by Christi Verismo
Part 1 of 6 excerpts
Please send far and wide as a warning about the
dangers of approx 15 nations having dangerous scalar weapons. Inability
to keep track of and understand advanced physics is why this problem of
ignorance has occurred, letting multiple nations have terrifying scalar
beam technology which can destroy the whole planet at the press of a few
buttons. This 40 page chapter is easy to understand for the non
scientific. Permission to repost as long as left unaltered, with author,
book title and website intact.
THE 1930’s,
THE 1940’s,
THE 1950’s,
THE 1960’s,
THE 1970’s,
THE 1980’s,
THE 1990’s
It all started in the 18th century with a Scotsman named James Clerk
Maxwell.(1831-1879). He was a mathematical genius and his work led to
the development of quantum physics which later led to Einstein’s
Relativity. Maxwell’s equations linked electricity and magnetism and he
discovered other waves that were higher than the normal hertzian
electromagnetic waves. They are positioned at right angles coming off
the electromagnetic wave and are omni-directional, whereas normal hertzian electromagnetic waves are only
measurable with normal
equipment and travel in a straight line. They are also called gravitic
waves because they belong to the gravitational field. (Please see
glossary for other names for scalar waves) Maxwell’s electromagnetic
spectrum went higher than our 3D physical reality and into hyperspace
where the fine indiscernible scalar waves exist. (Maxwell said they
flowed in the ether/hyperspace). Scalar waves are so fine that they are
only one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in width hence finer
than X-rays and gamma rays. They can also be manipulated into various
types of modes and frequencies. When Maxwell died his work was
interpreted by three experts (including Hertz) who set the foundation
for physics, and they decided any wave that went beyond what could be
measured with an instrument of that time was "mystical" therefore
According to Tom Bearden, standard physics (from then on) as a
discipline, contained twenty two errors.
Nicola Telsa, (1856 or
1857-1943) a Yugoslavian genius, who became a US citizen in 1891 carried
on with Maxwell’s work. Tesla worked for Thomas Edison, who invented
direct current, while Telsa himself invented alternating current, but
the two men didn’t get along well and parted ways. Tesla started up
laboratories on Long Island and in Colorado Springs and learned how to
harness scalar waves from one transmitter to another without using any
wires. He received partial financial backing from JP Morgan, who owned
the new electricity projects, but Morgan wasn’t interested in losing all
his electricity business by allowing people to tap into the vacuum of
pure energy (hyperspace) to get their own (what is now termed)
‘free-energy’ for no cost.
At that time Edison needed a plant ten stories high, taking up an entire
city block to supply electricty to one square mile of customers. Tesla
identified what he called ‘Radiant Energy’ or ‘Teleforce’ in 1889. It
was discovered during experiments that Tesla did to duplicate what the
German Heinrich Hertz had done in 1887, proving the existence of
electromagnetic waves. While copying Hertz’s experiments, Tesla
experimented with violently abrupt direct current electrical discharges
and discovered scalar energy, a new force, in the process. In 1904
announced he’d completed his work using scalar waves to transmit energy
without wires but unfortunately when he tried to get support for it, a
setback occurred. He was sued for his Colorado Springs laboratory
electrical bill, and his lab was torn down. He was also sued for non
payment of a loan from his lawyer and his financial troubles never
abated. Tesla continued his work even though he had no money and he died
penniless in a NY hotel room in 1943, although
Preston Nichols in his
book ‘Encounter in the Pleiades’ claims a lookalike street vagrant was
cremated in his place and there may be evidence that he was spirited
away to the UK.
