by Michele Bugliaro Goggia
last modified: May 8, 2006 0:06 AM
UFOPsi Website
Flying devices are commonplace in many religions, and Hinduism is no
exception. According to ancient Sanskrit texts found a few years ago
by Westerners in a South Indian temple, Vimanas were open topped
flying devices, restricted to the Earth's atmosphere.
The origin of the word "vimana" can be
found in Sanskrit, even though the Cologne Digital Sanskrit
Lexicon doesn't list it:
vimaanam.h: an aircraft, plane
In its original meaning, vimana
refers to flying machines, though, of course, not directly to
flying saucers. According to Sanskrit literature professor Prof.
Dileep Kumar Kanjilal, Ph.D. of the West Bengal Senior
Educational Service:
"In addition to the
Vaimanika Shashtra, the Samarangana Sutradhara
and the Yuktikalpataru of Bhoja, there are about 150
verses of the Rig Veda, Yajurveda and the Atharvaveda, a lot of
literary passages belonging to the Ramayana, the Mahabharata,
the Puranas, the Bhagavata and the Raghuvamsa and some
references of the darma Abhijnanasakuntalam of Kalidasa,
the Abimaraka of Bhasa, the Jatalas. the Avadhana Literature and
of the Kathasaritsagara and a number of literary works contained
either references to graphic aerial flight or to the
mechanism of the aerial vehicles used in old ages in India."
Reference to flying vehicles
occurred in the Mahabharata in about 41 places of which the
air attack of Salva on Krisna's capital Dwaraka deserve special
The first researcher to spot such unusual flying machines was
Lord Desmond Leslie, the friend of contactee George Adamski,
in the early 1950's. Leslie not being a true expert of Sanskrit, his
work has been criticized. Dr. Roberto Pinotti, an Italian
scientist and ufologist, on October 12, 1988 was a speaker in the
World Space Conference in Bangalore, India.
He referred to several Hindu texts and
pointed out that Indian gods and heroes fought in the skies using
piloted vehicles armed with weapons. These weapons consisted of
seven different types of mirrors and lenses, which were used for
offensive and defensive purposes. The "Pinjula Mirror" offered a
form of visual shield, preventing the pilots from "evil rays", and
the weapon named "Marika" was used to shoot enemy aircraft.
Dr. Pinotti declared that these weapons "do not seem to be
too different from what we today call laser technology." The
vehicles themselves were made of special heat absorbing metals,
called "Somaka, Sound alike and Mourthwika".
According to Pinotti, the,
"principles of propulsion as far as
the descriptions were concerned, might be defined as electrical
and chemical, but solar energy was involved as well."
Richard L. Thompson, born in
Binghampton, New York, in 1947, received in 1974 his Ph. D. in
mathematics from Cornell University, where he specialized in
probability theory and statistical mechanics.
In his book "Alien
Identities", he writes:
"In the Vedic literature of India,
there are many descriptions of flying machines that are
generally called vimanas. These fall into two categories:
(1) manmade craft that
resemble airplanes and fly with the aid of birdlike
(2) unstreamlined structures
that fly in a mysterious manner and are generally not
made by human beings
The machines in category (1) are
described mainly in medieval, secular Sanskrit works dealing
with architecture, automata, military siege engines, and other
mechanical contrivances. Those in category (2) are described in
ancient works such as the Rg Veda, the Mahabharata,
the Ramayana, and the Puranas, and they have many
features reminiscent of UFOs."
Composition and
What were vimanas made of?
Some information sound bizarre.
Some were made of wood or metal, the first ones of wood and covered
with a substance that gave them great resistance, lightness and
strength. When metal was used, it was an alloy of two white and one
red metal (probably copper, magnesium and aluminium). A sheet of
this alloy was put on the surface of the vimana and soldered
electrically. There was no joint. The vimana was shiny and lightful
during the night!
About the propulsion system, something called "vril" was
employed: through the personal vibrations, the object could
levitate. Lately, a system of tubes along the sides of vimana could
bring the energy towards the eight terminal tubes on the lower side,
or on the eight ones on the upper side, to produce a thrust.
