Further Issues and Revisions
Below, I have taken the liberty of included part of a letter I wrote some time ago to an old friend overseas, which I believe is worth repeating here, since it both qualifies and supports many of the points raised above, as well as incorporating other associated current scientific issues. I hope that some of my readers will find it both entertaining and edifying! It goes like this…..

A Speculative Discourse on Hollow Planet Formation abstracted from a long letter written by Gerry Forster to a friend overseas

“Dear D….,

…I’m still enjoying my studies on the Internet, by the way, and I recently joined a couple of discussion-egroups on the Net, who were talking about the possibility of the Earth actually being hollow inside (rather similar to a tennis-ball, with the centre of gravity actually being in the form of a sphere and lying midway through the thickness of the “tennis-ball” Earth’s crust, which they claim to be around 600-800 miles thick!)

“I know that it may all sound a bit far-fetched to you, but the fact is that nobody - not even the world’s greatest geologist - can possibly know if the Earth is actually solid or not! Nor can they deny that it could be hollow! The deepest borehole that has yet been drilled is in South America, and they’re currently down to around 17.5 kilometers deep at the time of writing – and still drilling! The last I heard was that they’d struck a thick layer of basalt, which came as a totally surprise, as they’d been expecting to tap into the upper semi-molten magma layer several kilometers earlier. Also the temperature down the bore has long since stopped rising, and has instead begun to fall again! So clearly, something is radically wrong with current geological textbook knowledge.

“This “Hollow Earth” concept would certainly help to clear up a great many anomalies regarding gravitation, and especially in connection with the newly-discovered fact that the Earth as a globe has actually been expanding since Jurassic (Dinosaur) times - 260,000,000 years ago! This excitingly new “Expanding Earth” geology supports the continental-drift theory extremely well, and with it, one can now demonstrate that all the continents once fitted together perfectly and entirely covered an Earth only one-third the size that we see it today.

Tectonic plates are the culprits, since, where their rough edges meet and grate together, they cause the thrusting apart of the world’s continental plates by extruding molten lava – which is produced either from substrata of underlying foundational rock, melted by the heat of constant unimaginable friction, or directly from the mantle of semimolten matter – and which has emerged and solidified continuously along and between the plate-edges for hundreds of millions of years.

“Thus, by the simple continuous accretion of solidified lava upon their edges, the plates carrying their respective continents have been slowly thrust further and further apart. It also explains how identical species of dinosaurs were able to spread out on to different continents all over the globe - especially since so many of them were so large and enormously heavy and cumbersome that they couldn’t possibly swim.

If this great new “Expanding Earth” concept is correct, then 260 million years ago the gigantic dinosaurs would have simply been able to amble across from one future continent to another upon dry land, because Africa, Europe and South America would then have been snugly nestled in close conjunction against each other!

“It has been discovered that the Atlantic Ocean is currently widening at the rate of some 2 –3 centimeters a year – thus pushing the Americas ever further away from Africa and Europe! It might not sound like much, but one has only to do the necessary math calculation (as I did) to discover that this amounts to around an average distance of 4,500 kilometers over the past 260 million years - which is what we find to be the current actual average width of the Atlantic Ocean!

The “engine” that is providing all this thrust is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which is known to be an 8,000 mile-long volcanic rift in the ocean floor, and which is still constantly extruding new molten lava to this very day! The globe of the Earth’s crust is criss-crossed by such plate-rifts, so all of the continents are being pushed apart from each other – with the obvious result that the Earth itself has to be steadily expanding in size!

“The old concept of the “subduction” of plate-edges down beneath each other into the inner molten magma, is no longer a puzzle, since it simply doesn’t happen! From what I can discover and deduce, there’s really no need to assume that the tectonic plates which carry the continents around are floating upon a sea of molten magma, at all. These lava catchments may simply occur in deep subterranean “reservoirs” or “lakes” here and there, principally beneath the plate-boundaries, where most of the tectonic activity is largely concentrated.

“But here’s the real “kicker”! The Earth could only have expanded like this if it was hollow like a tennis-ball! Despite their apparent solidity and hardness (to us, at any rate), the rocks, on a global scale, are surprisingly plastic and bendable. Interesting notion to contemplate, isn’t it! Thus, it logically follows that, if the Earth is a hollow spheroid, then so also must all the other planets be! In fact, if you think about this a little more carefully, the hollow sphere is extremely common in nature and in physics right across the universe. Consider the simple bubble, then think about ball-lightning.

“It isn’t hard to envisage that most so-called “solid” particles, photons and electrons, and even atoms themselves, which carry electrical charges are merely miniature “bubbles of energy”. From there it’s an easy mental step to scale the whole thing up to something of star proportions, and onward further still to galactic and even universal dimensions!

“If you then think of the Earth as being at its outset a sort of “balloon” of electrical energy, which gradually (due to natural electromagnetism or static electricity), became coated with fine particles of cosmic dust. This continued to build up to such an extent that eventually it had formed into a solid thick spherical shell of rocky matter. Then, because of the accreted mass of matter, the original EMF sphere became one of gravitation - you can then see that there is a far simpler way in which the solar system, or even the entire universe, became formed!

I recall as a youngster having the expansion of the universe explained to me, with my teacher using this imaginary, “self-inflating invisible balloon” concept, upon which all the nebulae and galaxies were represented by tiny dabs of paint equidistantly marked upon the invisible balloon’s skin. I was able to grasp his meaning instantly, and to comprehend why all the nebulae are seen by astronomers to be fleeing away, not only from a common centre of origin, but also from each other! The old “Red Shift” effect!

“As far as the solar system is concerned. I used to think the sun was a spinning ball of conglomerated cosmic matter or space-dust, which trailed a wide wheel-like disc of dusty matter around its equator like a ballet dancer’s swirling skirt, and that the planets were formed out of eddying clumps of clotting dust within this rotating “skirt”.

But now I’m tempted to believe completely that the planets could possibly all have been free-travelling spheres or balls of energy that were “captured” by the sun’s rotating gravitational field, and that they are now held at their orbital distances simply by the conflict of opposing electromagnetism between themselves and the Sun, dependent upon how strong their own individual EMF fields are.

