Star Gate Program

by Doc Hambone

from MinControlForums Website


Codename for the operational unit of the DIAs remote viewing program from approximately 1991 (redesignated from Sun Streak) until its termination in 1995. I have seen this codename been used casually by journalists to describe the entire remote-viewing program.

I have heard that at this time, the unit was no longer housed at Ft. Meade, but I don’t know when they left or where they went.

Star Gate began around 1991, and had only four viewers: Lyn Buchanan, Robin Dahlgren, Angela Dellafiora, and a DIA civilian. No attempts were made to recruit new personnel. The branch chief of Star Gate was Dale Graff. When Graff resigned in the summer of 1993, he was replaced by a DIA HUMINT (human intelligence) specialist.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 380-1)

In 1994, there was an attempt to move Star Gate to the CIA’s Office of Research and Development. The CIA was reluctant to take the unit, but agreed under the condition of an outside evaluation, which was carried out by AIR. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 386)

AIR gave an unfavorable report of the program, and the CIA set about shutting it down in 1995. Since then, there have been rumors that the project went deep black, or that the intelligence community still funds some low-level psi research.

According to viewer Paul Smith, during Star Gate, the unit changed from a "SAP (’Special Access Program’) to a LIMDIS (’limited dissemination’) program".



After Army support and funding of the Ft. Meade operational remote viewing unit ran out in late 1985, Jack Vorona transferred control directly to the DIA’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate. The unit was known as DT-S (DT for Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate, S for Special) and was given the codename Sun Streak.

Under branch chief Fern Gauvin’s command, the unit reportedly began to shift towards more occultic methods, including channelling and tarot cards.

(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997)

"In 1986, the Army passed the highly controversial unit to DIA. SUN STREAK (ferreted away in DIA’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate as DT-S), was a bastard element. This is because DIA is an analytical agency--it has no charter to collect intelligence!" Ed Dames claims to have continued to collect and pass on information under the nose of the DIAs civilian administrator, Dale Graff.

"By 1989, Dale Graff had replaced all of the trained military professionals with psychics virtually taken "off the street," thus rendering the project ineffective for intelligence collection purposes--but highly entertaining for certain civilian officials who came to visit DIA’s ’witches’ to obtain personal psychic ’readings.’"
(Dames, Ed, "Ed Dames Sets the Record Straight")

In 1988, a Pentagon Inspector General team evaluated the Sun Streak operational unit. The viewers were ordered to avoid the team, and many documents were shredded behind the inspector’s backs (in the documentary "Psi-Files: The Real X-Files", Ed Dames claimed that three shredders had their motors burnt out in the process).
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 369)

By 1991, the unit had only four viewers:

  • Lyn Buchanan

  • Robin Dahlgren

  • Angela Dellafiora

  • a DIA civilian

Around this time, the unit was redesignated Star Gate (above report). Also around this time period, the unit left Ft. Meade. I don’t know the date of the move, or where it was moved to.
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 380)

Individuals associated with Sun Streak include:

  • Bill Ray: branch chief, 1985-1988

  • Bill Xenakis: branch chief, 1987-8

  • Skip Atwater: operations officer, 1978-87

  • Ed Dames: assistant operations officer

  • Fern Gauvin: assistant operations officer, 1985?-1987. Operations officer, 1987. Branch chief, 1988-1991?

  • Gene Kincaid: assistant operations officer

  • Lyn Buchanan: viewer, monitor, 1984-92

  • Angela Dellafiora: viewer, channeller: 1986-95?

  • David Morehouse: viewer, 1988-1990

  • Mel Riley: viewer, 1986-90

  • Paul Smith: viewer, 1983-90

  • Robin Dahlgren: viewer, channeller, 1988-95?

  • Paul Tyler: Navy Captain, head of Sun Streak’s medical oversight board, UFO enthusiast