by Peter Farley
GER32 Website
Listening to the guest speakers at
Roswell's 50th Anniversary UFO Encounter, it was easy to get caught
up in the whole subject of aliens and close encounters of the third
kind. It was exciting and almost satisfying to be able to listen to
"specialists" talking about what was known so far on a such a new
topic of discussion. That is unless you yourself were an unwilling
For them, the discussion was more painful than exciting. The only
satisfaction to be derived from the conference for them was that now
at least they could talk about their experiences without being
thought totally out of their heads. The questions they had to ask of
the speakers could not be answered in any satisfactory way. The
invited speakers even seemed somewhat reticent to even deal with
people who thought or knew they had been abducted. Like most people
in the counseling and psychiatric fields, alien abduction and its
after effects is still a fairly taboo subject.
As one well-known psychotherapist in Albuquerque commented, "most of
the people in the field don't want to get into trouble with their
colleagues." In fact, trying to find a professional who deals with
the kind of problems abductees have is a daunting task in itself
since none of them like to publicize the fact that they deal with
Even when Budd Hopkins, a pioneer in the field of treating
abductees, was asked by one woman what she should do about the many
symptoms she suspected hinted at her and her child having been
abducted and implanted, the only answer he seemed willing to give
was that she should go see a doctor. How many local general
practitioners do you know who can deal with alien abduction?
In fact, what many of the speakers had
to say tended more to keep the subject shrouded in mystery than to
open up new avenues of understanding and possible treatment. Of
course, where does one go to study about alien abduction? What
school teaches classes in how to counsel abductees? Truly, those in
the various fields of psychology who are attempting to help
abductees are real pioneers in their field. But is the problem
something bigger than they can deal with?
Travis Walton's own story of abduction, made famous in the movie "Fire
in the Sky", turned out to be one of scattered memories and
brief images, memories and images that were then turned into a
full-blown scenario of nightmarish proportions by a Hollywood
seeking to satisfy the public's desire for more specific details.
And herein lies the root of the whole problem. Professionals in the
field say that so little is remembered, if at all, by the abductees,
that little or nothing can be done to help them after the incident
is over.
Like the small flashing light used to
erase and reprogram the memories of humans encountering alien
colonizers in the movie Men in Black, most people who have
experienced alien abduction are simply not consciously aware of the
fact. More often than not it is only through nightmarish dreams,
clinical hypnosis, or physically unexplainable scars appearing on
their bodies that any of the abductees even suspect that something
might have happened.
One Encounter attendee I spoke with had a story to tell of missing
time, a phenomenon which often accompanies an incident of alien
abduction. While driving through the broad, vacant expanses of
western New Mexico, he and his wife noticed that they were being
followed by what appeared to be the red tail lights of a car, a car
that would have had to be going backward at something like seventy
miles per hour. A short time later the lights disappeared, only to
reappear directly above the cab of their pickup as it drove down the
highway. Once again the lights disappeared, only this time, they
didn't return.
When the man and his wife finally arrived at their destination many
hours later, it was with only a vague memory of the lights that had
followed them, but the question that still haunts them to this day
is the fact that they arrived at their destination four hours later
than they had expected to arrive, and with no explanation for where
those missing hours had gone.
When I talked with this man about the possibility that he and his
wife had been abducted and implanted, he was at first leery, but at
least he was open to listening. One of the hallmarks of being human
seems to be that we inherently harbor the attitude that "it can't
happen to me"—‘I could never get AIDS’, ‘I could never see a UFO’, I
could never . ..’ And so it goes on. How many of us would ever
believe that we could have an encounter with a UFO?
How many of us would ever believe that we could be kidnapped from
our homes, taken to an alien spaceship, and then surgically
implanted? Things like that only ever happen in movies or to "other
people." Local psychologists and counselors in the Roswell area
admit they don't know how to deal with people who say they have, or
might have been, abducted. The psychotherapist in Albuquerque
admitted she had come across people who seemed to have been
abducted, but she had to "pass them along" since she was already
thought to be "on the lunatic fringe" for delving into past-life
Since first writing this article I have re-acquired the gifts of
spiritual healing and ‘seeing.’ I have now worked with many dozens
of people who have been abducted, either against their will or as
part of their life contract - or, worse still, have been:
‘alien fronts’
have alien entities still
connected to them in some way, shape, or form
others are simply
aliens here in physical bodies as ambassadors to the planet, or as
spectators to what is now taking place.
