Now let’s move directly into my first interview with Robert Dean, conducted on October 17, 2001.



Martin: I’ve been talking to a number of people in the last few weeks. I just had the privilege of having a long conversation with Dr. Steven Greer, yesterday.

Dean: Oh, Steven, I know him well.
Martin: Quite an articulate gentleman.

Dean: Yes, he is. He’s an emergency room physician, primarily. But Steven and I both got involved in this a number of years ago. I respect Steven a great deal, but I don’t agree with his plans and programs because I think he’s being a bit naďve.
Martin: I was going to ask you about that. I had a sense of that, myself, and I was curious what your take on that was. Now, I have the recorder on, so if there’s anything you don’t want us to print, please let me know.

Dean: Well, Rick, I generally will tell you that you can publish anything I say.
Martin: That’s cool.
Dean: I don’t plan to say anything totally outrageous.
Martin: [Laughter]
Dean: I will make it clear to you that I am a friend of Steven, and I respect the young man very much.

Martin: Well, our policy at The SPECTRUM is to, when I do an interview, and I do a lot of them, we publish the interview verbatim. We do not extract sound bites. We do not take things out of context. We publish the conversations just as they take place.
Dean: Well, I respect that.
Martin: There’s a lot to be said for that because people’s personalities come through in the conversation, little nuances, and the habit of modern media to extract and excerpt is, I think, criminal.
Dean: Well, you’ve got it on tape, young man. So if anybody says “No, I didn’t say that”, you can say right back to them “Oh, yes, you did.” But listen, I wish to make it clear. I was a member of [Dr. Greer’s organization] CSETI for a number of years. And I respect Steven. I’ve been at a number of conferences where he and I were joint speakers. And our goals were basically the same, and they still are. But our processes and our techniques and procedures are somewhat different because I’m an old soldier, Rick. I don’t know whether you know anything about my background.

Martin: I know a little bit about your background. I have a few articles here in front of me.
Dean: I spent 27 years on active duty in the United States Army, and then I worked for FEMA for 14 years. So I’ve been in government, and I’ve learned a little bit, over the years, about how government works. I will tell you that Steven’s goals and mine are the same, but I don’t believe his techniques and procedures are going to work, because I think they’re jacking him around a little bit. There are some very, very dishonest people working in Washington, D.C. I think you and I and everybody else know that.

The big problem we’ve had over the years is trying to figure out who the hell they are, and what departments or agencies they’re working with. And that’s damn near impossible, because it’s become apparent to a few of us that we’re dealing with, well, I’ll use that term “the powers that be”. No one knows who “the powers that be” are, particularly on this subject.
Listen, Rick: about a year and a half, two years ago, I was fortunate enough to spend two full months in Washington, D.C. My son is a career naval officer. And he’s a full captain, and he was, at the time, assigned to the Pentagon. So I visited him in Arlington, stayed with him in his apartment there, near the Pentagon. And while I was there, I was there two full months, I took the opportunity to pay a number of visits to Capital Hill. Rick, I visited, oh, at least 8 or 10 different House offices, and at least a half a dozen Senate offices. I went into these places “low-key”. I identified myself, and I explained why I was there, and what I was trying to do—which is the same thing Steven has been trying to do for a number of years. And I said:

“Look, Congress represents the American people. We’re dealing with the greatest story in human history.”

Martin: That’s right.

“And you people have an obligation to do something about it, to research it, to investigate it, and to be responsive to the American people.”

Well, Rick, I was received very favorably. I was received warmly. I was given coffee, and ash trays, and little momentos of my visit.
Martin: But don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Dean: Exactly, exactly. I primarily visited the two Senate offices from my state, here in Arizona—John Kyle and John McCain. I must tell you that I got very favorable responses from everybody, but I got the same damned answer.

Martin: Sure.
Dean: That these guys are not about to touch this subject, at this time, with a 10-foot-pole.

