"A" Component: The "feeling/motion" component of the ideogram. The "feeling/motion" is essentially the impression of the physical consistency (hard, soft, solid, fluid, gaseous, etc.) and contour/shape/motion of the site. For example, the monitor has selected, unknown to the viewer, a mountain as the trainee's site. At the iteration of the coordinate, the trainee produces an appropriate ideogram, and responds verbally, at the same time as he writes it: "Rising up, peak, down." This is the "motion" sensation he experienced as his pen produced the ideogram. He then says "solid," having experienced the site as being solid as opposed to fluid or airy. This is the "feeling" component of the Stage 1 process. There are at least five possible types of feelings: solidity, liquidity, energetic, airiness (that is, where there is more air space than anything else, such as some suspension bridges might manifest), and temperature. Other feeling descriptors are possible, but encountered only in rare circumstances and connected with unusual sites. These components and how they are expressed in structure will be discussed more fully below. Though in discussions of theory this aspect is usually address as "feeling/motion," it will normally be the case in actual session work that the motion aspect is decoded first with the feeling portion coming second.

AOL ("Analytic Overlay"): The analytic response of the viewer's mind to signal line input. An AOL is usually wrong, especially in early stages, but often does possess valid elements of the site[5] that are contained in the signal line; hence, a light house may produce an AOL of "factory chimney" because of its tall, cylindrical shape. AOLs may be recognized in several ways. First, if there is a comparator present ("it looks like...", "it's sort of...", etc.) the information present will almost inevitably be an AOL, and should always be treated as one. Secondly, a mental image that is sharp, clear, and static--that is, there is no motion present in it, and in fact it appears virtually to be a mental photograph of the site--is also certainly AOL.[6] Hesitation in production of the "B" component in Stage I coordinate remote viewing, or a response that is out of structure anywhere in the system[7] are also generally sure indicators that AOL is present. Finally, the monitor or viewer can frequently detect AOL by the inflection of the viewer's voice or other micro behaviors.[8] Data delivered as a question rather than a statement should be recognized as usually being AOL.
         AOLs are dealt with by declaring/objectifying them as soon as they are recognized, and writing "AOL Break" on the right side of the paper, then writing a brief description of the AOL immediately under that. This serves to acknowledge to the viewer's system that the AOL has been recognized and duly recorded and that it is not what is desired, thereby purging the system of unwanted noise and debris and allowing the signal line in its purity to be acquired and decoded properly.

AOL Matching: With the expansion in aperture inherent in Stage III, and after appropriate AI, the AOL phenomenon develops to where a viewer's AOL may match or nearly match the actual signal line impression of the site. For example, if the site were Westminster Abbey, the viewer might produce the AOL of Notre Dame cathedral. Or he might even actually get an image of Westminster Abbey that nevertheless fills all the criteria for an AOL. According to theory, the matching AOL is superimposed over the true signal line. It is however possible with practice to distinguish the vague parameters of the true signal line "behind" the bright, distinct, but somewhat translucent image of the AOL. The viewer must become proficient at "seeing through" the AOL to the signal line. Use of "seeing through" here must not be taken to imply any visual image in the accepted sense of the word, but rather as a metaphor best describing the perceptory effect that manifests itself.

AOL/S: Virtually synonymous with the previously considered term "AOL Matching," AOL/Signal occurs when an AOL produced by the viewer's analytic mental machinery almost exactly matches the site, and the viewer can to some extent "look" through the AOL image to perceive the actual site. The advantage of AOL/S in Stage IV is that it allows the information to be used without calling a break. One can ask, "What is this trying to tell me about the site?" As an example, the viewer may perceive the Verazzano Narrows Bridge when in fact the site is actually the George Washington Bridge.

AOL Drive: Although mentioned before, AOL Drive becomes a serious concern beginning in Stage III. It occurs when the viewer's system is caught up in an AOL to the extent that the viewer at least temporarily believes he is on the signal line, even though he is not. When two or more similar AOLs are observed in close proximity, AOL drive should be suspected. AOL drive is indicated by one or more of the following: repeating signals; signal line ending in blackness; peculiar (for that particular viewer) participation in the signal line; and/or peacocking. Causes for AOL drive include accepting a false "B" component in Stage I; or accepting a false sketch or undeclared AOL in Stage III. Undeclared AOLs can spawn AOL drive in all other stages beyond Stage III as well. Once it is realized that AOL drive is present, the viewer should take an "AOL/D Break" (as discussed under STRUCTURE), then review his data to determine at what point he accepted the AOL as legitimate data. After a sufficient break the viewer should resume the session with the data obtained before the AOL drive began. Listed below are two subspecies of AOL drive.

