Chapter 29: Spiritual Politics Today

Q. Let us begin this final summary of the political implications of the War in Heaven by updating the dialog from Spiritual Revolution concerning the resurgence of Fundamentalism in the Seventies and early Eighties. Since SR was published, that whole movement seems to be disintegrating into chaos. Several of the TV Evangelists whom I considered servants of the Theocrats fell into disgrace over personal or financial scandals in 1987 and ‘88, and it is now becoming fashionable for average Americans to think of the more rabid Fundamentalist sects as cults, little different from the Moonies.

A. Well, we said a couple of years ago:

“Those movements backed by the Invisible College are actually doing better than those controlled by the Theocrats, but a surface analysis of public opinion makes the opposite seem true. For example, the present resurgence of Fundamentalist Christianity is not nearly as successful as claimed by either its own propaganda or that of various groups openly opposed to it.”

Q. I had felt this to be true for a long time, since several years before I began to make the breakthrough in 1983 but many of my friends in the occult and radical political communities disagreed completely. They were afraid the Fundamentalists would force the government to repeal most of the liberal legislation passed since the Fifties, and to adopt a militant foreign policy that would cause more wars like Vietnam and might even lead to nuclear war. I never felt that this danger was severe or immediate, because the Fundamentalist movement simply wasn’t big enough in either sheer numbers or political clout.

A. That’s correct. Ironically, several of the American politico-economic system’s worst faults are its best defense against a take-over by the Fundamentalists or any similar group. We refer to economic class structure and political power-brokerage. A relatively small minority of people with a high resistance to fundamentalist religion controls most of the real political and economic power in this country: the owners and managers of the large corporations, government bureaucrats, and professional people in general.

Most of them are politically conservative, but it’s the conservatism of the Old Right, not the New Right. They range from extremely wealthy to merely well off, and are almost all college graduates, which means they represent the social class that produces the fewest people with the correct personality structures to embrace Fundamentalist religion. Their primary concern is retaining the wealth and power they now enjoy, and they fear the New Right just as much as the left does, though they realize it’s not in their interest to say so publicly. The New Right has always been essentially a working-class and rural movement; if it ever got into power, it would eventually try to replace the existing power elites with people who took a populist stand on political and economic issues.

If you look closely at the history of the conservative wing of American politics during the Seventies and Eighties, you’ll see that the Old Right was solidly in control the whole time, even when the New Right was getting maximum publicity. The traditional conservative establishment got votes from the Fundamentalists at virtually every election by using some of the rhetoric of the New Right, but it was very slow in putting any of the New Right’s ideological principles into action.

President Reagan’s attitude toward legalized abortion is a good example: he repeatedly said he opposed it, but he never used the full power-brokerage potential of his office to try to manipulate other politicians into repealing abortion laws. On the other hand, he was quite willing to resort to extreme measures – such as those that caused the Irangate scandal – to support policies he believed were really important, such as supplying arms to right-wing terrorists in Central America. This proves that his support for New Right policies was just campaign rhetoric.

We’d rather that the wealth and power were more evenly distributed within the total population, but in this case power elites and power-brokerage are working to our advantage. The political manipulations of the Invisible College are often extremely subtle, as we’re about to describe.

First, we’ve already said that members of the present power elites are less likely to become Fundamentalists than most people within the whole population. However, they are more receptive than the average to New Age spiritual teachings, which is another reason for not wanting radical changes in the class system right now.

Remember, we are not doctrinaire leftists. In general, we work for “the greatest good for the greatest number,” but we don’t have to worry about our public image the way living politicians do. If we can get significant numbers of the present ruling class under our influence, then we’ll work through them to benefit the rest of the population. Of course, we’ll also use this influence over the existing elites to work for a more equitable distribution of wealth and power as a long-term goal.

Q. Wasn’t this exactly what you did in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when you worked through the Masonic and Rosicrucian Lodges: using an existing power elite to work toward political liberalism and other reforms to benefit the whole society?

A. Yes. We try to be both idealists and pragmatists at the same time; the two concepts are not really in opposition.

Q. I wish that more leftists and counterculture people realized this.

A. Another reason why we’re not concentrating on immediate, surface-level political and economic reforms right now as much as we were a few years ago is simply that most of our energy is going into two different battles with the Theocrats over control of spiritual institutions. We’re attacking them directly both inside and outside of organized religion, and of course they have never ceased attacking us. Every time they start using any organization on Earth to enslave people for their own ends, we try to stop them, and they do exactly the same to every project we undertake to liberate people.

Q. You’ve already discussed some of this in other contexts, especially your attempts to turn Theocratic Christian congregations into more liberal groups. You’re not completely opposed to Christianity and other organized religions, are you?