Martin: Sure. Well, I’m sure it’s political suicide.

Dean: You know, I got the impression that they were very, very, if not frightened, they were at least very sensitive to the implications of this thing. Even a couple of them had reminded me of what had happened to Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico. Now, I don’t know whether you knew about it.
Martin: No.
Dean: This was a young man who was trying very hard to pry the lid off this thing, representing his constituency in New Mexico. And Schiff ended up dying from a form of skin cancer that should not have been fatal. A couple of them reminded me of what had happened to Schiff, and they indicated that maybe his death was natural—but then again, maybe there was something a little more to it. So I got the impression they’re not about to touch this thing. They told me, in a lot of different ways, well, you know, the election is coming up.
Martin: What year was this?
Dean: Let me see. This was 1999. And they all reminded me that the big elections are coming, and this is a “sensitive subject”, and a lot of people have been branded as “kooks”, and that they weren’t about to even get involved with it. Now, maybe later, they were concerned that there is something here that they should be looking at. But none of them were willing to touch it now. The only favorable response that I got out of all my visits was with Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

Martin: No kidding?
Dean: No kidding.
Martin: That surprises me.
Dean: Well, it surprised me. I even got a follow-up letter from Specter, that he was deeply concerned with the subject, and he agreed with me that it needed to be addressed. But, he said, just by himself he didn’t know if he would have any success in forming a committee or not. So he wasn’t going to do much about it until after the elections were over.
Now, I keep reminding these guys. I’m not a great scholar. I’ve only finished two years at University, but I know exactly the kind of power that Congress can have if they want to implement it. You know, two or more Congressmen, or two or more Senators, can get together and form a committee. That committee can demand and hold hearings. And, Rick, you know as well as I do that if a Congressional committee is holding hearings, they have the power of subpoena, and they also have the power to deny or to grant Congressional immunity for testimony.

Martin: That’s right.
Dean: And I kept pointing out to them that I knew of at least 50-100 “old boys”, who belonged as I do to what we call “the old boys’ network”. And I said,

“Look, we represent men that are retired, some of them are still on active duty. We represent every service in the country. And we are willing to testify with you guys, on an open hearing basis, and all we ask is Congressional immunity.”

I also told them that I was prepared to give them at least 25 names of people that they could subpoena, including a retired Secretary of Defense, a retired four-star Admiral by the name of Bobby Ray Inman, and I gave them a whole bunch of other names.
Martin: That last name was Inman?
Dean: Inman. Now, I don’t know if you are familiar with Inman, but he used to be the number-one intelligence man in our country, a retired four-star Admiral. And Bobby Ray Inman was, at one time, Director of Central Intelligence; at another time he was, I think, he began as Director of Naval Intelligence; and then, for a short time, he was Director of the NSA.
Martin: That’s quite a resumé.
Dean: Listen, this guy, from the beginning of his career, has been on the inside of intelligence operations for, I guess, over 20 years. Bobby Ray is retired now. You may remember some time back that Bobby Ray Inman was nominated to be the Secretary of Defense, but one week before the hearings were to begin, he declined that position. I think it was during Clinton’s administration. One week before the hearings were due to begin on the Hill, he declined and withdrew his name. Now, the reason he did that—and most of us who have been involved in this thing for years and years know that he declined because—he was not about to raise his right hand and swear to testify to any questions that he might get involving this subject. And that’s the way that stands with Bobby Ray Inman.
Martin: That’s amazing there is such a level of fear out there.
Dean: Oh, listen, it’s not just fear. You know, honestly, I don’t know what motivates these guys. I suspect that a lot of it is fear, but I suspect a lot of it, you know, they’re afraid of the American people.
Martin: Do you think there is a fear, or a concern, I should say, of the American people feeling betrayed that this information has been withheld for so long? Or what?

