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A speculative research paper examining current evidence available on
Neanderthal man with comparison to references in early manuscripts
of the Nephilim an ancient race of half-breed humans. The argument
is presented that the scientific facts verify that the Neanderthal
were in fact one and the same as the ancient warrior race the Nephilim. It is here proposed that an examination of the evidence
and facts currently available on Neanderthal man reveal that they
could well have been a race of half-breed humans referred to in some
of the earliest manuscripts found as the Nephilim.
Neanderthal man has become an enigma to science once being hailed as
the proof of the evolution of apes to modern man. He was considered
to be the brutish ancestor link to man in the evolution chain, the
intermediate stage between man and ape.
Now! Neanderthal is recognized by scientists as a contemporary of
modern man living alongside humans having many human attributes. But
amazingly with a LARGER brain than mans! Were they the Nephilim?
To address the question we first need to examine the current facts
and information available on Neanderthal man.
1. The archaeological history of
Neanderthal finds :
In 1856 workers in the
Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany uncovered a skull and
bones. The skull was unlike anything seen before, having a
flattened cranium with a heavy brow ridge above large eye
sockets. Nearby, workers also uncovered an assortment of thick
and heavily fossilized bones. In succeeding years
many further
specimens have been found, not only in the German Neander
Valley, but in France, Italy, Iraq and Israel.
Controversy surrounded the interpretation of these fossils.
Initially a German Anatomist Rudolf Virchow examined the first
discovery and concluded they were Homo sapien with rickets,
caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. He considered that the
flattened head was caused by repeated powerful blows (his
examination was done pre Darwinism 1859).
When more finds came to light with what also appeared to be
rickets, it was considered far too much of a coincidence and for
lack of any other explanation they became relegated to a
sub-human category. The French palaeontologist Marcellin Boule,
concluded Neanderthals walked stooped forward which fitted in
with the then new current thinking of Darwin’s evolutionary
theory of the origin of man (these new assumptions were made
post Darwinism 1859). For the next fifty years this created the
popular image of an ape-man intermediary to man. Science thought
it had the conclusive evidence it badly needed showing the
missing stage between ape and man
Over one hundred years after first being found Boule’s skeleton
was re-examined in 1957 and it was now determined that
Neanderthals walked upright and that the stooped posture
suggested by Boule’s skeleton was created by arthritis. More
evidence from various caves and digs has shown that Neanderthals
wielded tools and weapons, wore ornaments, had cultural and
religious rites, ceremoniously burying their dead.
2. The Neanderthal Brain Size:
The greatest enigma found
with Neanderthal is their brain size, which is more than 13%
larger than our own brain size. The average Neanderthal brain
measured 1,500 milliliters in volume compared to less than 1,400
milliliters for humans current world-wide average. This brain
size allowed for large cerebral hemispheres.
Neanderthals were
intelligent thinkers. Yet they left almost no permanent record
of their presumed intelligence or culture. Some say he could
walk the streets today in a suit collar and tie and be
unrecognized, well maybe in New York, but about as
unrecognizable as the incredible hulk without his green paint,
would be a fairer reflection. Yet today study books continue to
be full of illustrations of Neanderthals as subhuman ape-men.
Out of date TV documentaries go on wrongly depicting
Neanderthals as the evolutionary ape-man link.
3. The Physical Features of
Neanderthals were
physically very strong and unquestionably tough, a physically
impressive race. Males
averaged about 1m 75 cm; females 1m 60
cm, Neanderthals were considerably stronger and tougher. Their
joints, were larger; their bones thicker. The fossils indicate
they were substantially more muscled including the children. Neanderthal fossils lack the predominant chin of humans and a
last set of molars. They had well muscled chests, long bodies,
with shorter legs. Some fossil specimens (not all), have hip
sockets more splayed than modern humans. The size of the skull
eye sockets would have carried very large eyeballs.
Through examining the attachment points at which muscle binds to
their bones it has been illustrated that their calves and biceps
were extremely well developed as well as their pectoral chest
and back muscles. A Neanderthal, because of this greater muscle
mass, would weigh some ten kilos more than a modern human of
equivalent height. They were regular Mr Universes.
4. Neanderthals possessed advanced
Neanderthals used fire
for heating, cooking and manufacturing. They probably crafted
leather and fur garments of various types. Had a relatively
advanced tool and weapon making culture manufacturing a large
variety of finely-edged, sophisticated flint tools and weapons.
This industry is characterized by the many tool types found,
including spear points, stone lances and wooden spears with fire
hardened points. Neanderthals made these different types of
implements, for both "military" and domestic use, it provides
evidence of their ability to plan, think and scheme.
5. Language:
Almost certainly, the
Neanderthal race possessed advanced language. Fossil remains
indicate Neanderthal voice boxes containing the vocal cords were
capable of making the same sounds as modern humans. As they
lived alongside humans it is reasonable to conclude they spoke
the same language or if not learned to speak it becoming
6. Command and appreciation of
In a cave in Slovenia
Yugoslavia, archaeologists consider they have unearthed the
world’s oldest true musical instrument, a flute which appears to
have been made by Neanderthals. Broken at both ends, the
12 cm
long instrument is made out of the leg bone of a young bear
still retaining its four finger holes. Apart from being
considered the oldest musical instrument in the world, this
flute’s greatest significance lies in its association with
Neanderthal man’s ability to produce music, and make musical
The Neanderthal race could have composed music,
sung to it and possibly danced to it no differently than humans
today. The ability to create music on a multiple note instrument
reveals evidence of imagination and abstract thought. It would
therefore be reasonable to conclude that these same qualities
would have also been put to use in other skills such as reading
and writing.