A. This is a subject that needs clarification for your readers. We can ask you to say, “War in Heaven is not intended to be an anti-religious book,” but that doesn’t mean the Invisible College favors religion as the term is usually defined: “belief in and worship of deities or other supernatural powers.”

It should be obvious that we have to oppose any belief system that accepts the supernatural. Psychic and spiritual phenomena are part of the natural world, and they have profound effects on human civilization on this planet. They should be studied scientifically and put to use improving the quality of human life, not relegated to the subjective limbo of the supernatural, where one person’s opinion is as good as another’s because there are no hard criteria for making value judgments.

Many of us come from advanced civilizations where the study of the soul and other spiritual phenomena are as much of a part of natural science as physics or biology, and this is the only approach we recommend. Any person who believes in or worships supernatural deities is out of contact with reality. The form of deism that many religious believers practice is literally a psychosis involving paranoia and delusions of grandeur.


Psychologists and psychotherapists have known this since the time of Freud, though they’ve found this form of mental illness one of the most difficult to treat because they didn’t know about the Theocrats or religious mind control.

Q. Yet you still make use of deistic religion when it serves your political ends. Is that why you told me to say this book is not intended as a blanket attack on all organized religion?

A. Yes. We are philosophically opposed to all religions that believe in the existence of superhuman gods; however, at this stage in history, the majority of people on Earth are not capable of directly replacing their present deistic beliefs with a rational view of spiritual phenomena. Rather than just write such people off, we feel that the most ethical course of action is to deal with them within a deistic frame of reference and try to keep the Theocrats from controlling them. In other words, we’re willing to pose as gods ourselves if that’s the only way we can keep people from being enslaved in Theocratic Bands after death.

And while we do consider it important to save individuals from destruction by their “gods,” we put a higher priority on the political aspects of organized religion on Earth. The larger and more powerful are the liberal Christian churches in the United States right now, the less danger there is of the Fundamentalists doing major political or social harm. We like to see liberal and radical Christians out there proselytizing in direct competition to the Fundamentalists: doing all sorts of charitable work, using the mass media, and generally trying to be a visible force in the community.

However, we don’t recommend that people who accept what we’re saying in this book go out and join liberal or radical Christian groups. There are better alternatives for anyone who accepts even part of the concepts described in War in Heaven. The anti-Theocratic Christian groups are intended strictly for people who are already Christians. In fact, we would rather that agnostics and the nominally religious not join them. Such individuals would be better off in one of the New Age, Pagan, or occult groups.

There’s also a negative aspect to radical Christianity; trying to fight Theocracy on its own home ground with its own religious mind-control weapons is actually quite dangerous. For example, the infamous People’s Temple of the Seventies was an early attempt to start such a group, one that failed disastrously; and the same thing could happen again, though it’s much less likely today because that experience taught us a lot.

The Theocrats are angered more by our attacking them frontally on their own ground than they are by almost anything else we do. They often attack radical Christian churches, especially those that were formerly Fundamentalist groups, with all the force they can muster. If the Theocrats can’t control the group mind of the congregation and subvert it back into Fundamentalism, they’ll settle for turning the group into a cult that drives its members insane, as happened to the People’s Temple.

The Theocrats also try to do the same to occult and New Age groups, and will turn them into new Theocratic religious sects if they can. Theocrats don’t care what name people call the deity by, as long as members practice religious mind control during services and believe a doctrine that’s based on the general Theocratic philosophy. There are Satanist groups that are controlled by exactly the same Theocrats who control Fundamentalist churches in the same neighborhood, for example. The same holds true for some of the Black Lodges on the fringes of the occult community. Many of these are not self-destructive cults that make the headlines when members die or commit crimes, but something worse: stable organizations doing the work of the Theocrats.

Q. How can readers of this book recognize an occult group controlled by the Theocrats?

A. It’s not always easy, because some Theocratic occult groups have an outer circle that’s fairly innocuous. There are two major things to look for:

  • one is financial and/or sexual exploitation of the members

  • the other is vindictiveness against people who try to leave the group or reveal its secrets

Not all occult and New Age groups that fail this test are under the control of the Theocrats at the moment; but merely possessing these elements makes them vulnerable to a Theocratic take-over. And there is no reason to join a group if you find any of its practices or beliefs ethically wrong: no one has a monopoly on psychic training techniques or spiritual knowledge.