Dean: Rick, that’s going to be a part of it. There’s no way to avoid it. First of all, many of them are afraid that the American people are not ready for this reality. That this thing is not just a visit from guys from other planets. I’ve been told by people that I respect, and people that I’ve served with over the years who were in intelligence operations, that if it were merely the fact that we were being visited by guys from other planets, or other star systems, that the subject probably would have been out a long time ago. But, Rick, it’s a lot bigger than that.
Martin: What’s the sticking point?
Dean: Well, the sticking points are two things. One, they don’t believe that the average American citizen is emotionally, intellectually, spiritually ready to deal with this reality. Because this reality, Rick, involves not only visitations from other planets, but it involves interrelationships with—what was told to me by a physicist in government service many years ago—we are facing the reality of multi-dimensional intelligence.

Martin: Well, of course.
Dean: We’ve got people, I say people, we’ve got intelligences coming to us, visiting us, from other times and other dimensions.
Martin: Yes, absolutely.
Dean: And the other thing is, and this came out repeatedly, it surfaces for those of us who have been involved here, and I’ve been involved in this, I guess, oh, 15-18 years. Actually, Rick, it goes back to when I was at SHAPE Headquarters in Paris, in 1963-1967, where I learned, first hand, the reality of this problem. But we’re dealing, apparently, with a situation where some of these advanced intelligences—and don’t ask me to try to pin them down, because I don’t think any of us who have been researching this thing really can put our finger on this thing—we’re dealing with advanced intelligences, Rick, that literally had a hand in our being here. That, apparently, there is, indeed, a lot of truth to the old story that the human race is a hybrid race, and we have been geneticallyenhanced”. One of the big sticking points is that the genetic enhancement is still going on. The other big thing is—and I’ve gotten this from the horse’s mouth in several cases—every major religion on this planet, Rick, has been engendered, or established, or created by extra-terrestrial intelligence. There has been a great deal of knowledge that has surfaced in the last, oh, 10 or 12 years, which indicates that the Vatican knows this.
Martin: Sure.
Dean: And that poor old man in Rome is between the literal rock and hard place. You know, I respect his dilemma. I pity the poor old soul, because his health is gone, and he’s not going to be around much longer. And I think he knows, first hand, that they’re dealing with, not only a dynamite subject, but a subject that can literally lift the lid off the history of the entire human species.

Martin: I’ve been a so-called conspiracy journalist for about 12 years now. So, I’ve been doing this for a number of years, and I’ve had direct contact with the Pleiadians and others, over the years, and with what you would call channeled material, directly, so I’m not totally naďve about the level of sophistication of what we’re talking about. But I can’t help but wonder, in our discussions here, about the capability of the human consciousness to accept change, and accept this kind of broad-sweeping concept. Don’t you think we’re at a time in human history when man could, in fact, accept it, if it was presented correctly? Or do you think those in high places are being presumptive, and perhaps wise, in their decision to withhold it? Personally, I can’t believe there is wisdom in withholding it. What are your thoughts on this?
Dean: Rick, I’ll tell you my own personal feeling. I think that, for a long, long time, the average human being out there has been underestimated by both his church and his government. I think the average person who I’ve run into, over the years, is a hell-of-a-lot brighter than most people give them credit for.
Now, I know there are fruit cakes running loose, and I know there are nut cases all over the place. I mean, let’s look at what’s going on in the world, right now. You’ve got Islamic Muslim fundamentalists ready to blowup the world in the name of Allah.

But you look around the world and see what’s happening, and I think that these people who are doing all the blowing-up and threatening to kill everybody are in a minority.

I have been speaking out, rather bluntly, on this subject, ever since I retired from the Army, actually. I came out of the closet, I guess, in 1991, for the first time in a big way. And I violated my National Security Oath by telling what I learned while I was in the military.
Martin: Good for you.
Dean: And I told everybody:

“I’m willing to go to jail over this, because I think this subject is so important. I think the American people not only have a right to this truth, but they have a need for it.”

