Nexus Magazine,
Volume 5, #1 (December 1997 - January 1998)
On 17 January 1995, the Japanese city of Kobe was struck by a
massive earthquake that devastated much of the city, killing over
5,500 people and injuring many thousands more. Shoko Asahara, the
leader of the Japanese Aum Supreme Truth (Aum Shinrikyo)
sect, had
surprisingly predicted, in a Tokyo radio broadcast on 8 January
1995, that a major quake would soon occur at Kobe. Asahara went even
further and stated that this quake would be initiated by a "a
foreign power" utilizing an electromagnetic (EM) weapons system.
Aum’s Science Minister Hideo Murai later stated at the
Foreign Press
Correspondents’ Club in Tokyo on 7 April 1995 that,
"There is a
possibility that the great Hanshin [Kobe] earthquake was activated
by electromagnetic power or some device that exerts energy into the
Although Asahara would undoubtedly have preferred his great
predictive powers to be thought of as due to a highly developed and
superior spiritual ability to examine the future time-track (thus
attracting more gullible followers after this quake event), it is
far more likely that he was fed warning intelligence re Kobe by
Aum’s Science Minister Murai, and/or Japanese Intelligence
operatives who themselves were forewarned by Russian KGB officials.
In his pre-Aum days, Hideo Murai had worked on highly advanced
microwave and gamma/cosmic-ray physics applications for cold
moulding of steel at the Kobe Steel laboratories. This laboratory
complex was located at the near-exact epicenter of the great Kobe
earthquake. Japanese investigative journalists believe that this
Kobe laboratory was one of several research facilities (located at
Osaka, Tsukuba and Tokyo universities) engaged in top-secret
research and development of EM weapons technology - under the cover of
Kobe Steel industrial research and/or environmental
"desert-greening" studies.
The Aum’s deputy leader, Kiyohide Hayakawa, in his
pre-Aum days
studied at Osaka University in the Landscape Engineering section of
the Environmental Engineering department. His thesis is highly
confidential and not available to the public, but allegedly contains
only landscape engineering studies.
For several days prior to the great Kobe earthquake there were
reports of glowing orange-red and pink lights and spherical forms
hovering over and along the Kobe fault line. Such Earth stress
lights have been observed over major quakes in many parts of the
globe since the 19th century, but the number and intensity of those
that developed in the January 1995 pre-Kobe quake days appear to be
highly anomalous.
The existence of geophysical weapons capable of creating or
triggering earthquakes in highly stressed crustal regions has been
discussed privately by geophysicists for a decade or more. Rumors
have abounded over certain huge earthquakes of the 1970s and 1980s
in the Central Asian republics of the former USSR. Some writers have
suggested that these were caused by Israeli, French or
American EM
weapons systems used in retaliation for Soviet EM weapon strikes on
the West. US scientist
Tom Bearden contends that the Soviets brought
into service an intercontinental-range Tesla EM weapon in 1963
during the Khrushchev era.
The evidence that Kobe was not a natural earthquake is slender and
is based primarily upon Asahara’s prediction that was later proved
so horrifyingly correct. However, one cannot be certain about actual
cause, and quite possibly I am totally incorrect in suggesting this
event could have been caused by a sentiently controlled and directed
EM energy weapon. There would appear to be some supporting evidence
of an indirect nature involving political considerations and other
more recent events. However, taking into consideration the entire
Kobe and Aum Tokyo scenarios together with the earlier, possibly
Aum-related, fireball-explosion-earthquake events of 28 May 1993 at
Banjawarn, Western Australia, one is left with a very strong
impression of a serious fire underlying the visible "dark plume of
smoke" that rose over Kobe.
But what motive could there possibly be for such a major city-busting weapon strike? Why choose an exotic
EM weapon system?
It is quite possible that the EM strike was directed at the secret
Kobe Steel EM weapons research laboratory and that the motive was in
part to destroy this facility and cause such a resounding blow to
the civilian population, similar in scale to the nuclear bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that the Japanese oligarchic powers behind
the scenes would think long and hard before attempting to continue
their EM weapons project.
If the USA (or a covert international power group based therein)
were the belligerent party that struck down Kobe, then the motive
would most likely have included a ’big stick’ warning to the
Japanese powers to do what they were told with regard to the
New World (economic) Order, or face the consequences.