Even though Tesla couldn’t interest the US govt. in his wire-free scalar
energy, the Russians and Germans asked him to work for them, but he
turned them down. All was not lost, just two weeks before he ‘died’ he
gave all his research to a young American physicist. Tesla’s inventions
were dangerous and not only did he discover scalar waves and how to use
it to manufacture earthquakes but also he created a ‘Death Ray’, which
has been likened to a particle beam weapon. (Particle beam weapons can
shoot a laser one thousand miles into space.) After his death in 1943
the FBI was actively involved in suppressing many of Tesla’s documents,
including plans for his ’Death-Ray’ weapon capable of destroying
aircraft and his earthquake-inducing machine, deeming it ‘top-secret’
lest it fall into the enemy’s hands. But the Germans had also invented
beam weapons and used them during WW2. Captured from them (according to
William Cooper) was a weapon that was capable of shattering 4" thick
armor at a range of two miles using low aimed, low frequency sound
There is also evidence that the Germans had scalar wave technology and
they certainly had anti-gravity technology due to a UFO crashing in
Germany in 1939. They back-engineered it and by 1940 had built
themselves a
fleet of UFO’s in eight facilities all over Germany. The
Russians, who took many Nazi scientists captive in Soviet occupied
Germany in 1946, forced the German scientists to build them their own
fleet of UFOs, which they called ‘COSMOSPHERES’ and eventually they had
built hundreds. The Nazi scientists also built the Russians scalar
transmitters and particle beam weapons. Tesla also told people that he
talked frequently to people ‘off planet’, so perhaps this was the source
of inspiration for his inventions.
Part 2 of 6 excerpts
Most western universities ignore Tesla’s work due to a conspiracy to
stop free-energy and anti-gravity technology, because of the loss of
money for big business that would be generated by this, but Eastern
European and Russian universities include it in their curriculum, which
is why the U.S. didn’t realize that scalar waves were being used against
them, due to no equipment for detecting such waves, until they had been
secretly attacked for ten years by the Russians using them since about
1960 when Prime Minister Kruschev announced "the Soviets had some
superweapons". After the Russians shot down all the American space
shuttles and satellites in 1977, the U.S. was completely at their mercy,
by Russia openly flying cosmospheres over the U.S., firing particle beam
and scalar beam weapons developed with the expertise of captured Nazi
Following this an enormous effort was made to develop
weapons in the U.S. The F.B.I. had held all Tesla’s scientific papers
for several years after he was said to have died in 1943, so much of the
research was unknown to the public when they needed it the most to fight
back against the Russians attacking U.S. military targets and doing
weather-engineering over America in the early 1960’s. U.S. started up
their own scalar transmitters in out of the way places like Australia,
Alaska, Puerto Rico, Greenland and Norway using Tesla technology.
However they also made particle beam transmitters at
Montauk, LI, and
Los Alamos, NM. One of the first places to house Tesla technology, and
hence scalar weapons was Exmouth U.S. navy base in Western Australia
built in 1968, and operative in 1969, where they had a free rein in the
deserted Australian outback to practise. Pine Gap, another U.S. military
base in the center of Australia was another site which became operative
in 1970 and has two scalar transmitters.......
In the 1920’s Tesla created ‘Tesla Shields' from scalar waves which he
claimed could defend an entire country against aircraft and shells by
creating a barrier made of energy which they could not pass. The Soviets
had access to all his work during their search for ‘superweapons’ to
match the U.S. after the atom bombs were dropped on Japan. Tesla’s
papers were shipped to communist Yugoslavia after he died in 1943, where
they were easily accessed by the Soviets. By 1914, according to Harry
Mason, Tesla predicted the electrical control of the atmospheric
moisture and described how to do this with his magnifying transmitter
and even how to control the sun’s EM field and modify its effects on the
earth using scalar transmitters. Also how to turn night into day to make
sea and air navigation safer. He stated that it’s possible to engineer
EM shielding to stop decay from nuclear radiation because the decay was
caused by interaction of the nucleus with a special ray emanating
throughout the universe.
Tesla said it is possible to stimulate the
nucleus into explosive or rapid general transmutation. In about 1908
Tesla discovered that scalar energy, without energy loss, using an
interferometer becomes bottled from the intersection of two scalar wave
beams. By interferometer (crossed beam) techniques, giant standing waves
can be combined to produce a focused beam of very great energy. This can
then be used to produce earthquakes induced at distant aiming points. He
noted that this could easily get out of control once it begins vibrating
within the Earth and could actually cause the Earth to vibrate to
pieces. His own had proved so powerful, that during its testing phase he
destroyed it with a sledgehammer to keep its vibrations from destroying
his entire neighborhood.