“If it were simply a combination of gravity and centrifugal force alone which held us in orbit around the Sun, one or the other would surely have won out eventually, since our Sun is far from being gravitationally or electromagnetically stable, and its power-output waxes and wanes quite fitfully according to the varying phenomena of “sunspot”- EMF activity (vast magnetic storms and vortices) which flare up at spasmodic intervals.

“Ergo, the orbits of the planets could be extremely erratic and our orbital distance from the Sun could vary beyond highly lethal parameters for all life upon them, particularly Earth, where a matter of 20-30? C variation could either freeze or scorch all life from the surface almost instantaneously.

I believe that electromagnetic-force is inextricably intertwined with what we call “gravitation”, so such violent fluctuations of the Sun’s EMF should, in the ordinary course of events, have long since either drawn our planet into itself during an upsurgence of its EMF power. Or, alternatively, during a waning of such solar EMF power, the Earth’s orbital centrifugal force could well have carried it free upon a tangent, out of the Sun’s range of influence!

“Therefore, I can only conclude that my earlier premise of opposing EMF fields must be a correct one, and that Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity operates exactly as he predicted it would. (You can check out his theory for yourself – if you’re game!)

“Incidentally, before I leave this subject of uttermost “Gravity”, I ought to point out that, if the Earth were a huge “rock-coated energy-bubble” with a carapace or shell of around 600-800 miles thick, the centre of gravity would not be a focal point located at the centre of the globe. It would much more likely prove to be a completely spherical “focus”, probably located around the midway-point through the crustal coating, since that is where the hollow earth’s mass (and therefore its gravitational attraction) would be at its strongest, and from which, if we continued onward inside the hollow earth, the gravity would grow steadily weaker again until we reached the central locus of the globe, at which point it would effectively be cancelled out by conflicting weak gravitational “pulls” from every direction. I would expect this to be more or less a gravity-free zone.

“Soft Particle” and “Non-Gravitational Push” Concepts.

“I simply can’t bring myself to subscribe to any of the complicated alternatives to mass-based gravity – such as Euler’s Impulsation Theory of invisible etheric particle-pressure exerting an unseen “pushing” effect which more or less pins us, and all other massy objects, down upon the Earth - or Cater’s Soft-Particle Physics, which imply a very similar effect. I simply do not believe it is necessary to step outside currently-accepted and proven physical laws to demonstrate why the Earth, its sister-planets, and most celestial bodies could be hollow.

“Whilst I am quite happy to accept the concept of a universal “ether” which acts as a non-intervening carrier for all forms of radiant energy, I cannot contemplate such an unseen and insubstantial impulsation as Euler proposes as being any alternative to straightforward, plain and honest Newtonian gravitation, which has served us well enough in all of our space-endeavors thus far – and should also serve equally well in proving the Hollow Planet theory! The familiar, widely-accepted laws of nature and physics tend to support the “Occam’s Razor” view: “The Simplest Answer is Generally the Right One”- so why try to complicate it further?

“Incidentally, before I leave this proposition of planetary globes being hollow shells, let me mention the curious anomaly of the Asteroid Belt, which circles between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Many physicists and astronomers have tried to determine the origin of these orbiting rock fragments – which to my mind, at any rate, can have only come from the explosive shattering of a planet which once occupied that same orbit. But sadly, most astronomers seem to agree that this cannot be the case, because all the fragments added together would not make up a planet even as small as our Moon!

They tend to believe, as I do myself, that any planet located in that orbit must have been quite a sizeable one - certainly the largest of all the terrestrial planets - even if only to comply with the basic requirements of Bode’s Law! Dr. Tom Van Flandern, astrophysics-doyen (in my opinion) of the Internet, evidently shares this same view.

“However, if that planet, instead of being a solid ball of rock, had actually been a spherical rocky shell – as I’ve suggested that all the remaining terrestrial planets are - then the rocky matter of which it was originally comprised may pretty well be accounted for by the remaining asteroid fragments - even though quite a number of those fragments may have been flung far out into space by the explosion, to return periodically on very long orbits as meteors and meteorites. I feel that, if one were only able to retrieve all the asteroids and meteorites, and the debris dumped upon Mars, one could virtually reassemble the original fragments and matter into a semi-giant terrestrial shell-planet, of which the planet Mars may well have been a major moon. Our own familiar Moon might conceivably also have been one of this super-terrestrial planet’s satellites, as might several of those which now circle Jupiter and Neptune.

“As to the rotation of stars or planetary bodies. This appears to be a universal law which mysteriously comes into play as a celestial body accretes matter to a certain critical mass and reaches a corresponding compressive heat from the increasing friction between and within the accreted particles of its shell. You will never get an adequate explanation for the causes of rotation, spin or revolution from any orthodox scientist, because they simply don’t have any to offer! Nebulae, galaxies and solar systems all rotate about central hubs, and all stars and planets revolve about their individual axial centers. It seems to be simply an immutable law of the universe, which starts with the humble atom, and ends with the universe itself, that all such bodies of matter must rotate and orbit.

“I myself can only describe this phenomenon as a natural consequence of the acquisition of mass and heat to a certain critical degree. I believe it all comes down to simple kinetic energy, which is produced by chemical reactions releasing infinitesimal electrical charges (photons) from atoms. Although orthodox physicists may dispute this, I believe that all atomic nuclei carry electrical charges within electrostatic dipoles, and thus possess their own tiny magnetic fields, no matter how miniscule these may be. Their accompanying electrons are similarly equipped with electrostatically-charged dipoles, both negative and positive. Therefore, the repulsion and attraction between adjacent atoms (including their orbiting “satellite” electrons), must cause some form of general electromagnetic agitation which produces a basic EMF tumbling or spinning motion through their dipoles – a fundamental rotation, if you like!

“If one considers the cumulative effect of trillions upon trillions of such magnetically-charged atoms in mass-motion, the prime cause of such a generalized overall motion in large masses of matter becomes clear. It can only be initiated by the generation of a collective electromagnetic field after a certain large amount of kinetic energy has been attained through the combination of mass and heat. Let us bear it firmly in mind that, if even the tiniest molecule, particle, atom, or even electron, already inherently possesses such a potential for agitation or motion, then it logically follows that a vast aggregation of such self-motivated, negatively-and positively-charged particles will further combine their effects into an infinitely greater rotary motion of the whole body or mass of aggregated particles.

