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Astounding Moon Images - 2006 Update

from ShadowBoxEnterprise Website

The L.E.M.U.R. team stirred enormous interest by presenting images from the August, 2003 issue of Electric Space Craft, a scientific journal. The publication contained an amazing series of frames taken from NASA imagery included in the TV program, NOVA: To the Moon. The significance of the images had only recently been noticed.

As Apollo 8 orbited 70 miles above the lunar surface, with Earth in the background, it took images of the ground below. At one point in the NOVA program, a small, black object, tall and cylindrical, appears to be jutting from the moon. Just as it looks like the camera is about to pass by, the strange object seems to release a jet-like cloud. It can be described as appearing like a smokestack ejecting a puff of smoke. The “cloud” drifts to the right and then dissipates. Though the black object appears small on the screen, it would have to be hundreds or thousands of feet tall if it were indeed seen from such a high altitude.

Included below are the black and white stills used in the Electric Space Craft issue. We have assembled these into an animated gif that reproduces the NOVA footage. The black and white stills are frames from the footage, posted in order from left to right. As you can see, the anomaly first appears near the center of the frame, then descends toward the lower left-hand corner as the camera moves forward. The additional color stills were sent to us by the publication.

Electric Space Craft increased the sharpness and contrast of the black and white pics to clarify the scene for printing (however, you can see the actual footage yourself if you purchase a copy of NOVA: To the Moon, on VHS or DVD). The journal’s Executive Editor (and former Apollo engineer), Charles A. Yost, said the anomaly is clearer on the VHS version due to digital compression for the DVD.


The object appears on screen for two seconds, and was not mentioned in the NOVA program. It was apparently unnoticed until spotted by Electric Space Craft staff. At first glance, the anomaly does not appear to be lint or debris on the film since it can be seen in many frames, changes as the camera’s perspective is altered, and produces the inexplicable cloud-like form that drifts and vanishes.

After posting this information, our Discussion Board was overwhelmed with a firestorm of discussion and controversy. Here are some new thoughts brought up by some Discussion Board participants:

1. In the fifth frame, right as it looks like the “smokestack” releases the “cloud,” a small, black object, that looks like a projectile of some kind, can be seen in line with the "jet-like cloud." This caused some to speculate the anomaly could have been a firing weapon.

2. Other participants noted that a “cloud” on the moon would not drift in such a manner due to the moon’s atmosphere.

3. However, the most interesting new information was presented by Phil Plait of One of his board’s participants said the footage isn’t actually footage: he believes it is a still photo that NOVA zoomed into to create the illusion of motion. If so, that would mean the anomaly was created by NOVA’s camera, and was not on the moon.


Mr. Plait discovered an Apollo 8 photograph that seems to match the scene containing the anomaly. Even though the photograph he found is overlaid nicely with the anomaly scene on his site, the image is highly pixilated and very poor quality when enlarged to the same size as our original frames, hindering an exact comparison. If anyone has a higher quality copy of this photograph, please send it to us for analysis.

Jay Windley of sent an email to Charles Yost detailing why he felt the explanation originally presented by Plait was correct. Afterward, Yost said he also feels this is the correct explanation, and the mystery will be labeled as “solved” in the next issue of Electric Space Craft.

According to NASA, they did not have a color motion picture camera with a zoom on the Apollo 8 mission. The image in question shows clear evidence of a zoom. Therefore, unless there was a camera on-board that NASA kept secret, this zoom effect should not be seen. There are people who claim NASA had lots of secret cameras on-board, but if so, then why did this “secret” footage fall into the hands of NOVA? It is curious that zooming in on a photograph would create such a strange anomaly, and we’d love to hear thoughts on what the anomaly might be.

We have received emails from many who think the footage was either accidentally used, or slipped in by a subversive staff member of the program. They think NOVA and NASA are in cahoots! Of course, those of that mindset would be virtually impossible to convince of a conventional explanation.