And I felt, “Well, go on, lock me up. I’ll go.” But I’m going to speak out.
Now, I have spoken out in about 14 foreign countries, over the last 10-12 years, and I think I’ve spoken in about 20-22 separate American cities, from New York to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle—I’ve got pins on a map on my wall that shocked the hell out of me. I had not realized how many places I have gone, and how many times I’ve spoken about this. And in every case, Rick, I have found that the audiences were responsive, and warmly receptive, and were more than willing to discuss it and accept some of the implications.
Now, I ran into that all over Europe; I ran into that all over the United States.
Martin: I believe it.
Dean: I’ve spoken out in Japan. I was on national television in Tokyo, and in every case I have found that the people not only are willing to listen, but they want to know more.
Martin: Well, let me ask you this, then, being on the inside: Who are these men who dare to withhold this? Who are these guys?
Dean: You’re hitting on one of the big questions.
Martin: And what kind of nerve do they have?

Dean: Well, let me tell you. You’re dealing not only with a national group, Rick; you’re dealing with a multinational group. And this big thing really began to impact on their consciousness in the ’40s. And I don’t use 1947 and Roswell as the beginning, because the Navy retrieved a UFO in the waters off of San Diego in 1942. Now, a lot of this is knowledge to people in the service, people who are sitting under their National Security Oath. But we have retrieved hardware and, not only bodies, but living beings, from crashes, since at least 1942, and there were indications that the Nazis had done the same thing in the ’30s, because their technology on anti-gravity craft had made some incredible strides by the end of World War II. And by 1944 and 1945, the Nazis were, literally, flying their own flying disks.
Martin: Right, that’s true.
Dean: And the evidence for that is pretty overwhelming, although it’s not commonly known by the average person. So this thing has been going on for a long time. And I think what happened is, when the impact of the implications began to really hit some of these people, that they thought “Oh, my God, this is going to turn the world upside down.” And they were right. But they, because they had the power, and the war was under way, they decided to put a lid on this, and they were planning on putting the lid on it and hold it down for at least 50, maybe 100, years.
Now, there are two major reasons why they did this. They decided, one, the people couldn’t handle it. They decided, two, that hey, by golly, this is big, big science. “Think what this could mean if we can get a handle on these propulsion systems.”
Martin: Sure.
Dean: “Think of the money we could make.”
Martin: Sure.
Dean: “The power we will have.”
Martin: Of course.
Dean: Not only are we sitting on a big story, but we’re sitting on some technology. And they, apparently, were fairly successful in reverse-engineering some of the technology because, you know, some of our scientists are pretty damn bright men. And the British, the American, the German, even the Japanese, have gotten some knowledge on this and have some technology that they are sitting on top of.
Martin: Sure. I hate to interrupt you, but let me just interject here. Wouldn’t you say, let’s just call it Higher Source—wouldn’t you say, from Higher Dimensions, there is coming into play a pressure on the “powers that be” to release certain technologies to the public?

Dean: I could not agree with you more. It is apparent—listen, in my opinion, again, I want you to understand that I’m giving you the result of my 40 years of research.
Martin: Well, you’re an expert, and that’s why I’m calling you.
Dean: Let me tell you, Rick, there are no such things as experts in this subject. Every time I hear somebody refer to one of us as an expert, I make it very clear when I speak out that there are no such things. There is no such thing as “the world’s foremost authority” on this subject. And I’ll be the first to tell you that because I’ve learned over the years that, even those of us who have been devoting our lives to this for 20-30-40 years, we know only a little of it. We don’t know the whole story. It will come when it will come out.
Martin: Thanks to the compartmentalization of our governmental and other control layers.