7. Neanderthal Culture:
There is evidence
indicating that Neanderthals possessed a sense of community
spirit by performing ritual burials and caring for the old and
sick. Remains of several physically impaired individuals have
been uncovered. Some recovered skeletons display old, healed
injuries suggesting their wounds or injuries were treated and
cared for. In a cave in Iraq, archaeologists uncovered skeletons
of a man, two women and an infant buried together in soil
containing pollen of flowers. The flowers, being set there by
survivors, strongly suggests that Neanderthals thought and cared
for their dead.
Analysis of the sediment pollen concentrated in batches, implied
that possible bunches of flowers had been placed on the grave.
Closer examination of the pollen enabled scientists to identify
many flowers that were present, all of which had some
therapeutic properties. Were they part of an aromatic
preparation, a kind of pot-pourri for the dead, or perfumed oils
used in ointment preparations? If so an appreciation of the
cosmetic appearance of flowers and perfumed fragrances existed,
much the same as today with our embalming of the body with
fragrances and the use of flowers at funerals. These flowers
also testify to a warm climate and the abundant floral varieties
availability at the time.
8. Neanderthal Burial tombs:
It is possible
Neanderthals chose certain caves to use as burial ’tombs’ this
would account for the fact that so many of the remains of
Neanderthals have been found buried in caves. This practice
would be similar to more recent human cultures who in certain
parts of the world used memorial tombs often carved out of the
inside of a natural caves using a stone rolled in front of the
entrance to seal shut the tomb cave.
Evidence of Neanderthal skeletons buried in excavated graves in
the ground suggests concern over the concepts of life and death.
Value being placed on the dead person, funerals being a part of
the social and psychological practices for dealing with death.
9. Neanderthals exercised abstract
thinking concepts:
Neanderthals show signs
of being a social race in which the old and the injured were
taken care of instead of simply left to die as with animals.
Individuals of well advanced years, have been found which
support the idea that they exercised "humanity", mental thought
principles over physical actions. Religion is a characteristic
of the human species. In order to have religion, one must be
capable of abstract thought and reasoning. Without such
abilities, the concepts of life and death or a God could not be
imagined. It appears the Neanderthal race possessed some of
these attributes.
Unlike humans however, there is evidence presented by the
scientists that the male/female role interplay as practiced by
humans in family activity was not carried out by Neanderthals.
There is no evidence of couples or family oriented activities
among Neanderthals such as taking meals together. This stands
out in contrast to their closeness in so many other ways to
10. Cruel Warriors:
There is evidence however
that Neanderthals were cruel warriors and fighters suffering and
inflicting battle wounds, mutilations, torture and maiming, they
may also have practiced cannibalism. In France archaeologists
uncovered 2 fragments of leg bones and 3 arm bones. Some
scientists believe that these bones show signs of being
fractured while still fresh. Another Neanderthal site containing
human bone fragments shows signs of cuts and burns.
The presence
of burns on the bones is significant since no animal, other than
humans, makes deliberate use of fire in food preparation. These
burnt and intentionally broken human bones have been interpreted
as being evidence of some form of cannibalism, Neanderthals
eating humans. They could equally be evidence of torture and or
mutilation by dismemberment as has often been the case within
certain human cultures who engage in cruel battle blood lust.
11. Neanderthals lived along side
with Humans:
Researchers working in
caves in Israel have unearthed skeletons of both Neanderthals
and modern humans. These Neanderthal remains have been dated
back some 60,000 years (see revised information on dating ); the
accompanying "modern" humans skeletons back 92,000 years.
If the dates are correct, modern type humans were around for a
long time ’before’ the Neanderthals appeared. After they did
arrive on the scene "modern humans" appear to have coexisted
with Neanderthals, sharing living areas together with them for
some time, until they the Neanderthals went extinct. Although it
appears that Neanderthals and modern humans were contemporary,
inhabiting the same geographic areas and living areas
Neanderthals did not interbreed with humans.
12. Scientists dating the
extinction of the Neanderthal race:
There is evidence that
both ’types’ exchanged ideas, at least in how to make tools. As
a result, the idea that Homo Neanderthalensis directly evolved
into Homo sapiens now seems wildly improbable.
According to present scientific thinking the fossil record of
Neanderthals abruptly ends about 30,000 to 35,000 years ago (see
revised information on dating). After this time only Homo
Sapiens dominate the scene. Researchers make the comment that,
"Why Neanderthals suddenly went extinct is a topic of much
question we may never know the true reason."