In 2006, L.E.M.U.R. learned from a NASA affiliate (whose connection to NASA was independently confirmed) that top NASA officials privately claim this footage is indeed legitimate. However, certain aspects related to this footage are highly classified, and the matter is under investigation. There are some officials who want to publicly comment on this subject, but currently do not have clearance. If all this is indeed correct, what does this mean? If the Apollo 8 footage shows a tall smokestack-like anomaly filmed in the 1960s, WHO put it there? And why should ANY footage from the moon be classified?

It was announced in January of 2006 that Russia plans to build a base on the moon by 2015 in order to mine the precious helium 3, a substance that facilitates nuclear fusion. There is enough on the moon to power the entire earth cleanly and efficiently for thousands of years. A single space shuttle load could power the United States for a year.

  • Has the mining process already begun?

  • And who is doing the mining?

"Helium 3 fusion energy may be the key to future space exploration and settlement," said Gerald Kulcinski, Director of the Fusion Technology Institute (FTI) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.


"Helium 3 could be the cash crop for the moon," remarked Kulcinski, a longtime advocate and leading pioneer in the field, who envisions the moon becoming "the Hudson Bay Store of Earth." Today helium 3 would have a cash value of $4 billion a ton in terms of its energy equivalent in oil, he estimates. "When the moon becomes an independent country, it will have something to trade."


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Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy


from CourtneyBrown Website

Ingo Swann’s book, Penetration, is a nonfiction remote-viewing thriller if there ever was one.

Ingo Swann is one of the more important historical figures in the U.S. government-funded efforts to investigate the phenomenon known as "remote viewing." His participation in highly classified research is now public knowledge and not disputed. Mr. Swann is also somewhat elderly as of this writing, and I can find no reason for him to lie now about what happened to him during his most bizarre interactions with elements of the U.S. intelligence community.

Penetration is Mr. Swann’s most riveting book. The first 100 pages of the book is just about guaranteed to keep any reader flipping the pages as fast as the eye can read. In this book, Swann forever banishes the idea that a remote viewer’s life need be dull. This is a story of how badly the government needed to know some information, and to what extent it was willing to go to get it.


I suspect that most readers will be grateful that Mr. Swann finally decided to tell this most intimate history of his involvement with those in our government whose activities only rarely become visible to the common citizen.

Minimally, this is a story about remote viewing and its use by Mr. Swann to explore the idea of extraterrestrial life. On the surface, this would be interesting enough for many readers to want to hear what he has to say. But Mr. Swann’s tale is not of a coolly academic nature. Rather, he tells of how in the past he interacted with some of the most deeply buried U.S. government intelligence personnel to help them understand the "ET enigma."


This is not a story of academic researchers wanting to know if extraterrestrial life is possible. This is a nonfiction drama involving elite elements within the U.S. intelligence community wanting to know more about extraterrestrials whom they knew were operating on and near Earth.


This is the UFO hypothesis turned fully around into a confrontation with reality that destroys more passive "what-if" scientific speculation. From Swann’s perspective, it is not a question of whether or not UFOs and extraterrestrials exist, or whether or not the U.S. government knows about them. Rather it is a question of how intensely the intelligence apparatus of the government is trying to learn more about the activities of the extraterrestrials without letting the public in on the story. Mr. Swann gets caught in the middle, a middle from which he eventually escapes with the publication of this book.

This book is essentially two books in one. The first is about 100 pages long, and it details Mr. Swann’s interactions with U.S. spies who study extraterrestrials. This is where the action and drama in this book resides. After this the book shifts gears to more general discussions (and speculations) about the subjects of telepathy, remote viewing, and extraterrestrial life. In all honesty, the latter parts of this book are not as interesting as the first 100 pages.


Perhaps some readers will find the later pages helpful not so much because of what is said, but because of who is saying it. Nonetheless, I doubt many readers will criticize Mr. Swann for the later sections of the book given the visceral reward of the first part.

