5.- How Remote Viewing And Remote Influencing Are Taught
We have seen the amount of time and money which the Soviets and the
Americans have invested regarding the techniques of remote viewing
and remote influencing. How are these techniques actually taught to
This section of the book provides a complete guide to learning
remote viewing. It gives a much fuller account than any previously
published of the actual methods used by the superpowers, covering
more ground than any other available courses. US courses, which cost
between $3000 and $7000, tend to concentrate on the simpler and less
efficient co-ordinate remote viewing (CRV). This book teaches
simple, scientific CRV, but goes further, including for the first
time my versions of Russian super-advanced extended remote-viewing (ERV)
techniques. To my knowledge, these are the most advanced
remote-viewing instructions on the market.
CRV was developed by the Stanford Research Institute and taught to
the US military remote viewers. It is carried out from normal
consciousness, the beta state. Now it is recognized that certain
steps must be followed to fixate the conscious mind on the
biophysical body, which is actually carrying out remote viewing.
Since the US researchers disregarded notions of a biophysical body,
it was a rather hit-and-miss method. The psi-damping field (PDF) is
in full operation outside of the theta state (see Chapter 4), so CRV
is hampered by negative feedback from the common consensus of
consciousness which tries to exorcise the paranormal from reality.
Systematic steps are therefore necessary to keep the psychic window
to the biophysical field open against these adverse conditions.
Ingo Swann’s methods are still used in the US:
Stage One - get a blank piece of paper and pencil. In your mind’s
eye, visualize yourself opening a psychic window to the target,
which is defined by map co-ordinates. Numbered photographs in sealed
envelopes are easy alternatives to map co-ordinates. When you have
visualized this psychic window in your mind’s eye, start sketching
lines on the paper. Draw lines or curves depending on how you feel.
Don’t think about the process, just sketch the first thing that
comes into your mind. Do not rationalize.
Stage Two - allow visual and sensory data into your consciousness
through the psychic window to the target, but discard any analytical
mental processes, giving no conscious thought to what it may be or
may not be. Imagine yourself peeking through this psychic window,
getting glimpses of shapes and shadows, and odd sounds. Do not try
to analyze these, but list the first impressions _ smells, tastes,
tactile data etc. Then let the far stronger auditory cues enter your
perception. Finally, let the strongest of the data, the visual cues,
come into your mind’s eye. They would swamp out the other
information if allowed in first.
Stage Three - include dimensionals, putting your perceptions into a
bigger picture. Imagine you are an artist sketching the target. Make
a series of simple drawings of what comes into your psychic window.
As you draw, try to link them with the perceptual cues you gained in
Stage Two.
Stage Four - list the emotional and aesthetic impact of things that
have come from the remote-viewing session. List the tangibles and
intangibles of the target, ’wooden’ and ’pastoral’ for example. Look
at your Stage Two list of perceptual cues and your Stage Three
drawings; write down the feelings you get from these cues next to
them. Try to expand your list of what the target is like.
Analytical information can be brought in for the final sketch, which
is a coming together of all the information acquired in the session.
Write what you think you are seeing next to the perceptual cues and
the drawings.
Stage Five - meditate on the psychic window and visualize yourself
opening it up to produce a clearer channel to the target. Imagine
that fresh insights about what you are remotely viewing come
flooding through the psychic window, which allow you to develop
Stage One through to Stage Four data with a fresh mind.
Stage Six - make a three-dimensional representation of the target.
Use plasticine, a sand pit, wire, whatever feels most applicable,
and build a model of the actual target.
Stage Seven - can be added later, when you are more experienced, for
a more detailed analyis. Try to pick up the name of the target. Do
this by seeing which letters of the alphabet spring to mind and
building on that. You can also visualize written signs and text, so
a catalogue of what is written down at the site can be developed
over time. The monitor can help you to zoom in on specific areas of
This technique requires two people and a photograph. One person
acting as a guide, or monitor, directs the other to the target shown
in the photograph (which the remote viewer is, of course, not
allowed to see) and asks a series of questions based on the
photograph. The monitor should not lead the remote viewer, but
record exactly what he or she says. As more information is
forthcoming, the monitor should concentrate on a specific area of
the photograph and ask a series of questions to tease out
information from the remote viewer, such as:
Question (Q): Is the target light or dark?
