Great). This statement alone suggests that Piri Re’is saw and used maps from as early as the fourth century BC, maps that were once kept in the Library of Alexandria and survived the destruction by fire in AD 642.

It is now believed that the suggestion to sail westward on the Atlantic to reach existing coasts was first made not by Columbus but by an astronomer, mathematician, and geographer from Florence, Italy, named Paulo del Pozzo Toscanelli in 1474. It is also recognized that maps such as the Medicean from 1351 and that of Pizingi of 1367, were available to later mariners and cartographers, the most renowned of whom being Mercator whose Atlas of 1569 and methods of projection are still standard features of cartography to this day. Oddly enough, Mercator’s maps of the world also show an Antarctica with geographical and topographical features such as coasts, bays, inlets, estuaries and mountains, even rivers, where none can now be seen because of the ice cap that hides them, features that have been buried under an ice sheet for thousands of years!

It is clear to Sitchin that these early sailors had an instrument of navigation for accurately determining longitudes that was far superior to anything possessed by the peoples of ancient, medieval, or even modern times until the second half of the 18th century. Just such a mechanism was discovered in the sea off Antikythera island by sponge divers in 1900. It was part of the cargo of a shipwreck which occurred in the first century BC. The mechanism is considered to be a calendrical Sun and Moon computing machine, dated after the latest evidence to circa 80 BC.

In it, the gears were linked one to the other on a basis of several differentials—a sophistication which we now find in automatic gearshift boxes in cars—and that incorporated the cycle of the Sun and the Metonic (nineteen-year) cycle of the Moon. The gears were fitted with tiny teeth and moved on varied axles. Markings on circular and angular parts were accompanied by inscriptions in Greek that named a number of zodiacal constellations. Professor Derek de Sola Price of Yale University, author of a study on the subject, said that he could not agree that the complexity of the device and its mechanical sophistication put it so far beyond the scope of Hellenistic technology that it could only have been designed and created by “alien astronauts coming from outer space and visiting out civilization.”

The Greek civilization was a by-product of that of Atlantis, rooted in the technology of the Alteans and many other ‘alien’ races. In fact, the technology of Atlantis far outdistanced our own considerable achievements in technology, and was more advanced than even that of the Anunnaki. However, this is not the point. It is a simple truth that many alien races brought their technology to the planet for one reason or another. That not much of anything remains from the time before the Flood, does not exclude the Atlanteans from being a more genuine claimant to the title of ‘originator of modern civilization’ than the Anunnaki, as supported by both The Nine, and Edgar Cayce, although they must get some of the credit it is true.


The Anunnaki

The story of the Anunnaki, the Nephilim of the Bible, is clearly told in The Book of the Watchers, a collection of visionary stories set, in turn, into a larger collection called the First Book of Enoch. The story tells how the “watcher” angels, whom God appointed to supervise (“watch over”) the universe, fell from heaven. Starting from the story of Genesis 6, in which the “sons of God” lusted for human women, the author combines two different accounts of how the watchers lost their heavenly glory. The first describes how Semihazah, leader of the watchers, coerced two hundred other angels to join him in a pact to violate divine order by mating with human women. These mismatcheds produced “a race of bastards, the giants known as nephilim (fallen ones”), from whom there were to proceed demonic spirits,” who brought violence upon the earth and devoured its people.

Interwoven with this story is an alternative version, which tells how the archangel Azazel sinned by disclosing to human beings the secrets of metallurgy, a pernicious revelation that inspired men to make weapons and women to adorn themselves with gold and silver. Thus the fallen angels and their demon offspring incited in both sexes violence, greed, and lust.

George Nickelsberg points out that from the time of Alexander the Great, Greek kings have claimed to be descended from gods as well as from human women; the Greeks called such hybrid beingsheroes’. Their Jewish subjects, however, with their derisive tale of Semihazah, may have turned such claims of divine descent against the foreign usurpers of their soil. The Book of Watchers says pointedly that these greedy monsters “consume the produce of all the people until the people hated feeding them”; the monsters then turned directly to “devour the people.”

In all the histories of Lemuria and Atlantis, even those discussed of Sirius and Orion and other such planets, there is never one single reference to any form of cannibalism—until we come to talk about the Nephilim and the race known as the Anunnaki. Even though many other races and the root races from which the Anunnaki seemed to come were ‘reptilian’, none are known to ‘eat the flesh’ of other races of beings.

It becomes clearly obvious why then, although Enoch is used as an example of righteousness and was considered one of the main prophets of Biblical times, and the Book of Enoch is considered to be very reliable source, it has never been accepted as a part of the Christian Bible, instead being relegated to the Gnostic Scriptures.

It is to these “greedy monsters” in the Book of Enoch that Sitchin relates the various foundations of civilization throughout the world:

“The legends of the ascent heavenward of the Creator and his two sons, the Moon and the Sun, from the sacred rock on the Island of the Sun (Titicaca Island) may well be recollections of the departure of Anu, his son Sin and his grandson Shamash: having made a short trip by boat from Puma-Punku to a waiting airborne craft of the Anunnaki.”

This story is reminiscent, and perhaps archetypal, of the ascent by Muhammad the Prophet from the rock of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on his white steed called “Lightning.” Perhaps, as with Enoch and other such ‘divine prophets,’ being lifted off by spacecraft is the ordained method of ascension.

Along with the Pharaohs of Egypt, fathered by the gods from Atlantis and not Sumer, even the legend of Quetzalcoatl, i.e. the Winged Serpent, gets related by Sitchin to the Anunnaki, Quetzalcoatl being in Sitchin’s eyes the equivalent of Anu, ruler of the Anunnaki planet of Nibiru.

“Why then not accept our suggestion that the arrival of Quetzalcoatl in his new realm was the occasion for starting the Long Count of the Mesoamerican calendar—especially since it was this very god who had introduced the calendar to these lands?” he asks.

One falsity builds upon another, much as any good science fiction or fantasy writer can build an entire world and people it with various races and creatures, all speaking their own language and having their own separate traditions. All one needs to do to accept these fantasies is to accept the first original premise or premises.

The Zodiac that originated almost 100,000 years ago in Lemuria with the Earth religion that was the forerunner of the Sons of the Law of One, is credited by Sitchin to Sumer. On the symbols to be found on the oval dolmen called ‘the Pedra Pintada,’ located in the Amazon Basin near the Brazil-Guyana border, Sitchin says that such symbols as that of the two fishes (for Pisces), the two human images (the twins of Gemini) and the female holding a stalk of grain (Virgo, the virgin) are identical to the zodiacal symbols (and their names) that originated in Sumer and were adopted throughout the Old World. That not all the symbols of the zodiac are identical to those that originated in Sumer is not unusual, says Sitchin, since in various lands (such as China) the zodiac (which means “animal circle”) was adapted to local fauna.

“ less astounding than the decorative symbols and the zodiacal signs around the oval dolmen’s face is the depiction in the center of the pentagonal dolmen. It shows a circle of stones surrounding two monoliths, between which there appears a partly erased drawing of a human head whose eye is focused on one of the monoliths.”

Such a “head with sighting eye” can be found in Mayan astronomical codices, according to Sitchin, in which the sign depicts astronomer-priests. However, as we have also already learned, the Mayans were a remnant of the Atlantean colonizing effort, one which became isolated after the Flood. The symbolism of the pentagonal dolmen is also very Masonic, suggesting more that its origins were Atlantean than anything from Sumer.

We do not mean to cast doubts on all of Sitchin’s work, for indeed there is some truth in what he has written and in its overall intent. We do not disagree that the ancient gods the Sumerians texts speak of, the Anunnaki, did in fact exist, and did indeed have a long and incestuous relationship with mankind as we shall so soon find out. It is also not disputed that almost half a million years ago they could travel in space, and were coming and going between their ‘planet’ and Earth every 3,600 years, or thereabouts.


That the Anunnaki assigned to the African mines mutinied and that the Anunnaki therefore used genetic manipulation and in-vitro fertilization techniques to create “primitive workers,” the first Homo sapiens, to take over the backbreaking toil in the gold mines, is also essentially correct.

That the Anunnaki’s reason for deciding to give to NAM.LU.GAL.LU –“civilized mankind”– the knowledge of tools, not for the sake of Mankind, but “for the sake of the Gods,” to assure their satiation is also essentially correct, and needs stressing. These are basic truths which we both then agree upon.

To try and credit the Anunnaki with every visit by a member of a visiting alien race to any of the continents, however, is going a little too far. Worse still, to trace the whole of human history over the past 500,000 years back to the Anunnaki and their presence on the planet, as Sitchin seems want to do, is an attempt to nullify the history we have already covered in this book, and to expunge from the record all the multitude of other planets, races, and beings, who have also interacted with Earth during that period of time. It just isn’t true.

Sitchin’s original book, The 12th Planet, relates how the Sumerian texts repeatedly and persistently state that it is from the planet Nibiru that the Anunnaki came to Earth. The term Anunnaki literally meaning “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.” These are the beings spoken of in the Bible as ‘the Anakim,’ and in Chapter 6 of Genesis are also called ‘Nefilim,’ which literally means “The Watchers.”

Sitchin’s interpretation of the material on the Sumerian texts says that this planet of Nibiru is actually a member of our Solar System. It is, according to his interpretation, a planet that has such a large and divergent orbit that it takes 3,600 years to orbit the sun and therefore sends it far out past Pluto on its long journey. Much of the arrangement of the planets, such as Uranus’s position being laid on its side, and the odd inclined orbit of Pluto, he attributes to the passage of Nibiru on its journey through this area of the solar system. It also seems to be his intent to blame all of the many cataclysms that have occurred on Earth, including the Great Flood, to this strange orbit of Nibiru.