Radiocarbon analysis puts the later Neanderthal sites as being c
32,500 years old. So some 32,000 years ago Neanderthals
disappeared completely; they simply vanished for no clear
Today Neanderthal is classified as totally human - Homo sapien
(humankind). What happened to them? Some scientist theorize that
this Homo sapien race, ’us humans’, killed off the Neanderthal
race. So did a physically and mental inferior race, humans
exterminate a physically and mentally superior race
Neanderthals?? Logic dictates that if one race extinguished the
other, the Neanderthal race with their superior strength and
mental abilities should have exterminated the inferior human
This, of course, is the ultimate question, one that continues to
divide and baffle experts, one that I shall endeavor to provide
rational explanations for in this paper, covering all the above
13. How science determines
Neanderthal dating:
The scientists as we have
seen date the period of the Neanderthals to end c32,500 years
ago. How do they arrive at this date? what scientific processes
do they use to come to this conclusion? Surprisingly as it may
seem it is all based on ’relative’ methods "guess work".
Ridiculous! Have a look at the facts, when we do we are faced
with an unusual situation that exists no where else in the
The scientists have created a theoretic "geological column
chart" on which the theory of evolution is hung. The most recent
chart, now used in most museums and universities is that drawn
up by Van Eysinga in 1975. This chart covers some 600 million
years dividing time into periods, ie. Cretaceous 65 to 140
million year ago; Jurassic 140 to 195 million years ago etc etc.
This chart cannot be found in nature, it is theoretical, pieced
together from various inter-related strata from all over the
world. The vast time periods that have been allocated in the
chart to facilitate the slow burying of fossils which formed the
sedimentary rock layers cannot be proved or illustrated in any
deposits being formed today it is all calculated and based on
estimated guess work.
When a geologist has difficulty dating a rock stratum he
requests the evolutionists opinion on the date of the fossils
the rock contains, this then becomes its ’established’ age date.
When an evolutionist has difficulty dating a fossil he requests
the geologists opinion on the age of the rock containing the
fossil which then becomes its ’accepted’ age date. A case of two
theories being cross referenced in order to establish a so
called fact??
14. Using the Carbon dating clock
Technically the carbon
dating process is very accurate, making precise calculations
according to a set formula. The clock itself works very well;
like a stop watch with meticulously manufactured cogs and
wheels. The problems come with the set up data fed into it,
unless the calibrations are realistic and accurate the clock is
no good. For example if an extremely accurate clock is set to
the wrong time to start with no matter how accurate it is, the
time it shows will always be wrong. Or if a clock has its
mechanism set to a 25 hour day calibration with accuracy down to
one thousandth of a second, the time it shows will always be
useless to its owner.
So how has the important Carbon dating
clock been set for dating Neanderthal man? We shall examine the
evidence which shows that this C14 dating process as it is presently
calibrated is only good for dating things back 2-3,000 years.
Scientists claim they have accurately calculated the age of
Neanderthal bones by using this Radio Carbon C14 method. C14 is a
type of carbon formed in the upper atmosphere when cosmic radiation
particles bombard it. It forms radioactive carbon dioxide and from
the atmosphere in minute quantities through photosynthesis passes
into plants and animals and so is absorbed by all living things
along the food chain. Natural carbon C12 is also present in all
living things but in much greater quantity. The ratio of C12 to its
minute cousin C14 is constant in all living things (today one C14
atom to one billion C12 atoms).
Scientists have accepted the assumption that C14 has been forming in
the atmosphere constantly and continually for millions of years and
that its build up which they calculate would have taken 30,000 years
has reached its constant saturation point (the radiocarbon
reservoir) and that as much C14 is now decaying as is being formed.
* C14 absorbed into any living thing during its life time starts to
decay once it dies.
* Half its amount of C14 decays away to nitrogen
gas in about 5,700 years.
* Half of the remaining half decays away
in a further 5,700 years and so on until immeasurably small.
Once a
plant or animal dies it stops taking in C14 and it starts to decay
at the above rate while C12 stays the same.
given to the C14 clock:
5,700yrs after death 50% of C14
remains = 150 c14 counts per second
after 11,400yrs 25% of C14
remains = 75 C14 counts per second
after 17,100yrs 12.5% of C14
remains = 37.5 C14 counts per sec
after 22.800yrs 6.25% of C14
remains = 18.7 C14 counts per sec
after 28,500yrs 3.12% of C14
remains = 9.8 C14 counts per sec
after 34,200yrs 1.56% of C14
remains = 4.9 C14 counts per sec
This dating test relies entirely on
knowing exactly what the original ratio mix of C14 to C12 is or was.
The clock is only accurate if the ratio is the same today as when
the organism lived and remained constant during its life and after
its death right up to the time of dating. If there had been less C14
in the atmosphere during its lifetime than today it would have
absorbed less and the ratio would read much lower with a lower count
per second giving it a much older false reading.
Evolutionists believe that there has been no change in the ratio of
C14 to C12 for millions of years. William Libby and his co-workers
while developing the radiocarbon dating method in the 1940s believed
that the amount of C14 in the world could not possibly have varied
during the time that mankind had been on the Earth simply because
the Earth is of an immense age, some 4,600 million years old so they
believed. Because of this great age it was assumed that the 30,000
years transition period required for the atmosphere to have built up
its ‘equilibrium value’ of C14 had already occurred and that the
terrestrial radiocarbon reservoir had reached a steady state.