It would appear from subsequent events that the Japanese oligarchy
did not grovel under this attack but in fact, after some further
provocation, went on the offensive with its own (or a friend’s)
weapon system.
During 1995 and 1996 the following major events were literally
blasted onto the world stage:
1) 17
January 1995: The great Kobe
"earthquake" 2) 20 March 1995:
Tokyo subway gas attack 3) 17 April
1995: Oklahoma
City "terrorist bombing" 4) 1 May 1995:
Perth "fireball-explosion" 5) 17 July 1996: Destruction of
TWA Flight 800 off New York City and
Long Island
With the exception of the
Tokyo subway gas attack, each of the above
events can be proven to contain evidence for the apparent
involvement of highly advanced exotic EM weapons systems. The Tokyo
subway gas attack appeared to involve the Japanese Aum Supreme Truth
sect and possibly several other players previously ’fingered’ in the
EM weapons game. For some reason the 17th day of a number of event
months appears to be significant; this may reflect payback timing
based on the first major event on 17 January 1995.
Taken as a whole, these events appear to represent an escalating
exchange of fire between opposing (but unidentified) factions. The
nature of this ongoing war and the identities of the opponents and
their leaders appear to have been very deliberately kept secret from
the planetary population, whilst elaborate webs of lies have been
erected in the world press and Japanese and US courts to nominate
patsies as the perpetrators of these shocking events.
The development of apparently magical,
EM weapons capable of
initiating earthquakes or nuclear-force-level explosions over or
within targets located at a great intercontinental distance by
transmission of scalar
or Tesla EM ray-waves from two or three
transmitter sites
or EM weapons able to strike target sites from an
orbiting satellite, spacecraft or aircraft
or ground-based
beam-pulse weapons capable of taking out orbital or airborne
has for the first time in our planetary history allowed the
use of ’deniable’ massive-force weapons in terrorist acts directed
against the general population.
These EM weapons effects are "deniable" in that they can be blamed
natural earthquakes
meteor air-burst explosions
or can be set up as terrorist-bomb
or even alien UFO scenarios
The ability to cause apparently
magical-force events implies an enormous advantage to certain
individual power groups who appear to have stolen these
(from the states that originally developed them) to use solely for
their own advantage.
Such weapons in the hands of secret power groups who are willing to
use them without mercy against the innocent citizens of planet
Earth, represents a horrifying future prospect in the power
struggles of this planet. Defense against such weapons and the curs
who control them must now be our primary objective. The nuclear
terror has been replaced by something far worse: a usable,
high-energy weapon.
The Tokyo subway gas attack on 20 March 1995 killed 11 people and
injured thousands. The Aum Supreme Truth sect was soon implicated by
the Tokyo Police and the world Press.
The Aum was reported as initiating the gas attack as a prelude to a
revolutionary "right-wing" takeover of Japan.
Aum members were shown
on film by the BBC being trained and armed by the
Allegedly the Aum smuggled thousands of automatic rifles and other
weapons into Japan from Russia. Apparently the Aum intended to use
Russian helicopters and Spetsnaz troops landed on the coast as aids
to allow Aum forces to take control of Japanese Government
ministries during a series of major diversionary terrorist nerve-gas
attacks on key population and government centers across Japan. The
Tokyo subway attack was allegedly a preliminary operational test
prior to the full-scale action.
In Australia, ABC TV soon ran a prime-time news story with video
showing a shed full of large chemical drums (found at Banjawarn by
the new post-Aum owners) and trenches full of hundreds of dead
sheep. The report also discussed Federal Police reports concerning
sarin-gas-derivative chemicals found in the dead sheep, and
interviews with the Aum’s Australian sheep station manager. All of
this was supposed to demonstrate that the Aum purchased
Banjawarn station to carry out tests with home-made
sarin nerve gas on sheep,
as a precursor field trial to the Tokyo subway gas attack.
Problems soon surfaced with regard to this official Australian press
scenario. The present owners of Banjawarn reported to this author
that the ABC TV story was "a pack of lies", for the shed of
chemicals shown on the 7.00 pm news was not on Banjawarn station; in
fact, they had never seen it, and did not know where this video had
come from. They insisted that they had only reported finding two
relatively small bottles marked "HCl" (hydrochloric acid) in the old
station building, which was previously used by the Aum sect in
September 1993 as a mining field-laboratory.
