Greetings to all of you this night.
It is with great respect and
honor that you have invited us to be here with your energy. We are
most grateful. Together we will cocreate a joyous time. You may
simply refer to this energy as "the Sirian". We know Earth humans
love labels, so there is a label for you. We promise this night that
we will not be too "Sirius."
Let us give you the schedule for the evening. We know we have a
short period to speak in your time. Time still confounds us. But, we
will endeavor to understand linearity for this evening and honor
your needs. In the short time available to us, this is the schedule:
We will talk to you about the idea of "landings." We will give
you a, hopefully, expanded perspective on that idea.
We will talk
to you about what we have called a "time capsule" which is existent
within the energy bodies of humans. We'll be more specific
This time capsule at this period now is beginning to be
triggered due to the increased energy upon your world. When we are
finished with this, perhaps if there is time, there will be some
There has been much information circling around your world having to
do with the idea of landings -- whether they be by Sirians,
Pleiadians, or any such entities from the stars. We would like to
talk to you a little bit about that idea. Unfortunately when this
information comes to you from other dimensional realms, it must be
3-D-ified [making a play on the word "deified"]. That has many
twists, does it not? In its 3-D-ification, it gets a little bit
misunderstood. So, we are going to attempt to broaden the concept a
little bit for you.
The idea has been that one miraculous day... (and this day has been
awaited for thousands of years)... the ship is going to land. The ETs
are going to get out, and everything will be okay. Happily ever
after. And many of you have so diligently taken out your lawn chairs
and you have sat outside in the bush waiting for that day to arrive.
Yet, you are still asking all the channels, "When is that day going
to arrive?"
Recognize the idea of a fixed date is a 3-D-ification. Fixed dates,
though they be nice, express the idea of linear information, in a
sense, a 3-D-ification. This does not allow for the idea of the
ever-expanding, always changing idea of multidimensionality.
With dates and times, keep your tongue planted firmly in cheek and
simply allow yourself to live your life to the fullest and allow
yourself to continue on your own path of opening and awakening.
Because, that is the path that will, in fact, accelerate any type of
open landing situation.
What will not happen then, will be that the Earth sits and waits.
The ship lands, and everything will be okay and you will all live
happily ever after. No.
What will happen, is a little bit of a
twist. It is a 4-D-ification rather than a 3-D-ification.
It looks
like this:
People on Earth (which doesn't have to be everyone, it might just be
enough for the
hundredth monkey effect) begin processes of personal
growth and spiritual awakening, of traveling multidimensionally
through Merkabah explorations or other forms of expansion.
By doing
this, they open their consciousness.
They tunnel holes in the
tightly woven fabric of the paradigm that you have been existing
within during the great galactic cycle in which you have been
asleep. Some of you have heard about the Yugas, the cycles that
occur galactically. You are just coming out of that cycle of sleep
now into the cycle of wakefulness.
When you are in the sleep cycle the fabric of the mass consciousness
that encloses you is tightly woven like a tight piece of canvas
cloth. Therefore, new ideas have a difficult time penetrating that
tightly woven cloth. This keeps you very securely asleep in that
As you begin to move out of that cycle and move into the
awakening cycle, the fabric begins to loosen and lighten. Light can
begin permeating. Thought and consciousness can begin permeating.
The fabric itself begins to start looking a little bit like swiss
cheese with lots and lots of holes. It is then when you experience
paradigm shift. Once paradigm shift occurs, reality fabric changes.
That which was unseen previously now becomes seen.
When you awaken, and you make everything "okay", then you will see
the beings landing and communicating openly. You will come to
understand they have been there all along. But the fabric of the
paradigm was so tightly woven you could not see through it. No
matter how brightly the lights you shone through that fabric, you
still could not see it clearly.
Now as the fabric loosens, you
tunnel your way through that fabric. You see that which was there
all along. That is 4-D-ification. That is what you have to look
forward to. That day is entirely co-created by all of you.