Dean: I’ll tell you what my opinion is, and that’s all I can give you right now. It has become apparent to me over the years in researching this, and talking to, good God, everybody and his brother, I’ve had friends who retired from the military and went to work at Langley. I’ve had a couple of buddies who went to work at Fort Mead, and I think you know what agencies are there. And I’ve gotten some input over the years, and they have indicated that, in their opinion, yes, the extraterrestrial—what do we call them? They’re not just extraterrestrial. As I said, some of them are from different dimensions. And not very many people even deal with that.
There’s a New York physicist who teaches at New York University by the name of Michio Kaku. And Michio is a brilliant theoretical physicist. He’s a quantum physicist. And he’s flatly told me that we’re dealing, probably, with at least 10 different dimensions.
Martin: That’s the number I keep hearing.

Dean: There could be more, but he says they’re aware of 10. And he says these could be separate universes filled with light as ours is. Now, do you realize what that means?
Martin: No, I don’t think we can really get a handle on that.
Dean: Anyhow, we’re looking at a level of intelligence out there—and I’m not about to even try to get religious about this—but I will tell you that this strikes me as a deeply spiritual thing.
Martin: Sure.
Dean: We’re dealing with intelligences, Rick, who are so far beyond our own that we would consider them “Godlike”, and we would deify them. Over the history, in our inter-relationship with them, we have deified them. And these guys, I do believe, at least one or two of the group, have our survival at heart, they have our best—what can I say? They are concerned in seeing us make it as a species.

Martin: Our highest good.
Dean: They have a much higher moral sense about it and they would like to see the human race make it. Now, not only have these guys established Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and probably Hinduism, Buddhism, and all the others as well, but they have had a continual, interrelationship with us for the last, well, 50,000 years; and I believe that they have an agenda. And I have concluded that the time-table of “disclosure” is going to be THEIR decision. It’s NOT going to come out of Washington. It won’t come out of London, or Paris, or Rome, or Berlin. It will, when they decide that we are ready; that’s when the disclosure will take place. And the disclosure will take place, I think, by probably a massive display of their presence.
And if you have been following the things through the years, as I have, they have been “upping the ante” so to speak.
Martin: They have.
Dean: Continually over the years. And they monitor us. They demonstrate. They show themselves. They scare the hell out of some of our people, and then they kind-of back off for a time to see how we react, and how we respond, and what “the body politic”, as it were, is feeling, and what the mass of people are ready for. I think there is a benevolent, beneficial intelligence behind these guys that, literally, have our best interest at heart.
Now, this is far beyond recognizing that they exist. This is a hell-of-a-lot farther along than saying “They’re here, and they’re from somewhere else.”

  • These guys have had a hand in our survival, as a race.

  • They have genetically engineered us.

  • They have continually up-graded us, over the centuries.

  • They have been monitoring us.

  • They get involved.

You’d be surprised, Rick, of some of the things that we’ve learned, over the years, that have happened. They scared the living hell out of our military, both in the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain. They have made their presence so pronounced and well-known, in a number of cases, where they have, literally, melted the warheads of an ICBM, and scrambled the computerized delivery system of our ICBMs, while they’re sitting in the silos.
They did that outside of Murmansk [Russia; in NW part on Kola Bay, about 22 miles from the ocean; largest city in the world north of the Arctic Circle, with a population of about 475,000; ice-free port; NAVAL BASE; shipyards, fish canneries, sawmills; base for Russia’s most important fishing fleet; founded in 1915 as supply port during WW-I; in WW-II was a major supply base, the main port for the Anglo-American convoys.]

They did it outside of St. Petersburg, which was Leningrad at the time. They’ve done it in Minot, North Dakota; they’ve done it at least 3 times at SAC bases, SAC missile installations, all over the United States. So, they have interjected themselves, subtly.
Martin: [Laughter]
Dean: [Laughter] And not so subtly, which have made a believer out of some of our military. Now, if we could get Bobby Ray Inman subpoenaed in front of a Congressional committee, and he swears to tell the truth, a hell of a lot of this would come out. But there’s not much chance of this happening because you asked the question earlier about who the hell are these people [controlling things here on planet Earth]? Well, I’ll tell you, they’re not only national, they’re multi-national. They’re not just one or two agencies, there are several agencies involved. Probably we’re dealing with agencies, Rick, that we don’t even have names for.