The ABC news footage showing hundreds of dead sheep was actually
stock video recorded the previous year when sheep were being shot on
farms near Esperance, WA, due to extremely low market prices. Only a
few tens of dead sheep were found by police on Banjawarn, and these
had been put down by hammer-blows to the head by the Aum’s real
manager appointed by the WA Pastoral Board because the Aum’s novice
manager had failed to tend the station’s windmills, thus causing a
shortage of water for the flocks, which resulted in many severely
dehydrated sheep having to be put down.
In Japan, European chemical and nerve-gas experts who examined the
Aum’s chemical complex laughed at the notion that
sarin or any other
nerve gas had been made there, pointing out that the equipment and
facilities would have leaked like a sieve, killing the operators and
local villagers. They did find plenty of residual evidence in the
plant that demonstrated that large quantities of designer drugs such
as ecstasy had been manufactured there, right up to the time of the
Tokyo subway gas attack.
Small samples of sarin and other nerve gases as well as other lethal
gas and chemical types were found in the Aum complex, along with a
few automatic rifle kits of Russian origin and equipment for
duplicating further arms. However, Aum members were apparently
deliberately warned about a week in advance that a police raid was
coming-thus allowing them to remove any other stocks of arms, gases
and drugs in advance.
It appears that deputy leader Hayakawa used the sect as cover for a
range of foreign weapons purchases and weapons-related
research - apparently for the "right-wing" oligarchic power behind the
Japanese Government. It is quite obvious that at least parts of the
Aum organization were not staffed with ’good guys’ and that they
were involved with some quite crazy and antisocial activities such
as the manufacture of massive quantities of drugs.
Japanese investigative journalists believe that the drugs were being
distributed worldwide by
the Yakuza, possibly through a rogue
operation. Thus, in time-honored secret-service fashion, a
"right-wing" Japanese oligarchic intelligence operation was being
funded by illicit drugs.
These same Japanese journalists (see their web site,
have suggested that the Aum sect was a cover for Japanese
Intelligence operations involving covert re-arming of the Japan
Self-Defense Forces with new Russian weapons systems. Recent
Japanese Defense Agency press releases tend to support this view by
revealing large, new purchases by Japan of modern frontline Russian
jet fighters and bombers, as well as joint communications exercises
between the two countries’ defense forces. There is plenty of
evidence concerning the Aum’s activities in Russia, such as
with Russian troops and managing the joint Japan-Russia University
in Moscow - a cover for a Russian-Japanese redevelopment of the
first-generation Russian EM weapons systems mated to Japanese
computer power.
As early as mid-1993, in his visa applications to enter Australia,
Asahara complained of gas and laser attacks on his person and
against Aum facilities. He continued to complain of such attacks in
further correspondence with Australian Immigration in mid-1994. If
taken at face value, this data and much else of the press web re the
Aum suggest that the Aum (and hence their backers?) has been the
victim of a knockout blow delivered by a very influential foreign
secret service. The Aum was set up as the perpetrator of the Tokyo
subway gas attack - the patsy, if you like.
It may be highly significant that over 50 per cent of the Japanese
LDP Cabinet allegedly flew covertly to North Korea for one week’s
negotiations, the day after the gas attack. The Aum Science Minister
Hideo Murai was murdered by a North Korean hitman’s knife soon after
the Tokyo subway gas attack. Someone was very afraid that he was
going to talk. Apparently Murai’s last words in the ambulance were
the equivalent of "The Jews got me!", although other interpretations
of his final mumblings have also been advanced.
Hayakawa left his early "landscape engineering" studies and joined
the Moonies, whereupon he was equipped with the deeds of several
Tokyo buildings and vast sums of cash so as to buy his way to the
top of the Aum sect. The Reverend Moon was a close friend of the
North Korean "Great Leader". Reportedly the
Moonies still have
exceptional ties to North Korea and, more recently, to ex-US
President George Bush, involving business ventures in South America.
Several previously reliable Japanese sources believe that the CIA
planned and executed the Tokyo subway gas attack to
destabilize the
LDP government and/or force it to co-operate with US policy
requirements. The exact nature of their evidence is unknown to me,
but similar claims have been made by Debra von Trapp, an
agent involved with bugging the Clinton White House for a
Bush-controlled faction of the CIA on behalf of certain Japanese
industrial companies during key USA/Japan trade talks.
The strange ABC TV deception of its viewers, by implanting the
Aum =
sarin nerve gas = Banjawarn station testing = Tokyo subway gas
attack imagery across Australia, suggests an intelligence action in
support of United States interests.