Whilst as a mere amateur, I can’t be entirely certain about all of this, I suspect that atomic reactions are produced in a somewhat similar sort of manner, after a certain “critical mass” of radioactive matter has been brought together.

“But, again, no atomic scientist seems to be able to clearly explain just why a critical mass should combust, explode, or otherwise react with such instant spontaneity. From what I’ve read on the subject, they only discovered that there was such a thing as a “critical mass” by simple trial and error – more often the latter, alas! (I believe it’s loftily called “Experimentation”.)

“I guess that this is just another of those uncanny things which makes us poor fumbling mortals look marvellingly towards that Higher Inventive Authority who laid down so many other similarly astonishingly simple Universal Rules (which we so ponderously and grandly refer to as the “Laws of Nature and Physics”), when He designed this whole original “Box of Tricks” which we call the Universe!

“I think I’ll leave it at that for now, old son, and get down to a bit more hard thinking! One doesn’t really require a Doctorate in Mathematics or to be a whizz-kid genius in Applied Celestial Physics to find sensible answers to these sorts of conundrums. Remember that it was through the actions of his tremendously-gifted (even if fictitious) detective, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was a total duffer at maths, showed us that his own common-sense, down-to-earth logic and deductive reasoning-powers were flawless. It took a real live genius to invent an imaginary one of Sherlock Holmes’ astounding calibre!

“It’s also worth noting, en passant, that Sherlock Holmes was probably one of the greatest exponents of lateral-thinking; an ability which is a wonderful asset to any armchair-philosopher or amateur scientific theorist. By the way. The dictionary definition of “Science” is simply stated as follows: “The study of the nature and behavior of the physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement.” Then it goes on to say: “Systematic and formulated knowledge; the pursuit or principles of this.” Alas! I’m no good at either of these disciplines - systems or formulae! But then again, if we delve a little deeper, we discover that the real answer lies in the etymology of the Latin word “Scientia”, that plainly and simply means “Knowledge” – which is something that we can all freely acquire if we set our minds to it!

“The foregoing rambling diatribe is probably more than a trifle rough-hewn and disconnected. I tend to write on the run! But maybe a better disciplined mind than mine might be able to glean something worthwhile out of it all! Anyhow, I’ll catch up with you later on, after I’ve done a bit more mental digging and delving in the cerebral back-garden! I’ll let you know what else I’ve turned up, next time I write!
As always, your good friend,
Gerry Forster - 2000

And there the abstraction ends, but my readers might find the thoughts and conclusions aired therein of some use in extending their own cogitations upon the subject-matter of this paper. Now I will move on to some of the other possible aspects of whatever curious realm may lie concealed inside the earth beneath our feet!

The Second Inner Earth
As I mentioned at the outset, there are three possible “inner worlds” to contemplate, when we speak of a Hollow or Inner Earth. We have already taken a cursory look at the classic prime example, about which so much has been written and fantasized over during the past two centuries. However, there still remain two other possibilities to consider.

The second inner world is the terrifying, gloomy, redly-glowing hellish realm of devils and demons, and other fearsome creatures which love the darkness. It is the lurking-place of the bogeys and ghosts of our infantile nightmares, and the grisly ghouls, trolls, goblins, dwarfs and dragons that haunted our later childhood. This is the dreaded Stygian habitation of those horrific beasts and monsters which still fill the of annals of ancient, classic legend - the vampires, zombies and undead corpses from Gothic tales of terror.

(Speaking of vampires, by the way, it’s interesting to note that they are said to shun the UV-laden sunlight, are of pallid white skin color, and subsist directly upon human and animal blood. These same characteristics appear to be shared by the so-called alienGreys”, who also appear to venture forth only at night, who are renowned for their abduction and “experimentation” upon humans and large animals - from whom they remove organs and body fluids - and, according to purported autopsy-reports, possess only the most rudimentary of digestive systems - which would be ideally compatible with a diet of such direct nutritional value as fresh blood! Could there be some relationship?)

However, according to some of the myriad stories about this uncanny underworld, all is not entirely gloom and doom. It is also the daytime hiding-place of fairies, pixies and elves; the enchanted domain of wizards and witches and their enslaved princesses and changeling frog-princes. It is also the time-honoured shadowy resting-place where Britain’s once and future King Arthur and his valiant, virtuous knights, slumber together with their great snow-white chargers, awaiting Merlin’s great Clarion Call to Arms to join in the final battle of Armageddon!

The Awesome Underworld
The eerie subterranean world underneath our feet, of which we first learned in our childhood; a weird and frightening place of labyrinthine tunnels, caverns and chasms, which are the alleged home of goblins, dwarfs and trolls, of demons, devils and other fearsome creatures of the darkness, has long been greatly feared by most of mankind.

Yet, despite our inherent dread of deep, dark underground places, they have always held a strange fascination for mankind, and have ever been a continuing source of great wonder, excitement and interest to us. Perhaps there may be some atavistic racial memory within us all, of such places having once provided our first surface ancestors with the only really safe and secure shelter from a violent and vicious world of giant carnivores, volcanic and tectonic upheavals, and appalling storms, despite the ferocious cave-bears and mountain-lions (aye, and even dragons!) with which they shared such fearsome and dangerous underground lodgings.

Today, daring young adventurers boldly go down such awesome chasms and tunnels, at great risk of life and limb, purely in the name of speleology, both as a science and a sport, since it has rapidly become very popular among fit young men and women over the past fifty years or so.

“Spelunkers”, as they are called, were once fairly thin on the ground – or rather under it - and many, alas, remained under it, too, fifty or sixty years back, when proper caving equipment was either non-existent or, at best, extremely flimsy and clumsy. However, since the advent of suitable and lightweight safety-headgear, easily portable powerful electric lights and equipment, body-harness and virtually unbreakable nylon ropes, the sport has taken off in quite a big way, and many previously quite inaccessible caves and tunnel-systems have now surrendered their long-guarded secrets to these daring latter-day “Cave-Men and Cave-Women”. They have brought back many thousands of excellent color-photographs of the often incredibly lovely and awesome chambers and vaults which they entered underground, their high ceilings often filled with amazing hanging stalactites and equally astonishing stalagmites rising up to meet them.