To test this assumption in Libby’s theory he made measurements of
both the rate of formation and the rate of decay of radiocarbon. He
found to his surprise a considerable discrepancy in his
measurements; that apparently, radiocarbon was being created in the
atmosphere somewhere around 25% faster than it was becoming extinct.
Since this result to him was inexplicable he put it down to
experimental error.
During the 1960s chemists repeated Libby’s experiments with refined
techniques. They revealed that the discrepancy of Libby’s was not
experimental error but did exist. Richard Longenfelter found,
is strong indication, despite the large errors that the present
natural production rate exceeds the natural decay rate by as much as
Other researchers have since confirmed this finding including
Hans Suess, of the University of Southern California in the Journal of
Geophysical Research and V R Switzer writing in Science.
Professor Melvin Cook Professor of Metallurgy at Utah University
reviewed the data of Suess and Lingenfelter and reached the
conclusion that the present rate of formation of carbon 14 is 18.4
atoms per gram per minute and the rate of decay 13.3 atoms per gram
per minute, a ratio indicating that formation exceeds decay by some
38 per cent.
Cook went one step further by taking the latest measured figures on
radiocarbon formation and decay. He calculated them back to the
point at which there would have been zero radiocarbon. In so doing
he is in effect using the radiocarbon technique to date the Earth’s
own atmosphere. His resulting calculations showed that the
atmosphere is only around 10,000 years old!
Many researchers have shown that the C14 in the atmosphere is
’still’ increasing at between 25 to 38% more than is at present
decaying. This indicates that the atmosphere because it has not yet
reached saturation with C14 (saturation point is reached when the
amount decaying is the same as that being formed) is either still
building up and is therefore much younger than originally considered
(ie Cook’s 10,000 years) or at some earlier stage the atmosphere was
inhibited from the present rate of cosmic particle bombardment and
so is again still building up C14 to reach its saturation
equilibrium point estimated to take some 30,000 years.
When we calculate back the equation to zero point of C14 in the
atmosphere using this increasing 25-38% present ’greater build up of
decay ratio’ in the atmosphere we find we get a starting date for
the C14 build up process in the atmosphere by cosmic ray bombardment
of only c10,000 years ago. This would have the effect of drastically
reducing the amount of C14 that was present in the atmosphere and
thereby reduce the amount absorbed by living organisms during their
life times. When reading these reduced amounts it would create an
artificially, much older dying date when using the present wrongly
calibrated C14 clock setting.
Scientists calculate Neanderthal disappeared some 32,500 years ago
according to present dating by C14, when applying the erroneous
assumption that C14 saturation has already been achieved. To arrive
at their date of 32,500 years ago the C14 reading in the Neanderthal
bones would have been c 2% of original ratio, achieved by a C14
clock count reading of c 6 counts per second.
If we now rework this date using the short 10,000 year period of C14
build up and the 2% of original ratio ( 6, counts per second ) used
in the evolutionists original calculation. Then a Neanderthal who
had died say 4,400 years ago would have absorbed C14 from the
atmosphere that had only been building up for 5,600 years. Then at
death the Neanderthal would only have absorbed 18.67% of the
scientists anticipated full 100% saturation amount of C14.
If absorption into the atmosphere started 10,000 years ago then
4,400 years ago absorption would have been in operation for 5,600
years, if saturation takes 30,000 years then 5,600 years would be
18.67% of 30,000 years. This would give a false calculation for the
year of his death showing erroneously that he had been dead for
14,286 years at the time he died.
It is ridiculous to think that the atmosphere of the Earth is only
10,000 years old as the science evidence suggests. Agreed, but the
truth can often more incredible than fiction. There is now new
evidence that we shall be considering that although the atmosphere
is old the absorption of C14 has possibly only been going on for the
last 4,400 years; that the C14 penetration and absorption into our
atmosphere was inhibited prior to this time and that when the
protection ended the Earth’s climate also changed radically.
The Nephilim
The following information
will initially raise eyebrows but all the observations and
comments made are backed up with logical supporting evidence. A
self-confident science reacts to new evidence with the ability
to change its conclusions. But sciences that have become
dogmatic respond in exactly the opposite way. It denies the
evidence or refuses to even consider it, redoubling its
fanaticism libelling the bearers of new information and its
evidence. Consider the evidence.
Can the criteria uncovered about Neanderthals be applied to the
Nephilim race? To do so it would need to explain the following
list of 16 characteristics associated with Neanderthals.
1. Had brains
as large if not larger than humans.
2. Well muscled and developed
3. Distinctive characteristics from
4. Evidence that humans lived before the
Neanderthals arrived.
5. Humans & Neanderthals coexisted for a
period sharing living space.
6. Neanderthals were skilled in tool and
weapon making.
7. They were a battle scarred warrior
8. Neanderthals were skilled in
language, and literacy.
9. They were cultured in music and musical
instrument making.
10. Neanderthals had a general culture of their
own similar to humans.
11. They practiced burial of the dead and
religious rituals.
12. Possibly possessed skills in apothecary and,
13. Neanderthals lived in warm temperate
14. They had possible hybrid characteristics.
15. Corrected dating places them coexisting with
humans 4,400 yrs ago.
16. Neanderthals were exterminated suddenly while
humans continued.