‘POTENTIALS’ are particles which are unorganized in hyperspace, pure
energy not yet released into the physical world. They can be harnessed
into creating different frequencies of scalar waves and can be
manufactured artificially. This energy emerges and stabilizes only if
the transmitters are at a higher reference potential than the
interference (blending) zone. If the transmitters are set at a lower
potential, the energy bottle re-emerges back at the transmitters where
it has to be disposed of, if the transmitters are not to be burnt out. If
two single frequency scalar electromagnetic (EM) waves, containing
zero-vector and artificial potentials intersect, real observable
electromagnetic wave energy results, though no EM energy has flown
through the intervening space. Invisible waves of pure potential without
any force field amplitudes, using artificial potentials seemingly do not
exist according to conventional science, but this is because they are
undetectable with normal detection equipment. Yet they can be
manufactured by polarizing them or concentrating hyperspace into a river
of force, which when merged using two beams, produces real
electromagnetic waves. If the transmitter uses potential above that of
the energy bottle, detectable energy emerges in that zone and it is
called EXOTHERMIC mode. To extract energy back to the transmitter from
the energy bottle, the potentials must be below that produced in an
energy bottle. This is ENDOTHERMIC mode....................
Part 3 of 6 excerpts
If two transmitters transmit a timed pulse and the two pulses meet, then
an explosion emergence or extraction occurs at the distant interference
zone, depending on whether exothermic or endothermic mode is used.
However there is no detectable energy flow between transmitters and the
intersection of the two beams exist as locked in artificial potential in
hyperspace. This supposedly doesn’t exist. The energy flow between
transmitters and intersecting beams does not exist in the intervening
space physically as an EM force field, only as a locked-in artificial
potential. If the wave transmission is continuous, the energy appears
physically between beams as continuous.
If multiple frequencies are
transmitted on the beams, at the intersection a 3 dimensional globe
appears as a bullet or shell. Using pulse transmission an impulsive or
explosive emergence of this energy form appears, but if using continuous
mode a continuous glowing plasma form appears visibly. The impulse
endothermic mode energy is extracted and generates a cold explosion or
sharp cooling, and this can sound like thunder...............
According to Bearden ever since July 1976, Russian scalar transmitters
have continuously sent transmissions which disturb communication systems
of the world in the 3-30 megahertz band. The noise is like a woodpecker
pecking a block of wood, so they have been nicknamed ‘Woodpeckers.’ The
power of the enormous transmitters vary but he says they range as high
as several hundred megawatts, and nominally 100 megawatts. Several
nations have protested, but they still continue to this day. The
Russians just spread the spectrum to shift to other frequencies
periodically. Two to three scalar over the horizon radar beams from
these Woodpeckers can intersect each other over USA. An intersection
grid over the whole of USA is formed by waveform interference of two
main Woodpecker beams. These beams follow the earth-ionosphere waveguide
and curve around the planet. This is done to detect launched missiles
and strategic bombers lifting off out of USA. However this massive
Russian grid covering large areas of U.S. has other more sinister mind
control operations according to Bearden. A phase-locked ELF modulation
signal at 10 hz is often detected on multiple Woodpecker frequencies
simultaneously. This modulation if sufficiently stronger than the
Resonance (the frequency of the earth’s natural magnetic field) can
hypnotize brains into ‘forced entrainment’.
Human brainwaves are ‘synchronized’ to the Woodpecker signals, so that
multiple coherent frequencies phase-lock into them. Bearden writes that
multiple coherent EM frequencies are channeled into these entrained
minds. He also says that what is termed ‘Fourier expansions’ may be used
to attack specific portions of the brain geometrically. Bearden writes:
"About 1950-1952, the Soviets developed [scalar] EM machines that could
influence the brain and nervous system directly. This included the
machine, which can induce a catatonic state into a mammal such as a man,
a cat, etc. U.S. scientists, obtaining one of these devices in the
1980’s, reported that it utilized a 40 MHz carrier, and produced unusual
waveforms (showing the multiple frequency content). Since the U.S.
scientists do not possess scalar EM detectors, they have no measurements
or knowledge of possible scalar components in the Lida’s output signal.