There are indeed some exciting ideas produced from the material with which Sitchin is presented, and his translation of the material may in fact be correct, however—there is no planet Nibiru such as Sitchin and the Sumerian texts describe.

The story of the Anunnaki and their arrival is told, in part, by the ‘Enuma elish –known as the Epic of Creation (seven tablets of Creation), with other subsequent Sumerian texts detailing their stay here on Earth.

The Enuma elish tells how a group of fifty Annunaki, “Those who from Heaven to Earth came,” landed in the Arabian Sea or the Persian Gulf under the leadership of E.A (He whose house is water), and established E. RI.DU (“House in the Faraway Built”). Ea not only gave his name to the planet Ea-rth, but also acquired another title EN.KI –“Lord of Earth.”


The text explains that they were here to obtain the gold they needed, ostensibly to create an atmospheric shield to protect their planet. First they tried getting it from distilling the waters of the Persian Gulf. Their home planet, referred to as NIBIRU in the texts, needed more gold than they were able to achieve through this method, so these ‘prospectors’ were set the task of mining it in the AB.ZUsoutheastern Africa.

More eventually arrived, in time totaling about 600, while yet another group, the IGI.GI (‘Those who observe and see’) remained skyborne, presumably in a space station or mother ship, operating space shuttles back and forth. The ruler of the planet NIBIRU, ANU (the Heavenly One), sent to Earth a supposed half-brother of Enki named EN.LIL (Lord of the Command) to help try and speed up the work.

Both, according to the texts, were Anu’s sons. Enki was the firstborn, and thus the natural heir to the throne. But Enlil, though born later, was born by the official spouse of Anu—a fact that made Enlil the legal heir to the throne. Birthright clashed with succession rules; and though Enki accepted the outcome, the rivalry and anger between the two often burst into the open.

The mining of the gold in the Abzu was under the direction of Enki, while the refining of the gold was supervised by Enlil in a place called ED.IN, near to where they had landed in what then became ancient Mesopotamia.

The ‘Mission Control’ for their space shuttles was in Nippur –called DUR.AN.KI (“The Bond Heaven-Earth). Atop a raised platform, the vital instruments, celestial charts, and orbital-data panels (“the Tablets of Destiny”), were kept in the DIR.GA, a restricted innermost holy-of-holies. The texts also describe a number of what appear to be aerial battles between various flying craft.

Eventually EN.LIL took command of the Seven Cities of the Gods in the ED.IN (Home of the Righteous Ones). Each city was assigned specialized functions: a Mission Control Center, a Spaceport, a center for metallurgy, and even a medical center under the supervision of NIN.MAH (Great Lady), a half sister of both Enki and Enlil.

Have you ever seen Star Trek where on board the Starship Enterprise there are the captain, the first officer, the subordinates, Dr Crusher or the original medical officer Bones? How would one explain the technology of a massive Mothership such as those which might be seen in the movie Independence Day to the very primitive people of a backwards civilization? A planet they would understand floating ‘in the heavens’. How would you explain the hierarchy of command of such a ship to these very same people? As relatives perhaps?

The texts describe the planet, Nibiru, as having a great elliptical orbit that lasts 3600 years (one SAR). Commanders on the mission had tours of duty lasting 8, 10, or even 12 SARs (36,000 years)—supposedly just 8 to 10 of their years. The Anunnaki, it was said, arrived 120 SARs before the deluge --432,000 years, or about 441,000 BC. For forty SARS they toiled mining the gold--144,000 years, or until about 297,000 BC, but then the miners mutinied.

One must remember here that a race of beings do not send out their most elite to do the menial work of mining, this is something more often given to slave labor, to hardened ‘convicts’, or to the lower echelons of society. Nor does one put the elite of their planet in the position to rule over this work or these type of people. These people on Earth already had legends of the gods from previous contacts with alien races or those from Atlantis which were handed down to them or in their ‘archetypal memory’. It took little to convince them of the grandiose lies of these less-than-well-to-do aliens.

A SAR is also only the equivalent of 600 years, making the time they came to earth only 72,000 years ago, and the time they mined for gold only 24,000 years. Consider how much modern man has done to the planet in the past 200 years. If an advanced race were to mine this planet for 144,000 years they would have been able to mine every continent down to bedrock, and fill in the holes left behind.

Enlil was for punishment, but Enki was for leniency. Anu sympathized, and the decision was made to use their knowledge of genetic manipulation and in-vitro fertilization to create a human worker to do the mining, using the primitive beings who were currently on the planet in that region.

This is the basic story as told by the Sumerian texts and subsequently repeated in each of Sitchin’s books, only in far greater detail.

The truth is however, that the Anunnaki are a race of beings whose home planet is in the constellation of Canis Major, their home planet being in effect the planet spoken of by the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa –Sirius B—the ‘poorer neighbor’ of the Sirians and Sirius A. The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis.

Alex Collier, quoted earlier, explains what he knows of the Nibiruans:

“What I know of them in terms of their genetic stock is that the word itself, Niburu, is a word of Orion origin which I am told means “the joining of two tribes”. Apparently this original tribe was created as a marriage between a princess of reptilian-human ancestry from Orion and a group from Sirius of human origin. It was a marriage of alliance, millions of years ago.”

And like the offspring of any good family, they moved into the neighborhood, occupying this mysterious white dwarf star known as Sirius B. It is a planet smaller than earth but one which is extremely, extremely dense. Its inhabitants are fourth dimensional, interesting considering that the Sirians and Orions are all higher dimensional beings. But we shall leave that puzzle for another day.

As Sitchin describes it, it does have many difficulties with its own atmosphere, with the vegetation that grows there, and with the waters upon it. It is a very arid land, hence the need for the atmospheric shield, one on which the palm tree is the central means of survival, thus the references to it as the ‘Tree of Life’. Water is also scarce, and making it drinkable is a time-consuming process, one which gave the Anunnaki plenty of skills in filtration of the seawater in search of gold. This also explains the sacredness which they applied to the concept of the ‘Water of Life’ in their composing of the Sumerian texts.

Their choice of the Middle Eastern region to set up their colony was in part based on its similarity to their own home planet Just as they had almost done at times here on planet Earth, the Anunnaki, over the course of their history had almost destroyed their own environment, but it is NOT true that they came to planet Earth to mine the gold because of their environment. The true purpose shall be discussed as we delve into the Old Testament and the works of Laurence Gardner later in chapter 17.

Their means of travel through space is fairly primitive in terms of other alien races, but they do have spacecraft which they are able to maneuver through the various wormholes and portals in space to get from one side of the galaxy to the other. For this purpose, they have also established a way-station, as it were, on the planet Io, one of the moons of Jupiter. This is located at the nearest end to one of the portals they use that leads into the area of space nearest to their own home planet. What was written into the movie 2010 about Io was channeled material meant to awaken people to the possibility of these beings using planets or planetoids for their home bases in space.

Barbara Clow hints at this connection also in her work:

“Nibiru’s agenda is to access more feelings, and it is being drawn back into the solar system faster than usual... My whole system has the reddish glow of passion, look at Io as it brightens like a diamond waiting for 2010.”

The Sumerian text, the Legend of Adapa, describes in more detail the actual route taken in the Annunaki’s comings and goings to Earth:

“...the route to Heaven passes between the planets named in Sumerian DIL.GAN (Jupiter) and APIN (Mars). Mars is where a turning is made.”

Prior to the Flood, that Earth was basically a fourth dimensional planet, as were the Anunnaki. Their frequent visits were relatively easy at that time. The effect the planet Earth moving into the 3rd dimension had on the relationship between the two, was enormous, as we shall soon see.

The Anunnaki's spacecraft varied in size depending on the needs of the circumstances. They have what would be called ‘mother-ships’ large enough to transport them through the portals and back, as well as to get them from Io to the Earth and back. They then have smaller craft which they use like shuttles to take them from the planet’s surface to their ‘space station’ circling with the Earth in a geosynchronous orbit, and then to their mother ships which did not stay in the area all the time the Anunnaki were on the planet. It came and went at regular intervals, depending on the schedule of the opening and closing of the wormholes and their portals.

To a human being of today, let alone one in those days and of that primitive state of consciousness, a Nibiruan mothership of the Anunnaki would seem like a planet, especially in a culture where there weren’t already words for things such as UFOs.

The alignment of their temple-terrace and its ziggurat, was a part of the ‘Bond Heaven-Earth’, what Sitchin calls incorrectly “one of the earliest if not the very earliest association of a temple with the zodiac.”

This alignment was needed not only to set up communications with their space station, mothership, and the base on Io, but also to help accurately determine the openings and closings of these wormholes and portals. The movie TimeBandits is correct in the way it portrays the openings and closings of ‘time windows’ and portals, although they do however stay open for much longer periods of time than is shown.

To facilitate the communications between bases on Io and those near and on the Earth (their temples also acting as ground relay stations), the Anunnaki also set up relay stations, such as those mentioned by William Bramley in Gods of Eden:

“On November 22, 1966, The Washington Post ran a front-page headline proclaiming 'Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows' Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter.”

The Post story, which was picked up later by The Los Angeles Times, described a lunar photograph snapped two days earlier by U.S. space probe Orbiter 2 as it passed twenty to thirty miles above the moon’s surface.


The photograph seems to reveal six spires arranged in a purposeful geometrical pattern inside a small portion of the Sea of Tranquility. The pointedness of the lunar objects’ shadows indicates that they are all either cone-or pyramid-shaped. Although the official NASA press release mentioned nothing unusual about the photograph, other people found the picture remarkable.


Dr. William Blair of the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology stated:

“If the cuspids (cone-shaped spires) really were the result of some geophysical event it would be natural to expect to see them distributed at random. As a result, the triangulation would be scalene (three unequal sides) or irregular, whereas those concerning the lunar object lead to a basilary system, with coordinates x, y, z, to the right angle, six isosceles triangles and two axes consisting of three points each.”