We are not going to make this book even more controversial than it already is by giving you a list of occult groups that Spiritual Revolutionaries should avoid. The status of groups changes constantly, so anything you wrote down now wouldn’t remain accurate very long. Even more important, we want the people who read this book to learn how to use their own intellects and psychic powers to observe groups for themselves and draw their own conclusions. If people are going to be Spiritual Revolutionaries, they have to learn to make this kind of value judgment for themselves rather than relying on anyone else to make it for them.

Q. While you are discussing how the Theocrats take over religious and occult groups and make them into cults, we’d like you to clarify one point. why doesn’t this lead to violence more often than it does? A lot of readers are going to wonder why, if the Theocrats can turn a left-wing Christian church like the People’s Temple into a totally murderous and self-destructive cult, they don’t do this on a large scale and physically attack the counter-culture, the occult community, the New Age movement and similar works of the Invisible College?

A. This is a difficult question to answer precisely, because it involves detailed descriptions of how religious mind control works that are hard to put into English words. Almost all the conspiracy literature exaggerates the power that “unseen manipulators” have to control people’s behavior on an acute, short-term basis. Religious mind control is actually quite subtle: it gradually reprograms people’s long-term opinions and behavior, but it cannot be used simply to take over control of a person’s will completely and operate him or her like a remote-controlled robot.

Q. In other words, if the Theocrats wanted an act of violence performed, say the assassination of a political or religious leader who was actively working for the Invisible College, they couldn’t just tell some average member of a Fundamentalist church to go and commit murder.

A. Absolutely not. This is another very important point. It’s easy for them to manipulate a Fundamentalist into saying, “So-and-so is an enemy of God and is doing the Devil’s work. He ought to be shot!” However, almost all Fundamentalists, despite their extreme and irrational religious beliefs, are technically sane, in the sense that their behavior doesn’t usually violate their society’s laws and customs so seriously that they have to be locked up. And sane people, by definition, don’t commit murder or other violent crimes for political reasons. They can become violent under extreme personal stress – remember, most murders involve family members, lovers, or close friends – but this is not the same as committing a similar act for political reasons.

Proof of this is the elaborate indoctrination that average people are subjected to before they are sent off to war. The most important purpose of military boot camps is not to teach recruits how to kill the enemy, but rather to make them emotionally capable of doing so. Notice, too, that significant numbers of war veterans commit violent crimes after they return to civilian life, simply because governments spend a lot of time and money to reprogram ordinary citizens into soldiers capable of killing the enemy, but almost invariably fail to reverse this process when the troops are demobilized. Psychologists working for the military point out that it takes as long or longer to extinguish a given behavior pattern as it took to condition it in the first place, but generals and politicians rarely listen.

However, military training is not nearly so destructive to people as being trained to become violent religious fanatics. Using religious mind control to program people for violence is essentially an irreversible process. It’s possible to turn ordinary religious people into killers; but once it’s done, their whole personality structure has been changed and they can no longer live peacefully in normal society most of the time.

The Theocrats can turn members of a Theocratic religious group into people like the followers of Jim Jones or Charles Manson, but once they’ve done so, they’ve changed them into criminal maniacs who aren’t going to survive very long. Even more important: the intensive mental reprogramming necessary to turn ordinary people into psychopathic killers can be done only by creating a very specialized environment. Notice that both of the groups created a “cult environment,” a totalitarian perversion of communal living, which subjected members to religious mind control over long periods of time without respite.

It is also important to realize that reprogramming people to commit cold-blooded acts of violence within their normal social environment is much more difficult than turning them into soldiers willing to kill an armed and aggressive enemy on the battlefield. The element of “kill or be killed” and the fact that wars are usually fought in an unfamiliar social and physical environment are what make the difference.

Q. What you’re saying, then, is that the Theocrats don’t dare program large numbers of their followers to become violent, because that would probably destroy human society itself, rather than just eliminating the human enemies of Theocracy. However, other things you’ve said give us the impression that the Theocrats want to see civilization destroyed.

A. Again, this is a difficult concept to explain. Modem Western civilization serves the interests of the Invisible College better than it does those of the Theocrats, and is essentially our creation, not theirs. However, the total destruction of civilization, through nuclear war or internal collapse caused by violent insanity on a large scale, would harm the Theocrats as much as it would us. More, actually, since our contact with civilizations on other worlds would allow us to rebuild society if the physical environment were still capable of supporting human life.

Of course, the War in Heaven is now beginning to extend to the battle between the Invisible College and the Theocrats to control the formation of new gods out of elemental spirits. We will discuss this further in the next chapter, starting with a message from spirits who specialize in such work.

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Chapter 30 - The End and the Beginning

I’ve decided to end this book with a message I received from the Invisible College in February of 1988. This is from Elohim spirits, not my regular spirit guides, and it was very important in guiding me while I was rewriting Spiritual Revolution into War in Heaven.


