Palyne "PJ" Gaenir
Original Dated May 1, 1986
Posted Publicly July 5, 1998
FireDocs Website
Used As A Manual For TRV Training
Used As A Reference Manual For CRV Training An Historical Document
Contents Of This Section Of The Firedocs Web Site:
Notes from PJ Gaenir on the posting of the CRV manual.
The copyright/credit page which is part of the original manual.
Notes from Ingo Swann regarding the copyright et al.
An introduction to the CRV Manual by Paul H. Smith [Major, ret.].
This is the ORIGINAL
manual as published by me on the internet in July 1998,
with an introduction by its primary author Major Paul
Smith (Ret.) and a note up front including a request
from the originator of the methods Ingo Swann.
Although this has been
endlessly copied (and sometimes revised) everywhere else
on the internet (most without attribution or link
alas!), firedocs.com is its original home, and I have
compared this to copies from a variety of sources (some
more official than others), so I vouch for this version.
If you are looking for more information about Remote
Viewing, feel welcome to visit any of the following
PJ Gaenir's Firedocs
Remote Viewing Collection (free info, transcripts,
articles, FAQ, tools and more)
TKR Remote Viewing &
Dowsing Message Board Complex (links to
trainers-groups-orgs-projects-books, and talk about
everything remotely RV/psi-related)
TKR Remote Viewing &
Dowsing Galleries (hands-on viewing; tasks, comments
area, demos, free tools for private session display,
solo or group work, private or public work, etc.)
TKR Remote Viewing &
Dowsing Email Discussion List (RV discussion for
those who want email instead of a message board
and no links list is complete without referencing my
favorites sources of RV information:
Cognitive Sciences
Laboratory (majority of the STARGATE research done
(Dr. Edwin C. May, Director)
McMoneagle's Remote
Viewing (Joe's books, media schedule, news and other
(Viewer Joseph McMoneagle)
Superpowers of the
Human Biomind (Ingo's books, art, and writings on
history, psi and more)
http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com (Viewer
Ingo Swann)
While I no longer
personally use the CRV methodology (I use my own blend),
for those interested, detailed instruction in Controlled
Remote Viewing is available from:
Paul H. Smith at RVIS
or Lyn Buchanan at PSI
http://www.crviewer.com. |
Notes from PJ Gaenir on the
posting of the CRV manual
The copyright/credit page which is
part of the original manual
Notes from Ingo Swann regarding
the copyright et al.
An introduction to the CRV Manual
by Paul H. Smith
[Major, ret.]
The CRV Manual
Notes from PJ about
the CRV Manual
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
Before anything else, I want to say: This manual does not, and
cannot, replace personal instruction in the psychic methodology of
Controlled Remote Viewing. There is context and unique-to-you
situations that could never be addressed in any mass-marketed form.
Those interested in obtaining CRV training from a legitimate
instructor (former members of the US Gov't RV project who were
Viewers and instructors in that project) may contact Paul H. Smith
RVIS (Texas USA), or Lyn Buchanan at
P>S>I (New Mexico USA) for
more information.
Where I got this manual
I have six copies of this document on my desk. One has a simple
typed cover and a copyright page. One has a "Psi-Tech" cover and a
copyright page. Another two have Psi-Tech covers and no copyright
page. And the other three have a large "CRV" cover with no copyright
page. [Later note: OK, that's seven. Whoops!]
These were sent me by an assortment of
people; another dozen people offered me copies, which I didn't need.
I have refused to name my sources of the manual, mostly because I
feel it is irrelevant, and also because it would only be used as
leverage for those who don't believe it should be public to hassle
those who provided it. The original version from the military unit
is the simple typed cover with the copyright page included. Whether
there were previous or alternate versions within that unit, I don't
The legitimacy of this manual
I am certain this is the manual written in and used in the former
Army intelligence unit which utilized remote viewing. Individuals
from the unit familiar with it have confirmed this either by
comparing contents (page numbers/topics) with their own versions, or
by glancing at it and telling me it was indeed the same document.