Practically, there were sixteen reactors. Maybe kerosene was used as
fuel. Another propulsion system was based on mercury: a ionic motor.
Russians have discovered, in some Turkistan caves (Gobi desert),
some semi-spheres made of glass and porcelain containing some drops
of mercury. It does look like in ancient India somebody possessed
advanced technology, in part recognizable with our rocket propulsion
or with reaction propulsion.
The owners of vimanas were definitely in possess of a
scientific culture the rest of the Indian civilization did not
possess. They ruled different areas, bringing culture but declaring
war to each other as well.
Dr. Pinotti concluded that the fact that Vimanas were
written about hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of years ago, plus
that they resembled modern UFOs would suggest that India had a,
"...superior but forgotten
civilization. In the light of this, we think it will be better
to examine the Hindu texts and subject the descriptive models of
Vimanas to more scientific scrutiny."
During the 1920's and 1930's a civilization, contemporary of the
Egyptians and Mesopotamians, was found in the Indo valley (today
know as Pakistan). This can be considered the largest pre-classic
empire of the world. The Indus Valley Civilization (3300–1700
BCE) was an ancient civilization thriving along the Indus River and
the Ghaggar-Hakra River in what is now Pakistan and Northern India.
Among other names for this civilization is the Harappan
Civilization, in reference to its first excavated city of
Sir Mortimer Wheeler (1890-1976), in 1944, became
director-general of archaeology in India, exploring in detail the
remains of the Indus Valley Civilization. He was searching for the
two most important metropolis: Harappa and
Mohenjodaro, the land of death.
Harappa and Mohenjodaro probably were twin capitals of the
Harappan empire. A sophisticated and technologically advanced
urban culture is evident in Mohenjodaro. The quality of municipal
town planning suggests knowledge of urban planning and efficient
municipal governments which placed a high priority on hygiene. The
streets of major cities such as Mohenjo-daro or Harappa were laid
out in perfect grid patterns. The houses were protected from noise,
odors, and thieves.
As seen in Harappa, Mohenjodaro and the recently
discovered Rakhigarhi, this urban plan included the world's
first urban sanitation systems. Within the city, individual homes or
groups of homes obtained water from wells. From a room that appears
to have been set aside for bathing, waste water was directed to
covered drains, which lined the major streets. Houses opened only to
inner courtyards and smaller lanes.
The same civilization dramatically ended.
The Indo-Aryan war god Indra
"stands accused" of the destruction. It is however far from certain
whether the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization is a result of
an Indo-Aryan migration, if there was one. It seems rather likely
that, to the contrary, the hypnotized Indo-Aryan migration was as a
result of the collapse. A third possibility is that Indus Valley
Civilization collapsed primarily due to natural reasons (climate
change, tectonic activity along the subduction zone along the
Indo-Asian plate boundary), and that there was no Indo-Aryan
invasion that took place.
Davenport - thermonuclear explosion
For David Davenport, an English of Indian origins, expert of
a thermonuclear explosion isn't a
far hypothesis at all. The description of the immense power of such
a weapon were contained in the Mahabharata, section
Drona Parva, describing a weapon
called "Agneya": it was like a shiny rocket whose heat burned the
world like a fever. Then, cold winds, cardinal points became clear
and lightful. Looking at the burned walls, the second possibility
seems the right one. In fact, Indra lead a cruel invasion.
In the Rigveda, it's written:
"devast the strong ones
like time tears the clothes."
Everybody was slaughtered in loco. The
final touch was a sudden holocaust of fire. Davenport came
back from Pakistan with some sample remains from the city. The CNR
lead a serious analysis that amazed the researchers: the objects
brought by him appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as
1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling. Let's say that no natural
phenomena can do the same.
For Davenport, the destruction described
in the Ramayana of the Danda Kingdom were nothing but the end
of Mohenjodaro, also identified as Lanka, meaning
"isle", which Mohenjodaro was built on.