1. Ancient manuscript information on the
Nephilim race:
The ancient manuscripts refer to a time 4,500 years ago, before
the ancient Egyptian civilization, when highly intelligent life
forces from outside our universe were aware that the human race
was beginning to multiply on this planet. They turned their
attention to earth with the intention of controlling and
colonizing it. The human race at that time had a possible
population of some 35 million * (see foot note 1). For certain calculated reasons they took this
opportunity to move in on the Human estate with the objective of
usurping it and bringing it under their control and domination.
Having an extremely high level of scientific knowledge, coming
from a race millions of years older than the fairly new human
race, they understood precisely how the human DNA functioned in
the human make up. Engineering the transformation of their own
makeup to assimilate the human form they took on physical bodies
fashioned on their knowledge of the human DNA structure and
cellular make up. Probably emphasizing and enhancing in the
process physical power and size, making themselves extremely
impressive specimens * (see foot note 2
for manuscript references).
There is no manuscript information as to how many went through
this metamorphic change but possibly some thousands
participated. They took pleasure in exercising control over the
natural human population, cohabiting with the women, selecting
the best for themselves without restriction. Probably meeting
very little objection from husbands or other human males due to
their impressive physical dominance.
Once these women had been impregnated and inseminated with their
engineered semen they became pregnant giving birth to children
who were a hybrid half-caste race known as Nephilim. It is very
likely that these hybrid individuals were sterile and did not
2. Hybrid Sterility:
* To illustrate the existing natural laws, a Hybrid, strictly
defined, is an offspring that is a cross between different
species usually producing sterile hybrids; the male mule is the
sterile offspring of a female horse and a male donkey. It is
used in many parts of the world as a beast of burden because of
its much greater body strength than its parents. It seems to
excel both its parents in muscular endurance, surefootedness,
and length of life. The hinny is the sterile hybrid offspring of
the female donkey and the male horse.
Hybrids often have what is called hybrid vigor; they tend to be
larger, faster growing, and healthier than their parents. Thus,
mules are bred for their strength, superior to that of either
parent. Ornamental plants are bred for their larger flowers;
nearly all corn and tomatoes grown today are hybrids that bear
much larger fruit than their parental stock.
3. Population ratios of the two
How many of these hybrid half-caste humans were born is hard to
say but the records inform us that these transformed humanoid
like visitors continued taking women and impregnating them for
almost 120 years* (*see
foot note 2 vs 3) If there were
’say’ 5,000 of them and they
continued fathering children by means of various human women at
the rate of ’say’ one a month over a period of 100 years they
would have accumulated a Nephilim hybrid race numbering 6
million compared to a population of humans by then having
increased to approximately 135 million.* (* see
foot note 2 vs
This possible 6 million strong Nephilim race would form a
veritable army by which their fathers could hold tight control
on the 135 million human population. This period of human
history became so filled with violence and bloodshed the entire
human population became subject to an environment of terror.
4. Are the Neanderthal one and the
same as the Nephilim?
It is the writers belief
that this hybrid half breed race referred to as the Nephilim
were in fact one and the same as the Neanderthal race. The
characteristics of Nephilim fit the scientists descriptions of
the Neanderthal,
"a physically very strong, tough impressive race
with larger joints, thicker bones, well muscled chests, long
bodies, and shorter legs weighing approximately twenty pounds
more than a modern human of equivalent height, regular Mr
It also explains why their brain size and cerebral
hemispheres were as large if not larger than humans.
The new evidence examined supports a correction of the
calibration of C14 dating clock to include the carbon 14 build
up readings, this would bring both Nephilim and Neanderthals
into the same time frame some 4,400 years ago.
(For full manuscript dating chronology see further references at
the end of the paper, R/P 32).
5. Cause of extermination of
Neanderthal/Nephilim race:
The scientists do not
know what caused the extinction of the Neanderthal race but the
ancient records do tell us what happened to cause the extinction
of the Nephilim race, a massive deluvion flood, exterminating
the entire race. The manuscripts shed further light on how this
deluge occurred and how it would have affected the C14 build up
in the atmosphere fitting the scientific facts found to date on
the situation *.
(see foot note 2 vs 7-17).
6. An Atmospheric protection layer:
These ancient manuscripts
refer back to when a water vapour, screen layer was suspended
above the atmosphere, possibly held in place by the counter
balancing effects of centrifugal, magnetic and gravitational
forces* (see foot note 3). In
fact Saturn today, has suspended around it atmospheric rings,
although very different in composition to that which would have
surrounded the earth. The earth’s vapour layer would have had to
have been much wider than Saturn’s rings, roofing over the
earth’s atmosphere, thicker over the equator, tapering down
towards the poles, forming a global atmospheric climate
controlling mechanism.
This mechanism would have had the effect of dissipating the
thermal heat rays of the sun more evenly over the entire surface
of the earth. Protecting the equator regions from overheating as
experienced today and dispersing the heat out toward the polar
regions, making for a more even temperate climate throughout the
entire earth’s surface. This would explain the evidence found on
the earth of temperate vegetation and animals found living so
close to the polar regions and why warm climate animals living
in these arctic areas were suddenly destroyed and preserved in
ice. Also why the desert areas of the earth today show evidence
that during the earlier chapters of mans history there were
abundant water supplies and lush vegetation throughout the year,
the very same temperate climate that the Neanderthal lived in.