Answer (A1): This could be a night target.
A2: A barren desert landscape.
Q: Is the target surrounded by objects? A1: This could be a valley surrounded by hills.
A2: A room surrounded by walls.
Q: Is the target in a room or chamber?
A1: No. A2: An underground bunker.
Q: Are there any objects in the target?
A1: These could be cows in a field. A2: There are computers in an underground bunker.
Q: Are their any graphic representations in the scene?
A1: No. A2: These could be military computer screens, signs flashing on
Q: Is any part of the target moving? A1: No.
A2: This could be a train moving into an underground tunnel, or
machinery in a nuclear-bomb factory such as ultracentrifuges in
Q: What colours do you sense in the scene? A1: This could be green grass in a pastoral scene.
A2: Stainless steel coloured, grey metal containers.
Q: What sounds do you hear? A1: Wind blowing through the trees in a forest.
A2: This could be screams of infected animals in a biological
warfare lab in an underground complex.
Q: What creatures do you see at the target scene?
A1: This could be cows and sheep in the fields.
A2: Scientists in a laboratory.
Q: Is the target man-made?
A1: No, it is a pastoral scene. A2: Yes, it looks like a series of man-made caves.
Q: Is the scene flat or are their tall objects dominating the scene?
A1: The scene seems to be in a valley. A2: The underground complex is hidden under a mountain.
Q: Are there many objects of the same sort in the scene?
A1: There are many trees and a lot of cows and sheep.
A2: This could be a series of nuclear, or biological missile silos,
or the electric pylons I see running into the mountainside.
Q: Are there any mechanical devices in the target scene?
A1: No. A2: This could be Sukhoi 27 fighters at a nearby Chinese air base.
Or the nuclear, or biological, processing facility underground.
Q: Are there straight lines, paths, roads or other landmarks in the
target scene? A1: No, just a river running into a small lake at the centre of the
pastoral scene. A2: There could be an airfield, road, long underground access
tunnel, air vent tunnels.
Q: Does land dominate the scene?
A1: The scene is dominated by the central lake.
A2: This could be the mountains.
Q: Is the target underground?
A1: No. A2: This could be the underground complex, or missile silos.
Q: Does flora or fauna dominate the scene? A1: Grassland and woodland surround the lake.
A2: This could be desert-like conditions around the mountains,
beneath which is the underground complex.
Q: If the scene is man-made, describe if it contains buildings.
A1: It is not man-made. A2: This could be the massive underground complex for nuclear and
biological warheads for Chinese intercontinental ballistic missiles
aimed at the USA.
Q: If the scene is man-made, enter the target and walk around within
it reporting all you see. A1: Negative. A2: It is a Chinese underground nuclear and biological weapon
The remote viewer draws what he has reported on a blank piece of
paper. In the above example, A1 was a pastoral scene, with a central
lake, surrounded by a field of cows, and another field of sheep,
with a small wood between the fields; A2 was a Chinese underground
military complex in mountainous territory.
This training exercise can be repeated many times, with different
photographs and the monitor and remote viewer changing roles each
Stress levels have to be lowered for paranormal abilities to show
themselves, and also for humanity’s preservation! Stress interferes
with the mechanism of remote viewing; it also interferes with our
immune response and a host of other biological processes. Research
published in New Scientist in 1996, shows that stressed people are
at least a thousand times more susceptible to poisons than
non-stressed individuals. The process of activating remote-viewing
abilities reduces the high levels of neuro-hormones and the blizzard
of electrical over-stimulation of the nervous system, which blinds
us to remote viewing.
I believe there are two main factors which elevate human stress
Improving remote viewing and finding effective
stress-management systems go hand in hand; basal stress levels
should be naturally reduced to alpha or theta. A corollary to this
is that there is also a marked improvement in physiological and
mental functioning; augmented powers of mind over matter only occur
when the brain is in the quiescent state of theta, which is also
optimal for boosting the immune system and suppressing psychosomatic
disease. By switching off the body’s habituated electrical storm of
anxiety, with the concomitant sea of stress-inducing neurochemicals,
the brain state which comes about from remote viewing also boosts
life span, and makes the practitioner of biophysically augmented
healing much more resistant to disease.