Nature’s Hidden Sculpture Galleries
Some of these pieces of Nature’s artistry are quite spectacular, as also are some of the wonderfully delicate traceries of varicolored limestone, which adorn the caverns. One really has to marvel at the handiwork that has been so intricately and gloriously molded and woven, entirely by the relentless drip-dropping of tiny droplets of calcite-laden water, filtering down through the porous limestone for long millennia of time! I myself as a boy was a great fan of Norbert Casteret, a long-departed French speleologist, who wrote a series of excellent books about his amazing adventures and discoveries in the deep caverns and gulfs of the Pyrenees and other mountainous regions of France. I collected several of his fascinating books, profuse with old flash-photos, and I grew up with this awareness of that terribly dangerous yet wondrously-sculpted subterranean world beneath our feet. Casteret’s almost poetical descriptions of his finds really fired my imagination with marvelous visions of the incredible fragile natural beauty which he was privileged to be the first to discover.

If this is (as I for one, most truly believe) God’s marvelous craftsmanship, one wonders why He has allowed it to grow and blossom forth unseen for so long! Then, one realizes that Man, by and large, is a terribly destructive creature, who loves nothing better than to tear down and destroy his natural surroundings, rather than leave them to thrive in their original natural beauty. If it were not so, we would have no need for National Parks, National Trusts, or Preservation Orders to save our surroundings from being vandalized or falling victim to commercial devastation.

However, this is not the proper forum for airing such environmental preservation sentiments, no matter how heartfelt, even though my reader may fully endorse my views, so I must proceed apace with my main discourse.

The Hollowness of The Earth’s Crust
One of the major outcomes of all this speleological interest in the labyrinthine underworld has been the amazing revelation of how much the apparently solid ground beneath us is literally honeycombed with caverns, tunnels, and gargantuan shafts and grottos like some gigantic Swiss cheese!

No wonder our far-distant forefathers believed that it was a veritable gloomy world of darkness and death, filled with all kinds of lurking, frightful creatures! However, one might expect that ancient concept to have died the death in today’s enlightened world, where there is hardly a corner which has not been explored by men and illuminated by his electric lighting. But this apparently, is not the case at all!

If we are to believe all the plethora of disturbing reports which today flood the Internet - primarily from American sources - the ancient and fearsome reptilian hominid inhabitants of that realm of darkness have returned in strength to threaten modern man in his underground mining activities, his subterranean geological explorations, and his construction of deep underground military facilities and radiation-proof shelters for the political, financial and military elite. We’re constantly reading of reported encounters with these demonic denizens of the abyss, and their threatening activities toward those who dare to poach upon their underground preserves - not to mention their alleged horrific predilection for human flesh and blood!

It’s from these alleged encounters that a whole new mythos appears to have sprung up, particularly in the USA (though not exclusively so), positing that these vile creatures – and their “Gray” helpers, who are humanoid in form – are in fact aliens from outer space, who have set up secret hive-like subterranean headquarters, in preparation for a massive world-wide take-over of the surface of this planet!

Non Alienus, Sed Terrestris!”
My own personal view of all this is that, whilst most of it is probably pure hype and sensationalism – not unmixed with a liberal measure of hysteria on the part of those who believe themselves to be under threat – there must be some basis for such a notion, just as all world-mythology has a certain measure of foundation in factual events and occurrences in the ancient past. However, given the extremely long history of encounters with such subterranean dwellers in the myths and legends of most countries in the world, I feel strongly inclined to discount the idea of them being “aliens from some other star-system”. If such humanoid subterranean races do indeed exist at all, then they are far more likely to be as anciently native to Planet Earth as are we ourselves – and perhaps even more so! In such an event, does it not seem far more likely that they have been shunning the surface-dwellers for millennia, and have only lately come out of hiding to confront the threat of modern man’s high-handed technological intrusions into their territory? But let us now pass on to the third alternative inner world.

The Third Inner Earth Concept
The third and final Inner-World scenario, however, is really a comparatively old but recently-revisited concept, in which all of our present comprehensions of the Earth and the universe are turned completely and literally inside out. Yet it is still a virtual Inner Earth, which, if we were not made aware of it, would never affect our normal daily lives or our global perceptions in the slightest degree!

This one is by far the most controversial notion of the three, since it implies that we are actually already residing (right at this very moment!) upon the inner surface of a hollow sphere! This particularly “far-out” concept is known as the Celestro-Centric model, and it is part of a universal “Cellular Cosmogony” in which Heaven and Earth are both considered to be parts of a single hugely gigantic cell-like organism. One of the principal promulgators of this seemingly curious notion was an American named Cyrus Teed, and he developed the concept principally for the satisfaction of his own personal religious beliefs, and strangely, they appear to fit perfectly within God’s framework of Creative order, exactly as set out in the first chapter of the Bible Book of Genesis!

Naturally, one would expect that Teed would have factored all the events of the six creative days into his theory, but what is particularly astonishing about the whole concept as he described it, is that, even with all the enormous modern knowledge of physics that they now have available to utterly destroy Teed’s theory, our modern physicists and other scientists simply cannot scientifically disprove the theory – no matter how hard they might try! It has been described as “A Maddening Theory That Can’t Be Disproved”, and this is no idle statement on their part.

Needless to say, Teed’s concept of cosmology appealed especially well to those who held fundamentalist religious views, and it was received gladly by them, since it restored the status of our Earth from whence it had been relegated by cosmologists as being a minute dust-mote in enormity of the Universe, back into a position of primary cosmic importance again. Just as is set forth in Genesis 1. In Teed’s view, all that we consider to be the great external infinity of space and all the scattered nebulae, galaxies and star systems, are actually contained within an amorphous, dark spherical mass at the very centre of our inverted world-globe, the focal point of which is, of course, Infinity. Our sun and moon orbit around inside the earth-sphere, somewhere in between this “Heavenly or Celestial region” and the concave inner surface of our hollow world.