“In Argosy magazine, Soviet space engineer Alexander Abromov went a step further by stating:

“The distribution of these lunar objects is similar to the plan of the Egyptian pyramids constructed by Pharaohs Cheops, Chephren, and Menkaura at Gizeh, near Cairo. The Centers of the spires of this lunar “Abaka” (arrangement of pyramids) are arranged in precisely the same way as the apices (tips) of the three great pyramids.

(Wilson, Don. Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon. (Dell Publishing Co., 1979), p20.- 21)”

Many of the Anunnaki alignments have to do with the constellation of Taurus. Willy Hartener, in his study titled ‘The Earliest History of the constellations in the Near East” (Journal of Near Eastern Studies), analyzed the Sumerian pictorial evidence and concluded that numerous depictions of a bull nudging a lion (from the fourth millennium BC) or a lion pushing bulls (from about 3000 BC) are representation of the zodiacal time when the spring equinox, at which time the calendrical new year began, was in the constellation Taurus and the summer solstice occurred in the sign of Leo.

The wormholes and portals through which the Nibiruans travel to get to and from our solar system are thus not always open as it were, and exact timing is needed to be able to travel from one area of space to the other. The necessity for the correct and exact locating and alignment of the stars and the need for an accurate calendar is therefore obvious. These allowed them to travel home on a regular basis, and also not to be stuck here on Earth at times when it was not beneficial to be here.


The cycle of these portals opening and closing is along the lines of 3600 years, and they remain open for periods of two to three hundred years at a time, sufficient time for the Anunnaki to come and go and still appear as the gods that everybody thought they were. It is the opening of the portals that occurs every 3600 years, not the actual physical planet coming around and traveling through the solar system. This is the reason for the alignment of most of their ‘sacred’ sites to the stars for the calculation of these times, especially to the planet Jupiter.

Gudea was helped by a team of Divine Architects and gods and goddesses of astronomy to orient the temple and erect its observatories, how and when calendrical requirements were met, and the ceremonies which inaugurated the new temple. . .The rising of Jupiter “is the god Ningishzidda” meant to show the king the exact point in the skies to which the temple’s observatories should be oriented, indicating exactly where the Sun will rise on the day of the New Year in order to build the temple in accordance with the Holy Planet . . . various details of the temple’s architecture, including the design of the special enclosures for the Divine Black Bird and the Supreme Weapon; the Gigunu for the divine couple; an oracle chamber, and a place for the assembly of the gods. Details of utensils and furnishings were also given...”

Even the sacred precinct itself was aligned to the zodiac as suggested by Marduk’s sacred precinct having 12 gates through which to enter.

The best picture we can get of what it was like on board one of these mother ships, and also how these beings were treated by the Earthlings, comes from the Book of Enoch, considered a holy scripture by nearly all the writers of the New Testament.

Enoch was also called EN.ME.DUR.AN.KI (Master of the Divine Tablets of the Bond Heaven-Earth) in the Sumerian texts. Enoch was the seventh in pre-diluvial patriarchs, ENMEDURANKIS was the seventh king on the Sumerian King List –he reigned for six sars –21,600 years in Sitchin’s estimation, 3,600 years in terms of ours. He was made a priest, “one who controls information,” and thus an intercessor between man and Anu or the gods:

 “Thus was the line of priests created, those who are allowed to approach Shamash and Adad (son and nephew of Enlil).”

It is handy to keep in mind here again a vision of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek, or perhaps one of the large battle cruisers from one of the Star Wars series of movies. Especially keep in mind the bridge and its large screen, and imagine what might be seen from the bridge if the ship were parked far out above the Earth. Also keep in mind the map room, and the ‘core reactor’ room as a visitor might have seen them.


Then try and imagine the words a primitive visitor would have used to describe these places, in particular one who was not used to artificial lighting or any form of advanced technology. Then imagine the description he would write of the journey he takes from the Earth to the mother ship, on board a small shuttle craft.

“Enoch tells his children Methuselah and Regim, “keep the faith of One Almighty God” . . . (then they) bore him up to the First Heaven where he saw a mighty sea (the Persian Gulf), then to the second heaven where he saw people being tormented for sins against the Lord (a destroyed area of land). In the third Heaven he saw Paradise with the Tree of Life (the jungles of Africa); the Fourth heaven, the longest, where he was shown the secrets of the Sun and the Moon, of stars and constellations and the calendar (the outer layers of the atmosphere). The Fifth Heaven was the end of Heaven and Earth and the banishment place of “the angels who have connected themselves with women”. . . where he could “see seven stars of heaven bound together” (A space station such as in 2001: A Space Odyssey, one where some of the Anunnaki were kept in space away from temptation. A way station for the flight into deeper space).


The first part of the journey ended. Passing through the seventh and eighth levels of heaven seeing all the different cherubims and angels and archangels (the hierarchy of command in their various hierarchical regalia) - there the stars that make up the constellations could already be seen (far into space) . . the ninth heaven he could see the heavenly homes of the twelve signs of the zodiac. . . the Tenth heaven . . where he was brought before the Lord’s face,” (just the face as on the big viewing screen) –a sight too awesome to be described (in reality, they do not look like us). . . “the Lord says . . stand before my face and gain eternity.”

For thirty days and thirty nights, the Archangel Pravuel was dictating and Enoch was writing down the secrets of,

“the works of heaven, earth, sea, and all the elements, their passages and goings, and the thunderings of the thunder, and the Sun and the Moon, the goings and changes of the stars, the seasons, years, days, hours” and “all human things, the tongue of every human song... and all things fitting to learn.”

It filled up 360 books. He then returned to Earth for thirty days only to give these writings to his sons to pass from generation to generation... Every thirty days –once a month—they made the trip to and from the outlying heaven—the mother ship.

Arriving in Heaven, Enoch described reaching a wall,

“which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire. . . He braved the fire and came upon a house made of crystals whose ceiling emulated the starry sky and showed the path of stars (the map room as seen in a Star Trek movie). In his vision he then saw a second house, larger and more magnificent than the first. Braving the fires that enflamed it, he saw inside a throne of crystal resting upon streams of fire; “its appearance was crystal and the wheels thereof as a shining sun.”


Seated on the throne was the Great Glory, but not even the angels could approach and behold His face because of the brilliance and magnificence of His glory. Enoch prostrated himself, hiding his face and trembling. But then “the Lord called me with His own mouth, and said, ‘Come hither, Enoch, and hear my words.” Then an angel brought him closer and he heard the Lord tell that because he was a scribe and righteous, he would become an interceder for men and would be taught heavenly secrets.”

I cannot help when reading this to remember the scene from the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy and her companions are confronted by the large face of Oz, only to find out later that he was a scared old man hiding behind a screen. It just seems to fit. So much of what we are about to deal with fits into this metaphor of the Wizard of Oz, for so many of these Beings who have interfered with this planet and with its people have been like the little old wizard standing behind the screen. They pull the strings and the fear-making thought-forms make us all dance.


Until that is, the screen is finally knocked over and the wizard exposed for what he really is. ‘Smoke and mirrors’ is an expression we shall use a great deal throughout this history, for that is what most of it has been. Now it comes time to blow away the proverbial smoke and smash threw those ‘oh-so-shiny’ mirrors.

If you begin to wonder how so much information was stored by Enoch, the Sumerian texts talk about the MEs which contained the information needed by the Anunnaki for their space flight information, and containing other sorts of data. We like to think of these MEs as standing for “magnetic encoders” or “memory encoders,” because the information is magnetically encoded on the disks, just like a magnetic tape or computer disk.


They contained all the information that subsequently could then be given to the people on the planet to raise their level of civilization. How else could one get so much information onto small “disks” that could teach a person such as Enoch all the elements of a specific subject. Obviously, both the Anunnaki and the Sirians had the ability to store great amounts of information to bring with them in their advanced technology.

And they were indeed related to the Sirians (who are 5th dimensional beings) and to the Men from Orion (who are 7th dimensional). It is a point to be made here that it is much simpler to control a race of people who are 3rd dimensional and believing that they are so, than it is to control a 5th dimensional race with 12th dimensional capabilities. The bullies of the Universe pick on the ‘younger’ kids as well, just like they do here on Earth.

This relationship between the Anunnaki and their ‘masters’, was more in the form of lackeys or as a servile or subservient race, rather than as equals or competitors. Stories of the wars upon Earth between these races are correct, the wars being caused by the jealousy the Anunnaki had for the level of technology of the Sirians, and also of the control the Sirians exercised upon the planet through their presence in the later stages of Lemuria’s existence, and most of the time in Atlantis.

In referring to Nibiru as the 12th planet, know that indeed there are twelve planets in this area of the solar system, not including the Moon, some which have yet to be classified as planets and some which have yet to be discovered. Nibiru is not one of them.

The Anunnaki first came to Earth as prospectors for gold around 72,000 years ago. Neanderthal man, wearing clothes and practicing ritual burials, with a brain very much comparable to ours was on the planet. These are the ones who seemingly made no progress throughout the course of their history here on the planet.

A news article from the University Of California at Berkeley of 3-09-00, addresses the kind of time the planet and its residents need to regain from major catastrophes such as pole shifts. This is an important fact to keep in mind in explaining how ‘alien-intervention’ and starseeding could be the only possible explanation for the quick turn around of civilization after such cataclysmic events as the Great Flood:

“Berkeley - The Earth needs, on average, about 10 million years to recover from a mass extinction of the planet’s species, far longer than most scientists thought, according to a new study by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, and Duke University.

“Moreover, the recovery time is the same whether the global die-off involves the loss of most life on Earth or wipes out far fewer species.”