Its accuracy concerning CRV, concerning Swann's own interpretation
of CRV, its usefulness as a training document, and other issues are
beyond my knowledge or comment.
The accuracy of this version of the
I typed this manual in from scratch, despite that a few people had
scanned copies. I wanted to be sure I learned everything in it that
I might not already be aware of, and I better remember what I type.
It is possible there may be typos in here somewhere.
Spelling, word
and hyphenation choices, were not of my doing; I copied this as
faithfully as I could, and went to great effort even to format it as
exactly matching the original as possible. If you find errors,
please send me email and tell me so I can fix them. See also
'Changes in or notes about the online version of this manual,'
The current state of or use of this
Paul Smith (Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc. [RVIS]) uses
this document as a reference manual; his training manual is a
gradually built notebook made up of the student's notes, essays and
sessions (which is to say, RVIS doesn't really have its own training
Ed Dames (Psi-Tech Corp.) has been using this document as a training
manual for CRV since 1989 and for his "TRV" since the term first
appeared in mid-1996.
Caveat: I am aware that Mr. Dames now teaches "TRV," not CRV. TRV
being, in his own words, "Not CRV" and "unlike anything else," is
said to have "existed for 13 years" and "begins where CRV left off"
and many other comments to that effect.
TRV is Mr. Dames's much-publicized
"invention." It has been very publicly claimed to be unique and
superior to CRV, and even a great deal of insult has been heaped on
instructors and students of CRV as having "inferior" methods. So, I
realize that inferring Mr. Dames is really teaching CRV might cause
some offense.
I cannot explain the circumstance, nor
can I explain why TRV as publicly released via videotape is very
close to exactly like CRV, excepting some simplifications apparently
added to facilitate teaching via video. This is really not my
affair. I can only tell you that this CRV manual has been used as a
basis of "TRV" instruction until the present time.
Lyn Buchanan (Problems>Solutions>Innovations [P>S>I]) has developed
his own CRV manual based on these methods and doesn't use this
particular manual in his training, though he may use it for
reference on occasion.
I don't know of any other instructors who use this. However, since
all Psi-Tech students for some time have gotten a copy of it, as
well as various members of the public some years ago, it is entirely
possible that many "new schools of RV" are using it to one degree or
Changes in or notes about the online version of this manual:
(1) I included the page numbers in
the table of contents, but they do not apply in this HTML
(2) There is a glossary at the end of this document. The
glossary contains a summary of the word definitions provided in
each of the sections of the manual. For some reason not every
word definition in the manual was included in the glossary.
For ease of reference, I included EVERY
word definition, as provided in the manual, as part of the glossary.
So, that section is a bit more extensive than the original.
The six good reasons why I decided to post this manual:
The claims by others to have
invented something which, in fact,
Ingo Swann invented. Not
only did he not get credit for what is rightfully his, but
his own methods were taken and renamed, with some loss of
quality, and then sold to an unsuspecting public. Even
history was revised to make this possible.
This struck me as quite unfair,
both to Mr. Swann and to those interested in Remote Viewing.
I thought if the original manual were available, it would be
immediately obvious that certain people claiming to have
invented these methods are, in fact, not telling the truth.
The claims by others to be using
and/or teaching the CRV methods -- or a newly named
derivation of them -- when in fact the later methods
presented range from "not doing justice to the original" to
"deeply offensive to the original form." Most seriously
overcharged the general public, who really had no way of
knowing the quality (or lack thereof) of what they were
I thought if the original manual
were available, it would be immediately obvious just what
has been changed, and how, and then students working on any
method of RV can decide if those changes helped, harmed, or
didn't matter.