On 17 April 1995, at a few minutes after 9.00 am, Oklahoma City was
blasted by the "terrorist bombing" of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building. One hundred and sixty eight men, women and children were
killed, and hundreds more were maimed or injured in this callous
attack. The building was nearly totally destroyed by the explosion,
whilst severe damage was inflicted on adjacent buildings, petering
out at about a one-mile radius from ground zero.
This event was soon blamed upon a "right-wing militia group"
composed of ex-Gulf War veterans utilizing an ANFO bomb composed of
from two to five tonnes of ammonium nitrate and Diesel fuel-oil set
up in a hire truck parked in front of the target building. A robotic
Timothy McVeigh was recently convicted of the OKC "bombing", and his
alleged accomplice Terry Nichols awaits his trial (which is about to
commence as this article goes to press).
On the day of the event, I, like many others, watched the CNN TV
feed of the Oklahoma scene. Intriguingly, there were early reports
of missiles being seen coming down vertically into the building, but
these reports never resurfaced. A survivor with blood over his face
was interviewed about one hour into the rescue effort. He described
how his life had been saved in his previous domicile in California.
When the Murrah Building began to shake violently he
recognized an
earthquake, just like those he had experienced in California, so he
dived under his fifth-floor desk. Some five-to-ten seconds later, a
huge explosion demolished the building around him, but the desk
saved his life.
Then came reports that more bombs had been found, and a utility
truck with a small armored bomb box in its tray was shown, whilst
the FBI’s radio delivered a conversation alleging large drums of
mercury fulminate explosive had been found attached to building
support pillars next to the lift shaft.
I became agitated, since I had never heard of earthquake-type
effects hitting a building before a bomb went off, and I knew
mercury fulminate to be an extremely unstable explosive and very
unlikely to have survived a major explosion. Also, the size of
explosive drum reported then and later photographed would have been
far too large to fit in the armored bomb box that reportedly drove
away with these dangerous prizes.
Explosives experts in Australia, the UK and
USA (e.g., the General Partin report) began to question the
nature of the damage at OKC.
The gist of their theses is that low-velocity explosives like ANFO
cannot have demolished so many support pillars in the strange
pattern seen at OKC, since the blast pressure falls off according to
the inverse cube distance law-yet some near-bomb pillars were still
standing, whilst some further away from the bomb were demolished by
the blast. Their reports generally invoke a need for
very-high-velocity explosives and individual charges attached to
certain pillars inside the building-requiring hours of work to fit
out. Personal friends with experience in mining explosives and
Belfast IRA ANFO terrorist-bomb damage have confirmed these points
to me and have noted that the crater that developed at OKC
does not
fit with the truck bomb explanation or the truck’s alleged parking
lot position.
Another possible weapon candidate soon surfaced: the "A-Neutronic"
bomb. In this scenario, a mad criminal scientist (the infamous
Michael Riconosciuto, currently serving time in a US prison),
developed for the US Government a new super-weapon that involved
blowing a cloud of chemicals into the air, charging the cloud with a
large excess of electrostatic energy by means of a small
rocket-carried "wire", and then detonating the resultant "fuel-air"
mix to create a small nuclear-type explosion.
I began to collect eyewitness reports and evidence from official
source publications and Internet sites relating to the OKC event.
Then, in late 1996, I visited Oklahoma City and with the help of
local author David Hoffman examined the "bombing" site and
interviewed local witnesses. The outpourings of grief and anguish
present, with messages and wreaths of the victims’ relatives and
friends on the targeted building site’s protective fences, made me
resolve to give this event my very best analysis to try to deduce
the true nature of this explosive event and thereby help indicate
the real culprits.
Seismic evidence recorded by local seismometers demonstrated a
double-pronged explosive energy event with two nearly identical
three-to-five-second, low-amplitude, multiple wave trains separated
by a null field, occurring over a nine-second interval. USGS
geophysicists argued that these two wave-packets were due to an
initial ground "surface" wave arriving before a secondary wave that
had traveled via deeper reflecting Earth layers, i.e., via the
local basement. Other geophysicists argued that there were two
wave-packets, representing the explosion followed by the building
debris impacting with the ground.