Lemuria at this time, was an established empire.

The miners rebelled after 24,000 years, bringing us to that all important time of about 50,000 BC when Lucifer set his eyes more firmly on this planet. It took very little genetic sophistication for the Anunnaki to produce a more modern man out of Neanderthal Man by stripping him of his genetic makeup and synthesizing that more complex one of what we know of as Homo Sapiens—the one which joined Neanderthal man on the planet somewhere about 40,000 years ago, according to the latest scientific research just recently released.

This gave the Anunnaki their ‘worker race,’ and for a long time this is how they remained. You do not want your workers to ‘evolve’ as such, but rather to remain just where they are.

It was approximately 200,000 years ago that the mitochondrial research says that man had his original female ancestor—“Eve,” but this is one of the lies of science meant to cover up our uncommon genetic backgrounds and keep us all enslaved. The Anunnaki's genetic manipulation took extensive time and, like Dr. Moreau, there were possibly lots of ‘failures’ along the way. Like the manipulation done by the Grays, it is not always easy to mess with the intricate workings of Creation.

As Ramtha suggests, to look further back than about 100,000 years ago, the time of the Neanderthals, is not to be dealing with modern man as we now know Him.

It was in this period of approximately 50,000 years ago when the consciousness of the Earth-born inhabitants had progressed sufficiently for the Anunnaki to create the ‘Adam and Eve’ that Sitchin talks about as the first ‘conscious’ human worker, one who was genetically similar to us, yet so much less than what Mankind had originally been created to be. And the purpose for creating these new kinds of Human Being was not to act as a mine worker, but in fact to be a slave race for much more than the working in the mines.

Fifty thousand years ago is when Atlantis had its turning point. Lemuria was in the last stages of its high civilization, before it sank about 30,000 years ago—it was growing toward the end of the Neanderthals years, when they ‘suddenly disappeared.’

The Anunnaki are a race of beings who fit into that part of history touched on by The Nine in Their statement,

“Many things have been set into motion many thousands of years ago... there are things which were not part of the planning... that come about by greed and vanity and desire.”

The Nephilim were sent here at this later date by the dark Syrians warlords to help destroy the federations plans for constructing a ladder to heaven through the creation of one multi-dimensional human being. They were also sent here to provide drugs for the Sirian-Orion Empire, drugs we shall deal with more later, but drugs all the same. The drug wars and addiction problems we are having on this planet right now are archetypal of the drug wars that have gone on before, and were not always the doing of Mankind Himself.

Just as The Nine spoke earlier of the Alteans being eternal, and the Hoovids living approximately one million of our years relative to the density of their home planets, so to do the Anunnaki live for very long periods of time in terms of earth years, enough to make it seem to the people on Earth that the Anunnaki were eternal. However, to consider the great lengths of time that Sitchin talks about is also incorrect. While not the Anunnaki per se, the Draconians are related to them, and their extraordinary lifespan is only 4,000 years at best.


Again, Alex Collier:

“The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of age. The ones that live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line of the Draconians...The winged Ciakars.”

In their texts, the Sumerians described their civilization as a gift from the gods, the visitors to Earth who could roam the skies and were therefore often depicted as winged beings. Here again it is good to remember the lessons of chapter one, where so much of our history is clouded by metaphors and symbolism. To a primitive person, any being that could fly was portrayed with wings, no matter in what sort of craft they flew. Any kind of genetic cross between an animal and a human was portrayed with one half the body being human, and one half the other creature involved.


Those ‘gods’ portrayed with animal heads were wearing masks, or creating holographic images, so as not to confuse or scare the general populace. Again—watch the two movies of ‘V’—see how the humanoid aliens disguised themselves in terms of their true frightening appearance. Fantasy is just a reflection of reality, both here and in the higher worlds.

As far as can be discerned, the Nibiruans are a metallic biological life-form, with a blood system based on a copper, blue –just like humans is before exposure to air.

They appear more like a reptile than a human. Gilgamesh’s metallic friend would probably have been similar to an Anunnaki, but more likely one of the ‘wild’ failures or cross-breeds, much like Dr. Moreau also had his cast-off failures. It is perhaps a stretch of the imagination to encompass a metallic force as being biological, but there are far more unusual lifeforms in the Universe than even George Lucas may be able to predict. The Anunnaki are cold-blooded creatures, related in many ways to the crocodiles and other reptilian life-forms on this planet. The legends involving dragons originated with these ‘winged’ reptiles—the reptilian aliens who could fly (in spacecraft).

This is the other side of the Anunnaki which is not told in the Sumerian texts for indeed, as the Gnostic Texts suggested earlier in this chapter—truly the dragons of old who could fly were “reptilian” and very possibly “devoured people.”

According to Clow, when the Anunnaki visit Earth, they wear various costumes over their bodies, since otherwise they would look like reptilian metal robots. She also suggests that the television mini-series of the 1970s called ‘V’, was in fact a lifelike scenario of the Anunnaki's visit to Earth, a television series made by Anunnaki infiltrators left here on the planet.

The premise for the series is that aliens, looking much like regular human beings, appear on Earth in an apparent goodwill gesture of friendship. Eventually they begin to take over the planet, and we discover that the human appearance is simply a disguise, masking the true reptilian nature of these beings. Some of the creatures are sympathetic toward Man, and a union between an alien male and a human female produces an offspring that turns out to be the key to defeating the grandiose plans of the invaders. Truth is often stranger than the fiction.

It needs to be clarified here, for it is important to the rest of our history, that neither the Akkadians nor the Sumerians ever called these visitors to Earth ‘gods’. Sitchin says it was through later paganism that the notion of Divine Beings or Gods filtered into our language and thinking. The Akkadians called them Ilu or ‘Lofty Ones’, from which the Hebrew El stems. He suggests that the Canaanites and Phoenicians called them Ba’al which translates into ‘Lord’, but this is not who these people were referring to as we shall soon see. If you were an English peasant back in the Middle Ages then you had your Lord and master. That’s exactly the way these aliens were looked upon back in ancient Mesopotamia –‘as lords and masters’, the humans at that time having been created to serve in exactly that position—as slaves to these ‘lesser gods’.

Thus we have a situation where we have these rulers here on Earth, ruling a race of beings who they created to be serfs and peasants and slaves. These people, for their part, don’t know anything different because they have no prior knowledge of anything different in their minds. They had no prior concept of religion or worship, until they were taught it, until the ‘Lofty Ones’ went, leaving their intercessorsthe priestsin charge to tell the stories about ‘the gods’. The mind of a child is a very malleable thing, as the Dark force already knows. Train it to think like its parents and it will, from all likelihood, continue to behave just like its parents do. This is the archetype of our Creator Parents, just as it is with our Alien parents, just as it is with our Human parents.


We are born to be a slave race and trained by our parents to be slaves (unless we are very fortunate to be taught to think for ourselves and encouraged to find that information that tells us different). Then we are put through an education system that makes us conform to being good little worker slaves. All the institutions are in place to keep us just that way as well, and should we need ‘reprogramming’, just as mentioned happens on Orion, those institutions are also here in place as well.

In all the Sumerian writings, Nibiru is called the “Supreme Planet” or ‘the Celestial Lord,’ an idea that we are saying is a hoax played upon the ignorant and accepting population of the Earth of that time. Sitchin says that this is the same planet the Egyptians call the ‘Imperishable Star’ or the ‘Planet of a Million Years’, but since the Egyptians were founded by the Atlanteans, and even their Great Pyramid was aligned with Sirius, it is more likely to Sirius A or to some other star in the constellation of Orion that they were referring.

The celestial symbol of Nibiru was The Winged Disc, often depicted with the whole solar system (a central deity surrounded by a family of eleven planets, flanking a Tree of Life—the palm tree). This in fact was a representation of the ‘mother ship’ which was often visible to the population in the night sky, seeming to be another bright star or planet of the solar system as it was perceived to them. Easier to say ‘planet’ to a primitive peoples than to explain the advanced concept of a UFO.

Based on what they had learned from the Nephilim, the Sumerians counted the planets not as we do, from the sun outward, but from the outside in. Thus Pluto was the first planet, Neptune the second, Uranus the third, Saturn the fourth, Jupiter the fifth. Mars accordingly was the sixth, Earth the seventh, and Venus the eighth, suggesting to Sitchin that the Anunnaki and their planet passed these other planets in just that same order coming into the solar system—but why not the other way around if they also pass out of the solar system? And this same alignment would remain true no matter what the craft they came in.


Anunnaki Set Up Shop

Certain words of The Nine come back at this time when dealing with the Annunaki:

“...when there is one who understands the energies of all Creation, and how they then may utilize those energies to make themselves a god, then they keep people in bondage, for they then seek to have control over others, in order to feel that they are a god.”

This is exactly what happened with the Anunnaki and their relationship with human beings, even though it was probably unintentional in the beginning, they ‘got off’ on the power and made themselves into gods.

William Bramley says that the word “god" alone contains too much undeserved awe, especially since historical and modern-day testimony indicates that these “gods” are just as “human” in their behavior as any one of us. The term “ancient astronaut” pigeonholes them into the distant past when, in fact, Sitchin and Clow’s work make it appear that they have maintained a continuous presence all the way up until today. The label “extraterrestrial” is too broad. So what should we call them? Daddy?

It is here again that the Tree of Life symbolism becomes important, for in the various creation stories, particularly the Sumerian and Biblical versions, it is related that they (the Anunnaki gods) feared lest their newly created creature, Adam or ‘the Adam’, partake of the fruit of the Tree of Life and become as they were, thereby trying to unseat them in their position of power.

