by Courtney Brown, Ph.D.
excerpts from the book "Cosmic
ReptilianAgenda Website
Souls exist in subspace, that vast
domain diversely referred to by mystics and theologians as the etheric realm,
heaven, or the afterlife. P. 4
The subspace mind, the intelligence of the soul, perceives and
processes information differently from the physical mind. All
evidence suggests that the subspace mind is omnipresent across
space and time. P. 9
Any person of average or better intelligence apparently can be
trained to remote view with considerable accuracy. P. 19
All this implies that remote viewing is a skill that takes
considerable practice. A person does not learn the procedures
and instantly perceive accurately across time and space. Rather,
accuracy increases with practice. Just as all artists must
practice regularly in order to perfect their skills, remote
viewers need to view often in order to maintain and improve
their skills. P. 77
Returning to their former genes was never an option for
Greys. They held a deep fear of their past. If their former
genetics led them to an existence in which they selfishly
destroyed their own planet, what guarantee could be made that
they would not do so again? The Greys wanted a different route
to the future, a route that required outside help.
Apparently after serving
the Galactic Federation as members in
good standing for a long time, the Greys applied for permission
to travel to Earth and obtain human genetic material to create a
new race for their souls to inhabit. My data suggest that they
have carefully followed a policy of asking permission of human
souls before physical birth with regard to their participation
in the Grey's genetic activities. P. 99-100
Based on the previous chapters on the
Reptilian ET species, the
following are apparently the case:
the Reptilian ET species
it is currently involved in
a significant military confrontation with another group,
possibly the Greys
Earth and humans have been
indirectly caught up in this military confrontation
the Reptilians have at least
one underground facility on Earth in which both they and
a Reptilian/human hybrid species work together
the Reptilians have some
future plan for Earth and humans, although we do not yet
know any specifics for this plan. P. 125
The Reptilians are apparently highly
interested in maintaining the secrecy of their operations. They
are now totally aware that we are capable of remote viewing
their facilities and their activities, and they are adapting
their behavior in a defensive fashion. Apparently they can do
little but stand still when we remote view them. P. 129
My interpretation of these data now lead me to suspect that
group G2 is a renegade Reptilian faction. This group is
qualitatively different from the remainder of Reptilian society.
. . . I suspect it is this group
that is at war at the current time, not the entirety of
Reptilian society.
. . . If my interpretation of these data are correct, then
we truly have a significant problem. If the larger Reptilian
society itself cannot control this group, then how are we to
control them?
. . . Based on my observations to date, we will need outside
help. Unless further data suggest another course of action,
I see no alternative to this. As relative newcomers in these
galactic woods, we cannot, we must not, act alone. P. 143
There seems to be a presidential
address in progress. (Which president is making the address is
unclear.) There is an announcement about new friends, but this
announcement contains deception... The session data suggest
that the president has been tricked, and that there is a
Reptilian influence associated with his behavior. Essentially,
he is denying that something exists. P. 178-179
[Regarding the Martians]
Once they arrive here,
they need a place to stay, a facility for their Earth-based
operations. Early remote-viewing results suggest that there is
such a modern Martian facility in the United States located in
the state of New Mexico underneath the mountain Santa Fe Baldy.
Remote viewers have targeted this
facility many times, virtually always with the same results. I
have personally grown to accept these results as basically
accurate. One day, hopefully soon, we will all know the truth
about these matters. P. 181
In my interpretation of these data, it appears that the agenda
of the Reptilian extraterrestrials is to use the genetic stock
of humanity to create a new race that is partially human and
partially Reptilian. P. 200
Recall that a great deal of remote-viewing data indicate that
there is a complete continuum of realities and timelines, all of
which equally exist. This is one of the reasons why it has
historically been so difficult to remote view the future in
particular. Many futures are nearly equally probable, and subtle
and momentary considerations of a viewer's subspace personality
can send a session off in any of these future directions.
The possibilities are endless, and
almost any scenario can be found in some future trajectory. For
this reason, when we cue the future, it is necessary to state
explicitly which timeline we want to be on in the session. P.
[Regarding the current time line]
The data in the current
session contain no elements that suggest that the environmental
devastation on Earth is caused by anyone other than ourselves.
Moreover, nowhere in these data are there the concepts of human
rights abuses, incarceration, or authoritarian rule. These are
just humans struggling as best they can. They are angry at their
predecessors for making selfish decisions that destroyed much of
their world. P. 216
The Reptilian mentality perceives humans as things to understand
with buttons to push and knobs to twist. I perceive no sense
that the Reptilians want to interact with us as equals. They
want to understand us and to gain from us. But they do not seem
concerned about our desire to determine our own fate, and to
choose with whom we wish to interact.
...I detect absolutely no
sense of coercion, or any desire to force anything, from the
consciousness of the Greys. Their open intellects are indeed
childlike. But there is a deep maturity in their way of
thinking that both respects our differentness and celebrates
our common existence. P. 222
From the perspective of the Galactic
Federation, it is the right of a species to learn from its own
mistakes, however severe these mistakes may be, as long as the
species does not deprive another species of its own freedom to
do likewise.
The Federation does not want a
universe of species that act like dogs on a leash. My
observations indicate that the Galactic Federation embraces a
philosophy that values the freedom of all species to achieve a
unique destiny, to mature in their own ways through God's school
of the living experience. P. 234
As a species, we are going to make a crucial decision in the
near future. Our decision may be to accept the responsibility of
our own destiny, which may include inflicting horrible
environmental abuses to our world as we fight to understand
ourselves and our true potential.
Alternatively, we may abandon the
difficult commitment to forge a future for ourselves that
contributes meaning to a struggling universe, and instead choose
a path that continues the pathology of controlling our masses
with secrecy and manipulation.