Could this also explain the dilemma some archaeologists have
when they find evidence that the
Great Sphinx of Egypt shows
signs of exposure to rainfall weathering over a long period. For
the last 4,000 years there has been very little if any rainfall
in Egypt; has the earth’s climate changed radically by the
removal of this water suspension canopy?
This protective outer layer surrounding the earth’s atmosphere
would have dissipated the warmth around the earth similar to the
effect of a green house roof. Just as the panes of glass block
the suns harmful radiation rays entering the green house (i.e.
you will never get a suntan sitting inside a glass green house
on a sunny day) so the water vapour screening layer above the
atmosphere would have protected the earth from these cosmic
harmful C14 forming rays. Without the canopy we are unprotected
today from the constant bombardment of these rays and so we are
subject to the effects of premature ageing. Science is now
linking the bombardment of these radiation rays to cell and DNA
breakdown as causing part of human ageing process (see further
related material at the end of this paper "chapter 8" on
This water vapour screen would have protected life from the
harmful exposure to direct cosmic radiation rays from the sun,
preventing the infiltration of harmful radio carbon C14. As
already discussed this would account for the atmosphere still
building up its levels of C14 not yet having reached its
saturation point, estimated by some scientists to take
approximately 30,000 years. If this figure is correct then from
a starting point for the build up of C14 some 5,000 years ago
there is yet a further 25,000 years to go before saturation is
This would have the effect of causing all carbon dating done so
far to be thrown out of the window as the clock on which all
these dates have been calculated has been set at a wrong
starting time through assuming that saturation in the atmosphere
was reached millions of years ago, whereas this evidence
dictates that it still has not been accomplished.
7. What caused the removal of this
benign protective layer?
As already discussed,
according to the manuscripts, because of the situation of
interbreeding between humans and extra terrestrial races the
earth had acquired a fearsome, hybrid half-breed race of
Neanderthals (Nephilim). This situation of interbreeding caused
violence and bloodshed between the two races to fill the
inhabited earth and had to be dealt with. This intolerable
situation had to be removed, wiped out completely or otherwise
civilization as we know it today would not have been able to
evolve. According to the Greek manuscripts* (see
foot note 3
Greek Codex Sanaticus) the suspended water vapour layer
provided the means to do this.
At a pre determined date the suspended layer was broken up, the
manuscripts indicate according to chronological calculations
this to have been almost 4,400 years ago* (see further related
material at the end of this paper, R/P 32). The falling of the
deluge waters came from the breaking-up of this suspended water
canopy. Possibly the balancing centrifugal, magnetic and
gravitational forces holding it in position were adjusted in
some way.
Scientists acknowledge that the earth’s magnetic force fields
have at certain times reversed themselves. Surveys of palaemagnetism, the study of lava rocks which contain iron
particles, show when these rocks were cooling and solidifying
from a liquid state the iron particles would line up in line
with the direction of the earth’s magnetic field leaving behind
a record of the direction of the magnetic field at the time.
These surveys have revealed that the earth’s magnetic field was
reversed on more than one occasion. Did a reversing of the
magnetic field provide the trigger mechanism setting off a
controlled reaction that lead to pulling down of the water
vapour layer?
The billions upon billions of tons of water vapour could have
been drawn down mainly at the poles by gravitational and
centrifugal forces, condensing vapour into water and water into
ice accompanied by high velocity winds, almost overnight causing
dramatic changes to the earth’s former temperate climate.
The build up of great pressures of water and ice falling onto
the polar regions would have forced it in glacier form to spread
rapidly out over the surfaces of the globe toward the equators,
gouging out valleys under the rapid movement of mountains of ice
being bulldozed out under massive back pressure. Everything in
their paths would have been destroyed. With the continual
falling of this water and ice for 40 days* (see foot note 4) at
both poles with more and more ice building up behind its mass
pressure quickly built up until its sheer weight cracked the
earth’s mantle buckling it and breaking it up into the ’tectonic
plate’ continental land masses we now have. These great
continental land mass plates, crushed against one another
forcing up mountain ranges while the weight of the massive ice
glaciers along with billions of tons of additional water forcing
down great surface depressions allowing the water to settle into
these new ocean basins that we have today.Click here to go to
foot note 4.
8. The evidence fits the theory:
How does the evidence fit
with this? Did the deluvian mechanism provide the criteria that
resulted in the formation of the worlds continental plates?
It certainly could have provided the energy to create the
tremendous forces needed to tear apart and crack up the earth’s
crust. It could also have provided the on going energy to drive
these cracked continental plates apart in some places, over
riding neighboring plates in others compressing and forcing
plate edges against one another with such force as to drive up
and form the world’s great mountain ranges that then come into
The hypothesis that the crust of the earth could have been
cracked up into the continental plates by a thickening of the
earth’s polar ice caps was put forward by Hapgood and Campbell
in 1958, in their publication "Earth’s Shifting Crust".