“Fearing, evidently, a human race unified in culture and purpose, the Nephilim adopted the imperial policy: “Divide and rule.” For while Mankind reached cultural levels that included even airborne efforts—after which “anything they shall scheme to do shall no longer be impossible for them”—even the Nephilim themselves were a declining lot. By the third millennium BC, children and grandchildren, to say nothing of humans of divine parentage, were crowding the great olden gods.”

Even the gods got older as they began to stay for longer and longer periods upon the planet. Their long lives on their home planet made them fear death more directly as they felt their limitations in the denser atmosphere and the vibration of planet Earth.

“You are doomed unless you stop fearing death. We are the ones who caused you to fear death, because we age very fast while we sojourn on Earth. We age 3600 years during one of your Earth years”. (Clow)

They used all their technology for repolarization of the DNA such as was used in Atlantis, to keep themselves young and alive. They even used the DNA of humans to interact with their own to make them more adaptable to the situation here on Earth, especially as the planet lowered nearer and nearer to being fully 3rd dimensional. But still it was not enough... some retained the longevities acquired on Nibiru and longer due to the plentiful supply of age-enhancing drugs they found here on Earth, others—the first generation of Earth—were partly affected by Earth’s shorter cycles, and yet others—third and fourth generations—became more Earthlike than Nibiruan.

“The gods did grow old –Ninmah was young and attractive when she arrived as Chief Medical Officer, still youthful when Adam was created, later called Lady of the Mountainpeaks or Ninsirhag, but when Inanna rose to power she was referred to as Mammi, “old Mother,” and depicted as an aging goddess.”

That is why the gods had their own crystal, DNA-regenerating Tree of Life, their own version of the Atlantean Temple of Healing and Rejuvenation. Remember, just as radiation can destroy or mutate genetics, so too can crystal energy rejuvenate our DNA, our genetics and even our bodily organs as well. And along with the Water of Life and the Food of Life, images that have been handed down to us in Christian ritual as the Water of Life and the Bread of Life, the Anunnaki were able to maintain their genetics without aging near as fast as they would have if left alone to adapt. The ziggurat style of the Sumerian temples also helped toward this same end—using pyramid power much like has been done in modern experiments to stop food from aging.

It bears repeating here that this was the crystal Tree of Life that Gilgamesh saw in his search for immortality as described in the Epic of Gilgamesh:

“Gilgamesh . . saw “an enclosure of the gods” wherein there was a garden; but the “garden” was made up entirely of artificially carved precious stones: “All kinds of thorny Prickly Bushes were visible, blooming with gemstones; Carnelian bore fruit hanging in clusters, its vines too beautiful to behold. The foliage was of lapis lazuli; and grapes, too lush to look at, of . . stones were made.”

The partly damaged verses go on to list other kinds of fruit-bearing trees and the variety of precious stones—white and red and green—of which they were made. Pure water ran through the garden, and in its midst he saw “like a tree of Life and a Tree of... that of An-gug stones were made.”


It is also revealed to Gilgamesh that the gods use a plant to make their Food of Life:

“A plant there is, like a prickly berrybush is its root. Its thorns are like a brier-vine’s; thine hands the thorns will prick. (But) if with thine own hands the plant you could obtain, rejuvenation you will find (spikenard)”

To supplement these other miraculous rejuvenators, the Anunnaki also partook of their own Tree of Life which they had brought with them—the palm tree—as described by Enoch, the tree that gives streams of honey, milk, oil and wine ( the coconut palm from which we get milk and oil, the date palm from which we get honey and date wine).

“As to the tree, no mortal is to touch it until the great judgment. Its food is for the elect. Its fragrance shall be in their bones and they shall live a long live on earth.”

“And the angel who was with him confirmed that indeed it was the very tree from which Adam and Eve had eaten before they were driven out of Eden. It was as high as a fir, it’s leaves were as of the carob, and its fruit like the clusters of the vine.”

Reminiscent of Jacob’s Ladder and Enoch’s own ascent to the Tenth Heaven is this creation myth of primitive America which also echoes the idea of maintaining eternal youth through the use of a substance called the Water of Life:

Olebus, he who sits above (perhaps in his spaceship) was about to create mankind. He sent two emissaries to earth to construct a ladder which would connect Earth and Heaven. Half way up the ladder he set up a resting place with a pool of pure drinking waters. At the summit there were two springs, one for drinking and the other for... When a man or a woman grows old says Olebus, let him or her climb up to this summit and drink and bathe, whereupon his youth shall be restored.”

Adam and Eve

In the days when Adam and Eve were created by the Annunaki, the hominids who were on the planet were living in clans and following the great herd of animals for their livelihood. They spent the warm seasons by the sea or by the rivers and lakes living on plants, berries, and fish. When the great gods, the Annunaki, came to Earth, there was no conception of who they were. The gods began to tell stories about where they came from; but they were not understood. Somehow it was grasped that they journeyed to some faraway place, perhaps north above the ice to the source of many ancient legends. And life did not get any better with their arrival.

As Bramley puts it, the Sumerian tablets described lives of endless drudgery for the Anunnaki “gods” as they carried out building, excavation, and mining operations on Earth. The ‘gods’ were not at all happy with their lot. They were prone to complaining, backstabbing, and rebellion against their leaders. A solution was needed, and it was found in the idea to create a new creature capable of performing the same labors as they had been doing. With this purpose in mind, the “gods” decided to create a worker from the existing hominids on the planet.

Enki basically says, “Let’s create a primitive worker to do the work.” There were hominids in Southeastern Africa at the time and all that was needed was “to bind upon it the image of the gods.” This would “create a mixed one... to toil for the gods.” This is almost exactly identical to Genesis, Chapter 1,

And Elohim (plural) said: Let us make the Adam in our image, after our likeness


“And Elohim created the Adam in His image; in the image of Elohim created He him”

The Bible translators appear to have had a constant problem with the word Earth - often translating it to ground, clay or dust, instead of recognizing it as relating to The Earth. Even in the case of Adam and Eve, the translators made glaring errors. The Bible says, ‘Male and female created he them, and he called their name Adam’. Older writings use the more complete word Adâma, which means ‘of the Earth’. However, this did not mean they were made of dirt; it means (as the Anchor Hebrew Bible explains in precise terms) that they were Earthlings.

Then came the problems with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. Even in the Christian Bible this Adam that was created was not worthy or seen fit to have either the Knowing or the Longevity of the god(s).

In the Gnostic text titled, The Revelation of Adam, Adam describes to his son, Seth, how he and Eve were enslaved to the god that made them:

“And we served him in fear and servility. And after this we became dark in our hearts. And I, for my part, was asleep in the thinking of my heart.”

The Mesopotamian tablets tell a creation story in which one of the “gods” is put to death by the other “gods,” and then the body and blood are mixed into clay. Out of this concoction a human being is made, the new earth creature apparently very similar in appearance to its original creators.

Clow suggests that all the Anunnaki did was to make the mixture out of primordial Earth elements using silica-based clay for humans so that they could read and program our minds – this would stand to reason if one considers that what the Anunnaki were basically creating was indeed a slave race.

The Legend of Adapa speaks of Adapa as being a protégé of Enki who chose him “to become as a model of men,” who he then “gave him wisdom, but did not give him eternal life.” Enki even made him a Shem–what Sitchin translates to “a rocket”, but is in fact a name, that as the story goes, he breaks.

Many of the Biblical Old Testament stories such as the Creation story were translated or borrowed from earlier texts, particularly those of the Hebrews’ predecessors in Sumeria and Akkad. It must be remembered that Abraham himself came from Ur, where his father was a temple priest.

Sitchin exhaustively analyzes the Sumerian creation stories. He concludes that the tale of a god’s body being mixed with clay probably referred to some form of biological engineering. He supports his surprising conclusion by pointing to the Sumerian tablets which state that the first humans were bred in the wombs of female “gods,” for according to the tablets, the gods had both male and female bodies, and bred by sexual intercourse.


This was not true to some extent, however, since the Anunnaki had to be made ‘compatible’ with humans later on, and were in fact egg producers much like reptiles here on Earth. Sitchin believes that the “clay” was a special substance that could be inserted into a womb, perhaps something we might say was an artificial egg. That substance held the genetically-engineered cells of the new slave creature, Homo Sapiens. Interestingly, modern scientists have bred related animals in a similar fashion, such as the zebra in the womb of a horse.

There is no demonstrated relationship between the Neanderthals and those who also came to share space with them for a few millennia: Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Human the Wise). The Neanderthals left the fossil records about 30,000 years ago, possibly 20,000 years after the creation of the Anunnaki Adam.

One must also here go back to the dating of the cataclysms which sank parts of Atlantis to find the events that also affected the fossil record and the creation or upgradings of the species. The first of these events took place in Cayce’s opinion around 50,000 BC, when a portion of the continent was destroyed. The second occurred around 28,000 BC (that 30,000 BC jump in the consciousness of mankind) when the remaining land was split into islands.


The final destruction occurred around 10,000 BC (9,000 to be more exact). Remember that a catastrophe that could cause the break up of a continent such as Atlantis would have to have great influence on the rest of the world as well. Without serious intervention from our alien ancestry, mankind could have been on its knees for the 10 million years as prescribed by the University of California findings.

So Neanderthal and Homo sapiens sapiens shared the same planet for a period of at least 20,000 years but without ever co-mingling.

Adam and Eve

The story of Adam and Eve is one of the major stumbling blocks of the Old Testament, for there have indeed been three sets of Adams and Eves—three very different sets of beings who would fit that story as it is told in the Bible. This does not take into consideration the five Adams that Cayce speaks of who were simultaneously planted on the Earth as five different races, or the original ‘Adams and Eves’ of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

The first set of Adams and Eves were the three sets of twins who were brought to the planet from the higher physical dimensions in their purpose to begin life anew on this planet once it had been deemed habitable by the local spiritual hierarchy. This was about 2 million years ago. They were aware beings who had the abilities to support themselves and to reproduce, though they were then at a primitive level as opposed to the level at which mankind finds himself today. This is along the lines as stated earlier that “the Alteans are of two polarities blended in togetherness, and the Hoovids are tri-polarities.” Even today man has within him the potential of both sexes, the male his female half, the female her male half. Hermaphrodites are still born who have the genitalia of both male and female sexes.