According to one U.S. scientist, the device was used by North Korean
interrogators in brainwashing U.S. prisoners in North Korea during the
Korean War, and was highly effective."
It would appear that Russia did
use scalar waves first in the early 1960’s, but US soon caught up,
building scalar transmitters in Australia in 1968...............
Part 4 of 6 excerpts
On a more esoteric note, it seems that Tesla’s hyperdimensional physics
has been used to go into the realms of the unknown.
Richard Hoagland in
a 1995 radio interview told of a friend, who was part of security, in
the U.S. armed services in the 1970’s in Central America. He was in a
large battalion of military engineer personnel, flown into a location.
They hauled in large portable generators, each of which was capable of
lighting a city. There was a large amount of copper cable and this
equipment was placed on an ancient Meso-American site in the jungle in
the middle of nowhere close to 19.5 lat. The generators were positioned
separately in a geometrical hexagonal pattern with energized coils.
Hoagland claims that from what we know, it must have been to probe the
efficacy of the terrestrial hyperdimensional grid. At hyperdimensional
nodes on the grid one can change the resonance, with the object of
creating geological earth changes. As our physical reality vibrates at a
certain frequency, various physicists are using transmitters to change
the way time flows and therefore how our time-frame vibrates. Hoagland
says in his opinion: we are being manipulated into a belief system,
which is reaching a critical point. Someone wants us to think a certain
way, and things are being sent to follow this perception, however, he
claims this does not follow the truth.
(Americans and Russians are both using
scalar waves to engineer a
particular kind of level of reality vibrating at a different frequency
to the one we have at present and changing the expression of our
brainwaves, which operate in scalar waves. Various frequencies are equal
to the way we perceive life, depending on what parts of the brain are
activated by that frequency)
Hoagland says in hyperspacial physics
constants change, and this seems to be happening. Nuclear constants are
changing and nuclear plants sited on the grid or not are getting ‘hotter
’ than they should be, which means there might be more accidents.
According to
Bruce Cathie as well, this may be something to do with
powering up gridnodes or vortexes, at intersection points on the world
gridlines, in which he proved in his numerous books that hyperdimensional physicists are in a
covert operation with alien help to
create a new set of world gridlines, alongside the present ones
connected to the North and South Poles.
Various strange phenomena occurs, along with UFO sightings
along grid
lines with the main lattice lines operating at 30 nautical miles apart.
There seems to be a way in and out of hyperspace to other places in the
universe when certain planetary configurations affect gravity using
regular cycles and world biorhythms, and natural time tunnels open up.
One needs to use very fine electromagnetic waves which operate in
hyperspace for this. It’s unknown if a wave more fine than scalar is
being used for this, but ever since the 1950’s brainwave emanations have
been able to be controlled using scalar waves, so what is being used
here for the last few decades is what is called ‘synthetic telepathy’,
which is artificial thought produced in the same kind of subtle wave
that real thought has. The Russians developed this first.
Nuclear and electricity power stations are being build deliberately on
the sensitive gridline points, using harmonics, (hyperdimensional
physics) so ‘manipulate our reality’ as held by the timelines, which
flow through the gridlines, positioned there by gravity. Bruce Cathie
has claimed by using the formula covert scientists use to calculate the
angle of the sun and planets, which time to best day to detonate a
nuclear bomb in order to affect hyperspace, that when the Chernobyl
accident happened everything was in the correct position astronomically
as for the other nuclear explosions. There is covert tweaking of a new
set of gridline nodes. The Russians bought the patent for Buckminster
Fuller’s world gridline system. It is known that the Russians have had
an alien alliance since the 1950’s. Whether they work in conjunction
with Americans to manipulate hyperspace grid node points is unknown, but
information found online says that the Russians had a large natural timeportal in
Afghanistan in use, that the U.K./U.S. alliance intended
on taking from them, hence the war in Afghanistan. Research shows that
one faction is trying to operate an old Atlantean gridline, which is
creating an old ‘reality’ associated with
Atlantis and
It appears that various alien factions including
the Pleiadians are
trying to activate certain timelines running through Montauk, where it
is said that many timelines cross.