And the percentage is a lot
higher than anyone guesses at. Those who are abductees seem to be
able to tell those who are and those who aren’t. And the percentage
of people who are abductees seems to reach as 40 to 50 percent of
the population.
Do we call that a minor social problem?
One couple who say they do deal with abductees are Drs. Loren and
Diane Mickelson, a psychically gifted couple from St. Paul, MN.
Frequent visitors to New Mexico, the Mickelson's say they have
worked with many thousands of abductees over the past few years, and
estimate that as many as forty percent of the "average population"
have been abducted and implanted with what they term crystal
implants. These crystals are used to track and cause limitations to
the person who has been implanted.
The Mickelson's say that, once again, the major factor common to
almost all the abductees they have dealt with, is the fact that the
people involved had no remembrance of the event, only the lingering
effects of the crystals. They have also found that in many cases
where these crystals have been implanted on specific organs of the
body they have been found to be the root cause of a disabling
illnesses such as cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome.
One Roswell resident who prefers to remain anonymous says she has
experienced "a 95 percent recovery" from her chronic fatigue
syndrome since having her crystal implants removed by the Mickelsons.
After spending most of the past ten years significantly limited in
the daily routine she has been able to perform, she is now able to
return to a more regular lifestyle, one in which she has even more
energy than she remembers ever having before.
Another of the Mickelson's Roswell
patients says for him it is like a great weight has been lifted from
his shoulders.
"All of a sudden I have an energy
I've never known before. I think for the first time in my life
I'm experiencing what it's truly like to be fully human without
any controlling limitations. I guess if I had to put it simply,
I would say that I have a new sense of freedom and clarity after
having the crystals removed."
The Mickelsons, a multi-talented and
multi-degreed couple who until recently spent most of their lives
working in academia and the corporate environment, say that working
with alien abductees would have been the last thing they ever would
have thought of doing as a life mission.
Like many psychically gifted people,
however, they say they have been "led" to utilize their paranormal
abilities to educate people to the alternative levels of existence,
in particular to help people remove limitations - both those placed
upon them from outside influences such as through alien abduction,
and those acquired through the normal course of interaction with an
often oppressive world.
Loren says he is clairsentient, while also having the ability to
tune into and channel the energies of any dimension.
Diane can both
"see" and "hear" multi-dimensionally—not only in the present, but
also in the past and in the future.
Both of the Mickelsons are
certified Reiki masters.
The Mickelsons involvement with
abductees began at a rock and mineral show a couple of years ago
where a strange man appeared to them and gave them "an other-worldly
message" of importance to their future. After struggling for a while
against what they saw to be the ultimate outcome of this message,
Loren and Diane received further confirmation under similarly
strange circumstances, and all of a sudden their lives took a rather
abrupt change in direction.
"You have to understand," says
Diane, "This was so out of character for us, it nearly scared us
to death. This person told us this astonishing story:
Over 45,000 years ago in Lemuria, a continent which once existed
in the Pacific Ocean, there were politicians who wanted to
remain in office for life - the average life span of humans in
those days being so much longer than now. To limit or punish
anyone who would oppose them, these politicians had the people
implanted with programmed crystals which, when activated, served
to control or limit the natural abilities or rebellious
tendencies of those people."
The Mickelsons listened quite
attentively, but the last sentence struck a particular nerve with
them because they had recently regressed a client back to the days
of Lemuria where she had been an infant selected for crystal
"We certainly didn't understand the
regression at the time," says Diane, "but all of a sudden it was
beginning to make more sense."
The Mickelsons say they went on to find
out that not only were programmed crystals implanted back in the
days of
Lemuria, but also in the civilization that later followed in
Atlantis. It even occurs frequently today in people who have been
subject to alien abduction, whether they are consciously aware of
ever having been abducted or not.
The story the man told the Mickelsons seemed far out to them at the
time, but they ask if it is really any stranger than the crash of a
UFO some fifty years ago near Roswell? When one looks deeper into
the technology that is available today, the implications of this
story may not seem so unlikely. Descriptions of both Atlantis and
Lemuria appear in the traditional literature and folklore of almost
every culture on Earth, both supposedly having been technologically
advanced societies that were destroyed by major Earth upheavals.
It is also not out of place, say the Mickelsons, considering the
fact that the US military is currently implanting small micro-chips
in many of their new recruits to act as a means of identification
rather than using of the old familiar dog tags which can be lost or
destroyed during combat. Banks are also now talking about implanting
a bar code-like micro-chip under the skin of a person's wrist that
will identify them and the details of their bank account.