Professor Melvin Cook took this theory and modeled it. He
started with a situation where the earth’s mantel was more or
less fairly uniformly covered with crust from pole to pole. By
creating a build up of ice at the poles he finally cracked the
crust, the fracture lines determined by the pressures being
exerted from the opposing polar forces. These pressures on the
earth’s crust can be likened to the effect on the shell of a
hard boiled egg being squeezed in a vice from both ends. When
the earth’s crust fractured it would have snapped rapidly and
violently and like the pieces of the egg shell, quickly
separated in some place, but in others forced up against one
Professor Cook believes the ancient Arctic ice cap a mass of
some 100 million tons disappeared suddenly about 10,000 years
ago. To explain this he says it would be necessary for the ice
to have dissipated catastrophically. He concludes the evidence
proves the earth’s crust was rapidly forced up into the great
mountain ranges at about the same time, mass of ice and snow
released forming the present oceans.
Much evidence supports the above; that the earth not so long ago
contained much less water on its surface and had far more dry
1. Vast masses of
terrestrial animal remains have been found thousands of
meters deep in the oceans, evidence that the land was once
above sea level.
2. Marine animal remains including whale skeletons
bear evidence of sudden extinction having been found
hundreds of meters above sea level, evidence of some
phenomena causing the water to suddenly and dramatically
raise above the original sea level.
3. Thousands of flat top islands over 1,000 meters
high have been charted at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
They are encrusted with coral revealing that they at one
time must have been at or near the surface.
4. The island of Great Britain was once linked to
Europe by a connecting plateau now 20 meters below sea
level, it was once all dry land, remains of forests, animal
and human bones have all been found on this plateau,
evidence of a previously lower sea level.
5. The oceans and seas at present cover some 70% of
the earth’s surface. It has been calculated that if 20% of
the earth’s water was evaporated off some 50% more dry land
would appear, with the re-emergence above sea level of much
of the land that at one time was originally above the water.
A suspended water vapour layer as described could have
comfortably taken up this 20% amount of water .
Does the evidence support linking the
Neanderthals to the Nephilim?
The criteria associated with Neanderthals can equally be applied
to the Nephilim situation.
1a. Neanderthals had brains as
large if not larger than humans.
1b. Nephilim were Hybrid of two
intelligent races; a large brain size could be anticipated.
2a. Neanderthals were well
muscled with highly developed physiques.
2b. Nephilim would have
inherited these common hybrid vigour characteristics.
3a. Neanderthals had distinctive
characteristics (flattened cranium, heavy ridge above large
eye sockets)
3b. Nephilim were only
half-caste with human, characteristics being acquired from
both parents.
4a. Neanderthals appeared after
humans had been around for a long time.
4b. Nephilim started breeding
some 1400 years after humans started populating the earth.
5a. Neanderthals and Humans
coexisted, sharing living space for a period.
5b. Nephilim inhabited the earth
alongside humans for 120 years.
6a. Neanderthals were skilled in
tool and weapon making.
6b. Nephilim learnt physical
skills and human culture from human mothers.
7a. Neanderthal were a battle
scarred warrior race.
7b. Nephilim aggressive tyranny
filled the earth with violence & blood shed.
8a. Neanderthals were skilled in
language, spoken and written.
8b. Nephilim communicated freely
with the human populus.
9a. Neanderthals were cultured
in music and musical instrument making.
9b. Nephilim as an intelligent
half-caste human hybrid had no problem mastering such
10a. Neanderthals had general
culture similar but not the same as humans.
10b. Nephilim inherited part
human culture from mothers and part from metamorphosed
11a. Neanderthal practiced
burial of the dead and religious rituals.
11b. Nephilim had an intelligent
awareness with which to learn theoretical concepts, some may
have been unknown to humans at that point but revealed to
the Nephilim by their fathers. This cosmic knowledge
awareness when handed down through later human generations
may explain the seemingly high level of religious thought
connected with intercommunications between the heavens and
the earth as practiced by the early civilizations
particularly the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, many of
which we still do not understand to this day, ie mechanisms
of electric batteries found in ancient Babylon, the
interiors of the Giza pyramids etc etc.
12a. Neanderthal possibly
possessed medical skills, practicing apothecary and,
12b. Nephilim were intelligent,
able to develop advanced skills, see 11b.
13a. Neanderthals lived in warm
temperate climates.
13b. Nephilim also lived in warm
temperate climate before the deluge changed it.
14a. Neanderthal revealed
possible hybrid ’vigour’ characteristics.
14b. Nephilim were a hybrid
half-breed race with strength greater than humans.
15a. Neanderthal coexisting with
humans 4,400 years ago according to corrected C14 dating.
15b. Nephilim according to the
chronological manuscripts lived during this same time
16a. Neanderthals were
exterminated suddenly, humans continued on.
16b. Nephilim because of
degenerating the earth and the human race, were exterminated
by a cataclysmic world deluge caused by bringing down of the
protective water vapour layer while the human race was
The contradicting and mysterious circumstances surrounding the
Neanderthals can be explained by the manuscript accounts referring
to an ancient hybrid race, the Nephilim. These manuscripts are among
some of the oldest ever found in the world, now collected together
as part of the scriptures. The Neanderthal remains are very likely
the remains of Nephilim.