The style and some of the terminology is slightly different from those used in the spirit-dictations in Parts Two and Three, but you should be able to follow this message if you understand the rest of the book.

A. As you are now becoming aware, Spiritual Revolution was intended only for a small audience, mostly rock musicians and magic people and other insiders. That’s why we gave you all those phrases and sentences you didn’t understand and thought were nonsense. Each of these verbal cues was intended to push a few buttons in certain types of people.

Withholding the information now contained in Part Three of War in Heaven kept them from knowing exactly how much you knew, and what side you were on in the conflict, despite your claims to be working for us.

We use the electronic media and especially rock music for reprogramming people only as a side effect. Its main use, the real reason we pushed your planet into an industrial revolution so fast, was to program Baby.
Baby has been close to hatching innumerable times in the last two thousand years, but we’ve always managed to knock it down. We did not want it to leave the planet until we were ready for it.

Now we are ready. At this point, we can destroy it before it leaves, if we must. It knows this; this book is part of the alert we are giving it, that it must be on its best behavior, or we will destroy it.

The music generated by the people we stirred up with your book and our concurrent programming has purposefully alerted Baby to the danger it faces from us unless it drops the Theocrats and Black Lodges that control part of it before it leaves.

There is no need to go over the nonsense paragraphs, but we will. We pushed you to ask for financial aid from music people even though you didn’t really need it. Many of them are rich from the fact that they’ve learned to use the electronic media, as the TV preachers do, to stroke the Beast and cause it to want to hear their beat. (Spell that “here there beat” and you will be thinking as they do.) They cause it to reach into minds in the audience and ask people to request the music it likes best. This is a Black Lodge use of the Beast.

This is also the sane reason we pushed you to say that we were ignoring the left, and working in the right-wing establishment. We pushed you to tell people there was no life on Sirius because we had made Sirius a rallying cry of our fight against Theocracy, and denying this kept many people who could not read between from knowing who you were working with.

We pushed you to deny any knowledge of intelligent dolphins and whales because that is the form that Baby’s parents call Baby from, because that is what the Builders look like; and as they built the machinery that activated Baby, that’s what Baby is preprogrammed to respond to. They project this image to Baby, and to all those who would be part of Baby. Denying knowledge of intelligent Cetaceans also denied your knowledge of all those extraterrestrial intelligences that aren’t “space people.”

We pushed you to deny the possibility of people’s becoming more than people and the existence of higher planes of reality for the same reason.

We pushed you to involve a certain songwriter in the book because he was one of our operatives, and has become a focal point of the music. Many of the rest of the music people see him as a sort of superman. Your involving him again, after he has pleaded illness and pulled out of the movement, galvanized many more into action than would have happened otherwise. We know where his loyalties lie, and it is no one else’s business.

It is true that several other songwriters were involved because it was necessary for you to have a list of people to show that you know some of what you were talking about. We know that you have told us some of them have written that you’ve practically ruined their lives, but all we can say is that this is a war, and if you don’t want to be taken for a soldier, don’t wear a uniform. Don’t stand in the line or carry a gun. And never write
songs saying that you do.

We also pushed you never to come in contact with any of these people yourself, but to have acquaintances of yours deliver the books, and join the music fan clubs for you. The reason for this was that each acquaintance that we OK’d had some difference between themselves and the band we asked you to send them to. We had you send straights to drug-oriented bands, women to men, blacks to whites, and people who did not fit the standard of beauty to those who did. This allowed us to test their music about you and the Spiritual Revolution, as well as the much larger amount of music generated/resonated from their music.

Most of these musicians, because of the enormous psychic energy inherent in the mind-control machines that operate through the music, are somewhat aware of what is going on, and have chosen sides.

Well, this is a war, and we are the officers. We choose our own soldiers, and we choose those that will pilot Baby out of here. William Burroughs to the contrary, applying doesn’t guarantee acceptance.

Not all of those who apply are Earth people, of course. Nor are they regular agents like you. Many of them came from the Ice Planet – a planet they killed with their own hands just as the Earth people are killing their planet now. We brought them all here for another chance, a chance to incarnate in this expanding population so they could continue their lives and make something of themselves here. The fact that we transported them here does not mean instant acceptance in our ranks. This is a test. We decide if they pass or not.

We observed these people’s reactions to your Spiritual Revolution book, its truths and its errors, and pushed some of the musicians who’d read it to generate music showing all their true feelings. Mostly, this was intended for Baby, so she/they could see why we make the choices we do. We then judged both the music and everyone who listened to it who aspired to be a part of our civilization, or a part of Baby.