Our mental processes are locked into negative feedback cycles that
severely degrade our ability to function appropriately. These
negative mental programmes and memes that afflict humanity are
reinforced by the organizations we work within; managers and staff
endlessly externalize negative memes in the work place.
Organizations therefore suffer from the human stress disease and all
its associated memes, but on a grander scale. Individuals within
them are afflicted by stress and pass it on to the company culture.
You are probably constantly conditioned to be in exactly the
stressed-out state which will inhibit remote viewing.
When you begin to practice remote viewing in earnest, you will find
that stress blocks it out. The following is a set of simple
progressive steps for lowering brain rhythms, i.e. relaxing. It is a
good idea to tape the relaxation programme, and the other sets of
instructions in this book, and listen with eyes closed.
Lay down on the bed and close your eyes.
Visualize your feet. Imagine that all the muscles in your feet are becoming limp.
Visualize your ankles. Imagine that all the muscles in your ankles are becoming limp.
Visualize your calves. Imagine that all the muscles in your calves are becoming limp.
Visualize your knees and thighs. Imagine that all the muscles in your knees and thighs are becoming
limp. Visualize your lower body. Imagine that all the muscles in your lower abdomen are becoming
limp. Visualize your chest and back. Imagine that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming
limp. Visualize your arms. Imagine that all the muscles in your arms are becoming limp.
Visualize your neck. Imagine that all the muscles in your neck are becoming limp.
Visualize your head. Imagine that all the muscles in your head are becoming limp.
Now imagine yourself floating off to a grassy meadow.
Visualize the grass; hear the birds sing; feel the sun on your skin
and the ground beneath your body; smell the grass. Visualize all your worries drifting from your body and evaporating
in the sunlight. Feel the sunlight filling your body with energy that washes away the
anxieties you have accumulated. Tell yourself that you feel better than you have ever felt in your
life. Imagine your past experiences that caused you anxiety. See the black vapour of these old anxieties been expelled from your
body, to be replaced with positive feelings. Replace these old worries with new positive feelings such as love.
Choose one new positive feeling and mental state each day you
practice, and visualize these new, positive emotions easing out the
old anxiety-inducing emotions. These positive emotions will become
linked with your practice of remote viewing, which will set up a
positive feedback cycle - the more you practice remote viewing the
better you feel. Once you are comfortable with this ritual and feel deeply relaxed,
you can begin the set-up procedure for simple ERV. In your mind’s
eye, visualize yourself repeating the following axiomatic
remote-viewing memes.
The goal is to manifest the true potential within myself.
A remote viewer sees only the total reality of him/herself.
A remote viewer lives in total reality. A remote viewer must step outside of group perception and hence
group reality.
The reasoning behind each one is this:
Your perception of yourself is incomplete due to filtering by the
brain and imprinting of negative memes by our environment, which
compete with and warp proper perception.
We carry a number of memes that specifically cut off all paranormal
functioning. Our perception affects reality and vice versa.
Total reality is a state of perfect perception where reality is not
compromised by negative memes and preconceptions about how you think
you are. These negative memes reconfigure the neural networks in
your brain to block out all paranormal phenomena.
Group consciousness defines group reality. Memes not only warp the
neural networks, but re-programme the latent biophysical fields so
that they are crippled. The magic key to success is knowledge of
biophysics. Once you can perceive unfiltered reality, with no
preconceptions about what you can and cannot do, you are able to
leave the common consensus. Having stepped outside the flow of group
consciousness, you can begin to appreciate hidden potentials. Remote
viewing is then available to the individual. Enabling you to know
your true self and to use all your psi abilities is the goal of
remote-viewing technology.
Continue thus:
In your mind’s eye, fixate your awareness on your brain.