So this major reality engineering work has been done for a very long
time, behind the scenes with govt. and military people entering
hyperspace and going into alternate universes. Bruce Cathie said that a
UK intelligence agent told him that they could get into fifteen
dimensions. It’s unknown if Tesla worked with the British physicists, if
(or after) he faked his death and went to the U.K. but having more money
to continue his work, after having been involved in the
Experiment where it was found that time could be manipulated, we can
only wonder. Harry Ossoff in the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid
wrote that the warship the Eldridge was on a gridline at Philadelphia
and while the ship had vanished for four hours for the duration of its
suction into hyperspace it materialized temporarily on another gridline
at Norfolk, Virginia. The gridlines were determined by Bruce Cathie.
Ossoff asks: "Could it be that the energy that makes all this possible
is a magnetic field transmitted at the correct frequency by the powerful
field generators aboard the ship?" Much has been learned about how
hyperspace functions since the Philadelphia Experiment took place in
Is it possible that the Russians have learned how to navigate the
gridlines with their cosmospheres by being able to
materialize and
dematerialize on the gridlines like the aliens do? Three Russians
‘discovered’ the grid in the 1960’s. However in the 1950’s both Aime
Michel in France and Bruce Cathie in New Zealand both noticed that
UFO’s appeared in the same places or on the same latitudes or longitudes. They
both mapped out a set of gridlines at about the same which matched. When
this went public Cathie was immediately visited by the CIA and
They tailed him everywhere wanting to know where he got his information
and the CIA offered him millions of dollars to be quiet, which he turned
down. The N.Z. govt protects him however and more than likely told
everyone to back off and leave him alone, as he gives the data to them
as he privately researches what is happening. Using his special harmonic
equations to understand gridline tweaking and the opening of hyperspace
portals carried on by physicists.
There appears to be a covert plan worldwide by top hyper-dimensional
physicists to open up the gridlines at top universities and for this
certain grid node areas have nuclear bombs dropped on them and one
wonders why the French conducted 1,112 underground nuclear tests at
Muroroa Atoll in the South Pacific between 1975 to 1988 alone. They have
dropped more since. Richard Hoagland claims the French are really doing
hyperdimensional physics. Did they create their own time-portal too? It
would be a little attention getting to have dropped so many on France
for this quest!.......
A general idea is given here:
Part 5 of 6 excerpts
Bearden paints a possible scenario: if for example the U.S. were to send
a nuclear missile to Russia many things they have developed for defense
using scalar technology could greet it before it even landed. Secret
eavesdropping using scalar carriers may have heard it was about to be
fired, and they could explode the missile before launch using a cloaked
cosmosphere or aircraft. However if it does manage to launch, firstly it
could be detected and tracked, then a continuous EMP Tesla globe could
kill the electronics of the missile. Another intensely hot fireball
globe could vaporize the missile, or a pulse mode fireball could explode
it before it reached its target. Extremely large glowing spheres of
light containing dense EM plasma energy created by crossed scalar beams
could also activate the nuclear warhead en route by creating a violent
low order nuclear explosion. Various parts of the flying debris can be
subjected to smaller more intense Tesla globes where the energy density
to destroy is more powerful than the larger globe first encountered.
This can be done in pulse mode with any remaining debris given maximum
continuous heating to vaporize metals and materials. If anything still
rains down on Russia, they could have already made a Tesla shield over
the targeted area to block it from entering the airspace.
The Tesla shield protecting the target could be made of three or more
concentric Tesla shields, that would produce multiple electromagnetic
pulse energy and severe heating of anything which enters it. These
concentric Tesla shields can also clean up and sterilize any gamma
radiation resulting from an explosion of the nuclear warhead. The
Soviets are using unknown attributes of matter, phenomena and laws of
nature by research covering the equivalent of 7-8 U.S. atom bomb
projects back to back already.........
........To recap:
COLUMBIA 1 launched April 12, 1981 was shot down by
two Russian cosmospheres. It crashed 85 miles south of Kazan in central
Russia. A fake landing was staged at Edward’s Air Force Base using the
shuttle ‘Enterprise’ and actors.