The second of these Adams and Eves is the set of beings who were brought together in Aksu to form the original parents to be the hosts for the regeneration of the implanted seeds of alien culture to this planet.

The black or Negroid population of the planet arose from the blending of the original three sets of twins brought to the planet. The fossils that have been found in East Africa relate to these three couples who were the twin halves of one being –this could in some way account for the soulmate idea that has found itself so popular today.

The Nine confirm the first two sets of Adams and Eves in their channelings on Aksu and the seeding taking place there:

“The black race had evolved to their point, and the seeds had evolved to their own point... the arrival of the Hawk changed the stakes, however, by infusing new DNA coding into humanity... the others were in simple societies at that time, and there was a mixing of genes with them... The civilizations had never mixed with the original race.”

This last point is VERY important for an understanding that there were two different streams of ‘evolution’ going on around the planet at the one time. Much like today when there are Starseeds interacting with the general population of the planet to uplift Mankind and lead Him into the ascension process, in those days there were the civilizations made from starseeding and the survivors of the Mars/Maldek wars, AND there were those that The Nine refer to as the original race living in simple societies—those whom the Anunnaki toyed with during their genetic experiments.

The third set of Adams and Eves were the ones created from Neanderthals more than forty thousand years ago by the Anunnaki after that 50,000 BC catastrophe that sank part of the Atlantean continent and devastated much of Mankind around the planet. Their purpose this time was to create a slave race who could reproduce and breed other slaves who would work the mines, tend the fields, and act as servants for the aliens while they were on the planet. Their ulterior and far darker motive in doing this, however, was to disrupt the plans of the Council of Nine and the 24 Civilizations in the creation of a greater and finer essence of the Universe in one grand human being. It is the same in this century where you have ‘primitive’ people living right alongside towering cities. These homo sapiens sapiens were quite a step up from the Homo sapiens mine workers the Anunnaki had helped create earlier for exactly that purpose.

Sitchin confirms in passing that the creation of Adam by the Anunnaki was not a success at first, there being other beings—mostly, but not only the creations of Enki—that seem to be neither male nor female as well as neither divine nor human, a kind of android—automatons in human form.

As Ramtha tells it, the first men came forth only after much experimentation by a group of the gods. At first only males were created, and these were created without even having loins.

“The loins were inside of them so that they could reproduce themselves through the process called cloning. Thus all man-embodiments looked alike when they were first created. And they were rather humble creatures who would be considered very grotesque to you today. But to the gods in those times, they were very beautiful. Unfortunately, they were not very swift on their feet; thus they were continuously made a meal of by the animals about. So the gods tried and tested and modified them for a long time...


When “womb of man” or woman was created much later, as a more perfected form of man, it permitted uniqueness and further refinement of the embodiment through the sharing of genes. The man would carry in his seed the patterns of his understanding gained to that point, and the woman would carry it in her egg. Through the act of copulation, the genetic patterns of the two would come together to create an even greater entity, based on the learning and realizations of both its parents. Yet they were creating only a better body through this process, not a better spirit.”

Clow also confirms the length of time it took to perfect the creation of the Adam:

“The previous hundreds of thousands of years of genetic manipulation by Nibiruans had created many aberrations. (The Anunnaki having used the planet as an experimental base for long periods of time before finally remaining). In fact, all of the diseases known to humanity were originally triggered from conception between Nibiruans and earthlings who fused with insufficient erotic vibration... Conversely, the mental superiority of the Nibiruans did not mix easily with the evolving humans.”

The first experiments of the Anunnaki were, indeed, trying to mix animal-like qualities in a human form in order to have worker-humans, and many primitive ‘creat-ures’ were ‘creat-ed’, but these did not in fact work because the DNA chromosomes trigger the growth of certain aspects of a human or animal. They couldn’t be blended throughout, only certain characteristics added or subtracted. Thus they had to go to blending themselves with humans, but they didn’t want them to have all the abilities they possessed.

In the Atra Hasis text and other Mesopotamian texts the creation story is more detailed. These texts also say it was a creative process not without frustrating trials and errors until the procedure was perfected. The “essence of a young Anunnaki male was mixed with the egg of a female hominid” and inserted into the womb of a female Anunnaki.

A “model man” was created.

“And so it was that LULU. AMELU, “the mixtured worker,” was created, out of genetic manipulation and the fertilization of the Apewoman’s egg in a laboratory flask. The hybrids could not procreate; female Anunnaki had to act each time as birth-goddesses. But Enki and Ninsirhag perfected them through trial and error until the perfect model was achieved. They named him Adam,


“He of Earth—Earthling... Some of the principal deities, members of the sacred circle of Twelve, were themselves in a way Earthlings: Nanar/Sin and Ishkur/Adad, Enlil’s younger sons, were born on Earth; so were of course Sin’s twin children, Utu/Shamash and Inanna/Ishtar.”

The Nine address the variations in the evolutionary pattern of earth in this part of one channeling:

“All humanity looks to the heavens as the source of their beginnings—also there were some civilizations or sub-civilizations that were also able to come for the impregnation of women of humankind, and to set their stream.”

Enki was, in fact, able to create his own version of evil spirits –called Enkum—“part human, part animal” – extensions of his research involving the creation of man. These were warrior like beings with the bodies of cave birds. The Anunnaki were often said to wear bird masks, great wings, even bird claws, much like the later gods in Egypt. Lilith, “she of the night” and the howler”, said to be Adam’s first mate, had wings and was always portrayed with owls. Lilith was said to have left Adam because he tried to dominate her. In all likelihood, she too was one of Enki’s experiments in mixing.

The many varied legends of half animal-half human creatures such as the satyr and the griffin are examples of these ‘failed’ genetic experiments at creating a perfect worker and/or slave race for the Anunnaki. They, however, are not the only ones to ever perform such experiments. The Atlanteans, too, were active in their pursuit of new and unusual creatures through the use of their knowledge of genetics and biological transplantation. Toward the end, many troublesome Atlanteans were used in such experimentation much as the Nazis did in the concentration camps during the Second World War.


Today’s geneticists are repeating many of the same errors of those who have gone before them, or as it might be said, in Cayce’s eyes, repeating many of the mistakes they have already made in lifetimes before this one. Already the mixing of animal and human genes is being experimented with, supposedly to benefit mankind. The Island of Dr. Moreau is a wonderful allegory of this time and the results one might end up with if one is not careful.

Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, wrote her book after having a dream which she described in the following way:

“My imagination, unbidden, possessed and guided me, gifting the successive images that arose in my mind with a vividness far beyond the usual bounds of reveries. I saw with shut eyes, but acute mental vision—I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together—I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engines, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion.”

Frankenstein, too, is a wonderful allegory of the creation of Man by the Anunnaki, and perhaps Mary Shelley’s vision was exactly that—a vision rather than a dream. While there are many older stereotypes of the Frankenstein movie, the recent movie by Kenneth Brannagh, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, is more realistic and another well worth watching in conjunction with this reading. In the original story and in this movie, the creature created by Dr. Frankenstein is a sympathetic creature who does not understand himself or the different parts of other beings from which he has been made.

“Creature: As I strangled him, I saw your face. You gave me these emotions, but you didn’t tell me how to use them. Now two people are dead because of us. Why? Something at work in my soul that I do not understand. What of my soul? Do I have one? or is that a part you left out? Who were these people of whom I am comprised? Good people? Bad People?

“Dr. Frankenstein: Appearance, nothing more.

“Creature: You’re wrong. You know I knew how to play this (flute). In which part of me did this knowledge reside? In these hands? In this mind? In this heart? And not so much of things learned, but things remembered (a suggestion of genetic memory).

“Dr. Frankenstein: Something left in the brain, perhaps?

“Creature: Did you ever consider the consequences of your actions? You give me life, but then you left me to die. Who am I?

“Dr. Frankenstein: I don’t know.

“Creature: And you think I am evil?

“Dr. Frankenstein: What can I do?

“Creature: There is something I want. A friend. A companion. A female. Someone like me so she won’t hate me.

“Dr. Frankenstein: Like you? Oh, God. You don’t know what you’re asking.

“Creature: I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you could scarcely imagine, and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy one, I will indulge the other.”

Is this not a summary of the human condition, an allegory of our creation? The creature had more heart and soul than that which created him, a condition we have already learned is a part of the nature of our alien creators. As with Dr. Moreau, the Creature calls Dr. Frankenstein ‘Father’.

In the same way we have made our alien creators into gods. Once we called them father, then we called them God. They just created us for the mines or to be slaves—we still call them “Lord.”

The Gnostic Scriptures speak of Adam’s creation just as allegorically as Mary Shelley did in a fragment titled: Virgin Birth of Adam and Christ:

“ADAM came into being from two virgins: from the spirit and from the virgin earth. The anointed (Christ) was born of a virgin so that he might rectify the fall that occurred in the beginning.”

Bramley’s point of view on the Creation points out the ludicrousness of what we ourselves have been forced to swallow for many generations, and yet have never really given any thought.

To preserve Homo Sapiens as a slave race and to prevent future rebellion, spiritual knowledge was repressed, human beings were scattered geographically into different linguistic groups, and conditions were created to make physical survival on Earth an all-consuming chore from birth until death. The arrangement was to be maintained indefinitely for as long as the (Anunnaki) possessed Earth. In contrast, the modern view is that human beings had evolved accidentally from “star stuff” into slime, into fishes, into monkeys, and finally into people. The modern view actually seems more fanciful than the ancient one.