This is why each and every one of you and the gifts that you have to
give to your planet, to each other, and to yourselves are so very
important and so very vital. Because each opening you have as an
individual tunnels another hole through that tightly woven fabric of
the paradigm.
Each and every one of you are responsible for that
opening. No one will do it for you.
This brings us then to the idea of how you have 3-D-ified throughout
history. Throughout history there have been many extraterrestrial
visitations. You have them logged in many of your ancient records.
Great numbers of populations of the ancient peoples deified
(3-D-ified, i.e. worshipped) these extraterrestrials as being
"better", "more powerful", "more spiritual" than themselves. In
doing so, humans perpetuated the idea of separation and that someone
must save you from yourselves. Ultimately, no one, no one can save
you from yourselves. All of us in the other realms are very glad to
assist, but we will never do the work for you. We would never
dishonor you by taking away those lessons.
You as a people have these lessons, these very painful lessons,
locked deeply within your cellular memory about the ancient
interactions with extraterrestrial beings. So when the idea of
landing and open contact is presented to the mass consciousness,
there is a bit of trepidation and fear. Your ancient cellular memory
remembers that in the ancient past (though you experienced at times
the joy of salvation by some of us who came and stuck our nose where
it didn't belong), you also experienced the pain of separation or
abandonment when we left and could no longer help you.
We have been silent for a long time so you could begin learning the
idea of self-empowerment, and learn that all you need is within
you. You needn't look to any of us to do it for you. We can
encourage you, but we won't do it for you. 3D, the old sleep cycle,
was a cycle of deification. It was a cycle where God, seemingly, was
outside of you. That was the illusion. That was the old pattern.
That, in and of itself, can no longer be maintained as you now poke
the holes through that thick fabric and begin creating the new
paradigm. Now you begin touching the idea of All - the
interconnectedness of All.
The beautiful beings that you speak to [in channelings all over the
world] exist inside of you. They are not outside of you, they are a
part of you. You have their wisdom within you and they are simply
reflecting that which you already know. It is now why, at this time,
we can return at some point soon (within your lifetime) and assist
The choice now in the mass consciousness is such that you will
no longer travel the road of deification. Finally, we will meet as
equals. Until that day happens, landings in the mass way that you
have envisioned will not occur. We will no longer perpetuate the
idea that you are separate from us and that we are more
knowledgeable than you. That is untrue.
This lead us then to the other idea we wish to discuss. In ancient,
ancient days upon your planet when the genetic engineering was
taking place within Homo sapiens there was a lot of political
infighting between various ET groups. We will certainly admit that
we have been, and still are, in a process of learning and growth. We
had our own conflicts as well.
The Sirians, as a whole, have always
deeply been your protectors. We have fought for you (sometimes
openly, sometimes very secretly). During the time of the genetic
engineering we knew that many other extraterrestrial groups had
their eyes on you, wanting to create you to their own specifications
and desiring to use you for their own purposes. We interfered a
little bit. (That is a polite way of saying it.)
There are many different energetic fields that exist around the
body. Some of you are learning about the tetrahedronal fields that
make up the Merkabah. We decided that we would implant on that
energetic and etheric level within several of the tetrahedronal
fields what we can call "time capsules." These time capsules contain
your galactic memory, the history of your world, the history of your
lineage. It is all of the holographic information that you need to
remember in order to experience that whole self you are seeking to
This has never been held from you. This is a fallacy. You are simply
on an evolutionary path. The time capsules we implanted assured your
species that when a certain vibrational level occurred in your
consciousness and galactically, it would trigger the release of the
time capsule information. Not all at once. It would give you a bit
of a headache. It will be released in increments that can be
You have heard much information about the photon energy. Some people
call it different things. Whatever you call it, you are aware that
increased energy is coming to your world now. This increased energy
is going to begin triggering these time capsules. Actually, it has
already begun.