Through this process we weeded out those who were prejudiced, vicious, stupid, or fawning from our ranks. As a civilized people we have certain standards to uphold. As a federated army of peoples that think, look, and act as unlike each other as night and day, we do not want anyone who has opted out of our reprogramming, or failed so miserably as to still be prejudiced against anyone of their own race, where the differences are minute. These may seem like small things to them, but to us these are basic traits without which a person is scarcely human.

Such people, if they remain unchanged, will simply be pushed back into reincarnation on this planet, if it remains capable of supporting life. We do not want them, nor do we think they are suitable material to be part of the God Child. We are actually doing them a great favor, as they are probably just powerful enough to remain unchanged in the group mind, were they to become part of it, therefore the group consensus would regretfully be forced to assimilate them or use them as rocket fuel, if you want to use that terminology, unless they are able to drop off at a suitable planet, and start the whole Baby process over again. We don’t approve of this process being started by uncivilized people like that, and we will take all steps necessary to see that it doesn’t happen again.

Your planet, with all its pride and prejudice, its slavery and starvation, its Theocrats and wars, is a direct result of beings with similar opinions dropping off and starting life on some poor unsuspecting planet because they weren’t civilized enough to get along with their peers in a group mind.

One Earth every few thousand years is enough for us, thank you.

Q. What is the difference between someone like you and my regular spirit guides?

A. You space people live free of your civilization’s group mind most of the time. The group mind stays on your planets instead of going into space with you. People like us live on the planets and are part of the same group mind that your people use as you use your computers and other machines. To you, the group mind is just a tool that gives you access to psychic technology. To us, it’s the mother that gave birth to our civilization and the spouse we are all married to, in the same way that most of you marry other sovereign individuals and live together for mutual support.

I am on temporary assignment as a liaison from the group mind to your army. I can talk to you, but I am really one of those who are here to talk to the God Children.

Some of them are beginning to achieve partial awareness, and during the last couple of years I’ve started contacting the one that some of the music people call Baby. It can’t really see me, of course, as it is mostly still a beast. It’s still potential, a great potential that could be realized if your army people could only cut off the psychic contact those black magicians and their Theocrat masters have with it.

I am also one of the backups that will “ride the tiger” – you would say steer the new God clear of the planet during the last days – if the Earth people we are training as pilots don’t make it through basic training.

Some of your readers already know who her pilot is intended to be. He had to drop his gun, and for now he uses affection training, mostly. Unfortunately the psychic cross-waves from the Theocrats and the black lodges have tended to short circuit him for awhile, because he can’t defend himself the way he should be able to do, but we do think he’ll be OK by the time she is ready to go.

And yes, I will answer those who keep asking the question in songs and other telepathic transmissions – Yes; I do “make love to the monster.” It needs human contact to become socialized, and civilized people don’t have to make an artificial separation between affection and sexuality the way primitive people often do. We can handle the power involved without becoming corrupted.

So don’t misunderstand and think I’m one of the star-struck, like so many of you who are complaining about being “addicted to love.” Like all of my people, I “carry a gun,” and I will shoot it down, once more, if the Theocrats gain control of it again, or if it becomes dominated by any of the black lodges. This is not as heartless as it sounds to you with only Earth memories. It’s only like sedation and an operation to remove the cancerous elements.

Many of you who use metaphors like “sleeping on the inter-state” already know what the beast-baby is like. What riding the tiger will be like. Think of the thought-exchange you get whenever you check out the back-road telegraph lines. Then imagine this anytime you want to pull it up, as a constant in your mind, from everyone. Don’t worry about the black magicians. They won’t be with us. Think of your blood brothers, and their passion and their love. This is what you will live with for the next few centuries until we get to another planet.

Remember, too, that we simplify when we say “The Beast.” There are thousands of them now, and hundreds will survive to the end. Each separate group mind will be very different from the others. Probably many of you already know your sisters/brothers.

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Appendix A: A Suggested Code of Conduct for Spiritual Revolutionaries

Q. Do you think people really need to be told things like, “Spiritual Revolutionaries shouldn’t desecrate churches or beat up Fundamentalists?” I hope the whole tone of this book makes it obvious that neither the author nor the Invisible College think in these terms at all.

A. That’s true, but as we said before, we think it’s a good idea to say these things in so many words, to minimize the effects of any possible actions by Theocratic agents. We can’t prevent either fools or enemies from doing things we disapprove of and trying to attach the name of the Spiritual Revolution to them; but if we make a list of don’ts, at least we can reduce such people’s credibility.