Visualize the three different areas of the brain - cortex, limbic
system and
reptilian brain-stem areas - as three concentric circles,
with the reptilian brain in the middle, joined to your spinal cord
(see Figure 12, page 00). Visualize your biophysical field becoming stronger and
into the brain, linking with the brain cells. This process primes
the biophysical fields to interact with your brain on a higher level
than morphogenic fields. Imagine a ghost-like biophysical field
being sucked into your brain and the three concentric circles of
your idealized brain becoming suffused with the energy of your
biophysical field. You are putting the ghost in the machine. Visualize an energy field which overlays your body, the biophysical
field that is contiguous with your physical being, becoming
imprinted with the four repeated axiomatic memes. In effect, you are
now programming the ghost in the machine. Imagine the biophysical field commanding your brain
centers to
become compliant with the axiomatic memes thus preparing your brain
for remote-viewing activity. You are programming the ’machine’ for
remote viewing.
This technique of programming the biophysical field is very
important because it programmes the specific brain centers for
remote viewing. Biophysical fields carry information and they can be
programmed just like a computer. Your biophysical field is, in
effect, a quantum computer that has to be programmed before you
command it to begin remote viewing.
Once you have mastered the above exercises, it is time to send your
biophysical awareness to a place you find of interest.
1. Visualize yourself from the above relaxed state, sending your
biophysical body to the target. For the moment, this should be
somewhere you know well, as you are just training the biophysical
body to follow your commands and get used to remote viewing.
2. The first step in processing the information the biophysical
field sends back to your brain is to list the perceptual cues you
receive, e.g.
Sense Perception
tactile wet
sounds roaring noise
sound of wind
visual sunny
blue sea
Remember to list the non-visual data first as visual information
dominates the attention once you fix your awareness upon it. Build a
picture in your mind’s eye of what it is. In the above case, the
target was a sandy beach at Bournemouth in the summertime, with a
south easterly wind blowing. It is helpful to use the monitored
remote-viewing technique to help build up your perceptual cues, if
there are two of you.
3. Imagine another place you know well. Keep repeating this
visualization of actual places in order to train your biophysical
body to become aware of distant locations. Practicing helps to raise
the biophysical awareness from its latent morphogenetic state to
self-awareness; you are training your biophysical fields to become
aware of the outside world. Visualize yourself walking around the
places you visit, studying the details.
4. Keep a log of your remote viewing and check on its accuracy. Ask
a friend to put anomalous objects at a target site you know well,
such as the office or their home, and seek them out. This is a
gentle introduction to psychic spying.
5. The next step is to look for people in their own homes. Relax,
send your biophysical awareness to the person’s house and hunt
through the rooms until you feel or see his or her presence.
Afterwards, telephone to see whether you were correct. You can also
look for the person as an energy field. Look for a glowing shape
rather than the physical image of the person. Compare which is the
most efficient way of locating someone.
This is a preliminary exercise which develops the bifunctional
viewing capacity of your remote-viewing biophysical fields. Your
remote-viewing perception can look at things as physical objects, or
at their energy field. In the realm of remote viewing, perception is
a duality analogous to the particle-wave duality found in quantum
mechanics. A person has a physical body and an energy field; which
one you look at depends on your psychic intent.
6. You will have found in these preliminary exercises that accuracy
can be a problem. In untrained people, an accuracy rate of 15 per
cent is normal. If yours is better than that to start with, it shows
you have a greater than normal complement of psi genes.
Body and mind are linked; chaos and separation in this interface
cause disease and block all remote viewing. You must optimize your
self-image and change your reaction to environmental stimuli, to cut
out chaos (entropic decay). Relax and visualize yourself as
accurately as possible. In your mind’s eye, list your
characteristics and emotional reactions to various situations. For
This exercise is important because it makes you aware of yourself
and helps to cleanse your being of the numerous negative
characteristics (memes) that limit your capabilities.
Now you can begin to re-programme yourself with new memes and
software by intending what you wish to be and what you do not wish
to be (see Chapter 4 on memes for more detail).
What I wish to be What I do not wish to be
a remote viewer psychically blind
empathic unaware of what people are really feeling
intuitive not being able to read people
8. Know that you have the ability to be aware using your biophysical
fields. Visualize your ghost-like remote-viewing biophysical field
leaving your body and travelling to locations of your choosing.
First visualize it examining the room you are in from its point of
view. Then visualize it travelling further afield and psychically
viewing what is going on at a distant location you have chosen.