Martin: Right, I’m sure that’s true.
Dean: You’ve heard the old rumor about, what is it, Majestic-12? Well, I’m convinced that it exists, but I don’t think that they call it that anymore. They may have, at one time. The last I heard from somebody who was in a position to know is, they call themselves PI-40. Now, what the hell that stands for, I have no idea. But they exist. And they have tremendous power. And they have power to make policy for national governments. Now, the nations who are probably the most heavily involved are Great Britain and the United States. Rick, we signed a pact with Great Britain back in 1947. I don’t know whether you’ve ever heard of it. It’s known as the UK-USA Pact.
The UK-USA Pact was signed in ’47. Interesting year there—same time, I believe, that the CIA, NSA, and all the rest of them were beginning to be created. We and the United Kingdom signed a pact that we would share, among ourselves, all of the very sensitive, highest level, national security information, just between us. Now, the members were: England (United Kingdom), the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. And that, if you will think about it, is all of the English-speaking nations of the world. And we signed that in 1947, and that Pact, I think, has grown. It’s been very successful, and I think it’s grown in power over the years, into whatever it may be today, the power and the authority that calls the shots. For example, you know that one of the largest NSA installations in the world is in the middle of Australia. It’s a place called Pine Gap.
Martin: Right.
Dean: And that’s operated by NSA. There’s another one, and I spoke in Leeds, in England, a few years back. There’s another one located in Yorkshire, known as Manwhitt Hills. And that’s another NSA facility. And that original agreement in ’47 has, I think, continued to develop and grow, and it is probably the agency or the organization that led to the growth of PI-40. Now, these guys are policy makers, and they have power. You know, people point to the Council on Foreign Relations. People point to the Bilderbergers. People point to other organizations, and such, but we’re talking about an organization, possibly without a name, that is calling the policy among all of the free nations of the world. They’re involved with NATO. They’re involved with the European community.
Martin: Do you happen to know if they’re Jesuits?

Dean: [Laughter] I’ll tell you this, the Jesuits are well represented. I’ve never for a moment doubted it. As you know, they’re the best the Vatican has. When I was overseas some years ago, I was assigned in Germany, and some of my best friends would get together and drink a little, and philosophize a little, and talk about history, or Jesuits. Those are the real scholars of the Catholic Church. So, I’m sure that the Vatican is deeply involved in this, Rick, and I am convinced that the Vatican has known for a long time most of the things you and I have been talking about. Why would they spend millions and millions of dollars building a telescope on top of Mt. Grand in Arizona?
Martin: [Laughter]
Dean: They violated conservation laws; they violated everything.
Martin: Well, they know when to duck and cover.
Dean: Oh, listen. Anyhow, the Vatican money built that tremendous telescope on Mt. Grand. And the other issue is, and this is something that I want to reflect upon, just briefly, and tell you that we’re facing a time here, probably within the next 2-5 years, where I think the lid on this is going to be blown in a big way. About 5 years ago, I’m trying to get my time here, 3-4 years ago, I think now, Zecharia Sitchin—I don’t know whether you know who he is.
Martin: Yes, I’m familiar with all of his work.

Dean: Well, I’m a great admirer of Zecharia. I’ve known him for some years. He and I have been on some programs together. He was invited by the Chief Astronomer of the United States Naval Observatory in Washington DC to come to visit him. And Zecharia, being the shrewd, old codger that he is, asked Robert Harrington if he could bring a photographer and video-tape the interview. And Harrington said “By all means.” Well, on tape, in that interview, Robert Harrington tells Zecharia, right on camera, that the United States Naval Observatory, and weather observatories in the world, had discovered the 10th planet.
And he said the reason that I asked you to come, Mr. Sitchin, is that I am a little familiar with your work and he said that what we have described, what we have learned, is exactly in accordance with the teachings of the Anunnaki, the Sumerians, from the history of the Sumerian people.