These hypotheses were blown apart by the US Government’s explosive
demolition action on the Alfred P. Murrah Building remains, which
failed completely to demonstrate a two-pronged seismic response that
was in any way similar to the original event recordings. The
original and best seismic recordings have been confiscated by the
FBI, along with many other items of evidence such as the City
video-surveillance tapes. Hardly surprisingly, none of this evidence
surfaced in the McVeigh trial.
Along with the evidence of seismic action shaking the building some
five-to-ten seconds prior to any explosion or blast wave hitting the
building, there were several other mysterious pre-explosion events.
A policeman working at his computer noticed electrical sparks and
streamers in the wiring under the table several seconds before the
explosion brought the building down around him. A woman on an upper
floor noted a strong ionising electrical sensation and
hot air-flow
entering the windows several seconds prior to the explosion which
blew the same windows in on her. The lights in the building went out
some five seconds before the explosion. A dictation tape recording
made across the street from the "bombed" building recorded a loud
"click" a few seconds before it recorded the sound of a huge
explosion. This "click" was probably a
local electromagnetic wave
spike of considerable intensity.
An eyewitness located in a car a couple of hundred meters from
ground zero observed a silver-white light flash or
beam coming out
of the top of the building, followed by a large blue-white
electrical arcing flash or beam, followed by an orange-red light
flash or beam that shot out from the top of the building. These
electrical and light effects took some five seconds and
preceded the
actual explosion. (Reports of missiles may have been mistaken
identification of these pre-explosion energy beams.) They were
followed immediately by two explosive shock waves, one trailing on
the other, that propagated out and away from the base of the
building. These waves lifted the ground and buildings violently
upwards. The witness called this the "lid effect".
Several cars located on the above-ground carpark had electronic
ignition computers completely burnt out by the event. Two cars had
factory-fitted digital magnetic compasses that were later found to
have been thrown out by 180° and 45° respectively. Many nearby
office computers went down with burnt-out circuit- boards. These
facts point strongly to a major EM pulse having struck the area
associated with the explosion.
The local area damage from the OKC event was huge. I cannot
emphasize enough how devastated this area was. I was quite amazed
when I visited the site. Entire blocks of damaged office buildings
had been knocked down due to their shattered state, some nearly a
mile away from ground zero. Large open spaces were surrounded by
boarded-up buildings with no windows, no roofs, and intensely
shattered internal concrete beams and supporting pillars. I saw the
intense damage inside the nearby newspaper building where internal
dividing walls had been smashed asunder and horizontal
three-foot-square reinforced concrete beams sagged down everywhere.
This building had been built to very high 1930s standards to
withstand tornados, yet it was wrecked. Many buildings had entire
windowsills forced back in with their front brick walls sagging
inwards. Nearer to ground zero, large, one-foot-wide, floor-and-wall
reinforcing steel H-girders were twisted like spaghetti into
grotesque shapes amidst the ruins of entire floors blown away to
dust and rubble.
I showed a suite of local damage photos to retired SAS trooper
friends, with experience in IRA ANFO bomb damage. They were as
amazed as I was, and stated categorically that this was no ANFO
damage. They said it would not have mattered how large an
ANFO bomb
had been detonated, it could not have caused the damage seen in the
photos and/or described in the US literature.
Funnily, the FBI released film of ANFO car-bomb test explosions that
show significant fireball or fiery effects from such explosives. Yet
no witnesses have described any fiery explosion or flames - just
strange, pre-explosion light flashes or beams followed by pure
energy waves, with very high plasma-type heat effects noted on
nearby car paint.
It is my contention that the OKC event was the result of a
double-pronged EM weapon strike that caused the Earth’s dielectric
field to erupt up through the building. The building shook first
because of harmonic reaction to the first EM wave packet which also
blew the building’s electrical supply and created the various
computer, digital compass and ionizing hot-air effects. Having
rocked the building sufficiently, the EM weapon mode was advanced in
a second strike to initiate atomic-bond rupture and literally blow
the building material apart.
No conventional or nuclear explosive, including a so-called
"A-Neutronic" bomb, can cause seismic shaking and electrical
light-energy effects in a structure, seconds before the explosion
blast-wave hits.
Oblique aerial photos of the Murrah Building show two nearly
vertical, tubelike damage forms running through the building. These
represent slightly displaced near-vertical but divergent beam-pulse
orientations, suggesting an orbital platform was involved in the
Any bomb or militia-terrorist character to this event was set in
train by those who hit the building, to ensure that the true nature
of the weapon system and its technology was hidden from public and
possibly other US Government personnel.