This book will not convince anyone that extraterrestrials exist. Rather, this book is for those who simply want to hear more about Mr. Swann’s past. The fact that his involvement with the U.S. intelligence community is already so well documented lends credibility to his discussion in these pages. But this is not the smoking gun that will force the government to reveal all. The story in this book is too wild for the masses to embrace, and it is unlikely that the government would ever confirm what Mr. Swann writes about here, especially if it is true.

My suggestion is that readers take this book at face value, neither accepting it fully nor rejecting it as impossible. This is Mr. Swann’s story, his own personal story. It may be true. On the other hand, some may conclude that it is either false or delusional. Since it is impossible for most readers to know for certain one way or the other, it makes more sense to simply accept this story as an honest statement that is as true as Mr. Swann can remember it.


At least it does not hurt us to keep our minds open. Mr. Swann has contributed so much to our current understanding of the human psyche and the process of remote viewing, it seems only reasonable that people should give him the courtesy of allowing him to tell this most personal and intense story. As a society, we owe him that much at least. On the other hand, we owe him a lot more if what he writes about in Penetration is a true recollection from his past.

One side note, this book is somewhat hard to obtain since it is self-published. Interested readers may want to go to Mr. Swann’s web site to find out how to obtain this book.

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Ingo Swann Gets Feedback Regarding Naked Men on The Moon
Remote viewer sees more than a "man in the moon"


from AlienZoo Website

Naked male workers working under bright lights on the moon, tall buildings, exotic machinery, and strange vehicles leaving tracks in the lunar dust - all this and much more was seen by Ingo Swann, the man most responsible for the phenomenon known as remote viewing.

Swann was invited to take a mental look at the moon by a man he knew only as Mr. Axelrod. This man might have been a real-life counterpart of the cigarette-smoking man of X-Files fame. Mr. Axelrod claimed to be part of an ultra-secret government group investigating alien activities on both the moon and the Earth. This actual "man in black" took Swann, blindfolded, to an underground government facility and had him agree to a remote viewing session.

Remote viewing is a psychic method of acquiring intuitive information about people, places and things. It was researched for more than a quarter of a century, first by the CIA, and later by the U.S. Army, which created a unit of operational remote viewers to spy on the old Soviet Union and others. Swann, who coined the name "remote viewing" as an alternative to the term "clairvoyance," studied the phenomenon at Stanford Research Institute and helped train many of the Army’s viewers.

During his remote viewing for Mr. Axelrod, Swann realized he was viewing scenes on our moon, but not anything remotely like the moon that we have learned about. He saw water and a weak atmosphere on the moon, essentials for life. He also saw structures, machinery, bridges, tracks, and other evidence of an active presence on this supposedly dead world. His incredible adventure with Mr. Axelrod and the Moon is detailed in Swann’s 1998 book Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy.

But, as in so many bizarre remote viewing sessions, Swann received no immediate "feedback" following his strange mental vision of the moon. Swann himself has stated that without adequate feedback, no remote viewing can be said to have taken place. It was about a year later when Swann felt as though he finally got feedback on his strange mental journey to the moon.

It came in the form of a book published in 1976 titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, by George H. Leonard. The book arrived in the mail with no return name or address. In this book, almost impossible to find today, Leonard reproduced many NASA moon photographs as well as tapes from Apollo missions and concluded that,

"a highly advanced underground civilization is working the surface of the moon - mining, manufacturing, communicating, and building!"

"Leonard’s book was filled with verifiable data, official photos, and sketches of structures, etc., he created from the photos," stated Swann. "Many of Leonard.s sketches resembled some of mine."

"Yes indeed, the mysterious Mr. Axelrod had provided me feedback as promised, for there could be no doubt that it was his jolly self that sent Leonard’s book to me."

Swann’s adventure with the moon occurred in 1975-76. Since then, several other authors claimed to have found the same evidence as Swann and Leonard, regarding aliens on the moon.

In 1982, author William L. Brian II in his book, Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program, detailed information about activity on the moon and posited,

"In all probability, the United States manned exploration of space never stopped after the Apollo missions. It is an interesting possibility to consider that Russia might be sending cosmonauts on extended trips to the moon or other planets for up to six months using the Salyut 6 space station as a cover. Of so, what might the United States be doing, and could the Space Shuttle Project be another decoy for military space operations?"