Martin: Now, theoretically, this [10th planet] is due back in 2003, isn’t it?
Dean: It’s not only been discovered, but it’s been photographed. And the first photographs were discovered by an astronomer in Argentina about a year ago. So this thing is probably going to be visible to the naked eye, I would say, no later than 2003.
Stop for a moment, Rick, and imagine what this could mean. If this is the home planet of the Anunnaki, and the Anunnaki were the ones who, initially, genetically created us as a species, and probably is one of the extraterrestrial intelligences that have been involved with us for a very long time, you can understand, to some degree, why the world politic is concerned.
Martin: Sure.
Dean: Because here we have a planet that nobody even wanted to admit existed.
Martin: Right.
Dean: It’s, roughly, two and a half times the mass of the Earth. It’s going to be visible to the naked eye, and it’s going to be making its 3600-year orbit pass probably within 5 years. Now, I think that is one of the reasons why the Vatican has been so deeply involved with this thing, and why that old man [the pope] wanted to make a “pilgrimage to Ur” a couple of years ago. I got this right out of the New York Times. I even kept the clipping.

[Editor’s note: The very interesting old Sumerian cultural center/city of Ur is located about 200 miles SSE of Baghdad and a few miles from the mouth of the Euphrates river.]
The Vatican released a little information, late last year, that His Holiness was negotiating with the government of Iraq to allow him to make a pilgrimage, and that was the very word the Vatican used, to the “HolyCity—that was another word that was used in the article—a pilgrimage to the “HolyCity of Ur, which is now, whatever is left, in Iraq. If you happen to do a little history.

Martin: We’re talking about the Sumerians.

Dean: Yes. There’s not a hell of a lot left at Ur, except the ruins. But, the Annunaki established the Sumerian civilization. And the Annunaki, apparently, built Ur, and another half a dozen ancient cities. And that old man wants to pay a visit, a “pilgrimage” to the “HolyCity of Ur?
Now, put two and two together, and see what you come up with. The Vatican knows something. The Naval Observatory knows something. A hell of a lot of people know it, and they’re sitting on the edges of their chairs, and grinding their teeth, and they don’t have control of this thing.
I had watched, some years back, there’s a man in Las Vegas named Robert Bigelow. I don’t know whether you’ve ever heard about Bob.
Martin: I have not heard that name.
Dean: Robert Bigelow is a multi-millionaire. He and his father made billions, literally, with construction. I think they built half of Las Vegas. Well, Bigelow is a man who is very bright, and invested his interest and his research into this field that we’re discussing. And I had lunch with him one day, some time back, and I was banging on the table, and so on, about why the government doesn’t respond to this. And Bigelow said to me “Bob, cool it off.”
He said: “Everybody has an agenda. You have one. I have one. Congress has one. The military has another. The security agencies have their own damned agendas, and they don’t agree with each other.”
He said “There’s only one agenda.”
And I said “Oh, yeah?”
And Bigelow pointed up toward the ceiling. And I knew he wasn’t talking about people upstairs. He said:
“It’s THEIR agenda, Bob. When they want it out, it will be out. If they don’t want it out, it ain’t coming out.” He said: “Cool-off, and stop banging your head against the wall.”
Martin: That’s probably good advice.
Dean: It was good advice. And I got the same advice from Phil Corso, before he died. I knew old Phil very well. He and I were speakers at conferences a few times. I don’t know whether you ever read his book or not, The Day After Roswell?
Martin: No.
Dean: But Phil Corso was a Retired Army Colonel, who wrote a dynamite book called The Day After Roswell. If you get a chance, you might pick that up and read it. It’s certainly worth it. When Phil and I were speaking at a big conference in Italy, in Rome, he said:

“Look, I’ve been involved with government most of my life. You’re wasting your time and energy. Cool it. You’re not going to succeed in getting open Congressional hearings on this thing because the mechanism is not in place in Congress to deal with a subject of this magnitude.”