The first time capsule being triggered is the one that was implanted
in the star tetrahedronal field of the mental body. That is the
first one. This is as much as we can give you right now regarding
this information. Right now we won't tell you how to accelerate that
because if you accelerate it [by force], the time capsule won't be
doing its job. It will occur in the natural state it needs to as
long as you continue resonating with the increased energy rather
than resisting it. At a later time, we will talk to you about the
other time capsules implanted in the other fields around the body.
Right now, this is the first one. At a time in the near future we
will talk to you about opening the "combination lock" on it.
Now that you know it exists, those of you who wish to be pioneers
and explore might want to conduct some experiments as you are doing
your Merkabah meditations. Go into the star tetrahedronal field, the
male tetrahedronal field (the tetrahedron facing up is male), and see if you can find it. Some of you
may see it, some of you may sense it. You don't have to do anything
with it. Just see if you can find it. That is all. This will be a
wonderful exercise in allowing you to begin sensing actual data that
is stored in the fields around your body.
Have fun. Do not be
afraid. There is nothing to fear from this.
There are many different aspects and levels of
understanding to the Light-body. One way of
understanding the science behind the Light-body is
to have an understanding of Sacred Geometry.
The base aspect of the Light-body is the star-tetrahedronal
field. It is the first geometric field of the human
Light-body. The star-tetrahedronal field is
actually made up of two tetrahedrons perfectly
inverted; known as a star-tetrahedron. It is no
coincidence that the Star of David is a two
dimensional representation of this same star-tetrahedronal
field within its sphere, or that the ancient symbol
of the heart chakra (emotional centre) in the Hindu
Yogic traditions, is also the star-tetrahedron, as
this first aspect/shape of the Light-body has a
direct connection to the heart. In fact this symbol
can be seen in many ancient cultures to represent
the same thing.
When activated, this star-tetrahedronal field
of natural energy extends out from the perineum (at
the base of the human spine), and then spans
approximately 55 feet (16 meters) in diameter around
the human body like a huge disk. This is an
approximate size, as the actual size of the field we
each generate, depends upon our own individual
measurements of body geometry.
Of what we have said, without straying into other directions for we
must honor your linearity, is there a question for clarification?
Q: What role does the ego play in this?
The ego has helped to keep the fabric in place. The ego has been a
very valuable tool for all of you in 3-D-ification, because you've
needed to learn to separation. That was part of the lesson in 3D.
The ego is the "taxi driver" that takes you through the 3D
experience. The ego keeps that sheath, that fabric, in place. So now
as you are moving more into the other dimensional realms, the ego
will play less of a role.
By the way, this has to do with why so many of you can't remember
the experiences you have in other dimensions. This frustrates the
heck out of you! You are trying to remember other- dimensional
experiences in this ego-dominated dimension, when the totality of
yourself exists more in the other realms. It is the ego that is
struggling to remember something that has happened in an egoless
realm. Do you see the dichotomy? It is very difficult.
Therefore if you are struggling for your memory, try a new tactic.
Do not attempt to bring it through your memory in a form of
linearity -- in the form of dates, places, times, planetary systems,
etc. It will not work. Bring the memory through the emotional body
instead. Bring it through the intuitive body. Bring it through the
imagination, and the use of archetypes and symbology. This will help
it leak it through and leak it through until eventually the ego will
come to an understanding that it may not be able to express
verbally, but will understand nonetheless.
Do not fret. Do not pull your hair out if you cannot remember what
happens in your Merkabah meditations or when you are visiting the
ships. It is not a sign of your denseness. It is simply that right
now it is the ego struggling for the knowledge when it is not an
ego-dominated realm! Do not worry. And if you know something
happened and you can't quite remember it, it doesn't mean that you
are evolving as slow as a turtle. Do not worry. It is all right. It
is all perfect. Give yourselves a break.
Now, to honor your linearity we will take our leave. It has been our
pleasure to speak to you. We are deeply grateful for your allowance
and your invitation.
We have enjoyed our "Sirius" chat.