COLUMBIA 2 was launched November 12, 1981 secretly unmanned. It was shot
down by Russian TU-144 jet airplanes using beam weapons, over the White
Sea, near Finland.
COLUMBIA 3 was launched March 22, 1982. It was intended to orbit a
special new Spy Satellite, which was hardened with tungsten against
attack from Russia’s space weapons and armed with a robot-controlled
laser that could shoot back. The shuttle too was armed with lasers. It
faked a landing on March 30, 1982 at White Sands. It successfully
deployed a new laser-armed spy satellite. The crew returned for the
first time.
SPACE SHUTTLE 4 was launched successfully June 24, 1982. Its
purpose was to deploy the satellite that would confirm the Phantom
aircraft attack to start the war.......
......The Russians continued to attack the next space shuttles. On Nov
26 1985 when the space shuttle ATLANTIS launched, a mysterious light was
hanging in the sky. According to Tom Bearden a scalar interferometer in
exothermic mode struck the area just prior to launch. Twelve minutes
after launch, a huge atmospheric, rumbling explosion occurred over the
area, and was heard for hundreds of miles up and down the coast. The
Soviets were using the shuttle launches to test their ABM/antibomber
missile system. However it apparently stayed up there.
According to
Tom Bearden, after the space shuttle CHALLENGER was shot
down in full view of the public, and along with the knowledge that the
launch of other shuttles probably were Russian weapons tests:
Russians (KGB) apparently had already decided to kill it, and so one
would expect multiple fatal shots, continuing in a manner where they had
already demonstrated our guys would not recognize what had happened,
because our fellows back then knew nothing of scalar interferometry, and
would not believe it. A small nation with scalar weapons friendly to
America. That series of shots and interventions came to a sort of
screeching halt when a friendly little nation simply destroyed several
very large Russian missile storage facilities and such strategic
One shot knocked out one-third the missiles in one of the large Russian
fleets. So it quit being fun and games for the KGB at that point,
because that little nation already had at least working prototype
quantum potential weapons and could have blasted Russia right off the
face of the earth at the time. And the Russians knew it. It was not
sweet reason and diplomacy that backed them down; it was an iron fist.
In the aftermath of all that activity, which eerily stayed well behind
the scenes and was never recognized for what it was by the open news,
the Soviet economy eventually collapsed, the Berlin Wall came down, and
you know the rest..."
He continues:
" ‘War’ was never as cold as
represented. Behind the scenes there were continual strategic
maneuverings and preparations for the most spectacular strategic attacks
ever dreamed of by the human mind. We got through it (at least until
now) by the grace of God and by the guts and stamina of a friendly
little nation also having some of the most powerful weapons on earth." (Bearden leaves no doubt that this was
Israel in his other writings.)
More on that topic
Part 6 of 6 excerpts
According to Harry Mason in his
Bright Skies articles, on 28 May 1993,
23:03 hrs a large orange-red spherical fireball, with a small
bluish-white conical tail flew north from Leonora to
Laverton in Western
Australia. It emitted a pulsed, roaring or loud diesel-engine sound
before it passed. It was witnessed over a 250km distance at least,
though it probably had a much longer flight path, originating well out
over the southern Indian Ocean from Antarctica. It appeared to arc down
towards the ground, then disappeared. This was followed by a
near-blinding, massive high-energy burst of blue-white light that
rippled for about 3-5 seconds, lighting up the windless, cloudless,
moonless night like it was daylight for about 100km in every direction.