Even Albert Einstein would not have been able to find any scientific fault with this concept, since he himself proved that all space is curved, as are all light-rays, thus, according to his Relativity theory, even a ray of light must eventually return to its starting-point! This concept itself implies that the Universe is as spherical and finite as our hollow globe. Einstein’s famous Theory of Relativity fits this idea of Teed’s to perfection, so if Einstein had ever examined Cyrus Teed’s inverted world-view, he would have had little choice but to accept it, since all of his own much-cherished cosmological ideas are demonstrated in it! This is why Teed’s theory is well-nigh impossible to disprove by the application of modern geometry and rules and laws of physical science.

In Teed’s world (or “Hollow Cosmos”), science as currently taught, is turned completely on its head. We are held to the inner surface of this hollow globe not by gravity, but by simple centrifugal force! Any stunt motor-cyclist who has ridden around that spectacular vertical fairground cylinder or spherical cage called the “Wall Of Death”, will attest to the exact similarity to gravity of this force - which also applies in a like manner when the cylinder rotates as at an amusement-park and people who take rides on it, are held firmly “glued” in place anywhere upon its inner surface. Many of my readers have no doubt experienced this for themselves during their childhood or youth. This same centrifugal force is what used to prevent old-time flyers from falling out of their open cockpits as they “looped the loop” in their old biplanes, unhampered by seat-belts and with their heads pointed towards the ground!

The Curious Cosmogony of an Inversed World
Apparently (and being no certificated scientist, I must accept the words of others on this), what happens is that all the laws of geometry and physics become inversed, and, following Einsteinian relativity, everything slows down and shrinks as one approaches the centre of the cosmic globe – including oneself and whatever measuring-device one might be using – thus, because of the circular bending of light rays, if one were to look back, one would get a “fish-eye lens” view of that portion of the inner-earth shell immediately below, which - due to a common photographical phenomenon called “spherical aberration” - would appear exactly as a NASA astronaut currently sees the Earth when viewing it the from his space-shuttle!

Thus, for all intents and purposes, there is simply no scientific way in which we can demonstrate that Teed’s world isn’t our own! From the ground, we would see the inner sun in the sky as it passed over our region, and its brightness would naturally prevent us from seeing the central dark globular cosmic mass, dotted with stars, just as the glare of our external sun stops us from seeing the blackness of the cosmos and its stars. As the inner sun passed behind this mass, light would begin to fade and the stars would become visible in the ensuing darkness. Because of the spherical-aberration effect I mentioned earlier, and which works both ways, we would appear to see stars scattered to all the limits of our visual horizon – which, incidentally, is also an optical illusion! During daytime hours, one would not be able to see the antipodal region of the Earth directly overhead, for the following reasons.

Firstly, the density of the air – which has a misty blue opacity, due to oxygen and ozone – would prevent us from seeing through two thick densities of atmosphere – above us, and above that other, opposite area. Secondly, even if we were able to see across a distance of six or seven thousand miles (the assumed diameter of the inner Earth) - the brightness of the inner sun’s light would pretty well preclude us from doing so, since it would be scattered by the atomic particles that compose the atmosphere, thus effectively obscuring distant views.

This same effect would also limit our horizontal range of vision even more, due to our looking through a much denser layer of atmosphere, thus creating the effect of a hazy circular “horizon” all around our viewpoint. If the reader has ever traveled across a wide ocean on board a ship, he or she will probably recall this effect clearly. It is as though the ship is alone in a circular ocean which appears to cut off rather abruptly at the limit of horizontal vision where the density of the atmosphere “fogs” out the distance.

As to the “horizon” itself. Teed himself invented and constructed a very long and horizontally movable apparatus called a “rectilineator”, with which he was able to demonstrate that a dead-straight beam, exactly parallel to the surface of a perfectly still stretch of water, such as a long lake, and projected onward visually as a straight line from its end, would vanish into the water within a mere four miles distance!

This same experiment has on several occasions since been duplicated by different groups of scientists with exactly similar results! How can we possibly refute this by any other scientific methodology? A leading Canadian Professor of mathematics, H.S.M. Coxeter, has already stated that he could think of no scientific way he could prove that we aren’t currently living inside a hollow world sphere, since, to use his own words: “any observation we can make on the outside of the Earth has an exact duplicate version inside. There would be no way to tell which was the truth.”

A popular Egyptian science-writer, Mostafa A. Abdelkader, wrote a recent article which seriously considered the proposition that we are actually living inside a hollow Earth. In it he said that the only way for us to test the theory’s validity is to drill a tunnel straight through the Earth, from one side to the other. He wrote that “until such an experiment is performed, it seems that the odds are strongly in favour of a hollow earth being our actual universe.”

Religious Aspects
Teed stated that the earth shell beneath our feet (as occupants of this inner-Earth) was around 50–150 miles thick, and what lies outside it is really only known to the Creator. But in view of the fact that all major religions teach that beneath our feet lies an Underworld of thick darkness, from which God is absent, this would seem to be the place that Jesus referred to when he said “But the children of the kingdom shall be cast into outer darkness: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew: 8:12) Jesus also spoke of the end of the world when angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just: “and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew: 13:50) (Emphases are mine. GF.)

So what does this tell us but that on the outside of our earth-shell lies a region of both darkness and fire! Some sort of vast, stygian region, in which the pitch-dark blackness is relieved only the dull red glow of raging volcanoes, and lakes of lava, springs instantly to mind. Thus, what we seem to draw from this is that what lies beyond the Earth’s shell is either Hell or the Lake of Fire. However, since Jesus will one day cast even Hell itself into the Lake of Fire (complete with its occupants?) Hell has to be a separate place – possibly in the bowels of the Underworld?

Also the idea that the Earth is a “contained” world, in the sense of it being enclosed in some way, is inferred many times in the Bible when it speaks of things and personages “entering, or coming into the world, or the Earth” – just as one might come into a room or a building. Also there are some Biblical references to Christ having visited the interior of the earth (in a spirit-body), during the three days His body was entombed, after His Crucifixion. Could this mean He had perhaps been ministering to the Inner World inhabitants - or does this simply describe a “rescue-mission” to those trapped in Hell? However, there are, of course, also many references to people being “upon the Earth”, too - which, to my mind, at least, implies standing upon the outside of the Earth’s crust, so, perhaps this particular line of interesting semantics may not appear as productive as it could be!