The strongest of all of my
reasons is the continuing and truly frightening cultism
associated with the remote viewing field. The nature of the
methods being a secret has been the primary sponsor and
excuse for this to continue. The "doctrinization" of the
methods has created a belief system about them being a rigid
Groups and schools have, for an
inordinate amount of money usually, recruited members of the
public impressed by the military history of CRV, and put
them in an environment which amounts to little more than
cult indoctrination and has nothing whatsoever to do with
any aspect of CRV which inspired the public's potential
I have spent quite a bit of
personal time via email, telephone and in person, counseling
individuals who had personal problems as a result of these
various cults or simply bad training -- some from the
paranoid nature of the groups, some from psyche problems
caused during a creative form of 'training' better seen as
hypnotic induction to bizarre belief systems, and some
simply dealing with issues that badly affected their RV
abilities by putting their psychology in various cognitive
dissonance situations.
It is more than unfair, and more
than just unethical; it ought to be illegal. The only way I
have to combat this dangerous seduction of the public in the
name of RV is to make the supposed secrets available to the
public, who should no longer have to risk their money or
their sanity simply to find out what RV methods really are.
To allow certain facets of
remote viewing history, development and methodology
understanding to become more clear, not only to RV students
but to the general public. Persons familiar with the
developments in scientific parapsychology, for instance,
will recognize that a good deal of the CRV methodology is
based on the work of French researcher Rene Warcollier from
the mid-1900's; it was certainly not "invented" in the
1980's. (The CRV methods are better referred to as
Some may also recognize that
many of CRV's most valuable components, such as the
communication issues, are also fairly well known to
parapsychologists and well educated psychics worldwide;
again, most of these things were not invented in the 1980's.
Ingo Swann, being insightful and
accomplished in this field, recognized the value of many
different sources and combined them in his methods; this
combination of sources is one of the strengths of his
methods. Not everybody is aware of this though, and others
who deserve credit are often overlooked in the assumption
that Swann invented it all.
There are two main results of this understanding: the first
being to un-guru-ize Mr. Swann, who is a brilliant and
dedicated psychic, author and researcher who never asked to
be made into a stone icon by the world at large for this;
there are a long list of reasons to respect him without
projecting things he is not responsible for upon him.
Also, hopefully, to un-guru-ize
other persons who may be teaching these methods, which
should help with reason #3 above. The second result is the
realization that, since many of the most useful aspects of
CRV are known to others and have in fact been known for
longer periods than CRV itself has existed, then these
methods, albeit very useful, cannot claim sole expertise or
sole competence when it comes to successful psi work.
The supposed superiority of
anybody trained in RV methods, vs. "natural psychics," is a
marketing and ego myth and nothing more.
I feel that remote
viewing - particularly what it can be used for, with what
success, and the value of methods training - has been grossly
misrepresented in the media. Remote Viewing itself has very
pronounced limitations.
To the public who knows nothing
of the "technology," it sounds cosmic, and one is forced to
pay large sums of money to learn the secret methods just to
figure out what is actually involved - almost invariably
with no evidence whatsoever of the value of the methods
prior to paying for them. (In fact, the main advertisements
for RV are the notable accomplishment of a current remote
viewer [Joseph W. McMoneagle] who does not even USE these
I think after reading this
manual people will realize that CRV / TRV / all the other
RVs are, first and foremost, just somebody's way of going
about being psychic. No method has even half the inferred
accuracy, sureness, or cosmic clarity that various RV
methods have been advertised as having. I happen to have
respect for CRV, but I realize it is just one path of many.
As a side note, this manual will also make clear the
humorous ostentatiousness of the presentation of these
methods: "facilitate a movement exercise" means, in effect,
someone told you to look some distance to the left. "Iterate
the coordinates and acquire the signal line while remaining
in structure" translates to something like, 'monitor says
the target #, viewer tunes in and writes down his
impressions on the right side of the paper.'
It really is comical once you
understand CRV, to hear certain individuals in the media
talking about RV methodologies, making them sound so
incredibly complicated and high-tech; it is a sales pitch,
used to obscure, not clarify. Personally I think remote
viewing can only benefit from taking this sort of mystery
out of the methods.