It looked like a nuclear blast, but no crater was ever found. Then a
huge red-colored flare shot vertically for possibly several km, followed
immediately by a massive seismic ground wave, that shook the ground so
violently, that people fell over. The earthquake measured 3.9. Then a
very loud, major explosive blast was heard over a 250km by 150km
corridor. After this a large deep-red-orange colored hemisphere of
opaque light, the size of a setting moon, with a silver outer-shell rose
from ground level and hovered over "ground-zero" bobbing around for
nearly two hours, before disappearing suddenly, like someone pulled a
.......The sheep station, where these fireballs landed is called
Banjawarn, in the eastern goldfields region of Western Australia. It was
purchased in late April the same year by the Japanese Aum Supreme Truth
(Aum Shinrikyo) cult. A third fireball headed directly for
station in May or June 1993 in the early morning, possibly about 5am,
heading north. It was yellow-orange-red and had a very small blue-white
tail. It lit up the dark sky with an intense blue-white flash. It could
have ultimately reached the American navy scalar weapon faculty in Exmouth, NW of Western Australia. The
Aum sect only occupied Banjawarn
station for a month. Mason believes the activities on the Banjawarn
station were of scalar EM origin and writes that the Aum cult sent a
team to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1992, with the
object of knowing Tesla’s earthquake inducing weapons system technique,
and they started this in 1993 at Banjawarn. The Banjawarn sheep station
was purchased and occupied in 1993, by the Aum sect, and they stated
their purpose there was ‘to conduct experiments for the benefit of
mankind’. Aum sect’s deputy leader Kiyohide Hayakawa visited Perth in
April 1993, and aided by a Japanese Mahikari cult agent, bought Banjawarn.....
....Mason says Hayakawa visited Russia twenty two times and North Korea
seventeen times. After he bought Banjawarn station he visited a Soviet
naval base in Vietnam. In 1991, according to Mason, Gorbechev offered to
lease the Japanese the USSR’s super-secret intercontinental scalar EM
weapons technology, capable of producing earthquakes for U.S. $900
million, used there since the 1960’s. A joint Russian-Japanese
university was set up with the best nuclear physicists of both to
develop new weapons with Japanese microchips. The Aum sect arrived as
representatives of the Japanese. Aum had 30,000 Japanese then a further
50,000 Russians joined it. Tom Bearden believes that the Banjawarn Tesla
fireball conforms to known Russian scalar technology......
..... Exmouth, West Australia, according to Mason, has a
transmitter, which is a prototype experimental over the horizon plasma
weapon. This may be why the Japanese Mitsui Corp. arranged an Australian
prospector to do aerial photography, for "oil exploration" over the
Exmouth, Laverton, Alice Springs (Pine Gap) and
Longreach military
transmitter faculties. Since 1990 lone Japanese motorcyclists have been
mapping WA and NT bushtracks on Mitsui Corp. satellite imagery. Why is
Japan intelligence gathering these sites? Laverton has both a scalar
transmitter site and a radar site, close to the southern boundary of
Banjawarn. Mason says that the Banjawarn fireball may be a warning to
the owners of the Laverton faculties that the Japanese/Russian alliance
can destroy their faculty. Wonder why the massive earthquakes have
occurred in Siberia, and northern Japan in 2003 too, is this a similar
The Aum science minister, Hideo Marai, a nuclear physicist, regarded as
the most intelligent living Japanese, was present at Banjawarn during
the scalar fireball events on 28 May 1993. According to
David Guyatt,
Hideo Murai, (said to have a higher IQ than Einstein) was killed by a
Korean with a knife. His last words were "Yudaya", translated as
"Judea". This was a codeword. Guyatt claims the assassination was
orchestrated by the Yakuza, the feared Japanese crime mafia and that the
Aum sect was researching and developing Tesla electromagnetic pulse,
earthquake inducing and plasma weapons in remote regions of the world.
Murai, was researching EM technology, microwaves, and other EM/ray/wave
technology and cosmic X-ray analysis. The Aum sect had a laser device
capable of inducing massive earthquakes. An Aum guru claimed on Jan 8
1995 that Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995 and the most
likely place was Kobe. It happened on Jan 17 1995, and the epicenter was
Hayakawa’s faculty.