This implies that a faction from within the US Government was
responsible. Either that, or the US Government was warned well in
advance that this particular building would be hit that day by an
advanced weapon over which there was no defense - so it quickly found
a patsy and built up a cover story.
"Need-to-know" secrecy policy suggests that there then entered a
cock-up of horrific dimensions. Lower-level personnel had been
searching for a bomb earlier that morning, having been told that the
building was targeted for bombing by terrorists, but, in failing to
find it, they then did not proceed to evacuate the building. Higher
government levels, having decided to hide the horrible truth from
even their own operatives, had to have a plausible McVeigh militia-type event. The
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms personnel were
better served, as were the Judges in the adjacent court house: they
were all warned to stay away that day.
Secret Service personnel engaged in anti-drug operations were in
their offices which lay in the centre of the damage and were wiped
out by this OKC event. Interestingly, similar terrorist- bombing
events in the past were apparently aimed at the same anti-drug
Secret Service in both the downing of the Lockerbie Pan Am jumbo and
the "bombing" of the New York World Trade Center. Indeed, it is
possible that this entire series of events is being fought over a
drugs empire.
In the early hours of 1 May 1995, a major fireball flew in a
north-northeasterly direction towards Perth, WA, and detonated above
the eastern side of the city at approximately 2.00 am in a huge
explosion. Limited Australian press coverage of this event defined
it as a meteor fireball. Unfortunately, too many such fireballs fly
around our night skies, exhibiting exotic flight behavior and a
preference for the first of May each year.
This Perth event has been described in more detail in
Part 1 of this
"Bright Skies" series, where I
present evidence for the non-natural origin of this event and
suggest that it represents an EM weapons incident of probably
Russian origin, or possibly off-planet alien origin.
The megatonne-force level of this explosion woke up over half a
million people and demonstrated that Perth could have been
obliterated at the flick of a switch. This was the message in the
wake-up call made that early morning to the people of Perth.
I strongly suspect it was pointing out that WA hosts a huge
US-controlled EM weapons system at Exmouth in the northwestern part
of WA, and that we should wake up and bring order to our own
house-or face the consequences.
The trajectory of this fireball suggests an origin in
Enderby Land,
Antarctica, where a number of Japanese and
Russian bases are
located. The fireball flew on towards the Kamchatka Peninsula where
a huge Russian (former Soviet Union) EM weapons complex/transmitter
(Tx) site lies.
The seismograph record of this Perth meteor event is surprisingly
similar to one of the two low-order wave-packet arrivals seen on the
record of the OKC "bomb"
On the premise that such a fireball represents no mass object but is
purely a concentrated slug of ’infolded’ EM energy created by a
Russian-type Tesla weapon system, I contend that this incident fits
well with the other exotic events of 1995 and represents yet another
stage in an escalating oligarchic war for control of our planet.
Some evidence in this study points strongly at a mainly Earth-based
series of actions involving those who live by the profits of drugs,
fighting against other oligarchic power-mad men - with both sides
utilizing very technologically advanced EM weapons systems. However,
some evidence points to a battle between secret Earth-based power
groups and off-planet aliens - possibly the little Greys or the
greenish Reptilians. Perhaps we are
involved in both scenarios, with two Earth-based oligarchic factions
with separate off-planet allies fighting with horrific new weapons
for control of planet Earth.
Rumors abound about all of these scenarios - but then again, it is
quite possible that none is correct and we are just dealing with
strange, exotic, natural events that have been mistakenly
Even so, these events have been, and continue to be, extremely
dangerous to human life; thus, whatever is going on requires
immediate attention by the people of this planet-as the next
incident involving the fateful TWA Flight 800 amply demonstrates.
TWA Flight 800 was destroyed on the evening of 17 July 1996, and,
with her, some 230 men, women and children perished.
I had been researching strange orange-red fireballs and other exotic
light-energy beams observed around Australia when I was surprised by
reports coming out of the USA about events surrounding the downing
of TWA 800. I fly quite a lot on jumbo jets, and the thought of a
bunch of nutters killing off hundreds of ordinary, innocent people
made (and makes) my blood boil.
Reports soon started coming in, one from a New York Air National
Guard helicopter pilot who, on patrol that Wednesday night, was an
eyewitness to the explosion of TWA Flight 800.