The last - but a very
small - reason I'm putting this manual online has to do with
my own personal involvement with CRV methodologies and
remote viewing. I have invested a good 60++ hours per week
into RV-related work for nearly three years, mostly email
communication with the public, most to support CRV and
support its instructors.
I have maintained the privacy of
the methods, giving only "tips and tidbits." I have avoided
training others because I made the commitment not to. Over
the course of these years I have directed well over half a
million$ in training monies to CRV instructors, directly or
indirectly via my online enterprises of various kinds, as
well as providing them support in other ways.
So at this point, I feel I have
"paid my dues." Guilt at taking potential students away from
qualified CRV instructors isn't bothering me. I believe
serious students will recognize the need for personal
training. Everybody else, or those without the funds,
probably wouldn't have bought it anyway.
As a second part to the personal section, I feel I have
spent nearly three years "defending" remote viewing from
charlatans, cynics, and dis/mis-information both organized
and chaotic. As I am 'retiring' I am not going to be around
to defend RV anymore; to provide an alternative to some of
the bizarre media hype, to provide references to real
viewers and scientists, etc.; so in a small way, this manual
is my effort to help stop the BS that is choking the remote
viewing field once and for all.
Hopefully it can accomplish what
I could not: getting down to earth facts to the public,
without money, without cults, without nonsense.
Considering the first five reasons above, I no longer feel a
sense of moral reluctance to publish the CRV manual. For the
good of the world, the public, and remote viewing itself,
these methods need to be put into the public domain. (I will
not, however, publish the other manuals or items used by CRV
instructors without their express permission.)
Since I am retiring from "online
RV" at this time (4 July 1998) to free up time to pursue my
own RV work, I felt posting this manual would be the one
last gift I could provide to the public. It may not help in
the sense of methods training, but it ought to help in the
sense of dealing with the five reasons listed above, and
they are very good reasons for making it available.
It's long overdue.
My own view on the manual
Though I support CRV, I do not necessarily agree with all aspects of CRV, particularly the manner some are presented in this manual (this
most clear in the issues related to monitoring). In my view, there
is a certain lack of context, and a perspective that demonstrates
its writing by a student rather than an experienced instructor.
The manual may accurately represent what
the authors were taught, but I am not sure it is the same thing that
the instructor would have written, and over time my own perspective
on "the approach" within the methods has shifted. I have learned
various degrees of various people's versions of various RV
methodologies, and like everybody who has given psi any real
thought, have come to my own conclusions. What works for me is what
I use, and CRV is a part of that, but certainly not the sole or
final answer.
I initially had put footnotes in this manual, to help clarify
things. But eventually I realized that in some cases I simply had to
disagree with some statement, or something else that in some way
seemed to detract from it. Then I decided, if I have something to
say, I have my own forums for doing so; there is no reason to invade
the sanctity of a historical document with my opinions.
And if the manual, sans the footnotes,
is totally opaque to most non-methods people and leaves them more
confused than when they began -- well, that's just the way it goes.
Take it up with the guy who wrote it!
Copyright issues
The copyright of this document is attributed to Ingo Swann. Ingo
however denies any credit for, participation in, or responsibility
toward the document or its copyright. I called him and asked if I
could post it. He said it wasn't his and he didn't care. It was
written by Paul H. Smith. Paul however wrote it as a work for hire
while employed by the DOD/DIA.
The DIA did not classify the document,
which in legal terms puts it in the public domain (the gov't cannot
copyright, they can only classify; unclassified materials are public
record; nobody else can then claim ownership of what began a gov't
document). SRI-I might lay claim to it, as they funded Swann to
develop the proprietary methods in it.
But at this point, copies of the
document have been disseminated publicly since 1989, which not only
would invalidate any SRI/DIA copyright claim (since they have never
prosecuted for copyright thus far), but in that case, they'd have to
start with the main distributor, which would be Psi-Tech Corp.