According to Robert Sterling the Aum sect military trained its members
at Russian bases. They recruited staff at Russia’s best faculty. Boris
Yeltsin’s confidante, Oleg Lobov arranged this and helped
Aum recruits
scientists into the cult, and carry out espionage. This Russia-Japan
college is financed by Japan’s Liberal Democrat Party. According to
Sterling, Aum had amassed a great fortune, and recruited thousands of
followers including Russian scientists and many technical people in the
Soviet Far East. They were working on genetically manipulating
biological anti-toxins, plasma technology and experimenting with
brainwaves. Hideo Murai was a scientific genius and said on radio, that
he was familiar with scalar and Tesla weapons and the he could shield
Aum members from EM weaponry. Before the massive earthquake, with the
near exact epicenter at Kobe Steel, Murai’s faculty, there were massive
electromagnetic disturbances in the ionosphere for several months
before, also for several days prior glowing orange-red and pink lights
and spherical forms hovered over the Kobe fault line. Over 5,500 people
died. It may have been Russia, or N Korea suggested Ted Daniels, in
order to make the prophecy come true, or perhaps an accident at Murai’s
earthquake lab. Mason wondered if US had done it for a warning to comply
with the NWO and with the threat towards the Exmouth faculty on 28 may
1993, was it tit for tat?
Mason says that the fireballs love flying on 1 May, ironically asking
who celebrates that day? However looking at the dates, one can see a
17 Jan 1995
- Kobe "quake"
20 March 1995
- Tokyo subway gas
17 April 1995
- OK city bombing
1 May 1995 - Perth exploding
17 July - shootdown of TWA Flight 800 off NY/LI
Could the 17th
day be a sign of payback Mason asks? He says apart from the gas attacks,
there is evidence of scalar weapons for all of these. Mason also writes
that the Tokyo gas attack may have named Aum as a patsy. Strangely over
50% of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party Cabinet flew to N Korea for
a week, the day after the subway attack. Mason says there is evidence
that the CIA executed the subway gas attack to destabilize the LDP govt.....
...... Sterling blames the Yakuza for 9/11 using technology developed by
Aum, though others say it was an inside job, however there is evidence
scalar technology was used to topple the WTC buildings - but whose?
Mason says that Japanese investigative journalists at
suggest that Aum was a cover for the Japanese govt. to rearm Japan with
new Russian weapons systems, and support for this has been given because
Japan purchased new frontline jet fighters and bombers and did joint
defense exercises between Russia and Japan. Aum has trained with Russian
troops. In 1993 and 1994 Shoko Asahara, the Aum leader complained to
Australian authorities that himself, and Aum had been subjected to gas
and laser attacks. The press suggested that a very influential foreign
secret service has been getting at Aum and the Japanese govt.
to David Guyatt in his Tesla Doom Weapons & Aum Shinrikyo
HERE yet another Japanese cult
is operating throughout all govt. departments and has enormous influence
over Japanese foreign policy. It is the militaristic cult called Soka
Gakkei, with 15 million members worldwide and massive finances. Every
major Japanese business corp is riddled with members. They adhere to the
teaching of a 13 century Buddhist monk, who preached a doctrine of
"Final War" to be fought against the Christian West and Islamic
.....In 1987 a Japanese satellite was launched to detect gamma radiation
from Russian and Chinese nuclear tests. They registered a massive pulse
of gamma rays emanating from a Soviet satellite, which was radiating
Van Allen belts. The conclusion was that the Russians were engaged in
weather engineering, as well as developing a spaceplatform for missile
defense and earthquake induction. Hideo Murai, the Aum science minister
received this information being one of Japan’s leading X-ray astronomers
at the time. The head of Japan’s foreign intelligence sponsored Aum, and
hence Murai started his scalar testing in Western Australia. He was
about to reveal all, but was killed. According to journalist Jack Amano,
in David Guyatt’s article:
"It was Hayakawa who decided to purchase the
sheep station [in early April 1993], just days prior to the energy event
and subsequent ground tremor. Hayakawa’s sojourns to Russia
reaped rewards: Aum’s Russian scientists had provided detailed designs and the
theoretical grounding to develop a technology more powerful even than
the ultimate weapon predicted by Asahara. Not least in the Aum efforts,
was the acquisition of related US weapons data obtained by hacking into
sensitive US databases. This, with the aid of Japanese government
funding, Russian technological know-how and advanced equipment provided
by major Japanese transnational corporations, a terrifyingly powerful
super-weapon was being constructed in secret."
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