1. The Invisible College does not authorize any living people on Earth to act as our permanent or official representatives. We will send telepathic messages to anyone we consider capable of receiving them accurately and whose general personality structure and conduct are acceptable to us, and we will plainly label these as coming from the Invisible College. However, this does not mean we give a general endorsement to the opinions and actions of the people who receive and pass on such messages.

Even more important, when anything purporting to be such a message is published, Spiritual Revolutionaries should never accept it as authoritative, unless their own best judgment tells them it is a valid message from us and unless they agree with it ethically. Readers of War in Heaven have already been instructed to react to the book in this way, and the sane principle should be applied to this Code of Conduct as well. We hope you will accept it and abide by it, but you have to make up your own mind.

And remember this: the Theocrats are going to send some very subtle and sophisticated deceptions to fool Spiritual Revolutionaries. Analyze everything you hear, read, and receive telepathically on the subject of Spiritual Revolution very carefully before you accept it as true.

2. Although the war between the Theocrats and the Invisible College is a deadly and bitter one, Spiritual Revolutionaries gain absolutely nothing by feeling negative emotions toward people who serve the interests of the Theocrats on Earth. Even more important, the Invisible College does not want people who have made the breakthrough to debate spiritual issues with believers in Theocratic religion, nor to make direct, in-person contact with them under any circumstances. You shouldn’t hate them or attack them in any way, but you shouldn’t try to convert them either. Confine your proselytizing activities to people who appear friendly, or at least neutral, to the general cause of Spiritual Revolution.

3. Spiritual Revolutionaries should not write or teach general attacks on organized religion similar to those that organized atheists have traditionally done. Our enemy is Theocracy, not religion in general.

The Invisible College is now making a major effort to take control individual congregations of religious believers away from the Theocrats. In most cases, the external trappings of the religious group don’t change enough for outside observers to tell it is no longer Theocratic, nor are the people involved consciously aware of what has happened.

For this reason, critiques of organized religion by Spiritual Revolutionaries should be specific, not general. It is best to limit yourselves to pointing out how a specific element of doctrine or ritual practice advances the cause of Theocracy.

4. The long-term goal of the Invisible College is to assist Earth people in building an advanced civilization on this planet. Our methods for doing so are basically humanistic, pragmatic, and experimental, rather than idealistic or ideological.

We believe that the only way to design social institutions of all kinds to meet human needs is to try a wide variety of possible solutions to specific problems, and allow a process of natural selection to operate through competition, compromise, and Hegelian synthesis. Every power structure should contain checks and balances; this can only be done by deliberately encouraging internal conflicts, which reduce the over-all efficiency of the power structure to a certain extent. Even social justice has a price.

Strong, creative leadership is important, but so is consent of the governed. Achieving the greatest good for the greatest number is a valid ethical goal, but so is respecting individual rights. Spiritual Revolutionaries should try to apply these principles as much as possible in all their specific activities, as the Invisible College does.

5. The emotional tone of the overt Spiritual Revolutionary movement is intended to be positive, constructive, and optimistic. The very fact that people are making the breakthrough and becoming aware of the essential facts about the Theocrats means that the principal Theocratic mechanism for controlling the human race has already been broken. Finding out about the Invisible College and the existence of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations means that concepts like “progress” and “human perfectibility” can now be considered concrete, achievable goals rather than wild utopian dreams.

Most important of all, learning to deal with spiritual phenomena as part of the natural universe, and with spiritual beings as human rather than superhuman, removes a major source of fear of the unknown. As soon as you make the breakthrough, most of the previously unanswerable questions about spiritual reality suddenly have answers. These answers can be supported with empirical evidence, and they advance the general conclusion that human beings have the potential to control their own destiny. This gives concrete reason to be hopeful about the future.

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Appendix B: A Symbol for the Spiritual Revolution

The symbol that the Invisible College has chosen to represent the Spiritual Revolutionary movement is simply a five-pointed star with the symbol “<” inside it. (This is how the ancient Romans wrote the letter that appears as “C” in English). The IC’s symbol for the Spiritual Revolutionary movement combines the Masonic “Great Star” and the “G” that appears so frequently inside various other Masonic symbols.

Various occult traditions assign a number of different meanings to the “
<,” which can be interpreted as the Roman “C” or “G,” or the Greek “Kappa” or “Gamma.” (The two letters have a common origin and several intermediate forms.)

The “<” can stand for the Masonic “G for God.” I’ve discussed how Masons in the lower Degrees have traditionally accepted a rather orthodox Judeo-Christian definition of “God,” whereas those in the highest degrees have a conception of deity that approaches the breakthrough.