“In the story of Adam and Eve we noted the appearance of a snake. The serpent was said to be “god’s” enemy, Satan, who had literally transformed himself into a reptile. The Bible suggests that snakes are feared and disliked to this day because of Satan’s alleged transformation back in the Garden of Eden. However, it should be remembered that the Biblical Adam and Eve story is entirely symbolic. The snake, too, was a symbol, not an actual reptile.”

The next problem the Anunnaki had to contend with was that a being created from the mixing of the two races would still be a very intelligent being with certain powers and abilities that would not make it conducive to being servile—thus something else needed to be done to limit the Adam’s ability and eventual desire for freedom.

“Now that Adam has become as one of us, to know good and evil, what if he shall put forth his hand and also take of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever?”

The solution was the symbolic ‘pruning’ of the Adam’s Tree of Life.

Enki suggested to “bind upon him the image of the gods” and create Homo Sapiens. The problem was how to make him like ‘us,’ and yet also not like ‘us’. The ideal was to strip away those parts of the DNA which made him “equal to the Gods.” And that is what they did in their laboratories, in creating subsequent Adams, for that is what they called the race, ‘the Adam’.


Using there, by now, advanced genetic manipulation techniques, they stripped away of some of the strands of DNA that would make Adam fully fourth-dimensional, fully cognizant of himself and his place in the grander Universe. They stripped the DNA down to a bare minimum for the functioning of a simple creature. As has been already mentioned, but bears repeating here, to go back before 100,000 years is to be looking at humans who were different from us—the difference was that those humans had twelve strands of DNA, not simply the two we have today!

“The levels of consciousness are directly related to the number of chromosomes we have in our genetic makeup.”

Some of these strands are invisible, or non-biological. Part of the DNA system consists of invisible magnetic strands that provide the magnetic information to each cell, as discussed in the section on morphogenetics. This magnetic information helps the cells to know what their purpose is, as well as each cell’s “regeneration properties.” The extra strands of DNA were also originally our connection with our ‘higher self’, that part of us from which we have now been ‘disconnected’. In stripping us of our 12-stranded DNA, the Anunnaki effectively made us what we are, a race of slaves waiting for our Lords and Masters to return—or more properly for ‘our Lord and Master’ to return—Lucifer. Enki, took on the figure of the double helix, the structure of the DNA he had given the Adam, as his person symbol.

We see this same image of the double-stranded DNA today on the caduceus, the Hippocratic symbol representing the medical profession of the world. Another symbol of the Tree of Life, it combines the element of the serpents wrapping themselves around the central trunk of the Tree—strangling it as it were—the two ever-present branches of the New World Order keeping Mankind under control: one, the political side, and two, the religious side of control.

Some people are convinced that we have more DNA strands coming, to complete our “ageless body” ascended forms. This is true to some extent, and indeed there are some beings on the planet now who are in possession of their full complement of 12-stranded DNA, but they are rare among the many, and now they are almost anomalies. The rest of the world is stuck with two-stranded DNA, unless they make the choices that are needed to ascend. The ascension process is not automatic for everyone. This shall be taken up more later.

According to Sitchin’s work, Adam was created in the AB.ZU (in Africa) for the mining purposes, and then taken back to ED.IN (to Mesopotamia) to serve in other menial ways.

The Bible does not say where Adam was created, but it does refer to him being brought to Eden. Other ancient texts say he was brought from where he was created ‘Eastward’ to where “Elohim planted a garden in Eden.”

“And Yahweh Elohim took the Adam
And placed him in the Garden of Eden
To till it and to keep it.”

And when they were finally kicked out of Eden, it was to “the land of their creation” in East Africa (the Abzu) that they went back.

The Anunnaki are a blue-skinned, metallic-biology, reptilian race as explained before, blue because of their copper-based blood, the copper giving it a bluish color rather than red. Although we tend to think of our own blood as being red, it is in fact blue as well when it is in our systems—note the bluish color of varicose veins, or those visible close to the skin. The red color only appears when the blood is exposed to air, or fully oxygenated as in the arterial system—something we might think of as an oxidation process of the iron content in the blood.


The iron content of the blood comes from the earth or the humans, the copper content from the Anunnaki. The importance of iron in the woman’s system is that it helps them resonate with the Earth, keeps them more grounded as it were. Thus when they are low in iron they are likely to be more emotionally unstable. Iron? Copper? Do we not also seem metallic in our biology sometimes?

As Mankind keeps distancing itself from the days of its creation as a Lulu, a “mixed” being who carried the genetic heritage of both the Earth and the heavens, the shortening of its average life span might be seen as a symptom of the minute loss, from generation to generation, of what some consider ‘divine’ elements and the increasing preponderance of the “animal within us.” The existence in our genetic makeup of what some call ‘nonsense’ or ‘junk’ DNA—segments of DNA that seem to have lost their purpose—is an apparent leftover from the original ‘mixing.’ The two independent, though connected, parts of the brain—one more primitive and emotional, the other newer and more rational—are another attestation to the mixed genetic origin of Mankind, the most primal brain being known even in science as the reptilian’ brain.

In the Hindu creation stories or hymns known as the Rig Veda that date from at least the second millennium BCE, the body of the primordial man, Purusha, is dismembered to provide material for the world and everything in it. Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity is depicted as dark blue or black. The Rig Veda contains the earliest known versions of the Indian (Hindu) creation myths and is the most sacred book of Hinduism.

At first, as Ramtha explains, the “Mixed Ones” as they were first produced, could not procreate. The Homo sapiens sapiens and the Neanderthal were not genetically compatible. Originally, Anunnaki females, “birthing goddesses,” were used to ‘incubate’ the new creations, but since this was a slow process, it was decided to give the Adam the power to procreate. And this brings about the story of Eve.

Eve’s creation was another feat of genetic engineering by Enki and his assistants, but when it was accomplished, the Anunnaki had a slave race that could then procreate and “go forth and multiply” all on their own without all the tiresome bother and work in the birthing laboratories of the Anunnaki. It was the great Sumerologist Samual N. Kramer who first pointed out that her name, Eve, which meant in Hebrew “She who has life,” and the tale of her origin from Adam’s rib in all probability stemmed from the Sumerian play on the word TI, which meant both “life” and “rib.”

While science suggests that, through mitochondrial research, a common mother, “Eve,” existed in Africa about 250,000 years ago, and expanded that to “include” an Adam circa 270,000 years ago, Sitchin’s figures, allowing 3600 years for one Anunnaki SAR, places Adam’s creation 112,360 years ago. Neither are totally correct, remembering that Man was on the planet for a long time, but it was only 50,000 years ago that the Anunnaki succeeded in their creation of the less primitive worker and his mate, homo sapiens sapiens—those we refer to here as the Adam and the Eve. Although these figures might not mesh with some translations of the Sumerian texts, they are the true figures and should rightfully be known.


The Temples

Although temple technology was not invented by the Anunnaki, they were at least very knowledgeable and proficient in it. Originally, the temples created by the Anunnaki were, as Sitchin attests, the literal “House of God,” the place where the gods resided. Temples were built all over the place, not dedicated to each one of the particular ‘gods’ for worship, but to literally house them.

Earth was still fourth dimensional at the time, and Man could still actually ‘walk and talk’ with the gods. Taking exact measurements from tablets and The Bible, Von Daniken and others have shown that the temples built by the Anunnaki were designed to house or ‘garage’ the personal flying vehicles of each one of these alien ‘lords’.

Temples were built with certain alignments to promote optimum energy flow, just as was true of the Atlantean temples. The Ziggurat styling was used for its pyramidal power ability to promote health and longevity.

A change came, however, after the creation of Adam and, especially of Eve, for it was not long before the young Anunnaki, short of female companionship of their own, took to having sex with the daughters of Man since they were all of “the same first Seed of Life.” These then became the days referred to in the scriptures as,

“when the sons of God looked upon the daughters off men and saw them as being fair.”


“And it came to pass, /When the Earthlings began to increase/in number upon the face of the Earth,/and daughters were born unto them, and the sons of the Elohim/saw the daughters of the Earthlings,/that they were compatible./ And they took unto themselves/ wives of whichever they chose.

“The Nefilim were upon the Earth/in those days,/and thereafter too,/when the sons of the Elohim/cohabited with the daughters of the Adam/and they bore children to them.”

There is an essential translation difference here which Sitchin corrects—the use of the word ‘compatible’ for ‘fair.’ This was important for it was at this time that the Anunnaki, driven by the loneliness of being so far from home for so long, desired to share the enjoyment they saw the humans having during procreation. While all the sources, including Sitchin speak of the Anunnaki having sexual intercourse with the human females, there is one important factor each of them leave out. The Anunnaki did not possess sexual organs such as we have, and therefore were not initially able to partake of that kind of intimacy.

Adam was in fact created in the image of his maker, Enki, but that Adam was the one described by Ramtha as being created “without even having loins,” one who procreated through a process of cloning. This, indeed, was in the image of the Anunnaki, for as all the sources confirm, sexual intercourse as we know it, is not performed on any other planet, and especially not on those of the higher dimensions. While early Earthlings as they evolved had sexual organs similar to ours, they were a strictly biological process for procreation.

It was in Atlantis, in the dark days of the Sorcerer Kings, that sexual pleasure took on a new meaning and significance, and sex became a means of controlling the lesser inhabitants of the continent. Whenever any natural biological urge is withheld, it creates a stronger desire for the release of that energy, of that built-up tension inside. As many other nationalities who treat sex with less emphasis can confirm, in the United States sex is withheld more often than it is released. Advertising and subliminal marketing then use the thought of sexual release to stimulate buying as a placebo kind of sexual release from the tension built up by the accrued stimulation of all the images we see around us.