Other Noteworthy Points
Perhaps, in considering all the foregoing, one might well bear in mind that scholars and academics are, by their very nature, conservative, and will fiercely resist any and all changes in “orthodox knowledge” when new truths are revealed. Unfortunately, it is in their academic interests to do so, since there’s always the chance they might find an entire lifetime of study and academic achievement instantly vanishing down the pan with the discovery of an entirely new and different foundation for a particular science than that on which they erected their own splendid intellectual concepts!

Unfortunately, academics seldom propose tentative theories. Once a theory is proposed and hailed by their colleagues, they at once endeavour by every means in their power to transmute it speedily into a “scientific truth”. Hitler’s publicity henchman, silver-tongued Dr. Joseph Gobbles, developed this skill to a fine art during the frightful Nazi reign of totalitarianism and terror. Under his clever administration of propaganda and disinformation, black could be conclusively proved to be white, beyond any shadow of doubt. At his command, turning theory into undeniable fact became a science in itself, by a little glib talking and a few airy waves of his hand! This spirit, alas, still lurks in the hallowed halls of learning. So we must always be very vigilantly suspicious of anything that scientists present to us as “validated and attested fact”. Remember that, as simple laymen, we only have their word for it – and they, by and large, do tend to believe themselves to possess a sort of scientific “Papal infallibility”!

Questions of Proof
Pontius Pilate once asked the question: “What is Truth?” He was probably right to do so, since most of us simply can’t tell truth from nonsense. We have to depend upon “reliable authorities”. (Poor Pilate had the very Author of All Truth standing before him at the time he asked this rhetorical question, but sadly, he was totally ignorant of the fact!) A classic case of the misplaced trust we have in seemingly “unimpeachable authorities” is demonstrated by the Western World’s utter blind faith in all the acts and pronouncements of NASA. Most of us accept without question every scrap of information they feed to us regarding their satellites and space-missions. Why would they ever want to lie?

However, since the advent of the Internet, there has been a major public reviewal and revisiting of their Apollo Missions to the Moon. Many of the photographs which NASA released as having been taken by the Apollo astronauts, upon the Moon’s surface, are now being reappraised by private experts and called into question.

Why? Simply because it would seem that many of these Moon-photographs can now apparently be demonstrated, even by amateur astronomers and armchair physics students, to be palpable fakes! Without going into great detail - which readers can easily study for themselves upon various websites that are dedicated to this particular search for scientific veracity – the photos are claimed to be full of strange anomalies, such as wrong shadows, backlighting, the absence of stars in the background skies, clearly impossible activities and images on a world where everything should be starkly lit and blackly shadowed, due to the complete absence of any lunar atmosphere whatsoever – that should totally preclude any possibility of the softly-graduated, reflected light and shade that is depicted so clearly in NASA’s photographs of astronauts or craft on the Moon.

Apollo - A Hoax That Backfired?
It seems to be the belief of a growing number of very intelligent, professional people – including trained photographers and astronomers – that many of these pictures could only have been shot by earth-bound cameramen on a Earth-based movie-lot – whether inside a studio, or out on a suitably arid and deserted location - in a dense, earthlike atmosphere! So many apparently simple yet blatant visual “errors” seem to have crept past the final inspection of the finished pictures that they would be laughable – if it were not for the absolutely vast amounts of American tax-dollars that are claimed to have gone into perpetrating such an alleged massive exercise in “kidology”.

But why on Earth (literally!) would the US Government wish to go to such enormous and deceitful lengths to fool people all over the world into thinking they had landed men on the Moon? The answer may be right there: “people all over the world”! Especially those who were then regarded as the sworn enemies of the USA, such as the former communist Russians and the present Chinese!

If such a charade really had happened, it must essentially have been just a huge “P.R.-Sabre-Rattling” propaganda-exercise designed to impress them with good old State-of–the-Art, American technological wizardry and “Know-how” and to indicate that the United States of America was not a nation one should tangle with!

However, I must stress that it is also equally credible that NASA may conceivably have made a studio version of the “Lunar landing” just in case anything went radically wrong on the actual mission, or even as a “backstop” in the event that relayed television picture quality from the Moon might prove so poor and blurry as to be virtually indecipherable to the eagerly-watching world viewing audience

The Van Allen Belts
However, the Russians already knew about (and studiously avoided) the dangers of the Van Allen Radiation Belts and the magnetosphere, which lie largely between 50 to 200,000 miles above the Earth and protect all life on its surface by shielding it from deadly solar and cosmic radiations. As far as is known, their magnetic layers trap almost all harmful radioactive particles before they can approach near the Earth. Thus the two layers, which act as filters, are densely-clogged with captured highly dangerous particles, and represent an extremely deadly region for any kind of terrestrial lifeforms which may conceivably try to pass through it, en route to the Moon, or to anywhere else in space. However, the Moon and outer space can be reached without passing through these radioactive belts, since they form a thick, “inflated-doughnut” shaped region around most of the Earth, but leave clear openings over the polar and subpolar regions. Thus space isn’t quite as “Off Limits” to humans or other lifeforms, as many debunkers think. Nevertheless, it’s certainly odd that US astronauts haven’t revisited the Moon since December, 1972.

Orbiting Space Satellites
The various Earth-orbiting satellites and space-stations generally orbit at no higher an altitude than around 180 to 240 miles, so there is relatively little risk to their crews from this source. But it is unlikely that any actual attempt has ever yet been made to orbit manned craft within the first Van Allen Belt. And therein lies the reason for all the “Apollo Hoax” outcry – which was based on the assumption that those in authority had underestimated the true measure of knowledge of such space-matters among the general lay public. This alleged “conspiracy” is regarded as the real reason why there have been no “Follow-Up Trips” to the Moon during the 30 years that have elapsed since. Conspiracists believe that NASA authorities were made suddenly and painfully aware that their bit of alleged “illicit movie-making” had been badly compromised, and had to scramble to find something else to distract attention away from it – like Skylab!