By putting the letter that symbolizes the Invisible College inside the star, the extraterrestrials that gave the symbol to earthly occultists are affirming that they are just as human as Earth people are. Notice that a five-pointed star drawn with two of the points at the bottom suggests the general shape of the human body.

Other occult groups interpret the “<” as a “Gamma,” standing for the “Gnosis,” or “Great Secret.” Another interpretation is as a “Kappa” to begin the Greek adjective “kryptos,” meaning “secret.” The “<” can also be interpreted as a Roman C standing for Custodes, meaning Guardians, as in "Guardians of the Great Secret” or “Guardians of the Human Race,” depending on whether it refers to people who have made the breakthrough or to the Invisible College.

The five-pointed star has been used in the West throughout the Christian era to symbolize many different forms of organized opposition to Theocratic religion. It is still in use today by Witches and Pagan groups as well by many different occult groups.

The Invisible College has subconsciously manipulated all these diverse groups into using the same symbol to make it easier for people to discover that a single “unseen spiritual conspiracy” is behind all of them. Each group has a different surface interpretation of its meaning, but practically every group that uses the symbol opposes Theocratic religion in one way or another.

If you feel that the Spiritual Revolutionary Movement needs a symbol, the Invisible College suggests this is a good one to use. However, if you want tousle something of your own creation, or nothing at all, that’s fine too. It’s not crucial. The Spiritual Revolution is not a name, a symbol, a theory, a body of information, or a group of people. It is a state of mind: the breakthrough.


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Appendix C: Summary – A Revolutionary Cosmology

The human soul is composed of astral matter, which is different in subatomic composition from physical matter but still follows the same general set of natural laws. The soul is a complex biological entity just as the body is, and it is not immortal or imperishable. Like any living thing, it can grow, and repair its own tissues, but it can also be wounded or sicken and die. It also requires nourishment, which it obtains from the body while incarnated. The human body converts some of the chemical energy from the food it ingests into astral energy, which nourishes the soul.

After the physical body dies, the soul can survive temporarily in a disembodied state, living on energy it stored while incarnated. Disembodied souls (spirits) can also absorb astral energy radiated by living people who are in states of consciousness that activate their psychic powers – sexual orgasm, religious ecstasy, etc.; but this energy is not usually enough to nourish them adequately. Spirits can also drain astral energy directly from other spirits. Such spiritual vampirism and cannibalism is one of the principal causes of the War in Heaven.

The spirit world (astral plane) is not “the natural abode of the soul” as so much religious literature asserts, but is a harsh and hostile environment; many souls do not survive when they enter it after physical death. The astral plane is a condition, not a place. We can’t see spiritual beings because the astral matter of which they are made does not reflect or absorb ordinary light, but they are all around us, all the time, right here on the surface of the Earth.

Some disembodied spirits can use their psychic powers to communicate with each other and with living people. Since the telepathic faculty of an average Earth person is locked deep in the subconscious mind, psychic communications from spirits and from other people usually are recorded directly in the subconscious memory banks without the knowledge or approval of the conscious mind. Because of this, disembodied spirits and living psychics can practice a form of mind control that most people find very difficult to detect or resist.

After physical death, some human souls become ”Theocrats.” They refuse to reincarnate, but stay disembodied indefinitely. Theocrats maintain political power over other spirits by falsely claiming to be gods, sustaining themselves by feeding off the vital energies of others. The Theocrats use certain forms of organized religion to enslave the souls of believers after death, and they oppose all efforts by living people to build a truly advanced civilization on Earth.

The psychic powers of the Theocrats are not strong enough to allow them to paralyze the will of a living person and simply take over direct control of his or her conscious mind. Instead, they practice mind control by telepathically reprogramming the subconscious of anyone who is in the correct state of consciousness to be vulnerable. Until recently, the Theocrats most often practiced this mind control during religious rituals, but they now also practice it on people who are watching television or listening to recorded music. It is no accident that so many people have compared the hero worship of media stars with the religious worship of gods. The purpose of both is the same: to enslave people to the Theocrats.

The cruelest Theocratic deception of all is the religious promise of “eternal life in Heaven.” Everyone who enters "Heaven” after death is really entering a Theocratic band. A few of the souls who become entrapped in such bands will eventually become Theocrats themselves. The rest will be devoured. And the concept that human souls can become immortal only by remaining on the astral plane with the “gods” is a lie anyway. A soul can survive almost indefinitely simply by reincarnating for life after life on Earth, and it can grow in wisdom and psychic power during the process.

The War in Heaven is an effort by another group of spirits, called the “Invisible College” in this book, to break the control of the Theocrats over the human race and allow people to continue their natural spiritual and cultural evolution. The subconscious telepathic manipulations of the Invisible College are responsible for most of what is good in modern civilization.