The Anunnaki desired to participate. Using the technology they had used to create the Adam in the first place, the Anunnaki found a way to participate. As in Atlantis, where size became important and bred in us an archetype of ‘size counts’, the Anunnaki began the grafting or transplanting of animal sexual organs onto their bodies and taking human females to their temples for sexual intimacy.

“The Nibiruans had been observing the sexual habits of humans and animals for thousands of years, and wondered what the experience felt like. They agreed with Adam(ah). A beautiful priestess was rubbed with oil and blessed with frankincense and myrrh, and she lay waiting on the bed in the very top of the Temple of Eridu. A great god came to her, and he made love to her with all the force of every man’s first sexual experience... the god was depressed, for he felt desire for the first time... he desired matter. He had lost his immortality, for he wanted to know matter as well as spirit.”

Thus they became compatible with the newly created female humans, although still unable to impregnate them. Eventually the few Anunnaki females who were here also became jealous and arranged for their own sexual organs to be added. If this sounds far-fetched, ponder for a moment how far we have come in performing our own sex-change operations with increasingly greater success.

Virgins were, of course, preferable, and so the archetypes of temple virgins, and ‘tightness’ were created. For the Anunnaki female, as in this case with Inanna, it became a matter of “let him make it long for me.” It took a “big” man to satisfy a “giant” of a woman goddess. Those, such as Ninsun, had sexual relations with both gods and men in the GIGUNU—“the Chamber of Nighttime Pleasures.”

“In the past, when we Nibiruans were involved in actual gestation and birthing on Earth, we accomplished it through various implant procedures, interference in the womb, and even through gods who mated with human females.” (Clow)

It was only after another long time, and much more biological interference with their own reptilian-human blend, that the Anunnaki became able to reproduce ‘physically’ with the Earth-born humans of either sex.

Temples became bordellos, brothels for the gods, forerunners of the harems which still exist in various areas of the world today, especially the Middle East. Some temples, such as the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, preserve this notion in their upstairs rooms with chandeliers and couches and even large beds in some, creating more the atmosphere of, indeed, a whorehouse. The importance and use of these temple rooms can be read about in Sitchin’s work where it is much more thoroughly detailed.

Although this practice was frowned upon by the Anunnaki rulership in the beginning, eventually they gave in and found themselves participating as well. And with this change in the stature of the gods also came a greater shift in the vibration of the planet and the effects it had on the physiology of the aliens themselves.

This was the time when,

“there were giants upon the Earth, in those days and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them.”

The word Nephilim is variously translated as ‘giants,’ or ‘watchers’, and ‘Earth-born’. In Genesis Chapter 6 it says the sons of God “took them wives of them that they chose.” Verse 4 says, “and they bore children unto them, the same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown.”


These were the lesser gods, the Demi-gods or Demi-urge immortalized in the much of the Greek and Roman mythology, and in other cultures around the world. The female goddesses also gave birth to half human/half god children:

“I was the first Nibiruan female to give birth to the child of an earth father. In fact, at the time this was the only way to ensure that the children of Nibiru would remain on Earth. Their Earth fathers would force them to remain and build families. Unfortunately, though, this need also created the patriarchy. And the patriarchy would later destroy the very Goddess culture that had created it.” (Clow)

Just as The Nine spoke of earlier, the denser vibration and the increased physicality of this planet traps all those who come to it with its pleasure, its pain, and its desire. As the Anunnaki came and went, increasingly they got caught up in the power and this desire to mate with Earth women. Eventually they wanted to stay, despite losing some of their longevity. It trapped them just like it traps the Spirit within us all the time.

The demi-god children had long lives. They also had many of the powers and abilities of their Anunnaki half, as well as retaining much of their multidimensional ability, though they also had many of the physical and emotional attributes of their human parent as well.

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, circa 2900 BC, Gilgamesh is one such demigod, his mother having been a full-fledged goddess he was therefore “two-thirds divine.” In the saga he decides to join the gods in the Afterlife (heaven as many people still think of it –‘up there in the sky’), since his godlike attributes should give him the right to immortality.

“When the gods created Mankind,” Shamash responded, “death for Mankind they allotted, life they retained in their own keeping.”

In this Epic piece we also see an example of Enki’s ability to create, and the close approximation he has with Mary Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein. In the creation of Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s friend, Ninmah uses the “essence” of several gods and guided by Enki, created in the steppe a “savage man” with “copper sinews.” He was called Enki.DuEnki’s “creature”– and given by Enki “wisdom and broad understanding” in addition to immense strength,” a kind of biological robot.

Gilgamesh was one such Demigod, and thirty such demigods are said to have preceded the Pharaohs in Egypt. Sumerian texts suggest that Adapa or Adam was the literal son of Ea with a human female. Enoch was possibly one of these demigods, and all six previous rulers before Enmeduranki were also Anunnaki.

In the Book of Noah found among The Dead Sea Scrolls, Noah is described as having been unusual at birth – he was very, very white and also very red.

“I have begotten a strange son... resembling the sons of the God of Heaven... it seems he is not sprung from me but from the angels,” said his father.”

When in Genesis 6:9 it speaks of Noah being “perfect in his generations” it refers to the fact that he still had very pure Anunnaki blood, and that is why he was chosen to survive in the flood. One translation says that ‘pure genealogy’ means that he had no “physical blemishes” in the genes, and as such was a worthy person to repopulate the Earth.

Many legends parallel in some form this creation story of humans by the Anunnaki. For instance the Creation story of the Yao, a Bantu tribe of Mozambique. Their creation myths resemble those of other African peoples in that they stress the negative role of humankind in destroying the harmony of the natural world, going so far as to suggest that humans chased the gods away. Some of the Yao people say they emerged—birthlike—from a hole in the earth. Others say they were taken from the waters.


It is of interest to note that, as in so many Native American creation stories, the creator of this African myth is aided by an animal, in this case the reptile known as a chameleon (one which, symbolically, changes its look)

“In the beginning there was only the creator, Mulungu, and the animals until Chameleon found a tiny man and a tiny woman in his otherwise empty fish net. He took the net and strange creatures to Mulungu, who instructed Chameleon to let them go so they would grow—and grow they did.


“The new people learned to make fire, and often they terrified the animals by setting the forest on fire. They learned to hunt, and they killed and ate buffalo and other animals. As for the animals, they leaned to flee in horror from humans. Chameleon, for instance, fled into the trees. Mulungu was so disgusted that he asked the spider to spin a rope so he could escape to the heavens. Mulungu and all the gods stay away now.”

(Source: Leach, 143)

The concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology shows a direct relationship to the Anunnaki, having emerged, as it did, from the holy crocodile of the ancient Egyptians. The anointing of the king was an Egyptian custom, inherited even more anciently from Sumer in Mesopotamia, and constituted the privileged duty of the Pharaoh’s semi-divine sister-brides. Crocodile fat was the substance used in anointing because it was associated with sexual prowess. Indeed, the word for ‘crocodile’ in Egyptian was messeh, which corresponds to the Hebrew word Messiah – ‘Anointed One’.


It was preferred that the Pharaohs married their sisters because true dynastic inheritance was held through the female line. This is due to the fact that it was through the original female side of the Orion-Sirian pact that the reptilian blood was passed on. The same idea is now carried on as well in the Jewish line and certainly in many lines of royalty and of power.

In China, as on every continent of the world, the dragon chiefly represents the principle of fertility. The legend of the dragon, both in Britain and in China, illustrates the cycle of fertility. The dragon is born from an egg beneath the water. It grows rapidly, devouring everything within its reach. Finally it is killed by its appointed executioner.

Every aspect of the dragon’s life is represented in stories, songs and dances. The stages of its seasonal growth are celebrated all over the world in rites and festivals which reach their climax at the beginning of winter in the processions that mark the ceremonial dragon’s death.

Much like the crocodile or dragon, the Anunnaki on their own planet also have eggs:

“On Nibiru for thousands of years, gestation was accomplished with fertile eggs that we put in receptacles—Holy Grails—after gathering them during sacred sexual ceremonies in our temples on Earth. To us each goddess is an individual receptacle for birthing, and each fertilized egg that we gather is precious to us. Your women are fertile and sex is wonderful with them. We have used you in such a powerful way without your total agreement that deep inside you believe you do not control your own fertility, your most basic right. You do not take responsibility for your birthing.” (Clow)

While male Anunnaki were able to produce ‘offspring’ with female human beings, the female Anunnaki, however, still produced eggs with their male human lovers. Thus again the importance placed on the female side of the bloodline, it being still the ‘true’ way of birthing on their home planet.

Indeed the archetype of this sexual abuse by the gods is one of the strongest archetypes we have. The violence against women today shows this. It stems not only from our Cosmic Parents, but also from those who have used us down through the centuries, man and woman alike for sexual experimentation, and simply as instruments of their own pleasure.


As Barbara Clow says:

“...There is much energy that needs to be cleared about sexual abuse on Earth, and no one will really be free until this is done... but abuse is all the same. It occurs when we cease to control ourselves and become blinded to everyone else. If we are “nice” people in this life, then that uncontrolled aspect of our past lives is the part we keep the most deeply hidden. However, this repository of guilt also keeps us separate from others. By not being able to love all that we have ever been, we can’t be who we are now, in the present.”


“And as they returned it got to the point where all the male gods wanted to mate with Earth priestesses because they had found out about the power of sexual desire... Hundreds of gods came to Earth in small spaceships and mated with priestesses in the temples... But then the gods started mating with animals. The Nibiruans did not see much of a difference between animals and women in terms of the physical effects experienced during intercourse.”