And after my conversations with Robert Bigelow, and my conversations with Phil Corso, and my experience on the Hill two years ago, I’ve reached that conclusion. And that’s why I, you know, I take my hat off to Steven Greer, but Steven is not going to succeed because the forces against him are just too damned big. And what they do is, they jack him around, they embarrass him, and they make him look like an idiot sometimes. He will not succeed. He will not get to first base with this thing, because, apparently, we’re not quite ready for it. And I don’t mean the people. I mean that the powers running the thing are not ready for it to come out.
So, you’ve got a couple of agendas there. You’ve got our own human agenda, here, whoever this group is. And then you’ve got the guys from upstairs. So, I’m kind-of taking it easy. I continue to speak when I get a chance. I get invited, now and then.
Martin: You sound pretty laid-back in your style now.
Dean: Well, I’ll tell you honestly, Rick, my health is— I’m not complaining. I’m almost 73. And I’m slowing down a little bit. I don’t travel well anymore. I’m like one of those old, rare wines. You got to drink me right out of the bottle, because I don’t travel very well.

Martin: I understand.
Dean: I’m delighted to be able to chat with you this evening. And I hope that I’ve given you something that will be of some value to you.
Martin: Very helpful, I really appreciate it. Are there any closing remarks you’d like to give our readers? Any grist for the mill that they can chew on, and think about on this subject? You’ve made a lot of very thoughtful remarks.
Dean: As I said before, this is the Greatest Story In Human History. And, when it boils right down to it, it isn’t about them—you know, the collectivethem”, whoever “they” are, because we’re dealing with, good God, how many? We’re dealing with at least half a dozen extraterrestrial intelligences from other star systems, I think, in our universe. We’re dealing with what Michio Kaku says are Class-One and Class-Two civilizations. Now, our human race, at the moment, is a Class-Zero civilization. But Kaku has surmised that there are advanced cultures out there, multi-dimensional as well, that are Class-One, and Class-Two, and possibly Class-Three civilizations. He’s written a couple of excellent books. And, as a matter of fact, he’s written some books that the layman can read, and that’s not easy for a theoretical physicist to do.

Martin: [Laughter]
Dean: But I would simply like to say, in closing, that the greatest story in human history, it’s not about them, Rick, it’s about us. It’s WHO we are, and WHAT we are, and HOW we came to be.
It isn’t merely about where we are, at the moment. It is about where we are going. We are a species, and we are a race that will survive.
And, in all honesty, we have good friends in very “high” places. If we just stay attentive to the great teachings of not only Christianity, but Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, we will find that there is a thread of common truth that goes through every one of those great religions, that’s been given to us, Guided, some ideas of who we are, and how we came to be, and where we’re going.
And I must say, in closing, that I have a great belief and a great faith in the human race. I think we’re going through a transition, right now. We’re making—how can I describe it? We’re making not only a transition, Rick, we’re making a transformation. We are going through an incredible transformation as a species. I feel very hopeful about the years ahead.
I’ve said in my presentations a few times that the rough and bumpy parts aren’t over yet. It’s going to be very awkward, and very difficult, and probably very bloody for the next few years.
But we’re going to survive, as a species, and I would like to close my presentations with a quote from Leo Tolstoy:

“There is indeed a spark that burns in the heart of men. There is a light that won’t go out, no matter how dark the world becomes.”

And I’d just like you to settle with that remark and that closing, because that’s how I feel. There’s something within us, something that WILL prevail. And so, to your readers, tell them to have hope. Never give up.

Martin: Thank you so much, Bob.
Dean: Thank you for the invitation. And thank you for listening.

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