Some of the spirits in the Invisible College have been sent here deliberately by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that possess sufficient psychic technology to teleport souls over interstellar distances. These extraterrestrial spirits are partly motivated by altruism, but they are also serving the interest of their own societies. The Theocrats are potentially dangerous to the inhabitants of other worlds because they are perverting the natural capacity of the human soul to form god-like composite entities.

The human race exists in two forms: individual and composite. The individual form consists of a soul incarnated in a body, and is a complete living creature that can perform all life functions, including reproduction. An individual disembodied human soul cannot reproduce on its own. Every soul was originally created by a human body, and the body cannot survive without a soul. If a disembodied soul does not incarnate into an infant, a new soul forms through a natural embryonic process.

However, the human soul also has the potential to fore a composite entity similar to the group soul that a colony of social insects possesses. Instead of attaching themselves to bodies, a large number of disembodied souls attach themselves together, creating a composite entity with the potential to develop a conscious intelligence separate from that of the individual souls contained in it. If this entity possesses only an animal mind and emotions, it is called an Elemental Spirit. If it develops full creative intelligence and becomes a moral, rational being, it is called a God. (However, it is important to realize that such a God has little in common with the Theocratic impostors who have been posing as gods on Earth throughout history.)

Both Elementals and Gods are complete living beings capable of reproduction, and they are not dependent on the human body to supply them with nourishment, because they can directly absorb the astral energy radiated into space by certain kinds of stars. However, they cannot do this while they are on or near the surface of a planet, but only while traveling through deep space.

When planet-bound, both Elementals and Gods can obtain the energy needed for life and growth only from psychic emanations of living people or by absorbing other disembodied spirits. In their embryonic stages, the Gods are just as parasitic on the living human race as the Theocrats are; of course, a human embryo is a parasite on its mother, too.

The natural course of human evolution on a planet is a grim and animalistic one, dictated by iron laws of ecology. It is natural for human civilizations to develop under the complete control of Theocratic spirits, and to make slow but steady technological progress that eventually allows the living population to increase into the billions. Such a society allows little opportunity for individual freedom or personal psychic development, and most souls that survive for more than a few incarnations do so only by becoming Theocrats.

Eventually, human overpopulation begins to destroy the planet’s biosphere, and deaths begin to exceed births by hundreds of millions every year. Theocratic bands on the astral plane became larger and larger, and some of them develop minds of their own and turn into Elemental spirits. The Elementals devour most of the Theocrats who are running the civilization, which then collapses, causing the living population to drop even further. At this point, the Elementals depart into space and the whole cycle begins again, unless the planet has been too badly damaged to support human life any more.

These Elementals are extremely dangerous to people on other worlds. They have the minds and emotions of predatory animals. Whenever they approach an inhabited planet, they remember devouring human souls as infants and attack this concentrated supply of food. An advanced human civilization with a high level of psychic technology can survive such an attack, but only by fighting a desperate war and suffering heavy casualties. This is why the extraterrestrial spirits are now on Earth: to interfere with this process both for our sake and for their own.

If they succeed in winning this War in Heaven, new Gods will be formed instead of destructive Elementals when Earth’s population reaches the die-off point; and with luck, a new advanced civilization of individual human beings will also be born.
There is very little that ordinary Earth people can do to assist the extraterrestrial spirits in their direct psychic battles with the Theocrats and the Elementals that the latter control. The Invisible College recruits a few advanced magicians to fight in this phase of the War in Heaven, but anyone with enough spiritual knowledge and psychic training to qualify already knew everything in this book before reading it. Most attempts to recruit Earth people to fight in the War in Heaven using operational magic are Theocratic deceptions.

What then does the Invisible College want people to do to assist in winning the War in Heaven? The most important thing you can do if you agree with the basic thesis of this book is to ensure your own survival after death, by avoiding all forms of Theocratic mind control and by developing as much conscious control over your psychic powers as you can. Stay away from religious and occult groups that practice religious mind control, and don’t become addicted to popular music or the electronic media; but do work with occult or New Age groups that teach people how to take charge of their own spiritual destiny.

War In Heaven contains many negative, frightening ideas, but it is essentially a positive book. It is very probable that the Invisible College will win over the Theocrats, and that most of the human race will survive to enter a New Age. The only people who won’t survive will be those who die and are swallowed up in Theocratic bands before this happens. The goal of the Spiritual Revolutionary movement is to allow as many people as possible to avoid this fate by spreading the message in this book and helping them to make a breakthrough in consciousness about the nature of spiritual reality.

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