These implants will then enable them to
make purchases by simply running their wrists over a scanning device
such as the ones commonly used in grocery stores. The Norplant
contraceptive and other medical treatments use implants to release
hormones and other control drugs into the system at a calculated
rate. It is also not impossible considering the fact that the whole
technology of radio, television, and space communications is based
on one form of crystal technology or another.
I have already written before on the ‘digital angel’ and its
microscopic size. California is now trying to pass a bill to have
all pets implanted, perhaps as a prelude to all humans too.
"We asked how a crystal programmed
45,000 years ago could still be affecting us in this lifetime.
The man replied that it is the nature of crystal programming
that a program continues until it is erased or removed."
Loren explains that the imprint of the
original crystal implant is carried forward from lifetime to
lifetime in the etheric body of that person, one of the higher
dimensional bodies surrounding the person's spiritual essence. It
then shows up in the current lifetime whenever that person tries to
rise above the level at which he or she has been stymied for so many
"The crystals were programmed
thoughts of limitation. Your strongest natural ability has been
programmed to be your weakness, causing you great personal
frustration each lifetime. It's extremely frustrating knowing
internally that your life really could be easier if you could
just remember how to do it. Imagine a life without limitations;
without interference."
The news the Mickelsons say they are
trying to share is that these crystal imprints can be removed, and
with them, many of the limitations that hold a person back from
fulfilling their full potential in this lifetime. Working as a team,
Loren lighting up the crystals with the energies passing through his
body while Diane removes the crystals from the etheric body, the
Mickelsons say they are able to completely remove all the crystal
imprints from a person's past and current lives in one simple 30
minute session. This then allows the person to then be able to start
their life again unencumbered by outside limitations.
Echoing this idea, another of the Mickelson's Roswell patients
interviewed said that he felt "less inhibited and less
self-conscious," "more able to express what I really feel." Similar
themes of clarity, unshakable inner calm, and heightened energy and
endurance, were also echoed by other patients interviewed.
Testimonials from other patients treated by Loren and Diane suggest
that not only physical problems, but also emotional and mental
problems have been alleviated or totally removed as a result of the
removal of the crystal imprints. Even physical addictions to
substances such as drugs, alcohol and tobacco have often disappeared
along with the removal of the imprints.
Diane explains that removal of the crystal imprints is only the
first level of the six levels of treatment into which they have now
expanded their practice.
The second level involves removal of
self-imposed limitations such as negative beliefs: religious,
cultural, societal, and family dogma, both from this lifetime and
other past lifetimes.
The final levels have to do with what the Mickelsons term "soul emergence patterning" and preparation for
The Mickelsons say that levels one through three can be done
absentee - that is, without the patient even being present. Only the
later level needs to be done in person. People interviewed for this
article who had the treatments done absentee quoted the same
extraordinary results as those who had the work done in person. The
number of crystals imprinted in a person seems to vary. The Mickelsons say they have seen as few as
91 crystals in a person,
ranging all the way up to people such as the woman with chronic
fatigue syndrome who have had as many as 15,000 crystals imprinted
throughout their body, severely disabling them on every level of
their being.
Diane says the crystals may also vary in size from the early Lemurian crystals that were implanted in systems and look like a
string of Christmas lights, up to the credit-card size crystals that
were implanted in the time of Atlantis, and in recent alien
Is the procedure to remove the crystals
"Crystal removal affects people in
different ways," says Diane. "You may feel nauseated, you may
feel euphoric, or you may get a traveling headache, etcetera.
All these feelings will go away almost as suddenly as they come
up. One thing is pretty constant, a sense of calm comes over
most everybody, a sense of calm that never really leaves them."
How can you tell if you are one of the
people who may have been abducted or had crystals implanted?
"If you have any questions at all in
this area, there is a strong probability that you do have
crystal implants," explains Loren. "Just get quiet and check in
and ask yourself if you do - intuitively you will know. Not all
individuals have crystal implants. Only about 40 percent appear
to have been implanted."
"Crystal removal is not for everybody. We do not try to talk
anyone into it, nor do we defend crystal removal. Crystal
imprint removal does not cure or solve anything. What it does do
is remove limitations. You will just know if it is right for
The Mickelsons say that the average
price of a crystal imprint removal treatment runs about $110
absentee or $150 in person. Further information on the procedure can
be obtained by contacting the Mickelsons at