Ratcheting: The recurrence of the same AOL over and over again as if trapped in a feedback loop.

AOL "Peacocking": The rapid unfolding, one right after another, of a series of brilliant AOLs, each building from one before, analogous to the unfolding of a peacock's tail.

Aesthetic: Sensitivity of response to given site.

Aperture: An opening or open space; hole, gap, cleft, chasm, slit. In radar, the electronic gate that controls the width and dispersion pattern of the radiating signal or wave.

Attributes: An attribute is a characteristic or quality of a person or thing. "Attributes" applies to those characteristics of the site that contributed to cognitron formation and the aforementioned viewer response: "quiet," "dimly lit," "echoing," "large," etc.

Auditory: Of or pertaining to hearing, to the sense of hearing, or to the organs of hearing. Perceived through or resulting from the sense of hearing.


"B" Component: The first (spontaneous) analytic response to the ideogram and "A" component.

Breaks: The mechanism developed to allow the system to be put on "hold," providing the opportunity to flush out AOLs, deal with temporary inclemencies, or make system adjustments, allowing a fresh start with new momentum.
Break (Break): If at any point in the system the viewer must take a break that does not fit into any of the other categories, a "Break" is declared. It has been recommended that a break not be taken if the signal line is coming through strong and clear. If the break is extensive--say for twenty minutes or more, it is appropriate to objectify "Resume" and the time at the point of resumption.
            The viewer declares a break by objectifying "AOL Break," "AI Break," "Bilo Break," etc., as appropriate, usually in the right hand margin of the paper. Immediately underneath he briefly objectifies in one or a few words the cause or content of what occasioned the necessity for a break.

There are seven types of breaks:

AOL Break: As mentioned above, allows the signal line to be put on hold while AOL is expelled from the system.

Confusion Break (often, "Conf Bk"): When the viewer becomes confused by events in his environment or information in the signal line to the degree that impressions he is receiving are hopelessly entangled, a Confusion Break is called. Whatever time necessary is allowed for the confusion to dissipate, and when necessary the cause for confusion is declared much like it is done with AOL. The RV process is then resumed with an iteration of the coordinate.

Too Much Break ("TM Break"): When too much information is provided by the signal line all at once for the viewer to handle, a "Too Much Break" is called and written down (objectified), telling the system to slow down and supply information in order of importance. After the overload is dissipated, the viewer may resume from the break, normally with the reiteration of the coordinates. A too much break is often indicated by an overly elaborate ideogram or ideograms.

Aesthetic Impact Break ("AI Break"): Will be discussed in conjunction with Stage III.

AOL Drive Break (AOL-D Bk): This type of break becomes necessary when an AOL or related AOLs have overpowered the system and are "driving" the process (as evidenced by the recurrence of a specific AOL two or more times), producing nothing but spurious information.[10] Once the AOL-Drive is objectified, the break time taken will usually need to be longer than that for a normal AOL to allow the viewer to fully break contact and allow to dissipate the objectionable analytic loop.

Bi-location Break (Bilo Bk): When the viewer perceives he is too much absorbed in and transferred to the site and cannot therefore appropriately debrief and objectify site information, or that he is too aware of and contained within the here-and-now of the remote viewing room, only weakly connected with the signal line, a Bilo break must be declared and objectified to allow the viewer to back out, and then get properly recoupled with the signal line again.[11]


Coding/Encoding/Decoding: The information conveyed on the signal line is "encoded," that is translated into an information system (a code) allowing data to be "transmitted" by the signal line. Upon receiving the signal, the viewer must "decode" this information through proper structure to make it accessible. This concept is very similar to radio propagation theory, in which the main carrier signal is modulated to convey the desired information.

Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV): The process of remote viewing using geographic coordinates for cueing or prompting.


Dimension: Extension in a single line or direction as length, breadth and thickness or depth. A line has one dimension, length. A plane has two dimensions, length and breadth. A solid or cube has three dimensions, length, breadth and thickness.

Dimensionals: "Dimensionals" have a broader meaning in Stage IV than in Stage III. In Stage IV, more detailed and complex dimensionals can be expected and are now considered to be in structure and therefore more reliable. "Spired," "twisted," "edged," "partitioned," etc. are only a few examples.

