Part 9
"...unto them were committed the oracles of
God" (Rom. 3:1-2).
When the apostle Paul wrote to the church at Rome
concerning the oracles (logion, "divine utterances") which
God gave to the Hebrews, he was referring to the revelations of the
Old Testament Law and Prophets. In the Bible, the word "oracle"
means supernatural utterance. It can also refer to devices
used in the production of divine utterances. Thus the Bible is
an oracle, as was the Urim and Thummim (sacred devices) of the Old
Testament. When men or women speak as true prophets of God, they
likewise are considered oracles "of God" (1 Pet. 4:11).
Synchronous to Paul’s time, pagans
held similar beliefs concerning their sacred
texts and devices. Ancient Oracles of Egypt, Greece, and Rome were
the most famous in antiquity and provided a portal to the invisible
world of gods through Oracles at Delphos, Delos, Ammon, Dodona, The
Roman Augurs, The Sibylline Books and others.
Oracles of one form or another have existed
throughout time and around the world for one simple reason: they
ostensibly prove the existence of other-dimensional intelligence and
provide methods for conversing with and/or inviting through mystical
doorways the voices, messages and presence of other-dimensional
beings. While people of all faith have embraced oracular phenomena
including those outside Jewish/Christian circles, the Bible, Talmud,
and associated texts have been widely received as divinely oracular
by various religious sects where verses can be interpreted as
supporting desired ideas of "God", reincarnation, spirit communing,
extraterrestrials and the afterlife.
Yet in the quest for
other-dimensional contact, non-Judeo/Christians reach beyond the
"confines" of the Bible into the veiled world of esoteric rituals,
utterances, visualization, channeling and other methodology.
On this subject, I once gave a
lecture about oracles and the "death of the Olympian gods." I boldly
proclaimed that Christianity had swept the globe, and that, as far
as I knew, not a living person remained on earth that bowed in
reverence to Apollo or consulted at his sacred shrines. The speech
was received with rousing applause by the audience, and I sold some
tapes. The only problem was, I was wrong. Apollo’s Oracle at Delphi,
the most famous oracle of antiquity, is in ruins. But the worship of
the Olympian god, and the order of his pythian priestesses are
actively involved in modern paganism.
The fact is, it’s unclear if
the worship of Apollo or the consulting of his oracles ever ceased.
There is some evidence that generational witches may have continued
the worship of Apollo and the secrets of pythian divination for
centuries. Whether or not that’s true, the admirers of Apollo number
in the tens of thousands today. This is primarily because Apollo is
an oracle god, and his seekers gain "divine audience." Unlike other
underworld spirits, Apollo audibly communicates (at times with
amazing accuracy in antiquity) through the vocal chords of the pythoness to his followers. This characteristic originally caused,
and apparently continues to cause, tremendous cult popularity for
Greek historian, Herodotus (considered the father of history),
recorded an interesting Apollonian event. Croesus, the king of
Lydia, expressed doubt regarding the accuracy of Apollo’s Oracle at
Delphi. To test the oracle, Croesus sent messengers to inquire of
the pythian prophetess as to what he, the king, was doing on a
certain day. The priestess surprised the king’s messengers by
visualizing the question, and formulating the answer, before they
arrived. A portion of the historian’s account says:
...the moment that the Lydians (the
messengers of Croesus) entered the sanctuary, and before they put
their questions, the Pythoness thus answered them in hexameter
"...Lo! on my sense there striketh the smell of a shell
covered tortoise, Boiling now on a fire, with the flesh of a lamb,
in a cauldron. Brass is the vessel below, and brass the cover
above it."
These words the Lydians wrote down at the mouth of
the Pythoness as she prophesied, and then set off on their return
to Sardis....[when] Croesus undid the rolls....[he] instantly made
an act of adoration...declaring that the Delphic was the only
really oracular shrine....For on the departure of his messengers
he had set himself to think what was most impossible for any one
to conceive of his doing, and then, waiting till the day agreed on
came, he acted as he had determined. He took a tortoise and a
lamb, and cutting them in pieces with his own hands, boiled them
together in a brazen cauldron, covered over with a lid which was
also of brass (Herodotus, book 1: 47).
The deity Apollo established substantial
reverence through such interaction and apparently continues to do
so. On the Internet there are numerous Web sites today dedicated to
the modern worship of Apollo, where the methods and sacred locations
of current pythian oracular activity are taught.
Besides pythian, ancient oracles revived by
participants of various movements currently include interpreting the
flame of candles, the organs of animals, the behavior of water, and
the whisping of wind through the leaves of trees.
