compiled by Dee Finney
GreatDreams Website
Do you know the Lizard King? Is Pindar real?
According to
David Icke, the hierarchy goes like this :
Reptilian ’Royalty’ : Winged reptilians, with the highest caste
being the Albino type (similar to Pindar).
Reptoids : Wingless reptilians. They are the ones described as
having larger scales on their backs and three fingers with an
opposing thumb.
Greys : Described as being either drone-like slaves of the
reptilians or an extraterrestrial life-form allied to them.
Humans : We’re at the bottom, but why doesn’t that surprise me ?
The Reptilians are described as being between 5 and 12 feet tall.
There are several types.
Also from Icke’s research:
"Pindar attends the major Satanic
ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals
Later in the book (Biggest Secret),
Icke says that,
"Pindar, the
’Marquis de Libeaux’ travels in a white limousine (A ’code-white’ is
a code understood by judges, police, the military etc and it means:
look the other way or do not prosecute this person)."
On page 453 of the same book, Icke
states that,
" ... the Queen makes cruel remarks
about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named ’Pindar’ (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her
in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to
Charles. Arizona Wilder says that Pindar is Charles’ real father."
Finally, Icke summises, along with
Arizona Wilder, the possibility
that Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her murder and that
the child could have been Pindar’s rather than that of Dodi Fayed,
and the child was sacrificed in a ritual ceremony. Diana was
sacrificed because she would not cooperate with the organization.
Icke insists that only one ’strain’ of the reptilian race is
antagonistic towards us. To consider all reptilians ’evil’ is like
considering all humans the same way. Patently false.
Going Dutch
The Dutch government resigned this week under pressure brought on by
accusations that in 1995, over 7000 Bosnia Muslims were executed by
Serbs while under the protection of Dutch troops. This was the worst
mass murder in Europe since WWII. Queen Beatrix, the
leader, witnessed the mass sacrifice as part of a ritual ceremony.
An interim government will run the small nation until the May 15,
2002 election.
Who knows about this 12 foot albino lizard??? I have heard them call
him the "Marquis de Libeaux". Marquis actually means king. In French
it simply means the Marquis of Libeaux. Marquis being a noble,
Libeaux being the name of some region.
Top Illuminati Family Names
These are the top of the
Illuminati organization. These are the
people that really run this world. The most powerful is Marquis de Libeaux then
followed by the
Rothschild’s {Bauer}, Bruce, Cavendish {Kennedy}, de Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupps, Plantagenet,
Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair/ St. Clair, Warburg {del Banco}, and Windsor
families. These are the families that run
the NWO and all the
stooges that work for them. They all worship Satan and they all take
part in human sacrifice and ritual child abuse. If you do your own
research you will see that these families have "bred themselves
since ancient times and they are obsessed with keeping their
bloodlines "pure". These are the sickest people on this planet and
their hold is going to be broken as the world "wakes-up" to their
murderous deception around the world. Remember the truth will set
you free!
The original "Mother Goddess" after whom a slew of deities including
Queen Semiramis, Isis, Diana and others were fashioned was
The commander of the Anunnaki was Enlil, half-brother of
Enki. The
book of Genesis and Exodus and were based on The Levites (initiates
of the Egyptian mysteries); based on
Sumerian stories and accounts.
Between 11,000 and 4000 BC catastrophes were visited upon the earth,
destroying the advanced civilizations of the Golden Age. The
Anunnaki are said to have arrived 450,000 years ago. Their leader
was the winged albino-white Draco.
The owner of this seal can be identified from the cuneiform
inscription which translates:
’Seal of Mushezib-Ninurta, governor, son of Ninurta-eresh,
ditto, son of Samanuha-shar-ilani, ditto.’ Samanuha-shar-ilani was ruler of Shadikanni
(Arban in eastern Syria), in 883 BC, and an Assyrian vassal -
subject to the firm control of Assyria,
and enjoying the wealth and security that such political domination
During this period, seal designs were often cut on hard stones using
cutting-wheels and drills.
The image is similar to two wall relief's from the throne room of
King Ashurbanipal II
(reigned 883-859 BC) at Nimrud. The king, shown in mirror image, is
protected by
guardian genii sprinkling holy water from a bucket using what may be
a fir cone or sponge.

A stylized tree stands in the centre, symbolizing nature and the
land of Assyria.
Above is a god in the winged disc.
Length: 4.9 cm
Diameter: 1.7 cm
Found by H.C. Rawlinson and acquired by The British Museum around
D. Collon, First impressions: cylinder seals in the Ancient Near
East (London, The British Museum Press, 1987), pp. 76-7, fig. 341
A.H. Layard, Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon
(London, J. Murray, 1853), p. 603
From what star constellation are the reptilians said to originate? Draco
What is the difference between reptilian full-bloods and reptilian
hybrids? Full-bloods are reptilians using a human form to hide their true
nature; hybrids are reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines who are
possessed by the reptilians from the forth dimension
Where did the white race and the
reptile-aryan crossbreeds emerge
from after the flood? The Caucasus Mountains
What were the Aryans who left the Caucasus to rule India called? The
Where did the Jewish race originate from? The Caucasus
What do lions symbolize to the Aryans? The