Drawing: The act of representing something by line, etc.


Emotional Impact: The perceived emotions or feelings of the people at the site or of the viewer. Sometimes the site itself possesses an element of emotional impact, which is imprinted with long or powerful associations with human emotional response.

Evoking: (Evoke: "to call forth or up; to summon; to call forth a response; elicit.") Iteration of the coordinate or alternate prompting method is the mechanism which "evokes" the signal line, calling it up, causing it to impinge on the autonomic nervous system and unconsciousness for transmittal through the viewer and on to objectification (discussed at length in STRUCTURE).


Feedback: Those responses provided during the session to the viewer to indicate if he has detected and properly decoded site-relevant information; or, information provided at some point after completion of the RV session or project to "close the loop"

Correct (abbreviated "C"): The data bit presented by the trainee viewer is assessed by the monitor to be a true component of the site.

Probably Correct ("PC"): Data presented cannot be fully assessed by the monitor as being accurate site information, but it would be reasonable to assume because of its nature that the information is valid for the site.

Near Site ("N"): Data objectified by the viewer are elements of objects or locations near the site.

Can't Feed Back ("CFB"): Monitor has insufficient feedback information to evaluate data produced by the viewer.

Site ("S"): Tells the former that he has successfully acquired and debriefed the site. In elementary training sessions, this usually signifies the termination of the session. At later stages, when further information remains to be derived from the site, the session may continue on beyond full acquisition of the site.

Silence: When information objectified by the trainee viewer is patently incorrect, the monitor simply remains silent, which the viewer may freely interpret as an incorrect response.
            In line with the learning theory upon which this system is based, the intent is to avoid reinforcing any negative behavior or response. Therefore, there is no feedback for an incorrect response; and any other feedback information is strictly limited to those as defined above.
            It should be noted here that the above refers to earlier stages of the training process. Later stages do away with in-session feedback to the viewer, and at even later stages the monitor himself is denied access to any site information or feedback until the session is over.


Gestalt: A unified whole; a configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts.

Major Gestalt: The overall impression presented by all elements of the site taken for their composite interactive meaning. The one concept that more than all others would be the best description of the site.


I/A/B Sequence: The core of all CRV structure, the "I/A/B" sequence is the fundamental element of Stage I, which is itself in turn the foundation for site acquisition[2] and further site detection and decoding in subsequent CRV stages. The sequence is composed of an ideogram (the "I"), which is a spontaneous graphic representation of the site's major gestalt; the "A" component or "feeling/motion" involved in the ideogram; and the "B" component, or first analytic response to the signal line. (A full discussion may be found in the Stage I section below.)

Idea: Mental conception; a vague impression; a hazy perception; a model or archetype.

Ideogram: The "I" component of the I/A/B sequence. The ideogram is the spontaneous graphic representation of the major gestalt, manifested by the motion of the viewer's pen on paper, which motion is produced by the impingement of the signal line on the autonomic nervous system and the reflexive transmission of the resultant nervous energy to the muscles of the viewer's hand and arm. The objectified ideogram has no "scale;" that is, the size of the ideogram relative to the paper seems to have no relevance to the actual size of any component at the site.

Impact: A striking together; changes, moods, emotions, sometimes very gross, but may be very weak or very subtle.

Inclemencies: Personal considerations that might degrade or even preclude psychic functioning. Muscle pains, colds, allergies, menstrual cramps, hangovers, mental and emotional stress, etc., could cause increased difficulty to the viewer in accessing the signal line, but could be "worked through," and ultimately are only minor nuisances. Only hunger and a pressing need to eliminate body wastes cause the system to totally not function. It is important, though, that the viewer identify and declare any inclemencies either at the first of the session or as they are recognized, since unattended agendas such as these can color or distort the viewer's functioning if not eliminated from the system through objectification (see below). Preferably, the monitor will ask the viewer if he has any personal inclemencies even before the first iteration of the coordinate so as to purge the system as much as possible before beginning the session proper.

Intangibles: Qualities of the site that are perhaps abstract or not specifically defined by tangible aspects of the site, such as purposes, non-physical qualities, categorizations, etc.; i.e., "governmental," "foreign," "medical," "church," "administrative," "business," "data-processing," "museum," "library," etc.


Matrix: Something within which something else originates or takes form or develops. A place or point of origin or growth.

Mobility: The state or quality of being mobile.