Tree oracles, such as the necromantic oak tree
of Zeus at Dodona, were among the most popular oracles of the
ancient world. This was due in part to the belief that the root of
the tree extended into the lower world and thus the tree was
connected to the underworld dead. Some claim 2 Samuel 5:24 is a
scriptural account of King David consulting with tree oracles, and
they point out that
Jehovah instructed David to "smite the host of
the Philistines" after he heard "the sound of a going in the tops
of the mulberry trees."
Oracles As Dimensional Gateways
Yet another and more important reason why
animate objects such as trees, animals and similar organic
structures are important aspects of oracle-portals is that "vital
energy" associated with three-dimensional life forms may be
required as construct material for achieving incarnation by
other-dimensional beings. If the "Creator" alone possesses the
power to speak [Hayah
"let there be"] raw atomic or nuclear energy into molecular
form, created living energy after the fact
be manipulated by "gods" in
order to construct three-dimensional expressions. Dr. I.D.E.
Thomas says,
"This would explain why animals have been killed,
mutilated and stolen by UFOs."
John Keel offers similar
discourse in The Invisible College:
order to materialize and take definite form, these entities seem
to require a source of energy; a fire or a living thing--plant,
a tree, a human medium (or contacteé). Our sciences have not
reached a point where they can offer us any kind of working
hypothesis for this process. But we can speculate that these
beings need living energy which they can reconstruct into
physical form.
Perhaps that is why dogs and animals tend to
vanish in flap areas. Perhaps the living cells of those animals
are somehow used by the ultraterrestrials to create forms which
we can see and sense with our limited [three-dimensional]
Do animal mutilations occur in
areas where UFOs have been spotted, because "the gods" or ET need
"vital energy" derived from living tissue to transverse portals
with three-dimensional membranes? |
One of the early influences in my life, Dr. Kurt
Koch, wrote in his book Christian Counseling and Occultism
that teleplastic morphogenesis occurs in six degrees:
The first stage is the emission and separation
of veil-like, gauze-like, slimy substances of rubbery elasticity
from the body cavities of the medium...
The second stage is the
formation of body parts such as outline, arms, legs, head,
The third stage is the solidification into complete
shadowy forms, which appear as phantoms near the medium... In
these three stages we have purely visual materialization
phenomena. In the next three stages we move on to active and
passive manifestations of energy by the phenomenon.
The fourth stage shows a combination of
materialization phenomena with telekineses. The medium is in a
position to display energy at a distance by means of an
unknown remote power [emphasis added]...
The fifth stage of
the materialization is the penetration of matter...
The sixth
stage of materialization... is... metamorphosis into animal
As far back as 1629, in the Tractatus
Adam Tanner interpreted the same activity as the
morphogenesis of demons:
They often form for themselves bodies from
impure air or vapors and exaltations or clouds mixed with air.
To the air water is added, earth, mud, sulphur, resin, wood.
Sometimes too there are added bones from the corpses of animals
or condemned men, at times too from the semen of beasts and men
and such like manner.
"Angelic Beings" Using Created Matter To
Embody Themselves?
As if on
queue, angels perceived as both fallen and unfallen have become
one of the most popular oracular-entities of modern
spiritualists. Dozens of New Age books over the last decade
describe methods of communicating with and/or manifesting
spirits through the "assistance" of angels. Some such titles are
self explanatory. Ask Your Angels: A Practical Guide to
Working with the Messengers of Heaven to Empower and Enrich Your
Life, and, The Angels Within Us: A Spiritual Guide to the
Twenty-two Angels that Govern Our Lives. |
In one publication we discover the interesting
identity of one of these beings as the author describes his
encounter with his angel-oracle:
The Swirling fog began to dissipate, and I
could see the flicker of a light ahead—a darting, pulsating glow
resembling a fire-fly. I paused for a moment to observe, and the
tiny flare expanded in size and appeared as a small full moon
touching the earth. As I moved closer to the radiance, it
suddenly changed into a vertical beam, a pillar of transparent
"Are you the angel I am seeking?" I asked.
The soft yet powerful feminine voice replied,
"I am the Angel of Creative Wisdom."
"Do you have a name?"
"Some have called me Isis,"
she said, and with those words the pillar of light slowly
materialized to reveal the face and form of a beautiful woman
wearing a flowing white robe trimmed in gold [emphasis added].
It appears that at least some of the beings that
came through ancient stargates and dimensional portals continue to
do so. In this case, "Isis" is identified as a New Age "angel".
While such angel-oracles are undoubtedly popular
among New Age devotees, the most curious form of oracular activity
recently reinvigorated is the psychomanteum, a simple yet
eerie ancient method for opening dimensional portals.