"I know the strike of a missile. What I saw
didn’t look at all like
a missile," said Commander Fritz Meyer of the 106th Rescue Wing of
the New York Air National Guard. "Our three-man crew saw the same
thing: a flash of red-orange light, characteristic of a shooting
star," he said. "Then we saw a small explosion followed by a large
explosion, and a ball of fire fell into the sea."
I telephoned the Pentagon in Washington and was put through to the
pilot’s air base, but after leaving messages I got no reply - until
about a week later when I reached the base control-tower. By
accident, this man was in the tower, having been grounded due to the
very same news item and a very upset FBI and New York Mayor who had
ordered him gagged. I spoke with this pilot for a few minutes and
felt that he was an honest man and, like all military pilots, a damn
good observer who was very perplexed at what he had seen that night.
He reiterated that he knew missiles from his Vietnam tours and it
definitely wasn’t one of those. He said he really would like to know
what it was and would love to chat with me further, but I had better
get the okay for us to talk from the public relations officer at his
A fax exchange later, I was reading that FBI investigators wanted no
one to talk to this man until they had determined the cause of the
"crash". He and I are still waiting for that chat.
Over the next few months, several airline pilots saw similar
orange-red and green-blue mini-fireballs with tails flying at
jumbo-jet height through this area. A TWA pilot returned to
Airport rather than proceed, after seeing one such meteor-like
object fly past his wingtip. In all, about 10 separate reports came
in of strange fireballs or meteors in the New York and Long Island
air space vicinity.
Meanwhile, allegedly after demands from the French Government which
lost several Secret Service men on TWA Flight 800, the US
authorities assembled a team of divers who recovered the wreckage
from the sea for a crash investigation. The flight recorder was
recovered but it was electrically dead due to burnt-out circuits and
gave no clues to the events of that night. I had earlier predicted
in e-mails to the FBI the likelihood of just such a fact by analogy
with evidence from Australia that our orange-red lights and
fireballs were EM field effects, possibly due to the testing of
scalar EM weapon systems. The FBI did not reply.
Theories began to execute a "do-loop" in the world’s press. These
revolved around a meteorite impact, a terrorist bomb, a terrorist
missile, and, later, a US Navy missile or drone impact, a bird
impact, a mechanical failure of some kind, and an explosion in the
near-empty central fuel tank. Recently the crash investigation team
has come out with evidence for an electrical overvoltage spark in a
valve located within the central fuel tank, and has suggested that
this was the cause of the explosion and that Boeing should redesign
this part.
Obviously their findings should also include considerations on what
caused the overvoltage jump; for instance, was it an EM weapon pulse
or an electrostatically charged meteor? Trouble is, meteors do not
keep returning to the same piece of the Earth every few days - as has
been recent experience around New York.
Interestingly, there were many UFO reports from Long Island over the
preceding two months, and a local UFO researcher was arrested under
cloudy circumstances just five weeks before the TWA 800 event.
In late 1996 a leading British psychic, who often works with
Scotland Yard and MI5, was approached by the
CIA and asked to
remote-view the TWA 800 incident. She reported seeing two beams
flash down from high altitude; where they intersected they created a
third orange-red beam which shot out, hitting the jumbo jet and
causing the secondary major explosion. This was fascinating stuff,
since her description was almost the verbatim equivalent of the
actual eyewitness evidence from the 1987 DC-8 crash near Gander in
Newfoundland, northeast Canada, that killed hundreds of US Army
personnel. She did not know of this event, and had seen only British
news about the TWA 800 explosion - and nothing about
However, the overall evidence pattern here links the destruction of TWA 800 to an EM-type event that strongly resembles certain of the
Australian fireball-event types. We are left with yet another strong
impression that this event-on the 17th day of the month,
again-involves Secret Service agents (French ones this time) and
advanced EM weaponry that has been responsible for the death of
hundreds of innocent people.
Then again, as in many other incidents around October 1997 in New
Mexico, Queensland and New South Wales, there are elements of the
picture that suggest an ongoing war with alien, off-planet UFOs.
Perhaps a UFO really did knock down TWA Flight 800, and
meteor showers or some modern derivatives have made us all blind to
the new reality on our patch. Or maybe some strange, EM-style
natural event, such as an electrostatically charged bolide, caused
the demise of this plane and its passengers.
I, for one, think it’s high time we found out the truth. Our lives,
and quite possibly the future of our race, could depend upon it.