By 1990, author Fred Steckling had printed five editions of his book, We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon, a collection and analysis of 125 official NASA photographs. Steckling too concluded there was water, atmosphere, even vegetation on the moon and, after a careful examination of the photos, concluded,

"There seems to exist a tremendous technology on the moon."

Since the books mentioned above are hard to locate, current researchers might study the second revised edition of the 1995 book by David Hatcher Childress’s, Extraterrestrial Archeology, available through Adventures Unlimited Press. This book is rife with NASA photos, drawings, and maps detailing what the author says are pyramids, domes, robot mining vehicles, tunnels, bridges, and other structures on the moon.

Most compelling is a NASA blowup (NASA, VII Gassendi S 2.4 - click below images) which shows two rounded objects leaving tracks across the lunar landscape. The larger object leaves behind irregular track marks, while the smaller object appears to have rolled up the side of a moon crater, then moved down the crater and out onto flat ground, leaving behind a slightly curved track.

Also fascinating are other photos. NASA No. 16-18918, which clearly shows a large oval object jutting out over the lip of a large moon crater, and No. 16-19265, which seems to show a large circular/domed object nestled next to 10 regularly-spaced objects, in what appears to be a partially underground hangar.

In 1968, a year before U.S. astronauts landed on the moon, NASA published Technical Report R-277, titled Chronological Catalogue of Reported Lunar Events, which lists more than 570 moon anomalies from 1540 to 1967. Some of the more intriguing events in this study include:

  • A "star" was seen within the body of a crescent moon "directly between the points of her horns" on March 5, 1587.

  • During March and April of 1787, Britain’s Sir Frederick William Herschel, pioneer of the reflecting telescope and discoverer of Uranus, claimed to have sighted three "bright spots," four "volcanoes," and lights moving "above the moon".

  • In July 1821, a German astronomer reported sighting "brilliant flashing light spots". His was one of numerous reports of flashing or blinking lights seen on the moon.

  • In February 1877, a line or streak of light was seen stretching across the crater Eudoxus. This light was observed for about an hour, ruling out the possibility that it was merely a meteorite striking the lunar surface with a flash.

  • Two steaks of medium intensity light were recorded on June 14, 1940, in the crater Plato, a location where reports of lights have numbered in the thousands.

  • A "black cloud surrounded by violet color" was seen in the Sea of Tranquility by Canadian astronomers on September 11, 1967.

  • New York Herald Tribune science editor John J. O’Neill on July 29, 1953,claimed to have seen a 12-mile-long "bridge" straddling Mare Crisium. After reporting his find to the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, O’Neill was scorned by astronomers. However, a month later, the "bridge" was confirmed by British astronomer Dr. H.P. Wilkens, who told the BBC,

"It looks artificial. It’s almost incredible that such a thing could have been formed in the first instance, or if it was formed, could have lasted during the ages in which the moon has been in existence."

Further confirmation came from Patrick Moore of the British Astronomical Association, who declared the "bridge" had "popped up" almost overnight.


Such Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP) are well known among veteran astronomers. Bright and blinking lights, colorful displays, clouds, or mists have been reported in many lunar craters, especially those of Aristarchus, Plato, Eratosthenes, Biela, Rabbi Levi, and Posidonius.

Then there are the numerous NASA photos of UFOs both on and near the moon. A 1972 16mm film taken from Apollo 16 (NASA File Roll 9361) clearly depicts a spherical craft with a domed top, flying far over the moon’s cratered surface. Just as amazing are photos of gigantic cigar-shaped objects traversing the moon’s face in NASA No. 16-19238 and 11-37-5438. A Lunar Orbiter IV photo (No. LO IV 89-H-3) depicts a large, cigar-shaped object reflecting light while sitting on the surface near the crater Romer.

One thing seems clear - the moon is far from being a dead world. Something is happening on our moon, something so profound that, despite our capability for further exploration, we are prevented from returning.


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