Thus we had the “Viking” and “Voyager” programmes, and others of a similar ilk, including the MarsMOLAmissions, none of which required live crews on board their craft. Personally however, I find all of these missions, manned and unmanned, to be perfectly credible, since they are well within the bounds of modern space-technology.

Nonetheless, the Van Allen Belts must still pose a major stumbling-block to manned space-exploration, certainly in the immediate future, since neither the Russians or the Europeans have attempted to, or plan on, send a manned spacecraft to the Moon. Why they couldn’t use the North polar-aperture, as NASA must have done with the Apollo missions, is difficult to understand. Perhaps even that is still quite risky, although I don’t suppose it will remain an insurmountable danger for very much longer. I believe that NASA will soon evolve a fully effective lightweight radiation-shielding for their spacecraft and astronauts, or perhaps even a magnetic-repulsion field against both radiation and the hull-puncturing micro-meteorites - which represents a very major, though much down-played threat, far beyond the Van Allen-Magnetosphere region.

So much then for my potted study of human fallibility! (Even among the Olympian godlike NASA scientists!) Now, having discussed the nature of proof, let us move on or perhaps return to another very pertinent question concerning our previous subject. The curious matter of clear scientific proof for Teed’s Concave World theory!

The Strange Business With Plumb-Bobs
Around 1901, whilst attempting to discover with greater accuracy the size of the Earth, so that they could then make better calculations about our distance from the Sun, the French Government’s geological boffins came up with a novel idea. They found a way to measure the distances apart (at both ends) of two very-elongated, vertical parallel lines. Since no structure of the length they needed could be erected upon the surface, some bright Gallic spark had the brilliant brainwave of using a mile-deep mineshaft, down which two long plumb-lines could be hung, side by side a couple of feet apart, and they were thus able to measure the difference in the distance apart between both ends of the two lines - at the surface, and at a mile below the surface.

Naturally, they expected to find the lines to be somewhat closer together at the bottom of the shaft than at the top, and from this they could then calculate with some considerable precision, by projecting the lines geometrically, the exact point inside the Earth at which the lines would finally meet. This would mark the exact centre of gravity, and would give a very accurate radius for our planet. But, surprisingly, the result of the experiment proved to be quite weird. The plumb-bobs were found to be further apart at the bottom of the mineshaft than they were at the top!

Further trials produced the same results, so, in desperation, they contacted a famed professor of physics, a Dr. MacNair, of the Michigan College of Mines, USA. McNair repeated the experiment, but upon gaining the same curious result, he suggested that the plumb-bobs might be magnetically repelling each other, and that lead weights should be used. However, this didn’t change a thing - the results were still exactly the same.

By this time the matter had attracted the attention of another American professor at the Columbia University, Professor Hallock. He believed that it was the two lines of piano-wire used to suspend the weights that were attracting each other, and arranged for a fresh experiment to be conducted in the Tamarack mines at Calumet, in Michigan. Of course, none of this made a scrap of difference, and despite the lines being hung down two widely-separate mile-deep mineshafts, that were connected by a perfectly horizontal tunnel at their bottoms, the results still gave the same incredible illogical and incomprehensible result! By being farther apart at their bottom ends than at their tops, the plumblines indicated that, if the lines were geometrically extended upward instead of down, they would actually meet at a point 4,000 miles up in space!

A Maddening Implication!
The implication of this was that the earth’s centre of gravity was not at a single point 4,000 miles down inside the Earth, but was instead located at any point that same distance up in the sky! This meant that the Earth’s centre of gravity must actually be in a spherical configuration of around 16,000 miles diameter, which surrounded the Earth like an invisible, globular gravitational shield!

This whole strange business caused a great uproar in geophysical circles, and the US Geodetic Survey team spent a further two years in further experiments, one of which involved the measurement of the surface of a lengthy Florida lake, on the assumption that its calm flat water must conform to the precise curvature of the Earth, and would therefore demonstrate that curvature perfectly, if a long enough and gunbarrel-straight level were used to for sighting and projecting a true sightline. Alas, this also produced a very strange result, in that the lake’s unruffled surface appeared to curve upward in all directions, instead of downward, as they had expected! They appear to have retired completely baffled by this result, probably trying to forget the whole maddening exercise.

Enter Koresh
It was at this point that Cyrus Teed made his appearance, now having adopted the role of a religious mystic, under the name of Koresh (the Hebrew version of his first name). Despite his mystic guise, Koresh was completely practical in his own application of the same experiments which had so mystified the academics. He repeated them all in true engineering fashion, and then proceeded to build an entirely new religious concept of the Earth to fit the same scientifically-inexplicable results. In fact he used them to excellent effect in scientifically proving the Earth to actually be a concave sphere, with all of humanity - and everything else, including the sun, moon and stars - inside it - instead of an imagined convex one, where all creatures and plants appeared to live on its outer surface, and the heavens and celestial bodies seemed to be visible high above and around it, floating in the infinite space of the Universe.

From there on, Teed was able to attract a large following of convinced disciples and to create a brand-new Koreshan religion, founded entirely upon his incredible new theory. Teed-Koresh might have gone considerably further with this entirely new world-vision, but unfortunately, he now began to see himself as the returned Christ, and whilst his congregation accepted this blasphemy and remained faithful to their newfound “faith”, Koresh decided that only true celibacy would get them into Heaven. Thus, without properly considering the later effects of his actions, Koresh/Teed unwittingly built a natural “Run-Out” or “Self-Destruct” period into his organization, and in due course, all of his ardent followers simply died off, leaving the movement to fade into complete self-extinction. And there, if only for the sake of conserving page-space, I must finally conclude the curious fragment of background history to this third and extremely weird variation of a “Hollow Earth” – the Cellestrocentric, Inversed Earth!

In Conclusion.

What Can One Conclude?
What, if anything can be offered in rebuttal of this apparently undisprovable theory? Sadly not a great deal, other than plain observation and commonsense. One idea is that, if we are held to the inside of a rotating sphere by centrifugal force, surely that force would diminish to zero at the axial poles of its rotation , with the result that anyone venturing to the poles would cease to be affected by that force and would begin to float upwards as they neared the poles. Thus far, there don’t appear to have been any reports of such weird anomalies from either the Eskimos and surveyors of the Arctic region, nor from the weather scientists based at or around the Antarctic pole!