Monitor: The individual who assists the viewer in a remote viewing session. The monitor provides the coordinate, observes the viewer to help insure he stays in proper structure (discussed below), records relevant session information, provides appropriate feedback when required, and provides objective analytic support to the viewer as necessary.[4] The monitor plays an especially important role in training beginning viewers.

Motion: The act or process of moving.


Objects: An object is a thing that can be seen or touched. "Objects" can be understood as those physical items present at the site that helped cause the cognitron to form in the viewer's mind and hence prompt his response of "religious;" i.e., "robes," "candles," "incense," etc.

Objectification: The act of physically saying out loud and writing down information. In this methodology, objectification serves several important functions. First, it allows the information derived from the signal line to be recorded and expelled from the system, freeing the viewer to receive further information and become better in tune with the signal line. Secondly, it makes the system independently aware that its contributions have been acknowledged and recorded. Thirdly, it allows re-input of the information into the system as necessary for further prompting. In effect, objectification "gives reality" to the signal line and the information it conveys. Finally, objectification allows non-signal line derived material (inclemencies, AOLs, etc.) that might otherwise clutter the system and mask valid signal line data to be expelled.


Perceptible: That which can be grasped mentally through the senses.

Prompt: To incite to move or to action; move or inspire by suggestion.


Remote Viewer: Often referred to in the text simply as "viewer," the remote viewer is a person who employs his mental faculties to perceive and obtain information to which he has no other access and of which he has no previous knowledge concerning persons, places, events, or objects separated from him by time, distance, or other intervening obstacles.

Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psychoenergetic perception.[1] A term coined by SRI-International[2] and defined as "the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding or time."[3]

Rendering: Version; translation (often highly detailed).


Self-Correcting Characteristic: The tendency of the ideogram to re-present itself if improperly or incompletely decoded. If at the iteration of the coordinate an ideogram is produced and then decoded with the wrong "A" & "B" components, or not completely decoded, upon the next iteration of the coordinate the same ideogram will appear, thereby informing the viewer that he has made an error somewhere in the procedure. On rare occasions, the ideogram will be re-presented even when it has been properly decoded. This almost inevitably occurs if the site is extremely uniform, such as the middle of an ocean, a sandy desert, glacier, etc., where nothing else but one single aspect is present.

Sense: Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which man perceives stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.

Sensory: Of or pertaining to the senses or sensations.

Signal: Something that incites into action; an immediate cause or impulse. In radio propagation theory, the carrier wave that is received by the radio or radar receiving set.

Signal Line: The hypothesized train of signals emanating from the Matrix (discussed below) and perceived by the remote viewer, which transports the information obtained through the remote viewing process.

Sketch: To draw the general outline without much detail; to describe the principle points (idea) of.

Subjects: "Subject" is defined as "something dealt with in a discussion, study, etc.," "Subjects" are emanations that might serve a nominative function in describing the site, or be abstract intangibles, or they could be more specific terms dealing with function, purpose, nature, activities, inhabitants, etc., of the site: in the above example, "reverence," "worship," "respect," "harmonious chanting," etc.


Tactile: Of, pertaining to, endowed with, or affecting the sense of touch. Perceptible to the touch; capable of being touched; tangible.

Tangibles: Objects or characteristics at the site which have solid, "touchable" impact on the perceptions of the viewer, i.e., tables, chairs, tanks, liquids, trees, buildings, intense smells, noises, colors, temperatures, machinery, etc.

Topics: "Topic" is defined as "a subject of discourse or of a treatise; a theme for discussion." Closely related to "subjects," "topics" often prove to be sub-elements of one or more of the subjects already listed, and frequently are quite specific: "mass," "Catholic," "priest," "communion," and so forth. An interesting phenomenon to be here considered is that just as one of the subjects encountered may produce several topics, a topic itself may in turn be considered as a subject and produce topics of its own. This construction appears to be very hierarchical and "fractalized," with larger cognitrons being subdivided into smaller ones, which in turn can be further divided, and so on. In fact, any emanation thus "broken out," or "stage-fived" can itself often be further "stage-fived," and subdivided into its own object/attribute/subject/topic categories.

Track: To trace by means of vestiges, evidence, etc.; to follow with a line.


Vision: One of the faculties of the sensorum, connected to the visual senses out of which the brain constructs an image.


Wave: A disturbance or variation that transfers itself and energy progressively from point to point in a medium or in space in such a way that each particle or element influences the adjacent ones and that may be in the form of an elastic deformation or of a variation of level or pressure, of electric or magnetic intensity, of electric potential, or of temperature.