The writer does not claim this paper to be free of errors but a
stimulus to others with greater skills to examine further the
information on the early activities of the human race that has been
under our noses for thousands of years generally ignored and
forgotten. Some scientists under the weight of built up evidence are
beginning to do this, others are entrenching themselves ever deeper
in their old theories. The cry from them of heresy seems to be
getting louder in proportion to the evidence. Some sciences
unfortunately have taken their received knowledge and molded it into
a pseudo scientific philosophy not unlike the religions have done
with theirs.
Truth should lead science and not the other way around. All
disciplines of science particularly the ones built on the 100 year
old theory of evolution should re-examine the current evidence for
what it tells us and not what they would have it say by discarding
the evidence that does not fit with their pre conceived theories.
Maybe then many more of the present mysteries of ’science’ will not
be so mysterious after all but find rational explanations. A mystery
remains so until it gets a rational fact fitting explanation, it
then ceases to be a mystery unless of course the explanation is
rejected because it contradicts some previously accepted theory,
then the mystery continues as a self created one.
True facts form a concrete foundation on which to advance onto
further revelations. Truth should always be the target no matter
what the circumstances. The ’science of evolution’ has been
masquerading under the claim of ’proven truth’ while in fact it is
anything but proven, most of the reliable evidence pointing in the
opposite direction to their evolution theories.
Exposure is never met with welcoming
arms and is often a bitter pill to swallow, but once swallowed the
health of the science improves considerably.
Foot note 1:
The population on the earth 4,500 years ago may be calculated to
35 million. The chronology of the human race places the first
breeding couple c 6,000 years ago. Using conservative population
increase demographics of doubling every 60 years then over a
period of 1,500 years the population would have increased from
two to 35 million. By 4,380 years ago it would have increased to
135 million.
(figures are speculative and for approximation use only).
Foot note 2:
Evidence in the manuscript records from
the Masoretic text
per the Codex Leningrad B 19A manuscript as presented in
Biblia Hebraica.
Ref Gen 6 vs 1 "men started to increase in numbers on the
surface of the ground and daughters were born to them".
Ref vs 2 "then the sons (translated "Angels"
codex Alexandrinus
Gr 5th cent C. E British museum) of the (true) God
began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good
looking: and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all
whom they chose".
Ref vs 3 "After that
Jehovah said: "My spirit shall
not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh.
Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty
Ref vs 4 "The Nephilim* ( * ancient Hebrew, han.Hephilim,
Fellers or those who cause others to fall down ) proved to be in
the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of
the (true) God continued to have relations with the daughters of
men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones* (*
ancient Hebrew, hag.gibborim’ ) who were of old, the men of
fame* ( * "of name" ) ".
Ref vs 5 "Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was
abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of
his heart was only bad all the time* ( * all the "day" ).
Ref vs 6 "And
felt regrets that he had made man in the
earth, and he felt hurt at his heart".
Ref vs 7 "Stating: "I am going to wipe men whom I have created
off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal,
moving animals and flying creatures of the heavens, because I
regret that I have made them."
Ref vs 11 "And the earth came to be ruined in the sight of the
(true) God and the earth became filled with violence".
Ref vs 12 "So God saw the earth and look! It was ruined, because
all flesh had ruined its way on the earth".
Ref vs 13 "After that God said to do Noah: "The end of all flesh
has come before me, because the earth is full of violence as a
result of them; and here I am bringing them to ruin together
with the earth".
Ref vs 17 "As for me, here I am bringing the deluge* (* heb,.
ham.mabbul " the heavenly ocean" ) of waters upon the earth to
bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active* (*
the active force [spirit] ) from under the heavens. Everything
that is in the earth will expire".
Manuscript: Codex Sanaticus Greek 3-4th Century British museum:
Ref 1 Pet vs 18 ".. Christ died
once for all time concerning sin ... he being put to death
in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit".
Ref vs 19 "In this (state ) also he went his way and
preached to the spirits in prison,"
Ref vs 20 "who had once been disobedient when the patience
of God was waiting in Noah’s day....." Click here to return
to section "1 Ancient manuscript information on the Nephilim"
Foot Note 3:
Evidence in the manuscript records from
the Masoretic text
as per the Codex Leningrad B 19A manuscript as presented in Kittels Biblia Hebraica. Ref Gen 1 vs 6 "God commanded "Let an
expanse (atmosphere) come to be between the waters, and let a
dividing occur between the two waters."
Ref vs 7 "Then God proceeded to create the expanse (atmosphere)
causing a dividing between the waters that should be under the
expanse (atmosphere) and the waters that should be above the
expanse (atmosphere)".
Ref vs 8 "And he called the expanse "Sky" (the atmosphere in
which the birds fly see vs 20).
Manuscript: Codex Sanaticus Greek 3-4th Century British museum.:
Ref 2 Pe 3 vs 5 "There used to be a Sky (Heavens or atmosphere)
and a earth of old which stood out of water and in the middle of
water suspended".
Ref 2 Pe 3 vs 6 "By means of this (suspended water) the
inhabited world of that time was destroyed by being deluged with
Foot Note 4:
Evidence in the manuscript records from
the Masoretic text
per the Codex Leningrad B 19A manuscript as presented in Kittels
Biblia Hebraica.
Ref Gen 7 vs 11 "... on this day all the springs of the vast
water canopy was broken up and the windows of the heavens were
Ref Gen 7 vs 12 "and the downpour upon the earth went on for
forty days".
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