Also, one has to wonder, if this Earth-Cosmos is spinning, the laws of mechanics (if they actually apply to such an Earth) dictate that it has to spin about an axis. But why would it need to spin, if all the Universe is already in here, with us? And what could it be spinning in? If there is nothing beyond the crust we live on, what would be making it spin – and for what reason? Just to hold us to the inside of its shell? Maybe these are questions we should be asking the One who allegedly designed it thus!

However, one of the most interesting and telling points that I’ve not yet heard mention of, is the plain fact that, when at sea, the first sighting of an approaching vessel on the horizon, is the tip of its foremast, then its funnel comes into view, then gradually the superstructure and the hull eventually appear to emerge from the edge of the ocean. This is surely crystal-clear evidence that the sea curves upwards over the horizon line and then runs down toward the viewer, in a convex manner!

Also, I gather that, in the Teed model of a concave Earth, the focal centre of the globe is alleged to be occupied by a dark, inky-black mass which contains an Einsteinian “relative universe”, where every celestial body we see in outer space is to be found, whether with our own eyes, or through the telescopes of our astronomers. The Sun and the Moon are claimed to orbit around this mass, between the inner surface and the cloud of starry darkness, and it is when they orbit beyond and behind its edge, away from our position, they appear to set and rise again. However, again, just as in the case of the distant ship approaching over the rim of the ocean, simple observation shows that we always see the Sun (and the Moon) drop down (or “set” beyond the western horizon, to rise again out of the eastern horizon. What further proof do we require that the Earth’s surface upon which we live is truly convex?

But why should the Sun and Moon need to orbit, if the earth-shell itself is rotating? But modern Koreshans would answer this by flatly stating that the Earth does not move at all. It is, they declare, perfectly static and is surrounded by some dense and tangible plasma of Stygian “Outer Darkness” (to which, as we’ve seen, the Christian Bible makes several enigmatic references). However, if the Earth did not rotate, in the absence of gravity within its spherical shell (which is implied by the cloud-universe at its centre, which, QED, should surely possess staggeringly enormous mass), the only other thing which would hold us to the surface – centripetal force – just couldn’t exist! Thus, upon a fairly superficial examination by even the humblest scientific layman, the entire Koreshan Cellular Cosmonogy theory simply collapses like a house of cards!

The Religious Component
One might well wonder how so many millions of people are so easily persuaded to accept often quite ridiculous concepts such as this, in the name of God. However, the answer is quite simply that virtually all sentient human beings require some form of external “Benevolent Entity” to cling to and to pin their hopes upon. Whether it be a miraculous “God”-figure, humanoid or animistic, a magic talisman of some sort, or even just plain Lady Luck, this aching need for some kind of supernatural guardianship and protection is felt by the vast majority of our species.

If we were devoid of sapient intellect, as are most of the common animals, we would have no thought or concern for anything beyond the immediate here and now. So, as creatures of pure instinct, we wouldn’t worry about what harm might befall us, or concern ourselves over spiritual matters, or a possible Hereafter. But we humans are sapient creatures who are also endowed with active, vivid imaginations, and thus we often feel defenseless and vulnerable in the face of a frightening Unknown – especially Death. Hence the great power, and, in fact, pressing need of “religion” in some form or other among most of our species.

A Relative Cosmos?
Harking back to the concept of the cosmos being located in a relativistic form around the earth’s focal centre, then surely - were a suitable spacecraft available - one might be able to travel past or through the aforementioned “Infinity-Point” and out again on the other side, back down to Earth again, increasing in size and mass again, en route? Or would the spaceship and its crew perhaps simply continue to diminish in size, according to Einstein’s Law of Relativity, until it disappeared entirely into infinity?

Or could it perhaps be that there is some sort of “worm-hole” at that point, which connects with the very Ultimate Infinity of Heaven itself? As The Immortal Bard of Avon described it, in his customary, poetic way: “The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns.” Perhaps both scenarios might, in the end, amount to the same final result! And perhaps only a great genius of the intellectual stature of Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking might, some day be able to furnish us with a sensible answer to this conundrum!

Alas, I certainly cannot, although that still doesn’t prevent me from having my own instinctive and entirely unscientific “gut-feeling” about the actual veracity or falsity of this theory - or from getting the unpleasantly ominous sensation that the Koreshan concave Earth was perhaps initially conceived as a sincere theory, but was subsequently adapted and elaborated upon in order to create another quasi-scientific, religious hoax, perpetrated to extort large sums of money from a crowd of earnest but gullible followers! Sadly, we will never know, and at this point, my ever-patient reader, I really must wind up this rambling discussion of something which – after all is said and done - really doesn’t makes one single tangible scrap of difference whatsoever, one way or the other to us, the occupants of this planet, as we go about our daily lives and affairs!

A Final Question
There is one final question that we should all ask ourselves should any of these three theoretic cases, by some strange perchance, turn out to be true. What would be the reaction of the governments of the powerful nations of the world be to the affirmation of such a discovery? Would they hasten to pass on to their citizens the exciting news of the discovery of another world – or worlds - within the globe we live upon? Or would they covertly rush to be the first to enter such an hitherto hidden world and plant their national flag upon its soil, and perhaps claim it as extra “lebensraum” for their excess population?

Or, worse still, if it were found to be already inhabited, would they wage a merciless war to exterminate its inhabitants, so as to be able to utilize such a secret inner world for their own nefarious purposes - and, if it were found (as would seem likely) to be rich in precious minerals and ores – exploit it mercilessly and profit from a seemingly endless supply of oil or gold, or other scarce commodity, on the outer-world markets?

Given the appalling track-records in such matters of the richer or more powerful nations like the USA, the Europe Community and China, I believe that we should all be able to answer this question for ourselves. If such a discovery is ever made, and a powerful government learns of it, then we can rest assured that we, the humble citizens of the surface world, will probably never get to hear about it! And there, dear readers, I will finally rest my case!

Recommended reading on these Hollow and inversed Earth theories.

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