According to Smith, since the document
was a DIA document but not classified, it has been public record
(despite that the public hasn't before had open access to it) since
it was written. It was written and dated 1986.
So, as far as I'm concerned, it is mine to publish if I please.
I realize that this copy will immediately be stolen off the WWW by
others, stripped of all relevant notes, and published elsewhere.
That is unfortunate, but there is nothing I can do about that. I
considered putting it in a locked .pdf file, but felt that might
limit public access to it.
I have always made a point to make my
projects available to the public without charge and as accessible as
possible... I didn't want this to be an exception. Thanks.
Palyne "PJ" Gaenir
Firedocs Remote Viewing Collection
Back to Contents
The copyright/credit
page which is part of the original manual
The following document has been prepared to serve as a
comprehensive explanation of the theory and mechanics of
coordinate remote viewing (CRV) as developed by
SRI-International, Menlo Park, California. It is intended for
individuals who have no in-depth understanding of psychoenergetic technology and as a guide for future training
programs. Particular attention should be paid to the glossary at
the end of the document and to the terms as defined in the text,
as they are the only acceptable definitions to be used when
addressing the methodology presented. It is suggested that the
document be read several times to enhance understanding.
Back to Contents
Notes from Ingo Swann
regarding the copyright et al.
I asked Ingo Swann for copyright
permission to post this document. -- PJ
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
To which Ingo replied:
I did not write it.
PJ: But the copyright is credited to you.
I can't help that.
PJ: Paul Smith says he's the main author, but the methods are
I have seen it, I don't remember exactly what's in it. It's been
re-edited a few times by various people to suit their needs. I
believe it was a group-written document... [it wasn't written by
just one person].
PJ: I don't have any way to know if the info in the manual is
{pause...} I wasn't asked to participate in [the writing of] it.
I found out it existed sometime after.
PJ: Your methods have become a very big deal, high priced, even
cults have grown up around them or versions of them.
Just because I once played a role in the research, does not mean
this role can be extended to cover everything that has happened
in the field since then.
PJ: I could take the copyright cover off if you think it's
If you do that people will say you're editing it.
PJ: You don't mind if I put it on the web?
I don't care. You can say -- please say this first, then I don't
care what is said after that -- I did not write it. I have
never, ever written a document like that.
That's what Ingo said about it, in a
phone call Sunday, 24 May 1998, 4:15pm Eastern Time.
I sent this to him and told him if I'd misheard or misunderstood
anything to let me know and I'd change it. That was over a week ago
and I haven't heard from him, so I'm assuming it's fine.
-- PJ
04 July 98
Back to Contents
An introduction to
the CRV Manual by Paul H. Smith [Major, ret.]
I asked Paul H. Smith, the main author,
to write an introduction for this document. -- PJ
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
Introduction by Paul H. Smith [Major, ret.]
For a number of what I consider to be very good reasons, I
strenuously resisted making the DIA CRV manual public. Since
some of my former colleagues had fewer reservations about its
dissemination, it now appears inevitable that the manual will
become widely available, beginning with its posting here on this
webpage. The best I can do now, it would seem, is to at least
provide its context so people will better know how to take it.
In 1983-1984, six personnel from the military remote viewing
unit at Ft. Meade participated in training contracted from
SRI-International. This was the recently-developed coordinate
remote viewing training, and the primary developer and trainer
was the legendary Ingo Swann.
One of the first trainees, Rob
Cowart, was diagnosed with cancer, and was medically retired
from active duty, terminating his training after only a few
months. (Sadly Rob, who had been in remission for many years,
died a year or so ago from the disease.) The second, Tom "Nance"
(his pseudonym in Jim Schnabel’s book,
Remote Viewers) completed
all training through Stage VI as the proof-of-principle "guinea
pig." His results were not just impressive. Some could even be
considered spectacular.