A chair, placed in front of a large mirror in a
dark room, serves as the oracle. Once positioned on the chair, the
occupant stares into the mirror and waits for contact with ET or
the ghosts of the dearly departed. In ancient times, the psychomanteum’s mirror-system for communicating with "spirits" was
employed by primitive Greeks in gloomy underground caverns called
"halls of visions". Standing in front of a shining metal surface
or caldron, grieving ancients saw and spoke with familiar
The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Romans employed similar
oracles of polished crystal, brass mirrors, and pools of water.
Some believe the Apostle Paul was referring to a mirror-oracle
when he said,
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then
face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as
also I am known" (1 Cor. 13:12).
Psychomanteums today are used to facilitate
contact with ETs, deities, and deceased relatives or family
members. Various versions of psychomanteums are even encouraged by
some psychiatrists as a method for dealing with grief.
Sometimes under special
(nefarious?) conditions, the mirror-contact phenomenon
spontaneously occurs. As a teenager, my wife was involved in a
horrific accident that killed her dad and sister.
Following the
accident, her 11-year-old sister "materialized" in the bedroom
mirror on two occasions. Since the house she lived in was
formerly occupied by an unusual band of gypsies, my wife
believed this fact contributed to the spontaneous psychomanteum
In his book,
Reunions, Raymond Moody
promotes the use of psychomanteums as oracles.
He documented the
experiences of more than three hundred users of the device, and
points out that 50% claimed to have been contacted by entities
or deceased relatives and friends during the first try.
People interviewed by Mr. Moody included
physicians, teachers, housewives, business owners, and law
enforcement officials.
One such witness, an accountant that
grieved over his departed mother a year after her death,
testified of his experience with the psychomanteum: |
There is no doubt that the person I saw in the
mirror was my mother! I don’t know where she came from but I am
convinced that what I saw was the real person. She was looking
out at me from the mirror.... I could tell she was in her late
70s, about the same age as.... when she died. However, she looked
happier and healthier than she had at the end of her life. Her
lips didn’t move, but she spoke to me and I clearly heard what
she had to say. She said, "I’m fine," and smiled.... I stayed as
relaxed as I could and just looked at her.... Then I decided to
talk to her. I said, "It’s good to see you again."
"It’s good to see you too," she replied. That
was it. She simply disappeared.
A physician was unexpectedly contacted by a
nephew while seated in a psychomanteum:
I suddenly had a very strong sense of the
presence of my nephew, who had committed suicide....I heard his
voice very clearly. He greeted me and brought me a very simple
message. He said, "Let my mother know that I am fine and that I
love her very much." This experience was profound. I know he was
there with me.
Although the Bible warns of communicating with
familiar spirits, consulting mediums, or otherwise offering
invitations to other-dimensional entities, the revival of ancient
oracles and the experiences drawn from them are especially
seductive curiosities to followers of modern ufology and
Communications with deities, ETs, the dead,
channeling, trancing, near-death experiences, and other forms of
mediumship, harmonize a coveted and reassuring theme, "You are not
alone in the universe," or "I’m fine now," "All is well," "I’m
waiting for you."
Jacques Vallee offers tantalizing clues to the
identity of those behind the veil:
"...should we hypothesize that an advanced
race somewhere in the universe in some time in the future has
been showing us three-dimensional space operas for the last 2000
years, in an attempt to guide our civilization? If so, do they
deserve congratulations?... Are we dealing instead with a
parallel universe, another dimension, where there are human
races living, and where we may go at our expense, never to
return to the present?
Are these races only semi-human, so that
in order to maintain contact with us, they need cross-breeding
with men and woman of our planet? Is this the origin of the many
tales and legends where genetics play a great role:... the fairy
tales involving human midwives and changelings, the sexual
overtones of the flying saucer reports, the Biblical stories of
intermarriage between the Lord’s angels and terrestrial women,
whose offspring were giants? From that mysterious universe are
higher beings projecting objects that can materialize and
dematerialize at will?
Materializing and dematerializing of
super-intelligent beings whether they be angels or ETs is not
difficult to accept. The Bible, as well as other ancient records,
speak openly of Satan appearing as an angel of light, and of good
angels being hosted as "angels unaware". We also are willing to
believe that malevolent beings could produce UFOs for their
own nefarious reasons. The theology of transmogrification, whereby
spirits take form, indicates ability by demons to manipulate
energy and matter.
The German word "poltergeist" was given to
unexplained spirit noises and activity. Yet how could spirits
cause audible vibrations unless they have ability to make physical
contact with tangible materials? This being theologically
acceptable, maybe Vallee is right about historical "demons"
producing phenomena known as Unidentified Flying Objects--the
manifested manipulating of vital energy.
Whatever the case, In the next part of this
series we will look at the near future and of beings prophesied to
return through stargates at the end of time. How this is, and will
be, interpreted by religious and secular ufologists is of utmost
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Next - Part Ten