9. Buy or borrow some baroque music. This slow, repetitive music was
composed to a very rhythmic beat; if you concentrate on it, it will
automatically put you into the alpha state, as the Eastern bloc parapsychological researchers discovered (Figure 11). In the
state, the brain functions much more efficiently than in beta.
Languages can be learnt in six weeks.
Play the music while you repeat the above exercises. Note how the
efficiency of your remote viewing improves and how it is easier to
contact the biophysical fields. The use of baroque music helps to
develop neural networks which are alpha functioning and by a process
of positive feedback, leads to the hardwiring of the brain in a way
conducive to psychic viewing. It is as if the music moulds the brain
to function in alpha, enabling remote viewing to take place.
10. With the baroque music playing in the background, pick a place
for remote viewing that interests you and look for anything that
catches your attention. By choosing places that interest you, your
attention is kept at a high level which boosts your remote-viewing
efficiency. Keep a log of your remote viewing and see how it
progresses as you learn more and more techniques to boost your
The remote viewing of underground sites, or military facilities, was
the original intent of the US remote-viewing programme. American
military personnel were trained to receive operational anomalous
cognition, which was used to describe the remote-viewing phenomenon.
In plain language, this meant the ability to see distant locations
In the intelligence scenario, a near-perfect description of a
foreign site may be of little value, because the information is well
known through use of satellite data or such like, while a poor
anomalous cognition that would not score well in a laboratory trial
may provide vital information unavailable by any other method. This
means that the use of multiple remote viewers, using anomalous
cognition simultaneously, may be of especial use when remotely
viewing sites of interest which are so secret no information is
available on their real nature and function.
For this, there are
special instructions:
A - Managing the target pool.
Make sure that you look for clearly
defined targets; broaden the scope later. In the case of foreign
sites, the first thing to look for is the presence of life forms.
From there, look at the tunnel complexes, then the equipment that
fills these chambers; targeting remote viewing makes recognition
much easier than looking at everything, getting swamped by data and
losing your way in the mental farrago.
B - Bandwidth.
Keeping a focused train of attention is vital. It is
easy to lose your remote viewing by letting the mind wander. Using
directed attention on areas of the site you find of especial
interest is necessary to keep your remote viewing fixated on the
target; efficiency declines rapidly when you remotely view areas you
find of little interest. Describing endless trivial target sites to
skeptical researchers is a sure way to lose bandwidth by boring
yourself stupid. When you get bored, the brain stress system becomes
activated and you enter the beta state which blocks remote-viewing
activity. If you wish to show off your remote-viewing ability to
other people, remotely view things you find of intense interest to
keep accuracy levels high. This works by using goal direction to
switch off the brain stress system. The relaxed state is linked with
remote viewing, causing a positive feedback effect which amplifies
remote viewing in future.
C - Switch off the internal chatter.
To increase the signal to noise
ratio, it is vital to reduce stress levels so you can enter the
theta state. Switch off the internal chatter in the mind by using
directed attention and the cinema method.
D - Use group-augmentation.
This entails remotely viewing the same
target in groups and then sharing your data. Feedback on the actual
site will enable you to build up your accuracy level and improve
your signal to noise ratio. Group augmentation of remote viewing
works by training the biophysical field to high-order consciousness,
a state where it is self-aware. The group’s biophysical fields meld
together when remotely viewing the same site and boost their
potential, an effect which lasts after the session and rapidly
advances the individual biophysical field’s remote-viewing ability;
from there it can be developed to the state where remote sensing and
influencing become possible. This was why military remote viewers
worked in groups.
E - Noise reduction.
This occurs when the brain rhythms are lowered
by use of advanced stress-management techniques and memetic
biophysical-enhancement systems, which have been given in this book.
Further to this, group-augmented remote viewing can be used to
filter out noise so that the 15 per cent accuracy rate of untrained
individuals may be of use for gleaning information from foreign
sites. The group that remotely views the same site will all see
glimpses of the same thing. When they compare notes, the
similarities in their remote viewings will be easy to pick out. Only
the actual target information will be similar. This similarity in
the signal can be used to suppress the noise, as methods can be
developed to ignore any data which does not agree with the group.
This type of procedure is used to filter out noise in electronic
circuits and the mathematics is very well understood.
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