Beginning in January of 1984, the remaining four of us began
training with Ingo in California and New York. This contract
lasted for a full year. Ed Dames, "Liam," Charlene, and myself
continued through until December (though Ed dropped out just
before completion due to the birth of a son). We completed
through Stage III training with Ingo. Towards the end of 1984
our patron and commander, Major General
Burt Stubblebine was
forced to retire and the RV program was threatened with
termination. Consequently, no further contracts were let for
During the course of 1985, our future was very uncertain.
However, the branch chief, together with Fred "Skip" Atwater
(the training and operations officer), were hopeful that the
unit would find a sponsor (which indeed happened) and decided to
continue our training through Stage VI, with the help of Nance’s
experience and considerable documentation and theoretical
understanding that Atwater and others had managed to accrue.
At the conclusion of our training, and with a number of
successful operational and training projects under out belts to
show that CRV really did work, the further decision was made to
try and capture in as pure a form as possible the Ingo
The reasoning was that we might
never get any more out-of-house training approved, yet we needed
to be able to perpetuate the methodology even after the folks
with the "institutional memory" eventually left the unit. I had
developed the reputation of being the "word man" in the unit,
plus Skip and the branch chief seemed to think I had a firm
understanding and grasp of the theory and methodology, so I was
asked to write a manual capturing as much of the CRV methodology
as possible, with the assistance of the others who had been
We pooled our notes, and I wrote each section, then ran it by
the others for their suggestions and comments. Corrections and
suggestions were evaluated and added if it could be established
that they matched true "Ingo theory." Skip and Tom both reviewed
the manuscript and provided their input as well. When the thing
was finally done, a copy was forwarded to Ingo, who deemed it a
"comprehensive and accurate document."
Finally, Skip provided a three-page
introductory section which it now turns out was apparently
originally drafted by Joe McMoneagle. The finished version was
printed at the DIA press in May 1986. It was a specialty run,
and was never given an official DIA document number. I don’t
believe any more than thirty or so were printed.
Things to keep in mind about the CRV manual: It wasn't intended
as a training manual per se, and certainly not as a stand alone
training manual. It’s primary purpose was to capture and
preserve for posterity Ingo’s methodology.
The very first page declares that it
was "prepared to serve as a comprehensive explanation of the
theory and mechanics" of CRV, and as a "guide for future
training programs." We certainly didn't develop it as a "how
to." Since we always assumed any further training to be done
would either involve Ingo or someone who had already been
trained, the manual did not incorporate lessons-learned, nor the
practical implementation of CRV in an operational setting, nor
even to explain how one taught people to do CRV, nor why CRV
included certain points of theory and process in its
methodological base.
There are of course lots of things
to be said about all these points, and we had ambitions at one
time of writing a practical hands-on RV training manual.
Unfortunately, events conspired against us and it never
In the hands of someone who understands CRV and already knows
what is going on, the manual can be extremely useful in teaching
others to remote view. We used it in the theory and lecture part
of the CRV training of everyone who became a CRVer at the Ft.
Meade unit (the one exception was Lyn Buchanan, whom we taught CRV before the manual became reality).
I have used it exclusively in my
commercial training activities (augmented, of course, by my own
experience in training and operations), and I think most, if not
all of my students would confirm the efficacy of this approach.
It represents CRV in its purest form, and any departures from
the principles it contains should be examined at long and hard
before they are accepted.
There are already a number of
alleged "product improvements" based upon the CRV manual that
not only are not improvements, but if they aren’t just changing
"happy" to "glad" or adding superfluous embellishments, may even
be outright eviscerations of CRV’s principles and effective
methodologies. In considering these "new versions" of CRV
methodology, it is definitely a case of caveat emptor.
I see as a positive benefit of posting the manual that some of
the chicanery and foolishness may finally be unveiled that has
been able to persist around derivatives of CRV because the
"bottom line" hasn’t until now been available. There are of
course those who will offer as their excuse that this manual
represents obsolete technology. My response is that none of its
derivatives have thus far demonstrated anything better--or in
most cases even as good--under similar constraints.
Paul H. Smith
Austin, TX
3 July 1998
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